NEWSLETTER 14th MAY 2015 YEAR 1 NEWS FOMS (Friends of Mount Street) th We are looking forward to our trip to Whisby (Australia Class 19 May/ nd America & Italy Class 22 May). Thank you to everyone who has handed the letters back already. If you haven’t could you please hand these into your child’s class teacher or at the office as soon as possible please. Thank you for your continued support. YEAR 1 GOODIES st Please note Year 1 Goodies is now on Thursday 21 May, not Friday nd 22 May. Children receiving goodies certificates will be notified by the class teacher nearer the time. Thank you YEAR 2 NEWS This busy term is in full swing and the children are thoroughly enjoying the learning in our theme Come to Life, particularly about Rainforests which has inspired some incredible poetry. This week and next, we are using the film The Lorax to write about characters and settings as well as moving onto exploring the Eco-message within the film. We have now all done our Class Assemblies and are very proud of the hard work which has gone into practising and preparing for these. It brings such a smile to everyones faces seeing the children proudly sharing their learning with their families. Well done to all three classes and thank you for coming to watch them. Westgate Transition st All three year 2 classes will be going to Westgate next Thursday 21 May in the morning as part of our transition activities. We would be very grateful if any parents are able to accompany the children on this visit. We will leave school at 9:30am and return in time for lunch at 12pm. Please see class teachers ASAP if you can help! Thank you. Year 2 Production Our end of year performance is called Captain Cook Captures the World and is a brand new musical production specifically scripted and composed for our year 2 children by the talented Mrs Holland and Mrs Leggate. The children are very excited and are already beginning to learn the songs as well as audition for parts. The final performances for th parents and carers will be next term in the afternoons of Tuesday 14 th July and Wednesday 15 July. Tickets will go on sale nearer the time. MIRO CLASS Swimming Badges for Miro class will be presented to the children in the th Year 2 Goodies assembly on Friday 15 May. We look forward to seeing you there. MENUS Please may we remind parents that lunches are now supplied by Lincoln Carlton Academy and must be completed fortnightly by the date shown on them to secure a hot dinner for your child. Thank you for your cooperation Summer Fair We have started planning the Summer Fair, if you feel you can help us in anyway, please contact me. We will be collecting donations for raffle and tombola stalls and bottles of wine. FOMS DIARY DATES Saturday, 27th June - Summer Fair Friday, 17th July - Year 2 Prom If you feel you could spare some time to help us organise or help on the night at any of the above events, we would love to hear from you. Contact Helen on 07719537709 for more info. WHOLE SCHOOL NON UNIFORM DAY th Just a reminder that this Friday (15 May) is a whole school nonuniform day. Please send your child in with £1. Year 2 will also be selling homemade cookies on the playground at the end of the day. These have proved very popular this year, so bring extra pennies and make sure you stop at the Cookie Stall before they all sell out! SAINSBURY’S VOUCHERS Please may we remind parents we are collecting Sainsbury’s Vouchers for Active Kids. Thank you. HEADLICE It has been reported to school that there is an outbreak of head lice. Please may we ask you to check your child’s hair and treat if necessary. If you require any further information, please contact the school office or follow the link. ice/GeneralInformationHeadLice/ NURSERY PLACES st Is your child 3years old before 31 August 2015? We still have a few nursery places to offer for year 2015/2016. If you would like to apply for a place for your child please contact the school office in the first instance FANTASTIC 50 WONDERFUL 100 Abigail Spence – class Italy Nelson Baiju - class Italy WICKED 150 Hattie Minto Keira Cast – class Australia – class Kandinsky Peyton Middleton – class Australia TERRIFIC 200 Hayden Dickinson – class Kandinsky WEBSITE EMAIL DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Year 2 Goodies Friday 15th May 2015 Year 1 Goodies Thursday 21st May 2015 (NOT Friday 22nd May) Last day of Term 5 Friday 22nd May 2015 First day of Term 6 Monday 1st June 2015 Reception Goodies Friday 5th June 2015 SHARE & Golden Treats Friday 12th June 2015 Year 2 Goodies Friday 19th June 2015 Year 1 Goodies Friday 26th June 2015 Reception Goodies Friday 3rd July 2015 SHARE & Golden Treats Friday 10th July 2015 Year 2 Leavers Concert Tuesday 14th July 2015 Year 2 Leavers Concert Wednesday 15th July 2015 Year 2 Goodies Friday 17th July 2015 Last day of Term 6 Thursday 23rd July
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