NARRAGUAGUS HIGH SCHOOL Morning Announcements Friday, June 19, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Potluck FREE SPORTS PHYSICALS The FREE sports physicals for next school year will be held on Monday, August 17th, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the Milbridge Medical Center. SUMMER BASKETBALL All students participating in Summer Basketball must have an athletic code permission form signed. You also must have a current physical on file. If you had a school physical last year, that one will run out on July 11th and you will need to get a new one for summer basketball. The FREE sports physicals for next school year not be until Monday, August 17th, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the Milbridge Medical Center. Please stop by the office if you have questions about when your physical runs out. Athletic codes for summer basketball are on the counter by the office window. CLEARANCE SHEETS Reminder that all students need to turn a clearance sheet in by the last day of school. If you did not get one when they were distributed in homerooms, please pick one up in the office. EXAM SCHEDULE The first period exam will end at 10:00. There will be a 10 minute break and the second exam will start at 10:10 and end at 11:55. Teachers will be taking a lunch count during the second exam period and reporting it to the office. There will be one lunch line at 11:55, followed by detention hall and a study hall period. Thursday, June 18, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Spaghetti w/meat sauce, whole wheat bread stick, tossed salad, fruited jello & milk UNDERCLASSMEN EXAM NOTES Reminder that your note to leave after exams is due today by 3:00 p.m. Absolutely no late notes or phone calls will be accepted. FREE SPORTS PHYSICALS The FREE sports physicals for next school year will be held on Monday, August 17th, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the Milbridge Medical Center. SUMMER BASKETBALL All students participating in Summer Basketball must have an athletic code permission form signed. You also must have a current physical on file. If you had a school physical last year, that one will run out on July 11th and you will need to get a new one for summer basketball. The FREE sports physicals for next school year not be until Monday, August 17th, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the Milbridge Medical Center. Please stop by the office if you have questions about when your physical runs out. Athletic codes for summer basketball are on the counter by the office window. CLEARANCE SHEETS Reminder that all students need to turn a clearance sheet in by the last day of school. If you did not get one when they were distributed in homerooms, please pick one up in the office. Wednesday, June 17, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Pizza on whole grain crust, veggie sticks & dip, trail mix, melon & milk UNDERCLASSMEN EXAM NOTES Reminder that you will need your permission note to leave after exams in to the office no later than tomorrow. No late notes or phone calls will be accepted. FREE SPORTS PHYSICALS The FREE sports physicals for next school year will be held on Monday, August 17th, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the Milbridge Medical Center. SUMMER BASKETBALL All students participating in Summer Basketball must have an athletic code permission form signed. You also must have a current physical on file. If you had a school physical last year, that one will run out on July 11th and you will need to get a new one for summer basketball. The FREE sports physicals for next school year not be until Monday, August 17th, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the Milbridge Medical Center. Please stop by the office if you have questions about when your physical runs out. Athletic codes for summer basketball are on the counter by the office window. UNDERCLASSMEN AWARDS The Underclassmen Awards assembly will be held this afternoon at 1:00. CLEARANCE SHEETS Reminder that all students need to turn a clearance sheet in by the last day of school. If you did not get one when they were distributed in homerooms, please pick one up in the office. TODAY'S SCHEDULE Period 5 will follow directly after period 4 (12:03 - 12:51) Guided Study (12:54 - 1:32) and will be used for the awards assembly Period 6 (1:35 - 2:23) MS. RAY WILL NOT BE IN Ms. Ray will not be in her office today. Tuesday, June 16, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Bacon & egg muffin, potato pattie, baked beans, carrot sticks, orange wedges & milk UNDERCLASSMEN EXAM NOTES Reminder that you will need your permission note to leave after exams in to the office no later than Thursday of this week. Any time you are planning to leave the school prior to the dismissal time, regardless of your mode of transportation, a note will be needed. No late notes or phone calls will be accepted. UNDERCLASSMEN AWARDS The Underclassmen Awards assembly will be tomorrow afternoon at 1:00. Awards are being finalized today. If any student feels they have perfect attendance, please stop by the office by break to make sure I have your name on the list. I want to be certain I have not missed someone. Monday, June 15, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Whole grain chicken nuggets, slice of whole wheat bread, brown rice, peas, applesauce & milk UNDERCLASSMEN EXAM NOTES Reminder that you will need your permission note to leave after exams in to the office no later than Thursday of this week. Any time you are planning to leave the school prior to the dismissal time, regardless of your mode of transportation, a note will be needed. No late notes or phone calls will be accepted. BOYS' SUMMER BASKETBALL There will be a meeting today at 4:30 in the gym for any boys interested in playing summer basketball. This is also available to any incoming freshmen. LIBRARY MATERIALS Reminder to all students that library books are due to the library ASAP unless you are still using them for an English assignment. Friday, June 12, 2015 GRADUATION Thursday, June 11, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Deli turkey on a whole wheat wrap, macaroni salad, cucumber sticks, grapes & milk CLASS NIGHT & GRADUATION Class Night will be held this evening at 7 p.m. Graduation will be held tomorrow at 2 p.m. No school at the high school tomorrow. UNDERCLASSMEN EXAM NOTES Reminder that you will need your permission note to leave after exams in to the office no later than Thursday, June 18. Any time you are planning to leave the school prior to the dismissal time, regardless of your mode of transportation, a note will be needed. No late notes or phone calls will be accepted. You have a week to get these turned in. BOYS' SUMMER BASKETBALL There will be a meeting on Monday, June 15th, at 4:30 in the gym for any boys interested in playing summer basketball. This is also available to any incoming freshmen. ATTN. JUNIORS Juniors, please do not forget. It is our responsibility to put away chairs after graduation. If you signed up, or even if you did not, please stay after to help. Many hands will make the job go quickly. PRINCIPAL'S DETENTION Principal's detention hall will be held in room 6 with Ms. Ramsay. Students with detention: Kari Ann Beal (5/14) Natalie Moore (6/16) Bryce Rolfe (6/15) Chris Smith (6/16) Tayler Tibbetts (3/5) & (4/10) Wednesday, June 10, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Stuffed Shells w/meat sauce, bread sticks, tossed salad, blueberry crisp & milk UNDERCLASSMEN EXAM NOTES Reminder that you will need your permission note to leave after exams in to the office no later than Thursday, June 18. Any time you are planning to leave the school prior to the dismissal time, regardless of your mode of transportation, a note will be needed. No late notes or phone calls will be accepted. You have a week to get these turned in. Tuesday, June 9, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken fajita on whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, rice, corn, fruited jello & milk UNDERCLASSMEN EXAM SCHEDULES Underclassmen exam schedules will be distributed today during the advisory period. Monday, June 8, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Meatball sub on whole grain roll, potato wedges, baked beans, slice peaches & milk TRACK & FIELD RESULTS Juniors Sarah Eaton and Cassidy Osgood proudly represented Narraguagus High School at the Class C State Track and Field Meet on Saturday, June 6th at Yarmouth High School. Sarah race walked her way to a solid 21st place finish in her very first state meet! Great job Sarah! Cassidy ran her best race of the season finishing in 9th place in the 1600m run. In the 800m, again, Cassidy ran her best race of the season finishing and earning a medal with her 7th place finish! Great job Girls! What a way to finish off this season! UNDERCLASSMEN EXAM SCHEDULES Underclassmen Exam Schedules will be passed out tomorrow during advisory period. Reminder that you will need your note to leave after exams in to the office no later than Thursday, June 18. Friday, June 5, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Johnny Rib, slice of whole wheat bread, mashed potato, baked beans, fruit & milk PROM A reminder that prom will be held tomorrow evening from 8:00-11:00. Admission is $10 per person GOOD LUCK CASSIDY & SARAH We would like to wish good luck to Cassidy Osgood & Sarah Eaton as they will be competing in States tomorrow. UNIFORMS DUE Uniforms are due today for baseball, softball and track. Thursday, June 4, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Today's lunch is the school picnic: Hotdog & roll, hamburger & roll, pasta salad, chips, watermelon, cookie, ice cream & milk PROM A reminder that prom will be held this Saturday from 8:00-11:00. Admission is $10 per person SPRING ATHLETIC BANQUET The Spring Athletic Banquet will be held this evening at 6:00 p.m. Athletes are reminded to dress in game day attire for the banquet. Wednesday, June 3, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Tacos on whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, rice, corn, sliced pears & milk SPRING CONCERT The Spring Concert will be held this evening at 7:00 p.m. Come out and support music in our schools. ARE YOU MISSING YOUR GLASSES? A pair of maroon colored glasses were found in the gym this morning. If you are missing glasses, please stop by to check. BASEBALL/SOFTBALL GAMES Today will be the make-up baseball & softball games vs. Sumner at 4:00 Tuesday, June 2, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Macaroni & cheese, oven fried bologna, slice of whole wheat bread, broccoli, melon & milk ATTN: JUNIORS There will be a junior class meeting during homeroom today. Please check in with your homeroom teacher and then come to the library. PROM DRESSES OR SUITS If anyone is still looking for prom dresses or suits and accessories for the prom, the Queens Closet in Stonington has a selection available for students. If you are interested, please stop by the office for more information. You can also visit their Facebook page at Queens Closet, Stonington. UNIFORMS DUE All uniforms from baseball, softball or track must be returned no later than Friday of this week. Monday, June 1, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken burger on a whole wheat roll, oven fries, cucumber sticks, pineapple & milk ATTN: JUNIORS There will be a junior class meeting during homeroom on Tuesday. Please check in with your homeroom teacher and then come to the library. YEARBOOKS FOR SALE 2015 Yearbooks will be handed out tomorrow during Homeroom and Lunches! If you have not bought one yet we have plenty, they cost $50! Also the 2014 yearbook is still available for the bargain price of $35. ATTN. FRESHMEN & SOPHOMORES Class of 2017 and 2018, please get those class dues in to Mrs. Berry and Ms. G soon, only 17 days of school left!! ATTN. SENIORS Attention Seniors - remember the marching practice for Graduation starts tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. sharp! Please don't be late - there is a lot of work to be done. Senior girls, remember to bring your graduation shoes to practice. This is a must to determine your height position in the lineup! Also, Wednesday morning will be the Graduation photo session with caps and gowns. Caps & gowns will be passed out tomorrow during guided study hall. Friday, May 29, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Sloppy Joe on a whole wheat roll, green beans, baked beans, orange wedges & milk ATTN. SENIORS Caps & gowns will be handed out next week. If you still owe for yours, please bring $36.50 to the office by Monday. BASEBALL/SOFTBALL GAMES The baseball & softball teams will travel to Machias for games at 4:00. The bus will leave at 2:30. Thursday, May 28, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Ham & cheese melt on whole wheat roll, oven fries, carrot coins, green grapes & milk DAC BANQUET The DAC Banquet will be held at 6:00 p.m. this evening at Machias Memorial High School. This banquet is for DAC All-stars and coaches. The bus will leave at 5:15. GOOD LUCK SKIPPERS If anyone sees any of the Skippers today (Willy Sargent, Kyle Stanwood, Brandon Potts, Chris Allen) please wish them well as tonight they will be giving their final presentation for the program at the Grand Theatre in Ellsworth. Blake Wright and Nick Kennedy are also Skippers but they will not be able to go. MS. RAY WILL NOT BE IN Ms. Ray will not be in her office today. Wednesday, May 27, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Tuna & lettuce on a whole wheat pita pocket, rotini salad, cucumber sticks, blueberry crisp & milk DAC BANQUET The DAC Banquet will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday evening at Machias Memorial High School. This banquet is for DAC All-stars and coaches. The bus will leave at 5:15. ATTN. FRESHMEN & SOPHOMORES Don't forget to get your class dues in this year. This money goes toward the cost of your Senior Prom and Senior Trip. If you want to have a great Senior year get your dues in. Freshmen should see Mrs. Berry and sophomores see Ms. G ATTN. SENIORS Make sure you get your senior and baby picture posters in very soon. About half of the Seniors do not have their posters turned in at this time. We need them very soon as they are a large part of the gym decorations, so please get them ordered and delivered. Places where you can order them include: WalMart, Walgreens, or Shutterfly. If you have questions, please see Mr. Howell. Also, Tuesday June 2nd at 7 a.m. starts the Graduation Rehearsals. We need 100% attendance and participation to make your Graduation the best it can be. Girls, you will need to wear your graduation shoes during the rehearsals, so make sure you have them with you Tuesday. Please be on time at 7 a.m. for the rehearsals. BASEBALL/SOFTBALL GAMES The baseball & softball teams will travel to WA for games at 4:30. The bus will leave at 2:45. YEARBOOK ANNOUNCEMENTS It is not too late to get a yearbook. They will be coming in next week, and we do have some extra ordered. Bring your Yearbook money to Ms. G in room 25. BASEBALL/SOFTBALL DAC ALL-STARS Again, we would like to congratulate the following athletes named as DAC All-Stars for spring sports. Baseball: Hunter Dempsey & Nick Kennedy Softball: Kelli Kennedy, Madison Leighton & Beth Mae Wallace Tuesday, May 26, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Whole grain chicken nuggets, slice of whole wheat bread, seasoned rice, carrot sticks & dip, peaches & milk DAC BANQUET The DAC Banquet will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday evening at Machias Memorial High School. This banquet is for DAC All-stars and coaches. The bus will leave at 5:15. ATTN. NEXT YEAR'S VOLLEYBALL There will be a meeting of students interested in playing volleyball next year in room 22 during advisory period. ATTN. SENIORS Thank you to the seniors who went on the class trip this weekend for making us proud. You guys represented your school well and the administration, faculty & staff thank you for that. ATTN. STAFF A reminder to staff: the district budget meeting is tonight at 7 p.m. If you live in the district, please come and vote. Friday, May 22, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken burger on whole wheat roll, oven fries, carrots & dip, cantaloupe & milk SPORTS FOR TODAY Baseball & softball teams will travel to Sumner for games at 4:00. The bus will leave at 2:30 SATURDAY DETENTION HALL There will be a Saturday Morning Detention Hall tomorrow from 9:00-12:00 for everyone that has been issued a Saturday detention. MEMORIAL PROGRAM All students should leave their backpacks in their Period 1 classrooms when called to the gym for the Memorial Day Program. Students will be returning to the Period 1 classroom following the program. From there, we will ring a bell to move students to their