Parent Scholar HANDBOOK

Parent Scholar HANDBOOK
Our Mission Statement
The mission of Jonas Bronck Academy is to shape an intimate, supportive, engaging school community-where parents are partners; where teachers inspire learning with passion and commitment; and where all of the adults model –
and all the scholars develop and live – our core values of respect, integrity and dignity.
Jonas Bronck Academy will provide the academic and character-building skills our scholars need to graduate from
leading colleges, to succeed in a competitive world, and to
serve as the next generation of leaders of their communities.
Jonas Bronck Academy Directory
Phone Number
Donalda Chumney
(718) 365-2502
Christopher Williams
Assistant Principal
(718) 365-2502 ext. 4101
Giselle Fortiche Ocampo Assistant Principal
(718) 365-2502 ext. 5042
Marcela Torres
Parent Coordinator
(718) 365-2502 ext. 4082
Maribel Pena
Social Worker
(718) 365-2502 ext. 4062
Anjer Jolly
School Secretary
(718) 365-2502 ext. 4151
Charles Rodriguez
Business Manager
(718) 365-2502 ext. 4150
Glenderlyn Johnson
(718) 365-2502 ext 4011
Irene Cuevas
School Aide
(718) 365-2502
Gloria Rijos
School Aide
(718) 365-2502
Ashworth, Cassandra
Babatido, Emilia
Cipollone, Albertina
ELA Special Educator
Duran, Joseph
Special Educator
Elverson, Molly
6th grade Math & Science
Fixl, Albert
Gardner, Chereese
6th grade Math & Science
Goss, Yolanda
Jahoda, Kristen
Leone, Kristin
6th grade ELA & Social Studies
Lopriore, Gianine
Mastronardi, Marie
Pacura, Annamarie
Rivera, Maritza
Social Studies
Rudd, Jonathan
6th grade ELA & Social Studies
Santiago, Daisy
Soler, Alexiander
Vanacore, Andrea
Watkins-Turner, Lynda ELA, Social Studies Special Educator
Wittlinger, Jochen
Physical Education
September 6, Monday Labor Day.
September 9 and 10 Rosh Hashanah (School is not in session)
October 11, Monday Columbus Day Observed (School is not in session)
November 2, Tuesday Election Day (Scholars will not be in attendance)
November 11, Monday Veteran’s Day (School is not in session)
November 25, Thursday and November 26, Friday Thanksgiving Recess
December 24, Friday through and including December 31, Friday Winter Recess (including Christmas
and New Year's Day)
January 3, 2011 Monday Scholars return to school
January 17, Monday Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (School is not in session)
February 21, Monday through February 25, Friday Midwinter Recess (including Washington's Birthday)
April 18, Monday through April 26, Tuesday Spring Recess
April 27, Wednesday scholars return to school
May 30, Monday Memorial Day Observed (School is not in session)
June 9, Thursday Chancellor’s Conference Day for staff development . Scholars will not be in attendance.
June 28, Tuesday LAST DAY FOR ALL SCHOLARS. An early dismissal of scholars is to be scheduled
Great Attendance is a JBA Scholar’s First Priority!
Scholars, excellent attendance is very important to your academic success. At JBA, most scholars
do not miss more than 4-5 days per year, and many scholars have perfect attendance.
In order to be promoted to the next grade, the New York State Department of Education requires
that you maintain 90% attendance. This means that you may not be absent more than 17 school
days per year. You’re probably thinking, “Seventeen Absences?! That’s a lot!” We agree! We
strongly encourage you to be present every day. Research shows that students who attend school
every day learn more quickly and attain higher levels of mastery than those who have even a few
absences. Don’t cheat yourself out of a great education and the opportunity of a great high school.
Come to school every day on time.
Parents are expected to submit a note or letter explaining their child’s absence from school. Absence from school is only excused for personal illness, religious observance, attendance at special
events authorized by the school, or a family emergency beyond the scholar's control, such as a fire
or a death in the family. A note from a doctor or health-care professional must be provided to verify scholars’ presence at medical appointments. If scholars are absent from school for reasons
other than those listed above, documentation of the reason for the absence must be presented to
the school (e.g. court order, college visitation, etc.). All other family trips and vacations should be
coordinated using the calendar above to avoid unexcused absences.
