MOUNT CARMEL SCHOOL, CHANDIGARH. Syllabus for the 1st Term- April to September, ( Session 2015 - 2016) Class I Subject – English ( Unit Test – 20 + Activities - 40) F.A.1 & 2 Lit: Pearls: L-1 A Show in the Jungle (Picture talk), L-2 At the Fruit Shop (Fruit shopping), (Semester 1) L-3 The Little Bird, L-4 What Are They Doing? L-5 I Want to Be (Worksheet), L-6 A Happy Family (Role enactment & paint a picture of a family outing). Poems: (Through activities)- The Snail, My Magic Shell, Little Kitty. Enrich Your English Language : (L-1& 2) Nouns (Naming words) & Pronouns. (L-9 ) Adjectives ( Describing words ). (L-3 ) Articles ( a, an ),Consonants and Vowels . (L-6 ) Use of ‘ is’, ‘am’ & ‘are’. Opposites. Pancake ( Reader ): Stories 1,2,3,4,5,6 & 7. Oral : The student’s sentences & elocution should be correct . Phonetic Sounds : (Use flash cards & other educational tools. ) ‘er’ : Mother, father, brother , sister, grandfather, grandmother, her , gardner, cobbler, fatter, thinner, butter, water. ‘ou’: House, mouse, out , about, shout, mouth ay/ th/ ing/sh / ck/ ch / tch / ain / ane / ine /one/oo / ime /aw / aw / ow/ 7 kinds of ‘e’- (e / ee / ea / y / ey / ie / ei )-ate/ ite / ake / ture / tion / ph/gh ( silent ) IMP. - ( Recognise and spell words by the sounds contained in them. ) ( Assessment -10 marks ) Speaking Activity : Picture Talk & Scrapbook Collage (L-1) 1. -The teacher will hold up a picture of animals in a forest & help them to talk about it. -The students will make a forest collage with pictures of forest animals in their scrapbooks . 2. Show and Tell - Every child will bring any fruit or vegetable & talk about it. Classroom Activities: Nouns (L-2) Fruit & Vegetable Collages.. i) Each student will bring pictures of fruits and vegetables to school. The teacher & students will then makes two separate collages of fruits & vegetables and use them daily for further instruction. ii) Draw and colour a fruit shop with many different kinds of fruits in it & also label & price the fruit. ( Assessment-10 marks) - Write a paragraph of seven sentences on birds. ( L-3 ) ( Assessment-10 marks) Activity: Worksheet on L- 4 & L-5 . A worksheet will be given & assessed for both these chapters. (Assessment-10 marks ) Ongoing Notebook Activity : Sentences Nouns -- Illustrate & write two sentences each about a person, an animal & a thing. Nouns – Illustrate & write about any 3 places you have visited and what you did there. Adjectives – Illustrate & write five sentences describing any 3 games . (Assessment-10 marks ) Note books: Daily Work IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test -31-08-2015 P-1 of Class I Subject – Maths: ( Unit Test – 20 + Activities - 40 ) F.A.1 & 2 L-1Revision , L-2 Numbers up to 20, L-3 & 4 Addition& subtraction up to 10, Friends of ten , L-5 Numbers-0- 100 (Number line), L-6Addition & Subtraction up to 100,Tables of 2, 5, 3, & 10. (Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: (Ls -1, 2, 3 & 4 & Friends of Ten). Worksheets will be given to sharpen the students’ skill & speed. (Assessment -10 marks ) Activity : Presentation on Ls 5, 6,Friends of Ten & Number Games: (To be done in the Phy. Ed. period) Numbers ,tables,addition, subtraction, ascending & descending order) Skip counting - on the number line or through other games. Counting Exercises : 100-150, 150-200. Count trees, flower pots, windows etc. Dog & the Bone & Buzz , ( Friends of ten, Friends of 100). Tables: ( 2, 5,3, &10 )with excercises & numbers on the ground. (Assessment -10 marks ) Class Activity : Mental Maths On the spot games , quizzes etc. will be conducted in class for daily practice in mental maths. These will include addition, subtraction skip counting, dodging tables, friends of ten & simple problems. (Assessment -10 marks ) Note books : IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test- 24-08-2015 Subject – E.V.S. ( Unit Test – 20 + Activities - 40) F.A.1&2 L-1 My Body, L-2 The Food We Eat, L-3 The Clothes We Wear,L-4 Clean, Fit & Healthy, L-5 I Love My Family, L-6 Home Sweet Home!,L-7 My School, L-8 Let’s Celebrate, L-9 Safety Habits. (Assessment – 10 marks) Classroom Activity: L-2 The Food We Eat. 1.Bring pictures of foods & put them up in 2 categories: Healthy & unhealthy foods. 2. Talk about the various categories of food:-Ie.Fruit, vegetables, proteins, carbohydrates , Fats , Milk products & Lentils. 2. Make a neat shopping list of groceries…( spell the words phonetically). (Assessment-10marks ) Activity: Worksheets ( Ls -5,6,7 & 8. ) All exercises in the book & worksheets will be assessed. ( No special preparation is required.) Outdoor Activity: ( L-9) Safety & First Aid. -Visit the Sec. 23 Traffic Park- Explain traffic rules ,lights, zebra crossings, keep to the left etc. -Explain First Aid & emergency actions. (Assessment-10 marks ) Activity: Presentation (Ls 1,4 & 9) My Body/ Be Clean, Fit & Healthy /Safe Habits. (Assessment-10 marks ) Note books: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test-10-08-2015. P-2 of Class 1 Subject –Hindi: p[qm s] – Aa AOr ‘a’ kI phcan š AOr ‘i' ‘ kI phcan ¡ AOr ‘ I’ kI phcan £ AOr ‘ u ‘ kI phcan ¤ AOr ‘ U ‘ kI phcan E AOe ‘ e ‘ kI phcan Ee AOr ‘ W ‘ kI phcan kivta – lal lal gajrú br%a ranI Vyakr, – r'go' ke namú flo' ke namú siBjyo' ke namú paltU janvro' ke namú j'glI janvro' ke nam gitivi/ya\ – 1. p*Z# ^" pr idE gE ic]o' se khanI bnakr k=a me' sunaE\ - 2. flo' ke gu, btate huE pa\c piKtya\ k=a me' sunaE\ - piryojna kayR – 1. Aa se Ee tk kI s.I ma]aAo' ke car – car xBd ic] siht icpkaE\ - 2. ikNhI' ds j'glI janvro' ke ic] £nke rhne ke Sqan siht icpkaE\ tqa raZ$ãIy pxu ‘ba`’ pr pa\c p'iKtya\ il%e' - Ist Unit Test -07-09-2015. Subject - Elocution : 1. School prayers should be understood & said properly. 2. Poems to be said with excellent diction (2 or 3 poems /songs for a presentation) 3. Speaking - routine sentences correctly. 4. Diction & pronunciation - correction of commonly mispronounced words. 5. Groups : bed, head, said, red etc. soft ‘t’, ’d’ & ‘r’ Art & Craft : Colouring Book - ‘Canvas’ : Pages : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 & 11. Sketch Book: Shapes, Flowers and The National Flag, Craft: Pencil Top Decoration & Foam Umbrella. G.K & Moral Science: ( Unit Test – 20 + Assessment -10 ) G. K.: Page Nos. 214-231 ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Written Activity: G.K. Three written as well as oral assessments will be conducted in the first term. Ist Unit Test -14-09-2015. P-3 of Class 1 M. Sc.: ‘ Human Values 1’ Ch-1 Getting Along, Ch-2 The Magic Tree , L-3 We are Equal in God’s Eyes, Ch-4 Food Habits, L-5 My Family, Ch-6 I am Special. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: Skit Each section will put up a skit based on Moral Science lessons on which the students will be assessed. Ist Unit Test-27-07-2015. Physical Education: Making lines(with one arm’s distance ), making a circle, stand to attention /stand at ease, run in circles & in lines.. Alternate numbers , Step in /out, Tunnel ball, Relay races, Bean bag relays, Animal walking, Ball handling, rolling & dribbling. Number Games (see Math section).Incorporate Number line, tables, skip counting etc. into the above games or invent new games for this purpose. Monthly Themes: April - Nature , Planting, All about spring.. flowers , May – Being Independent. July - The importance of values. August – India & Independence. September – Health , Hygiene & Fitness. October – Peace and Gandhiji’s message . November – Sports and famous sports legends… December - The Christmas spirit-Sharing & Caring… for the needy . January – Protecting our wild life and forests. February – Cleanliness Drive – Swatchh Bharat. March - Latest Science news… and Great Inventions. The students will be assessed on their contribution of articles & pictures for the classroom boards every month. Unit Tests’ Schedule –April- Sept 2015 (1st term ) Class 1 Term 1. Subject Dates M.Science 27-07-2015 EVS 10-08-2015 Maths 24-08-2015 English 31-08-2015 Hindi 07-09-2015 GK 14-09-2015 Note: 1. Besides the Unit Tests, the teachers may conduct class tests (oral or written) with prior intimation which will be counted for FA I. 2. Each Unit Test will be of 20 marks and other class Activities will carry 40 marks.. There is no examination for the students up to class V. The results of these classes will be based on the performance of students in the Unit Tests and Activities conducted during both the Terms of the academic session. Students will be awarded grades in all the subjects. 3. In case the scheduled date of any test happens to be a holiday, the test will be conducted on the next working day. 4. No retest will be conducted for any student who misses a Unit Test, whatever the reason may be. 5. Only one Scrap Book should be used for all the subjects & submitted as per the teacher’s instructions. 6. In case a student misses any class it is the parents’ responsibility to get the work completed. 7. The portion for the Unit Test will be given by the respective teacher well in time before the test. MOUNT CARMEL SCHOOL, CHANDIGARH. Syllabus for the 1st Term- April to September ( Session 2015-2016 ) Class II Subject – English ( Unit Test – 20 + Activities - 40 ) F.A.1&2 Lit.: Pearls- L-1 The Grain of Wheat (Planting- Green fingers- grow wheat & visit a field). ( Semester 1): L-2 For My Babies, L-3 Dressing Up Day(Role play with more characters.), L-4 A Storm in the Garden , L-6 In The Park (Picnic in the school Gardens). L-5 Summer With Granny. Poems: The Sun, Walk with Grandpa, A White Hen. Enrich Your English Language : ( L-1) Nouns (BB /Notebooks/worksheets)& ( L-2 ) Pronouns(BB /Notebooks/ ( L-3) Determiners ( a, an , the ) , Singular & Plural (This, that, these & those.) ( L-13) Adjectives -- (Descriptive paragraphs with lots of adjectives.) ( L-7 ) Am, is & are.(BB /worksheets, ( L-6) Verbs ( Through games, races, actions etc.) Phonetic Sounds: To be done in a separate notebook - ‘My Phonetic Friends’. Revise all sounds done in class 1- sh, th, ch/tch, ay, ing, oo, ou,ow, tion, ture, ight, ain, ane, ale, ail, ate, ph, gh (f) . Silent letters -‘gh’, ‘w’ before ‘r’ & ‘l ‘ before ‘f’. ‘7 types of ‘e’: ‘e’‘ee’‘ea’‘y’‘ey’‘ie’’ ei’. ( Assessment-10 marks ) Ongoing Activity: ‘My Phonetic Friends’. Enter groups of words in your ‘Phonetic Notebook’ , under the listed phonetic sounds . ( Assessment-10 marks-Oral ) Activity: Presentation. Each section will do any one of the following :-- Fun with spellings / phonetics / grammar. -- Enact a story from ‘ Value Education ‘. (Assessment – 10 marks ) Classroom Activity: Verbs (Words which show action). Make separate lists of i) The Things We Do in the Fields - List the actions made to grow seeds, crops & trees? (with a photograph of yourself in the fields ) . ii) The Things We Do with our Grandparents. List the things you do with your grandparents. Attach a photograph of them. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: Notebooks / Worksheets IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test -31-08-2015 Subject - Elocution : 6. School prayers should be understood & spoken properly. 7. Poems to be said with excellent diction (2 or 3 poems /songs for a presentation) 8. Speaking - routine sentences correctly. 9. Diction & pronunciation - correction of commonly mispronounced words. 10. Groups : bed, head, said, red etc. soft ‘t’, ’d’ & ‘r’ P-1 of Class II Subject – Maths: ( Unit Test – 20 + Activities - 40) F.A.1 & 2 (Pearls-Semester 1) L -1 Revision, L- 2 Numbers up to 1000, L-3 Addition (Number Line: addition, subtraction, ascending/descending by twos, fives or tens. ) L-4 Subtraction , L- 5Addition of Bigger Numbers,L-6 Subtraction of Bigger Numbers, L-7 Shapes & Patterns,L-8 Time and Multiplication Tables: 6 ,7 & 8.(Revise 2,3,4,5 & 10). ( Assessment-10 marks ) Activity: Presentation: 1. Addition with carrying and Subtraction of bigger numbers. 2. Number Line: Addition, Subtraction, Ascending & Descending by 2s, 5s or 10s. 3. Friends of Ten- ( Game: ‘Dog & the Bone’). (Assessment-10 marks ) Oral/Written Activity: Speed in answering will be assessed. Dodging tables, carrying & borrowing, skip counting & friends of ten. Outdoor Activity: Number Games (During Phy. Edu. Periods). Buzz , Dog & the Bone (Friends of ten, Friends of 100). Tables- 6,7 & 8. Counting Exercises : 100-150, 150-200.Count trees, flower pots, windows, cars etc. ( Assessment- 10 marks ) Activity: L-7 ‘Mathogamy’ _ Patterns with shapes. Make patterns (not pictures) using bottle caps for small circles, plastic bangles for large circles, ice-cream sticks for parallel lines & triangles cut out of bright origami sheets. Place these shapes on a brown sheet to create a symmetrical pattern. The best pattern gets a clap! ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Notebooks / Worksheets IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test -24-08-2015 Subject – E.V.S. ( Unit Test – 20 + Activities - 40 ) F.A. 1 & 2 (Pearls-) L -1 Our Wonderful Body, L-2 Food for Us, L-3 Clothes for Us, ( Semester 1) L-4 We Need Shelter, L-5 I Love My School, L-6 My Neighbourhood, L-7 Places of Worship, L-8, Festivals are Fun, L-9Having Fun (Garden picnic& games.) ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: Presentation: L-1, 2 &5 Speaking Skills. Children will be assessed on their participation & performance in this presentation. ( Assessment-10 marks ) Activity : L-6 My Neighborhood. Visit a Bank, Post Office , Police Station, Chemist, ATM, Tailor’s Shop , Grocery Store, Fire Station & a Restaurant. Write five lines about any five . ( Assessment -10 marks) Activity : We Need Shelter ( L-4) - Scrap Book OR Models. The class will talk & write about a certain kind of shelter which the teacher will show them. Or Each section will jointly make one kind of shelter as a class activity. ( Assessment-10 marks ) Notebooks/ Worksheets IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test –10-08-2015. P-2 of Class II Subject - I.T. ( Oral Assessment 20 + Lab Activities ) F.A.1&2 ‘ Gateway to Windows 2 ’: L-1 About Machines, L-2 Parts of a Computer , L-3 Helping Parts & Storage, L-4 Working of a Computer. ( Assessment -10 marks) Lab.Activity: (L-2) 1. Students will explain the different parts of a computer in the computer lab. (Oral assessment -10 marks ) Lab. Activity : (L-3) Students have to identify the various storage parts of a computer. (Oral assessment -10 marks ) Lab Activity:(L-4) 1. The students will demonstrate how to switch a computer on & off. (Assessment -10 marks ) Questions & Answers in the Textbooks : IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment. Ist Unit Test –03-08-2015. Art & Craft Art : Colouring Book- ‘ Canvas’ : Pages 1 -19. : Free hand drawing & painting. Craft : Napkin holder, Wall Hanging. General Knowledge & Moral Science: ( Unit Test – 20 + Assessment -10 ) G.K.: Pages 214 – 231.(Do the activities given in the book.) ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity : Oral An oral assessment will be conducted. 1st Unit Test-14-09-2015. M. Sc.: ‘ Human Values -2’ : L-1 A Heart’s Delight, L-2 Neha’s New School, L-3 Grandparent’s Day. L-4 Good Habits!, L-6 Say it with a Smile. