RESOI.UTION OF THE TOHONO OTODIIAM I,EGISI,ATIVE COUNCIL (Authorizing Memorandum ofAgr€em€nt with the Inter Tribal Councll ofArlzona, Inc, to Administer "Innovative Approaches to Preventlng Teen pregnancy Among Amerlcan Indian Youth Proiect',) RESOLUTION NO. I2-37I the Constitution ofthe Tohono O'odhamNation vests the Legislative Councilwith the 1 ,' authorltyto "promot€, protectandprovide forpubllc heatth, peace, morals, educatlon 3 and general welfare ofthe lohono O'odham Nation and its members" and to,,consult, 4 negotiate and conclude agreements and contracts on behalfofthe Tohono O'odham 5 Nation with . , . organizatlons on all matters within the authority of the lohono O'odham Councll" (Constitution, Article VI, Sectton l(c)(2) and f(O); and 6 WHEREAS' the Inter Trlbal council of Arlzona ("rrca, Inc."), atr organization of 20 trlbal 8 governments ln Arizona, provldes the means for action on matters that affect I lndividually or collectively and responds to the needs of its trlbal membership, includlng teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections (,,STI"), Human 10 ll a tribe t2 Immunodeliciency Virus ("HIV') preyention needs, through the admlnistration of programs; and 13 WIIERf,AS' the memb€rtrlbes ofth€ ITCA,Inc. have the authority to act to ftrrther th€lr co[ecfive l4 interests as sovereign tribal governnents; and 15 the Tohono O'odham Nation ls a member ofthe Inter Tribal Councll ofArizona, Inc.: 16 and I7 the Unlversity of Tcxas developed a teen pregnancy, STI, and HIV preventlon 18 curriculum called "It'sYour Game.,,Keep itReal" (,,IyG") that youth in the State oflexas; and t9 20 2l ,) 23 WHEB-EAS' the curriculumwas testedand detenninedto be an effectlve was designed for urban evidence-basedprogram and there ls an lnterest to adapt the curriculum for American Indian youth; and WHEREAS' the University ofTexas School ofPublic Health ('TUTSPH") received funding from tte Centers for Dlsease Control and Prevention ("CDC") to adapt the IYG curriculum A for llmerican Indian youth and entered irto a partnership with three regional tribal t( organlzatlons, inclnding ITCA, Inc., to assist and test the efrectiveness ofthe adapted 26 IYG yl curriculum; and the study is a two phase studywhere in phase rI, the proiect will test the elfectiveness 29 of the adapted tYG youth by recrulting Arnerican Indian youth to participate ln a randomiz€d control trial ov€r a l6-month period and completc a web-based survey 30 at 5 and 16 months: and 28 NO. r2-371 (Authorizing M€morandum ofAgreement wlth the Inter lribal Councll ofArlzona, Inc. to Admlnlster "Innovative Approaches to Preventing Teen Pregnancy Among Amerlcan tndian youth proiect") Page 2 I ) of3 lohono O'odham Nation rnay choose to participate ln the study and may opt out ofthe study at anytfune; and WHEREAS, the 3 the ITCA, Inc. acknowledges and agrees that in order to protect the privacy, securlt5r, 4 and conlldentlallty ofthe trlbal youth participants ofthe study, the specitlc and dlrect 5 ldentrfying information gathered or acquired by ITCA, Inc. in p€rformance ofthe study 6 shall remain conlidential and that ITCA, Inc, shall remove alt such personal identifylng information before the lnformation gathered bythe IICA, Inc. lsprovlded 8 to UTSPH; and 9 the ITCA, Inc, has proposed a memorandum of agreement, which is incorporated 10 ll herein by this reference, with the Tohono O'odham Natlon outlining the respective responsibilities ofITCA, Inc. and the Nation; and t2 WHEREAS, the proposal and memorandum of agr€ement has been reviewed by the Health and Human Services Committee, 13 t4 NOW TEEREFORE' BE II RESOLVEDbythe Tohono O'odham Leglslatlve Council that it authortues 15 16 the execution