WORSHIP for the SECOND SUNDAY of EASTER APRIL 12, 2015 10:30 AM Grounded in the grace of God, we are a vibrant Christian community, disciples of all ages, gathered for worship and nurture, scattered to serve and to love. -MPC Mission Statement adopted by the Session March 31, 2008 Welcome to Morrisville Presbyterian Church CONTACT U S M O RR ISV ILLE P R ES B YT ER IA N C H UR CH 771 North Pennsylvania Ave. | Morrisville, PA 19067 215.295.4191 | Office@MPCusa.net WE WELCOME GUESTS AND VISITORS to our worship service today. If you are not a member, we invite you to consider membership with us. If you would like more information about how we can serve you, please speak to a pastor. CHURCH STAFF Bruce Ballantine ............................. BruceBallantine@MPCusa.net Interim Pastor & Head of Staff (extension 234) FRIENDSHIP PAD: During the Words of Welcome, please pass the Friendship Pad to the outside aisle and back again to the center. This allows worshipers to recognize people in their pew, and helps staff members identify those who may need attention. Deborah Heffernan .................... DebbieHeffernan@MPCusa.net Interim Associate Pastor (extension 225) Linda Seaman...................................... LindaSeaman@MPCusa.net Director of Older Adult Ministry (extension 232) The Chancel Flowers are offered today in honor of Nancy McHenry, cherished wife and much-loved mother, by her family in honor of the completely insignificant and should-have-been downplayed birthday she celebrated yesterday (her 50th). Wish her the best. The flowers are also offered in memory of Patricia Kish, mother of Joanne Pingor and grandmother of Jessica and Elizabeth. Steve McBride .................................... SteveMcBride@MPCusa.net Director of Music & Communications Coordinator Rich Drabb.............................................. RichDrabb@MPCusa.net Property Manager (extension 231) Laurie Jacobson .............................. LaurieJacobson@MPCusa.net Bookkeeper (extension 226) Elizabeth Scully........................................... LizScully@MPCusa.net USHERING AT TODAY’S SERVICE: Head Deacon Administrative Assistant (extension 0) Jim Gaston, Angela Horan, Jeff Fariday, Marilyn Schoenthaler, Lisa Zazzu, Karen Cooley, Tom Evans pastors on their mobile phones–Bruce Ballantine at and Jr. Deacons Emily Zazzu, Sarah Zazzu, and Cara 304-914-2108 and Debbie Heffernan at 267-3420089. Thank you for your assistance. Evans. HEARING ASSISTANCE DEVICES are available for TODAY’S ACOLYTE is Melanie Nolan. use anywhere in the sanctuary during worship. CHILDCARE FOR CHILDREN UP TO AGE 4 is pro- These pocket-sized receivers are available from vided in the Nursery/Pre-School room from Deacons in either Narthex and are to be returned 10:15–11:45 a.m.. Infants and toddlers are also wel- after the service. come in worship. Visitors, please feel free to worship with your children for as long as they are able. If he HYMNALS, BIBLES, & BULLETINS WITH LARGE or she gets wiggly and needs a stretch break, audio PRINT are available during worship each Sunday from the service is available in the chapel, until your morning from a Deacon in the Narthex. Please child is ready to return to the sanctuary for you to return the Hymnal and/or Bible after the service. continue to worship together. WORSHIP NOTE PASTORAL CARE REMINDER—Members of the * The asterisk indicates that those who are able, may please stand. staff truly want to be attentive when members or Please forward any announcements you would like included in friends of MPC are experiencing health the Bulletin by Tuesday of each week to Office@MPCusa.net difficulties. If you (or a family member) have been Articles for “Currents” are due by the 1st day of the admitted to a hospital, please let us know by contacting the church office, and one of the pastors preceding month. Send articles to Currents@MPCusa.net. will be pleased to visit. You may also reach the 2 Second Sunday of Easter G A T H E R I N G PRELUDE WORDS of WELCOME Pastor Heffernan INTROIT—Come, Let us Sing! (WAGNER) The Chancel Choir *CALL to WORSHIP One: By God’s great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope All: through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. One: Let us worship God. *HYMN 464—Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee Beth Curtiss HYMN TO JOY *PRAYER of CONFESSION—Unison Gracious God, our sins are too heavy to carry, too