
RC- Final Exam REVIEW
True/False (25 on Final)
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
1. Physical therapists provide treatment to improve mobility and prevent or limit permanent disability.
2. A physiatrist is a medical doctor who provides physical medicine and rehabilitation.
3. A massage therapist uses massage, bodywork, and therapeutic touch to muscles to provide pain relief,
improve lymphatic circulation, and relieve stress.
4. The transverse plane divides the body into a front section and a back section.
5. The abdominal cavity is frequently divided into six sections.
6. Bones store most of the calcium supply of the body.
7. The epiphysis is the long shaft of bones.
8. The yellow marrow contains cells that form leukocytes or white blood cells.
9. Muscles are bundles of muscle fibers held together by connective tissue.
____ 10. When muscles contract, they become longer and thinner.
____ 11. Foot drop is a common contracture.
____ 12. The intercostal muscles are important for breathing.
____ 13. Extension occurs when the fingers are bent to form a fist.
____ 14. The smallest branches of arteries are called arterioles.
____ 15. Plasma is approximately 75 percent water with many suspended substances.
____ 16. If hypertension is not treated, it can cause permanent damage to the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys.
____ 17. It is always advisable to end contrast therapy with a hot bath.
____ 18. Continuous ultrasound is a form of energy that is transformed to deep heat within the targeted tissue.
____ 19. Median annual earnings of physical therapists were $95,200 in 2006.
____ 20. Electrical stimulation should not be used over the carotid sinus.
____ 21. Taping the Achilles tendon is not an effective method of relieving strain.
____ 22. Fingers can become sprained but not hyperextended.
____ 23. The synarthroses joints are slightly movable.
____ 24. To open the airway with a head-tilt chin-lift method, put one hand on the forehead and the finger tips of the
other hand under the fleshy part of the jaw.
____ 25. If an object such as a splinter or cinder is embedded in the tissue, use sterile tweezers to remove the object.
____ 26. The main treatment for all types of burns is to cool the area by flushing it with large amounts of cool water.
____ 27. Treat a dislocation the same way a fracture is treated.
____ 28. Cold applications are used initially to decrease swelling for both sprains and strains.
____ 29. To treat a nosebleed, place the victim in a sitting position with the head tilted backward.
____ 30. If abdominal organs are protruding from a wound, use a large sterile dressing moistened with sterile water or
normal saline to cover the area.
____ 31. If a victim is convulsing, restrain the arms to stop the muscle movements and prevent injury to the victim.
____ 32. Start CPR and shout for help for any victim of cardiac arrest caused by a drug overdose.
____ 33. The adult defibrillator dose and adult electrodes should be used for any child older than 8 years.
____ 34. After being positioned over a fracture site, air splints are deflated to allow the splints to mold to the fracture
site to provide support.
____ 35. A health care provider should give aspirin to any individual who may be having a heart attack.
____ 36. A cane should be used on the injured or affected side of the body to provide the best support.
____ 37. A warm water bag or ice bag must always be covered.
____ 38. The sitz bath is used to provide warm moist heat to the perineal and rectal area.
____ 39. Hydrocollator packs are gel-filled packs that are warmed in a water bath at a temperature of 150° to 170°F.
____ 40. Metal objects, such as rings, bracelets, necklaces, and watches, should be removed from an area before a heat
or cold application is applied.
Multiple Choice (25 on Final)
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 41. The ____ recognized athletic training as an allied health profession only recently.
b. American Medical Association
d. National Federation of High School Associations
____ 42. Certified athletic trainers have, at a minimum, a(n) ____ degree.
a. doctorate
c. master’s
b. associate’s
d. bachelor’s
____ 43. A degree awarded by a college or university after a prescribed course of study that usually lasts four or more
years is a/an ____.
a. associate’s degree
c. master’s degree
b. doctor’s degree
d. bachelor’s degree
____ 44. In order to renew licenses or maintain certification, individuals must obtain additional hours of education
called ____.
