Summer time is fun time. Enjoy this season by participating in lots of fun activities and spending more time with your child. Here are some activities that will help you spend this time in a very enjoyable way. 1. Read Books in English Have fun reading or telling stories with your child. As they read, let them point to the pictures and talk about what is happening to the characters and which character he or she likes best. Children learn by example. Read along with your child. Be sure to read with lots of enthusiasm!!Create a special place for your child to read that is well lit and comfortable. READING SUGGESTIONS Malgudi days from R.K Narayanan Charlie and the glass elevator-Roald Dahl Matilda-Roald Dahl The enormous crocodile-Roald Dahl Charlie and the glass elevator-Roald Dahl An Island Of Trees-Ruskin Bond Children’s omnibus-Ruskin Bond Rusty-Ruskin Bond 2. Set a family “Game Night.” It's a great way to break up the monotony of the routines. Family time should be fun. It is fun playing Board Games. Board GamesMonoply, Chinese Checkers, Scrabble, Ludo and Snakes and Ladders. 3. Watch TV along with your child Television can be instructive and entertaining for children of all ages, and can promote positive aspects of social behaviour such as sharing, good manners, and cooperating with others. In addition, quality programming should spur a child's curiosity and eagerness to learn. You can prescreen videos—and you can even prescreen TV shows by reviewing them before letting your child watch them. But you can't properly monitor children's TV programs unless you at least occasionally watch the same TV shows or videos that your child watches. 4. Go Play Outside! Kids of all ages can learn a lot about their connection to the natural world. By exploring what's around them, kids begin to develop investigative skills which will help them later when they have to grasp many different science and math concepts. Hide-and-seek, camouflage, and blindfold walks are some good traditional games you can play with your kids. 5. Cooking is fun! Kids absolutely love to cook; they can’t get enough of sieving, kneading, rolling, measuring and mixing. It’s hugely important to catch them at this young age when they are still really enthusiastic, to lay the foundation for a life-long love of food and cooking, to develop good eating habits in a fun and engaging way. 6. Caring for the environment Set an example to your kid by taking care of plants and animals around you. You along with your kid can plant a sapling and take good care of it. Keep a bowl of fresh water every day for birds and animals to quench their thirst in the scorching heat. 7. REVISE all the work done in class, in all subjects. General Instructions: Manage your work in such a way that a little work is done every day to avoid piling it for the last moment. The work should be done in neat hand writing. Holiday Homework will be assessed for FA2 and must be sent on July 06, 2015. All the FAs carry 10 Marks. Revise the syllabus covered before vacation. SCIENCE Q1.Plants provides us with a lot of useful materials. Fibers are one of them. Plant fibers like cotton and jute are used to make various things like pillows, quilts, mattresses, carpets, clothes etc. Use this summer vacation to make any one thing from an old cotton / jute cloth. Eg. A book marker. A wind Chime (Anything useful of your own choice) Q2. Prepare a Science Magazine on the theme “Environment”. marks FA2-10 Some of things that you could put in the magazine are: Famous environmentalists and their pictures Information about their work News clippings and articles about the environment. Amazing / Interesting facts Puzzles/riddles/jokes/thoughts about the environment. Information about pollution in the River Yamuna/Ganga or any other polluted place near your house. Visit the river or the polluted place with your parents and write about the kind of pollution that you see. Give your magazine a suitable title. Use A-4 size colored sheets. Make a magazine cover. Use your imagination and creativity. The content should be of 6 - 7 pages only. Rubrics Presentation Timely Submission Content/ Matter Viva Q3.Salt is an essential ingredient of our daily food. It’s very important for us to know as to why is it important for us? 1. What is the scientific name of common salt? _____________________________________________ 2. What does it provide to our body? _____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Check a packet of common salt being used in your kitchen. 3. Is the salt iodized or not? Find out more about the need to add iodine to your daily consumption of salt. (any 3 points) _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Name the disease caused by the deficiency of iodine? Write the symptoms(2-3) ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Write two myths and facts about salt. Example:-Myth: Your body doesn’t need salt every day Fact: Most people should limit their salt intake to approximately one teaspoon. Myth: _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Fact:______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Myth: _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Fact: ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 6. How is high blood pressure related to the intake of salt? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ENGLISH Elevate your learning Experience! Express Yourself! Explore the World! Dear Students, Enjoyment is the key element in doing the ‘Summer Assignment’. Having fun as you learn is our aim and goal. Follow the instructions and step by step guide as you will find out that the English homework helps you to be more observant and expressive! 