Parents must make contact with their child’s teachers in cases of extended absences. Teachers will
assist scholars and their parents by coordinating a plan for making up classwork and homework
Scholars who are absent are responsible for completing and handing in all missing work.
School Hours:
Main Office Hours
7:50 am-8:20 am
8:25 am
3:15 pm
8:30 am-3:30 pm
Absence and Lateness: Notifying JBA
Parents, please call the school at 718-365-2502 between 7:30 and 8:45 a.m. if your child is going to be absent or late that day. We appreciate this courtesy and will make a note that you called.
If we haven't heard from you by 8:45 a.m., we will call you by the end of the day to notify you that
your child was not in attendance. If a child is found cutting and/or missing the authorities must be
All scholars are expected to be in their classrooms, ready to learn, at 9:00 a.m. Those who are late
must request a late pass as they enter the building. This procedure helps us to ensure that our attendance records are accurate for each child. Teachers will not accept scholars into classrooms
without a late pass.
Scholars who are late to class in the middle of the day without a pass will be considered cutting.
Excessive absence, lateness and/or cutting will have serious academic effects. As a disciplinary
consequence, scholars who are excessively tardy to school or who cut class may also be unable to
participate in extra curricular activities.
Early Pick Up by Parents
Please make pick-up arrangements in advance in the instance that a scholar has an appointment
that could not be scheduled after school. Parents, please contact the office at 718-365-2502 or
Ms. Torres, Parent Coordinator at (347)563-4833 or send a note to alert us that your child will be
picked up at a specified time.
Whenever possible, please coordinate the pick-up time to correspond with the changing of periods. This eliminates the need to disrupt scholars during instructional time.
The wellbeing of each child is crucial to us. Scholars may not leave the school building unless a
parent/guardian or other adult listed on the blue card (age 18 or older) signs for their release. It
is illegal for us to release scholars to anyone whose name does not appear on the blue card. All
individuals entering our school building must produce official, valid personal identification that
corresponds with the information listed on the scholar’s blue card.
Scholars, please remember, you’re responsible for the work missed in class due to early dismissal.
General Expectations
The faculty of Jonas Bronck Academy is committed to facilitating a safe and nurturing environment where mastery learning and good character are respected and expected.
Scholars demonstrate respect for our school and personal integrity and dignity by:
1. Arriving on time to school and class to fully participate, to learn, to discover new information
and ways of doing things and to engage in academic discussions.
2. Wearing our school uniform at all times
3. Following all directions of all the adults in the community
4. Coming prepared to learn by bringing the appropriate materials to class, such as notebooks,
textbooks, trade books and writing tools
5. Showing courtesy and respect for everyone in our community in speech and actions. All adults
will be referred to as Ms. or Mr. “last name.” These actions are never appropriate: foul language, eye-rolling, teeth sucking, name-calling, talking back or disrupting the learning/
working environment of others.
6. Having all homework & project assignments completed and being prepared for discussions in
7. Striving to develop as a learner and pursuing excellence by setting personal goals
8. Putting forth their best effort at all times
NYCDOE Official Promotional Policy
It is imperative that scholars and families understand that promotional standards have
strict guidelines in NYCDOE schools. There is no social promotion. Scholars earn promotion to the next grade level through three components:
1. Coursework Grades: Passing all core subjects (English, Math, Science and Social
Studies) with a 65 or better: Participation, completion of assignments in class and
at home, completion of projects, success rate on course tests and quizzes and evidence
of standards mastery
2. New York State Exams: Scoring a level 2 or higher on English Language Arts and
Mathematics Exams
3. Minimum 90% attendance: Scholars cannot miss more than 17 days of school.
Scholars who fail to meet any of these requirements for promotion will
be required to attend summer school and/or may also be retained in
their current grade for the next school year.
JBA’s Schoolwide Grading Policy
Scholars, it’s important to always take your work seriously and do your best. You must maintain
an 80% or better Grade Point Average (GPA) to earn entry to a selective high school. Summer programs, such as those offered by the Bronx Institute at Lehman College and the Higher Achievement
Program at Xavier require an 85 or better GPA.
