April 2015 [Edition 2, Volume 1] The Mounted Archery Association of the Americas 2014 RMA INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION Grand Champion Lukas Novotny 267.6 Second Place Darran Wardle 223.42 Third Place Roberta Beene 184.56 Top Junior Samantha Edgar Top Senior Diana Troyk Zombie Team Shoot First Place Boem Parks & Lisa Badger Second Place Doren Claire & Hiroko Sakamoto Third Place Danna Pfaff & Lukas Novotny More scoring available at www.mountedarchery.org The Zombie Apocalypse Proves No Match for Mounted Archers in Southern Oregon Another crisis averted by mounted archers in the U.S.A. The Zombie Apocalypse was the title of the Team Shoot at the 2014 RMA International Horseback Archery Competition held in Eagle Point, Oregon last year. It was loads of fun as mounted archery clubs came together from all over the country to share the love of the sport and to compete with some of the best horseback archers around. Mounted archery lends itself to an environment of excitement and joy. With 36 shooters and 26 horses on site there was a constant hum of activity and laughter. The shooters were mainly made up of representatives from MA3 clubs in the US and several international shooters as well. Our friends Hiyasuka Tanaka, Mr. Fuita, Jun Taketni and Hiroko Sakamoto from Japan, Massae Hayakawa from Brazil and Boem Parks and Grand Master Kim from Korea, all came out to share in the camaraderie and games. It was a great experience and we look forward to next year being even better! See events section for more information on the 2015 RMA International The New and Improved MA3 Ranking System MA3 is proud to introduce our updated ranking program. Based on feedback from MA3 associated clubs, members and the BOD, we have decided to make a few changes to in an effort to make ranking more effective and efficient. We have dropped the ranking courses to only include the Korean Style 1-2-3, the Hungarian Style and the Qabaq. In an effort to make ranking more affordable, we have also dropped the prices to $5 a sheet. Number of sheets needed Ranking level. Number of points needed. The three official ranking courses are: 1-2-3 Korean Style, 90m (Student and HA Levels) Hungarian Style, 90m with Poles (HA Levels) Qabaq 90m (HA3 and above) The following are the steps you will need to take to rank. • Set up your course or courses. Detailed course descriptions are available along with the ranking sheets at www.mountedarchery.org. • To print out your ranking sheets, click on “Ranking”, then go to “Ranking Sheets” and print (control “P”). • Set up timers or have a someone time you with a stopwatch (best to have two members time and use the average). • For the Korean Style 1-2-3, run two runs of the single, two runs of the double and two runs of the triple, in that order. You must have a hit on target to gain a time bonus. (Time bonuses are only awarded on the HA levels). If you hit all three targets you will be awarded a bonus of 3 points. • For the Hungarian, set up your poles and run the course six times. You must shoot at least three arrows in the direction of the target and have a hit on target to gain a time bonus. • Score your targets. • Check the ranking table to see where you placed. • Send completed score sheets along with your $5 per sheet ranking fee (checks or money orders only, made payable to MA3) to: Beesh Frischman 7110 Rapp Ln. Talent, OR 97540 Email: beeshball@hotmail.com More information is available on the website at www.mountedarchery.org. If you have any questions, please contact Roberta Beene at 541-826-8232 or ma3board@gmail.com. MA3 Member Spotlight Hayley Solinski MA3 Member Spotlight Interview of Hayley Solinski by Joey Ogburn Where did you see mounted archery for the first time? “I went in a trail ride with Joey Ogburn and we stopped by the Desert Warriors archery course so she could show me.” What do you think is more challenging to learn, working with the horse or shooting?“I think shooting is more challenging. I have owned my horse just over two years and we have a great partnership.” What has mounted archery done for you personally? “Mounted archery has improved my hand and eye coordination and definitely improved my bond with Snoopy.” Where would you like to see yourself as a mounted archer in a year? “My goal is to compete in at least one competition. I hope to participate in the postal matches and ranking.” What can MA3 do to help you along? “Educate me more about Archery. It would be amazing if there was a scholarship program. I also plan on starting a mounted archery club at my school with Diana and Joey's assistance, as a high school senior this could add to my college application.” Upcoming MA3 Events RMA Horseback Archery Competition and Games June 19-21, 2015 Rogue Mounted Archers Facility Eagle Point, Oregon www.roguemountedarchers.com 2015 MA3 Winter Postal Match Darran Wardle Roberta Beene Greg Ogburn Diana Troyk Beesh Frischman Serena Lynn Joey Ogburn Cameron Momtaz Skylar Anderson Kyle Durrant Brie Conner Hilary Merrill BJ Smith Danna Pfaff Bird Agguire Written and Edited by Roberta Beene 64.64 58.82 56.21 54.51 47.32 40.10 38.67 34.03 17.53 16.00 15.51 14.83 9.53 1.33 0 Photos by Carla Resh Katie Stearns Clinic The Broken Arrow Mounted Archers June 5-7, 2015 Beginner June 12-14, 2015 Intermediate Arlington, Washington www.mountedarchery.net Mihia Cozmei Clinic Cascade International Mounted Archery Center June 23-27, 2015 Bend, Oregon www.cascademountedarchery.com Lukas Novotny Beginner Clinic Magna-force Mounted Archery Club June 26-28, 2015 Buchanan, Georgia debraredman@gmail.com
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