Highlights May 2015 Page 1 highlights Mayport Chapter Military Officers Association of America May 2015 Volume XXIV No 4 Serving Mayport and the Beaches Jacksonville, Florida What’s inside… President’s Message 1 Program 2 Calendar 2 Legislative Affairs 3 Photos from April Member Meeting 7 ROTC/JROTC Report 9 FCoC Convention 2015 Info 10 Menu & RSVP 12 Military Officers Association of America 380,000 + Members From The Podium CWO4 Patrick Ivory, USN (Ret) W ell, it’s May and certainly the days are longer, the humidity is higher and Mother’s Day and Memorial Day are approaching. May 22-24th will be the Florida Council of Chapters annual convention at the World Golf Village, Renaissance Resort, St. Augustine. I hope you will take advantage of the close proximity to Jacksonville and register for the Convention. Also, May 25th at 1400, the annual Memorial Day observance will be held at the Beaches Veterans Memorial Park. This year’s theme is to recognize all the Chaplains that have been lost in all the wars. I will be presenting a wreath for our chapter. I hope you will be able to attend. Bring a folding chair for your comfort. There are a few changes that you need to be aware of. First, for May and June, our normal Sunday meetings will be held in the Medal of Honor room at the CPO club. You get there by taking the second right past the Ocean Breeze Conference Center turn and then head towards the beach. The meetings will be held at the same time on May 17th and June 14th. The next information you need to be aware of, there are going to be some changes as to our meetings. Discussions with the management at Ocean Breeze revealed that, because of the dwindling number of attendees, coupled with the 25% increase in pay for the staff working on Sundays, the Conference Center is losing money on the weekends. They also have several weddings scheduled (Podium Continued on page 10) “Happy Mother’s Day” Five Star Excellence Award Every Year Since 2003 Visit Us on Highlights May 2015 MAYPORT CHAPTER (MOAA), INC. 2993 Bright Eagle Dr Jacksonville, Florida 32226-4045 mpmoaa.org The Mayport Chapter (MOAA), Inc. is a nonprofit corporation operated to promote the objectives of the Military Officers Association of America and for other purposes as set forth in the Chapter’s Bylaws. HIGHLIGHTS is the newsletter of the Chapter published monthly for the information of the members. Editor and Web Master: LCDR John Snyder, USN/Ret…...…….363-6030 MEETING TIME & PLACE The Chapter meets at the Ocean Breeze Conference Center, U.S. Naval Station Mayport, Florida or, as specified in the calendar. BOARD OF DIRECTORS for 2015 President: CWO Patrick Ivory, USN/Ret...................757-9206 Vice President: CDR Miles Dean, USN/Ret.......................... 497-5911 Secretary: Mrs. Teresa Ivory........................................ 757-9206 Treasurer: COL Bob Bachmann, USA/Ret.......................... 737-0568 Directors: CAPT Robert Frampton USN/Ret.............. 642-7856 Carol Trentalance........................................ 821-8074 COL Jim Jandreau USA/Ret .................... 361-3068 Immediate Past President: LCDR John Snyder, USN/Ret ............................ 363-6030 April Program W e are pleased to have Dr. Alan J. Bliss, Visiting Assistant Professor, University of North Florida as our guest speaker. He will present a History of the St. Johns River. Dr. Bliss obtained his BA in History in 1999, his M.A. in History in 2001 and his Ph. D. in 2010 all from the University of Florida. He is a renowned speaker and author on Florida History including; “Tampa’s Postwar Seaport Ambitions: The Origins of the Tampa Port Authority”, “Road Rules: Florida and the Coming of the Automobile”, “River City Roundtable: Jacksonville in Urban History”, “Water Warriors: Naval Action in Florida During the Civil War”, “Jacksonville’s Maritime History” to name a few. For twenty years, Alan Bliss held a U.S. Coast Guard Master’s license to operate passenger vessels up to 100 tons. He has managed marine-related businesses, and is an experienced coastal and offshore sailor. He has worked as a real estate appraiser, developer, broker, and property manager, and has a record of civic and professional service. CHAPTER CALENDAR Chaplain: Programs: COL Bill Walker, USAR/Ret .....................268-7593 Membership: Vacant .............................................................................................. Legislative Affairs: MG James Snyder, USA/Ret .................... 