HARVEYOAKSHUSKYHOWLER March 27, 2015 Lunch Times: K-1: 11:40 am-12:20 pm 4-5: 11:40 am-12:20 pm (recess first) 2-3: 12:25 pm-1:05 pm 15228 Shirley Street, Omaha, NE 68144 402-715-1386 FAX 402-715-1624 Website: www.mpsomaha.org/harvey Principal—Dr. Dawn Marten Secretary—Mrs. Cheryl Gerace Safe School Hotline: 1-888-809-4754 MOEC Homework Hotline: 402-390-3300 (M-Th 6:00 pm-7:30 pm) Dr. Marten’s Message… I hope everyone had a wonderful spring break, and that our students are now refreshed and ready to get back to learning. Again, our entire staff thanks everyone for their generosity during Teacher Appreciation Week. As a reminder, we still have several dishes/containers here. MONDAY If you are missing one, please stop in the office. A-FUN ON THE RUN… In compliance with City Ordinances and recent vandalism on school property, our parkHam/Cheese Sub* w/Baby Carrots ing lot is considered “closed” private property. This means that no one should be on school and Apple property one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise—that includes parking cars, walking B-Pepperoni Pizza* dogs, etc. If you notice someone in violation of this restriction, please feel free to report it. AlC-Cheese Nachos so, if you are walking dogs on school property during the day, please pick up waste, as our stuD-Hot Dog dents play in those areas. Again, please feel free to report any violations you notice. Thank you. E-Popeye Salad w/English Muffin Parents, remember also that no students should be on the playground after school. Kids Network students are using it at that time. TUESDAY Please see the attached fliers about our Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Pennies for A-FUN ON THE RUN… Patients campaign during April for the benefit of kids affected by blood cancer. Italian Wrap* w/Celery & Orange Have a wonderful weekend. B-Pancakes/Scrambled Eggs C-Mini Corn Dogs Dr. Marten D-BBQ Pork Riblet* E-Mandarin Chicken Salad w/Roll Thank you to our Watch D.O.G.S.!!! Week of: March 30-April 3 PAW Skill for two weeks: WEDNESDAY Monday—Shane Sullivan A-FUN ON THE RUN… Respect Wednesday—Josh Johnson, Chuck Vickers Sun Butter/Banana Wrap w/ Arrival Thursday—Jeff Pickett Applesauce Friday—Kurt Falkner, Mike Roth B-Chicken Nuggets C-Crispito w/Cheese Sauce M, T, Th 7:45 am-8:25 am Wake Up With Learning D-Pepperoni*/Pretzel Lunch Box M, Th 3:45 pm-4:30 pm ZAP THURSDAY A-FUN ON THE RUN… Omaha Street Percussion—Grades 2-5 30 3:45 pm-4:30 pm Chicken Ranch Wrap w/ Mathletes 30, 31 3:45 pm-4:45 pm Strawberries and Cookie B-Pizza Sticks w/Marinara Grade 1 Informance—Phillips April 1 9:00 am-10:00 am C-Ham/Egg Tac-Go* w/ Cinnamon Roll 1 10:15 am-11:15 am Grade 1 Informance—Rickley D-Fruit Plate w/Muffin 1 11:40 am-12:20 pm Golden Sower Book Club E-Chef Salad* Husky Community Builders 2 8:05 am-8:35 am FRIDAY WEEK OF 3/30/2015 A-FUN ON THE RUN… Turkey/Cheese Sandwich w/ Baby Carrots and Orange B-Fish Nuggets C-Spaghetti/Meatballs D-Grilled Cheese E-Spicy Chicken Salad 2 3:45 pm-4:30 pm Spanish—Grades 1-5 2 6:00 pm-8:00 pm Skate Daze 2 6:00 pm-7:00 pm 2015-16 Kindergarten Parent Meeting 3 7:45 am-8:30 am Chess—all grade levels LLC Pennies for Patients 6-24 Fruit Cart & Milk Daily *Contains Pork PLEASE SEE PAGE 2 FOR MENU WEEK OF APRIL 6. NO NEWSLETTER NEXT WEEK 6 3:45 pm-4:30 pm Omaha Street Percussion—Grades 2-5 7, 9 7:45 am-8:30 am Art Club—Grades 2 and 3 8 11:40 am-12:20 pm Golden Sower Book Club 9 3:45 pm-4:30 pm Spanish—Grades 1-5 SAFETY PATROL Week of March 30 Caryss, Jasmine, Jenna Ava S, Maya, Marisa SAFETY PATROL Week of April 6 Jack H, Jacob M, Austin Colin, Elaina, Taylor Lunch Times: K-1: 11:40 am-12:20 pm 4-5: 11:40 am-12:20 pm (recess first) 2-3: 12:25 pm-1:05 pm WEEK OF 4/6/2015 MONDAY A-FUN ON THE RUN… Cheese Sandwich w/Apple & Ants in a Hole B-Spring Lunch with Glazed Ham, AuGratin Potatoes, and Roll C-Strawberry Spinach Salad/Muffin TUESDAY A-FUN ON THE RUN… Turkey/Cheese Sub w/Baby Carrots B-French Toast Sticks/Sausage* C-Sweet & Sour Chicken w/Rice D-Cheesy Bread w/Marinara E-Chicken Caesar Salad WEDNESDAY A-FUN ON THE RUN… Mediterranean Hummus Bowl/ Banana B-Chicken Nuggets C-Cheese Quesadilla D-Mini Mouse Salad* THURSDAY A-FUN ON THE RUN… Ham/Cheese Wrap* w/Cucumber Slices B-Cheese Pizza C-Ham & Egg Tac-Go* w/Cinnamon Roll D-Chicken Patty Sandwich E-Chef Salad* FRIDAY A-FUN ON THE RUN… Sun Butter/Jelly English Muffin w/ Strawberries B-Mozzarella Sticks w/Marinara C-Macaroni & Cheese D-Fish Tacos E-Popcorn Chicken Salad Fruit Cart & Milk Daily *Contains Pork Thank you to our Watch D.O.G.S.!!! Week of: April 6-10 Monday—Mark Schweitzer Tuesday—Berry Herout Wednesday—Keith Massey Friday—Jay