a. secondary education units
c. continuing education units
b. post-secondary education units
d. certification units
____ 45. The study of the processes of living organisms, or why and how they work, is ____.
a. anatomy
c. pathophysiology
b. physiology
d. biology
____ 46. Body parts close to the midsagittal plane are called ____.
a. medial
c. proximal
b. inferior
d. lateral
____ 47. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. the toes are proximal to the ankles
b. the elbow is distal to the wrist
c. the nose is medial to the ears
d. the knee is lateral to the foot
____ 48. The vertebrae that are located at the waist are ____.
a. cervical
c. thoracic
b. lumbar
d. sacral
____ 49. The first seven pairs of ribs are called ____.
a. false ribs
b. intercostal ribs
c. floating ribs
d. true ribs
____ 50. An inflammation of small, fluid-filled sacs surrounding the joints is ____.
a. arthritis
c. osteomyelitis
b. bursitis
d. osteoporosis
____ 51. A bone break that pierces or ruptures through the skin is a ____.
a. depressed fracture
c. simple fracture
b. greenstick fracture
d. compound fracture
____ 52. A side-to-side or lateral curvature of the spine is ____.
a. scoliosis
c. lordosis
b. kyphosis
d. sacrospinous
____ 53. If the lower leg is straightened away from the upper leg, the movement is ____.
a. abduction
c. flexion
b. adduction
d. extension
____ 54. Swinging the arm in a circle is an example of ____.
a. abduction
c. rotation
b. extension
d. circumduction
____ 55. The muscle on the upper chest that adducts and flexes the upper arm is the ____.
a. deltoid
c. rectus abdominus
b. pectoralis major
d. latissimus dorsi
____ 56. The muscle on the front of the thigh that extends the leg is the ____.
a. sartorius
c. gastrocnemius
b. quadriceps femoris
d. tibialis anterior
____ 57. The muscle that extends from the ribs to the pubis and compresses the abdomen is the ____.
a. rectus abdominus
c. pectoralis major
b. latissimus dorsi
d. gluteus maximus
____ 58. A group of inherited diseases that lead to chronic, progressive muscle atrophy is ____.
a. myasthenia gravis
c. muscular dystrophy
b. paralysis
d. cerebral palsy
____ 59. A condition caused by continuous repetitive movement of the wrist is ____.
a. multiple sclerosis
c. shingles
b. carpal tunnel syndrome
d. neuralgia
____ 60. An inherited disease that occurs almost exclusively in males and in which the blood is unable to clot is ____.
a. anemia
c. hemophilia
b. leukemia
d. aneurysm
____ 61. Which of the following is not a risk factor that increases the incidence of hypertension?
a. race
c. excessive exercise
b. smoking
d. obesity
____ 62. Heat should ____.
a. not be used in acute states
b. be used with athletes who have impaired circulation
c. be used in areas of diminished sensation
d. be used in areas susceptible to increased bleeding
____ 63. Hydrotherapy is a form of superficial heating that uses agitated, heated ____ in a specially designed piece of
equipment called a whirlpool.
a. oil
c. water
b. isopropanol
d. ethanol
____ 64. Underwrap is made of a ____ material.
a. light foam
b. heavy foam
c. plaster
d. metal foil
____ 65. The acronym RICES describes the steps in the care of sprains. The R stands for ____.
a. relief
c. radio for help
b. rest
d. revive
____ 66. The acronym RICES describes the steps in the care of sprains. The S stands for ____.
a. surgery
c. safety
b. sprain
d. support
____ 67. Hyperextension of the elbow is normally the result of ____.
a. throwing a ball too hard
c. falling on an outstretched arm or hand
b. fighting
d. blocking a shot in basketball
____ 68. ____ joints are found between the vertebrae in the spine.
a. Ellipsoidal
c. Hinge
b. Ball-and-socket
d. Gliding
____ 69. ____ occurs in the frontal plane, moving the body part inferiorly (downward).
a. Opposition
c. Elevation
b. Retraction
d. Depression
____ 70. A wound caused by a sharp object such as a knife, scissors, or a razor is a/an ____.
a. abrasion
c. laceration
b. incision
d. puncture
____ 71. Which of the following is not a sign or symptom of shock?
a. rapid, shallow respirations
c. rapid, weak pulse
b. diaphoresis
d. elevated blood pressure
____ 72. Which of the following is not a treatment for a convulsion?
a. Put a blunt object between the victim’s teeth to keep the victim from biting his or her
b. Remove dangerous objects from the area.
c. Avoid using force to restrain or stop the muscle movements.
d. Put a pillow or cushion under the victim’s head.
