Curriculum Vitae Martin P. Mourigal Office Address School of Physics Georgia Institute of Technology 837 State Street, Atlanta, GA 30332 Phone: +1 (404) 385 3145 Email: Web: Home Address 755 North Avenue NE Apt. #1526 Atlanta, GA 30306 Mobile: +1 (404) 747 4969 Personal Information Birth: Citizenship: October 03, 1984 in Limoges, France. French, H1B US Immigration Status. Employment 2015- Assistant Professor, School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA. 2011-2014 Postdoctoral Fellow, The Johns Hopkins University (JHU), Baltimore, USA, Advisor: Collin L. Broholm. Graduate Student, Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), Grenoble, France, Advisor: Mechthild Enderle. Graduate Student, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, Advisor: Henrik M. Rønnow. Master Student, Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique (CEA), Grenoble, France, Advisor: Mike E. Zhitomirsky. 2008-2011 2008-2011 2007-2008 Education 2006-2011 2004-2007 2002-2004 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, Ph.D., Physics, 2011. M.Sc., Physics, 2008. Ecole des Mines, Nancy, France, “Diplôme d’ingénieur civil” (M.S. Equivalent), Materials Science, 2007. Lycée Gay-Lussac, Limoges, France, “Classes Préparatoires” (Undergraduate Studies), Physics. Awards and Fellowships 2015 2011 2010 2008 Thank a Teacher Certificate (Student Government Association Award), Georgia Tech. Johns Hopkins–Princeton Institute for Quantum Matter Postdoctoral Fellowship (3.3 Years). Institut Laue-Langevin Directors’ Award (for best annual student presentation). Institut Laue-Langevin Graduate Student Fellowship (3.4 Years). Professional Activities and Service 2015-present 2015 2013-present 2012 2009-2010 CV, June 2, 2015 Member, Introductory Physics Task Force, School of Physics, Georgia Tech. Selection Committee, Young Scientist Prize of the Swiss Neutron Scattering Society. Referee for Nature Physics, Physical Review Letters and Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Visitor, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara (1 Month). Member, Graduate Students’ Board, Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble (1 Year). 1/5 Martin P. Mourigal Teaching and Mentoring Courses Taught Spring 2015 PHYS 2212 Students Supervised Xiaojian Bai Luwei Ge Geoffrey Laughon Michael Waterbury Postdocs Mentorred Joseph Paddison Introductory Physics II (Electricity & Magnetism) Instructor Evaluation: 4.8/5.0 (CIOS Question 21). 92 students Ph.D. student (Georgia Tech Physics), Spring 2015-Present. Ph.D. student (Georgia Tech Physics), Spring 2015-Present. Ph.D. student (Georgia Tech Physics), Spring 2015-Present; Undergraduate student (Georgia Tech Physics Major), Summer 2015-Present. Postdoctoral Fellow, 2015-Present. Publications Google Scholar Orcid Researcher ID Bibliometry Authorship Citations: 256 and h=8 (Google Scholar), 175 and h=7 (Web of Science). ♣ after item number indicates work done at or while at Georgia Tech. ‡ before name indicates Mourigal’s group member. Published and Accepted Journal Articles 13. Valentine, M., Koohpayeh, S. M., ‡Mourigal M., McQueen, T. M., Broholm, C.L., Drichko, N., Dutton, S., Cava, R. J., Birol, T., Das, H., and Fennie, C. J. (2015). Raman study of magnetic excitations and magneto-elastic coupling in SrCr2 O4 . Physical Review B 91, 144411. 12. Dalla Piazza, B., ‡Mourigal, M., Christensen, N. B., Nilsen, G. J., Tregenna-Piggott, P., Perring, T. G., Enderle, M., McMorrow, D. F., Ivanov, D. A., and Rønnow, H. M. (2015). Fractional excitations in the square-lattice quantum antiferromagnet. Nature Physics 11(1), 62-68. Selected for a News & Views in Nature Physics; Becca, F., and Sorella, S. (2015). Quantum magnets: Break it. Nature Physics 11, 8-9. 11. ‡Mourigal, M., Fuhrman, W. T., Sheckelton, J. P., Wartelle, A., Rodriguez-Rivera, J. A., Abernathy, D. L., McQueen, T. M. and Broholm, C. L. (2014). Molecular Quantum Magnetism in LiZn2 Mo3 O8 . Physical Review Letters, 112(2), 027202. 