28 APRIL 2015 Our Rotary activity this week was providing support to Access Street Vans, feeding the homeless at their headquarters in Mansfield. Geoff, John, Bob Atherton and Sue were there to assist on Sunday at lunchtime. We set tables, dished out the two course meal (beef, vegetables and gravy, followed by apples and ice-cream with iced tea), helped clear up and generally chatted with the folks present. Pastor Russell and his helpers managed the cooking—nearly all the food is donated and they do a great job with what they have. PRESIDENT’S PATTER Welcome to the Best Rotary Club in Australia A quiet week with no meeting but we have been working. I hope that Sunday’s project went well. I was unable to attend due to a clash of Rotary projects. Our Club has been invited to RC Toowong (Annie’s club) and we are arranging a visit for Wed May 27. Will keep you informed. Have a great week Pres. Jim Jim’s jokes Politicians make the best patients. There’s no guts, no heart, no spine, and the head and butt are interchangeable. If I die first Now that they are retired Mum and Dad were discussing all aspects of their future. “What will you do if I die first” Dad asks Mum. After some thought Mum said she would probably look for a house sharing situation with three single or widowed women who might be a bit younger than herself since she is so active for her age.” Mum said to Dad “What will you do if I die first?” Dad thought for a moment and replied “Probably the same thing” Page 1 Roster of Club activities Date Activity Who is responsible Regular meeting at Sports Club – Youth Night, Geoff B exchange student presentations Chairman: Gerry MAY 5 May Duty officers: Col, Russell Fellowship: Dave 5 May Board meeting following Club meeting 7 May Bunnings Family Night - Mother's Day Graeme S 16 May Bunnings regular weekend BBQ Graeme S 17 May District assembly Jim D 27 May Joint meeting with Rotary Club of Toowong—details to come Jim D *Update* 30-31 May Red Shield Appeal JUNE 2 June Regular meeting at Sports Club Jim D, Col L Chairman: Rob A Duty officers: Sue, Graeme Fellowship: Bruce Col L 12 June St Luke’s Theatre night – Murder on the Nile 16 June Networking event—Rotary donation to Rotary Health mental health—TO BE CONFIRMED Geoff B, Gayle H 21 June Mt Gravatt Challenge Tony S 28 June Bunnings regular weekend BBQ Graeme S 30 June Changeover—Venue: Parliament House, more details to come (visit hosted by Ian Walker, Member for Mansfield and Shadow Attorney-General Shadow Minister for Justice, Industrial Relations and the Arts ) Geoff B, Sue W Page 2 We are looking for a Club member to help coordinate our support for the 2015 Red Shield Appeal—we will likely participate in collecting at Garden City in mid-late May so we need someone to be the Club contact person and to arrange the roster. If you can help, contact Sue— 3394 2195 or 0411 205242 More photos from Sunday’s work with Access Street vans News from Jessica Ballard, our exchange student in Belgium: “So honoured to have been chosen to represent Australia and Rotary at the Flanders fields service in Tyne Cot and to meet Julie Bishop and sip champagne happily knowing that my countries, both of them, are safe thanks to the sacrifices made by too many brave young Australian men, even being so far away from home I truly felt what it meant to be an Australian.” Over the past few weeks, Jessica has visited Paris, Spain and the Netherlands coast. Page 3 Message from Graeme: Hi Everyone, Thank-you to the volunteers so far for the Bunnings Mothers’ Day family night:Bob B Col Peter McE Sue Tony (if required) Graeme A couple of extras would certainly be appreciated. As I will not be at our Rotary meeting on Tuesday, (Ken and I are doing a BBQ for Bunnings Staff during Stocktake), please advise by email jangraeme1@bigpond.com or phone 3343 1697 (H) or 0437 016979if you are able to assist. A message from Gary C.K. Huang RI President, 2014-15 on 27 April 2015 Rotary members worldwide stand together in expressing a profound sadness at the devastation resulting from this weekend’s deadly earthquake in Nepal. As we mourn the thousands of lives lost, Rotary joins other international agencies in providing immediate relief to survivors and mobilizing our expertise to support long-term recovery and rebuilding efforts throughout the country. Please consider supporting Rotary’s partner, ShelterBox. A donation of approximately $1,000 will allow ShelterBox to deliver emergency shelter and other lifesaving equipment to a family that has lost everything following a disaster. Visit www.shelterbox.org. Rotary is a global network of more than 1.2 million volunteer leaders dedicated to tackling the world’s most pressing humanitarian challenges. Our clubs carry out an array of initiatives, including disaster relief, water and sanitation projects, medical missions, disease eradication efforts, education and literacy programs, peace efforts, and local economic development campaigns. ShelterBox has been able to provide tents to four hospitals in Kathmandu creating safe, covered spaces where patients can be treated in privacy. They will be used for carrying out minor operations, changing dressings and as mobile health clinics too. Phil Duloy, ShelterBox response team member, said: 'Most hospitals in Kathmandu have just been condemned, so we are immediately distributing our pre-positioned stocks in the city to give a space for the medical staff to treat the patients who have been evacuated in the hospital grounds.' ShelterBox is also sending further aid to Nepal, starting with an initial 500 shelter kits, which can be used to mend structures and create temporary shelters. However, prepositioned stocks of equipment in the country meant that the response team was able to start helping people whose lives have been shattered by the earthquake as soon as they arrived in the country. Local Rotarians will be further assisting ShelterBox by acting as consignee for the shelter kits, helping to import the aid into the country and take responsibility for it as it goes through customs. Page 4 Page 5 The Rotary Club of Mt Gravatt Challenge 2014 We acknowledge the following sponsors and supporters that made the Challenge an outstanding success. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS Gold Sponsors ($1,500+) BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL Wishart Ward Cr Krista Adams 07 3403 7791 wishart.ward@ecn.net.au www.kristaadams.com.au Ground floor 2072 Logan Road Upper Mt Gravatt Qld 4122 METROPOLITAN FUNERALS Toni Boydston 07 3349 9211 info@metropolitanfunerals.com.au www.metropolitanfunerals.com.au 204 Newnham Rd Mt Gravatt Page 6 Silver Sponsors ($1,000+) Page 7 Bronze Sponsors ($500+) Paraplegic Benefit Fund Because We Care! Telephone 07 3423 3966 Mobile 0407 670 892 Page 8
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