Jolley DRESS CODE GUIDELINES We recognize styles do change; however, if clothing or grooming is disruptive to the educational process, it will not be permitted at school. An individual’s clothing and grooming has a direct bearing on their behavior and how others react to them. Dress should be suitable for classroom and school activities. Students may be asked to change clothes for a more appropriate school look. General guidelines: *Shorts should be appropriate length. *Shirt straps at least 1” wide, or wear shirt over *No bare backs or exposed mid-sections *No inappropriate sayings on clothing *Tennis shoes must be worn PE & Combo Days *Wheeled shoes are not permitted in the building **We caution students about flip flops due to playground injuries. CLASS LISTS — 2015-2016 As we begin the process of creating class lists for next year, our primary objective is to provide positive experiences for all of our students. We work to create classrooms that address different personalities, abilities, special needs, learning styles, peer relations, and to create a balance of boys, girls, leaders, followers, etc. A variety of school personnel (specialists, counselors, interventionists, etc.) are asked to provide input when appropriate. The teachers know the children in the school environment and have unique insights into their social, emotional, behavioral, and academic needs. We recognize that you value your child’s education and can offer valuable insight into their placement for next year. While I do not accept specific teacher requests, I do want to provide parents with an opportunity to give us a better picture of what you see as your child’s strengths, areas of needed improvement, motivators, interests, or special needs and considerations. Please do not feel obligated to send me information unless you feel it will enhance our ability to make the best placement for your child. However, if you do choose to offer input, please do so by sending me an email at dmmarten@mpsomaha.org by April 3. ART CLUB—GRADES 2 & 3 An Art Club will be starting for interested second and third grade students. It will meet from 7:45 a.m. to 8:25 a.m. in the library on the following dates: April 7, 9, 14, and 16 — A sign up form is attached. TAGG—www.TogetherAGreaterGood.com TAGG is a new fr ee way to suppor t our school! You can lear n mor e about this pr ogr am thr ough a 90-second video: http://youtu.be/diCSZcuEwSU *Then download the free app: Together a Greater Good *Link to: http://portal.togetheragreatergood.com/public/download *Visit participating businesses (listed on the app): Tapp the TA GG My Purchase button the app and enter the amount. Tell the Server/cashier, pay as usual, and they will provide a card for you to scan to complete the TAGG. *Choose our school and share it! The business will donate 5% to our school. Just a few of TAGG’s 75+ businesses on the app: Blue Sushi Sake Grill, B & G Tasty Foods, Brewsky’s, Chick Market, Dave & Buster’s, Fat Brain Toys, Coldstone Creamery, Famous Daves, Gigi’s Cucakes, Grand China Buffet, Golf USA, Newman’s Pasta Café, Ragazzi’s Pizza, Roja Mexican Grill, Stories Coffeehouse, Vic’s Popcorn, YoYo Berri, and YoZone Yogurt. Android App on Google Play — Available on the App Store ATTENTION FIFTH GRADE PARENTS Millard North Middle School will be registering all fifth grade students in our attendance area soon. NMS staff will be visiting the elementary schools throughout the month of April to give students information on registering for classes. On Friday, May 1, all fifth grade students who will be attending NMS will visit the school for an orientation day. The students will be transported by bus from Harvey Oaks. On that day, students will eat lunch at NMS, meet their teachers, see the sixth grade classrooms, tour the building, listen to an overview of course offerings, and learn about daily procedures. The orientation will begin at 11:45 a.m. and conclude at 2:45 p.m. Students will then return by bus to the elementary school for dismissal. Parents are invited to attend a sixth grade parent orientation meeting on Thursday, April 23, from 6:00 pm-7:00 p.m. (with a Pre-Algebra meeting from 5:30 pm-6:00 p.m. and a Resource meeting from 5:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.) If you have a student in either of these areas, please attend the appropriate session. For more information, please call Millard North Middle School at 402-715-1280. HY-VEE MPS SUMMER ACTIVITIES FAIR Tuesday, April 7, 2015 — 5:00 pm-7:00 pm Millard South H.S., 14905 Q Street, Omaha This FREE Summer Activities Fair offers an Opportunity to learn about programs, activities, and