881-5656 Personal Affairs: CDR Jerry Johnson, USN/Ret ....................249-1654 Chapter Events: Mrs. Donna Snyder....................................................363-6030 ROTC/Junior ROTC: CDR Gale Ruskosky, USN/Ret . . . . . ………564-2081 Data Processing: LCDR John Snyder, USN/Ret . . . . . ……….…363-6030 AUX Liaison: Barbara Gearhart........................................................ 744-1195 USO: CDR Jerry Johnson USN/Ret.........................249-1654 TOPS: CAPT Mike McHugh, USN/Ret ........................ 992-6123 Public Relations: Vacant............................................................................................... Printed by: ARC 7999 Philips Hwy, Suite 202 Jacksonville, FL 32256 2015 MEETING SCHEDULE May 2015 CDR, Steve Souders CHC USN .............(360) 917-5939 COMMITTEE CHAIRS Page 2 May Board of Director Meeting 2 0930, Location TBA Jan 18, Sun, 1230 Ocean Breeze Brunch Feb 15, Sun, 1230 Ocean Breeze Brunch 10 Mother’s Day 17 1230, Member Meeting Surf Club Mayport NS Brunch 22 Florida Council of Chapters Annual - Convention at the World Golf Village 24 Go to http://acmoaa.org to register 25 Memorial Day Ceremony @ 2:00 PM at Beaches Veterans Memorial Park Mayport Rd and Atlantic Blvd June 2015 June Board of Director Meeting 6 0930, Location TBA Member Meeting Surf Club 14 1230, Mayport NS Brunch Army Birthday (1775) & 14 U.S. Flag Day Day & 21 Father’s First Day of Summer Mar 15 Sun, 1230 Ocean Breeze Brunch Apr 19, Sun, 1230, Ocean Breeze Brunch May 17, Sun, 1230, Surf Club Brunch Jun 14, Sun, 1230 Surf Club Brunch Jul Summer Break Aug Summer Break Sep 17 THU, 1130 Ocean Breeze Brunch Oct 18, Sun, 1230 Cypress Village Brunch Nov 12, THU, 1130 Ocean Breeze Brunch Annual Member Meeting, (Toys for Tots) Election of Officer for 2016 Dec 4, Fri, 1800 Christmas Dinner Dance (Toys for Tots) to be held at the Hampton Glen Clubhouse (tentative) Highlights May 2015 Page 3 Legislative Affairs MG Jim Snyder USA (Ret) C ongress took a 2 week Easter recess since our last edition so there has been less legislative action than usual to report this month. The close-in focus remains the HASC mark ups of the 2016 Defense Authorization Bill which is due by the end of the month and congressional consideration of recommendations from the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission. MOAA Storms the Hill — Permanent Doc fix PERMANENT END TO DOC FIX ORDEAL However, a very positive legislative outcome was when Congress overwhelmingly passed a bipartisan doc-fix bill. Dramatic cuts in payments to physicians prevented. On April 16, President Obama signed legislation preventing a 21 percent cut to providers who treat Medicare patients. After returning from a two-week recess, Congress set aside partisan differences and passed a long-term solution to provide stability to doctors who accept Medicare. By a vote of 928, the Senate overwhelmingly approved legislation that permanently replaces the formula used to pay providers treating Medicare patients. The House passed its version of the bill by a vote of 392-27 before adjourning for recess. Because TRICARE reimbursement rates are tied to Medicare’s, this legislation affects TRICARE beneficiaries of all ages. Providers technically had payments cut by 21 percent on April 1 while Congress was in recess. Since then, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services has relied on administrative lag times from when Medicare receives claims to when it actually makes payments to avoid imposing the pay cuts. The legislation is part of an effort to move away from a fee-for-service model and shift towards a value-based payment system. The fix changes the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula, a flawed legislative mechanism used to pay medical providers who see Medicare and TRICARE patients. The SGR was designed to incentivize providers to control medical spending by rewarding physicians when the rate of spending on physician services fell below the growth in gross domestic product (GDP). However, medical inflation