MULTI PROFESSIONALS CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING SOCIETY ISLAMABAD mpchs APPLICATION FORM For Residential Plot / Membership The General Secretary Multi Professionals Cooperative Housing, Society, (MPCHS) Multi Mansion, G-8 Markaz, Islamabad. 30 x 60 35 x 70 40 x 80 50 x 90 MEMBERSHIP NO. Date. 60 x 90 80 x 110 Application for membership Transfer of plot/House in Scheme Dear Sir, I would like to become member of MPCHS .I have carefully read all conditions, obligations and responsibilities as printed overleaf. I under take to abide by all these conditions, obligations and responsibilities including those enforced from time to time by the Society in this respect under the Cooperative Societies Act, 1925 and Rules made there under. My particulars are: A) Full Name (in capital) Father's/ Husband's Name CNIC. No. Age Occupation Years Telephone Off./Res. Cell No. Email Mailing Address. Permanent Address B) Under Section 27 of the Co-operative Societies Act 1925, I nominate as next of Kin Name(in capital). Son of/ Wife of/ Daughter of Age Years. Relationship Address C) Crossed Pay Order/Demand Draft No. Amount Rs. Date Drawn on in favour of "Multi Professionals Cooperative Housing Society, Islamabad". (Signatures of Applicant) FOR SOCIETY'S USE ONLY Admitted as Member in accordance with the rules & regulations of the Society. General Secretary/ President TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ALLOTTMENT/TRANSFER OF PLOT The following terms and conditions shall apply on allotment of plot to a Member in the schemes of the Society. 1. In the case of allotment of plot through auction , surcharge on belated payments shall apply as shown in the brochure given at the time of auction or at the revised rates determined from time to time by MPCHS, whichever is higher. 2. Membership fee of Rs.10,000 shall be payable by the Member at the time of allotment in addition to annual fee of Rs.3, 000 subsequently. 3. Payment of cost of land and development charges, possession charges etc. shall be paid by the Member strictly in accordance with the prescribed schedule well in time. In case of belated payments in violation to the said schedule, the allot-tee shall have to pay the revised cost of plot applicable at that time along with 2% surcharge per month. In the case of continued default, the allotment of plot so made would be liable to cancelation by the Society. Such a decision of the Society would not be challengeable in any court of law. 4. One Kanal will be treated equal to 500 sq yards. 5. Society may determine additional dues not specifically mentioned in the allotment letter or in payment schedules. Such additional dues shall also be payable by the Member in accordance with the rules of the Society. 6. Additional payment of cost of plot shall also be payable in the following cases: a. 5 % in case of short corner residential plot; b. 10% in case of corner residential plot; c. 10% in case of residential plot on main boulevard; and d. 15% in case of main boulevard corner residential plot. 7. The following discount policy shall be in vogue on lump sum payment of the plot and shall be effective from the date of application submitted along with down payment. a. 20% if payment is made along with the application; b. 16% on balance amount if payment is made within 30 days from the down payment; c. 12% on balance amount if payment is made within 60 days from the down payment; d. 8% on balance amount if payment is made within 90 days from the down payment; and e. 4% on balance amount if payment is made within 120 days from the down payment. No discount would be available thereafter 8. In case Member decides to withdraw his membership or continues default in payments according to the prescribed schedule, the amount payable by him shall be refunded after deduction of 20% and also after 3 months prior notice. No interest whatsoever, shall be payable in such refund cases. 9. Out of the total plots, the Managing Committee shall be at its liberty to allot 10% plots according to its sole discretion. 10. Member shall abide by all rules and regulations of the Society as enforced from time to time in true letter and spirit. 11. Sale, Mortgage, Gift or Transfer of the plot/house is admissible only with the specific prior approval of the Society and on completion of all laid down procedural formalities as per rules of the Society. 12. All payments shall be in the name of "Multi Professionals Cooperative Housing Society, Islamabad" through Demand Draft/Pay order or any other acceptable instrument of a scheduled bank to protect the interests of its Members. It is also advisable to mention the name and membership number of the depositor on the back of such document. 13. The Society reserves its right to accept or reject any or all requests so received for allotment of plot without assigning any reason and can also change the number or size of the plot so allotted due to unforeseen reasons in its interest or the interest of its Members. The Society would also be fully authorized to cancel the membership or allotment of plot in case the Member is found working against the interests of the Society. 14. The number of plot shall be allotted to the Member only when entire payments are received strictly in accordance with the payment schedule. Society shall not be bound to allot number of plot to a Member who shall continue to default in payments. 15. Adjustment in the area of plot would be made depending upon the ground situation at the time of handing over physical possession. The cost shall be adjusted there after accordingly. 16. Applications duly filled in are to be submitted to MPCHS office Islamabad along with; a) Pay order/Demand Draft of the required value b) Copy of CNIC c). One passport size photograph DECLARATION: I have carefully read and under stood all the above mentioned terms and conditions and its meanings/interpretations both visible and implied and here by undertake to ipso facto abide by these rules in their true letter and spirit and shall accept the decision of the Managing Committee of MPCHS as final and binding Signatures of the Applicant CNIC/NICOP/POC.NO. Mother’s Name:
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