AEGEAN ODYSSEY CONTACT INFORMATION – you might like to take one sheet with you on the cruise and leave the other with the person nominated as your emergency UK contact – please enter your name, booking reference and cabin number on both sheets. ContaCt infoRmation ContaCt infoRmation AEGEAN ODYSSEY CONTACT INFORMATION – you might like to take one sheet with you on the cruise and leave the other with the person nominated as your emergency UK contact – please enter your name, booking reference and cabin number on both sheets. ContaCt infoRmation ContaCt infoRmation name name name name booking RefeRenCe booking RefeRenCe booking RefeRenCe booking RefeRenCe Cabin no. Cabin no. Cabin no. Cabin no. voyages to antiquity voyages to antiquity voyages to antiquity Office Hours: Monday – Friday 09.00 – 17.30 Office Hours: Monday – Friday 09.00 – 17.30 Office Hours: Monday – Friday 09.00 – 17.30 Office Hours: Monday – Friday 09.00 – 17.30 Telephone Number: Telephone Number: Telephone Number: Telephone Number: voyages to antiquity 01865 302 550 01865 302 550 01865 302 550 01865 302 550 eMeRgenCy ContaCt nuMBeR (uK) eMeRgenCy ContaCt nuMBeR (uK) Emergency Telephone Number: 07802 704 739 Emergency Telephone Number: 07802 704 739 Emergency Telephone Number: 07802 704 739 Emergency Telephone Number: 07802 704 739 This number is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Explain that your call is an emergency. Give your name, telephone number and reason for your call. The Voyages to Antiquity Duty Officer will then be contacted and will return your call immediately. We stress that this number is for EMERGENCIES only, and will not handle matters that can be dealt with during normal office hours. This number is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Explain that your call is an emergency. Give your name, telephone number and reason for your call. The Voyages to Antiquity Duty Officer will then be contacted and will return your call immediately. We stress that this number is for EMERGENCIES only, and will not handle matters that can be dealt with during normal office hours. This number is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Explain that your call is an emergency. Give your name, telephone number and reason for your call. The Voyages to Antiquity Duty Officer will then be contacted and will return your call immediately. We stress that this number is for EMERGENCIES only, and will not handle matters that can be dealt with during normal office hours. This number is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Explain that your call is an emergency. Give your name, telephone number and reason for your call. The Voyages to Antiquity Duty Officer will then be contacted and will return your call immediately. We stress that this number is for EMERGENCIES only, and will not handle matters that can be dealt with during normal office hours. sHiP’s sateLLite teLePHone/FaX sHiP’s sateLLite teLePHone/FaX sHiP’s sateLLite teLePHone/FaX sHiP’s sateLLite teLePHone/FaX Please note that the Ship’s time may differ from UK time, and remember that on some days the passengers may be away on tour. Very occasionally the ship may also be out of range of satellite connections. Please note that the Ship’s time may differ from UK time, and remember that on some days the passengers may be away on tour. Very occasionally the ship may also be out of range of satellite connections. Please note that the Ship’s time may differ from UK time, and remember that on some days the passengers may be away on tour. Very occasionally the ship may also be out of range of satellite connections. Please note that the Ship’s time may differ from UK time, and remember that on some days the passengers may be away on tour. Very occasionally the ship may also be out of range of satellite connections. Satellite Telephone Number: 00 1 954 672 3931 Satellite Telephone Number: 00 1 954 672 3931 Satellite Telephone Number: 00 1 954 672 3931 Satellite Telephone Number: 00 1 954 672 3931 Satellite Fax Number: 00 1 954 672 3933 Satellite Fax Number: 00 1 954 672 3933 Satellite Fax Number: 00 1 954 672 3933 Satellite Fax Number: 00 1 954 672 3933 # # eMeRgenCy ContaCt nuMBeR (uK) eMeRgenCy ContaCt nuMBeR (uK)
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