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity : Skit Each section will put up a skit based on Moral Science lessons on which the students will be assessed. 1st Unit Test-27-07-2015. P-3 of Class II Hindi : p[qm s] – pa# - 2 cUha AOr pe'islú pa# - 3 gui@ýya ka `rú pa# - 5 bulbul ke bCceú pa# - 6 g$å g/aú pa# - 7 ra%Iú pa# - 8 nya jIvnú pa# - 9 k*Z, sudama kivtaE\ – vacn kOxl hetu Vyakr, pa# - 1 ici@ýya ka gIt pden AOr ref pa# - 4 šBnbtUta smanaqRk xBd ivlom xBd gitivi/ya\ iksI Ek Tyohar pr k=a me' pa\c p'iKtya\ sunaAo - ApnI ps'd kI ko¡ khanI k=a me' sunaAo - piryojna kayR " ApnI ps'dIda ici@ýya ka ic] bnaAo v £ske bare me' pa\c vaKy il%o – Ist Unit Test -07-09-2015. Physical Education: Jumping and hopping, Simple and bean bag relay. Throwing and catching games, Movement with the ball and zig- zag pathways. Recreation Activities: Running, Circle games, formation, basic etiquettes - how to wish their teachers, move in a line, Obey commands ie. Attention!Stand at ease !etc. Monthly Themes: April - Nature , Planting, All about spring.. flowers , May – Being Independent. July - The importance of values. August – India & Independence. September – Health , Hygiene & Fitness. October – Peace and Gandhiji’s message . November – Sports and famous sports lgends… December - The Christmas spirit-Sharing & Caring… for the needy . January – Protecting our wild life and forests. February – Cleanliness Drive – Swatchh Bharat. March - Latest Science news… and Great Inventions. The students will be assessed on their contribution of articles & pictures for the class boards every month.. P-4 of Class II Unit Tests’ Schedule –April- Sept 2015 (1st term) Class II Term 1 Subject Dates M.Science 27-07-2015 I.T. 03-08-2015 EVS 10-08-2015 Maths 24-08-2015 English 31-08-2015 Hindi 07-09-2015 GK 14-09-2015 Note: 1.Besides the Unit Tests, the teachers may conduct class tests (oral or written) with prior intimation which will be counted for FA I. 2.Each Unit Test will be of 20 marks and other class Activities will carry 40 marks. There is no examination for the students up to class V. The results of these classes will be based on the performance of students in the Unit Tests and Activities conducted during both the Terms of the academic session. Students will be awarded grades in all the subjects. 3.If the scheduled date of any test happens to be a holiday, it will be conducted on the next working day. 4.No retest will be conducted for any student who misses a Unit Test, whatever the reason may be. 5.Only one Scrap Book should be used for all the subjects & submitted as per the teacher’s instructions. 6. In case a student misses any class it is the responsibility of the parents to get the work completed. 7. The portion for the Unit Test will be given by the respective teacher well in time before the test. End MOUNT CARMEL SCHOOL, CHANDIGARH. Syllabus for the 1st Term- April to September ( Session 2015-2016 ) Class III Subject – English ( Unit Test – 20 + Activities -40 ) F.A. 1 & 2 Course Book: L-1The Little Red Kite,L-2 Celebrating Earth Day(Fancy Dress Activity), L-3 A Gift for Granny (Granny or Grandpa Collage), L-4 The Clever Rabbit, L-5 The Kids’Club, L-6 Gita’s Breakfast (Activity Based ). Poems: If I Could Be an Astronaut, Mothers are for …. Enrich Your English Language : ( L-1) Nouns (Proper , Common &Collective) ( L-2) Determiners. (L -3) Some & Any. (L-4) Many & Much. (L-5) Pronouns. (L-11) Adjectives ( Outdoor Activity). (L-6) Verbs . (L-7 ) Am , is & are ( Helping verbs ). (L-8) Has and Have. (L-9) Do and Does, Writing Skills: ( L- 5)Playing’- Past, Present & Future. A) Para 1-Talk to your parents & grand parents about how & what they used to play.( Past tense) Para 2 –The games children play ( today) . Para 3 – Imagine the games children will play in the future. B) Informal Letters; i)Write to your friend telling him/her all about your grandparents, their home and what you do there. ii) Write to your uncle in Shimla /USA telling him about your school trip to the Chhatbir Zoo or an amusement park. Phonetics : All sounds done in class II and ‘ought’, ‘aught’ ‘eight’,‘tion’,’ssion’ &‘ture’. Long & short vowels ( with & without ‘e’ at the end of the word. Silent letters- ‘w’ before ‘r’, ‘l’ before ‘m’,’k’ before ‘n’,‘gh’ before ‘t’ &‘t’ before ‘ch’, ‘e’ at the end of the word. Spelling & Punctuation: Page dictation by breaking up words into syllables. (Assessment – 10 marks ) Writing Activities: Creative essays ( In the Language Notebooks ). Underline the adjectives-: ‘If I had Wings’ , ‘If I had Eight Legs’ AND ‘If I Found a Treasure’. ( Assessment -10 marks ) 4 Paragraph Dictations: to assess spelling & punctuation. Grammar & Speaking: Presentation: (For four Sections ) Section A - Story enactment from Human Values + 2 best speakers. ” B - Enactment explaining verbs + 2 best speakers. ” C - Prepositions & Nouns “ D - 10 Best speakers speak on stage. ( Assessment -10 marks ) Literary Activity : Book Collage of two classics as follows; i) A short introduction of the story. Ii) Pictures of the characters & locations. ii) Write about the main events briefly & iv) State how much & why you enjoyed the book. ( Suggested Reading : Aesop’s Fairy Tales, Jungle Book, Enid Blyton, Panchatantra). Team Activity : ‘The Food We Eat ‘.(L-6) clubbed with EVS- L-11, ‘ Cooking Food ’ i)Teams will bring washed & cut vegetables& fruit/ fresh lime & orange juice /milk / Cereals, salads, fruit salad, healthy sandwiches & shakes to class. ii) ‘Healthy & Unhealthy Eating Habits’ ( school doctors). ( Assessment -10 marks ) Notebooks IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment. Ist Unit Test -31-08-2015 P-1 of Class I Subject – Maths. ( Unit Test – 20 + Activities - 40 ) F.A.1 & 2 Ch-1 Large Numbers , Ch-2 Comparison of Numbers ,Ch-3 Addition, Ch-4 Subtraction, Ch-5 Rounding Numbers, Ch-6 Multiplication.Ch-14 Data Handling,Ch-16 Symmetry & Patterns. ( Assessment 10-marks ) Activity: Firefly –Skillsheets (To be done independently ). L-1(Sheet Nos. 1&2), L-4(Sheet Nos.8 &9) & L-14(Sheet Nos.44,45 & 46)will add speed & understanding. ( Assessment-10-marks ) Weekly Activity: Mental Maths (All chapters +Multiplication tables.) Children should be quick to answer all oral mathematical questions. ( Assessment-10-marks ) Activity: L-16 Firefly Skillsheets (Pgs. 51,52 & 53). Win a Prize in ‘Mathogamy’ (The teacher should change the figures). 1. Convert numbers into symmetrical designs & patterns using newspaper, brown & fluorescent sheets. Cut out 10 equal green strips(6 X 3 cm.)+ 10 equal red squares(6X6cm) + 8 yellow zig- zag pieces+10 orange & 10 blue triangles (each side measuring 6 cm).Place these pieces on a brown sheet, creating different patterns ( repetition of the shapes in set sequences). Five prizes for the best patterns! ( Assessment-10-marks ) Ongoing Activity: Assignment (To be submitted by the 15th of July) -Make a sketch or a model of an Abacus in your scrapbook. -Make a bar-graph measuring 5 objects of different weights. Find different ways to make the numbers 508, 6080, 796, 2089.Use addition & subtraction . ( Assessment-10- marks ) Notebooks: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test -24-08-2015. Subject – E.V.S. ( Unit Test – 20 + Activities - 40 ) F.A.1 & 2 Our Living World: L-1 In The Family, L-2 Our Sense Organs, L-3 Work People Do, L-4 Games are Fun,L-5 Plants Our Friends, L-6 Leaves In Our Lives,L-7 The Animal World, L-8 Worms & Insects, L-9 Birds Around Us,L-11 Cooking Food. Worksheets: Ls. 3 & 4. ( Assessment-10 marks ) Activity : Ls 6,7 & 9 Nature File Students are to bring all their material and create the following file in class. Part 1 - Leaves of different shapes & colours are to be pasted in the file; - Write down five uses of each leaf . ( L-6 ) ( Submit Part 1 by 15th July , Part 2 by 14th. Aug.) Part 2 - Illustrate & write about two animals of each - (Arctic, Desert, Sea & Forest). Part 3 L-9 Birds Around Us -Collect & compile intelligent information on birds. (Part 3 by 15thSept. 2015). ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Team Work: L-11 Cooking Food Cook one healthy food item at home & share it with your friends in class.. ( Assessment-10 marks) Activity : Presentation For all sections : Celebrating Earth Day (Dress ups) / Worms & Insects / Sense organs/ Animal World. ( Assessment -10 marks ) Notebooks IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test- 17-08-2015. P-2 of Class III Subject - Elocution : 1. School prayers should be understood & said properly. 2. Poems to be said with excellent diction (2 or 3 poems /songs for a presentation) 3. Speaking - routine sentences correctly. 4. Diction & pronunciation - correction of commonly mispronounced words. 5. Groups : bed, head, said, red etc. soft ‘t’, ’d’ & ‘r’ Subject – I.T: ( Unit Test – 20 + Activities- 40 ) F.A. 1 & 2 ‘Gateway to Windows 3’: L-1 All About a Computer, L-2 Storing Computer Work, L-3 Typing & Using the Mouse, L-4 Uses of the Computer, L-5 Working with Files & Folders. ( Assessment-10 marks ) Lab. Activity: (L- 3 ) Do Projects 1 & 2 ( Pg- 108) on ‘Typing & Using the Mouse’ ( Assessment-10 marks ) Activity: (L-4) Make a colourful chart or a collage on ‘Uses of Computers in Various Fields’: (Assessment-10 marks) Activity:(Ls1 to 5). Quick Practice. The students will do the activities related to chapters 1 to 5, in the Computer Lab. (Assessment -10 marks ) Questions & Answers in Textbook : IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test- 03-08-2015. Art & Craft: Art: Colouring Book – ‘Canvas’: Pages 1 – 19. Craft : Woven place mat & Decorative Curtain. General Knowledge & Moral Science: ( Unit Test – 20 + Assessment -10) G.K . ‘Ace 3’: L-1 Learn To Grow (Pgs. 1-14), L-2 Animals & Plants( Pgs. 15-23), L-4 The World Around Us (Pgs. 33-46), Mixed Bag- Pgs.69-72. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity : GK Oral An oral assessment will be conducted on whatever is taught in class. Ist Unit Test-14-09-2015. M. Sc. ’ Human Values 3’ : L-1 Love Makes the Family Strong. L-3 Good Manners, L-5 ‘No’ is an Important Word, L-6 Making Use of Time. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity : Skit Each section will put up a skit based on Moral Science lessons, on which the students will be assessed.. Ist Unit Test-27-07-2015. P-3 of Class III Subject - Hindi p[qm s] – kivtaE\ – pa# - 1 åko nhI' b!ýe cloú pa# - 5 smy ka molú pa# - 9 v*= n hota pa# - 2 åpa @rI nhI'ú pa# - 3 Aan'd hI Aan'dú pa# - 4 ikska .Utú pa# - 6 Ek yadú pa# - 8 ivdexI khanI Vyakr, – s'Daú svRnamú ivlom xBdú smanaqRk xBdú igntI 1 – 20ú vcn bdloú inbN/ gitivi/ya\ – 1. itr'ge &'@e ka ic] bnaAo AOr £sse s'b'i/t pa\c vaKy il%o - 2. ici@ýya`r me' paE jane vale janvro' ke ic] icpkaAo AOr iksI Ek janvr pr pa\c vaKy il%o piryojna kayR – caca nehå ke ivi.Nn ic] icpkakr bal idvs pr ^" vaKy il%o - Ist Unit Test – 07-09-2015. Physical Education :-Hitting & kicking the ball, Scoring goals, Dribble & shoot, Making shapes, Rhythmic activities, Passing & shooting, Using various equipments, Kho - kho, Throwing & catching. Fundamental rules of Gymnastics & Cricket . Famous sports personalities ]. Themes: April - Nature , Planting, All about spring.. flowers , May – Being Independent. July - The importance of values. August – India & Independence. September – Health , Hygiene & Fitness. October – Peace and Gandhiji’s message . November – Sports and famous sports legends… December - The Christmas spirit-Sharing & Caring… for the needy . January – Protecting our wild life and forests. February – Cleanliness Drive – Swatchh Bharat. March - Latest Science news… and Great Inventions. The students will be assessed on their contribution of articles & pictures for the class boards every month.. P-4 of Class III Unit Tests’ Schedule –April- Sept 2015 (1st term) Class III Term I Subject Dates M.Science 27-07-2015 I.T. 03-08-2015 EVS 17-08-2015 Maths English Hindi GK 24-08-2015 31-08-2015 07-09-2015 14-09-2015 Note: 1.Besides the Unit Tests, the teachers may conduct class tests (oral or written) with prior intimation which will be counted for FA I. 2.Each Unit Test will be of 20 marks and other class Activities will carry 40 marks. There is no examination for the students up to class V. The results of these classes will be based on the performance of students in the Unit Tests and Activities conducted during both the Terms of the academic session. Students will be awarded grades in all the subjects. 3.In case the scheduled date of any test happens to be a holiday, the test will be conducted on the next working day. 4.No retest will be conducted for any student who misses a Unit Test, whatever the reason may be. 5. Only one Scrap Book / Sketch Book should be used for all the subjects & submitted as per the teacher’s instructions. 6. In case a student misses any class it is the parents’ responsibility to get the work completed. 7. The portion for the Unit Test will be given by the respective teacher well in time before the test. End MOUNT CARMEL SCHOOL, CHANDIGARH. Syllabus for the 1st Term- April to September ( Session 2015-2016) Class IV Subject – English ( Unit Test – 20 + Activities-40 ) F.A.1 & 2 M.C.B: L-1 The Way to School , (Draw maps from home to school, sector 17 & the PGI and from School to the railway station. ). L-2 Heidi Meets Grandfather, L-3 Mina’s Letter (Write an informal letter to your grandfather describing Chandigarh.) L-4 Yuki & the Tsunami (Enact the story), L-5 Tiger Talk, L-6 The Tree Spirit (Draw masks of tree spirits & hang them on a tree), L-7 The Buddha. (Meditate in Lord Buddha’s pose & think about five of his main teachings ). Poems: Granny, Granny, Please Comb My Hair & Curious Town. Enrich Your English Language: L-1 Nouns, L-2 Articles, L-3 Pronouns & their Kinds L-4 Verbs L-5 Tenses . Supp. Reader: ‘The Arabian Nights’ Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. . . Phonetics : Revise phonetics done in classes 1,2 & 3 . New : ‘l’& ‘lly’‘ought’,‘aught’ ‘eight’,‘tion’,‘ture’’able’ ‘fy’ ,ous, cious, ture. Long & short vowels. Silent letters- ‘w’ before ‘r’, ‘l’ before ‘m’,’k’ before ‘n’,‘gh’ before ‘t’ ‘e’ at the end of the word, ‘t’ before ‘ch’. Spelling & Punctuation: Page dictation by breaking up words into syllables. ( Written Assessment -10 marks ) Activity: Grammar (L-5): Tenses Paragraphs & Sentences. Write a paragraph on each of the following topics using ONLY ONE tense in each paragraph . . i) The School Carnival --2015 (Simple Past tense). ii) What I do every day-- ( Simple present Tense ). iii) When I grow up--- (Simple Future Tense) . iv) Write 10- 15 sentences describing what is happening in any classroom & in the school campus right now. ( Present Continuous Tense.) ( Assessment -10 marks ) Literary Activity : ‘Story Collage ‘ based on a story book. Read a book ! - Make a collage of the story,(It should have an introduction. pictures of the characters & locations . main events and then state how much you enjoyed the book, Suggested Authors: Charles Dickens, Enid Blyton, R.L. Stevenson or Rudyard Kipling. ( Assessment -10 marks ) Inter-disciplinary Project: Positive & Negative Forces. Suggest ways of changing any two negative forces into positive ones .