Selective high schools also consider your attendance, and they consider more that 5 absences per
year excessive. This begins in sixth grade. High schools and summer programs request sixth and
seventh grade report cards and attendance records to make decisions about acceptance.
Grades are an indicator of a scholar’s progress and mastery of their subject area. All teachers adhere to the JBA official grading policy:
Class participation, class work (10%)
Journals (10%)
Examinations (30%)
Quizzes (15%)
Homework (15%)
Reports/projects (20%)
Grading System
64 and below
Respect, Integrity & Dignity
are evident at all times
Good Behavior
Homework Policy
Scholars, Homework is an important aspect of a student’s education. It is a necessary and effective
means of reinforcing the classroom learning experience.
Homework usually falls into the following general classifications:
written assignment
reviewing class work
reading homework
One of the goals of middle school is to learn effective time management skills. Therefore, students
need to learn to pace long-term assignments to avoid multiple hours of work on any given night.
While the type and amount of homework will vary by grade level and by subject, it is expected that all
students will complete assignments to the best of their ability and in a timely manner. Criteria and specific expectations will be provided for each class by individual teachers. Although written homework
may not always be assigned, students are responsible for reviewing material on a nightly basis.
Students are responsible for knowing what assignments need to be done. All assignments, including
homework, are due on the designated date. Students are expected to use their planner and to write
down daily and long-term assignments. Parents can and are urged to check these planners to help
monitor their child’s homework every night. If concerns regarding homework arise, parents are encouraged to contact the advisors.
Scholars who do not hand in homework may be required to stay after school to complete tasks. A Parent’s Best Resource
Parents and scholars can check on a scholar’s academic progress and learning goals twenty-four hours
per day, seven days per week by logging on to Each scholar has a personal, private account where all school announcements, class information, progress reports and report
cards are posted.
Do you prefer receiving information the old-fashioned way? All parents and scholars are issued paper
progress reports (the same information available at every three weeks. Each report has a
list of classwork, homework, and projects assigned and completed by the scholar. Report card grades
are posted to Scholars receive an official report card grade every quarter according to the
dates below:
Grading Period
Parent /Advisor Conference
First Quarter
September 8
November 10
Second Quarter
November 12
February 9
Third Quarter
February 10
April 15
Upon request: Please call or email advisor
Fourth Quarter
April 27
June 28
Upon request: Please call or email advisor
November 16th (afternoon and evening
February 17th (afternoon and evening session)
Awards and Honors you’ll earn at JBA
At JBA, we’re each striving toward our own personal best every day, in every class. What matters most is consistent improvement— trying harder and doing better than we did yesterday— both academically and with our behavior. Each scholar is unique. We celebrate the
achievements of every scholar with these forms of recognition:
Friday Shout-Outs: Every Friday, achievement and citizenship is shouted-out at JBA
Principal’s List: Scholars with grade point averages of 95% or higher on report cards
First Honors: Scholars with grade point averages of 90% or higher on report cards
Second Honors: Scholars with grade point averages of 85% or higher on report cards
+5: Scholars who have improved their grade point average by 5 points on report cards
Moving Up: Scholars who have improved their grades overall on their report card
80s and 90s Club: Teachers publicly post the names of scholars who have averages in the 80s
or 90s in their class. 80s and 90s parties are usually held once per month.
Perfect Attendance-Scholars who have no absences or lateness will receive recognition.
Making the Honor Roll– Study Skills
Scholars, are study skills and test-taking skills a part of your academic tool kit? They’re important for your success at JBA, in high school and in college! Here are some tips and strategies:
Be Prepared to fully participate in class:
Bring the necessary supplies
Listen closely during the mini-lesson
Take notes and write down questions you have
Participate in class discussion
Complete all assignments
Write down your homework in the same notebook every day
Keep your binder, notebook and book bag neat and organized
Guidelines for studying at home :
Have a set homework hour and study place at home
Decline social phone calls during study time
Tackle your least favorite/ most difficult subject first
Review class work each night
Study for tests at least 3 to 4 days before the test date
Have a set bed time (we advise 9 p.m.) and stick to it!