resources that are available for elementary, middle school, and high school students in the Omaha Metropolitan Area. Ask questions, explore programs, and have some fun with many interactive tables! Come learn more about what your family can do this summer! Ideas for all ages! Fun! Food! Prizes! Crafts! OMAHA POLICE DEPARTMENT “SALUTE TO SAFETY EXPO” The Omaha Police Department will host their annual “Salute to Safety Expo” on Saturday, April 25, 2015 at Westroads Mall from 10:00 am-2:00 pm. This is a FREE event! The expo is open to the public ,and it is designed to promote safety and prevention education. Over 40 different agencies/organizations will be on hand to distribute information and answer questions. There will also be live safety demonstrations, activities for kids, and First Responders to meet! The OPD has received a grant to purchase bicycle helmets for distribution at the event to encourage bicycle safety. These helmets will be free to the public to children ages 5-12 while supplies last. Teacher Appreciation Wrap-Up! Another week of Teacher/Staff apprecia on is in the books. The professionals who nurture our kids each day were treated to a week of red carpet fun. It’s clear that our teachers/staff are beloved, because the outpouring of support from YOU was overwhelming! Once again, I was blown away by our amazing community of parents, grandparents, and other caring adults who make our school the best in Omaha. Every single item on the sign-up was quickly filled by the generous families of Harvey Oaks. From plates & napkins to movie candy, from yummy desserts to delicious appe zers, you provided so many things that let the teachers/staff know how valued they are. I always hesitate to list names in this thank you because I would be mor fied if I forgot anyone! Please know how much the teachers appreciate the contribu on that each and every one of you made. And I appreciate it, too! Extra thanks to Anne Hughes for the incredible graphic design/layout and prin ng of the week’s brochure. If you didn’t see it, check the school website for the Husky Howler that went out on March 6th. Extra thanks also to Julie Kolpin for crea ng (and grilling!) an amazing Burger Bar for Monday’s lunch and baking a loaf of bread for each staff member, and for being my go-to gal. And, as always, thank you to my mom and aunt for being with me every step of the way. I feel so incredibly lucky that my family ended up at this precious school! Un l next year, Stacy Jolley HARVEY OAKS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PTO Meeting Minutes -- Tuesday, March 10, 2015 – 6:00 p.m. I. Call to Order, Attendance, and Introductions. The meeting of the Harvey Oaks Elementary School PTO was called to order by President Starr Herrington at 6:05 p.m. Those present included treasurer Tiffany Kerns, secretary Melissa Rotolo, Dr. Marten, Ms. Marsh, and Mrs. Snyder (4th grade teachers), along with many parents. II. Old Business. None. III. Correspondence. Star r shar ed some teacher thank you notes r eceived. IV. Principal’s Report Principal Dawn Marten reported: (A) We are receiving 5 iPads per classroom paid for by the Millard Public Schools Foundation. Teachers will be fully trained on their us but are already utilizing them in the classrooms. (B) The staff appreciates so much the generosity of HO families providing such a wonderful Teacher Appreciation Week. (C) READ-A-THON was successful, with a big kick-off featuring the Godfather from Godfather’s Pizza and the culminating event last Friday that celebrated the top 10 readers in each grade level. The committee is seeking input from families about the theme for next year and any ideas to increase excitement and participation. Our older readers’ minutes were especially decreased. One suggestion was to offer an incentive for the overall top reader - maybe an iPad Mini or something similar. Another suggestion was to invite a musician to the kick-off. The coin challenge was especially successful, far surpassing our goal of $75 and raising more than $700, which was allocated in $20 increments to each classroom teacher with the remainder to Mrs. Ogg for Scholastic books and supplies. Scholastic matched that amount with a donation to a national charity providing books to children in need. (D) The Analytical Writing Assessments (AWA) are complete, and 91% of third grade passed and 96% of fifth grade passed, both of which surpassed the district average. (E)This summer we will have constr uction teams in the building changing lights to no occupancy sensor s (when people leave the room, the lights will go out automatically, saving electricity). (F) Mrs. Gerace’s