of the memorandum of agreernent with the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc., toadrninisterthe'?zaovadveAl4toacbes to Preventing Teen t7 Atnong Amerlcan Indian foath proiect" 18 agreeInent. t9 20 2l )) 23 A )< 26 )1 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 JI 38 BE II in accordance with the terms of the FINALLY RESOLVED bythe Tohono O'odhamLeglslative Councllthatthe Nation's Health and Human Services Depadment and Education Department ar€ not authorlzed to dlsclose data or other information that is not publicly avallatrle. Theforcgoing Resolutlon was passed bythe Tohono O'odham Legislative Council on the 2om Day ofSEPTEMBER. 2012 at a meeting at whlch a qrorum was present with a vote of 1,624.20 FoR; AGAINSI; -O- NOT VOIING| and M5l ABSENT, pursuantto the powers vested in the Council byArtlcle vI, Sectton 1 (cX2) & I (O ofthe Constltution ofthe Tohono O'odham Nation, adopted by Iohono O'odham Nation on lanuary lt, 1986; and approved by the Acting Deputy Asslstant Secretary - Indlan Alfalrs (operations) on March 6, 1986, pursuant to section 16 oftheActofJune 18, 1934 (4r Stat, 9E4), RBSOIUTTON NO. 12-371 (Aut[oriu ing Memorandum ofAgreement wlth the Inter Tribal Council ofArirona, Inc. to Adminlster "rnnovadve Approaches to preventilg Teen pregnancy llmong llmerican Indlan youtn pioiect ) 3 of3 I , 3 4 Er'onne Wilson, Legislatlve Secretarv /l 5 aayor 6 7 I 9 10 ll t2 t3 t4 l5 l6 t7 /%J/,yttb/L,zotz l to thp ollice ofthe Chair4lan ofthe Tohono O'odham , ,ot, o,ctock, .u.. pursuant to the provisions ofsecti6n sbtarticte vII ofth€ constittrtion and will become eflective upon his approval or rpon his failure to either approve or disapprove tt within 4g hours of l4,n h.L 4 {)01 O'ODHAM I,EGISI,ATIVE COUNCII, 18 t9 20 2l ), 23 24 ,< ,/ *r*oo*o I on*e F aay", 6t4*nhzr ,rrr" * ff'4f o'"tocl., 4 .u. I DISAPPROVED 26 t1 28 29 30 NED NORRIS,IR., TOHONO O'ODHAM NATION 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 to the Leglslative secretary on th zorz, at 42) 38 39 40 4l 42 43 44 45 46 47 Evonne Wilson, Legislatlve S€cretar.y f " d o,crock, un,o, /! .vr,. f RESOLT TTON NO. 12-371 ACTION: AUTHORIZING MEMORANDUM OF AGRN,EMENT WITH THE INTER TRIBAL COI]NCIL OF ARIZONA, INC. TO ADMINISTER 'INNOVATIVE APPROACIIES TO PR.EVENTING TEDN PREGNANCY AMONG AMERICAN INDIAN YOUTH PROJECT' MOVED: COUNCILMAN CHESTER ANTONE DATE: SEPTEMBER 20. 2012 LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATTI'ES DISTRICT BABOQT]IVARI 342.0 CHI]KUT KUK 302.2 SECOND: COUNCILWOMAN GRACE MANUEL #oF VOTES I. (Rob€na FRANCES MIGIJEL 2. l7 Harvey) t.o FRANCES G. ANTONE /,4bsear) (Vernon Smith) fheserr) 171.0 1. ETHEL GARCIA (Sara Mae Williams) 151. 10 2. BILLMAN LOPEZ l5l . FOR AGAINST NOT VOTING ABSENT x x x x 10 ) GU ACHI 2U,9 I. TIMOTHY L. JOAQUIN () 2. CYNTHIA E. MANUEL (Lnuis L. Johnson) GU VO 226.7 I. GRACE MANUEL 186.3 x x t22.45 1 13.35 x (Floyd Flores) 2. PAMELA ANGHILL ( IIICKIWAN 122.45 ) I. LOUIS R. LOPEZ (Michelle Ortega) 2. SANDRA ORTEGA l13.35 93. 15 93. 15 x x x x x ) PISINEMO 200.7 I. CHESTER ANTONE 100.35 x t00.35 X I. LORRAINE EILER 102.30 x 2. JANA MONTANA (Gloria Ramirez) 1o2.30 1. HILARION CAMPUS 107.90 (Tony Murrietta) 2. EDWARD MANUEL (Gerald Fayuan0 SANLUCY 204.6 SAN XAVIER 215.8 () 169.8 SELLS 475,7 SIF OIDAK 2rt.9 X x x (Racheal vilson-Sloner) 2. OLIVIA VILLEGAS-LISTON (Eugene Enis) SCHUKTOAK x I. FRANCES B. STEPHENS (Anthony J. Rios) 2. FREDERICK JOSE (Phyllis Cachora) I. ARTHUR WILSON (Kimberly Mull) 2. EVELYN B. JUAN MANUEL ( I. NICHOLAS JOSE ( TOTAL 84.90 x x 84.90 x 237 .85 x 237 .85 105.95 2,780.60 x x 105.95 ) 2. MARY LOPEZ ( ) X r07 .90 x 1,624.7O 1,155.90 -0- I0sj
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