period 3 class. MS. RAY WILL NOT BE IN Ms. Ray will not be in her office today. TRACK & FIELD RESULTS Congrats to the Boys and Girls Track and Field Teams as they wrapped up their regular season meet schedule with their final competition in Orono at the UMaine facility. Junior, Robert Lisee earned a third place finish for the boys in the 3200m. On the girls side- Junior Sarah Eaton race walked her way to a third place finish. Fellow junior, Cassidy Osgood placed 5th in the 1600m and 3rd in the 800m, while Senior Maddison Peterson hopped, skipped and jumped into a 7th place finish in the triple jump. Congrats to State Meet Qualifiers- Sarah Eatonwith a Provisional Qualification in the Race Walk and Cassidy Osgood with Automatic Qualifications in both the 1600m and 800m runs. The Class C State meet will be held on Saturday, June 6th at Yarmouth High School. Great job team on a season well done! Good Luck Cassidy and Sarah! Thursday, May 21, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Macaroni & cheese, hotdog on whole wheat roll, broccoli, beans, kiwi & milk COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY The Cherryfield Little League is in need of Little league umpires. If any students need community service hours then this would be great opportunity for you. A schedule of games is available in the main office. If you are interested please call Jeff Taylor at 598-8784. He also is looking for a high school softball player that would attend one or two of his practices to teach the girls proper sliding techniques. SPORTS FOR TODAY Track meet at the University of Maine in Orono at 3:30. The bus will leave at 12:15 and students will be dismissed for the bus at 12:00 HAT DAY Reminder that today is hat day for students. No hats will be allowed tomorrow due to the Memorial Day program. Wednesday, May 20, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Tacos on whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, rice pilaf, corn, mandarin oranges & milk COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY The Cherryfield Little League is in need of Little league umpires. If any students need community service hours then this would be great opportunity for you. A schedule of games is available in the main office. If you are interested please call Jeff Taylor at 598-8784. He also is looking for a high school softball player that would attend one or two of his practices to teach the girls proper sliding techniques. SPORTS FOR TODAY The baseball and softball teams will travel to Shead for 4:00 games. The bus will leave at 1:15 and team members will be dismissed at 1:00. DRESS DOWN & HAT DAY Due to the Memorial program on Friday morning, the dress down day for teachers and the hat day for students will be Thursday of this week instead of Friday. CHANGE IN SCHEDULE Reminder that the guided study hall and period 5 are being flip flopped today. Period 5 time slot will be 12:0312:51 and guided study hall will be 12:51-1:32 Tuesday, May 19, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Deli turkey on whole wheat wrap, rotini salad, cucumber sticks & dip, fruited jello cup & milk GUIDANCE CLOSED The guidance office is closed today. COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY The Cherryfield Little League is in need of Little league umpires. If any students need community service hours then this would be great opportunity for you. A schedule of games is available in the main office. If you are interested please call Jeff Taylor at 598-8784. He also is looking for a high school softball player that would attend one or two of his practices to teach the girls proper sliding techniques. Monday, May 18, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Steak & cheese sub on whole wheat roll, potato wedges, whole kernel corn, applesauce & milk SPORTS FOR TODAY There will be home baseball & softball games today vs. Jonesport-Beals at 4:00. Friday, May 15, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Cheeseburger on whole wheat roll, curly fries, baked beans, pineapple & milk COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY Attn. any students grades 9-12 looking for community service hours. The Addison Rec Department will be having a trash pickup day on Saturday, May 30th, from 8:00-noon followed by a picnic at the town park. Please sign up in the main office if you are interested in volunteering. They are also looking for adults to oversee groups of students and those interested should also sign up in the main office. SPORTS FOR TODAY There will be home baseball and softball games today with Calais at 4:00 The track team will travel to MDI for a 3:30 meet. The bus will leave at 1:00. BETH WRIGHT FUNDRAISER This evening there will be a spaghetti dinner, music and a cruise in to benefit the Beth C. Wright Center starting at 5:00. We would ask that students, especially athletes, clear the senior parking area after school so that the car show participants can line up for the cruise in around 4:00. Thursday, May 14, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Spaghetti w/meat sauce, whole wheat roll, romaine salad, apple crisp & milk COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY Attn. any students grades 9-12 looking for community service hours. The Addison Rec Department will be having a trash pickup day on Saturday, May 30th, from 8:00-noon followed by a picnic at the town park. Please sign up in the main office if you are interested in volunteering. They are also looking for adults to oversee groups of students and those interested should also sign up in the main office. ACTIVITY PERIOD There will be a meeting of all gifted & talented students in Mrs. Birkenshaw's room during Activity Period. The National Honor Society will meet in Mr. Emerson's room during activity period. ATTN. SENIORS Attention Seniors - there will be a meeting in Mr. Howell’s room today during homeroom. Check in with your regular homeroom teacher first. This meeting will cover the senior class trip, graduation practice, and the prom. All Seniors should attend this meeting. Wednesday, May 13, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken fajita on whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, rice, corn, tropical fruit salad & milk COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY Attn. any students grades 9-12 looking for community service hours. The Addison Rec Department will be having a trash pickup day on Saturday, May 30th, from 8:00-noon followed by a picnic at the town park. Please sign up in the main office if you are interested in volunteering. They are also looking for adults to oversee groups of students and anyone interested should also sign up in the main office. BASEBALL/SOFTBALL GAMES There will be home baseball & softball games today vs. WA at 4:00 STUDENTS TO SEE MR. EMERSON The following students need to see Mr. Emerson during guided study hall today: Dayna Barker, Kaitlyn Faulkner, Hannah Lisee, Conrad Peabody and Austin Tenney. Tuesday, May 12, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Early Released: Bologna & cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread, carrot sticks, sun chips, cookie, fruit & milk ATTN. SENIORS Attention all Seniors - Mr. Howell needs each Senior going on the Senior Class Trip to have their permission slip turned into him by next Monday. Also, don't forget to get your picture wall posters for graduation soon and get those to Mr. Howell. If you have any questions about the wall posters, get with your advisor. TODAY'S SCHEDULE Today's schedule will be periods 1, 3, 5 & HR/Lunch with dismissal at 11:30 ATTN. ATHLETES The May practice schedule will be available later this morning and placed on the counter by the office window. Monday, May 11, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken alfredo, whole wheat roll, romaine salad, oranges wedges, goldfish grahams & milk SCIENCE TEST PREP Attention Juniors - For Science Test Prep today please report to the following rooms for Guided Study after attendance has been taken by your Guided Study teacher. All students who are in Mrs. Berry's Tuesday's Learning lab should report to her room. All students who are in Mrs. Holub's Tuesday's Learning lab should report to Mrs. Holub's room. All students who are in Mrs. Birkenshaw's Tuesday's Learning lab should report to Mrs. Birkenshaw's room. All students who are in Mrs. Strachan's Tuesday's Learning lab should report to Mrs. Heyden's room. BASEBALL/SOFTBALL GAMES Home baseball and softball games today vs. Woodland at 4:30 Friday, May 8, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Johnny rib, slice of whole wheat bread, mashed potato, carrot coins, mixed fruit & milk TODAY'S GAMES/MEETS The baseball & softball teams will travel to Calais for games at 4:00 today. The bus will leave at 1:15, athletes will be dismissed at 1:00. The Track & Field team will travel to Bucksport for a meet at 3:30. The bus will leave at 1:00, athletes will be dismissed at 12:45. Thursday, May 7, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Italian sandwich on whole wheat roll, rotini salad, cucumber sticks, strawberries & milk NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY MEETING There will be a meeting of the National Honor Society during activity period today in Mrs. Emerson's room. Wednesday, May 6, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Bacon & egg on a whole grain muffin, potato patty, baked beans, orange wedges & milk BASEBALL/SOFTBALL GAMES The baseball and softball teams will travel to Woodland for 4:00 games. The bus will leave at 1:15 and students will be dismissed from class at 1:00. Tuesday, May 5, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken salad on whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, macaroni salad, watermelon & milk BETH WRIGHT WALK Any students, faculty or family interested in walking with the Narraguagus team at the Beth Wright Walk on Saturday, May 16th, please contact Ms. M or Mrs. Blackwood for a sponsor sheet. If you anyone needs community service hours, opportunities are available on Friday & Saturday. Please see Ms. M to volunteer. Monday, May 4, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Meatball sub on whole wheat roll, potato wedges, green beans, diced pears and milk BETH WRIGHT WALK Any students, faculty or family interested in walking with the Narraguagus team at the Beth Wright Walk on Saturday, May 16th, please contact Ms. M or Mrs. Blackwood for a sponsor sheet. If you anyone needs community service hours, opportunities are available on Friday & Saturday. Please see Ms. M to volunteer. TRACK & FIELD RESULTS On Friday, May 1st, the Boys and Girls Track and Field teams traveled to Ellsworth to compete in their second meet of the season. Knights that earned points in the meet for the boys were- Junior Robert Lisee with a 2nd place finish in the 2 mile. For the Girls - Junior Sarah Eaton with a second place finish in Race Walk, Senior Maddison Peterson with 5th place in Triple Jump and 6th place in 100m hurdles and Cassidy Osgood with 2nd place finishes in both the mile and 800m runs. Great job Knights! Next meet will be Friday, May 8th at Bucksport. Good Luck! TIME WISE MUSICAL Congratulations to the cast & crew of the Time Wise musical production. You all did a wonderful job. The show was amazing. SPORTS FOR TODAY The baseball and softball teams will host the teams from Machias for games at 4:00. Friday, May 1, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Hot dog on WW roll, baked beans, cole slaw, pineapple & milk BETH WRIGHT WALK Any students, faculty or family interested in walking with the Narraguagus team at the Beth Wright Walk on Saturday, May 16th, please contact Ms. M or Mrs. Blackwood for a sponsor sheet. If you anyone needs community service hours, opportunities are available on Friday & Saturday. Please see Ms. M to volunteer. DRAMA PRODUCTION The drama production.....TIME WISE~~A Musical Journey will be presented in two showings on Saturday with a matinee at 2:00 and an evening show at 7:00. Presale tickets are $6 for adults and $4 for senior citizens/students. Tickets at the door will be $7 for adults and $5 for senior citizens/students. Stop by the office by this afternoon to purchase presale tickets. SPORTS FOR TODAY Track meet at Ellsworth at 3:30. Bus will leave at 1:30. Baseball and softball teams will travel to Jonesport-Beals for a make-up game at 4:00. The bus will leave at 2:30. Thursday, April 30, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Stuffed shells, WW roll, romaine salad, blueberry crisp & milk BETH WRIGHT WALK Any students, faculty or family interested in walking with the Narraguagus team at the Beth Wright Walk on Saturday, May 16th, please contact Ms. M or Mrs. Blackwood for a sponsor sheet. If you anyone needs community service hours, opportunities are available on Friday & Saturday. Please see Ms. M to volunteer. DRAMA PRODUCTION The drama production.....TIME WISE~~A Musical Journey will be presented in two showings on Saturday with a matinee at 2:00 and an evening show at 7:00. Presale tickets are $6 for adults and $4 for senior citizens/students. Tickets at the door will be $7 for adults and $5 for senior citizens/students. Stop by the office by Friday afternoon to purchase presale tickets. BASEBALL/SOFTBALL GAMES There will be home baseball and softball games today at 4:00 vs. Shead. Wednesday, April 29, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken noodle soup, WW roll, crackers, carrot & celery sticks, tropical fruit salad & milk MEMORY MATE PHOTOS Reminder that spring sports memory mate photos will be taken after school today. Picture forms are available in the office. BETH WRIGHT WALK Any students, faculty or family interested in walking with the Narraguagus team at the Beth Wright Walk on Saturday, May 16th, please contact Ms. M or Mrs. Blackwood for a sponsor sheet. If you anyone needs community service hours, opportunities are available on Friday & Saturday. Please see Ms. M to volunteer. Tuesday, April 28, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Hamburg & gravy, mashed potato, WW roll, green beans, sliced peaches & milk MEMORY MATE PHOTOS Reminder that spring sports memory mate photos will be taken tomorrow, April 29th. If you wish to purchase pictures, please see your coach for a form or stop by the office. GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS The Jostens representative will be here tomorrow, April 29, from 7:30-8:00 in the lobby to deliver your Graduation Announcements. Seniors are reminded to bring the appropriate funds to pay balance owed on your order. The only method of payment will be CASH. BASEBALL/SOFTBALL GAMES Today's baseball and softball games vs. Calais will be home games due to their field conditions. Game time is 4:00. The game on May 15th will now be the away game. BETH WRIGHT WALK Any students, faculty or family interested in walking with the Narraguagus team at the Beth Wright Walk on Saturday, May 16th, please contact Ms. M or Mrs. Blackwood for a sponsor sheet. If you anyone needs community service hours, opportunities are available on Friday & Saturday. Please see Ms. M to volunteer. Monday, April 27, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY WW chicken burger on WW roll, baked potato wedges, mixed veggies, applesauce & milk MEMORY MATE PHOTOS Spring sports photos have been rescheduled for April 29th. If you wish to purchase pictures, please see your coach for a form or stop by the office. GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS The Jostens representative will be available on Wednesday, April 29, from 7:30-8:00 in the lobby to deliver your Graduation Announcements. Seniors are reminded to bring the appropriate funds to pay balance owed on your order. The only method of payment will be CASH. BASEBALL/SOFTBALL The baseball and softball teams will travel to Jonesport-Beals for games at 4:00. The bus will leave at 2:30. TRACK & FIELD RESULTS On Saturday, April 24th, the Narraguagus Track and Field Team traveled to Brewer to compete in the season's first meet. Though the temps were chilly, the rain held off. Sophomore JP Snider and Freshman Zak Peterson represented the boys team. Both Snider and Peterson competed in the long jump and javelin, in their first ever meet. On the girls team, Junior Cassidy Osgood placed first in the mile and second on the 800m, qualifying for states in both events. Maddison Peterson placed 5th in the triple jump. Great job Knights! The team travels to Ellsworth on Friday, May 1, for their next meet. Friday, April 17, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Pizza, veggie sticks, trail mix, melon & milk MEMORY MATE PHOTOS Spring sports photos have been rescheduled for April 29th. If you wish to purchase pictures, please see your coach for a form or stop by the office. GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS The Jostens representative will be available on Wednesday, April 29, from 7:30-8:00 in the lobby to deliver your Graduation Announcements. Seniors are reminded to bring the appropriate funds to pay balance owed on your order. The only method of payment will be CASH. Thursday, April 16, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Meatball sub on whole wheat roll, baked beans, corn, sliced pears & milk AFTERSCHOOL EDGE No EdGE at the high school today MEMORY MATE PHOTOS Sports pictures for spring sports have been rescheduled for April 29th. If you wish to purchase pictures, please see your coach for a form or stop by the office. ATTN. SENIORS Mr. Howell would like to meet during homeroom with the senior trip committee, the prom committee, and the class officers. Seniors going on the trip or who want to help with next week's fund raising should also attend. Any other seniors who have great ideas should join in at this meeting. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TEST Students taking the state criminal justice test with Mr. Howell will be in the conference room at the beginning of learning lab. Wednesday, April 15, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken pot pie, whole wheat roll, romaine salad, apple crisp & milk AFTERSCHOOL EDGE No EdGE at the high school today MEMORY MATE PHOTOS Spring sports photos have been rescheduled for April 29th. If you wish to purchase pictures, please see your coach for a form or stop by the office. DRAMA REHEARSAL Full cast rehearsal today at 3:00 Tuesday, April 14, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Macaroni & cheese, hotdog on whole wheat roll, broccoli, mandarin oranges & milk ATTN. TEACHERS The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items in the main office. Orders and money are due by 2:45 today. AFTERSCHOOL EDGE There will be afterschool EdGE today, but not on Thursday of this week. DRAMA REHEARSAL Due to PIE Night, drama rehearsal for today has been cancelled. Next rehearsal for the full cast will be tomorrow at 3:00. Monday, April 13, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Cheeseburger on whole wheat roll, oven fries, cucumber sticks, kiwi & milk ATTN. TEACHERS The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items in the main office. Orders and money are due by tomorrow with delivery on April 16 or 17. AFTERSCHOOL EDGE On Thursday, April 16, there will be no afterschool edge at the high school Friday, April 10, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Choice of ham & cheese sandwich or Wow butter & jelly sandwich, apple, veggies, chips, cookie & milk ATTN. TEACHERS The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items in the main office. Orders and money are due by Tuesday, April 14th with delivery on April 16 or 17. TODAY'S SCHEDULE Reminder that the schedule for today will be 4, 5, 6 & HR/Lunch AFTERSCHOOL EDGE On Thursday, April 16, there will be no afterschool edge at the high school DRAMA REHEARSALS There will be drama rehearsal for full cast at 1:30 on Friday. This will be a run through of whole show. Expected to end 3:30. There will also be rehearsal on Saturday morning from 9:00 to 10:45. All cast members are expected to attend both rehearsals unless Mrs. Woerner has been notified ahead of time. Tech crew members should be at Friday's rehearsal. Thursday, April 9, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Whole wheat chicken nuggets, rice pilaf, carrot sticks, mixed fruit & milk ATTN. TEACHERS The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items in the main office. Orders and money are due by Tuesday, April 14th with delivery on April 16 or 17. THURSDAY & FRIDAY SCHEDULES Reminder that the schedule for today will be 1, 2, 3 & HR/Lunch and Friday will be 4, 5, 6 & HR/Lunch SENIOR PHOTO The giant "15" senior photo will be taken at the beginning of the first lunch period. Any seniors allowed to leave may do so after the photo. Any seniors staying at school will eat second lunch. Wednesday, April 8, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken fajita on whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, whole kernel corn, beans, fresh melon & milk ATTN. TEACHERS The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items in the main office. Orders and money are due by Tuesday, April 14th with delivery on April 16 or 17. THURSDAY & FRIDAY SCHEDULES Reminder that the schedule for Thursday will be 1, 2, 3 & HR/Lunch and Friday will be 4, 5, 6 & HR/Lunch Tuesday, April 7, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Spaghetti w/meat sauce, whole wheat bread stick, romaine salad, mandarin oranges & milk ATTN. TEACHERS The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items in the main office. Orders and money are due by Tuesday, April 14th with delivery on April 16 or 17. TODAY'S SCHEDULE 10:05-10:07 Late Bell 10:07-11:15 Period 1 11:18-11:38 1st Lunch 11:41-12:01 2nd Lunch 12:04-1:12 Period 3 1:15-2:23 Period 5 Monday, April 6, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Johnny rib, slice of whole wheat bread, mashed potato, mixed veggies, pineapple & milk ATTN. TEACHERS The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items in the main office. Orders and money are due by Tuesday, April 14th with delivery on April 16 or 17. Friday, April 3, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Pizza, sun chips, veggie sticks, red grapes & milk SENIOR CLASS AUCTION Reminder that the Senior Class Auction will be held tomorrow. Preview will be at 11:00 and the auction will start at noon. Please come out to support the Class of 2015 and pick up some bargains too. ATTN. TEACHERS The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items in the main office. Orders and money are due by Tuesday, April 14th with delivery on April 16 or 17. GUIDANCE OFFICE CLOSED The guidance office will be closed today. Thursday, April 2, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Italian sandwich on whole wheat roll, rotini salad, cucumber sticks, watermelon & milk NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY INDUCTION The National Honor Society Induction will be held this evening at 6:00 in the cafeteria. ACADEMIC & GOLDEN APPLE AWARDS The Academic and Golden Apple Awards will be awarded at a ceremony this evening at 6:30. SENIOR CLASS AUCTION Reminder that the Senior Class Auction will be held this Saturday, April 4th. Preview will be at 11:00 and the auction will start at noon. ATTN. SENIORS Attention Seniors - During Homeroom your Senior Clothing will be passed out. If you have any problems with the clothing order, see Mr. Howell. Please wait until Homeroom to pick up your items. Also for the Seniors Friday at noon we need to have ALL items turned into Mr. Howell’s room for the auction. We still need Seniors to help with setup, operation, concessions, and cleanup on Saturday. Please get with Mr. Howell today or Friday about what workers are needed for the auction. Remember - the profits from the auction are for your Senior Trip. There will also be a signup sheet for the Senior Trip during the Homeroom time. Make sure you get your name on one of the Senior Class Trip sheets if you expect to be going. We have to plan for all the tickets, transportation, and lodging right away. AWARDS/NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY During activity period today, all National Honor Society members and new inductees along with all academic award recipients will meet in the cafeteria after checking in with your teachers. Wednesday, April 1, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Tacos on whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, rice, beans, sliced peaches & milk ACADEMIC & GOLDEN APPLE AWARDS The Academic and Golden Apple Awards will be awarded at a ceremony on Thursday evening at 6:30 in the cafeteria. SENIOR CLASS AUCTION Reminder that the Senior Class Auction will be held this Saturday, April 4th. Preview will be at 11:00 and the auction will start at noon. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY INDUCTION The National Honor Society Induction will be held on Thursday evening at 6:00 in the cafeteria. LOOKING FOR REFS DW Merritt will be having a tournament this weekend and they are looking for referees. If any varsity basketball players would be interested in volunteering, please stop by the office for the contact information. Tuesday, March 31, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken noodle soup, whole wheat crackers, cheese stick, carrots, celery, apple wedges & milk DRAMA MATERIALS The following students should stop by the office today for drama materials left by Mrs. Woerner: Ari Hills, Sarah Eaton and Sophia DeSchiffart. ACADEMIC & GOLDEN APPLE AWARDS The Academic and Golden Apple Awards will be awarded at a ceremony on Thursday evening at 6:30. SENIOR CLASS AUCTION Reminder that the Senior Class Auction will be held this Saturday, April 4th. Preview will be at 11:00 and the auction will start at noon. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY INDUCTION The National Honor Society Induction will be held on Thursday evening at 6:00 in the cafeteria. ATTN. SENIORS Don’t forget - this Saturday is the Auction. There are still many businesses to check with and auction items to pick up. We need all the seniors to help put this all together. Seniors should check in with Mr. Howell today about what they are working on for the auction or to ask what else needs to be done. It’s all for the Seniors - so let’s get on it and show what the Seniors can really do! Any other students at Narraguagus who know of a business or person who might like to donate to the auction, please see Mr. Howell. Monday, March 30, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Bacon & egg muffin, potato patty, celery stick, mandarin oranges & milk TRYOUT SCHEDULE 2:30-4:30 softball 4:30-6:30 baseball 2:35-4:00 track & be held in Mrs. Morse's room due to the blood drive in the cafeteria DRAMA REHEARSAL Due to the start of spring sports & the blood drive in the cafeteria today, drama rehearsal will be a music/dialogue rehearsal only in the conference room at 4pm. Students involved in sports till 4:30 should come then. We expect to end at 5:30. Students involved with tech are excused from today's rehearsal. Friday, March 27, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Pizza pocket, romaine salad, trail mix, green grapes & milk SPRING SPORTS Reminder that track, baseball and softball will start on Monday. Your athletic code permission form MUST be turned into the office prior to practice time on Monday. You must have a current physical on file with the office and you must have some type of health insurance. ATTN. SENIORS Don't forget to work extra hard this weekend collecting items for next week's auction. DRAMA REHEARSAL Reminder that there will be a full cast drama rehearsal today from 2:30-4:30 Thursday, March 26, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Deli ham on whole wheat roll, veggie soup, diced pears & milk ATTN. SENIORS Attn. Seniors: Today, the yearbook staff plans to take a group picture (the "human" 15 pic) in the gym during activity period. ATTN. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY MEMBERS There will be a meeting of the National Honor Society during activity period in room 24 ATTN. SENIORS Donations for the auction are starting to flow in, but we still need to contact many more businesses. If you need more paperwork, posters, or ideas of who to contact, get with Mr. Howell. We only have this weekend and a few days next week to put this all together. Remember, the seniors are the ones who benefit from this auction. The more we make, the more we can do for graduation. We want the 2015 Auction to be the best! Wednesday, March 25, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Grilled cheese on whole wheat bread, macaroni & tomato soup, cucumber sticks, melon & milk SPRING SPORTS If you are participating in any of the spring sports teams and have not submitted paperwork yet, please pick up an athletic code permission form in the front office. This form must be turned in prior to next Monday when the track team & remaining baseball and softball players start practicing. You must have a current physical on file in the office and health insurance numbers provided. ATTN. FRESHMEN There will be a class meeting tomorrow during homeroom period in Mrs. Berry's room. Tuesday, March 24, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Pork roast & gravy, mashed potato, green peas, apple crisp & milk HARLEM SUPERSTARS Harlem Superstars vs Narraguagus Dream Team Tonight at 6:30 p.m. Sponsored by NHS Class of 2016 Advanced tickets $7 (only available until noon today) Tickets at door $8 Presale tickets available through the class advisors or from select junior class members. Concessions and souvenirs will also be available. ATTN. JUNIORS All hands on deck! Tomorrow night your class hosts the Harlem Superstars. Your class is in need of baked goods & soda for the concessions stand. YEARBOOK ANNOUNCEMENTS Class of 2015, Please listen! On Thursday March 26th, the yearbook staff plans to take a group picture in the gym. Please come to school if you want to be part of the giant human "15" picture. To all students If you plan to order a 2015 yearbook please get your orders in as soon as possible. If you think you can only come up with a partial payment and can pay the rest on delivery please order a yearbook. We need to know how many to order. Sometimes there are extras, but this does not always happen. We do have some copies of past years, including 2014. If anyone else is interested in older yearbooks, we can sell them to you for a discounted price. ATTN. SENIORS Hey, Seniors - Don’t forget to work hard on getting donations for our Spring Auction next Saturday, April 4th. Don’t let time run out! We want to beat last year’s record, so pitch in and really make it worthwhile. Remember to look good and be polite. See Mr. Howell if you need more letters and receipts. We can do this, and it helps all the seniors for graduation activities! ATTN. SOPHOMORES Sophomores will have a quick class meeting during advisory in Ms. G's room. Monday, March 23, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Steak & cheese sub, oven fries, beans, butternut squash, mixed fruit & milk DRAMA REHEARSAL Monday's rehearsal is a music-only intensive, for all singers in the cast, and will be held in the conference room from 2:30 to 4. HARLEM SUPERSTARS Harlem Superstars vs Narraguagus Dream Team Tuesday, March 24 at 6:30 p.m. Sponsored by NHS Class of 2016 Advanced tickets $7 (only available until noon tomorrow) Tickets at door $8 Presale tickets available through the class advisors or from select junior class members. Concessions and souvenirs will also be available. PITCHERS/CATCHERS START TODAY Pitchers & catchers start practicing today. Reminder that your athletic code needs to be turned into the office prior to participation. Presently, only a handful of sheets have been turned in. 2:30-4:00 SB 4:00-5:30 BB ATTN. JUNIORS All hands on deck! Tomorrow night your class hosts the Harlem Superstars. Your class is in need of baked goods & soda for the concessions stand. Friday, March 20, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Meatball sub on whole wheat roll, baked beans, corn, strawberries & milk NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY APPS Reminder that National Honor Society apps are due today. DOWNEAST IDOL The Downeast Idol competition will be held here tomorrow evening at 6:00. Doors open at 5:00. Admission is $5 per person or $20 for a family. Proceeds from the event will benefit a scholarship fund. ATTN. GIFTED & TALENTED STUDENTS Attention G/T students. Please return your permission slips for next week's field trip to Mrs. Birkenshaw or Mrs. Strachan right away!!!! SPRING SPORTS Athletic codes are available in the office for spring sports. Reminder that you must have a current physical on file in the office and health insurance. All forms must be in prior to participation. Pitchers & catchers will start next week. The following softball players should plan to stay for pitchers & catchers on Monday. Logan Thompson, Hannah Alley, Beth Wallace, Paige Dorr, Emily Reid, Kelli Kennedy, Britny Look, Madison Leighton, Sophia DeSchiffart & Lindsey Tester. Practice & game schedules will be available later today. ATTN. JUNIORS Juniors please bring in baked goods, soda and water by Tuesday for the Harlem Superstars show. It should be a great time. Thursday, March 19, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken alfredo, whole wheat roll, romaine salad, orange wedges & milk BASEBALL/SOFTBALL There will be a meeting today during Activity period for any students interested in playing baseball or softball this year. The baseball meeting will be in the cafe and the softball meeting will be in the gym. Athletic code forms will be passed out. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY APPS Reminder that National Honor Society apps are due by this Friday. TODAY'S SCHEDULE Reminder that due to the ski trip this afternoon, period 6 will be right after lunch and then learning lab. BOYS' HARBOR HOUSE PRACTICE Today from 7:00-8:30 ATTN. SENIORS Attention seniors - there will be a senior class meeting in Mr. Howell's room during homeroom today. Check in with your homeroom teacher first. The meeting will be to work on collecting donations and the setup for the auction, to set the days for the senior class trip, and to discuss other trip details. This is an important meeting for the senior class trip, so please be there. ATTN. JUNIORS Attn. Juniors: During homeroom today there will be a meeting of the Harlem Superstars Committee in room 12. Wednesday, March 18, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Choice of chicken pot pie or macaroni/cheese & oven fried bologna, broccoli, cucumbers, peaches & milk BASEBALL/SOFTBALL There will be a meeting on Thursday, Activity period for any students interested in playing baseball or softball this year. The baseball meeting will be in the cafe and the softball meeting will be in the gym. DRAMA TECH MEETING The tentative tech meeting today is postponed due to lack of schedule input from the students and will be rescheduled. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY APPS Reminder that National Honor Society apps are due by this Friday. Tuesday, March 17, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken pot pie, cheese stick, carrot sticks & dip, cranberry sauce, blueberry crisp & milk BASEBALL/SOFTBALL There will be a meeting on Thursday, Activity period for any students interested in playing baseball or softball this year. The baseball meeting will be in the cafe and the softball meeting will be in the gym. BOYS' HARBOR HOUSE PRACTICES Tuesday 7:00-8:30 Wednesday 2:30-4:00 Thursday 7:00-8:30 Monday, March 16, 2015 Two Hour Delay LUNCH FOR TODAY Cheeseburger on whole wheat roll, oven fries, green beans, applesauce & milk SKI TRIP TO HERMON MOUNTAIN If you are interested in going on the ski trip, please see Mrs. Martin or Mrs. Lyford for a permission slip. Money and permission slips are due back by Monday, March 16th. Friday, March 13, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Whole wheat chicken nuggets, slice of whole wheat bread, rotini salad, cucumber sticks, melon & milk SKI TRIP TO HERMON MOUNTAIN If you are interested in going on the ski trip, please see Mrs. Martin or Mrs. Lyford for a permission slip. Money and permission slips are due back by Monday, March 16th. DRAMA REHEARSAL Reminder that today's drama rehearsal will be at 2:30 and will be music-only, & for those with solos and duets: Savage, Keeli, Jonella, Sophia, and Chyanne. Tech crew attendance is welcome, but optional. Thursday, March 12, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Ham & cheese melt, sun chips, carrots & dip, apple, cookie & milk SKI TRIP TO HERMON MOUNTAIN The Outdoor Club will another ski trip to Hermon Mountain on March 19th. Prices are: Lift ticket only: $16 Rental & lift ticket: $28 Tubing: $9 If you are interested in going, please see Mrs. Martin or Mrs. Lyford for a permission slip. Money and permission slips are due back by March 16th. DOWNEAST IDOL COMPETITION The 7th Annual Downeast Idol competition will be held on Saturday, March 21st, at 6 p.m. with doors opening at 5:00 p.m. Cost is $5 per person or $20 for a family. There will be three categories: Juniors 13 and under, Adults and All-stars (have placed in previous shows). To sign up to compete, please stop by the service desk at Bayside Shop & Save or 4 Corners Shop & Save. Wednesday, March 11, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Deli turkey, corn chowder, celery stick, red grapes & milk SKI TRIP TO HERMON MOUNTAIN The Outdoor Club will another ski trip to Hermon Mountain on March 19th. Prices are: Lift ticket only: $16 Rental & lift ticket: $28 Tubing: $9 If you are interested in going, please see Mrs. Martin or Mrs. Lyford for a permission slip. Money and permission slips are due back by March 16th. DOWNEAST IDOL COMPETITION The 7th Annual Downeast Idol competition will be held on Saturday, March 21st, at 6 p.m. with doors opening at 5:00 p.m. Cost is $5 per person or $20 for a family. There will be three categories: Juniors 13 and under, Adults and All-stars (have placed in previous shows). To sign up to compete, please stop by the service desk at Bayside Shop & Save or 4 Corners Shop & Save. Tuesday, March 10, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Tacos on whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, rice, beans, mandarin oranges & milk SKI TRIP TO HERMON MOUNTAIN The Outdoor Club will another ski trip to Hermon Mountain on March 19th. Prices are: Lift ticket only: $16 Rental & lift ticket: $28 Tubing: $9 If you are interested in going, please see Mrs. Martin or Mrs. Lyford for a permission slip. Money and permission slips are due back by March 16th. GIFTED/TALENTED STUDENTS Today during Advisory Period all G/T students should report to the art room once you have checked in with your teacher. An announcement will be made at that time. DOWNEAST IDOL COMPETITION The 7th Annual Downeast Idol competition will be held on Saturday, March 21st, at 6 p.m. with doors opening at 5:00 p.m. Cost is $5 per person or $20 for a family. There will be three categories: Juniors 13 and under, Adults and All-stars (have placed in previous shows). To sign up to compete, please stop by the service desk at Bayside Shop & Save or 4 Corners Shop & Save. Monday, March 9, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Johnny rib, slice of whole wheat bread, mashed potato, mixed veggies, apricots & milk YEARBOOK PICS NEEDED Yearbook staff has decided to create a page in the 2015 yearbook commemorating the record breaking winter we are having. However, we need student pictures for the page. If you have a picture that would be appropriate for our winter page please send them to us! We need them by March 13th for us to have a chance to create the page. Also a reminder that there is still limited advertisement and recognition space left in the yearbook. If you want a space in the yearbook please let us know soon! Thanks! Ms. G and the Yearbook staff SKI TRIP PICTURES A few pics of the ski trip have been added to our facebook page. If you would like to include some pics from last week's trip, please send them to ATTN. SENIORS Any Senior who still owes money for Senior Sweatshirts needs to see Mr. Howell today. SKI TRIP TO HERMON MOUNTAIN The Outdoor Club will another ski trip to Hermon Mountain on March 19th. Prices are: Lift ticket only: $16 Rental & lift ticket: $28 Tubing: $9 If you are interested in going, please see Mrs. Martin or Mrs. Lyford for a permission slip. Money and permission slips are due back by March 16th. Friday, March 6, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Hotdog on whole wheat roll, baked beans, cole slaw, apple wedges & milk DRAMA REHEARSAL There will be drama rehearsal today at 2:30 SKI TRIP STUDENTS If you were on the ski trip yesterday and have pictures you'd like to share for the yearbook or our facebook page, please send them to Thursday, March 5, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Sloppy Joe on whole wheat roll, green beans, strawberries & milk SENIOR BASKETBALL GAME The DAC Senior Basketball game will be held at UMM this evening. Girls play at 5:30 and boys at 6:30. CHANGE IN SCHEDULE This afternoon's schedule will be adjusted to accommodate the ski trip leaving at 1:30. Period 6 will run from 12:17-1:46 and learning lab will run from 1:49-2:23 ATTN. SENIORS Important Message from Mr. Howell--after checking in with your homeroom teacher, please attend a meeting in Mr. Howell's room to help finish planning the spring activities. The big fund-raiser before graduation is the auction to be held April 5. We have a lot to do and need lots of help with all the preparations. This is your last year in high school, so make it really worthwhile. GUIDANCE OFFICE CLOSED The guidance office will be closed today. PRINCIPAL'S DETENTION Principal's detention hall will be held in room 6 with Ms. Ramsay. Students with detention: Anna Cowperthwaite (1/7) Aidan Hammond (3/9) uniform Chad Hanning (1/29) Dylan Nelson (3/9) Justin Reynolds (1/21) Kyle Schoppee (3/6) Taylor Tibbetts (3/5 Wednesday, March 4, 2015 (Two Hour Delay) LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken fajita on whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, whole kernel corn, mixed fruit & milk SENIOR BASKETBALL GAME The DAC Senior Basketball game will be held at UMM on Thursday, March 5th. Girls play at 5:30 and boys at 6:30. TODAY'S SCHEDULE Today's periods are 36 minutes in length. The schedule is periods 1, 2, 3 & then 4 or lunch, followed by 5 & 6 DAC ALL-STARS ANNOUNCED Congratulations to the following students on being selected as Downeast Athletic Conference All-Stars. Cheering: Jenny Mathews, Hayley Kafka & Dayna Smith coach of the year: Jean Mathews Girls' Basketball: Caryl Young, Cassidy Osgood, Kelli Kennedy, Emily Reynolds and Madison Leighton Boys' Basketball: Nick Kennedy, Blake Wright and Brettin Dinsmore Tuesday, March 3, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY American chop suey, small whole wheat roll, romaine salad, orange wedges & milk BOOKS ARE FUN The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items. Teacher orders and money are due by 3:00 today. SENIOR BASKETBALL GAME The DAC Senior Basketball game will be held at UMM on Thursday, March 5th. Girls play at 5:30 and boys at 6:30. Monday, March 2, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Whole wheat chicken burger on whole wheat roll, buttered rotini, carrots & cucumbers w/dip, diced pears & milk BOOKS ARE FUN The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items. Teacher orders and money are due by tomorrow, March 3rd. SKI TRIP TO HERMON MOUNTAIN The Outdoor Club will go on a ski trip to Hermon Mountain on Thursday, March 5th. Reminder that money and permission slips are due back today. ATTN. SENIORS All Senior clothing orders need to be into Mr. Howell or you need to make contact with him before end of school TODAY. The order is going in and you don’t want to be left out. Any messages about clothing order money must be in writing or emailed to Mr. Howell. Friday, February 27, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Hamburg & gravy, slice of whole wheat bread, mashed potato, carrot coins, apple crisp & milk BOOKS ARE FUN The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items. Teacher orders and money are due by Tuesday, March 3rd. WINTER SPORTS UNIFORMS All uniforms for basketball or cheering need to be returned no later than today. If not in by today, one hour detentions will be issued. SKI TRIP TO HERMON MOUNTAIN The Outdoor Club will go on a ski trip to Hermon Mountain on March 5th. Prices are: Lift ticket only: $16 Rental & lift ticket: $28 Tubing: $9 If you are interested in going, please see Mrs. Martin or Mrs. Lyford for a permission slip. Money and permission slips are due back by Monday, March 2nd. DRAMA REHEARSAL There will be a drama rehearsal this afternoon at 2:30. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY APPS National Honor Society applications are available for any interested sophomores or juniors. Please see Mrs. Emerson in room 24 for an application. Thursday, February 26, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Macaroni & cheese, hot dog on whole wheat roll, steamed broccoli, sliced pears & milk BOOKS ARE FUN The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items. Teacher orders and money are due by Tuesday, March 3rd. WINTER SPORTS UNIFORMS All uniforms for basketball or cheering need to be returned no later than Friday. If not in by Friday, one hour detentions will be issued APPLE LAPTOPS Mrs. Strachan would like to see all Apple laptops returned to the library as soon as possible. They are needed! ATHLETIC BANQUET The Winter Sports Athletic Banquet will be held this evening at 6:00 in the cafeteria. Athletes are reminded to dress in game day attire. SKI TRIP TO HERMON MOUNTAIN The Outdoor Club will go on a ski trip to Hermon Mountain on March 5th. Prices are: Lift ticket only: $16 Rental & lift ticket: $28 Tubing: $9 If you are interested in going, please see Mrs. Martin or Mrs. Lyford for a permission slip. Money and permission slips are due back by Monday, March 2nd. Wednesday, February 25, 2015 Snow day #6 Tuesday, February 24, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Haddock fish sticks, whole wheat bread, oven fries, cucumber sticks, butternut squash, orange wedges & milk BOOKS ARE FUN The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items. Teacher orders and money are due by Tuesday, March 3rd. Friday, February 13, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Early Release Day: Bagged lunch--Ham & cheese on whole wheat bread, carrot sticks, apple, chips, cookie & milk SENIOR CLOTHING ORDER Attention Seniors - Mr. Howell needs all orders for senior clothing and money in by Friday. The order needs to go in soon, so please try to get the orders into Mr. Howell right away. If this is a problem, please try to let Mr. Howell know in writing or by email. Thursday, February 12, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Steak & cheese on whole wheat roll, rice pilaf, green beans, pineapple & milk SENIOR CLOTHING ORDER Attention Seniors - Mr. Howell needs all orders for senior clothing and money in by Friday. The order needs to go in soon, so please try to get the orders into Mr. Howell right away. If this is a problem, please try to let Mr. Howell know in writing or by email. ATTN. SENIORS Attention Seniors - there will be a Senior Class meeting today during Homeroom in Mr. Howell's room. Don't forget to check in with your Homeroom teacher first. There is a lot to go over on future events, so please plan to be there. ATTN. JUNIORS The following Juniors will meet in the Library during Homeroom today to discuss the plans for the Harlem Rockets Event: Logan Thompson Emily Reynolds Cassidy Osgood Savage Bloomer Jacob Endre Jasmine Bradley Kayla Dinsmore Emily Reid Kasara Decker Kelli Kennedy Andreannna Keach Beth Wallace If there are any other Juniors who would like to be on the committee, please attend as well. Wednesday, February 11, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Tacos on whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, corn, beans, mandarin oranges & milk SENIOR CLOTHING ORDER Attention Seniors - Mr. Howell needs all orders for senior clothing and money in by Friday. The order needs to go in soon, so please try to get the orders into Mr. Howell right away. If this is a problem, please try to let Mr. Howell know in writing or by email. PRELIM GAME We would like to wish the boys good luck today as they head to the Boys' Prelim game at Lee Academy. Game time is 5:30 p.m. Bus will leave at 1:00. PRACTICES FOR TODAY 2:30-4:00 Girls Tuesday, February 10, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Deli turkey on whole wheat roll, veggie soup, celery sticks, strawberries & milk SPORTS FOR TODAY 2:30-4:00 Boys 4:00-5:30 Girls PRELIM GAME The Boys' Prelim game will be held on Wednesday, February 11, at Lee Academy. Game time is 5:30 p.m. Bus will leave at 1:30. ATTN. SENIORS There will be a vote taken in your Homeroom today. Please stay in your own Homerooms where the voting will take place. The ballots will be collected right after you vote. When the voting is over, Mr. Howell wants to meet with the Senior Class Officers and the committees for both the Prom and the Senior Class Trip in his room. If you are involved with EdGE during this time, or if you are not on one of these committees, you are excused from the Senior Class Committee meetings. Monday, February 9, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Whole wheat chicken burger on whole wheat roll, baked potato wedges, cucumber sticks, kiwi & milk FINAL HEAL POINTS The Final Heal Points are out for Class C East basketball. Congratulations go out to both of our basketball teams on a fine season. The Knights finished in 9th place and will go to Lee Academy on Wednesday for a playoff game. The winner of the game will go into the tournament in 8th place. Game time will be announced as soon as it is available. Our Lady finished in 1st place and will automatically go to the Quarterfinals at the Cross Center in Bangor. They are scheduled to play on Tuesday, February 17th, at 8:35 p.m. DRAMA REHEARSAL Reminder that there will be drama rehearsal at 2:30 this afternoon in the conference room. SPORTS FOR TODAY 2:30-4:00 Girls 4:00-5:30 Boys Friday, February 6, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Cheese