(Complete by 01-10-2015). (Speak about the negative & write about the positive forces). 1 - Negative: Describe the present state of 5 famous sight-seeing spots. Positive : How can these same places l attract tourists & revenue ?( eg .. by cleaning them & providing good roads , transport & other facilities like clean toilets, guides, pamphlets, cafes etc... 2. Negative : Poor transport facilities increases the traffic & pollution. Positive : Cheap & excellent public transport facilities & incentives like; free weekend travel for those who have availed of it throughout the week, and recommend other measures . 3.Negative: Illiteracy -A large percentage of our population has not even completed class V. Positive: Excellent government schools, vocational training centres & jobs will increase literacy. ( Assessment-10 marks ) Notebooks: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test -31-08-2015. Subject - Elocution : 1. School prayers should be understood & said properly. 2. Poems to be said with excellent diction (2 or 3 poems /songs for a presentation). 3. Speaking - routine sentences correctly. 4. Diction & pronunciation - correction of commonly mispronounced words. 5. Groups : bed, head, said, red etc. soft ‘t’, ’d’ & ‘r’ 6. Speaking before the class on a topic for 3 minutes in proper English. Subject – Maths: ( Unit Test – 20 + Activities -40 ) F.A.1 & 2 Firefly L-1 Numbers and Numeration, L-2 Addition, L-3 Subtraction. L-4 Multiplication, L-6 Multiples & Factors, L-7 HCF & LCM, L-14 Geometry, L-16 Roman Numerals, L-17 Data Handling . ( Written Assessment – 10 marks ) Interdisciplinary Project: Positive & Negative Forces. A- Calculate how many i) hospitals, ii) schools, iii)colleges iv) sports stadiums should there be for every ten lakh people ? B –What is the ideal number of trees in every square km. of land? C – What is the ideal number of people in a 10 marla home ? - - How many homes are needed for ten lakh people? D – If half this population earns enough for two people… how many jobs are needed & what should each person earn? The reason for you to solve these questions is so that you can be a positive force to remove poverty, terrible living conditions, illiteracy ,disease, crime & other problems. This project has to done under the guidance of the Maths Teacher. ( Written Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: Mental Maths / Speed Tests And Firefly Skillsheets: (To enhance speed,understanding & application of Maths.) L-2, 3 &17 will be done independently. L-1 ,4, 6, 7, 14 & 16 will be done in class. (Oral Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: ‘Mathogamy’ (The teacher should change the figures). Present numbers through symmetrical patterns using newspaper, brown & fluorescent sheets. Eg.- Cut out 10 equal green strips(10 X 4cm)+ 5 equal red squares(4X4cm)+ 8 yellow circles of 3 cm radius+ 10 orange triangles (each side measuring 5cm) & 10 blue stars .Place the pieces on a sheet, creating different patterns or fractions. How many different patterns or fractions can you create ? (Written Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: Assignments (Submit by the 15th of July 2015) - Find different ways to arrive at the numbers 7852, 52163, 91730,321815(Use all mathematical operations. ) - Paste & explain one bar-graph & one pi-graph from the newspaper/magazine in your scrapbook. Activity : L-16 Students will write the birthdays of five family members in Roman Numbers. Activity : L-14 Geometry Draw 6 points on a paper & draw all possible line segments. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Notebooks: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment. Ist Unit Test -24-08-2015. P-2 of Class IV Subject – Science: ( Unit Test – 20 + Activities- 40 ) F.A. 1 & 2 L-1 Plants- Our Green Friends, L-2 Adaptation In Plants,L-3 Reproduction In Animals, L-4 Adaptation in Animals, L- 5 Food and Digestion , L-6 Teeth, L-7 Our Clothes. (L-1) Preparation of Food: Smart-Class & Lab Activities. - Observation of : i)Structure of a leaf & Stomata, ii)Unusual Plants & iii)Photosynthesis . - Starch Test: Presence of starch in food items. On the prescribed date children are to bring different unusual plants and food items to:a) observe & b) test the presence/absence of starch. - Controlled garden experiment to test photosynthesis ( with & without sun , air & water). (Assessment – 10 Marks) L-2 Adaptation In Plants: Scrapbook ( Submit by 18th July 2015). -Collect pictures of plants of different habitats & write how each one adapts to its habitat.. (Assessment – 10 Marks) L-3 & 4 ‘ Reproduction & Adaptation In Animals ‘ : (Smart class & Specimens ) Collect Information & make your own notes on adaptation by different categories of animals. Explain with the help of neatly labeled diagrams: the life cycle of a butterfly, frog and grasshopper. Make a list of organizations that work for the well being of animals. (Assessment – 10 Marks) Interdisciplinary Project: Positive & Negative Forces. To be done under the guidance of the teacher & submitted by Sept.15th , 2015). Every student will write 5 ways how he/she is a positive force in each of the following areas. 1. I never dirty, break or damage spaces, lakes, rivers, parks or streets. 2. I do not waste natural resources; water or food & make others aware of it as well. 3. I stop others from being cruel to animals. 4. I do not add to noise pollution and object to others creating noise. 5. I will stop others from harming the environment. (Assessment – 10 Marks) L-6 Teeth : Read & Share: ‘Dental Care’( with additional reading ) Each student will make present with diagrams , any one of the following… ( The School Dentist will assess ) …. Our teeth & their functions. the students’ presentations). …. A paper on different tooth troubles. …. The causes of tooth decay. …. Daily Dental Care. L-7 : Our Clothes: Activity. Find & label photographs & describe how the following are designed to allow the human being to carry out all his functions: i)Space suits worn by astronauts . ii) Diving suits . iii) Mountaineering gear & snowsuits. ( Assessment – 10 marks) Notebooks & Additional Reading: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Marks will be deducted for late submission. Ist Unit Test -10-08-2015. P-3 of Class IV Subject – Social Studies ( Unit Test – 20 + Activities - 40 ) F.A.1 & 2 L-1 Our Beautiful Country, L-2 The Northern Mountains, L-3 The Northern Plains. L-4 The Western Desert, L-5 The Southern Plateau, L-6 The Coastal Plains & the Islands. (Ls 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10 &11: Smart Class Resources) . L-8 Our Natural Resources (Map activity),L-9 Soils of India (Map activity), L-10 Our Forest Wealth ( Map activity )L-11 Water Resources (Map activity). Maps: (P-8) Any 8 states of India along with their capitals, (P-41)The Islands & Coastal Plains of India. (L-8, 9, 10 & 11) (To be assessed for F.A.2) Interdisciplinary Project: Positive & Negative Forces. (Submit by 18th July 2015 ). Write a paper of 4/5 pages on how to stop any pollution, wastage or misuse of India’s water resources (Take examples from Ls- 3, 4, 5 & 6.) Make your own plan stepwise : to stop pollution, wastage & misuse of water . ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Class Activity: Oral Quiz (The date for the test will be given before.) A class Quiz Contest will be conducted on Ls -2,3,4 & 5. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Ongoing Team Activity: (L-5) A 4 Scrolls 1.Each team will collect data on one of the following and make a scroll by joining A4 sheets with a state-wise presentation as follows: Prominent dams, Hydroelectric power plants, level of education, employment, forests & two main crops of each state. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: Presentation: L-1 Our Beautiful Country- Make it Better/ Cleaner. The concept of India as a developed country must be built up. How to do it? A - My Beautiful Country –should be a world power. B - Identify natural resources which should be developed further and how. C – Suggest ways of attracting tourists & business to our beautiful Country. D – Prevent wastage & destruction of Natural Resources. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Notebooks: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test -17-08-2015. Subject –I.T. ( Unit Test -20+ Practical /Activities -20 ) F.A.1 & 2 L-1 Input & Output Devices ,L-2 Memory and Storage, L-3Working with Windows 7, L-4 Tuxpaint, L-5 Editing Text In MS-Word-2007. Inter-disciplinary Project – Make a poster of any one positive & negative force given in the English syllabus. Use Tux Paint or Paint brush & Highlight important headings with different cplours. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Practical Activity: (L-1) Input & Output Devices. The students will make a model of either an input device or an output device ( in School). (Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: ( L-4) “Tux Paint” Make a beautiful drawing in Tux Paint given on P-37. Stick a print out of the same in your scrap book. (Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: ( L-3) “ Working with Windows 7” Collect pictures & information on all the versions of Windows & prepare a chart of the same . (Assessment -10 marks ) Questions & Answers in Textbook : IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test-03-08-2015. P-4 of Class IV Art & Craft: Art: Colouring Book – ‘ Canvas’: Pages 1 – 19. :Freehand drawing & colouring related to any theme or given topic. Craft: Bed with ice-cream sticks and Photo-frame. : General Knowledge : ( Unit Test – 20 + Assessment -10) G.K.’ Ace 4 ‘ : L-I Our Ecosystem ( Pgs . 1-8), L-2 Science Trail ( Pgs. 10-16), L-3 Sports & Entertainment (Pgs. 17-23).Mixed Bag- Pgs.60-65, Brainstorming: Pgs. 72 & 73. Assessment – 10 marks each ) Activity : GK Oral An oral assessment will be conducted on whatever is taught in class. Ist Unit Test -14-09-2015. M. Sc. ‘ Human Values 4’ : L-1 Buy Without Money, L-3Peace & Harmony, L-4The Internet, L-5 Never Make Fun of Others, L-6 Everyone is Different, yet Special. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity : Skit Each section will put up a skit based on Moral Science lessons on which the students will be assessed. Ist Unit Test -27-07-2015. Subject – Hindi pa#(y puStk " 1. gu'jn – ih'dI pa#mala 4 2. ix=aqIR bal ih'dI Vyakr, 4 p[qm prI=a " gu'jn " pa# 1 – sone jWse idn hW šske pa# 2 – ¡dgah pa# 3 – jb kuTte ne ka$a Vyakr, " 1. s'Da kI pir.aza v .ed 2. ivlom xBd 3. Anek xBdo' ke ilE Ek xBd d(ivtIy prI=a " gu'jn " pa# 4 – p[k*it kI suzma pa# 5 – hmara itr'ga &'@a pa# 6 – mharaja r,jIt is'h Vyakr, " 1. vaKyo' me' se s'Da ^a\$na 2. pyaRyvacI xBd 3. Api#t gd(ya'x 4. bImarI ke kar, Avkax lene ke ilE p[/anacayR jI ko p] 5. ic] p#n Ev' v,Rn piryojna kayR " Apne pirvar ka samUihk ic] icpkate huE p[Tyek sdSy ke bare me' pa\c – pa\c p'iKtya\ il%e' - Ist Unit Test -07-09-2015. P-5 of Class IV Subject: German : ( Unit Test – 20 + Activities- 40 ) Class: IV Term I FA1 &2 Modul 1 : Lektion 1 : Hallo! , Lektion 2: Das ist meine Familie. GRAMMATIK : 1. Verbs in present tense. 2. du – informal address. 3. Sentence structure. 4. Questions and Questions words- “wer?”, “wo?”, “wie?”. 5. Prepositions: “in”, “bei”, “von”. 6. Definite articles. Texts, Games, Songs : Diologue Puzzle, Introducing oneself, Game of Dice, Reading Comprehension, Interviews, Map of Germany, Crossword Puzzle. Song: “Hallo Leute...”, Das ist meine Tante Frieda”, “Hast du Geschwister?” Assessments: 1.Arbeitsbuch (10 marks) 2.Sprechen and Hören 3.Lesen (20 marks) (10 marks) Book Prescribed: Hallo Deutsch! (for class 6th) Subject: Punjabi Class-IV Term I pYNqI A`KrI a qoN l mukqw dy Sbd kMnw ‘w’ dI mwqrw dy Sbd ishwrI ‘i'’ dI mwqrw dy Sbd ibhwrI ‘I’ dI mwrqw dy Sbd Project Work: a – l q`k suMdr ilKweI iv`c ilKo qy qsvIrW lgwE[ Physical Education: Athletics, Mini Kho- kho, Intercepting the ball, Playing 2 against 1, Dribble & Pass, Three court Dodge Ball, Relay Races, Warm up activities, Skipping, Roads & Lanes. How to make single & double lines. Fundamental rules of Cricket & Gymnastics. Famous Sports personalities. Award: Dhronacharya Award. Themes: April - Nature , Planting, All about spring.. flowers , May – Being Independent. July - The importance of values. August – India & Independence. September – Health , Hygiene & Fitness. October – Peace and Gandhiji’s message . November – Sports and famous sports legends…. December - The Christmas spirit-Sharing & Caring… for the needy . January – Protecting our wild life and forests. February – Cleanliness Drive – Swatchh Bharat. March - Latest Science news… and Great Inventions. The students will be assessed on their contribution of articles & pictures for the class boards every month.. P-6 of Class IV Unit Tests’ Schedule –April- Sept 2015 (1st term) Subject Punjabi/German Moral Science I.T. Science S.Studies Maths English Hindi GK Class IV Term I Dates 20-07-2015 27-07-2015 03-08-2015 10-08-2015 17-08-2015 24-08-2015 31-08-2015 07-09-2015 14-09-2015 Note: 1.Besides the Unit Tests, the teachers may conduct class tests (oral or written) with prior intimation which will be counted for FA I. 2. Each Unit Test will be of 20 marks and other class Activities will carry 40 marks. There is no examination for the students up to class V. The results of these classes will be based on the performance of students in the Unit Tests and Activities conducted during both the Terms of the academic session. Students will be awarded grades in all the subjects. 3.In case the scheduled date of any test happens to be a holiday, the test will be conducted on the next working day. 4.. No retest will be conducted for any student who misses a Unit Test, whatever the reason may be. 5.. Only one Scrap Book / Sketch Book should be used for all the subjects & submitted as per the teacher’s instructions . 6. In case a student misses any class it is the parents’ responsibility to get the work completed. 7. The portion for the Unit Test will be given by the respective teacher well in time before the test. END MOUNT CARMEL SCHOOL, CHANDIGARH. Syllabus for the 1st Term- April to September ( Session 2015-2016 ) Class V Subject – English ( Unit Test – 20 + Activities -40 ) F.A. 1 & 2 M. C. B.:L-1 The Friendship, L-2 Country Childhood, L-3 Robots Don’t Lie L-4 The Balloon Seller ,L-5 A Robbery (Read out a newspaper article about a robbery & ask the class to ‘catch’ the criminal.)L-6 The Angry Dragon. Poems : Asking Questions, My Tree & The Sea ( Learn & Recite) Writing: Messages, Informal Letters, Unseen Comprehension Passages. BBC + Worksheets : Nouns , Pronouns & its kinds, Adjectives & Articles. Comprehensive assignments will be given to help children improve their English . Supp. Reader: Chapters 1-14 ‘David Copperfield’. (Assessment -10marks ) Interdisciplinary Project –‘ Prevention is Better Than Crime’ Students are to prepare a 5 page file under the guidance of their teacher on ‘Awareness Prevents Crime’—(Pick any two) : What preventive measures can be taken to stop murder, robbery, corruption, cheating, fraud, rape , drugs etc. OR (Assessment -10marks ) Writing Activity: L-1 Friendship & L-2 Country Childhood : Childhood and childhood friendships leave life-long impressions on our minds & personalities. 