10. Koohpayeh, S. M., Wen, J. J., ‡Mourigal, M., Dutton, S. E., Cava, R. J., Broholm, C. L., and McQueen, T. M. (2013). Optical floating zone crystal growth and magnetic properties of MgCr2 O4 . Journal of Crystal Growth 384, 39-43. 9. ‡Mourigal, M., Fuhrman, W. T., Chernyshev, A. L., and Zhitomirsky, M. E. (2013). Dynamical structure factor of triangular lattice antiferromagnet. Physical Review B 88, 094407. 8. ‡Mourigal, M., Enderle, M., Klöpperpieper, A., Caux, J. S., Stunault, A., and Rønnow, H. M. (2013). Fractional spinon excitations in the quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain. Nature Physics 9(7), 435-441. CV, June 2, 2015 2/5 Martin P. Mourigal 7. ‡Mourigal, M., Enderle, M., Fåk, B., Kremer, R. K., Law, J. M., Schneidewind, A., Hiess, A. and Prokofiev, A. (2012). Evidence of a Bond-Nematic Phase in LiCuVO4 . Physical Review Letters 109(2), 027203. 6. Fuhrman, W. T., ‡Mourigal, M., Zhitomirsky, M. E., and Chernyshev, A. L. (2012). Dynamical structure factor of quasi-2D antiferromagnet in high fields. Physical Review B 85, 184405. 5. Dutton, S. E., Kumar, M., Mourigal, M., Soos, Z. G., Wen, J. J., Broholm, C. L., Andersen, N. H., Huang, Q., Zbiri, M., Toft-Petersen, R. and Cava, R. J. (2012). Quantum Spin Liquid in Frustrated One-Dimensional LiCuSbO4 . Physical Review Letters 108(18), 187206. 4. Schlappa, J., Wohlfeld, K., Zhou, K. J., ‡Mourigal, M., Haverkort, M. W., Strocov, V. N., Hozoi, L., Monney, C., Nishimoto, S., Singh, S., Revcolevschi, A., Caux, J. -S., Patthey, L., Rønnow, H. M., van den Brink, J., and Schmitt, T. (2012). Spin-orbital separation in the quasi-one-dimensional Mott insulator Sr2 CuO3 . Nature, 485(7396), 82-85. 3. Dalla Piazza, B., ‡Mourigal, M., Guarise, M., Berger, H., Schmitt, T., Grioni, M., and Rønnow, H. M. (2011). Unified quantitative model for magnetic and electronic spectra of the undoped cuprates. Physical Review B 85, 100508, Rapid. 2. ‡Mourigal, Enderle, M., Kremer, R. K., Law, J. M., and Fåk, B. (2011). Ferroelectricity from spin supercurrents in LiCuVO4 . Physical Review B 83, 100409, Rapid Comm., Editor’s Suggestion. 1. Mourigal, M., Zhitomirsky, M. E., and Chernyshev, A. L. (2010). Field-induced decay dynamics in square-lattice antiferromagnets. Physical Review B, 82(14), 144402. Submitted Journal Articles 2. ‡Mourigal, M., Wu, S., Stone, M. B., Neilson, J. R., Caron, J. M., McQueen, T. M., and Broholm, C. L. Block magnetic excitations in the orbitally-selective Mott insulator BaFe2 Se3 . Manuscript in Review at Physical Review Letters (second revision of manuscript submitted May 18, 2015). 1. Fry-Petit, A. M, Rebola, A. F., ‡Mourigal, M., Valentine, M., Drichko, N., Sheckelton, J. P., Fennie, C. J., and McQueen, T. M. Direct Assignment of Molecular Vibrations Through Normal Mode Analysis of the Neutron Dynamic Pair Distribution Function Technique. Manuscript in Review at Journal of Chemical Physics (submitted May 26, 2015). Dissertations 2. ‡Mourigal, M. (2011). Order and Dynamics of Model Quantum Antiferromagnets. Ph.D. Dissertation, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. 1. ‡Mourigal, M. (2008). Effect of Magnetic Field on Dynamics of Antiferromagnets. Master’s Thesis, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. CV, June 2, 2015 3/5 Martin P. Mourigal Oral Presentations Invited presentations at Conferences 7. ♣ Mourigal, M. (2015). Opportunities for Cold Neutrons on Quantum Materials: Bright, Focused, Extreme and Polarized. MANTA: A Next Generation Cold Triple Axis Spectrometer for the High Flux Isotope Reactor, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (US). May 19, 2015. 6. Mourigal, M. (2014). Frustrated magnetism with magnetic molecules. American Conference on Neutron Scattering, Knoxville (US). June 2, 2014. 5. Mourigal, M. (2014). Molecular quantum magnetism in LiZn2 Mo3 O8 . APS March Meeting, Denver (US). March 3, 2014. 4. Mourigal, M. (2013). Molecular quantum magnetism in LiZn2 Mo3 O8 . Mott Physics Beyond Heisenberg, Monte Veritá (CH). October 28, 2013. 3. Mourigal, M. (2013). Origin of ferroelectricity and exotic magnetism in frustrated LiCuVO4 . APS March Meeting, Baltimore (US). March 20, 2013. 