Talk to your parents every day about your progress (successes, challenges, projects, quizzes,
tests etc.)
Be Prepared: Materials you need to succeed
Scholars, your notebook and binder is the number one way that you communicate to your parents,
teachers, principal and visitors what and how you are learning. Developing good organizational
skills comes naturally to some people, but most of us have to work hard at learning to keep our
things neat and orderly.
The extra effort pays off: The neater you maintain your materials, the easier it is for you to
study for quizzes and tests. At the end of each quarter, you’ll receive a notebook grade as part of
your participation grade, so be sure to keep everything neat and organized.
Parents can help by:
Asking to see your notebooks, notes and binder
Helping you to store work from previous marking periods at home and to put your papers in
categories in your binder
Each day, all scholars are expected to have:
A 3 ring binder
Loose-leaf paper (enough for all classes)
Section dividers for each subject
3 Marble Notebooks: A reader’s response notebook, a writer’s response notebook and a math
reflective journal (no spiral notebooks please!)
Pocket folders for handouts and projects
At least 5 pencils and 4 pens (black and/or blue ink, no other colors or gel pens)
White Out and Sharpies are NOT allowed at school
JBA Policies and Procedures
Dress Code: Dress for Success
All scholars must arrive at school wearing the official JBA full uniform:
Khaki pants or trousers: Khakis are a specific kind of pants; khaki-colored jeans or khakicolored sweatpants are not acceptable. Your khakis must fit you properly. Gentlemen, your
khakis must not be worn too baggy (oversized). Ladies, your khakis must not be skin-hugging or
Navy Blue Polo Jonas Bronck Academy Shirt
All-Black Shoes or black sneakers
Please ensure that your scholar keeps all valuables, including jewelry, at home for safekeeping. Earrings
larger than a quarter in size are not permitted. Scarves, hats, bandanas, all beaded necklaces/bracelets,
any metal studded jewelry, neckwear, certain types of hooded sweatshirts - or any other accessory – are
not permitted and must not be brought onto school grounds (winter coats, scarves and hats are permitted). If a scholar wears any of these items, it distracts others and takes away the school staff’s time to provide scholars with the focused educational climate they deserve. Therefore, any accessory mentioned here
will be confiscated and will be available in the main office for retrieval by a parent.
Classroom and Hallway Conduct
Scholars, we’re counting on you to make JBA feel happy and orderly. Visitors can tell a lot about our
school by observing how scholars act in the hallway when we’re changing classes. Do we play around?
Start conflict? Hoot and holler at each other? Or do we say hello to our friends and keep things moving?
Do we keep our volume low out of respect for those who are in class? The way we behave in the hall
shows what we value as a school community.
For the Safety of everyone, please observe the following procedures in the hallwall:
1. At the end of each class period, scholars must be dismissed by their teacher in order to leave their
classroom. WALK directly to their next class.– Running is dangerous.
2. All scholars will be greeted at the door by their teachers and should enter quietly to begin their starter
assignment. NEVER – Push or shove anyone to get to the class. ―Horsing and/or goofing around can cause
injury to students. This behavior will not be tolerated.
3. The time between classes is very short. Scholars may not use the restroom/water fountain during the
change of classes as they will have opportunities during prescribed times.
4. When the bell rings the scholars should be seated and working. Any student that is not will be considered late and will have a note given to the dean for further action.
Dining Hall Conduct
It is possible for all scholars to have breakfast and lunch in school everyday. Depending on family income,
your child may be eligible for reduced price or free breakfast and/or lunch. Otherwise, there will be a
charge for each meal, payable on a monthly basis.
Eligibility forms and prices for reduced and free lunches are sent home in September. These forms need to
be returned by all scholar’s (even if you plan on bringing your own lunch) promptly to ensure you are billed
Scholars will be given verbal notice when their lunch account balance is $5.00 or less. A scholar will be offered a reminder notice when account balance is at $0.00 and the school will make every effort to contact
the parent/guardian. If money isn’t received before lunch time you will be offered a courtesy meal up to 3
times. After the 3rd courtesy meal the family will again be notified regarding the next step. Scholars are expected to use their student ID cards to obtain a lunch. Replacement student ID cards can be purchased in the
main office.