1 -What do you understand by the word ‘Friendship’?( Write about your experiences with friends & compare them with those of Nelson Mandela’s & quote incidences from the chapter.) 2-A country childhood is different to an urban childhood - Highlight 4 main differences between rural & urban childhoods in a 5 paragraph essay. ( Introduction,3 paragraphs on differences & a conclusion). (Assessment -10marks ) Activity: Poets & Poetry. Every student is to : a) Use his/her own poetic skill to add one stanza to each poem. b) Learn & recite or explain any famous poem by a famous poet on nature . ( Assessment-10 marks ) Creative Class Activity: L-3 ‘Robots Don’t Lie’. Each student will write a story with robot/s programmed to doing either ‘good’ deeds OR ‘evil’ deeds. (Substitute your own good & evil robots & incidences.) Some ideas: A store catches fire, people are trapped inside… a ‘good ‘robot rushes in & saves people.. An ‘ evil’ robot ( looks like a child )starts shouting for help in a park or on a street. Traffic stops, there is a fatal accident, people bump into each other, the police arrive.. time is wasted. The class will then make the best story into a skit for a class presentation.. (Assessment -10marks ) Speaking Activity: Every student will speak on one of the 20 concepts listed by the teacher : eg what is …-a country, a clock, population, friendship, family, education, technology, development, competition etc. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Notebooks: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test -31-08-2015. P-1 of Class V Subject- Social Studies: ( Unit Test – 20 + Activities- 40 ) F.A.1 &2 L-1 Know Your Planet, L-2 Parallels and Meridians, L-3 Major Land Forms, L-4 Natural Resources, L-5 Weather and Climate, L-6 The Land of Dense Forests, L-7 The Land of Snow, L-8 The Land of Sand, L-9 The Treeless Grasslands, Prairies. Map Work: On all of the above ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Group Activity : L-1 & 3 Know Your Planet & Major Land Forms. Each group will make a model of any two land forms from L-1 & 3 on a given day in school. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Finding out - - Activity : L-2 Parallels & Meridians, Meridians – On a world map, mark & name 5 cities to the East , & 5 to the West of Greenwich . --Give their degree , climate and name the country in which they are. Parallels -- Do a similar exercise for parallels ( 5 cities each in the Northern & Southern Hemispheres ) Give their parallel ( latitude), climate & name the country. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Interdisciplinary Project – ‘Prevention is Better Than Cure.’( File ). :- it is better to prevent & save …than try to retrieve after losing.. ( Submit by 18th July 2015.) To be done in school under the teacher’s guidance. Write & illustrate 3 pages on any one of the following:-- How can we save our forests? -- How can we conserve our natural resources ? -- How can we conserve energy? and -- How can we check air & water pollution? (Refer to measures being taken in other countries in this direction.) ( Assessment – 10 marks ) L-5 Weather and Climate : Scroll, Make an attractive 7 page scroll (join 7 - A 4 sheets vertically) on weather & climate. It should not be confined to material from the text book but have other interesting information as well. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) L-6 Dense Forests :Team Activity : Divide the class into 6 teams. Each team will write & present information on any one dense forest in the world. The seventh team will point out the differences between these forests. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Presentation : L -7 ‘The Land of Snow ‘ & L- 8 ‘The Land of Sand’. 2 Teams will make presentations on: L-7 The Land of Snow, Greenland ( Roll No. 1-25) ( P-52) L-8 The Land of Sand, (Roll No. 25-50) ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Notebooks IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment. Ist Unit Test -17-08-2015. P-2 of Class V Subject – Science: F.A.1&2 ( Unit Test – 20 + Activities- 40) L-1 Reproduction In Plants, L-2 Animals & Their Lifestyles , L-3 Bones & Muscles, L-4 Nervous System, L-5 Food & Health , L-6 Building Houses , L-7 Living Safely, L-8 Air & Water ( Eureka). Experiment : L-1 Reproduction in Plants/ Germination. Seed germination. Record your observations. ( Assessment – 10 marks) File Activity: L-2 Animals & Their Lifestyles. Study the habits & habitat of flying , land, water & migratory animals. Class Activity : Ls-3, 4,5,6 & 7 – Additional Reading.. Read & share what you have understood from the additional reading books given to you in class. To be understood & learnt in class. ( Assessment – 10 marks) Interdisciplinary Project :L-5 ‘ Prevention is Better Than Cure’ : The following project will be done under the guidance of the Science teacher –(Submit by July 18th 2015.) Write & Illustrate: Disease is a manifestation of lack of hygiene , poverty, malnutrition, poor sanitation & other factors. Prepare 2 separate pages of notes on each of any 2 major diseases with the following information: - Is it contagious ? If so how do people contract it from each other? - What are the causes of each disease? - Write in detail about how it can be prevented . eg through a)Proper living conditions, b)Clean food & water, c)Clean & pure rivers & lakes, d)Elimination of mosquitoes , flies & rats, e)Clean transportation, storage & cooking &/ or avoiding human contact. OR Take two groups of people ( 10 educated families & 10 uneducated families)in the same area . Find out: a) Which group is healthier. b) Why they are healthier. Make columns with the following 10 headings & write ‘yes’ or ‘no’ under each heading : i)Eat contaminated or stale food . ii) Proximity to infected people or areas. iii) Drink infected water. iv)Lack hygienic habits. v)Lack proper sanitation . vi) Can not afford proper food or medicines. vii) Unhygienic living conditions . viii) Unhygienic surroundings. ix) Do dirty work without any protection and get infected. x) Careless with their health. Do you think educated people are healthier If so why? Write your conclusion in 3 paragraphs. ( Assessment – 10 marks) Create Your Own Notebook: Ls 6 & 7 Building Houses & Living Safely -Compile a separate notebook containing information on living safely & building safe homes. It should be interesting , attractive & well illustrated. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Notebooks& Additional Reading: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test -10-08-2015. P-3 of Class V Subject – Maths: ( Unit Test – 20 + Activities-40 ) F.A. 1 & 2 Firefly - Ch-1 Large Numbers, Ch-2 The Four Operations, Ch-3 Roman Numerals, Ch-4 Multiples & Factors, Ch-5 HCF & LCM,Ch-9 Percentage, Ch-10 Profit & Loss Ch -12 Geometry, Ch-16 Area and Perimeter, Ch-20 Data Handling, Ch-22 Rounding Numbers & Estimation. ( Assessment – 10 marks) Activity: Ch-12 - File Work ( Applied Maths ): Write any two names using straight lines. Find out how many right, acute, obtuse or straight angles are there in each name .The file should be maintained properly as the teacher may ask for it at any time. ( Assessment – 10 marks) Activity: Assignment-LCM (Ch-5) &Area & Perimeter (Ch-16) - Find the LCM of any two numbers by using a square paper or a graph sheet. - Find the area & perimeter of any five places in school or at home. ( Assessment – 10 marks) Activity: Mental Maths, Speed Tests & Skillsheets Skill-sheets on L-1, 2, 4, 5 & 16 will be done independently in class for swift mental calculations. Activity: Presentation on Ch- 4, 5, 10, 12, 16, ( Assessment – 10 marks) Interdisciplinary Project – ‘ Prevention is Better Than Cure’ (The following project will be done under the guidance of the Maths teacher). Find which five states have the maximum - Rural Health Centres , - malaria, polio & hepatitis prevention programmes, - women & child health care centres. - health programmes for senior citizens. Make a line graph to represent the above information. ( Assessment – 20 marks ) Notebooks IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test -24-08-2015. Subject-I.T.: ( Unit Test + Practical -30 + Activities ) F.A. 1 & 2 L-1Evolution of Computers ( Read independently),L-2 Software & its Types, L-3 Windows-7, L-4 More on Microsoft Word 2007, L-5 Working with Styles & Objects,L- 6 Working with Tables. (To be assessed for F.A.2) Inter-disciplinary Project – ‘ Prevention is Better Than Cure’ Prepare a poster carrying the above message with regard to Prevention of Disease or Prevention of Life Loss in Natural Disasters. ( Assessment – 20 marks ) Activity : (L-6) Working with Tables. Create a progress report of 7 of your classmates. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Practical:(L-4)More on Microsoft Word -2007 Create a document in MS Word as per the instructions on Pg- 47. ( Assessment – 5 marks ) Activity:(L-5), Working with Styles & Objects - Design a poster on ‘ Good Habits of an Earth Doctor’- using all the effects. - Print it out & paste it in your scrap book. (Assessment -10 marks ) Questions & Answers in Textbook : IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test -03-08-2015. Art & Craft: Art: Colouring Book –‘Canvas’: Pgs. 1-19. : Freehand drawing & colouring related to any theme or given topic. Craft: Butterfly clips and foam flowers.. P-4 of Class V Sub.:General Knowledge & Moral Science: ( Unit Test – 20 + Assessment -10 ) G.K ‘Ace 5’ : L-1 Our Legacy ( Pgs.1-7 ) , L-2 Wonderful India ( Pgs. 9-24), L-3 Flaura & Fauna( Pgs. 27-31), Mixed Bag – Pgs. 72-76), ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity : GK - Oral (To be assessed for F.A.2 ) Interdisciplinary Project - ‘ Prevention is Better Than Cure’ An oral assessment will be conducted on; “Solutions to our Planet Earth’s Problems”. Ist Unit Test- 14-09-2015. M. Sc: ‘ Human Values 5 ‘. F.A.1&11 L-1 Love , L-2 Thank you Very Much , L-3 World Wildlife Fund for Nature, L-4 For Peace & Non- violence, L-5 The Ant & The Grasshopper. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity : Skit Each section will put up a skit based on Moral Science lessons on which the students will be assessed. IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test-27-07-2015. Subject- Hindi: pa#(y puStk " 1. gu'jn – ih'dI pa#mala 5 2. ix=aqIR bal ih'dI Vyakr, 6 p[qm prI=a " gu'jn " pa# 1 – hm ku^ kr id%laE\ge pa# 3 – s'gIt sm[a$ tansen pa# 4 – sCcI jIt Vyakr, " 1. ivxez, kI pir.aza v .ed 2. Axud(i/ xo/n 3. xuLk mafI ke ilE p[/anacayR jI ko p[aqRna p] d(ivtIy prI=a " gu'jn " pa# 5 – Ek bU\d pa# 8 – Apna Sqan Svy' bnaE\ pa# 9 – Ek smy Ek ga\v me' Vyakr, " 1. vaKyo' me' se ivxez, ^a\$na 2. Anek xBdo' ke ilE Ek xBd 3. Api#t gd(ya'x 4. ivlom xBd 5. ic] p#n Ev' v,Rn piryojna kayR " ^o$a .Imú $a`m E'@ jWrIú htO@ýIú @oremanú krejú bWn $Winsnú pUh Aaid ka$URn pa]o' ke ic] icpkate huE £nke bare me' ku^ vaKy ili%E - Irst Unit Test -07-09-2015. P-5 of Class V Physical Education: Track and field events, Roll into the goal, Four court Dodge Ball, Throwing Relay , Throw ball ( 4 court ),Gallery –Pari, Zone Passing & Kho Kho. How to make single & double lines. Fundamental rules of Cricket & Gymnastics. Famous Sports personalities. Award: Dhronacharya Award. Subject: German ( Unit Test – 20 + Activities- 40 ) FA1 &2 Book Prescribed: Hallo Deutsch! (for class 6th) Modul 1 : Lektion 1 : Hallo! , Lektion 2: Das ist meine Familie, Lektion 3: Hast du Geschwister?, Lektion 4: Wo wohnt ihr? GRAMMATIK : 1. Verbs in present tense, Personal pronouns. 2. du/ Sie – informal and formal address. 3. Sentence structure. 4. Questions and Questions words- “wer?”, “wo?”, “wie?”. 5. Prepositions: “in”, “bei”, “von”. 6. Definite articles. 7. Possessive articles. Texts, Games, Songs : Diologue Puzzle, E-Mail, Introducing oneself, Game of Dice, Reading Comprehension, Interviews, Map of Germany, Crossword Puzzle. Song: “Hallo Leute...”, Das ist meine Tante Frieda”, “Hast du Geschwister?” Assessments: 1. Arbeitsbuch (10marks) 2.Sprechen and Hören (20 marks) 3.Lesen (10 marks) Subject: Punjabi. Class-V Term I a – L Aqy mwqrwvW dI duhrweI ibMdI, it`pI, A`Dk vwly Sbd, pYrW iv`c pYx vwly A`Kr pwT – 17 hPqy dy idn pwT – 18 mhIny, ru`qW Aqy iqauhwr pwT – 19 rMgW dy nW pwT – 20 igxqI (1 – 20) ivAwkrx – myrw skUl lyK, jrUrI kMm dI C`utI lYx leI mu`K AiDAwpk jI nMU bynqI p`qr, ilMg bdlo, nWv dI pirBwSw[ Project: is`K gurUAW dIAW qsvIrW lgw ky auhnW dy nW suMdr ilKweI iv`c ilKo[ Themes: April - Nature , Planting, All about spring.. flowers . May – Being Independent. July - The importance of values. August – India & Independence. September – Health , Hygiene & Fitness. October – Peace and Gandhiji’s message . November – Sports and famous sports legends… December - The Christmas spirit-Sharing & Caring… for the needy . January – Protecting our wild life and forests. February – Cleanliness Drive – Swatchh Bharat. March - Latest Science news… and Great Inventions. The students will be assessed on their contribution of articles & pictures for the class boards every month.. P-6 of Class V Unit Tests’ Schedule –April- Sept 2015 (1st term) Class V Term I Subject Dates Punjabi 20-07-2015 Moral Science 27-07-2015 I.T. 03-08-2015 Science 10-08-2015 S.Studies 17-08-2015 Maths 24-08-2015 English Hindi GK 31-08-2015 07-09-2015 14-09-2015 Note: 1. Besides the Unit Tests, the teachers may conduct class tests (oral or written) with prior intimation, which will be counted for FA 1. . 2. Each Unit Test will be of 20 marks and other class Activities will carry 40 marks. There is no examination for the students up to class V. The results of these classes will be based on the performance of students in the Unit Tests and Activities conducted during both Terms of the academic session. Students will be awarded grades in all the subjects. 3. In case the scheduled date of any test falls on a holiday, it will be conducted on the next working day. 4. No retest will be conducted for any student who misses a Unit Test, whatever the reason may be. 5. Only one Scrap Book should be used for all the subjects & submitted as per the teacher’s instructions. 6. In case a student misses any class it is the parents’ responsibility to get the work completed. 7. The portion for the Unit Test will be given by the respective teacher well in time before the test. End MOUNT CARMEL SCHOOL, CHANDIGARH. Syllabus for the 1st Term- April to September ( Session 2015-2016) Class VI Subject-English: (Unit Test –20 + Other Assessments & Activities etc -40 + SA1 = 90) F.A.1& 2 Eng. Ch. Lit.Reader: L-1 When People Thought..Flat(Role enactment), L-2 The Skipping Shoes,(‘Inner Sole’- a story written by a shoe.!) L-3 Olive & the Bees(What role do bees play in the ecological cycle?) Poems : Night Rain in Summer, Stars, The Captain’s Daughter . (Add one stanza in the same rhyme & rhythm to each of these poems). Grammar: Nouns/Pronouns, Types of Adjectives, Verbs, Present & Past Tenses & Types of Adverbs. Eng. Ch. Practice Book : Units 1, 2, 3 & 4. Supp. Reader: Lessons 1 to 11(Comprehension) BBC: ( BBC excercises will be done independently & cross checked by the students.) Writing: Notices , Messages, Essays, Informal letters . ( Assessment – 10 marks) Interdisciplinary Team Activity: ‘The Importance of Values in Life’ Values to be understood: Honesty in everything you do, say and think. : Respect for other people’s lives, property & dignity, : Discipline- in everything you do. : Hardwork . : Sincerity towards people, work and duty, Each team will pick one value eg. ‘Honesty’ & present/enact a situation--- without that value --- and with the value. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Writing Activity: Creative Writing (Lang. Notebook.) i)Creative writing with illustrations: Essays ( eg. When computers tell us what to do./ If I had the power to build anything , I would build ./ ‘The Story of a shoe’( write your experiences as the wearer’s shoe). - Write a poem on ‘My Favourite Weather’.) ii- Write one each of the following: Notice , Message, Essay ,Informal letter & Diary entry . ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: ‘Test Your English’ - Anagram Sets: Think of 10 anagrams and illustrate them with a related picture. - Verbal Pyramid : Start with one letter at the top & fill in the pyramid. Weekly Activities: Paragraph Dictation, Punctuation and Spelling. - Passages will be dictated for the students to improve their listening, spelling & comprehension. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Notebooks: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment. Ist Unit Test:20-07-2015 P-1 of Class VI English- Format & Marks Distribution: Unit Test : (20) A.1. (Reading) An unseen Passage or a Poem 05 Marks B.1. (Writing) Based on the given syllabus 05 Marks C.1. (Grammar) Exercises based on the given syllabus 05 Marks D.1. (Litt. Reader) a) An extract with questions based on the given topic. b) Short answer questions based on the given topic 05 Marks Summative Assessment (SA1) (90) Q.1 Two passages of 5 marks each. = 10 marks Qs. 2 & 3 Passages will have Multiple Choice Questions carrying 5 + 5 = 10 marks Section-B Writing - 25 Marks Q.4. Q.5. Q.6. Q.7. Notice / Message / Diary Entry: Bio sketch / Data interpretation / Dialogue writing / Description Formal or informal extended task - Letter or Email: Extended tasks like Article, Speech, Report or Story: 4 marks 6 marks 7 marks 8 marks Section-C Grammar - 20 Marks This section will carry five questions of 4 marks each.*Out of 5 questions 2 questions .. * (Qs 8 & 9) carrying 4 marks each will have MCQs.* Gap filling* Sentence completion*Dialogue completion. * Qs 10, 11, and 12 will be based on response supplied by students.. * Sentence re-ordering *Editing *Omissions *Sentence transformation. Section-D Literature - 25 Marks Q.13.A) B) C) Q.14. An extract from Poetry with three M CQs based on reference to Context: [ 3 marks] An extract from a short story with three reference to context questions. [ 3 marks] An extract from a play with three reference to context questions. [ 3 marks] Four out of five short answer type questions based on prose, poetry or plays of 2 marks each. The Questions will not test recall but inference and evaluation. [8 marks] Q.15.One out of two long answer type questions to assess personal response to the text/story: [8 marks] P-2 of Class VI Subject: Maths: (Unit Test-20 +Other Assessments &Activities etc-40+SA1-90) F.A.1 & 2 Ch-1 Knowing our Numbers,Ch-2 Whole Numbers, Ch-3 Playing with Numbers, Ch-4 Basic Geometrical Ideas, Ch-5 Understanding Elementary Shapes, Ch-6 Integers, Ch-11 Algebra. ( Assessment – 10 marks) Interdisciplinary Project – ‘The Importance of Values in Life’ i)Select 10 important values & give each one a numerical value (as explained in class). ii)Ask 10 students of any other class to re-arrange these in order of priority. iii)Calculate which values win the Ist, 2nd & 3rd position!!!. Write 5-10 lines on your observations & findings. ( Assessment – 10 marks) Activity: - Show the parts of a circle by paper cutting & pasting. - Make a triangle with 3, 4, 5 & 6 matchsticks & name the type of triangle in each case. ( Classify the triangles on the basis of their sides & angles.) ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Individual Activity: ‘Pick a Chit’. Students will be asked to pick a chit . They will have to solve the problem given on the chit. The assessment will be based on the student’s ability & speed in solving it on his/her own. ( Assessment – 10 Marks ) Team Activity : Presentation. Each team will present one of the following topics: L-1 Knowing Our Numbers, L-3 Playing With Numbers or L-4 Basic Geometrical ideas. ( Assessment – 10 marks) Activity: Mixed Operations. Students will be assessed on their speed in : 1:MCQ Test & 2:Crossword Puzzle. Notebooks IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment. Ist Unit Test:11-05-2015. Maths - Format and Marks Distribution: Unit Test: Assessments, Activities etc.: Summative Assessment(SA1): Unit Test (20Marks): Type No. 20 Marks 40 marks 90 Marks Marks Total 1) 2) M.C.Qs S.A. Type 5 5 x x SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT (SA1) ( 90 Marks) Type of Qs. No. of Qs. 1 3 5 marks 15 marks Marks for each Total Marks 1. M.C.Q. 10 1 10 2. 3. 4. S.A. Type I S.A. Type II L.A. Type Total 10 12 6 38 2 3 4 20 36 24 90 Total No. of questions 38 Total 90 marks P-3 of Class VI Subject- Science: (Unit Test -20+Other Assessments & Activities etc- 40+ SA- 90) F.A.1&2 L-1 Sources of Food,L-2 Components of Food,L-4 Sorting Materials into Groups, L-5 Separation of Substances,L-7 Living and Non Living,L-10 Living Organisms & Their Surroundings, L-11 Measurement & Motion, L-13 Electricity & Circuit, L-15 Water. (Assessment – 10 Marks) Interdisciplinary Project – ‘The Importance of Values in Life’ Human beings tend to side step important social values in the pursuit of science & materialism. Show how the lack of ethics has ruthlessly ignored all social The use of harmful substances in industry & farming which are injurious to health OR the promotion of medicines which have not been cleared by world health authorities. (Assessment – 10 Marks) Team Activity: ‘Young Scientists ’ Separation of Mixtures.+ Viva AND Collect information on: Conductors & Insulators. (Assesment – 5 Marks) Ongoing Activity: Electric Circuit Model The students will make an electric circuit model on which he/she will be assessed. ( Assessment – 5 Marks ) Ongoing Activity: Scrapbook Purification of water by the ‘RO’ method has become very Popular. Find out what ‘RO’ stands for & how water is purified by this method. Find out which water filters are available in the market. (Assessment – 10 Marks ) Activity: Presentation L-10 Living Organisms & Their Surroundings , L-11 Measurement & Motion, L-2 Components of Food, L-4 Sorting Materials into Groups . ( Assessment – 10 Marks ) Notebooks: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test:13-07-2015. Science -Format and Marks Distribution: Unit Test : Other Assessments, Project Work etc.: Summative Assessment (SA1): 20 Marks 40 marks 90 Marks Unit Test (20) Q.1. Fill in the blanks : 4 x ½ = 2 marks Q.2. Q.3. Q.4. Q.5. MCQs 4 x 1 = 4 marks Very short answer type questions: 3 x 1 = 3 marks Short answer type questions: 4 x 2 = 8 marks Long answer type question: 1 x 3 = 3 marks Note; Diagrams may also be given as questions. Summative Assessment (SA1) (90): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Very short answer type questions: Short answer type questions (I) Short answer type questions (II) Long answer type questions M.C.Q. (Activity performed in the class) 10 Q. x 1 = 9Q. x 2 = 9Q. x 3 = 3Q. x 5 = 20Q. x 1 = Note; Diagrams may also be given as questions. P-4 of Class VI 10 marks 18 marks 27 marks 15 marks 20 marks Total= 90 marks Social Science:(Unit Test-20 +Other Assessments &Activities etc.-40+SA1-90) Class V1Term 1 F.A.1&2 Geography: L-1 The Earth and the Solar System ( Smart Class & Activity ), L-3 Latitudes and Longitudes, L-4 Motions of the Earth. Maps: Political Map of India – Pg. 41, Map work – Pg. 24 Assessment – 10 Marks ) Interdisciplinary Presentation –‘The Importance of Values in Life’ Values & ethics ( in society, governance & family ) are an integral part of a functional society. Social evils, like prejudice & discrimination result when values are forgotten. Dramatize one of the following: Equality of Women / Dignity of Labour /Equal Opportunities / Integrate migrants into the mainstream. ( Assessment – 10 Marks ) L-1 Activity: The Red Planet (File in a Clip Folder) 10 pages on ten planets - Create a page a planet –with pictures of the 10 planets , their distances from the sun & other basic information abou t each one . OR Collect information & illustrations on India’s ‘ Chandrayan 1 mission to Mars. Give details as to when & who planned it, the time & cost taken to make it, its mission & whether it is successful so far. ( Assessment – 10 Marks ) Map Activity : Aerial Map of Chandigarh. Make an aerial map of Chandigarh, giving its NSEW direction,longitude/latidude, distances on a scale, main highways , buildings , lakes, forests etc. Give its position in a smaller map of India , History : L-2 The Earliest Societies, L-4 The First Cities of the Indian Sub-Continent, L-5 The Vedic Age, ( Assessment – 10 Marks ) Activity : Excursion to Archeological Museum P.U. Chd. -Find out about the Stone age – Neolithic age prior to visiting the museum. -Write a proper report of what you learnt in each museum. Maps: L-4 – Fig. 4.1( P. 23), L-5 Fig 5.2 ( Assessment – 10 Marks ) Ongoing Learning Activity… ( For 4 groups i) Find the latitudes & Longitudes of 10 capital cities around the world(Geog.L-3) ii) Different stages of Evolution of Man (Stone Age to Neolithic Man). iii) Informative Calendars of 6 pages on the ‘Motions of the Earth’ with maps , diagrams, charts & pictures .(Use the internet & an old calendar). (Assessment – 10 Marks ) Activity: Presentation. ( For three groups):i) Democracy–the ideal form of governance.(Give a critical appraisal.) ii) A culturally diverse yet unified India. iii) What do we understand by‘Equality’,’Freedom’,‘Independence’&’Responsibility? Civics: L-1 Understanding Diversity , L-3 Government. L-4 Key Elements of a Democratic Government. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Notebooks: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test: 06-07-2015. P-5 of Class VI Social Science -Format and Marks Distribution: Class VI Term I Unit Test : Other Assessments, Activities etc.: Summative Assessment(SA1): 20 Marks 40 Marks 90 Marks Summative Assessment (SA1) - ( 90 Marks) History (32 Marks) MCQs Short answer type questions (choice) Long answer type questions ( choice ) Map 1 x 7 = 7 marks 3 x 6 = 18 marks 4 x 1 = 4 marks 3 marks Civics (26Marks) MCQs Short answer type questions(choice ) Vakue based question Long answer type question (choice ) 1 x 7 = 7 marks 3 x 4 = 12 marks 3 x 1 = 3 marks 4 x 1 = 4 marks Geography (32 Marks ) MCQs Short answer type questions Long answer type question Map 1 x 6 = 6 marks 3 x 6 = 18 marks 4 x 1 = 4 marks 4 marks Subject- I.T [Unit Test-20+Practical Assessment & Activities etc.-40 + SA1 =90] Class V1Term 1 (SA Written -50 + SA Practical- 40 = 90 ) F.A.1&2 L-1 Computer Language, L-2 More on Windows 7,L-3 Using Mail Merg.( Lab. Activity). L-4 Microsoft Power Point 2008, L-8 Log On To Flash, L-9 Working with Flash CS3, (Assessment –10 marks) Interdisciplinary Project : L-4 Microsoft Powerepoint 2007 – ‘The Importance of Values in Life’ Part A-Create a table in Powerpoint on 5 important values : Honesty, Discipline, Equality, Respect for others, Punctuality & Hard-work. ( Give 10 areas & examples for each one). Part B- Show how the absence of each of the above values causes personal & social problems. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activ Activity: (L-9) Working with Flash CS3. Create a ‘Spring Scene in Flash software & animate the buds blooming into flowers using Motion Tween. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activ Activity: ( L-3) Using Mail Merge -Prepare a list ( Data Source ) of your teachers using the Mail Merge feature. - Inviting them to your class Christmas party. Create an invitation. ( Assessment – 10 marks Notebooks: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test: 27-07-2015 P-6 of Class VI I.T. -Format and Marks Distribution: Unit Test Other Assessments,/ Activities Summative Assessment (SA1): 20 Marks 40 marks 90 Marks Unit Test (20 ) 1. Fill ups: 2. M.C.Qs: 3. True / False: 4. Questions & answers: 5 Long answer type questions: 1 x 3 = 3 marks 1 x 5 = 5 marks 1 x 3 = 3 marks 1 x 5 = 5 marks 2 x 2 = 4 marks Summative Assessment (SA1) ( 50 +40=90) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fill ups: 1x 5= MCQs 1 x 10 = True / False: 1x 5= Questions with one word answers: 1 x 10 = Questions with one line answers : 2x 6= Questions with long answers : 4x 2= Practical = 40 marks 05 marks 10 marks 05 marks 10 marks 12 marks 08 marks Subject: German: ( UnitTest=20marks+Activities=40marks SA I = 90 ) Class VI Term I For FA I & II ‘Hallo Deutsch!’: L-1Hallo!, L -2 Das ist meine Familie, (Modul 1 ) L-3 Hast du Geschwister?,L-4 Wo wohnt ihr? Activities:Additional texts, a game of dice & other games, dialogues & rossword- puzzles, e-mail, conducting interviews, introducing oneself& a map of Germany. Grammatik : 1. Verbs in present tense, Personal pronouns. 2. du/ Sie – informal and formal address. 3. Sentence structure. 4. Questions and Questions words- “wer?”, “wo?”, “wie?”. 5. Prepositions: “in”, “bei”, “von”. 6. Definite articles. 7. Possessive articles. Songs: “Hallo Leute...”, Das ist meine Tante Frieda”, “Hast du Geschwister?” ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: Sprechen (Speaking). Students will be assessed on the correct pronunciation of words and sentences from the text book.. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: Hören (Listening). The students will listen to CDs in German and be assessed on their ability to understand them. They will be given worksheets to write their responses. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: Lesen (Reading). The students will be given passages to read to test their comprehension on a written Q & A paper. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: Arbeitsbuch ( Workbook ). A workbook will be done independently and then discussed. This work will be assessed . ( Assessment – 10 Marks ) Notebooks: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly, and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit: 03-08-2015 P-7 of Class VI Subject : Hindi p[qm s] : S.A. – I 1. ih'dI pa#ýy puStk gu'jn - 6 pa# 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 AOr 8 2. Vyakr, pa#(y puStk :- mank Vyakr, Vyvhar - 1 3. AOpcairk p] 4. AnuC^wd 5. Api#t gd(ya'x AOr pd(ya'x A'k iv.ajn p[Xn s':ya (%<@ - k) ivzy A'k 1. Api#t gdýy'ax - 6 A'k 2. Api#t pdýy'ax - 6 A'k 12 A'k (%<@ - %) 3. k) v,R - ivC^wd - 3 A'k %) il'g - 3 A'k g) vcn - 3 A'k `) ivlom - 3 A'k - 3 A'k 4. k) s'Da %) AnwkaqIR - 3 A'k g) pyaRyvacI - 3 A'k - 3 A'k %) £psgR - 3 A'k g) p[Tyy - 3 A'k 5. k) s'i/ 30 A'k (%<@ - g) 6. pi#t pdýy'ax ( bhuvWkiLpk ) - 5 A'k 7. p[XnoTtr - 14 A'k 8. xBdaqR - 5 A'k 9. pi#t gdýy'ax - 5 A'k 10. puStkIy Vyakr, - 9 A'k 38 A'k (%<@ - `) 11. p] - 5 A'k 12. AnuC^wd - 5 A'k 10 A'k no$ - p[Tyek s] me' Ek saPtaihk prI=a (20 A'k) AOr car gitivi/ya\ (40 A'k) ho'gI - šn 60 A'ko' ka kul .ar 20 A'k hoga - d(ivtIy s] kI prI=a ke 90 A'ko' ko 3 se iv.aijt krke 30 A'ko' ke ilye ilya jaEga Ef. E. I = 10 A'k Ef. E. II = 10 A'k Es. E. I = 30 A'k kul A'k = 50 A'k Ist Unit Test:18-05-2015. P-8 of Class VI Subject -Punjabi : pwT – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 ivAwkrx: lyK – icVIAw Gr dI sYr, lweIbRyrI khwxI – Syr qy cUhw jnm idn dy qohPy leI cwcw jI nMU DMnvwd p`qr[ ilMg bdlo, bhuqy SbdW dI QW ie`k Sbd, nWv dI pirBwSw qy Byd[ Project Work: trYiPk dy inXmW bwry jwnkwrI idMdy hoey ilKo ik inXmW dI pwlxw hr mnu`K leI ikauN jrUrI hY[ Ist Unit Test : 03-08-2015 Subject: Art & Craft: Art: What art is & what are its tools? Colour Wheel, Still life (Pencil shading), Balloon seller, Knowledge of Pencil grades, Dot painting, Basics of landscape, Bird composition & Mosaic painting. Craft: Fruit & Stockings , Weaving Belt, Pen Holder. General Knowledge: F.A.1 & 2 ‘Ace 6’ ---- L-1The World Around Us ( Pgs 1-17), L-2 Animals & Plants ( Pgs 18-33), L-3 Health Sports & safety ( Pgs 34 -47), Mixed Bag 85-89. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity : GK Oral An oral assessment will be conducted on whatever is taught in class. Ist Unit Test:10-08-2015. Moral Science: F.A.1&2 Lessons 1 to 4 ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity : Story Write a short story with a moral. Ist Unit Test:17-08-2015. Format (G.K. & Moral Science): Multiple Choice Questions: 5 marks Fill ups: 5 marks True / False: 5 marks One word answers: 10 marks Total = 25 marks P-9 of Class VI Physical Education : Health Education: Meaning and Nature of Health. Ecological Concept of Health. Inter-dependance of physical, mental, emotional and social dimensions of health . Factors and conditions influencing health. Methods of Health Education. Importance of health; Its meaning, purpose & principles. The role of media in Health Education. 2. First Aid: First aid measures for cuts, wounds, sprains, strains, continuous bleeding, fractures, bites, stings, fainting, shock & burns.Principles of First Aid. Home Nursing & Skills in dealing with specific situations. 3. Physical Education: A) Track Events: 100 meters, 200 meters, 400meters B) Field Events: Shot Putt and Long Jump C) Games and Sports: Cricket, Soft ball 1. History of games, 2. Latest general rules of games , 3. Specifications of the playing field and related sports equipment. 4. Important Events and Venues, 5.Sports personalities. 6. Proper sports gear and its importance, 7.Specific exercises; Warm-up and Conditioning. 4. Recreational Activities: 1) Dodge ball. 2) Leg Cricket 3)Kho-Kho 4) Skipping Rope 5)Dribbling the ball . 5. P.T. Exercises: 1) Free hand exercises, 2) Calisthenics exercises, 3) Drill & 4) March past. Unit Tests’ Schedule : Term -1 April-Sept 2015 Subject Maths Hindi Social Science Science English I.T. Punjabi/German G. K. M.Sc. Class VI Term 1 Dates 11 – 05 – 2015 18– 05 – 2015 06 – 07 – 2015 13 – 07 – 2015 20 -- 07 --2015 27 – 07 – 2015 03 –08 – 2015 10 – 08 – 2015 17 – 08– 2015 Note: 1.Besides the Unit Tests , the teachers may conduct class tests (oral or written) with prior intimation. 2. Each Unit Test will be of 20 marks and 40 marks will be for other class Assessments or Activities. The marks of the Unit Tests & Assessments/Activities will be assessed along with the Summative Assessment . Students will be awarded grades in all subjects. 3. In case the scheduled date of any Assessment/Activity happens to be a holiday, the Assessment will be conducted on the next working day. 1. No retest will be conducted for any student who misses a Unit Test whatever the reasons may be. However if a student misses any Unit Test on medical grounds , then he/she will be marked on the basis of the previous Unit test. 5. Any /all notebook / files /scrapbooks or project work in each subject should be submitted by the dates given by the concerned teachers, failing which, no marks will be awarded. 6. In case a student misses any class it is the parents’ responsibility to get the work completed. 7. The portion for the Unit Test will be given by the respective teacher well in time before the test. MOUNT CARMEL SCHOOL, CHANDIGARH. Syllabus for the 1st Term- April to September ( Session 2015-2016) Class VII Subject-English: (Unit Test -20 + Other Assessments &Activities etc- 40 + SA1 -90 ) F.A.1&2 English Channel Lit.Reader: L-2 How Much Land Does a Man Need? (Class Declamation on ‘Greed’ ) L-6 The Ransom of Red Chief (Dramatisation) & L-8 The Postmaster (Team Activity). Poems: L-1The Eagle L-3 The Camel’s Complaint, L-5 Lines Composed in a Wood. -Recite any poem written by a famous poet. - Compose 2 more stanzas in the same rhyme & rhythm of each of these poems. Grammar: Determiners, Adjectives, Adverbs, Present Tense & Integrated Grammar. Eng.Ch.Pr.: Units1,2,3&4,/BBC exercises will be done independently & cross checked by the students. Supplementary Reader: ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ Chapters 1 – 14. Writing: i) 4 Essays, ii) Messages, iii) Notices, iv)Informal letters, iv) Diary entry. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Inter- disciplinary Declamation : ‘Science Takes us Forward’( May14 ,2015). Every student will speak on how ‘Science Takes us Forward’ at either the: -i) indivual ,-ii) professional or iii)- national level.( Take your teachers guidance). (Compulsory Assessment – 10 marks) Speaking & Listening: To be done in two parts: The ‘Speaking’ test assesses the student’s ability to converse properly in EnglishThe ‘ Listening’ test assesses the student’s ability to answer questions after hearing a passage twice. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: Poetry -Recite any poem written by a famous poet. -Compose 2 more stanzas in the same rhyme & rhythm of each of these poems. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Writing Activity: (L-3) Cruelty to Animals. Express your views in a newspaper article on ‘Cruelty to Animals’. It should have information on how animals are misused -for work, transport, research, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals & entertainment. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: Writing Message : Your bus has been taken over by terrorists at gunpoint. Send a message to the police for help. Notice: Write a notice regarding a meeting on ‘Stop Cruelty to Animals.’ to be held in the sector 17 Plaza. Diary Entry:You have been trekking in Leh/ladakh. Make a diary entry of the events of one week. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Team Activtity : (L-8 ) Teams will present the different values in the story –which make them better people. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Notebooks: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test:20-07-2015 English - Format & Marks Distribution: Unit Test (20): A.1. B.1. C.1. D.1. (Reading) An unseen Passage or a Poem (Writing) Based on the given syllabus (Grammar) Exercises based on the given syllabus (Litt. Reader) a) An extract with questions based on the given topic b) Short answer questions based on the given topic 05 Marks 05 Marks 05 Marks 05 Marks Summative Assessment (SA1) (90): Section-A Reading 20 Marks Q.1. Qs. 2 & 3 A passage of 10 marks. Passages will have Multiple Choice Questions carrying 5 + 5 = 10 marks. Section-B Writing Q.4. Q.5. Q.6. Q.7. 25 Marks Notice / Message / Diary Entry: Bio sketch / Data interpretation / Dialogue writing / Description Formal or informal extended task - Letter or Email: Extended tasks like Article, Speech, Report or Story: Section-C Grammar 4 marks 6 marks 7 marks 8 marks 20 Marks * This section will carry five questions of 4 marks each. * Out of 5 questions two questions (questions 8 & 9) carrying 4 marks each will have MCQs. * Gap filling * Sentence completion * Dialogue completion Q 10, 11, and 12 will be based on response supplied by students. * Sentence reordering * Editing * Omissions * Sentence transformation Section-D Literature 25 Marks Q.13. A) An extract from Poetry with three M C Qs based on Reference to Context: B) An extract from a short story with three reference to context questions C) An extract from a play with three reference to context questions [ 3 marks] [ 3 marks] [ 3 marks] Q.14.Four out of five short answer type questions based on prose, poetry or plays of 2 marks each. The Questions will not test recall but inference and evaluation. [8 marks] Q.15.One out of two long answer type questions to assess personal response to the text/story: [8 marks] Subj: Science. ( Unit Test- 20 + Other Assessments &Activities etc- 40 + SA1-90 ) F.A.1 & 2 Living Science: L-1 Nutrition in Plants, L-2 Nutrition in Animals, L-3 Structure of Matter, L-4 Animal Fibres (Presentation), L-5 Heat & Its Effects, L-6 Flow of Heat (Team work) L-7Acids, Bases & Salts, L-10 Soil,L-11 Respiration, L-15 Winds,Storms & Cyclones, L-20 Waste water Management. (Assessment – 10 Marks) Inter- disciplinary Project : Science Takes us Forward. Un-applied Science is of no use. Each group has to show how science can improve our lives in one of the following areas:- Increase crop production on a mass scale, Improve transport & communication, Improve health & hygiene , Provide adequate & safe housing, garbage disposal, Provide uninterrupted power supply. Each project should have i) an introduction, ii)sections with headings ,iii)supporting facts & figures iv) a conclusion. ( To be done under the teacher’s supervision on A4 sheets ) (Assessment – 10 Marks) Individual Activity: Moulds. The students will watch moulds develop on different items and compile their data scientifically. (Assessment – 10 Marks) Individual Activity: ( L-15) ‘Winds Cyclones & Storms.’ Create a model to show i) How air- pressure can be used in our day to day lives,ii) The properties of air. (Assessment – 10 Marks) Team Activity: - Heat ( L-5 &6) Team will collect, compile complete information & present models on :The Effects of heat/Expansion of Heat in solids, liquids & gasses/Measurment of heat/Flow of Heat solids, liquids & gases ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: Presentation (L-4) Animal Fibres ; wool & silk . Students will enact the stages of wool and silk from its source to fabric. ( Assessment – 10 Marks ) Notebooks: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly, and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test:13-07-2015. P-2 of Class VII Science -Format and Marks Distribution: Unit Test : Other Assessments/ Activities etc.: Summative Assessment (SA1): Unit Test Q.1. Q.2. Q.3. Q.4. Q.5. 20 Marks 40 marks 90 Marks (20): Fill in the blanks : MCQs Very short answer type questions: Short answer type questions: Long answer type question: 4 x ½ = 2 marks 4 x 1 = 4 marks 3 x 1 = 3 marks 4 x 2 = 8 marks 1 x 3 = 3 marks Note; Diagrams may also be given as questions. Summative Assessment (SA1) (90): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Very short answer type questions: Short answer type questions (I) Short answer type questions (II) Long answer type questions M.C.Q. (Activity performed in the class) 10Q. x 1 = 9Q. x 2 = 9Q. x 3 = 3Q. x 5 = 20Q. x 1 = Note; Diagrams may also be given as questions. 10 marks 18 marks 27 marks 15 marks 20 marks Total= 90 marks. Subject: Maths (Unit Test- 20 + Other Assessments &Activities etc - 40 +SA1- 90 ) F.A.1&2 Ch-1 Integers, Ch-2 Fractions & Decimals, Ch-3 Data Handling, Ch-4 Simple Equations, Ch-5 Lines & Angles, Ch-6 The Triangle& its Properties, Ch-12 Algebraic expressions, Ch-14 Symmetry. ( Assessment – 10 marks) Inter discplinary Project : Science Takes us Forward( Submit by 10/7/2015) Science without proper budgeting ie.. investment, funding & maintenance is incomplete. Work out the investment (infrastructure , equipment, recurring expenses, salaries & expansion) of any one of the following: A Rural Clinic, Primary school, Dairy plant, Poultry farm or Small industry. ( Assessment – 10 marks) Individual Activity: ( Ls -2,5 & 6 ). Each student will be assessed on the activities listed below. - Represent the product of decimal numbers on a squared paper. - Draw a bar-graph of ten people of different weights. - Show the relation between the pairs of corresponding angles, alternate interior angles & interior angles on the same side of a transversal … by paper cutting & pasting. -Verify that a triangle can be drawn only if the sum of lengths of any two sides is greater than the third side, using broomsticks. ( Assessment – 10 marks) Activity: MCQs(L-6 &9)Mental Maths & Speed Tests ( mixed operations) - The students will be assessed on their performance in oral testing from time to time. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Individual Activity: Crossword Puzzle ( as directed by the teacher). ( Assessment – 10 marks) Activity : Presentation (For four sections) - Data Handling (L-3)/ The Triangle & its Properties (L-6). Written Work &Notebooks: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test:11-05-2015. P-3 of Class VII Maths - Format and Marks Distribution: Unit Test : Other Assessments, Activities etc.: Summative Assessment(SA1): Unit Test (20): Type 1) 2) No. M.C.Qs S.A. Type 5 5 20 Marks 40 marks 90 Marks Marks x x 1 3 Total 5 marks 15 marks SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT (SA1) -( 90 Marks) No. of Qs. Marks for each Total Marks 1. M.C.Q. Type of Qs. 10 1 10 2. 3. S.A. Type I S.A. Type II 10 12 2 3 20 36 4. L.A. Type Total 6 38 4 24 90 Social Science:(UnitTest-20 +Other Assessments & Activities etc-40+SA1-90) F.A.1&2 Geography: L-1 The Earth’s Structure & Landforms, L-2 The Atmosphere, L-4 How Surface Landforms Change. [ Maps: L-4; Fig. 3.6 & Fig. 3.9] History: L-2 Kings & Kingdoms of the Early Medieval Period, L-3 The Delhi Sultanate, L-4 The Mughal Empire, [Maps: L-3 Fig. 3.6 – Pg. 20, L-4 Fig. 4.8 – Pg. 30, ] Civics: L-2 State Government -The Legislature,L-3 State Government- The Executive,L-7 Advertising. (Assessment – 10 marks) Inter- discplinary Project: cience Takes us Forward ( Submit by 15/07/2015) Under the guidance of your teacher prepare a file on any one of the following:i)Scientific instruments warn us of tsunamis, earthquakes & extreme weather conditions- give examples. ii)Science can help build earthquake & weather proof homes, buildings & shelters. . iii)Scientific Methods to collect, store & recycle water. (Assessment- 10 marks ) Pair Activity( Geography ): Chart ( L- 4 ) Students will collect information individually but assemble it with their partner in the class on a given date. Information must include diagrams and notes on any one of the following topics.) - How surface landforms change/ - Layers of the atmosphere ,/ - Winds. (Information should be gathered from CDs ,National Geographic, library, internet etc ) (Assessment- 10 marks ) Individual Activity: History & Geography -MCQs & Maps( All lessons). ( Assessment – 10 marks) Team Activity: Civics ( L-2) Presentation.