pizza, carrot & celery sticks, baked beans, fresh melon & milk SPORTS FOR TODAY BV 2:30-4:00 GV 4:00-5:30 The boys' varsity make-up game vs. Shead will be played tomorrow at noon. No JV game. Thursday, February 5, 2015 Snow day Wednesday, February 4, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Spaghetti w/meat sauce, whole wheat roll, tossed salad, peaches & milk SPORTS FOR TODAY Due to the impending storm for this evening, today's girls' game with Sumner will be varsity only and will start at 3:00. Tuesday, February 3, 2015 (Two-Hour Delay) LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken fajita on whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, whole kernel corn, red grapes & milk ATTN. JUNIORS Juniors....This is a crazy week with all the snow. However we will have concessions on Wednesday and possibly another day this week so we do need your donations of soda (all kinds), water, a jar of relish, hot dogs and rolls and baked goods. Also we need lots of small wrapped candy to make our wonderful candy grams! And that needs to happy ASAP. SPORTS FOR TODAY There will be double varsity games tonight vs. Calais. Girls will play at 5:00 and boys at 6:30. ATTN. SENIORS Reminder that the Jostens representative will be here at lunch time today to take cap & gown and graduation invitation orders. A $60 deposit is required unless you are just ordering a cap & gown and that is $36.50 and must be paid in full. CNA students will get their CNA tassels separate from the Jostens order. We will announce when they are available. Monday, February 2, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Choice of chicken burger or cheeseburger on whole wheat roll, oven baked wedges, broccoli, applesauce, raisins & milk TODAY'S SCHEDULE Today's schedule will be an early release 3 period day with periods 4, 5, 6 and then back to period 4. The MWF duty teachers will have lunch duty today. TODAY'S GAMES Due to the early release today for weather, the varsity games vs. Calais will be moved to tomorrow night. Girls will play at 5:00 and boys at 6:30. Friday, January 30, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chickenburger on whole wheat roll, buttered rotini, cucumber sticks, melon & milk ATTN. SENIORS The Jostens representative will be here next Tuesday at lunch time to take your cap & gown and graduation announcements orders. Reminder that you need a $60 deposit or $36.50 if you are just ordering a cap & gown. Any new staff member should see the rep to order a faculty cap & gown. Thursday, January 29, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Bacon & Egg muffin, potato pattie, baked beans, orange wedges & milk ATTN. JUNIORS There will be a brief junior class meeting during homeroom today. Please check in with your teacher and then report to the library. SPORTS FOR TODAY Change in the schedule. Tomorrow's games will be played today. The girls' & boys' varsity teams will travel to Woodland for games at 5:00 & 6:30. The teams will be leaving at 2:00. Tuesday & Wednesday, January 27 & 28, 2015 Snow Days Monday, January 26, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Meatball sub on whole wheat roll, seasoned rice, whole kernel corn, peaches & milk DRIVERS EDUCATION The Drivers’ Education class at Sumner High School starts today at 4:00. SPORTS FOR TODAY Home GJV/GV vs. Machias for games at 5:00/6:30 BJV/BV at Shead for games at 5:00/6:30 Bus-2:30 LIBRARY KEYBOARDS If you have one of the library keyboards sign out, please return as soon as possible as there are others waiting to sign out one. ATTN. JUNIORS Your class needs help with concessions tonight. Also donations or water and soda are needed. DRAMA REHEARSAL There will be drama rehearsal today at 2:30 in the conference. If you are not going to be there for any reason, you need to let Mrs. Woerner know by noon time. GUIDANCE OFFICE CLOSED The guidance office will be closed today. Sarina will not be in today for counseling. Friday, January 23, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Hotdog on whole wheat roll, baked beans, cole slaw, pineapple & milk ATTN. JUNIORS There will be a girls' game tonight and that means the juniors have concessions! We can use lots of water, coke, diet coke and root beer. Baked goods are always welcome, and we would especially like to have some helpers. Please speak to one of your advisors if you can help or bring something. If workers do not come forward to help, concessions will not be sold. TODAY'S SCHEDULE Period 5 exam until 9:47 Break from 9:47-9:55 Period 6 exam until 11:32 Lunch at 11:35 Detention hall will start at 12:03 in room 5 Afternoon session students will be in the cafeteria or working with individual teachers ATTN. SENIORS The representative from Jostens will be here on January 27th between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m in the front lobby to take orders for caps & gowns, graduation announcements and senior class products. A $60 deposit if required on order day. If you are just ordering a cap & gown, you must pay the full price of $36.50. New staff members should see the Jostens representative to place an order for a faculty cap & gown if you wish. BAND ANNOUNCEMENTS Band & chorus members: please send Mrs. Ford your recordings by midnight tonight. If you need help, please e-mail her. This is part of your mid-term. Pep band members: please pick up an information letter outside the music room about the performance at UMM on Sunday. RETURN OF KEYBOARDS If you have borrowed a keyboard from the library, please return it ASAP. SPORTS FOR TODAY Home GJV/GV vs. Shead for games at 5:00/6:30 BJV/BV at Sumner for games at 5:30/7:00 Bus-4:00 We would like to wish the cheering team good luck as they will be competing in the Eastern Maine Class C Cheering competition tomorrow at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor. Competition starts at 9:00. The cheering bus will leave at 5:00 a.m. Thursday, January 22, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Spaghetti w/meat sauce, whole wheat roll, tossed salad, apple wedges & milk TODAY'S SCHEDULE Period 3 exam until 9:47 Break from 9:47-9:55 Period 4 exam until 11:32 Lunch at 11:35 Detention hall will start at 12:03 in room 5 Afternoon session students will be in the cafeteria or working with individual teachers SPORTS FOR TODAY 2:30-4:00 Cheer 4:00-5:30 BV 5:30-7:00 Girls CHORUS & BAND MEMBERS Reminder to chorus & band members to submit your recordings to Mrs. Ford as soon as possible. Wednesday, January 21, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Reminder there is one lunch period today at 11:35 Chicken pot pie, whole wheat roll, peas, cranberry sauce, blueberry crisp & milk TODAY'S SCHEDULE Period 1 exam until 9:47 Break from 9:47-9:55 Period 2 exam until 11:32 Lunch at 11:35 Detention hall will start at 12:03 in room 5 Afternoon session students will be in the cafeteria or working with individual teachers SPORTS FOR TODAY 2:30-4:00 Girls 4:00-5:30 Cheer 5:30-7:00 BV Tuesday, January 20, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Johnny rib, whole wheat bread, mashed potato, green beans, pineapple & milk DRIVERS EDUCATION The start date for the Driver's Education class at Sumner High School has been postponed until January 26th. Classes will be held from 4:00-7:00 p.m. at Sumner Memorial High School and the instructor will be Danny King of Driver's Edge in Bangor. Course fee is $450 and a $100 deposit is required. Applications are available in the front office. MID-TERM EXAM NOTES Just a reminder that mid-term exam notes are due by the end of the day today. No phone calls will be accepted. LADY KNIGHTS #2 IN STANDING Congratulations to the Lady Knights. They are currently in 2nd place in Class C East basketball. SPORTS FOR TODAY 2:30-3:30 Girls The Boys' JV and Varsity will host Jonesport-Beals for games at 4:00 & 5:30 Monday, January 19, 2015 Martin Luther King holiday Friday, January 16, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Ham & cheese melt, veggie sticks, chips, apple, cookie & milk DO YOU LIKE TO PLAY BOARD GAMES? If there is anyone who likes to play board games and is interested in doing that for a half hour before school starts in the morning, Mrs. Duston will be in the conference room at 7:30 each morning. If you have a chess board or a puzzle, or some other game you would like to play in the morning, bring your game with you and join others in the conference room. DRIVERS EDUCATION The start date for the Driver's Education class at Sumner High School has been postponed until January 26th. Classes will be held from 4:00-7:00 p.m. at Sumner Memorial High School and the instructor will be Danny King of Driver's Edge in Bangor. Course fee is $450 and a $100 deposit is required. Applications are available in the front office. MID-TERM EXAM NOTES Just a reminder that mid-term exam notes are due by next Tuesday, January 20th, by the end of the day. Don't hesitate, get them in early. No phone calls will be accepted. SPORTS FOR TODAY 2:30-4:00 Cheer 4:00-5:30 Girls 5:30-7:00 BV 7:00-8:30 BJV Thursday, January 15, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Tacos on whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, beans, corn, sliced pears & milk DRIVERS EDUCATION The start date for the Driver's Education class at Sumner High School has been postponed until January 26th. Classes will be held from 4:00-7:00 p.m. at Sumner Memorial High School and the instructor will be Danny King of Driver's Edge in Bangor. Course fee is $450 and a $100 deposit is required. Applications are available in the front office. MID-TERM EXAM NOTES Just a reminder that mid-term exam notes are due by next Tuesday, January 20th, by the end of the day. Don't hesitate, get them in early. No phone calls will be accepted. YEARBOOK INFO Seniors! Please don't forget to get those senior pictures and baby photos in. Also if your parents plan to get a recognition page or half page for you the deadline is February 6th. Space is limited so get those pictures in to the school. If there is anyone whose family has a business who would like to buy an ad for this year's yearbook please let the yearbook staff know. SPORTS FOR TODAY There will be home GV & BV games Vs. Shead Girls 5:00 & boys 6:30 Wednesday, January 14, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY BBQ Chicken or baked ham, slice of wheat bread, mashed potato, whole kernel corn, melon & milk DO YOU LIKE TO PLAY BOARD GAMES? If there is anyone who likes to play board games and is interested in doing that for a half hour before school starts in the morning, Mrs. Duston will be in the conference room at 7:30 each morning. If you have a chess board or a puzzle, or some other game you would like to play in the morning, bring your game with you and join others in the conference room. DRIVERS EDUCATION The start date for the Driver's Education class at Sumner High School has been postponed until January 26th. Classes will be held from 4:00-7:00 p.m. at Sumner Memorial High School and the instructor will be Danny King of Driver's Edge in Bangor. Course fee is $450 and a $100 deposit is required. Applications are available in the front office. LOOKING FOR BOOKS Mrs. Tenney is looking for copies of the book "A Child Called It" by Dave Pelzer. If you have any of her classroom copies please return them or if you have a copy that you could lend for classroom use that would be much appreciated. Thanks! SPORTS FOR TODAY 2:30-4:30 Girls 4:30-6:30 Cheer BJV/BV at Calais for games at 5:00/6:30 Bus-2:30 Tuesday, January 13, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY American chop suey, whole wheat roll, romaine salad, kiwi & milk DO YOU LIKE TO PLAY BOARD GAMES? If there is anyone who likes to play board games and is interested in doing that for a half hour before school starts in the morning, Mrs. Duston will be in the conference room at 7:30 each morning. If you have a chess board or a puzzle, or some other game you would like to play in the morning, bring your game with you and join others in the conference room. SPORTS FOR TODAY Couple of changes in practice schedule today....the girls and boys varsity have swapped time slots. The new times are: 2:30-4:00 Girls 4:00-5:30 BV 5:30-7:00 BJV 7:00-8:30 Cheer Monday, January 12, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken noodle soup, whole wheat crackers, cheese stick, celery w/wow butter, sliced pears & milk BASKETBALL & CHEERING MEMORY MATES Memory mate photos for all basketball teams and the cheering team will take place next Monday, January 12th, at 2:30. Forms will be available later today. LOST GLASSES If anyone lost a pair of glasses on Al's bus, please stop by the office to claim. DO YOU LIKE TO PLAY BOARD GAMES? If there is anyone who likes to play board games and is interested in doing that for a half hour before school starts in the morning, Mrs. Duston will be in the conference room at 7:30 each morning. If you have a chess board or a puzzle, or some other game you would like to play in the morning, bring your game with you and join others in the conference room. SPORTS FOR TODAY 2:30-4:00 Girls Home BJV/BV vs.Jonesport-Beals for games at 5:00/6:30 Friday, January 9, 2015 SNOW DAY Thursday, January 8, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Pizza, veggie sticks, trail mix, applesauce & milk DRIVERS EDUCATION Sumner Adult Education program will be offering a driver's education class starting next Monday, January 12th. Classes will be held from 4:00-7:00 p.m. at Sumner Memorial High School and the instructor will be Danny King of Driver's Edge in Bangor. Course fee is $450 and a $100 deposit is required. Applications are available in the front office. BASKETBALL & CHEERING MEMORY MATES Memory mate photos for all basketball teams and the cheering team will take place next Monday, January 12th, at 2:30. Forms will be available later today. ATTN. JUNIORS Attention all Juniors. Narraguagus will be hosting both a girls' jv and varsity game versus WA on Saturday starting at 12. We expect to be very busy with concessions and would love some help. Also, we need donations of all sorts of things: soda, baked goods, hot dogs, rolls etc. Class officers will come around to homerooms today to see who can help. SPORTS FOR TODAY 2:30-4:00 Girls 4:00-5:30 BJV 5:30-7:00 Cheer 7:00-8:30 BV DAC CHEERING DAC Cheering competition for Saturday at Woodland has been cancelled. ATTN. SENIORS There will be a meeting during Homeroom in Mr. Howell’s room. This will be a very important meeting so all are requested to attend. Decisions need to be made, so be there to get your voice heard. Wednesday, January 7, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Deli turkey on whole wheat wrap, veggie soup, peaches & milk DRIVERS EDUCATION Sumner Adult Education program will be offering a driver's education class starting on January 12th. Classes will be held from 4:00-7:00 p.m. at Sumner Memorial High School and the instructor will be Danny King of Driver's Edge in Bangor. Course fee is $450 and a $100 deposit is required. Applications are available in the front office. BASKETBALL & CHEERING MEMORY MATES Memory mate photos for all basketball teams and the cheering team will take place next Monday, January 12th, at 2:30. Forms will be available later today. MESSAGE FROM YEARBOOK ADVISOR Important Message to Seniors from Ms. G, the yearbook advisor! Please get those senior pictures and baby photos in or we will be forced to use the school photo, instagram, or random student body pictures for your senior photo. Also if your parents plan to get a recognition page or half page for you the deadline is February 6th. Space is limited so get those pictures in to the school. SCHOOL STORE ORDER If you were missing a pair of sweatpants from the school store order....those are in. Please stop by the office to pick them up. ATTN. JUNIORS Attention all Juniors. Narraguagus will be hosting both a girls' jv and varsity game versus WA on Saturday starting at 12. We expect to be very busy with concessions and would love some help. Also, we need donations of all sorts of things: soda, baked goods, hot dogs, rolls etc. Class officers will come around Thursday to see who can help. Tuesday, January 6, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Steak & cheese on a whole wheat roll, potato wedges, baked beans, apple crisp & milk DRIVERS EDUCATION Sumner Adult Education program will be offering a driver's education class starting on January 12th. Classes will be held from 4:00-7:00 p.m. at Sumner Memorial High School and the instructor will be Danny King of Driver's Edge in Bangor. Course fee is $450 and a $100 deposit is required. Applications are available in the office. BASKETBALL & CHEERING MEMORY MATES Memory mate photos for all basketball teams and the cheering team will take place next Monday, January 12th, at 2:30. Forms will be available later today. ATTN. DRAMA STUDENTS