March/April 2015 ILL. POTENTATE PAUL MOSHER, LADY TERRY and SONS ROY & CARL Divan Officers 2015 Potentate…….…......Paul C. Mosher, 1116 Simpson Hill Rd., Sutton, VT 05867 Chief Rabban…....…Kenneth G. Canning, Jr., P.O.Box 695, Montpelier, VT 05601 Assistant Rabban.…Pierre Letourneau, P.O. Box 811, Enosburg Falls, VT 05450 High Priest.…..….… Donald Karlovich, P. O. Box 104, North Troy, VT 05859 Oriental Guide....…..Michael A. Bamforth, 24 Main St., Springfield, VT 05156 Treasurer……...…...Michael P. Luurtsema, P.P., 96 Chester Rd., Springfield, VT 05156 Recorder……..….…Mike G. Gunn, 83 Fairgrounds Rd., Springfield, VT 05150 APPOINTED OFFICERS 1st Ceremonial…....John Anderson, 110 Folsom Rd., Marshfield, VT 05658 2nd Ceremonial..….Dexter L. Rowe, P.O. Box 3, Northfield Falls, VT 05654 Marshal……….…...Gary Luman, 1626 VT Route 10, Chester, VT 05143 Captain of Guard... Harold K. Rock, P.O. Box 470, Charlestown, NH 03603 Outer Guard……... Adam Johnson, 81 Creek Rd., Irasburg, VT 05845 Shrine Chaplain…..Robert L. Coon, 560 Hathaway Point Road, Saint Albans, VT 05478 Julie Stark, 288 Gallison Hill Rd., Montpelier, VT 05602 Mon., Wed. & Fri. 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Published by Mount Sinai Shriners No. 3 288 Gallison Hill Rd., Montpelier, VT 05602-8352 Tel: (802) 223-7661 Fax: (802) 223-3379 e-mail: Website: 802-473-0132 802-373-1806 802-933-9427 802-988-4089 802-356-4818 802-885-2787 802-886-1099 802-426-4444 802-279-5153 802-875-3542 603-504-2401 802-754-8417 802-524-4233 802-223-7661 POTENTATE'S Message Nobles of Mount Sinai, Thank you again for the honor of electing me to serve as your Potentate for 2015, Lady Terry and I have already represented Mt. Sinai at several functions and are looking forward to the rest of the year. Mt. Sinai faces several challenges this year, first among them is the continuation of the Shrine Maple Sugar Bowl football game. The Board of Governors has moved forward with the game after the withdrawal of Bektash Shriners, the game will be held at Castleton State College on August 1st. Your support and participation will be key to making the game a success this year. Mt. Sinai has two positions open on the Board of Governors, one full and one associate, anyone interested please contact me right away at or 802-473-0132. Also coming soon is the move of our office to Granite Lodge in Berre, we hope to accomplish this by May 1st. I am looking forward to meeting with as many units as possible this year, we'd like your meeting minutes at the Recorders office so we can know about issues we can help with and any interesting items to distribute to the Turban Times. Please notify me, the Recorder or any Divan member of any death, illness or destress of any Noble or family member. We should be doing a better job of reaching out to the Mt. Sinai family, we cannot do this if we are not informed. The Spring Ceremonial is coming soon, April 18th. Hopefully we have some candidates to obligate in addition to discussing business. A good turnout always makes a Ceremonial better, please attend if you can. Lunch is served following the first section of the meeting. Mt. Sinai and Cairo Shriners are having a joint visitation on May 1st and 2nd, details are in this issue. Hope to see many of you there. Divan meetings are the second Tuesday of every month, except for months having a stated meeting (April, October and December). Meal is at 6:00, meeting starts promptly at 6:30, all are welcome. Again, we are looking forward to an interesting and fun year. Please feel free to contact me about anything. Paul Mosher Illustrious Potentate 2015 Mt. Sinai Shriners Scholarship Application To qualify, an applicant must be the child, grandchild, nephew or niece of a member of Mt. Sinai Shriners in good standing. An applicant must be a full time student, having graduated or graduating from an accredited secondary education system and proceeding directly into a post-secondary education at