Each scholar goes to lunch with his/her class and will have assigned seating. While some classes are traveling to lunch, other scholars are in class and working. It is important for all scholars to move to and from the
Dining Hall in a quiet, orderly manner. In the Dining Hall, scholars are expected to demonstrate good manners: sitting properly at the table, remaining seated until given permission to stand, and using a normal
speaking voice to converse with others.
Scholars are asked to cooperate with the following expectations:
Walk at all times.
Be courteous to cooks, custodians and staff.
Follow directions the first time they are given.
Remain seated at your table.
Put all trash in the proper containers.
Clean up the tabletop and floor in area before a table will be dismissed.
Leave after being dismissed.
At times, adults will need everyone’s attention. We use the peace sign as our quiet signal. That is when you
know you must immediately stop talking and offer your full attention.
Main Office and School Phones
As we live in a small community space is very limited, we ask that scholars do not come to the office without a pass.
If a parent needs to contact their child, he/she may call the main office and the staff will relay the message. Parents should not try to contact their child via cell phone during class hours as phones are collected and held in the principal’s office.
Phone calls to parents will only be allowed in an emergency. The Main Office staff will determine the urgency. In case of an emergency, we will follow procedures and phone home if deemed necessary (Scholars
who leave projects or homework at home is not an emergency).
Transportation Conduct: When you ride the bus...
Our goal is to provide each scholar who is traveling on the school bus or the public bus a safe and sufficient means of transportation to our school. Maintaining proper conduct while on the bus and at the bus
stop is the joint responsibility of the scholar, parent, bus driver and school officials.
All Scholars must observe the Bus/Train code of conduct:
Scholars will show respect to the driver at all times and follow the directions of the bus driver
Exude Dignity: Loud talking, obscene language, gestures, name-calling or arguing is not appropriate
Fighting or play-fighting is dangerous and puts the safety of many others at risk.
Save it for later! Food, gum, and drinks cannot be opened on the bus.
If you ride the school bus, you’ll be assigned a seat. and must remain seated at all times unless otherwise directed by the driver (School Bus only)
Scholars will wear seat belts at all times on the school bus
Scholars must be at the bus stop five minutes before the scheduled time. Sometimes the bus comes
Scholars must wait in an orderly manner. The bus is not considered late until 5 minutes after the
scheduled time
Scholars, if your behavior on the bus is disruptive, you can be suspended from the bus, meaning that your parents will have to bring you to school and pick you up. After three offenses, you can be expelled from the bus,
meaning that you are not allowed to ride the bus at all (even for trips) and your parents must bring you to
and from school every day.
Restroom and Water Fountain
1. Showing respect at JBA extends to the respect we show our physical space. The bathrooms and water
fountain area must stay clean. During the school day, it is each scholar’s responsibility to maintain these
2. Scholars must have a pass completely filled out stating their destination that they must take to
the Main Office.
3. Scholars will sign into the office log book to receive the key to go to the bathroom.
If restrooms or water fountains are misused, access to these services will be restricted. No one
wants that—so let’s honor the privileges we have and keep everything clean.
Personal Property Routines and Procedures
Scholar closets are located in the each advisory classroom. Closets will be locked once all scholars
have placed their belongings in the closet. The closets will remain locked until afternoon dismissal. Advisors
will ensure that they are locked and opened when deemed necessary. Take everything you need for the day
because you will not be allowed back into the closet once the school day has begun.
Please follow and respect the following guidelines:
1. Bicycles and scooters are not permitted in school as there is no secure place to store them.
2. No beepers or cell phones are allowed at school. To prevent distraction and disruption to instruction, all cell phones are collected during first period by your Advisor and returned at the end
of the school day by your advisor. They will be taken to the main office during the school day, any
scholar that is getting picked-up early will get their phones there.
3. If a scholar is found to be in possession of a cell phone during the school day, it will be confiscated and will only be released to a parent/guardian.
4. Hand-held audio or video game equipment is not allowed at school. This includes Ipods, MP3s,
Game Boys and/or any other electronic equipment. Those that are seen will be confiscated.
