MOUNTAIN VISTA HIGH SCHOOL GUEST DANCE APPROVAL FORM This form must be completed and turned into the main office by 2:50 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21st . After this date the form MUST be presented at the dance. The form MUST be received and approved prior to purchasing tickets. Only one guest per student allowed. Guest will not be permitted to enter the event without prior approval. All guests must attach a copy of photo ID (student ID or driver’s license) to this form, or present one at the door. Students must be at least 9th grade level. Guest must also be under 21 years of age. All guests must be currently attending some type of school (College, Vocational School, military, etc.). Name of Event: 2015 Junior/Senior Prom Date of Event: Friday April 24, 2015 MVHS Student’s Name __________________________________________________________________ MVHS Student’s Parent/Guardian Name_____________________________________________________ Home Phone Number _____________________________ Cell Number _________________________ I give my permission for my son/daughter to bring a non-Mountain Vista High student to the above mentioned event and understand that the guest must abide by Mountain Vista’s rules and behavior expectations. I also understand that I am assuming responsibility of the stated guest. Guest’s Name ____________________________________________ Age/Grade _________/_______ Phone # where guest parent/guardian can be reached _________________________________________ Guest Parent/Guardian Signature of Approval: _______________________________________________ School your guest is presently attending _____________________________Phone # _______________ Guest’s School Administrator’s Signature ___________________________________________________ * If your guest is out of school, attending college, the parent/guardian of the guest must assume responsibility for the guest’s behavior. Guest to Mountain Vista High School events are expected to behave and dress appropriately for attendance and participation. No costumes, masks, or other inappropriate attire is allowed. It is the expectation that all guests of function and activities of Mountain Vista High School demonstrate both behavior and dress which is appropriate to the activity or event. Students’ and/or their guest at a school function will not be allowed to display negative behavior or behave in a manner or dress that would disrepute the event and or dishonor other students. Mountain Vista High School reserves the right to deny admission to any guests who do not follow these guidelines. In addition, Mountain Vista High School reserves the right to ask guest to leave if their behavior is inappropriate. All dance rules and expectations will be strictly enforced. As part of the MVHS effort to eliminate alcohol use at school events, please be advised that all students entering the dance will be subject to a passive breathalyzer test. Guest’s Signature _____________________________________________ Date ____________________ MVHS ADMINISTRATION APPROVAL; YES ____ NO ____ Signature __________________________
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