consistently outpaced overall inflation, leading to scheduled cuts. Cuts to reimbursement rates lead to many providers dropping TRICARE and Medicare patients. Fearing a dramatic disruption in access to care for millions of Americans, Congress prevented the cuts 17 times between 2003 and 2015. However, each time Congress delayed action, the amount of scheduled cuts and cost of a permanent fix grew. Throughout it all, MOAA members sent nearly 1 million messages to their elected officials urging a permanent resolution. A permanent deal helps sustain Medicare and TRICARE for Life benefits. “MOAA members can be proud that they did their part to help millions of Americans keep their health providers. With over 1 million messages sent to Congress, one thing is certain: MOAA members represent a powerful voting bloc,” said MOAA’s Deputy Director for Government Relations, CAPT Kathy Beasley, USN (Ret). MOAA thanks Congress for coming up with a bipartisan solution to the doc fix ordeal. (LA Update Continued on page 5) May 2015 Highlights Page 4 May 2015 Highlights Page 5 (LA Update Continued from page 3) The biggest MOAA effort of the month was the annual Storm the Hill: MOAA Storms the Hill on pay, TRICARE and sequestration. MOAA council and chapter presidents from all 50 states, accompanied by members of the national board of directors and headquarters staff, plus members of MOAA’s Currently Serving Advisory Council, Currently Serving Spouse Advisory Council, and Auxiliary Member Advisory Committee stormed Capitol Hill April 15 and visited nearly all 535 senators and representatives in support of key legislative priorities. Stormers met with their legislators to discuss key military personnel issues that affect the stability of the all-volunteer force and well-being of military families. MOAA stormers asked their elected officials to: • Sustain military pay and benefits; • Reject disproportional TRICARE fee increases that shift costs onto beneficiaries while reducing access; • Eliminate harmful sequestration cuts, which threaten national security; and • Address remaining inequities for disabled retirees, survivors, and recalled Guard and Reserve personnel. Hill-stormers’ personal efforts were bolstered by a full-page ad in The Hill newspaper on Wednesday sponsored by MOAA and our partner PenFed Credit Union. We were gratified at members’ response to the alert we sent last Friday asking you to support this effort by emailing your legislators. MOAA members sent nearly 18,000 messages to Capitol Hill, and many legislators and staffers referenced the messages during their meetings with the MOAA stormers. The daylong event culminated with a dinner for MOAA Council and Chapter leaders and their spouses, featuring keynote speaker Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Texas), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. Retired Air Force Gen. Charles Robertson, chairman of MOAA’s board of directors, introduced Chairman Thornberry and closed the evening by thanking the stormers who had taken to Capitol Hill earlier that day to engage their congressional representatives. To learn more about this year’s Storming the Hill issues, check out the fact sheets stormers left behind for their legislators. Also in the news: A 60-Vote Threshold for Bigger Defense Budgets A short-term fix to the military's budget concerns has passed the House and Senate. To get around spending caps, a budgetary maneuver could allow $38 billion in extra defense spending by boosting the off-budget overseas contingency account to $96 billion. That is larger than the $58 billion requested by the Pentagon. Extra funding could be available to cover basic programs, not just war-related costs, as long as spending flexibility is provided. What to watch: Senate rules allow a point of order to be raised against the extra spending, a move that could be overcome if 60 senators agree. That could prove difficult, as deficit hawks could oppose extra spending that isn't offset and some Democrats could oppose a move that gives more money to the Defense Department but provides no relief to non-defense programs. Source: AUSA Can Your Commissary Benefit Be Saved? The Defense Commissary Agency has been a tantalizing target in the three years Congress has been