an accredited college or university. Pursuing an education in any medical field is preferable, but not mandatory. The scholarship will be awarded without regard to race, gender, religion, age, or handicap at the discretion of the Scholarship Selection Committee at its spring meeting. For an application contact: Mt. Sinai #3 at 1802-223-7661, E-mail or Mt. Sinai #3, 288 Gallison Hill Rd., Montpelier, VT 05602. (Mt. Sinai's office is open Monday, Wednesday or Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm). Cairo and Mt. Sinai Shriners Potentates Reception May 1 and 2, 2015 – Hampton Inn, Colchester, Vermont Name:________________________ Lady:______________________________ Telephone: ( )_______________Shrine Center:_______________________ E-mail: ________________________ •Friday, May 01, 2015 ____________ I/we will arrive on Friday, I will reserve my suite at The Hampton Inn at the cost of $179.00. Reservations to be made with The Hampton Inn directly by calling (802) 318-9039. ______I/we will attend the Friday evening Buffet. Cost for the evening is $40.00 per person. Attire is informal, Cash bar. • Saturday, May 02, 2015 ____________ I/we will arrive on Saturday, I will reserve my suite at The Hampton Inn at the cost of $179.00. Reservations to be made with The Hampton Inn directly by calling (802) 318-9039. ______ Number of Nobles and ladies attending the Potentates Banquet and Dance at the cost of $40.00 per person. Choices are Grilled Rib or Asparagus and Provolone Chicken or Pasta Vera (Vegetarian) (Please indicate choice(s)_______________________. Total Due:_____________________ Please list any special needs or requirements: ______________________________ Please RSVP by April 9, 2015. Return this form and payment to: Ken Canning, P.O.Box 695, Montpelier, VT 05601 Make check payable to Mt. Sinai #3 Dear Nobles, I would like to bring your attention to the Joint Visitation mentioned in the Potentates message. Although called the Potentate's Reception, it is not just for the Divan: it is truly a fun event for all Nobles and their Ladies' It is a great opportunity for you to meet the Potentate, his Lady, your Temple leadership team and fellow Nobles from Mt. Sinai, Cairo and the region. I have attended several Potentate's Receptions throughout the Northeast Shrine Association (NSA) and have been impressed by the turnout of the nobility of the various temples; it really is the pinnacle event of the year for the nobility and greatly enjoyed by all who attend. This year, as we have been doing for the past few years, is a joint visitation with Cairo Shriners. It is a great time for ALL Vermont Shriners, and their Ladies, to gather in fellowship and cheer. In addition, there will be many Nobles visiting from all over New England and Canada. What a fantastic opportunity to meet Nobles and Ladies from different Temples and parade units. There will be free time on Saturday to explore the greater Burlington area and then gather for a banquet and dancing Saturday night. Friday night is a more casual atmosphere and equally as fun! Also save the date for the NSA Field days which will be hosted by Kora Temple in Lewiston, Maine on September 17 - 20, 2015. This has always been an extraordinarily enjoyable event every year, you don't want to miss it! And one more date to keep in mind - The Shrine Maple Sugar Bowl will be held on Saturday, August 1, 2015 in Castelson, VT. So clear your schedules and mark your calendars to join us in Colchester on May 1 and 2nd! YIF - Ken Canning, Chief Rabban MT. SINAI SHRINER'S RED SOX TICKETS RAFFLE FIVE CHANCES TO WIN TWO TICKETS Proceeds to benefit Mt. Sinai Shrine Center Only. Ticket price is not deductible. Drawing TBD Five pair of tickets for the 2015 game. I wish to purchase _____ ticket(s) at NAME: ___________________________________________ $2.00 for (1) ADDRESS: ________________________________________ or CITY/TOWN:______________________________________ $10.00 