( Do any one). - How the State and Central Governments are formed. -Each team picks their section ,key events & rulers of Mughal Rule in India and enacts it. Class Activity: Geography (L-5) Field Trip. Write a comprehensive report on a field trip to the Zoological Garden. ( Assessment – 10 Marks ) Notebooks: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test:06-07-2015. P-4 of Class VII Social Science- Format & Marks Distribution Unit Test: Other Assessments, Activities etc.: Summative Assessment ( SA1): 20 Marks 40 Marks 90 Marks Summative Assessment ( SA1) - ( 90 Marks) History (32 Marks) MCQs Short answer type questions(choice) Long answer type question( choice ) Map 1 x 7 = 7 marks 3 x 6 = 18 marks 4 x 1 = 4 marks 3 marks Civics (26Marks) MCQs Short answer type questions(choice ) Value based question Long answer type question (choice ) 1 x 7 = 7 marks 3 x 4 = 12 marks 3 X 1 = 3 marks 4 x 1 = 4 marks Geography (32 Marks ) MCQs Short answer type questions(choice ) Long answer type question (choice ) Map Total No. of questions 40 Total = 1 x 6 = 6 marks 3 x 6 = 18 marks 4 x 1 = 4 marks 4marks 90 marks Subject- I.T. [Unit Test- 20 + Practical Assessments &Activities etc-40+SA1 = 90] (SA1:Written -50 + Practical- 40 = 90) F.A.1&2 L-1Number System ( Addition & Subtraction),L-2 Windows-7, L-3 Formulas & Functions(Lab. Activity), L-4 Using Excel as Database, L-5 Advanced Features of Excel, L-11 The Virus. (Assessment – 10 marks) Interdiscplinary Project : Powerpoint Table –( submit by July 18th 2015) ‘ Science Takes Us Forward ‘. Create a table in Powerpoint on the contribution of IT to science & development-Along 3 lines: i)Scientific information ii) Transfer of scientific knowledge iii) Application of scientific knowledge to progress. ( Assessment – 5 marks ) Ongoing Activity: (L-1) Chart Paper Presentation. Write about binary & decimal conversion & binary addition & subtraction, using suitable examples . (Assessment – 10 Marks ) Activity :(L-3) Formulas & Functions Create a worksheet of: ‘ Expenses incurred on a school Trip to South India ’ under the following headings- S.No., Nature of Expense Price Quantity Total. -Find the total expenditure of the trip by using the formula. ( Assessment–5 marks ) Activity: Collage Make a collage of various antivirus softwares. ( Assessment -10 marks) Notebooks IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test: 27-07-2015. P-5 of Class VII I.T.- Format and Marks Distribution: Unit Test: Other Assessments / Practicals Summative Assessment ( SA1): Unit Test (20) 1. Fill ups: 1 x 3 = 3 marks 2. M.C.Qs: 1 x 5 = 5 marks 3. True / False: 1 x 3 = 3 marks 4. Questions and answers: 1 x 5 = 5 marks 5. Questions with long answers: 2 x 2 = 4 marks Summative Assessment ( SA1) (50 + 40 =90) 1. Fill ups: 1x 5= 2. MCQs 1 x 10 = 3. True / False: 1x 5= 20 Marks 40 marks 90 Marks 05 marks 10 marks 05 marks 4. 5. 6. One word answer type questions: Questions with one line answers: Questions with long answers: Practical = 1 x 10 = 10 marks 2x 6= 12 marks 4x 2= 08 marks 40 marks Subject- German (Unit Test- 20 + Other Assessments &Activities etc - 40 +SA1- 90 ) Class VII Term I For FA 1& 2 ‘Hallo Deutsch-7’ L-1 Was isst du in der Pause? L-2 Meine Schulsachen. L-3 Was gibt es im Fernsehen? L-4 Um wie viel Uhr stehst du auf ? . Grammatik : Verbs in the present tense,Seperable verbs, Verb: ,,es gibt” Personal Pronouns:Nominative & accusative, Prepositions of time : ,,um” , ,, am” Question words : ,,Wann ?”, ,, Wie lange ?”, ,, Wo?” , ,, Wohin ?” Activities: Additional texts ,e-mail,word puzzle,well known TV programmes, daily routine, weekly routine Songs: Keinen Apfel, bitte !, Hast du alles mit?, Was machst du um sieben Uhr? ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: Speaking Students will be assessed on the correct pronunciation of words and sentences from the text book.. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: Listening The students will listen to CDs in German and be assessed on their ability to understand them. They will be given worksheets to write their responses. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: Reading The students will be given passages to read to test their comprehension on a written Q & A paper. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity:Workbook A workbook will be done independently and then discussed. This work will be assessed . ( Assessment – 10 Marks ) Notebooks: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly, and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test : 03-08-2015 P-6 of Class VII Subject : Hindi Class – VII Term I Ad(/RvaizRk prI=a hetu pa#(yk[m 1. ih'dI pa#ýy puStk gu'jn - pa# 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 AOr 9 2. Vyakr, :v,R - ivC^wdú xBd Ev' pd me' A'trú pyaRyvacI xBdú AnekaqRk xBdú ivlom xBdú £psgRú p[Tyyú s'i/ú ivxez, tqa muhavre A>yas 3. p] ( AOpcairk p] ) 4. AnuC^ed A'k iv.ajn (%<@ - k) p[Xn s':ya ivzy A'k 1. Api#t gdýy'ax - 6 A'k 2. Api#t pdýy'ax - 6 A'k 12 A'k (%<@ - %) 3. k) v,R - ivC^wd - 3 A'k %) £psgR - 3 A'k g) p[Tyy - 3 A'k - 3 A'k %) pyaRyvacI xBd - 3 A'k g) AnekaqRk xBd - 3 A'k - 3 A'k - 3 A'k - 3 A'k - 3 A'k 4. k) ivlom xBd 5. k) s'i/ %) ivxwz, 6. k) xBd AOr pd me' A'tr %) muhavrw 30 A'k (%<@ - g) 7. pi#t pdýy'ax - 5 A'k 8. p[XnoTtr - 14 A'k 9. xBdaqR - 5 A'k 10. pi#t gdýy'ax - 5 A'k 11. puStkIy Vyakr, - 9 A'k 38 A'k (%<@ - `) 12. AOpcairk p] - 5 A'k 13. AnuC^wd - 5 A'k 10 A'k no$ - p[Tyek s] me' Ek saPtaihk prI=a (20 A'k) AOr car gitivi/ya\ (40 A'k) ho'gI - šn 60 A'ko' ka kul .ar 20 A'k hoga - p[qm s] kI prI=a ke 90 A'ko' ko 3 se iv.aijt krke 30 A'ko' ke ilye ilya jaEga Ef. E. I = 10 A'k Ef. E. II = 10 A'k Es. E. I = 30 A'k kul A'k = 50 A'k Ist Unit Test:18-05-2015. P-7 of Class VII Subject- Punjabi pwT – 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 ivAwkrx: lyK – grmI dI ru`q, myrw dyS Bwrq khwxI – kW qy lUMbVI ilMg dI pirBwSw Aqy Byd smwnArQk Sbd, ivroDI Sbd jurmwnw muAwPI leI mu`K AiDAwpk jI nMU bynqI p`qr[ Project Work: koeI 12 ivroDI Sbd ilK ky qsvIrW nwl sjwE[ Class VII Term I Ist Unit Test : 03-08-2015 Art & Craft: FA 1 &2 Art: Elements of Art, How to show light & dark shades, Flower composition(Oil Pastels),Sketching with an eraser. Craft: Key Chain, Basket. Moral Science: L-1 Classroom Management, L-2 Who am I ? F.A.1&2 L-3 My Family & My World, L-4,Self Esteem,L-5 Peer Pressure. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity : Skit Each section will stage a skit based on a Moral Sciencelesson in which the students will be assessed. Ist Unit Test:17-08-2015. General Knowledge: F.A.1&2 ‘ GK Ace ‘ L-1 Environment & Wildlife (Pgs 1-10), L-2 ‘Geography Corner ( pgs 11-17) ,( L-3 Health & Fitness(Pgs 18-24),L-4 Literature & Performing Arts(Pgs 26-34) Mixed Bag- Pgs. 84-91. Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity : GK (Oral ) An oral assessment will be conducted on whatever has been taught in the class. Ist Unit Test:10-08-2015. P-8 of Class VII Format (G.K., Moral Science ) Multiple Choice Questions: 5 marks Fill ups: 5 marks True / False: 5 marks One word answers: 10 marks Total = 25 marks Subject-PhysicalEducation: Health Education: Meaning and Nature of Health. Ecological Concept of Health, Inter-dependence of physical, mental, emotional and social dimensions of health, Factors & conditions influencing health.. Methods of Health Education. Importance of health; its meaning, purpose & principles. The role of media in Health Education. First Aid: First aid measures for cuts, wounds, sprains, strains, continuous bleeding, fractures, bites, stings, fainting, shock& burns. Principles of First Aid, Home Nursing and skills in dealing with specific situations. Physical Education: Track Events: 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters. Field Events: Shot Putt and Long Jump. Games and Sports: Cricket, Soft ball 1..History of games 2..Latest general game rules. 3.Specifications of the playing field & related sports equipment. 4.Important Events and Venues. 5.Sports personalities. 6.Proper sports gear and its importance. 7.Specific exercises;Warm-up and Conditioning. Recreational Activities: 1)Dodge ball. 2)Leg Cricket 3)Kho-Kho 4)Skipping Rope 5)Dribbling the ball . P.T. Exercises : 1) Free hand exercises 2) Callisthenic exercises Drill: (1) March past . P-9 of Class VII Unit Tests’ Schedule : Term -1 April-Sept 2015 Subject Maths Hindi Social Science Dates 11 – 05 – 2015 18– 05 – 2015 06 – 07– 2015 Class VII Term 1 Science English I.T. Punjabi/German G. K. M.Sc. 13 – 07– 2015 20 - 07 - 2015 27 – 07 –2015 03 – 08 –2015 10– 08 – 2015 17– 08 – 2015 Note: 1. Besides the Unit Tests , teachers may conduct class tests (oral or written) with prior intimation. 2. Each Unit Test will be of 20 marks and 40 marks will be for other class Assessments or Activities. The marks of the Unit Tests & Assessments/Activities will be assessed along with the Summative Assessment . Students will be awarded grades in all subjects. 3. In case the scheduled date of any Assessment/Activity happens to be a holiday, the Assessment will be conducted on the next working day. 4. No retest will be conducted for any student who misses a Unit Test whatever the reasons may be. However if a student misses any Unit Test on medical grounds , then he/she will be marked on the basis of the previous Unit test. 5. Any /all notebook / files /scrapbooks or project work in each subject should be submitted by the dates given by the concerned teachers, failing which, no marks will be awarded. 6. In case a student misses any class it is the parents’ responsibility to get the work completed. 7. The portion for the Unit Test will be given by the respective teacher well in time before the test. END MOUNT CARMEL SCHOOL, CHANDIGARH. Syllabus for the 1st Term- April to September, ( Session 2015 - 2016) Class VIII Subject: English ( Unit Test -20 +Other Assessments & Activities etc-40+ SA1- 90 ) F.A.1&2 English Channel Lit. Reader L-2 Golden Moments,L-4 A Hasty Judgement, L-5The Escape Plan. Write & illustrate L-2, 4 & 5 in your own words. Poems: L-1 Children of the Rainbow ,L-3 Lions & Ants & L-6 Ozymandias (Recitation). BBC Assignments: Adjectives, Determiners, Modals,Tenses ( all forms), Active and Passive. Pride and Prejudice: Chapters 1 to 24. Writing: Informal & Formal Letters, Diary Entry, Notices, Messages and Articles. (Assessment – 10 Marks ) Interdisciplinary Project – ‘ The Use & Misuse of Science ’(14 May 2015).. Debate:Speak on either:-‘The Uses of science ’ OR ‘The Misuses of Science’ with actual examples. ( Assessment – 10 Marks ) Activity : Writing Skills The students will be assessed on 1.: A Formal Letter to the SDO complaining about any one of the following: Either the garbage , the potholes, the loudspeaker menace or the cattle menace. 2.: 2 Newspaper articles. (Compulsory Assessment – 10 marks) Speaking & Listening: To be done in two parts: -The ‘Speaking’ test assesses the student’s ability to converse properly in English. -The ‘ Listening’ test assesses the student’s ability to answer questions after hearing a passage twice. ( Assessment – 10 Marks ) Activity : Presentation on any one of the following: :- Report an event on TV, :-Write about the achievements of any great personality, scientist, leader, explorer or artist and :- Why you admire him or her. : Civic Sense & loudspeakers, garbage, potholes & other disturbing things. : Debate: English without Grammar (Speak for or against the motion.) Students can pick a slip and accordingly either make a speech, or argue the points as in a debate. ( Assessment – 10 Marks ) Notebooks: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly, and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test:20-07-2015 . English- Format & Marks Distribution: Unit Test: (20 Marks) A.1. B.1. C.1. D.1. (Reading) An unseen Passage or a Poem (Writing) Based on the given syllabus (Grammar) Exercises based on the given syllabus (Litt. Reader) a) An extract with questions based on the given topic b) Short answer questions based on the given topic 05 Marks 05 Marks 05 Marks 05 Marks Summative Assessment (SA1): (90 Marks) Section-A Reading 20 Marks Q.1. Qs. 2 & 3 A passage of 10 marks. Passages will have Multiple Choice Questions carrying 5 + 5 = 10 marks. Section-B Writing Q.4. Q.5. Q.6. Q.7. 25 Marks Notice / Message / Diary Entry: Bio sketch / Data interpretation / Dialogue writing / Description Formal or informal extended task - Letter or Email: Extended tasks like Article, Speech, Report or Story: 4 marks 6 marks 7 marks 8 marks Section-C Grammar 20 Marks * This section will carry five questions of four marks each. * Out of five questions two questions (questions 8 & 9) carrying 4 marks each will have MCQs. * Gap filling * Sentence completion * Dialogue completion * Questions 10, 11, and 12 will be based on response supplied by students. * Sentence reordering *Editing *Omissions * Sentence transformation Section-D Literature 25 Marks Q.13. Q.14. A) An extract from Poetry with three M C Qs based on Reference to Context [ 3 marks] B) An extract from a short story with three reference to context questions [ 3 marks] C) An extract from a play with three reference to context questions [ 3 marks] Four out of five short answer type questions based on prose, poetry or plays of 2 marks each. The Questions will not test recall but inference and evaluation. [8 marks] Q.15. One out of two long answer type questions to assess personal response to the text/story: [8 marks] Subject: Maths (Unit Test-20 + Other Assessments & Activities etc-40 +SA1 - 90) Class VIII Term 1 F.A.1&2 Ch-1 Rational Numbers, Ch-2 Linear Equations in One Variable , Ch-3 Understanding Quadrilaterals, Ch-4 Practical Geometry, Ch-5 Data Handling, Ch-6 Square & Square Roots , Ch-9 Algebraic Expressions & Identities , Ch-10 Visualizing Solid Shapes, Ch-12 Exponents & Powers. ( Assessment-10Marks) Interdisciplinary Project:‘ The Use & Misuse of Science’( Submit by 18-7-2015). Each team will: Research an actual project which failed due to mismanagement of funds. -Work out the damages; ( to the environment, public or even result in a natural disaster.) ( Assessment – 10 marks) Activity: Presentation: Prepare a presentation on algebraic expressions & identities, using charts, models & PPTs ( Assessment – 10 marks) Activity: Crossword Puzzle ( Assessment – 10 marks) Group Activity: Each group will be given various projects to do & every child’s contribution to it will be assessed. -Prove that the sum of all the angles of a quadrilateral is 3600. Use the cutting & pasting method. - Verify that the sum of measures of exterior angles of any polygon is 3600 .