Newsletter Northrop March

4315 31ST AVE. SOUTH, MPLS. MN, 55406
Northrop Acting Site Coordinator:
Susan Joy Broman
Site Phone: 612 668-4538
Billing and registration phone 612 668-3890
Northrop Mpls. Kids
March 2015
Upcoming events
Parents please check out the March Calendar for Minneapolis Kids. Some of the
children have helped in planning and will be leading some activities. Here are
some plans to make a special note of:
March 3rd — Middle name Pride Day. On the day children can use their middle
name, tell the story of how they got their middle name and make a middle name
March 18th — We will be planting flower seeds
March 20th — Children will clean up the grounds of Northrop school.
Spring Break is March 27th Through April 3rd — We will be at Wenonah for the
week. Check out the spring break flyer attached.
Summer Mpls. Kids : Save The Date March 16th, 2015
Registration for Summer Minneapolis Kids at Dowling Opens.
Registration opens at 12:00 noon online .
Check out our Draft of the Summer Calendar on the Mpls. Kids Website.
Jokes with Luna and Sidalee.
Need to cheer your friend up?
Try this: tell a joke.
What has 2 wings but can’t fly?
**The white house!
Or knock, knock, whos’ there? donut . donut who?
Or Maybe: I have bark but I not bite. who am ?
**Donut tell a secret!
**A tree!
Where do burgers go to dance? To the meatball!
Have fun