job has been posted and applications are being accepted for her replacement. V. Teacher Communication. Mrs. Snyder and Ms. Marsh of 4th grade fame joined us and said the students love the iPads and can’t wait to fully utilize them. They also said state testing is right around the corner, increasing both student and staff stress levels. VI. Officer Reports. A. President. Starr Herrington reported: (1) The Millard Public Schools Foundation will launch a fundraising campaign to provide each building with 30 iPads ($12,870), 30 cases ($1,180), Ultrafast Wireless ($1,180), and one cart ($16,000). Funds raised by parent organizations and corporate/individual donors will be pooled to ensure equitable distribution throughout the district. Watch for an announcement o/about April 15 with more details. (2) The Harvey Oaks/ Officer Memorial Scholarship committee received 5 applicants and selected Jara Weeks to receive the $500 scholarship. (3) READ-A-THON and Book Fair committees are seeking opinions regarding hosting both events at the same time, which was different this year than in the past. Our revenues were down. Some parents suggested opening the Book Fair for one or two after-school/early evening times. Snuggle Up Night welcomed as many participants as in years past, and the Book Fair line was almost never empty that night. Some parents suggested a need for better signage/ guidance on entering Snuggle Up Night through the gym. Some families missed the sign-in tables, so their students were not entered into the prize drawings. (4) Sheree Herkenrath has agreed to be next year’s Vice President. With Sheree in place, planning for next year will get into full swing, so send us your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions. B. Treasurer. Tiffany Kerns presented the financial report. No questions were presented. VII. Committee Reports A. Book Fair and READ-A-THON – See Principal’s and President’s reports above. B. General Mills Box Tops – save your Box Tops and watch for spring collection times. The trophy for most Box Tops collected resides in Mrs. Snyder’s classroom…for now. C. 5th grade party –Jen Nelson said it will be May 16. The theme is so cool, but top secret, so the 5th graders don’t find out. Signup Genius will go out soon asking for volunteers and donations. D. Clubs – Melissa Rotolo reported that Spanish Club is going well. Omaha Street Percussion Club is now open to 2nd graders, so we should meet our minimum. Destination Imagination is an after-school club Dr. Marten brought to Melissa’s attention. DI is based in STEM and provides terrific learning and leadership opportunities for student-led projects. We will continue to research DI and consider bringing it to HO. E. Family Fun Night – Kevin Hughes reported that instead of Bingo, he is considering having Fat Brain Toys set up games and toys which parents could also purchase, with Hy-Vee providing an outdoor cookout. Joel and Amanda Klemm will co-chair. F. Yearbook – We need a new yearbook liaison next year. Volunteer now so you can learn from current chair Mike Lootens. VIII. New Business A. Dr. Marten thanked Melissa Rotolo for getting the costumes from The Rose Theater, allowing her and Miss Maguire to enjoy life as a squid and a fish for the day last Friday. B. Cassi Shanahan brought to our attention a new program called Together a Greater Good (TAGG) which was created by her good friend Holly Baker and allows you to download the free app, visit participating businesses, pay as usual, and ask to TAGG your purchase for an organization of your choice to which the participating business then makes a donation. See the website http://www.togetheragreatergood.com/. Our school can be selected for donations. IX. Next Meeting The next meeting of the PTO will be held Tuesday, April 14. X. Meeting Adjourned The meeting was adjourned by President Starr Herrington at 7:13 p.m. Respectfully submitted Melissa Rotolo, Secretary Second and Third Grade Art Club Mrs. Rickley and Mrs. Snyder will be leading an Art Club to any interested second and third grade students. The club will meet from 7:45 a.m8:25 a.m. in the library on the following Tuesdays and Thursdays: April 7 and 9 April 14 and 16 The students will study the work of a famous artist and then create their own art work based off of their learnings. If your child is interested, fill out the bottom of this sheet and return to the school office by Wednesday, April 1. SPRING ART CLUB—GRADES 2 and 3 Student’s name______________________________________________ Grade_______ Teacher________________ Home Phone______________
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