for (6). STATE/ZIP: _______________________________________ Mail entries to: Bruce Pelletier TEL: _____________________________________________ 18 Laurie Avenue E-MAIL: __________________________________________ St. Albans, VT 05878 Make check payable to: Mt. Sinai #3 TURBAN TIMES BOOSTERS Fellow Shriners, We are looking for Shriners, Ladies, Shrine clubs or friends of the Shrine to sign up to have their name in Mt Sinai's Booster section of the Turban Times. For $10.00 you will have your name or club listed for the rest of 2015. Please see the information below and help support the Turban Times. 2015 Turban Times Boosters Listings Now available! The 2014 editions of the Turban Times will again offer the nobility the opportunity to participate in and support the Turban Times through purchase of Booster Page recognitions. “Mr. & Mrs. Joe Noble” “Unit Name” “Noble's Name” “noble & Special Friend's Name” Single line Column Entry will appear in all editions for the low price of $10.00. A great gift idea for families and friends. Unit Membership lists accepted @ $8.00 per line for the entire unit submission. Payment made to: Mt. Sinai #3 Forward your list and funds to: Mt. Sinai #3 P. O. Box 742 Montpelier, VT 05602 Turban Times Boosters 2015 Joyce Richardson Harry & Mickey Richard Mike & Gloria Gunn Robert & Kathleen Coon George & Judith Fuller Chester Chabot, Jr Mt. Sinai #3 Spring Ceremonial April 18, 2015 Boutwell Lodge Montpelier, VT 8:00 A.M. New Candidates Registration. 8:00 to 10:00 A.M. coffee & muffins in Lodge dining area. 9:30 A.M. Business Meeting (Nobles only). 10:30 A.M. Ceremonial (Ladies welcome to observe). 12:00P.M. Luncheon open to all Nobles and Ladies. Lunch courtesy of Mt. Sinai. 1:00 P.M. Return to meeting , if necessary. Please bring your Lady, a Candidate and his Lady and a Brother Noble with his Lady for a day of Fraternal fun. Reservation, for meal count, deadline is April 11, 2015. Contact: Ken Canning, P.O. Box 695, Montpelire, VT 05601 IN MEMORIAM 2014 Floyd E. McNally Arthur St. Onge, Sr. Enos A. Bertolini Stanley Grandfield Williamstown, VT Montgomery, VT Port Charlotte FL. Montpelier, VT Deceased: 01/29/2014 Born: 04/04/1937 Created: 10/20/2007 Deceased: 02/26/2014 Born: 04/23/1932 Created: 05/01/ 1982 Deceased: 06/10/2014 Born: 02/14/1926 Created: 05/17/1969 Deceased: 04/21/2014 Born: 07/21/1926 Created: 05/14/19 Russell A Reed Maynard R. Young Sterling W. Kenney Amory C. "Doc" Smith P.P St. Johnsbury, VT Newport Richey, FL Enosburg Falls, VT Louisville, KY Deceased: 04/24/2014 Born: 05/10/1920 Created: 05/05/1973 Deceased: 04/28/2014 Born: 08/23/1936 Created: 05/19/1984 Deceased: 06/01/2014 Born: 07/02/1931 Created: 05/19/1984 Herbert H. Hartford James D. Taylor Herbert L. Dodge Jr. Maurice A. Brown Auscutney, VT Shelburne, VT Ormond Beach, FL So. Burlington, VT Deceased: 06/10/2014 Born: 03/16/1928 Created: 10/04/1952 Deceased: 07/24/2014 Born: 07/10/1923 Created: 01/19/1974 Deceased: 03/28/2014 Born: 12/20/1926 Created: 05/13/1961 Deceased: 08/31/2014 Born: 08/29/1935 Created: 01/19/1980 Deceased: 04/15/2014 Born: 02/08/1917 Created: 05/16/1947 Dallas R. Boushey William P. Fraser Eugene F. Ellingwood Burlington, VT Barre, VT St. Johnsbury, VT Deceased: 07/06/2014 Born: 07/29/1919 Created: 00/01/1986 Deceased: 11/05/2014 Born: 05/21/1935 Created: 11/05/1973 Deceased: 03/05/2014 Born: 08/11/1923 Created: 05/08/1950 Elected Heads of Shrine Clubs Elected Heads of Units President – Ianis Shrine Club Mt. Sinai Cabiri President - Kristi Morris, 59 Coolidge Rd., Springfield, VT 05156 885-2949 Mount Sinai Patrol President – David P. Gulbrandsen, 230 Gould Road, Weathersfield, VT 05151 263-5818 Bruce Pelletier, 18 Laurie Ave., St. Albans, VT 05478 527-1139 President – Northern Vermont Shrine Club Gerald A. Morong, 76 Prospect Hill Rd., St Albans, VT 05478 524-6637 Mount Sinai Provost Guard Provost Marshall – James G. Murphy, 336 Union Street, Newport, VT 05855 334-5326 Mount