grappling with how to cut the defense budget. Congress isn't alone in eyeing the commissary for cuts. The fiscal year 2016 defense budget request and the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission have also proposed changes in funding and (LA Update Continued on page 8) Highlights May 2015 Page 6 Chapter President Pat Ivory welcomes CAPT Clarence Hill USN Ret and Past National Commander of the American Legion and chapter member with COL Bill Walker USA Ret and CAPT Bob Frampton USN Ret Left: CAPT Jim Dunne USN Ret, COL Marv Feldman USAF Ret and Carole Feldman Right: AnneMarie Mullen and Ethel Consoli, standing. Standing Guard Highlights May 2015 Page 7 April Meeting MG Jim Snyder USA Ret Addressed the current Drawdown of the Army Pat thanks MG Jim Snyder for his presentation with a set of MOAA glasses Ma rv F e win ldma n 50/ s Pri 50 ze s win ory i Iv Prize r r Te oor D Jerry Johnson wins Free Brunch Highlights May 2015 Pertinent Telephone Numbers I.D. Cards /DEERS NavSta Mayport: (904) 270-5571 Retired Pay NavSta Mayport: (904) 270-5363 or direct to Chuck Venable, ext 149 Retired Activities Office NAS Jax: (904) 542-2766, ext 124/126 Casualty Affairs NavHospital NAS Jax:(904) 542-7584 Local Social Security Office: (904) 730-5555 Florida Dept of Veterans Affairs: 1-800-827-1000, ext 7432 National MOAA Personal Affairs: 1-800-245-8762, ext 116 TRICARE For Life Help Line: 1-866-773-0404 TRICARE Senior Pharmacy (TSRx): 1-877-363-6337 Page 8 (LA Update Continued from page 5) operation of commissaries to save money. The 2016 Budget reduces commissary funding by $330M/yr for 3 years, resulting in an estimated 30% reduction in savings. Other ideas to reduce commissary costs being considered is to potentially consolidate commissaries and all service exchange services into a Defense Retail Organization, converting General Schedule and Wage Grade employees to Non-Appropriated Funds employees to reduce retirement costs. 28% of those employees are military spouses. Source: AUSA The chapter has a number of members of the Board of Directors that have reached the point that they have indicated 2015 is the end of their service in the chapter. As such we must identify individuals to fill in the following positons: SHARING & CARING President, 1st and 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Program Chairman, Event Planning Chairman, Membership Chairman, Newsletter Editor/Chairman, Database Chairman and Webmaster. Do you know any member or spouse of a member who is ill or passed away? If so, please contact Carol Trentalance 821-8074 our Chapter's Sharing and Caring committee person for an appropriate card to be sent. You answered the call to service when you joined the military. Now we are asking that you consider a call to service for the Mayport Chapter. Please let Pat Ivory know which of the above positions you can fill. R esidents of the Beaches communities are invited to participate Monday, May 25, as Memorial Day is observed at Beaches Veterans Memorial Park [BVMP] in Atlantic Beach. The event begins at 2 p.m. A number of celebrations will be held at BVMP that day, to include one for the “Greatest Generation.” Members of the “Greatest Generation,” male and female alike, are invited to attend the May 25 gathering, to be recognized as special guests of BVMP. Special seating arrangements are being made for them. BVMP is situated next to American Legion Post 316, at the intersection of Atlantic Boulevard and Mayport Road in Atlantic Beach. It’s adjacent to the Mayport Flyover and under a 20’ by 30’ American flag, flying atop an 80’ flagpole that was raised for the park’s dedication on Veterans Day 2010. Highlights May 2015 Page 9 ROTC/JROTC Report By CDR Gale Ruskosky, USN (Ret) The Mayport Chapter of MOAA presented the MOAA Medal and Certificates to ROTC and JROTC cadets who demonstrate exceptional potential for military leadership. Congratulations to the following MOAA award recipients: MAYPORT CHAPTER RECOGNIZES OUTSTANDING ROTC and JROTC CADETS AT AWARDS CEREMONIES IN APRIL University of North Florida Army ROTC First Coast Senior High School Navy JROTC Cadet Abigail Fellows Cadet Victoria Rice Cadet Samantha Carter Paxon School of Advanced Studies Army JROTC Bishop Kenny High School Navy JROTC Cadet