real to hide, and too deep to undo. Forgive what our lips tremble to name, what our hearts can no longer bear, and what has become for us a consuming fire of judgment. Set us free from a past that we cannot change; open to us a future in which we can be changed; and grant us grace to grow more and more in your likeness and image; through Jesus Christ, the light of the world. *SILENT PRAYERS of CONFESSION Here each worshiper may offer silent prayers of confession. *RESPONSE—Amen (DANISH) The Chancel Choir *PROMISE of FORGIVENESS One: The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting. I declare to you, in the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven. May the God of mercy, who forgives you all your sins, strengthen you in all goodness, and by the power of the Holy Spirit keep you in eternal life. All: Amen. *RESPONSE to GOD’S PARDON 567—Glory Be to the Father *THE PEACE One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And also with you. 3 GLORIA PATRI One: Let us greet one another with the peace of Christ. As a sign of their reconciliation in Christ, the people share the peace of Christ, greeting one another with these or similar words: “The peace of Christ be with you,” “Peace be with you,” or simply, “Peace.” L I T U R GY of the W OR D PRAYER for ILLUMINATION EPISTLE READING—1 John 1: 1–2:2 One: This is the Word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God. (New Testament, page 224) ANTHEM—Alleluia (THOMPSON) The Chancel Choir TIME for YOUNG DISCIPLES Children in grades K-2 may leave for Cherub Choir in Room 104. GOSPEL READING—John 20: 19–31 One: This is the Gospel of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God. SERMON (New Testament, page 108–109) The Thing About Thomas *HYMN 399—We Walk by Faith and Not by Sight Pastor Ballantine DUNLAP’S CREEK PRAYERS of THANKSGIVING and SUPPLICATION THE LORD’S PRAYER (debts and debtors) OFFERING Invitation to Give Presentation of Gifts Offertory Anthem—I’ll Walk With God (BRODSZKY) Shannon McHenry I’ll walk with God from this day on, his helping hand I’ll lean upon, this is my prayer, my humble plea, may the Lord be ever with me. There is no death, though eyes grow dim, there is no fear when I’m near to him. I’ll lean on him forever and he’ll forsake me never. He will not fail me as long as my faith is strong, whatever road I may walk along. *Doxology—Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow (OLD HUNDREDTH) S E N D I N G *HYMN 113—Christ the Lord Is Risen Today! LLANFAIR 4 *CHARGE and BLESSING *CHORAL BENEDICTION—The Lord Bless You and Keep You (RUTTER) *POSTLUDE 5 The Chancel Choir Worship Notes & Announcements CONGREGATIONAL MEETING TODAY There will be a meeting of the congregation immediately following the worship service today for the purpose of electing Elders, Deacons, Trustees and members of the Congregational Nominating Committee. All active members of the congregation are encouraged to attend. No other business will be conducted at this meeting. THE VILLAGE The Village, formerly Presbyterian Children’s Village, invites you to join us to celebrate our Founders’ Day Brunch on Saturday, April 18, 2015 at the Radnor Hotel 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Cost: $25.00. Register by March 31 by calling Betty Wu at 610-519-1615 or rsvp@village1877.org. 3RD ANNUAL BOY SCOUT SPAGHETTI DINNER Come enjoy homemade spaghetti sauce with pasta, meatballs, salad, Italian bread, beverages and dessert on Saturday April 25 at 5:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. seatings in MPC Fellowship Hall. Also there will be a 50/50 and silent auctions at every seating. Cost for the dinner is $6.00 (pre-sale) or $7.00 at the door. Children ages 2-8 years old are $5.00. For questions please contact troop3morrisville@outlook.com. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15TH IS BRING A FRIEND NIGHT AT YOUTH CLUB! All youth and their friends, in the 6th grade and higher are cordially invited to join MPC Youth Club. We will begin our night in Fellowship Hall at 6:00 p.m. with dinner and conclude our activities by 7:30 p.m. Any questions about Youth Club or to RSVP, please email Elizabeth Dugan at rdugan01@comcast.net or call 215.321.0971. WEEKDAY NURSERY SCHOOL The WDNS will be holding an open house on Tuesday April 28, 2015 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. for the 2015 -2016 school year. Enrollment is open to all. You can reach Joanie Layden at 215-356-3525 with any questions. BOOK GROUP MEETINGS The Narnia Group will discuss The Voyage of the Dawn Treader on Wednesday, April 22 in the MPC Lounge at 7:30 p.m. The Gilead Group will continue discussion of Marilynne Robinson's Lila at its next meeting on Tuesday, May 5 in the MPC Lounge at 7 p.m. Day-time meetings for Sue Monk Kidd's The Invention of Wings will begin early in May. Check the MPC website for updates. CLOTHING CENTER The last day for Clothing Center donations will be May 31. The Clothing Center’s last day of shopping will be on June 16. We will re-open on September 8. BONHOEFFER’S COST Invite your friends to attend a performance of Bonhoeffer’s Cost at the Olivet Presbyterian Church Theatre, 608 N. 22nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Performance dates are April 10, 11, 17, 18, 24 & 25 at 8 p.m. and April 12 and 19 at 2 p.m. You can get tickets at beacontheatreproductions.org. Find out more about Dietrich Bonhoeffer by going to http://www.pbs.org/bonhoeffer/timeline.html. Beacon Theatre is an outreach of the Presbyterian Church (USA). 6 MPC Weekly Calendar SUNDAY, April 12 8:30am Weekly Prayer Meeting Conference Room 9:00 Teen Choir Music Room 9:30 Education Conference Room 10:00 Chancel Choir Music Room 10:30 Worship Sanctuary 11:00 Cherub Choir Room 104 11:30 Congregational Meeting Sanctuary Nominating 11:30 Fellowship Time Lounge Deacons Host 11:45 Agape Choir Room 104 Noon Worship Committee Music Room 5:30 pm Deacon Event Fellowship Hall 7:00 Deacon Conference Room MONDAY, April 13 Noon Deborah Circle 7:00pm Boy Scout Troop 3 7:00 Cub Scouts 7:00 Food Packing 7:00 Rebecca Circle Lounge Fellowship Hall Room 220, 122, 210 Room 4 Lounge TUESDAY, April 14 10:00am Clothing Center Room 4 10:00 Food Center Set-up Fellowship Hall 3:00pm Staff Meeting Conference Room 6:00 Girl Scouts Room 122 7:30 Alcoholics Anonymous Room 220 WEDNESDAY, April 15 9:00am Food Center Noon Brown Bag and Bible 6:00pm Youth Club THURSDAY, April 16 10:00 Lower Makefield Women 11:00am Food Stocking Noon Alcoholics Anonymous 6:00pm God’s Thunder 6:30 Oakville Girl Scouts 7:00 Chancel Choir 8:30 Chancel Ringers Fellowship H. Room 4 Room 222 Chapel Room 220 Music Chapel FRIDAY, April 17 7:30pm Alcoholics Anonymous Room 122 SATURDAY, April 18 11:00am Zumba (Cancer Event) Fell. Hall SUNDAY, April 19 8:30am Weekly Prayer Meeting Conference Room 9:00 Teen Choir Music Room 9:30 Education Conference Room 10:00 Chancel Choir Music Room 10:30 Worship Sanctuary 11:00 Cherub Choir Room 104 11:30 Fellowship Time Lounge Presbyterian Women Host 11:35 Congregational Ministry Comm. Fell. Hall Identity Theft Program and Lunch 11:45 Agape Choir Room 104 Fellowship Hall Conference Room CHANGE OF ADDRESS When sending mail to the church, please be advised we no longer have mail delivered to Post Office Box 240. Please mail all correspondence to our street address: 771 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Morrisville, PA 19067. Our phone number, fax and email address remain the same. Thanks! M O R R I S V I L L E P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C H 771 N OR TH P ENNSY LVANI A A VENUE | M OR RIS VILLE , P A 19067 215.295. 4191 | W W W .MPC US A . NE T PASTORS & PROGRAM STAFF Bruce Ballantine, Interim Pastor & Head of Staff | Deborah Heffernan, Interim Associate Pastor Louise Shoemaker, Parish Associate | Linda Seaman, Director of Older Adult Ministry Steve McBride, Director of Music and Principal Organist Be Informed An Informational Series offered by the Congregational Ministry Committee SUNDAYS – APRIL 19, 26, AND MAY 3 In Fellowship Hall immediately following worship. Complimentary Luncheon Offered Each Week April 19 - IDENTITY THEFT Your speakers are Karen Sica and Stella Brunton, managers from TD Bank on Trenton Ave. in Morrisville. Join us as we learn more about this hot topic. April 26 – WHAT IS NEW IN CARDIAC TREATMENT? Dr. Charles Paraboschi joins us to bring us up to date on new treatments in his field. May 3 – MAKING SENSE OF FINAL ARRANGEMENTS Rev. Bruce Ballantine is joined by Steve Ullrich from Hooper Funeral Home to provide valuable insight from their respective positions. This is information we all need to have. To reserve your spot for lunch, please email LindaSeaman@mpcusa.net, sign up in Communication Center or call Linda at 215-295-4191 ext. 232
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