Any student who plans to audition for drama and has not done so already needs to see Ms. Willey today. GLASSES FOUND If you are missing a pair of glasses since before vacation, please stop by the office. The prescription glasses have black frames. SPORTS FOR TODAY 2:30-4:00 Girls 4:00-5:30 BV 5:30-7:00 Cheer 7:00-8:30 BJV Monday, January 5, 2015 LUNCH FOR TODAY Whole wheat chicken nuggets, slice of whole wheat bread, rice pilaf, green beans, mixed fruit & milk SPORTS FOR TODAY 5:30-7:00 Cheering GV will travel to Jonesport-Beals for a 6:00 game. Bus leaves at 4:45 BJV & BV will travel to WA for games at 5:30 & 7:00. Bus leaves at 4:15 BASKETBALL & CHEERING MEMORY MATES Memory mate photos for all basketball teams and the cheering team will take place next Monday, January 12th, at 2:30. Forms will be available later today. DRIVERS EDUCATION Sumner Adult Education program will be offering a driver's education class starting on January 12th. Classes will be held from 4:00-7:00 p.m. at Sumner Memorial High School and the instructor will be Danny King of Driver's Edge in Bangor. Course fee is $450 and a $100 deposit is required. Applications are available in the office. Friday, December 19, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Bagged lunch: Choice of bologna & cheese sandwich or chicken salad sandwich, apple, veggies, chips, cookie & milk SPIRIT WEEK Today is Flashy Holiday Sweater or Shirt Day SPORTS FOR TODAY Home Girls' JV and Varsity games vs. Woodland at 5:00 & 6:30 2:30-4:00 BV Thursday, December 18, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Christmas Dinner: Baked ham, mashed potato, roll, carrot coins, jello cake, pineapple & milk SPIRIT WEEK Today is Flashback Decade Day (dress from your favorite decade) Friday is Flashy Holiday Sweater or Shirt Day TODAY'S SCHEDULE The two hour schedule for today is: 10:05-10:07 Late Bell 10:07-11:15 Period 2 11:18-11:38 1st Lunch 11:41-12:01 2nd Lunch 12:04-1:12 Period 4 1:15-2:23 Period 6 SPORTS FOR TODAY Home boys' JV and Varsity games vs. Machias at 5:00 & 6:30 2:30-4:00 Girls Wednesday, December 17, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Tacos on a whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, rice pilaf, corn, apple crisp & milk SPIRIT WEEK Today is Crazy Socks and Shoes Day Thursday is Flashback Decade Day ( dress from your favorite decade) Friday is Flashy Holiday Sweater or Shirt Day. PRACTICES FOR TODAY 2:30-4:00 Cheering 4:00-5:30 BJV 5:30-7:15 BV 7:15-9:00 Girls MS. RAY WILL NOT BE IN Ms. Ray will not be in today. Tuesday, December 16, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken Alfredo, whole wheat roll, steamed broccoli, baked beans, fresh melon & milk SPIRIT WEEK Today is Maroon and White Day Wednesday is Crazy Socks and Shoes Day SCHOOL PICS OR IDS The following students need to stop by the office for school pics or IDs. Anthony Couture Drew Fletcher Andreanna Keach Trystin McLeod Rosemary Nguyen Brandon Potts Adam Robbins Gage Smith Kyle Stanwood SPORTS FOR TODAY There will be a boys' freshman game at 4:00 today vs. WA Some changes in the practice schedule due to the game 2:30-3:30 BV 5:30-7:00 Cheering 7:00-8:30 Girls Monday, December 15, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Meatball sub on a whole wheat roll, potato wedges, green beans, strawberries & milk BOOKS ARE FUN Attn. Teachers: The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items in the main office. Orders and money are due by Monday, December 15th. Delivery will be on either December 17th or 18th. ALL-STATE CHORUS Congratulations to Savage Bloomer and Keeli Parker for being selected as members of the 2015 All-State Choruses. They are two of 320 students chosen from over 1,000 who auditioned in November. Congratulations!! SPORTS FOR TODAY The girls' JV and Varsity teams will travel to Shead for games at 5:00 & 6:30. The bus will leave at 2:30 Home boys' JV and Varsity games vs. WA at 5:00 & 6:30 SPIRIT WEEK Tuesday is Maroon and White Day Wednesday is Crazy Socks and Shoes Day Thursday is Flashback Decade Day ( dress from your favorite decade) Friday is Flashy Holiday Sweater or Shirt Day Students are also allowed to decorate their lockers. We will have these judged Thursday after school. Participation for the spirit days will be counted and we will be giving the classes points and prizes. Additionally, by midday Tuesday, we will have several Holiday word puzzles for staff and students. All puzzle submissions will be due by Thursday noon to Guidance, and all correct entries will be entered in a prize drawing Friday, December 12, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Whole wheat chicken nuggets, slice of whole wheat bread, oven fries, carrots & dip, orange wedges & milk BOOKS ARE FUN Attn. Teachers: The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items in the main office. Orders and money are due by Monday, December 15th. Delivery will be on either December 17th or 18th. PRACTICES FOR TODAY 2:30-4:00 Cheering 4:00-5:45 BV 5:45-7:30 Girls 7:30-9:00 BJV Thursday, December 11, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Grilled cheese on whole wheat bread, macaroni & tomato soup, cucumber sticks, apple wedges & milk BOOKS ARE FUN Attn. Teachers: The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items in the main office. Orders and money are due by Monday, December 15th. Delivery will be on either December 17th or 18th. SPORTS FOR TODAY Home boys' games today vs. Sumner at 5:00 & 6:30 2:30-4:00 Girls ATTN. SENIORS There will be a senior class meeting today during homeroom. Please check in with your homeroom teachers before attending the meeting in room 30. Wednesday, December 10, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken fajita on whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, whole kernel corn, beans, strawberries & milk BOOKS ARE FUN Attn. Teachers: The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items in the main office. Orders and money are due by Monday, December 15th. Delivery will be on either December 17th or 18th. SPORTS FOR TODAY GJV & GV will travel to Machias for games at 5:00 & 6:30. The bus will leave at 3:45. 3:30-5:00 cheering 5:00-7:00 BV 7:00-8:30 BJV HOLIDAY CONCERT Great job to our Narraguagus musicians & singers. Last night's concert was amazing. Tuesday, December 9, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Hamburg & gravy, whole wheat bread, mashed potato, green peas, mixed fruit & milk BOOKS ARE FUN Attn. Teachers: The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items in the main office. Orders and money are due by Monday, December 15th. Delivery will be on either December 17th or 18th. HOLIDAY CONCERT The annual Holiday Concert will be held this evening at 7:00 p.m. They have worked very hard to showcase their talents. Please support our district musicians and choral members by attending tonight’s concert. Monday, December 8, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Fish sticks, whole wheat bread, rice pilaf, mixed veggies, mandarin oranges & milk SPORTS FOR TODAY BJV and BV will travel to Woodland for games at 5:00 & 6:30. The bus will leave at 2:30. Girls' varsity home game tonight vs. Jonesport-Beals at 6:00. BOOKS ARE FUN Attn. Teachers: The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items in the main office. Orders and money are due by Monday, December 15th. Delivery will be on either December 17th or 18th. Friday, December 5, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Whole wheat chicken burger on a whole wheat roll, baked beans, veggies & dip, applesauce and milk WINTER BALL The Winter Ball will be held on Saturday, December 6th, from 7:00-10:00 p.m. Ticket prices have changed and will be $6 per person. SPORTS FOR TODAY Tonight will be the first home game of the season. Come out and support both of the varsity teams as they take on PCHS of Guilford. Lady Knights will play at 5:00 and the Knights at 6:30. Admission is $2 for students. Thursday, December 4, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Macaroni & cheese, hotdog on whole wheat roll, broccoli, red grapes & milk WINTER BALL The Winter Ball will be held on Saturday, December 6th, from 7:00-10:00 p.m. Ticket prices have changed and will be $6 per person. Reminder that any dates or guests who are not NHS students must be put on the sign up list in the main office by Thursday at 2:30. FIELD TRIP PERMISSION FORMS Students going on the field trip to the Abbe Museum on Friday, please get your permission slips to Mrs. Birkenshaw or Mrs. Strachan ASAP! PRACTICES FOR TODAY 2:30-4:00 BV 4:00-5:30 Girls 5:30-7:00 Cheering 7:00-8:30 BJV Wednesday, December 3, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Lasagna roll-up, whole wheat roll, tossed salad, blueberry crisp & milk WINTER BALL The Winter Ball will be held on Saturday, December 6th, from 7:00-10:00 p.m. Ticket prices have changed and will be $6 per person. Reminder that any dates or guests who are not NHS students must be put on the sign up list in the main office by Thursday at 2:30. LOST & FOUND Our lost & found box is getting full....please check the box if you've lost any clothing items during this school year. FIELD TRIP PERMISSION FORMS Students going on the field trip to the Abbe Museum on Friday, please get your permission slips to Mrs. Birkenshaw or Mrs. Strachan ASAP! ATTN. SENIORS Seniors, Please get your senior photos for yearbook in! Yearbook staff also needs three other pictures of you for the yearbook. If you plan to use the school photo for your senior picture please let us know. PRACTICES FOR TODAY 2:30-4:00 Cheering 4:00-5:30 BV 5:30-7:00 BJV 7:00-9:00 Girls MATH TEAM The Math Team will have its first meet next Wednesday, December 10th! See Mrs. Berry for details and a permission slip! Tuesday, December 2, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken noodle soup, whole wheat crackers, cheese sticks, carrot & celery sticks, peaches & milk WINTER BALL The Winter Ball will be held on Saturday, December 6th, from 7:00-10:00 p.m. Ticket prices will be $6 per person. Reminder that any dates or guests who are not NHS students must be put on the sign up list in the main office by Thursday at 2:30. LOST & FOUND Our lost & found box is getting full....please check the box if you've lost any clothing items during this school year. FIELD TRIP PERMISSION FORMS Students going on the field trip to the Abbe Museum on Friday, please get your permission slips to Mrs. Birkenshaw or Mrs. Strachan ASAP! ATTN. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY MEMBERS There will be a meeting of the National Honor Society during activity period in room 24. HONOR ROLL STUDENTS During activity period, we will be taking pictures of honor roll students by grade. We will announce for students to report to the cafeteria when we are ready for pics. SPORTS FOR TODAY 2:30-4:00 BV 4:00-5:30 Girls 5:30-7:00 BJV 7:00-9:00 Cheering Monday, December 1, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Johnny Rib, slice of whole wheat bread, mashed potato, green beans, sliced pears & milk FITNESS ROOM Starting today, students who wish to use the fitness room afterschool, it will be available from 2:30-3:15 WINTER BALL The Winter Ball will be held on Saturday, December 6th, from 7:00-10:00 p.m. Ticket prices have changed and will be $6 per person. Reminder that any dates or guests who are not NHS students must be put on the sign up list in the main office by Thursday at 2:30. SPORTS FOR TODAY GV & BV teams will travel to Orono for scrimmages at 5:00 & 6:30. The bus will leave at 2:00. ATTN. SENIORS Attention seniors - don’t forget this Saturday is the Winter Ball - all the committees for the Winter Ball should be finalizing their work and report to the Class President, Caryl Ann Young or Class Vice President Blake Wright. Donated items may be left in Mr. Howell’s room. Let’s make this the best Winter Ball ever! Wednesday, November 26, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Hot dog on whole wheat roll, baked beans, cole slaw, pineapple and milk FITNESS ROOM Starting December 1st, students who wish to use the fitness room afterschool, it will be available from 2:303:15 WINTER BALL The Winter Ball will be held on Saturday, December 6th, from 7:00-10:00 p.m. Tickets are the door are $10 for singles and $15 for couples. Save some money by buying your tickets ahead of time. Presale tickets are $8 for singles and $12 for couples. See any senior or Mr. Howell for presale tickets. Reminder that any dates or guests who are not NHS students must be put on the sign up list in the main office by Thursday at 2:30. PRACTICES FOR TODAY 11:30-1:00 Girls 11:30-1:00 Cheering in cafeteria 4:00-5:30 BJV 5:30-7:00 BV Tuesday, November 25, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Tacos on whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, whole kernel corn, strawberries & milk CHANGE IN SCHEDULE There will be a change in the regular schedule for Tuesday, November 25th. This will be a periods 1-6 day. SCHOOL PICS OR IDS The following students need to report to the office today to pick up your school ID or packet of school pictures: Kyle Davis, Harmon Dorr, Drew Fletcher, Chad Hanning, Keenan Kane, Avion Keach, Kyle Look, Trystin McLeod, Dylan Nelson, Adam Robbins, Kegin Schoppee, Kyle Schoppee, Phil Taylor & Cole Willey FREE BOOTS There is a pair of green insulated waterproof boots in the library, size 11. Free to the first student who can use them. Please see Mrs. Strachan. PRACTICES FOR TODAY 2:30-4:00 Girls 4:00-5:30 BJV 5:30-7:00 BV 4:30-6:00 Cheering in cafeteria. This is a change in a practice time. Monday, November 24, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Whole wheat chicken nuggets, buttered rotini, slice of whole wheat bread, carrot sticks & dip, mixed fruit and milk PICTURE RETAKES Picture retakes have been scheduled for tomorrow starting at 7:30. If you need a picture form, please pick one up in the office. CHANGE IN SCHEDULE There will be a change in the regular schedule for Tuesday, November 25th. This will be a periods 1-6 day. SPORTS FOR TODAY The boys' & girls' varsity teams will travel to Deer Isle-Stonington for games at 5:30 & 7:00. The bus will leave at 2:15. 2:30-4:00 Cheering Friday, November 21, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Meatball sub on whole wheat roll, rice pilaf, baked beans, fruit & milk PICTURE RETAKES Picture retakes have been scheduled for next Tuesday, November 25, starting at 7:30. If you need a picture form, please pick one up in the office. If you are doing retakes, please use the form provided with your school photo envelope. PRACTICES FOR TODAY 2:30-4:00 Girls 4:00-5:30 Cheering 5:30-7:00 BV 7:00-8:30 BJV Thursday, November 20, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Thanksgiving Dinner: Turkey, gravy, mashed potato, peas, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pumpkin bar & milk PICTURE RETAKES Picture retakes have been scheduled for next Tuesday, November 25, starting at 7:30. If you need a picture form, please pick one up in the office. If you are doing retakes, please use the form provided with your school photo envelope. DRAMA MEETING On Thursday during activity period, the new drama coach will be here and would like to meet with all students who have an interest in being involved in a drama production. The meeting will be in the cafeteria. PRACTICES FOR TODAY 2:30-4:00 Girls 4:00-5:30 BV 5:30-7:00 BJV 7:00-8:30 Cheering ATTN. SENIORS There will be an important senior class meeting in Mr. Howell’s room during homeroom today. If you wish to bring something up at the meeting, please get a written copy to one of your class officers or Mr. Howell this morning. Don’t forget to report to your homeroom teacher first. Wednesday, November 19, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Sausage & egg muffin, potato pattie, celery w/wow butter, oranges & milk Just a reminder that tomorrow's lunch will be the annual Thanksgiving dinner. PICTURE RETAKES Picture retakes have been scheduled for Tuesday, November 25, starting at 7:30. If you need a picture form, please pick one up in the office. If you are doing retakes, please use the form provided with your school photo envelope. PRACTICES FOR TODAY Girls 2:30-4:00 Boys 4:00-6:00 Cheering 4:30-6:00 in the cafeteria DRAMA MEETING On Thursday during activity period, the new drama coach will be here and would like to meet with all students who have an interest in being involved in a drama production. The meeting will be in the cafeteria. ATTN. JUNIORS Attention all juniors. All pie orders and money are due tomorrow (Thursday the 20th). Please see that these are turned in to one of the advisors. We are also looking for volunteer bakers! Tuesday, November 18, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken fajita on whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, whole kernel