____ 73. Call first for EMS before starting CPR for ____.
a. an unconscious adult or child who has reached puberty
b. any victim of submersion or near drowning
c. any victim with cardiac arrest caused by a drug overdose or trauma
d. an unconscious infant or child from one year of age to puberty
____ 74. Range-of-motion exercises administered by another person who moves each joint for a patient who is not able
to exercise are ____.
a. active
c. passive
b. active assistive
d. resistive
____ 75. Which of the following is not a principle that should be observed while performing ROM exercises?
a. Movements should be slow, smooth, and gentle.
b. Each joint should be exercised to the point of pain.
c. Support should be provided to the parts above and below the joint being exercised.
d. The patient should be encouraged to assist as much as possible.
____ 76. During ROM exercise, each movement should be performed ____.
a. one to two times
b. two to three times
c. three to five times
d. as many times as the patient tolerates
____ 77. An example of a moist heat application is a/an ____.
a. warm water bag
c. heating pad
b. aquathermia pad
d. warm compress
____ 78. The temperature for an aquathermia pad is usually set at ____.
a. 80 to 90F
c. 95 to 105F
b. 90 to 100F
d. 115 to 120F
____ 79. Which of the following devices has an automatic temperature control to maintain the water temperature
during a sitz bath?
a. sitz chair
c. sitz tub
b. regular bathtub
d. portable sitz unit
____ 80. The correct term for cold applications is ____.
a. thermotherapy
c. cryotherapy
b. hypothermia
d. hyperthermia
Completion (10 on Final- NO WORD BANK)
Complete each statement.
81. Athletic ____________________ is the rendering of specialized care to individuals involved in exercise and
82. Since the enactment of Title ____________________, the number of females participating in athletics has
grown substantially.
83. Certified athletic trainers have fulfilled the requirements for certification established by the
____________________ Association Board of Certification, Inc. (NATABOC).
84. The word ____________________ means “obligated according to law or equity; responsible.”
85. Medical professionals today regard the ____________________ oath as fundamental to the practice of
86. Therapeutic physical ____________________ are the various heating, cooling, and mechanical/electrical
methods of treatment used on the human body.
87. Briskly rubbing the ice over the injured area produces the desired cold effect in an ice
88. ____________________ packs—moist hot packs that are used for superficial heating—are kept warm in a
heated stainless steel container filled with hot water in the range of 60°C to 90°C.
89. A(n) ____________________ is typically a stainless steel or fiberglass tub with an attached turbine; the
turbine mixes air with water, which then flows under pressure into the tank of water to produce turbulence.
90. ____________________ is a very high-frequency sound wave that is absorbed by tissues high in protein
91. The ____________________ stimulation modality is commonly used in physical therapy, and it has proven
effective for many purposes.
92. TENS, or ____________________ (entering through the skin) electrical nerve stimulation, is commonly
applied with a portable unit for pain control.
93. Tape removal is done using specialized ____________________ or tape-cutting devices.
94. ____________________ (preventive) taping of the ankle is the most common use for athletic tape.
95. ____________________ taping helps to improve foot biomechanics by keeping the athlete from
overpronating (foot rotating inward).
96. ____________________ toe got its name because it occurs frequently in people who play games on artificial
97. The ____________________ tendon is the largest tendon in the body.
98. One of the common methods for providing some relief is to apply ____________________ (taping around the
leg) elastic taping.
99. ____________________ is a body part moving beyond the normal range of motion.
100. The study of joints is called ____________________.
101. A(n) ____________________ is a joint in which a conical process fits into a socket and is held in place by
102. A(n) ____________________ joint allows bones to make a sliding motion.
103. ____________________ describes movements of the limbs only, where the limb moves away from the
midline of the body.
104. ____________________ refers to the act of turning the palm upward, performed by lateral rotation of the
105. ____________________ occurs in a transverse plane, moving the body part backward.
106. ____________________ is an inflammation of the synovial bursa that can be caused by excessive stress or
tension placed on the bursa.