Those that are confiscated will be returned in February or June. Scholars who choose to
bring these items (including cell phones) to school do so at their own risk. JBA is not responsible
for any misplaced or lost electronic equipment, including cell phones. JBA faculty are devoted to teaching and learning and will not dedicate time to helping scholars locate lost, stolen or
missing items that should never have been brought to school.
Computer Procedures
Computers are a big part of what makes school cool! We must always treat technology with respect. We use our laptops for research, writing, blogging and interacting. In most classes at JBA, they’re
Computers are very expensive to repair when broken. Scholars are accountable to pay for any damage
caused to computers if the computer is broken or damaged while in your possession.
Please adhere to the following guidelines to ensure that the entire community benefits from the computers:
1. Scholars will sign out computers
2. Scholars will return computer in the same condition as upon receipt.
3. Scholars will be responsible for the maintenance of each computer. (Parents will be informed of any
damages and possible payments)
4. Scholars are responsible for any loose keys, cords, or dismantled equipment
5. Computer or printer electrical cords are not to be unplugged under any circumstances
6. Computers are only used in the manner instructed by teachers.
7. Computers are for educational purposes only. Any scholar found on an unauthorized website runs
the risk of serious disciplinary action. If scholars misuse their privileges, they run the risk of being denied access to computers during class.
Internet Usage Policy
The use of the internet is a privilege which will be revoked if students violate the Department of Education
policies regarding its use. These policies include specific prohibitions against the following:
Sending or receiving personal messages
Using the Internet for commercial purposes, advertising or similar objectives
Utilizing copyrighted materials without permission
Lobbying for political purposes or soliciting votes
Accessing pornographic or obscene materials
Sending or receiving messages that are racist, sexist, inflammatory, hateful or obscene
Vandalizing data, software or equipment
Sending or receiving another person’s messages without authorization.
What happens when you make the wrong choice?
All scholars are held to the NYCDOE Citywide Standards of Conduct and Uniform Disciplinary Measures and discipline procedures will be followed accordingly for anyone who is not in compliance.
The following procedure will be followed to prevent further disruption of learning:
1. A scholar’s teacher have a meeting with the student when there is a behavioral or classwork issue
2. The teacher will conference with the scholar to develop a plan of action for the behavior or classwork
3. A scholar’s advisor will receive a formal notification when the behavioral or class work issue persists
4. The Advisor will meet with the scholar to improve behavior
5. The parent may be contacted to inform parent/guardian of events
6. Parties involved will give scholar feedback of improvement or lack thereof
7. Persistent misconduct will result in a conference between the scholar and/or Parent, Advisor, Teacher
and Principal and run the risk of severe consequences and/or suspension
8. Individual behavior histories (files) will be maintained for each scholar.
9. All issues of misbehavior will be collected for future reference.
Zero Tolerance for Fighting, Stealing and Profanity
JBA is a Peaceful Community: Scholars fighting or instigating a fight will be held equally responsible.
Any use of violence, force, noise to encourage a fight, coercion, threats, intimidation, fear, name-calling,
insults or physical contact will result an immediate investigation, parent notification, notification to the
NYCDOE (reporting to the scholar’s permanent record) and suspension.
Respect Others’ Property: Scholars who cause damage to others’ property or JBA property /or/ scholars
who steal others’ property or JBA property will be liable to pay for the replacement or repair of stolen or
damaged property. The incident will also result in an investigation, parent notification, notification to the
NYCDOE (reporting to the scholar’s permanent record) and possible suspension.
Give Respect, Get Respect: Slanderous remarks, obscene or vulgar language and name-calling qualify as
harassment. These disrespectful, vile behaviors are strictly prohibited at JBA whether they are spoken,
written, or in the form of a gesture. Showing disrespect for another scholar or a faculty member in this
way will result in an immediate investigation, parent notification, notification to the NYCDOE (reporting to
the scholar’s permanent record) and suspension.