2. Mourigal, M. (2013). Origin of ferroelectricity and exotic magnetism in frustrated LiCuVO4 . FLIPPER – International Workshop on Single-Crystal Diffraction with Polarised Neutrons, Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble (FR). January 25, 2013. 1. Mourigal, M. (2012). Neutron scattering from quantum and frustrated spin chains. SYNEMAG – International Workshop on Synchrotron and Neutron Applications of High Magnetic Fields, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble (FR). October 19, 2012. Invited presentations at Universities & Institutes 11. Mourigal, M. (2014). Interacting quasiparticles in quantum and frustrated magnets. School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta (US). March 13, 2014. 10. Mourigal, M. (2014). Interacting quasiparticles in quantum and frustrated magnets, Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (US). February 12, 2014. 9. Mourigal, M. (2014). Interacting quasiparticles in quantum and frustrated magnets, Department of Physics and Astronomy, SUNY Stony Brook (US). January 24, 2014. 8. Mourigal, M. (2013). Counting fractional excitations in quantum and frustrated spin chains, Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford University (UK). January 28, 2013. 7. Mourigal, M. (2013). Counting fractional magnetic excitations with neutrons, Department of Physics, Rice University, Houston (US). January 16, 2013. 6. Mourigal, M. (2012). Excitations fractionnaires et effet de la frustration dans les chaines de spins quantiques, Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, Saclay (FR). October 22, 2012. 5. Mourigal, M. (2012). Neutron Scattering Experiments for Quantum and Frustrated Spin Chain, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara (US). October 2, 2012. 4. Mourigal, M. (2011). Neutron scattering from frustrated quantum spin chains, Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (US). November 10, 2011. 3. Mourigal, M. (2011). Polarized neutron scattering from model spin-1/2 antiferromagnets, NIST Center for Neutron Research, Gaithersburg (US). February 8, 2011. 2. Mourigal, M. (2011). Polarized neutron scattering from model spin-1/2 antiferromagnets, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore (US). February 7, 2011). 1. Mourigal, M. (2010). Non-linear spin dynamics on the square-lattice: neutron scattering and theory, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen (DK). May 5, 2010. CV, June 2, 2015 4/5 Martin P. Mourigal Contributed presentations at Conferences 10. Mourigal, M. (2015). Effect of magnetic field on quasi-1D quantum magnets. US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship (UKC), Atlanta (US). July 31, 2015). 9. Mourigal, M. (2015). Block magnetic excitations in the orbitally selective Mott insulator BaFe2 Se3 , APS March Meeting, San Antonio (US). March 4, 2015. 8. Mourigal, M. (2015). Fractional excitations in the square-lattice quantum antiferromagnet. APS March Meeting, San Antonio (US). March 4, 2015. 7. Mourigal, M. (2014). Dynamical structure factor of the triangular-lattice antiferromagnet. APS March Meeting, Denver (US). March 3, 2014. 6. Mourigal, M. (2014). Fractional spinon excitations in the spin-chain material CuSO4 .5D2 O. APS March Meeting, Denver (US). March 4, 2014. 5. Mourigal, M. (2013). Spin dynamics of the triangular lattice antiferromagnet SrCr2 O4 . APS March Meeting, Baltimore (US). March 20, 2013. 4. Mourigal, M. (2012). Neutron scattering from frustrated ferromagnetic spin chains. Super-Pire Workshop, Bethesda (US). August 6, 2012. 3. Mourigal, M. (2012). Magnetic-field induced quadrupolar magnetic order in LiCuVO4 . Highly Frustrated Magnetism, McMaster University (CA). June 24, 2012. 2. Mourigal, M. (2012). Magnetic-field induced quadrupolar magnetic order in LiCuVO4 . Rencontres Rossat-Mignot, Seignosse (FR). May 22, 2012. 1. Mourigal, M. (2012). Quantum spin liquid in frustrated one dimensional LiCuSbO4 . APS March Meeting, Boston (US). February 29. 2012. CV, June 2, 2015 5/5 Martin P. Mourigal
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