Alysia Rouse Cadet Christian Tam Cadet Jaelyn Reyes Cadet Caitlyn Lucey Andrew Jackson High School Air Force JROTC Sandalwood High School Air Force JROTC Cadet Craig Aiken Cadet Preenaomi Williams Cadet Erin Pitre Cadet Gabriela Rodriquez William H. Raines High School Army JROTC Samuel W. Wolfson High School Army JROTC Cadet Shanice A. Milton Cadet Maurice Cater Cadet Stephanie Nevarez Cadet C. Austin King MAYPORT CHAPTER PRESENTED $300 SCHOLARSHIPS TO GRADUATING CADETS AT HIGH SCHOOL JROTC AWARDS CEREMONIES IN APRIL Congratulations to the following MOAA Scholarship recipients: Paxon School of Advanced Studies Army JROTC William H. Raines High School Army JROTC Cadet Chad Tripp Cadet Derrick Clark Samuel W. Wolfson High School Army JROTC Cadet Madison J. Owens Highlights May 2015 Page 10 (Podium Continued from page 1) on those days. The board had already been looking at alternatives to the Sunday brunch and had discussed moving the meeting to lunch time during the week. The issue with Ocean Breeze has forced our hand to try the alternatives. Therefore, the following will be the schedule of meeting dates and times. Sun May 17th Mayport Surf Club – Medal of Honor Room Sun June 14th Mayport Surf Club – Medal of Honor Room July and August – Summer Break Thu Sept 17th – 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Ocean Breeze Conference Center October – Cypress Village Thu Nov 12th - 11:30 am to 1:00 pm Ocean Breeze Conference Center Fri Dec 4th—6:00 pm Christmas Party Tentative Pat Ivory Florida Council of Chapters 2015 Convention May 22 - 24 At World Golf Village Renaissance Hotel Celebrating St Augustine 450th Tours, Golf, Military Ball and MOAA Updates VADM Norb Ryan USN Ret will be Keynote Speaker at Sat Breakfast. Register online at http://acmoaa.org Hosted by Ancient City Chapter For those who are unaware, Mayport Chapter is assisting Ancient City Chapter with the Convention. We are “Hosting” the Saturday morning Breakfast Meeting in which Admiral Ryan will be speaking. As such, as many of you as possible should make reservations to attend that meeting. We have been assisting with raising funds to support the convention with ads and sponsors. May 2015 Highlights Page 11 Highlights May 2015 New Members Membership Report 2015 Membership Scoreboard as of 4/20/14 Retention Page 12 Recruitment Total Members Description Life Target 49 121 15 185 Actual 51 102 3 156 Performance — 84.3% 20.0% 84.3% Remarks Set by Board of Directors for 2015 Notice of Meeting Location Change The next two meetings (May and June) will be held at the “Surf Club”, the old CPO club on Naval Station Mayport. It is located two blocks north of the Ocean Breeze Conference center. Take the second street past Ocean Breeze and drive toward the beach. None. If you know of a Former Officer they are eligible for membership in MOAA and our chapter. Think about asking them. This is a vast source of members and many might be the “young blood” we need to infuse new life in the chapter. Membership Drive Every Member Get a New Member By the end of 2015 Do your part Reservations for the Mayport MOAA May Member Brunch Meeting Sunday May 17, 2015 Surf Club— Club—Medal of Honor Room Naval Station Mayport Social hour 12:30 PM, Brunch 1:00 PM Donna Snyder must receive reservations NO LATER THAN May 13, 2015 Cost is $20 per person Please reserve ___ for a Total $________ (Checks will be accepted at the door for those who made their reservations online. Please mail check to the address below.) Enclose check (for total) payable to: MAYPORT MOAA Names of Attendees: _______________________________________ Address and Phone: _______________________________________ Note: If none of the members of your party have access to the base please include their Date of Birth and the last 4 digits of their SSN when making your reservation (You may make your reservations online @ http://mpmoaa.org ) Mail your reservations with check to: Donna Snyder 8692 Hampshire Glen Dr S Jacksonville FL 32256 Or Call Donna at 363-6030 Menu Tossed Green Salad w/ assorted dressings Fresh Fruit Salad Scrambled Eggs w/ chives Crispy Bacon Chicken Marsala Rice Pilaf Sautéed Garden Vegetables Dessert Station Coffee, Iced Tea, Water Cash Bar
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