107. ____________________ arthritis is a connective tissue disorder resulting in severe inflammation of small
Matching (30 on Final)
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. Athletic trainer
b. Audiologist
c. Biomedical equipment technician
d. Central/sterile supply worker
Dental hygienist
Dental laboratory technician
Dialysis technician
Electrocardiograph technician
Electroencephalographic technologist
Emergency medical technician
Geriatric assistant
Health care administrator
Health information technician
Licensed practical/vocational nurse
Medical (clinical) laboratory technologist
Physician assistant
Recreational therapist
Speech-language therapist
____ 108. Provide emergency, prehospital care to accident victims
____ 109. Manage the operation of a health care facility
____ 110. Organize and code patient records, gather statistical data
____ 111. Dispense medications and provide information on drugs
____ 112. Use recreational and leisure activities as a form of treatment
____ 113. Operate the heart-lung machines
____ 114. Study human behavior; help individuals deal with the problems of living
____ 115. Operate machine to record electrical activity in the brain
____ 116. Dentist specializing in alignment or straightening of the teeth
____ 117. Works under supervision of dentist to remove stains and deposits from the teeth
____ 118. Study tissues, fluids, and cells of the body to help determine the presence and/or cause of disease
____ 119. Order, maintain, and stock all of the equipment and supplies used in a health care facility
____ 120. Nurse assistants who provide care for patients in long-term care facilities
____ 121. Assess nutritional needs of individuals and manage food service systems
____ 122. Provide care to individuals with hearing problems
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. Abduction
k. Flexion
b. Adduction
l. Insertion
c. Circumduction
m. Involuntary
Muscle tone
____ 123. State of partial contraction
____ 124. The end of a muscle that moves when the muscle contracts
____ 125. Severe tightening of a flexor muscle
____ 126. Control over the action of a muscle
____ 127. Ability of a muscle to be stretched
____ 128. Ability of a muscle to respond to a stimulus
____ 129. Ability of a muscle to return to its original shape
____ 130. Strong, tough, connective-tissue cord that attaches muscles to bones
____ 131. Moving a body part toward the midline
____ 132. Bending the lower arm up toward the upper arm
____ 133. Moving in a circle at a joint
____ 134. Increasing the angle between two bones
____ 135. Turning the head from side to side
____ 136. Moving the arm out to the side
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. Abrasion
b. Amputation
c. Avulsion
d. Bandage
e. Convulsion
f. Diaphoresis
g. Dressing
h. Dyspnea
i. Frostbite
j. Heat cramp
Heat exhaustion
Heat stroke
____ 137. Condition that can occur with any illness or injury
____ 138. Medical emergency caused by prolonged exposure to heat
____ 139. Tearing of tissues to create a wound with jagged, irregular edges
____ 140. Excessive loss of blood
____ 141. Overstretching of a muscle
____ 142. Excessive or profuse perspiration
____ 143. Sterile covering placed over a wound
____ 144. A scraping type of wound prone to infection
____ 145. Freezing of tissue fluids accompanied by damage to the skin
____ 146. Muscle spasm caused by exposure to heat
____ 147. Wound created by a sharp object such as a pin or nail
____ 148. Body part is cut off and separated from the body
____ 149. Violent involuntary contraction of muscles
____ 150. Material used to secure splints or support body parts
____ 151. Difficult or labored respirations
____ 152. Torn tissue hanging from the ear, nose, hand, or other body part
____ 153. Injury to the tissues surrounding a joint
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. Abduction
b. Adduction
c. Circumduction
d. Dorsiflexion
e. Eversion
f. Extension
g. Flexion
h. Hyperextension
Plantar flexion
Radial deviation
Ulnar deviation
____ 154. Turning the forearm and hand so the palm of the hand is down
____ 155. Excessive straightening of a body part
____ 156. Turning the head from side to side
____ 157. Moving the arm out from the side of the body
____ 158. Straightening the lower arm away from the upper arm
____ 159. Straightening the foot away from the knee
____ 160. Bending the lower leg up toward the upper leg
____ 161. Turning the foot outward
____ 162. Moving the fingers toward each other
____ 163. Moving in a circle at a joint
____ 164. Bending the foot toward the knee
____ 165. Turning the hand so the palm is up
____ 166. Moving the fingers toward the thumb side of the hand
____ 167. Turning the foot inward
Short Answer (All 5 will be on the Final)
168. Name three kinds of muscle tissue.
169. Name 5 careers that are considered healthcare rehabilitation careers.
170. A patient comes to you for therapy after having ACL reconstructive surgery. What are 2 exercises you will
prescribe while they are 1-2 weeks post-op?
171. You were assigned a rehab career at the beginning of the year. What was your career, and what have you
learned about it? List 3 facts.
172. An athlete comes to you with an acute ankle sprain that swollen and inflammed. Do you apply heat or ice?