1. FA-2 -Please see below. 10 Marks Make a scrapbook. The title page should have the heading “The World around Us”. Use 2 pages to create the profile of the famous author Ruskin Bond. Put pictures and interesting information about him. Use 1 page to design a Book jacket for Ruskin Bond’s “The Adventures of Rusty”. Be as colorful, artistic and creative as you can. Use two pages to write a description about yourself- Title- ‘Self Portrait’. Add to it a few pictures and write three short paragraphs on your appearance, personality, character and goal. 2. Use the attached sheets to create an IDIOM BANK! Write an idiom in the same given; add a small picture/cartoon or illustrations to make it attractive. (any 8 idioms preferably those already done in the class). Attaching the Example:- IDIOM PICTURE IDIOM PICTURE MATHEMATICS FA 2 10 Marks Read the Properties of Whole Numbers (Chapter -2) given in the book, based on those properties, give examples from your daily life: 1. 4 examples, one example of each operation of “The Four Operations” (Addition, Multiplication, Subtraction & Division) 2. Any 2 examples on “Laws and Order of Operations” (Commutative law, Associative law, Order of Operations, Distributivity, Associativity) Rubrics: Creativity, Accuracy, Concept Clarity, Timely submission Note: Please do the FA on A4 size sheets. FRENCH FA 2 10 Marks Make a colourful pocket glossary of 25 words from English to French. Write the pronunciation (pronunciation can be written in English/Hindi).Take colourful A4 size sheets; then fold those sheets in 4 folds; now cut those squares and make a booklet. Page 1: Cover Page of Glossary Page 2: Index Page 3: English Word - French Word - Pronounciation For e.g. English Word French Word Pronounciation Hello Salut Selu Pencil Stylo Stelo Each page should contain details as per the instructions given below: Page 3: Any 5 salutations (Good morning, hello, etc), Page 4: Any 5 things in your pencil box (pencil, pen, etc), Page 5: Any 5 things you see in your school bag (books, notebooks, etc), Page 6: Any 5 things you see in the class (eg, chair, table, etc), Page 7: Any 5 things you see in your house (room, bed, etc), Rubrics Presentation/Creativity Timely Submission Content/ Matter Viva NOTE- Submit all the Formative Assessment assignments On July, 6, 2015 SOCIAL STUDIES Prepare a report on “All Human Beings Are Equal” in about 100 words in your Civics notebook. Pamphlet-Making Make a four-page pamphlet on any one location Agra/Amritsar/Jaipur/Mumbaifor tourist. You can include the following points to make the pamphlet interesting. You can make the pamphlet attractive by decorating it. Geographical location of the chosen place. How to reach there. Its historical importance. Places to see Relevant photographs and maps. Use A4 size coloured sheet given from the school. SUGGESTED VIEWING:Discovery Channel: Observe the type of organisms, environment and plants found in Tropical and Sub Tropical regions. Discuss and share the experience/learning with your friends and teacher in class. You can keep the following points into consideration- What type of organisms, how many types of organisms did you see? Which regions did they belong to? Epic Channel: Under the guidance of your parents, choose a program of your choice. View at least 10 episodes and share your experience/learning with your friends and teacher in the class. F.A-2 -Individual Activity (History- Ch-2) 10 Marks Topic: Making of Stone Age tools. Directions: Take thermocol / card board and make stone tools of the three Stone Age periods. Present the Tools in a creative manner. You can either paste them on ½ cardboard/chart paper or can put them in a Container/box (of your choice) and bring on July 06,2015. Rubrics Presentation Timely Submission Content/ Matter Viva ihMdI naIcao ide gayao Sabda oMkI sahayata sao dUrdSa-na pr inabaMQa ilaiKe. 1 dUrdSa-na TolaIivajana 3 manaaorMjana 2 4 idKa[- pD,naa 5 k[- caOnala 6 ivaivaQa kaya-k`ma 7 &anavaQa-k 8 p`caar 9 Aa^MKaoM doKa vaNa-na 10 dUrdSa-na ka sadupyaaoga 11 du$pyaaoga 12 saara saMsaar kmar omaoM ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ yah kaya- ef .e. ko ilae p`yaaoga ikyaa jaaeogaa. 10 AMk आज व ापन हमार िज़ंदगी का एक अहम ह सा बन चु का है, सुबह आंख खु लते ह चाय क चु क के साथ अख़बार म सबसे पहले नज़र व ापन पर ह जाती है ।घर के बाहर पैर रखते ह हम व ापन क दु नया म घर जाते है ।चाय क दुकान से लेकर वाहन और दवार तक हर जगह व ापन ह दोहराया जाये तो वह स य व ापन दखाई दे ते ह। कसी भी त य को य द बार-बार लगातार तीत होने लगताहै –यह वचार ह व ापन का आधार भूत त व है । व ापन जानकार भी करते है ।उदाहरण के लए कोई भी व तु जब बाजार म आती है, उसके मा यम से ह ज र है । प-रं ग- सरं चनाव गु ण क जान कार दान व ापन के मलती है । िजसके कारण ह उपभो@ता को सह और गलत क पहचान होती है ।इस लए व ापन हमारे लए inamnailaiKt ivaYayaaoM mao Msao iksaI ek pr iva&apna tOyaar kIijae. (pInaovaalaopdaqa-) 2 Aa[-pIela 1 poyapdaqa3 caa^klaoT iva&apna ilaKto samaya Qyaana donao yaaogya baatoM: [nhoM vat-maana kala ma oMilaKa jaanaa caaihe. rcanaa%mak BaaYaa ka p`yaaoga kro. iva&apna ica~a%mak AaOrAakYa-k hao. ivaYaya vast uko AnaukUla BarpUr jaanakarI doM. __________________________________________________________ व ापन_______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ica~ Did you enjoy doing your Homework? YES ______ NO _____ Rate the Homework given to you: OK _____ Your Signature: _______________________________ Parent’s Signature: ____________________________
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