Zero Tolerance for Weapons
If we do not feel 100% safe, we cannot open our minds to learn. Scholars who knowingly possess or
handle any object that can be considered a weapon (or look-alike) risk very serious consequences. A
weapon is a firearm, firecracker, stink bomb, laser beam pointer, bat, knife, or any other object intended to
either physically protect yourself or to injure someone else. If you bring any of these things to school, or if
you touch any of these things or see any of these things and do not immediately report it to a teacher or
administrator, an immediate investigation, parent notification, notification to the NYCDOE (reporting to
the scholar’s permanent record) and suspension will ensue. In severe cases, we will also be required to
notify the NYC Police Department.
Consequence: Suspended Out of School
Enriching Activities at JBA
We have a lot of fun at JBA! Our community activities reward hard work, commitment to learning and good citizenship.
Scholars must display respect, integrity and dignity at school in order to be eligible to participate in fun activities outside
of school. We want everyone to participate in the fun stuff. Trust us, it’s not as fun without you! Always remember, permission slips must be signed by parents/guardians before the day of any trip. We have:
1. Advisory Trips and Class field trips
2. School Dances sponsored by our Parent Association
3. JBA Talent Show
4. Senior Trip to Six Flags—Great Adventure
5. GEAR-UP for College Events and A College Club
6. A Shakespearean Dramatic Production with CUNY
7. Scholars’ Lounge
8. Math Wizards and Senior Saturdays
9. Chorus, Band and Ballroom Dance Shows
For Seniors Only(8th Grade)
It is the responsibility of the scholar, with family and school support, to meet all requirements for graduation. Please see
the NYCDOE Official Promotion Policy section on page 4 of this handbook for specific information. Scholars, these requirements can be accomplished by setting measureable goals with your advisor and working toward your goals every day in
every class. Parents, please stay in touch with your child's assigned advisor during their academic career at JBA, especially in 8th grade.
All eighth grade scholars must comply with all JBA rules and policies in order to be eligible to participate in senior activities. Seniors, make good choices about your behavior and work habits. We want you to take part and celebrate what you
have accomplished! Senior activities include graduation ceremony, farewell dinner, prom, and a senior trip.
Criteria for Participation in Senior Activities:
1. Scholar must have a passing grade in all subjects and 90% attendance (or above) for the current marking period.
2. Scholar must demonstrate self-respect and respect for others at all times. Scholar may not have any suspensions on
file. (Scholars may regain their privilege only with advisor recommendation and demonstration of complete improvement).
3. All permission slips must be signed by parents and all dues, fees and balances must be paid. Balances include any
funds owed to JBA for senior expenses, fundraising, to the Parent Association for uniforms, etc.
Financial Responsibility For Senior Dues
There will be an information packet distributed at the beginning of the year to parents and scholars containing all pertinent information about their pending graduation and senior dues. General senior dues information:
1. All payment deadlines must be met in order for planners to make reservations for activities and event space. Please
be timely with your payment to ensure your scholar’s participation.
2. All scholars are encouraged to participate in activities and engage in the fundraising process to supplement the cost
of senior activities (scholars will have the opportunity to take part in senior bake sales, candy sale, etc).
What to do when you ...
...come to school before 7:30 a.m.: The front door doesn’t until 7:30 a.m. at which time
you may wait in the lobby until you can go to the Dining Hall at 7:50 for breakfast.
….have been absent for any reason: You need to bring a note the next day from your
parents and/or doctor to the main office.
...need to go anywhere in the school such as, the library, office, the bathroom, you
must get an appropriate pass from your teacher.
...are changing classes: Walk quickly and quietly in an orderly fashion. Do not disturb
other scholars’ learning you only have 90 seconds to get to the next class.
...miss the bus in the morning? Your parents are responsible for bringing you to
school. If you miss the bus after school, you must call a parent to come and pick you up.
...wonder if the school is closed due to bad weather? Check the local radio and TV
stations to get information concerning possible school closings.
...are having a birthday?
You can celebrate at school during your lunch period with
cake or snacks enough for everyone. No small group celebrations in the classroom.
...hear your parents say they would like a conference with your teacher? Have your
parents contact your advisor to schedule an appointment.
...find items? Please give them to a teacher or bring them to the main office. When you
return items that do not belong to you, you are exhibiting good citizenship.