Sinai Joes Boss Clown - Harold Rock, P.O. Box 470, Charlestown, NH, 03603 2401 603-504- Mount Sinai Motor Corps Corpmaster – David Baker, 11 Sunset Terr., St. Albans, VT 05478 524-9315 Mount Sinai Clown Jewels Boss Clown – Alan G. Clark Sr., P.O. Box 277, E. Barre, VT 05649 479-1938 Northeast Kingdom Fire Brigade Chief- Kenneth Johnson, 4714 Rt. 14 So. Irasburg VT 05845 754-8417 Mount Sinai Cycle Unit President – Dean L. Goulet, P.O. Box 450, South Royalton, VT 05068 291-0217 Mount Sinai Drama-Dairies President – Gerald A. Morong P.P., 76 Prospect Hill Rd, St. Albans, VT 05478 524-6637 Mount Sinai Mini Choppers President - Donald J. Karlovich, P.O. Box 104, North Troy, VT 05859 988-4089 NOTICE If you would like to receive your copy of the Turban Times (in color) via E-Mail please send an E-Mail to Harry Richard at with your E-Mail address. Also if you would like to continue to receive the Turban Times please send E-Mail changes to and address changes to Harry Richard P.P., 89 Woods Hill Rd., Swanton, VT 05488 Living Past Potentates Homer R. Fitts 1977 Frank C. Maynard 1980 Robert L Barker, Jr. 1984 C. Harry Behney 1986 Jack C. Bacon 1988 Homer D. Selby 1991 Donald E. Tessier 1992 Roy C. Vance 1994 Fred T. Wall 1995 Gerald A. Morong 1998 Winston W. Harper 1999 C. J. Murray 2000 Gary G. Centabar 2002 Michael A. Parent 2004 Robert M. Beattie 2005 Leo A. LaFlamme 2006 Michael P. Luurtsema 2007 Harry E. Richard 2008 Kristi C. Morris 2010 J. Patrick Sloan 2011 Shawn E. Kincaid 2012 Alton Willard 2013 Bruce Pelletier 2014 Ill.Winston Harper P.P presents Noble Rudolph Racine with his 50 Year Pin Assistant Rabban's message Greetings, well we've almost made it through anothermade it through another year of great achievements for Mt. Sinai #3. Special thank you goes to all that made it happen. We got to say good bye to Ill. Sir Bruce and Monica and welcom to Ill. Sir Paul and Terry Mosher. As you know we need to have everyone on board to bring Shriner's International, Mt Sinai #3to the top. The advancement of the new Divan have been installed for the ensuing year. We the Divan welcome you all to partake in our meetings and look at any ideas you may have in the awareness of our organization. Membership is one of the most important ways to grow. Do you have a game plan, schedule of events, member participation, equipment check-up, insurance update and have informed the Mt. Sinai Recorder's office of any changes? It is impottant that have good coverage and exposure in making that first impression. A report of each event would be a good thing for accountabily to the (Divan) office. Some important events coming up: Shrine Bingo in Essex, Spring Ceremonial April 18th, Mt Sinai Visitation May 1st, Annual Communication of Grand Lodge of VT F & AM and Shrine Maple Sugar Bowl August 1st. Any questions please call. On another note: The Office relocation is planned for May to the Barre Lodge. More to come. Also Shrine International (Tampa) is looking to raise the Per Capita assessment of each member to maintain the operation of the organization. More to come. I would like to thank Ill. Sir Leo LaFlamme and Mt. Sinai #3 for recognizing the time and effort that I have put into the organization. Thank you! My goal is to keep doing my best in represention Mt. Sinai #3. Pierre Letourneau BINGO SCHEDULE & Assigned Unit 2015 March 15 - Cabiri & Mini-Choppers May 3 - Sinai Joes June 7 - Motor Corps July 19 - Fire Brigade September 13 Cycle Unit & Northern VT Shrine Club October 4 - Cabiri & Mini-Choppers November 8 - Sinai Joes December 6 - Motor Corps NOTE:Anyone collecting can tabs “PLEASE” check them with a magnet for steel items as they will not take them when the buyer checks them with his magnet. Thank you NOTE:Anyone collecting can tabs “PLEASE” check them with a magnet for steel items as they will not take them when the buyer checks them with his magnet. Thank you
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