(Paper cutting & pasting). - Carry out a survey in your class & collect the following data . How many students watch:- Science /News /History /Travel & Discovery TV Channels? Present the data in the form of a histogram. It should show whether they watch 1,2,3 or all the mentioned channels) -Verify Euler’s formula for cube, cuboid, pentagonal prism & pentagonal pyramid. ( Assessment – 10 marks) Activity: MCQs Tests Ls-5,12 & Mental Maths ( mixed operations). - These will be conducted regularly in class to enhance quick mental calculations. ( Assessment – 10 Marks ) Notebooks IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test:11-05-2015. P-2 of Class VIII Maths -Format and Marks Distribution: Unit Test: Other Assessments, Activities etc.: Summative Assessment(SA1): 20 Marks 40 marks 90 Marks Unit Test (20 Marks) Type 1) 2) No. M.C.Qs S.A. Type 5 5 Marks x x 1 3 Total 5 marks 15 marks SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT(SA1): -( 90 Marks ) No. of Qs. Marks for each Total Marks 1. M.C.Q. Type of Qs. 10 1 10 2. S.A. Type I 10 2 20 3. 4. S.A. Type II L.A. Type Total 12 6 38 3 4 36 24 90 Subject: Science:(Unit Test-20 +Other Assessments & Activities etc-40+ SA1-90) Class VIII Term 1F.A.1&2 Biology: L-1 Crop Production,L-2 Micro-organisms,L-7 Conservation of Plants & Animals, L-8 Cell – Structure. Chemistry: L-3 Synthetic Fibres, L-4 Metals & Non Metals,L-5 Coal & Petroleum. Physics: L-11 Force & pressure, L-12 Friction, L-14 Some Natural Phenomenon. ( Assessment – 10 Marks ) Interdisciplinary Project:‘The Use & Misuse of Science (Submit by 18-7- 2015) Illustrate the misuse of science in any of the following areas under the guidance of your teacher. -The use of harmful chemicals in industry (leather, packaging, paint, toys and textiles). -Injurious substances in the food & preservation industry -Harmful effects of crop fertilizers. ( Assessment – 10 Marks ) Activity : L-7 Conservation of Plants & Animals. Prepare & illustrate a detailed report of the bio –diversity of the flora & fauna in a nearby park.. ( Assessment – 10 Marks) Activity: L-2 Micro- organisms: -Observe the commercial of Yakult ( pro-biotic food) and -Collect information on the product.. ( Assessment – 10 Marks ) Physics- L-11 & 12 : Activity : Presentation Teams will make presentations using materials & slides to explain the above on the basis of their knowledge of - Force & pressure ( L-11) - Friction (L-12) - Demonstrate that change in the smoothness of a surface affects an objects movement. ( Assessment – 10 Marks ) Notebooks : IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test:13-07-2015. P-3 of Class VIII Science - Format and Marks Distribution: Class VIII Term 1 Unit Test : Other Assessments/ Activities etc.: Summative Assessment(SA1): 20 Marks 40 marks 90 Marks Unit Test: ( 20 Marks) Q.1. Q.2. Q.3. Q.4. Q.5. Fill in the blanks : 4 x ½ = 2 marks MCQs 4 x 1 = 4 marks Very short answer type questions: 3 x 1 = 3 marks Short answer type questions: 4 x 2 = 8 marks Long answer type question: 1 x 3 = 3 marks Note; Diagrams may also be given as questions. Summative Assessment(SA1): (90 Marks ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Very short answer type questions: 10Q. x 1 = 10 marks Short answer type questions (I) 9Q. x 2 = 18 marks Short answer type questions (II) 9Q. x 3 = 27 marks Long answer type questions 3Q. x 5 = 15 marks M.C.Q.(Activity performed in the class) 20Q. x 1= 20 marks Note: A diagram may be given as a question. Total= 90 marks Subject : I.T.[Unit Test-20+ Other Assessments & Project Work etc-40+SA1-90] ClassVIII Term 1 (SA1Written 50 + SA1 Practical-40 ) F.A.1&2 L-1 Networking Concepts, L-5 Adobe Photoshop (Practical), L-9 Understanding HTML, L-10 Using List & Creating a Table, L-11 Surfing the Internet. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Ongoing Activity: L-1 Charts/Models & Posters Each team will explain & demonstrate one of the following with aids( given above): i)What is meant by‘Computer Network & what are its uses ?’ ii)What sort of components are required to build a network? iii)What are; Hubs, Switches and Routers? iv)Differentiate peer to peer network with clients server network (Ref.P-12). ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Inter-Disciplinary Project: Misuse of IT( L-11) ( Present by July 18th 2015) Make a PPT presentation on -Cyber crime, Hacking, ATM hacking, Misuse of Social Network sites etc. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Lab. Activities: Ls-9&10- Understanding HTML. Create a web page on ‘ Sharing Cultures’---where you have to draft the language & invite people of different cultures to send interesting pictures and descriptions of their culture. (Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: L-11-Power Point Presentation- ‘Real Time Communication’ - Design a collage on ‘ Real Time Communication’ . - Describe how it affects various aspects of life. (P-127) (Assessment – 10 Marks ) Notebooks: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test:27-07-2015. P-4 Class VIII I.T. - Format & Marks Distribution: Unit Test: Other Assessments, Project Work etc.: Summative Assessment(SA1): 20 Marks 40 marks 90 Marks Unit Test: (20) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fill ups: M.C.Qs: True / False: One word answer type questions: One-line answer type questions: Long answer type questions: 1 x 3 = 3 marks 1 x 4 = 4 marks 1 x 2 = 2 marks 1 x 4 = 4 marks 1 x 3 = 3 marks 2 x 2 = 4 marks Summative Assessment(SA1): (90) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fill ups: MCQs True / False: One word answer type questions: 1 x 10 = One line answer type questions Long answer type questions 1 x 5 = 05 marks 1 x 10 = 10 marks 1 x 5 = 05 marks 10 marks 2 x 6 = 12 marks 4 x 2 = 08 marks Class VIII Term 1 Practical = 40 marks Social Science: (Unit Test -20 +Other Assessments & Activities etc-40+ SA1-90) Class VIII Term 1 F.A.1&2 History: L-2 L-2 Colonisation of India , L-3The Company’s Civil Administration & Revenue Policy(Class enactment.), L-5 The Revolt of 1857 (Team A will collect data & teach the class), Map : L-2 Regions under Lord Dalhousie, Extent of Colonised India L-3 Places where Ryotwari system was introduced – Mysore, Carnatic, Madras and Bombay, Places where Maharwari system was introduced – Bengal, U.P.,M.P. L-3 Pg. 35: Region directly affected by the Revolt of 1857. Civics : L-1The Indian Constitution, L-2 Understanding Secularism, L-3 Our Fundamental Rights & Duties, L-4 Parliamentary Government: The Union Legislature,L-5 Parliamentary Govt. & Union Executive. Geography: L-1 Resources, L-2 Land, Soil And Water Resources, L-3 Natural Vegetation And Wild Life. Disaster Management: L-1 Disaster Management. (Assessment – 10 Marks) Interdisciplinary Project – ‘ The Use & Misuse of Science ’. Blasting, digging & construction of dams, overbridges,metros, tunnels , skyscrapers & other construction work poses hazards for the neighboring areas. They severely alter the course of rivers, natural land contours and forestation. Illustrate & write about one major ‘man- made’ disaster that has been the result of drastic alteration of the natural balance without thorough safeguards against the possiblility of such disasters . (Assessment – 10 Marks) Activity: Map Work . Students will be assessed for excellent map work assignments from the chapters. P-5 of Class VIII Map Work: L-2, Pg. 9,L-3 Pg. 19:National Parks & Sanctuaries – Periyar, Kanha, Gir, Rangathittoo, Kolleru,Chilika, Sariska, Corbett, Dachigam, Sanjay Gandhi. (Assessment – 10 Marks) Activity : Fact Finding( L-4) Civics: Collect & paste pictures of 5 Union Ministers & write their portfolios. L-4 Parliamentary Government – The Union Legislature, (Assessment – 10 Marks) Activity : Research on Indigo ( L-3 & 5). - Is Indigo still grown in India? - How did the cultivation of this crop harm the Indian Peasants during the colonial period? - How is it useful today? (Assessment – 10 marks ) Team Activity : MCQs. The students will be given a MCQ tests which will be collectively assessed. (Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity : Notebooks IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test:06-07-2015. Social Science- Format and Marks Distribution: Unit Test : Assessments, Activities etc.: Summative Assessment(SA1): Class VIII Term 1 20 Marks 40 Marks 90 Marks Summative Assessment (SA1): ( 90 Marks) Unit No. & Subject Marks 1 Mark questions 4 Marks questions 1 1 Map questions 1 (3 marks) --- 5 4 3 Marks questions 5 4+ 1 value based 5 2 HISTORY CIVICS 27 25 5 6 GEOGRAPHY DISASTER MANAGEMENT TOTAL 28 10 1 1 (4 marks) ---- 90 20 17 4 2 Total 43 questions P-6 of Class VIII Subject- German (Unit Test- 20 + Other Assessments &Activities etc - 40 +SA1- 90 ) Class VIII Term I For FA 1& 2 ‘Hallo Deutsch-7’ L-1 Was isst du in der Pause? L-2 Meine Schulsachen. L-3 Was gibt es im Fernsehen? L-4 Um wie viel Uhr stehst du auf ? . Grammatik : Verbs in the present tense,Seperable verbs, Verb: ,,es gibt” Personal Pronouns:Nominative & accusative, Prepositions of time : ,,um” , ,, am” Question words : ,,Wann ?”, ,, Wie lange ?”, ,, Wo?” , ,, Wohin ?” Activities: Additional texts ,e-mail,word puzzle,well known TV programmes, daily routine, weekly routine Songs: Keinen Apfel, bitte !, Hast du alles mit?, Was machst du um sieben Uhr? ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: Speaking Students will be assessed on the correct pronunciation of words and sentences from the text book.. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: Listening The students will listen to CDs in German and be assessed on their ability to understand them. They will be given worksheets to write their responses. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: Reading The students will be given passages to read to test their comprehension on a written Q & A paper. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity: Workbook A workbook will be done independently and then discussed. This work will be assessed . ( Assessment – 10 Marks ) Notebooks: IMP.: All written work should be completed neatly, and submitted on time for proper assessment . Ist Unit Test : 03-08-2015 Subject- Punjabi: Class VIII Term I pwT pusqk – 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ivAwkrx: lyK – smyN dI kdr, bsMq ru`q p`qr – muh`ly dI sPweI qy mwVy rOSnI pRbMD bwry ngr ingm dy myAr nMU iSkwieq p`qr ilKo[ khwxI – s`cw im`qr bhuArQk Sbd, smwnwrQk Sbd, kwl dI pirBwSw qy Byd (kyvl audwhrx) Project Work: AwpxIAW jrUrI cIjW qy Awly duAwly nMU swP r`Kx leI qusIN kI – kI krdy ho? ds vwkW iv`c d`so[ Ist Unit Test : 03-08-2015 P-7 of Class VIII Subject : Hindi Ad(/RvaizRk prI=a hetu pa#(yk[m Class – VIII Term I 1. ih'dI pa#ýy puStk ‘gu'jn’ - pa# 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 AOr 9 2. Vyakr, pa#(y puStk :- v,R - ivC^wdú AnuSvarú Anunaiskú nuKtaú ‘r’ ka p[yogú £psgRú p[Tyyú ivlom xBdú pyaRyvacI xBdú AnwkaqIR xBdú vaKya'x ke ilE Ek xBdú s'i/ú smas AOr muhavre 3. AOpcairk p] 4. AnuC^ed 5. Api#t gd(ya'x Ev' pd(ya'x A'k iv.ajn (%<@ - k) vWkiLpk p[Xn p[Xn s':ya ivzy A'k 1. Api#t gdýy'ax - 6 A'k 2. Api#t pdýy'ax - 6 A'k 12 A'k (%<@ - %) 3. k) v,R - ivC^wd - 3 A'k %) AnuSvarú Anunaiskú nuKtaú ‘r’ ka p[yog - 3 A'k g) £psgR - 2 A'k `) p[Tyy - 2 A'k - 2 A'k %) pyaRyvacI xBd - 2 A'k g) AnwkaqRk xBd - 2 A'k - 2 A'k %) s'i/ - 2 A'k 6. k) smas - 2 A'k %) muhavrw - 3 A'k 4. k) ivlom xBd 5. k) vaKya'x ke ilE Ek xBd 25 A'k (%<@ - g) 7. pi#t pdýy'ax - 5 A'k 8. p[XnoTtr - 18 A'k 9. xBdaqR - 6 A'k 10. pi#t gdýy'ax - 5 A'k 11. puStkIy Vyakr, - 9 A'k 43 A'k (%<@ - `) 12. p] - 5 A'k 13. AnuC^wd - 5 A'k 10 A'k no$ - p[Tyek s] me' Ek saPtaihk prI=a (20 A'k) AOr car gitivi/ya\ (40 A'k) ho'gI - šn 60 A'ko' ka kul .ar 20 A'k hoga - p[qm s] kI prI=a ke 90 A'ko' ko 3 se iv.aijt krke 30 A'ko' ke ilye ilya jaEga - Ef. E. I = 10 A'k Ef. E. II = 10 A'k p[qm s] = 30 A'k kul A'k = 50 A'k Ist Unit Test:18-05-2015. P-8 of Class VIII Subject: Art and Craft: F.A.1&2 Art: Types of shading, Composition of a Bird (Pencil shading), What is perspective? How to use water colours, Still life (Water colour). Craft: Earring, Glass Painting. Moral Science: F.A.1&2 L- 1 Core Values, L-2, Ethics, L-3 Goals, L-4 The Person That You Are. (Assessment – 10 marks ) Activity : Skit The students’ understanding will be assessed through questions & a skit based on the lessons. Ist Unit Test:17-08-2015 General Knowledge: ‘GK Ace’ L-1 Geography Corner ( Pgs 1- 10), L-2 Biology Corner (Pgs 12-18), F.A.1&2 L-3 World of Sports( Pgs 19-29), World (Pgs 31-50) ,Mixed Bag :82-88. ( Assessment – 10 marks ) Ist Unit Test:10-08-2015 Activity : GK ( Oral Assessment on all the topics taught ). Format (G.K. & Moral Science): Multiple Choice Questions: Fill ups: True / False: One word answers: 5 marks 5 marks 5 marks 10 marks Total = 25 marks Physical Education: Class VIII Term 1 Health Education: Meaning & Nature of Health. Ecological Concept of Health. Inter-dependence of physical, mental, emotional and social dimensions of health . Factors & Conditions influencing health. Methods of Health Education, Importance of the meaning,purpose & principles of health education. The role of media in health education. 2. First Aid: First aid measures for cuts, wounds, sprains, strains, continuous bleeding, fractures, bites, stings, fainting, shocks & burns.Principles of First Aid/ Home Nursing & skills in specific situations. 3. Physical Education: A) Track Events: 100meters, 200meters, 400meters B) Field Events: Shot Putt and Long Jump C) Games and Sports: Cricket, Soft ball. 1.History of games. 2.Latest general rules of the games. 3.Specifications of the playing field and related sports equipment. 4.Important Events and Venues. 5.Sports personalities. 6.Proper sports gear and its importance. 7.Specific warm-up and conditioning exercises. Recreational Activities: 1. Dodge ball 2)Leg Cricket 3) Kho-Kho 4) Skipping Rope 5) Dribbling the ball. P.T. Exercises: 1) Free hand exercises 2) Callisthenic exercises Drill: (1) March Past. Practicals : (1)100 & 200 meter races (2)Shuttle running (3) Long jump (4) Shot- Putt. P-9 of Class VIII Unit Tests’ Schedule : Term -1 April-Sept 2015 Subject Maths Hindi Social Science Science English I.T. Punjabi/German G. K. M.Sc. Dates 11 – 05 – 2015 18– 05 – 2015 06 – 07 – 2015 13 – 07 – 2015 20 -- 07 --2015 27 – 07 – 2015 03 – 08 – 2015 10 – 08 – 2015 17 – 08– 2015 Class VIII Term 1 Note: 1. Besides the Unit Tests , the teachers may conduct class tests (oral or written) with prior intimation. 2. Each Unit Test will be of 20 marks and 40 marks will be for other class Assessments or Activities. The marks of the Unit Tests & Assessments/Activities will be assessed along with the Summative Assessment . Students will be awarded grades in all subjects. 3. In case the scheduled date of any Assessment/Activity happens to be a holiday, the Assessment will be conducted on the next working day. 4. No retest will be conducted for any student who misses a Unit Test whatever the reasons may be. However if a student misses any Unit Test on medical grounds , then he/she will be marked on the basis of the previous tests. 5. Any /all notebook / files /scrapbooks or project work in each subject should be submitted by the dates given by the concerned teachers, failing which, no marks will be awarded. 6. In case a student misses any class it is the parents’ responsibility to get the work completed. 7. The portion for the Unit Test will be given by the respective teacher well in time before the test. End
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