...bring items such as, radios, games, CD/tape players, beepers to school? Give it to a
teacher or an administrator to hold. If not, the item will be taken and your parents must
come to the school to pick it up.
...need paper or writing tools? Ask a teacher to help in an emergency situation. The
school is willing to help occasionally in supplying you with what you need. If it becomes
consistent Advisors will have to contact parents to provide supplies to have in school for
Advisory is a group that meets daily to offer each scholar a variety of opportunities to experience
community, acceptance, and responsibility. Each JBA faculty member serves as an advisor. The
advisors are advocates for their scholar-advisees. Advisors challenge scholars to take responsibility for their academic and social decisions sometimes checking binders, creating contracts to
attain goals and assistance during parent student teacher conferences. Advisors also facilitate
work with families. The advisor will :
establish community norms that will foster bonding and commitment.
Provide opportunities to cope with academic concerns, find solutions and set goals
Help the scholar learn and discover about themselves and promote acceptance of differences
Develop positive relationships through experiences that utilize group dynamics
Promote critical thinking skill through discussion and problem solving activities
Develop listening skills and develop strategies to foster effective communication skills
Build in their scholars self-esteem and confidence so as to accept responsibility for your actions
Think about ways to support the community and make positive contributions to the school
Make decisions that will promote a positive-safe-learning environment
Improve home/school communication and relationships
· I want my child to have the best possible education.
· I realize that the teachers and the administrators at JBA need my strong support.
· I will provide a home environment that will encourage my child to affirm his/her own
· I will help my child to set measurable goals and we will work together to achieve
· I will insist—and check to see — that all homework assignments are done each night.
· I will designate a time to discuss what my child has learned at school each day.
· I will include stimulating books among the presents I give my child.
· I will meet, call, email and connect regularly with my child's teachers and with
· I will remind my child of the necessity of discipline at school -- most importantly, selfdiscipline.
· I will help my child appreciate and enjoy the excitement in learning and the thrill of an
Parent/Legal Guardian Permissions 2010-2011
Student Name:
_________________________ Class: _________________________
Jonas Bronck Academy Handbook 2010-2011
We have read the Jonas Bronck Academy Handbook for the 2010-2011 school year. Our child has been made aware of rules
and policies noted within the Handbook and will abide by these rules/policies.
We agree to:
come to school on time with the assistance of the parents, prepared to work;
use courteous and polite language;
participation in class/community meetings to acknowledge a person’s thoughtfulness, assistance or courtesy;
resolve conflicts peacefully and express my feelings in words;
dress in a clean, neat and safe manner;
take care of my personal belongings and respect other people’s belongings;
follow the rules in the Discipline Code.
Student Signature: _________________________________ Date:________________
Parent/legal guardian Signature__________________________________ Date: ________________
Computer/Internet Usage Policy 2010-2011
Computer Usage Policy: We have read and understand the Computer Usage Policy stated on page 15
of the student handbook. I/We have discussed the rules of Computer usage with my/our child. I/We
agree that my/our child will adhere to the policy as stated in the Jonas Bronck Academy Handbook.
Internet Usage Policy: We have read and understand the Internet Usage Policy on page 15 of the
student handbook. I/We have discussed the rules of Internet usage with my/our child. I/We agree that
my/our child will adhere to the policy as stated.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature ____________________________________________________Date:________________________
Student Signature ____________________________________________________ Date:__________________________________________
Jonas Bronck Academy Photo Consent 2010-2011
I hereby consent to the participation in interviews, the use of quotes, and the taking of photographs, movies or video tapes of
the Student named above by Jonas Bronck Academy.
I also grant to Jonas Bronck Academy the right to edit, use, and reuse said products for non-profit purposes including use in
print, on the internet, and all other forms of media. I also hereby release the New York City Department of Education and its
agents and employees from all claims, demands, and liabilities whatsoever in connection with the above.
Signature of Parent/Guardian ___________________________________________________ Date: _______________
Address of Parent/Guardian: ________________________________________________________________________
After completion of this form, please tear it out of the handbook and submit it to your Advisory teacher
by Monday, September 27, 2010.