Dementia Beyond Drugs CHANGING THE CULTURE OF CARE with G. ALLEN POWER, M.D. A 6-HOUR WORKSHOP: This workshop uses the framework of culture change to introduce an experiential model of care designed to reduce the use of antipsychotic drugs to treat dementia patients. Learn why the current paradigm for dementia care can never produce satisfactory results and explore alternative approaches that facilitate growth, meaningful engagement, and improved well-being via the application of person-directed practices. WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Anyone caring for people with dementia–administrators, DONs, health care professionals (physicians, APRNs, PAs, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, health care professional students, etc.), in home care, home- and community-based providers, clinics, extended care, sub-acute, assisted living communities and acute hospital care staff. WHEN: Wednesday, June 3rd 9:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Round table discussion for physicians (others are welcome to attend) with Dr. Power from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. WHERE: Missoula: University of Montana Todd Building (Live) Billings: St. Vincent ‘s Healthcare Mansfield Education Center in the Burns Auditorium (Interactive Teleconference) SEATING IS LIMITED. Professional contact hours will be provided for nursing, social work, occupational therapy, and administrators. PROVIDED BY: CONTACT: Pamela Longmire, RT, BAS 406-457-5885 Please RSVP the number attending to: THE PRESENTER: G. Allen Power, M.D., is a geriatrician, author, musician, and international educator on transformational models of care for older adults, particularly those living with changing cognitive abilities. This learning opportunity is offered at no charge. HARVEST
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