corn, apple crisp & milk PICTURE RETAKES Picture retakes have been scheduled for Tuesday, November 25, starting at 7:30. If you need a picture form, please pick one up in the office. If you are doing retakes, please use the form provided with your school photo envelope. TRYOUT SCHEDULE The tryout schedule for today is: Girls 2:30-4:30 Cheering 4:30-5:30 in the gym and 5:30-6:30 in the caf. Boys 5:30-7:30 Reminder that your athletic code permission forms must be turned in prior to tryouts. ATTN. JUNIORS There will be a very brief meeting for all juniors tomorrow during homeroom. Please bring any pie forms that you may still have. Check in with your homeroom teacher and then come to the library. Monday, November 17, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Cheeseburger on whole wheat roll, oven fries, green beans, pears & milk PICTURE RETAKES Picture retakes have been scheduled for Tuesday, November 25, starting at 7:30. If you need a picture form, please pick one up in the office. If you are doing retakes, please use the form provided with your school photo envelope. TRYOUT SCHEDULE The tryout schedule for today & tomorrow is: Girls 2:30-4:30 Cheering 4:30-5:30 in the gym and 5:30-6:30 in the caf. Boys 5:30-7:30 Reminder that your athletic code permission forms must be turned in prior to tryouts. Attn. cheerleaders.....currently only 4 permission forms have been turned in so please get the paperwork signed and turned into the office as soon as possible. YEARBOOK INFO Due to the snow day on Friday, we have extended the $45 price until Tuesday Nov 18th. Get your order in to Ms. G in Rm 25 or my mailbox in the office. Seniors need to get their Senior Photos in and their baby pictures to Yearbook by Nov 26th before Thanksgiving break Friday, November 14, 2014 No School—Snow Day Thursday, November 13, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Early Release: Chicken burger on whole wheat roll, baked beans, carrot sticks, peaches and milk VARSITY JACKET ORDERS We will be placing an order for varsity jackets. Anyone interested should pick up an order form from the counter by the office window. Orders and money are due today. SCHOOL PICTURES School pictures and IDs are in and can be picked up in the main office. HALF DAYS Reminder that there will be half days of school today and tomorrow due to parent conferences. Today will be a 1,2,3 HR/Lunch schedule and Friday will be 4,5,6 HR/Lunch PICTURE RETAKES Picture retakes have been scheduled for Tuesday, November 25, starting at 7:30. If you need a picture form, please pick one up in the office. If you are doing retakes, please use the form provided with your school photo envelope. YEARBOOK INFO Order your yearbook this week! This is the last week before the price goes up! Get your orders in to Ms G in Room 25. Seniors, if you are using a picture other than the school picture for the yearbook please provide your senior picture to Ms. G before the Thanksgiving break. Additionally, each Senior gets to submit three other baby or other pictures of themselves for yearbook. Please submit those baby pictures with your senior photos before Thanksgiving. Wednesday, November 12, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Italian sandwich on whole wheat roll, corn chowder, celery stick, strawberries & milk VARSITY JACKET ORDERS We will be placing an order for varsity jackets. Anyone interested should pick up an order form from the counter by the office window. Orders and money are due by tomorrow. HALF DAYS Reminder that there will be half days of school on Thursday and Friday due to parent conferences. Thursday will be a 1,2,3 HR/Lunch schedule and Friday will be 4,5,6 HR/Lunch Tuesday, November 11, 2014 No School – Veterans Day Monday, November 10, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Sloppy Joe on whole wheat roll, cheese stick, green beans, pineapple & milk NO SCHOOL TOMORROW Reminder that due to the Veteran’s Day Holiday, there will be no school tomorrow. VARSITY JACKET ORDERS We will be placing an order for varsity jackets. Anyone interested should pick up an order form from the counter by the office window. Orders and money are due by this Thursday, November 13th. BOOKS ARE FUN Attn. Teachers: The Books Are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items. Orders and money are due today. Friday, November 7, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Pepperoni pizza, veggie sticks, trail mix, red grapes & milk VARSITY JACKET ORDERS We will be placing an order for varsity jackets. Anyone interested should pick up an order form from the counter by the office window. Orders and money are due by Thursday, November 13th. BOOKS ARE FUN Attn. Teachers: The Books Are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items. Orders and money are due by Monday, November 10th. COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY The Cherryfield Academy Trustees are looking for 4-5 boys that would like some community service time on November 11th or on of the half days of school next Thursday or Friday. Jobs consist of moving items from one location to another so a truck would also need to be available. Anyone interested should Cheryl Brown at 5466053. Thursday, November 6, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Spaghetti w/meat sauce, whole wheat bread stick, tossed salad, blueberry crisp & milk VARSITY JACKET ORDERS We will be placing an order for varsity jackets. Anyone interested should pick up an order form from the counter by the office window. Orders and money are due by Thursday, November 13th. BOOKS ARE FUN Attn. Teachers: The Books Are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items. Orders and money are due by Monday, November 10th. ATHLETIC BANQUET The Fall Athletic Awards & Dessert Night will be held this evening at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. Student athletes are asked to dress in game day attire. MPA SPORTSMANSHIP BANNER Congratulations to our girls' soccer team. They have been selected for the third year in a row to receive the MPA Class C Girls' Soccer Sportsmanship banner. The banner will be presented this Saturday before the 10:00 state game at Hampden Academy. There will be a meeting of the girls' soccer team today during advisory period in Mrs. Morse's room to discuss this trip on Saturday. DAC SPORTSMANSHIP BANNER Congratulations to our volleyball team for being selected to receive the DAC Sportsmanship Banner. DAC COACH OF THE YEAR Congratulations to Mr. Jones, our boys' soccer coach. He was selected as the DAC Coach of the Year for boys' soccer. Wednesday, November 5, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Deli turkey on whole wheat roll, veggie soup, mandarin oranges & milk VARSITY JACKET ORDERS We will be placing an order for varsity jackets. Anyone interested should pick up an order form from the counter by the office window. Orders and money are due by Thursday, November 13th. BOOKS ARE FUN Attn. Teachers: The Books Are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items. Orders and money are due by Monday, November 10th. ATHLETIC BANQUET The Fall Athletic Awards & Dessert Night will be held tomorrow evening at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. Student athletes are asked to dress in game day attire. Tuesday, November 4, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Macaroni & cheese, oven fried bologna, slice of whole wheat bread, broccoli, beans, strawberries & milk VARSITY JACKET ORDERS We will be placing an order for varsity jackets. Anyone interested should pick up an order form from the counter by the office window. Orders and money are due by Thursday, November 13th. BOOKS ARE FUN Attn. Teachers: The Books Are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items. Orders and money are due by Monday, November 10th. Monday, November 3, 2014 Two Hour Delay LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken fingers, slice of whole wheat bread, seasoned rice, green peas, tropical fruit & milk VARSITY JACKET ORDERS We will be placing an order for varsity jackets. Anyone interested should pick up an order form from the counter by the office window. Orders and money are due by Thursday, November 13th. OPEN GYM/BASKETBALL & CHEERING SIGN-UPS Reminder that sign up lists for basketball and cheering are in the front office. Open gym will begin this week. A schedule will be posted as soon as it is available. Reminder that a new athletic code form must be turned in before you can participate in open gym or tryouts. The forms are available in the office. BOOKS ARE FUN Attn. Teachers: The Books Are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items. Orders and money are due by Monday, November 10th. Friday, October 31, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Bagged Lunch: Choice of Ham & cheese sandwich or jelly & wow butter, carrots, chips, apple, cookie & milk VARSITY JACKET ORDERS We will be placing an order for varsity jackets. Anyone interested should pick up an order form from the counter by the office window. Orders and money are due by Thursday, November 13th. FALL SPORTS UNIFORMS All uniforms from the fall sports teams must be turned in today. If not in by today, detentions will be issued. OPEN GYM/BASKETBALL & CHEERING SIGN-UPS Reminder that sign up lists for basketball and cheering are in the front office. Open gym will begin next week for basketball. A schedule will be posted as soon as it is available. Reminder that a new athletic code form must be turned in before you can participate in open gym or tryouts. The forms are available in the office. TODAY'S SCHEDULE Today's schedule is the shortened 1-6 day with no break. Thursday, October 30, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Meatball on whole wheat roll, baked beans, oven fries, green grapes & milk VARSITY JACKET ORDERS We will be placing an order for varsity jackets. Anyone interested should pick up an order form from the counter by the office window. Orders and money are due by Thursday, November 13th. FALL SPORTS UNIFORMS All uniforms from the fall sports teams must be turned in by Friday of this week. If not in by Friday, detentions will be issued. ATTN. CHEMISTRY STUDENTS Attention Chemistry Students: Remember that your wicked scary Atomic History Projects are due on Friday and that you will also be having a quiz over the material on that day. To help give you more time to complete the project and to study for the quiz, the homework over mole conversions will not be due until Monday. ATTN. SENIORS Attention Seniors: There will be a Senior Class meeting today during Homeroom in Room 30. Please check in with your Homeroom teacher first. There will be a lot to discuss about future events. If you have ideas or things you want discussed at the meeting, write them down before the meeting. MS. RAY WILL NOT BE IN Ms. Ray will not be in her office today. BOYS' SOCCER PRACTICE There will be boys soccer practice from 4 - 5:30 today. Players should remember to bring their uniform to turn in. Practice is optional and will be fun. HONOR SOCIETY INDUCTION The National Honor Society Induction will be held this evening at 6:00 in the library OPEN GYM/BASKETBALL & CHEERING SIGN-UPS Reminder that sign up lists for basketball and cheering are in the front office. Open gym will begin next week for basketball. A schedule will be posted as soon as it is available. Reminder that a new athletic code form must be turned in before you can participate in open gym or tryouts. The forms are available in the office. Wednesday, October 29, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Bacon & egg muffin, potato pattie, celery w/wow butter, oranges wedges & milk SCHOOL STORE ORDER Reminder that school store orders and money are due today. Please have all orders in by 2:00. VARSITY JACKET ORDERS We will be placing an order for varsity jackets. Anyone interested should pick up an order form from the counter by the office window. Orders and money are due by Thursday, November 13th. DAC ALL-STARS ANNOUNCED For those that did not hear the announcement yesterday afternoon, I will reannounce the DAC All-Stars for Fall Sports Volleyball: Kelli Kennedy, Brynn Jellison & Jennifer Mathews Boys' Soccer: Austin Tenney & Hayden Pineo Girls' Soccer: Cassidy Osgood, Brooke Hachey & Caryl Ann Young Cross Country: Robert Lisee, Madison Leighton, Emma Denbow & Taylor Colbeth Tuesday, October 28, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken pot pie, whole wheat roll, cheese, carrot sticks, cranberry sauce, melon & milk SCHOOL STORE ORDER Reminder that school store orders and money are due by tomorrow. Order forms are on the counter by the office window. VARSITY JACKET ORDERS We will be placing an order for varsity jackets. Anyone interested should pick up an order form from the counter by the office window. Orders and money are due by Thursday, November 13th. MATH TEAM The math team is back. If you are interested in being a part of NHS's Math Team, please join Mrs. Berry during Advisory period on Tuesday, October 28, in room 20. If you cannot make the meeting, but are still interested in participating or just have questions about what Math Team is, please see Mrs. Berry in room 20. OPEN GYM/BASKETBALL & CHEERING SIGN-UPS There are sign up lists in the front office for basketball and cheering. Open gym will start next week for basketball. A reminder that you must have a new athletic code permission form in before you can participate in open gym. The same form will be used for tryouts. Monday, October 27, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Johnny rib, slice of whole wheat bread, mashed potato, green peas, peaches & milk SCHOOL STORE ORDER Reminder that school store orders and money are due by this Wednesday, October 29th. Order forms are on the counter by the office window. VARSITY JACKET ORDERS We will be placing an order for varsity jackets. Anyone interested should pick up an order form from the counter by the office window. Orders and money are due by Thursday, November 13th. DAC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Today, the boys' soccer team will travel to Shead for the DAC Championship game at 3:30. The bus will leave at 1:00. XC REGIONALS Congratulations to our cross country teams on their participation in the Eastern Maine Regionals last Saturday. Congrats to Rob Lisee on his 27th placement, which gained him a spot in the State Cross Country Championship. NEWS FROM YEARBOOK STAFF Seniors - Your senior photos and baby pictures need to be submitted to room 25. If you have any questions ask Ms. G or one of the yearbook staff. It is almost November, the price for yearbooks will be going up soon. Get your yearbook orders in! MATH TEAM The math team is back. If you are interested in being a part of NHS's Math Team, please join Mrs. Berry during Advisory period on Tuesday, October 28, in room 20. If you cannot make the meeting, but are still interested in participating or just have questions about what Math Team is, please see Mrs. Berry in room 20. Friday, October 24, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Pizza pocket, sun chips, carrots & dip, fruit wedge, pudding & milk SCHOOL STORE ORDER The Boosters Club has an order form available for students & parents to purchase items on a school store order. Some samples are available to view in the office. Order forms are available on the counter by the ticket booth window. Money and orders are due by October 29th. HALLOWEEN DANCE There will be a Halloween Dance tonight from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. and is sponsored by the Guagus Boosters Club. Admission is $5 for singles and $8 for couples. VARSITY JACKET ORDERS We will be placing an order for varsity jackets. Anyone interested should pick up an order form from the counter by the office window. Orders and money are due by Thursday, November 13th. SPORTS FOR TODAY The volleyball team will travel to Machias for a quarterfinal game at 5:00. The bus will leave at 3:15. There will be a home boys' soccer prelim game vs. Mattanawcook Academy at 3:00. GOOD LUCK CROSS COUNTRY Good Luck to our cross country teams as they compete in the Eastern Maine Cross Country Regionals tomorrow at the Troy Howard Middle School in Belfast. Boys compete at 11:00 and girls at 11:30. Thursday, October 23, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Spaghetti w/meat sauce, whole wheat roll, romaine salad, blueberry crisp & milk HALLOWEEN DANCE There will be a Halloween Dance this Friday night from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. and is sponsored by the Guagus Boosters Club. Admission is $5 for singles and $8 for couples. If you are planning to bring a guest who is not an NHS student, please sign them up in the office by 3:00 p.m. today. VARSITY JACKET ORDERS We will be placing an order for varsity jackets. Anyone interested should pick up an order form from the counter by the office window. Orders and money are due by Thursday, November 13th. ATTN. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY MEMBERS There will be a National Honor Society meeting today during activity period in room 24. ATTN. JUNIORS There will be a junior class meeting on Thursday in the library during homeroom. ATTN. GIRLS' SOCCER The soccer clinic for this afternoon has been cancelled. Mrs. Dow will still have a meeting at 2:45 for players to return uniforms. SPORTS FOR TODAY The volleyball team will travel to Woodland for DAC game. They will play Jonesport-Beals in the 2nd game at approx. 5:00. The bus will leave at 2:30. ATTN. SENIORS There will be a senior class meeting in Mr. Howell’s room during homeroom today. Make sure you check in with your homeroom teacher first. This will be a very important meeting so all seniors need to attend. TOURNEY PLAY On Friday, the volleyball team will travel to Machias for a quarterfinal game at 5:00. The bus will leave at 3:15. Also on Friday, there will be a home boys' soccer prelim game vs. Mattanawcook Academy at 3:00. Wednesday, October 22, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Tacos on whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, corn, orange wedges & milk SCHOOL STORE ORDER The Boosters Club has an order form available for students & parents to purchase items on a school store order. Some samples are available to view in the office. Order forms are available on the counter by the ticket booth window. Money and orders are due by October 29th. HALLOWEEN DANCE There will be a Halloween Dance this Friday night from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. and is sponsored by the Guagus Boosters Club. Admission is $5 for singles and $8 for couples. If you are planning to bring a guest who is not an NHS student, please sign them up in the office by Thursday at 3:00 p.m. ATTN. JUNIORS There will be a junior class meeting on Thursday in the library during homeroom. LOST WALLET If anyone lost a wallet yesterday, please stop by the office to claim. DAC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Weather permitting…..the boys' soccer team will travel to Shead for a 3:30 DAC Championship game. The bus will leave at 1:00. Tuesday, October 21, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Ham & cheese melt, buttered rotini, green beans, pineapple chunks & milk SCHOOL STORE ORDER The Boosters Club has an order form available for students & parents to purchase items on a school store order. Some samples are available to view in the office. Order forms are available on the counter by the ticket booth window. Money and orders are due by October 29th. HALLOWEEN DANCE There will be a Halloween Dance this Friday night from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. and is sponsored by the Guagus Boosters Club. Admission is $5 for singles and $8 for couples. If you are planning to bring a guest who is not an NHS student, please sign them up in the office by Thursday at 3:00 p.m. SPORTS FOR TODAY Home girls' soccer game vs. Shead at 3:30 Monday, October 20, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken burger, potato wedges, mixed veggies, tropical fruit & milk SCHOOL STORE ORDER The Boosters Club has an order form available for students & parents to purchase items on a school store order. Some samples are available to view in the office. Order forms are available on the counter by the ticket booth window. Money and orders are due by October 29th. FLU VACCINES Flu vaccines will be administered tomorrow. Any students that have turned permission forms in should stop by the office to make sure your name is on the list. It's not to late to sign up....if you still want one, stop by the office for a permission form. SPORTS FOR TODAY The boys' soccer team will travel to Sumner for a 4:00 game. The bus will leave at 2:45 ATTN. SENIORS Some seniors still have not submitted their Senior stats, please turn them in to Room 25 before we have to make them up ourselves - Yearbook Staff Writers and Artists! KNIGHTLY NEWS Knightly News is still accepting submissions for the quarterly school news publication, please turn them in to room 25 by October 22nd. Friday, October 17, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Cheese pizza, veggie sticks, whole wheat goldfish, fruit & milk SCHOOL STORE ORDER The Boosters Club has an order form available for students & parents to purchase items on a school store order. Some samples are available to view in the office. Order forms are available on the counter by the ticket booth window. Money and orders are due by October 29th. FLU VACCINES Any students or staff interested in getting a flu vaccine should turn their paperwork in to the office as soon as possible. Forms were sent home via e-mail, but are also available in the office. Staff should check their e-mail for the form. Vaccines will be administered on Tuesday of next week. SPORTS FOR TODAY The girls' soccer team will travel to Woodland at 4:00. The bus will leave at 1:30. Home boys' soccer game today at 4:00 vs. WA. Thursday, October 16, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY American chop suey, whole wheat roll, tossed salad, red grapes & milk ATTN. SOPHOMORES Attn. Sophomores: The Jostens representative will be here tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. to take class ring orders. Ring packets are available in the office if you need one. Any upperclassmen can also order rings. SCHOOL STORE ORDER The Boosters Club has an order form available for students & parents to purchase items on a school store order. Some samples are available to view in the office. Order forms are available on the counter by the ticket booth window. Money and orders are due by October 29th. ATTN. JUNIORS The pizza orders will arrive this afternoon. Please be ready to pickup your orders between 3:30 and 4:00. FLU VACCINES Any students or staff interested in getting a flu vaccine should turn their paperwork in to the office as soon as possible. Forms were sent home via e-mail, but are also available in the office. Staff should check their e-mail for the form. Vaccines will be administered on Tuesday of next week. TODAY'S SCHEDULE Today's schedule will be periods 2, 6 & 4 and then homeroom/lunch. Spirit days will be held this afternoon. Wednesday, October 15, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Whole wheat chicken nuggets, slice of whole wheat bread, oven fries, beans, applesauce & milk ATTN. SOPHOMORES Attn. Sophomores: The Jostens representative will be here on Friday at 7:30 a.m. to take class ring orders. Ring packets are available in the office if you need one. Any upperclassmen can also order rings. SCHOOL STORE ORDER The Boosters Club has an order form available for students & parents to purchase items on a school store order. Some samples are available to view in the office. Order forms are available on the counter by the ticket booth window. Money and orders are due by October 29th. TODAY'S ATTENDANCE Attn. Teachers: All testing rooms should call any absences into the office following the morning announcements. ATTN. JUNIORS The pizza orders will arrive tomorrow afternoon. Please be ready to pickup your orders between 3:30 and 4:00. SPORTS FOR TODAY Home volleyball and boys' soccer games today at 4:00 vs. Jonesport-Beals The girls' soccer team will travel to Sumner for a 4:00 game. The bus will leave at 2:45 Friday, October 10, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Pepperoni pizza, tossed salad, trail mix, fruit & milk ATTN. GOLF TEAM Team shirts and jackets must be turned in to Mrs. Morse today. ATTN. SOPHOMORES Attn. Sophomores: The Jostens representative will be here on October 17th to take class ring orders. Ring packets will be available during homeroom today. SCHOOL STORE ORDER The Boosters Club has an order form available for students & parents to purchase items on a school store order. Items available include: jackets, hoodies, polo shirt, t-shirts, sweatpants, tricot pants, shorts, blanket, or cinch bag. Order forms are available on the counter by the office window. Money and orders are due by October 29th. KNIGHTLY NEWS Calling all writers, poets and artists! The first issue of Knightly News will be coming out soon! We want your contributions. If you have a poem, story or piece of art you would like to feature in the Knightly News, submissions are due by October 20th to Ms G in room 25. ATTN. JUNIORS A message from Mrs. Strachan Okay, Juniors, you really called my bluff on this one! From despairing that we would never sell enough pizza to get free shipping we did all that and more. Thanks to all of you sellers and buyers, the junior class is now $775 better off than we were yesterday. We sure do appreciate it. SPORTS FOR TODAY The girls' soccer team will travel to Deer Isle-Stonington for a 4:00 game. The bus will leave at 1:00. Thursday, October 9, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Hot dog on whole wheat roll, macaroni & cheese, broccoli, mixed fruit & milk ATTN. GOLF TEAM Team shirts and jackets must be turned in to Mrs. Morse by tomorrow. ATTN. SOPHOMORES Attn. Sophomores: The Jostens representative will be here on October 17th to take class ring orders. Ring packets will be available during homeroom today. SCHOOL STORE ORDER The Boosters Club has an order form available for students & parents to purchase items on a school store order. Items available include: jackets, hoodies, polo shirt, t-shirts, sweatpants, tricot pants, shorts, blanket, or cinch bag. Order forms are available on the counter by the office window. Money and orders are due by October 29th. KNIGHTLY NEWS Calling all writers, poets and artists! The first issue of Knightly News will be coming out soon! We want your contributions. If you have a poem, story or piece of art you would like to feature in the Knightly News, submissions are due by October 20th to Ms G in room 25. ATTN. SENIORS There will be a senior class meeting in Mr. Howell's room during homeroom today. Make sure you report to your own homeroom teacher first for attendance. If you have anything you want discussed at the meeting, please put it in writing and get it to Mr. Howell, Caryl Young, or Blake Wright before the meeting. There will be a lot to discuss at this meeting. SPORTS FOR TODAY The boys' soccer team will travel to WA for a 4:00 game. The bus will leave at 2:45. LAST MINUTE PIZZA ORDERS Attn. Juniors: any last minute pizza orders must be turned in to Mrs. Strachan by 9:00 this morning. Wednesday, October 8, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Deli ham on a whole wheat roll, veggie soup, mandarin oranges & milk ATTN. GOLF TEAM Team shirts and jackets must be turned in to Mrs. Morse by Friday, October 10th ATTN. SOPHOMORES Attn. Sophomores: The Jostens representative will be here on October 17th to take class ring orders. Please pick up your ring packet in the office as soon as possible. ATTN. JUNIORS All pizza orders must be in to Mrs. Strachan by 3:00 SPORTS FOR TODAY Home girls' soccer game originally scheduled for today has been moved to October 21 at 4:00 vs. Shead. The cross country team will travel to Woodland for a 4:00 meet. The bus will leave at 1:00 Home volleyball games today vs. Sumner at 4:00. Tuesday, October 7, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken fajita on whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, whole kernel corn, apple crisp & milk BOOKS ARE FUN Attn. Teachers: The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items. Orders and money are due in the main office by tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. ATTN. GOLF TEAM Team shirts and jackets must be turned in to Mrs. Morse by Friday, October 10th ATTN. SOPHOMORES Attn. Sophomores: The Jostens representative will be here on October 17th to take class ring orders. If you are interested in class rings, please stop by the office for a ring packet. If any junior or senior students are interested in placing an order, please stop by the office. ATTN. JUNIORS Last chance to get Little Caesar's Pizza orders. Orders & money are due to Mrs. Strachan by tomorrow. GIRLS' SOCCER SCHEDULE CHANGE The girls' soccer home game scheduled for Wednesday w/Shead has been moved to October 21st at 3:30 Monday, October 6, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Cheeseburger on whole wheat roll, potato wedges, carrot coins, pears & milk BOOKS ARE FUN Attn. Teachers: The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items. Orders and money are due in the main office by tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. SPORTS FOR TODAY The volleyball teams will travel to WA for 4:00 games. The bus will leave at 2:45 Home girls' soccer game today at 4:00 vs. Woodland. NO BOYS' SOCCER PRACTICE Boys' soccer practice for today has been cancelled. GUIDANCE OFFICE CLOSED The guidance office will be closed today. ATTN. JUNIORS Only two days left to turn in your Little Caesars Pizza orders. All orders must be in my Wednesday. Friday, October 3, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY BBQ chicken pizza, chips, cucumber sticks & dip, fruit cup and milk MS. RAY Ms. Ray will not be in today. BOOKS ARE FUN Attn. Teachers: The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items. Orders and money are due in the main office by October 7th. YEARBOOKS & SENIOR DEADLINES Don't forget to buy a yearbook. It's October now and the price is $45. The price goes up in November. Give your money and order to Ms. G in room 25. If you need an order form she has those too. Senior stats and superlative votes are due today. Get them in to Ms. G in room 25. CLASS OFFICERS ANNOUNCED Freshmen: President Zak Peterson, Vice President Sasha Crowley, Secretary Brittney Church and Co-Treasurers Josiah Couture and Elizabeth Chartrand Sophomores: President Kayla Toppin, Vice President Logan Staples, Secretary Rosemary Nguyen and Treasurer JP Snider Juniors: President Sarah Eaton, Vice President Kelli Kennedy, Secretary Zach Look, Treasurer Cassidy Osgood Seniors: President Caryl Young, Vice President Blake Wright, Secretary Brooke Hachey, Treasurer Sierra Morin SPORTS FOR TODAY The boys' soccer and volleyball teams will travel to Machias for 4:00 games. The bus will leave at 2:45. The girls' soccer team will travel to WA for a 4:00 game. The bus will leave at 2:45. MR. EMERSON'S HOMEROOM Mr. Emerson's homeroom students need to see him today at break. Thursday, October 2, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Steak & cheese sub on a whole wheat roll, oven fries, baked beans, melon & milk BOOKS ARE FUN Attn. Teachers: The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items. Orders and money are due in the main office by October 7th. YEARBOOKS & SENIOR DEADLINES Don't forget to buy a yearbook. It's October now and the price is $45. The price goes up in November. Give your money and order to Ms. G in room 25. If you need an order form she has those too. Senior stats and superlative votes are due on Friday October 3rd. Get them in to Ms. G in room 25. SPORTS FOR TODAY The golf team will travel to St. Croix for a 3:30 match. The bus will leave at 1:30. ATTN. JUNIORS A message to the Juniors from Mrs. Strachan Juniors, oh Juniors, where can you be Please please return pizza orders For that is my plea. All orders must be received by October 8th, next Wednesday, so that the order may be called in. Please make this drive our best one ever. Orders can be left in the library any time between now and then. Please support the awesome class of 2016. VOLLEY FOR THE CURE T-SHIRTS Today is the last day to turn in orders for the Volley for the Cure T-shirts. Please give orders and money to Mr. Emerson. CLASS ELECTIONS Today during Home Room the vote for Class Officers will take place. Make sure you get your vote in for who you want for your Class Officers. Election results should be available by tomorrow. Good Luck to the Candidates! Wednesday, October 1, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken noodle soup, whole wheat crackers, cheese stick, carrot & celery sticks, peaches & milk BOOKS ARE FUN Attn. Teachers: The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items. Orders and money are due in the main office by October 7th. GOLF PRACTICE Golf practice for today has been cancelled. SPORTS FOR TODAY The boys' soccer and volleyball teams will travel to Woodland for 4:00 games. The bus will leave at 1:30 The cross country team will travel to Calais for a 4:00 meet. The bus will leave at 1:00. Schedule change: Home girls' soccer game at 4:00 today vs. Calais. This was originally scheduled for October 20th. Tuesday, September 30, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Spaghetti w/meat sauce, whole wheat roll, romaine salad, pineapple chunks & milk BOOKS ARE FUN Attn. Teachers: The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items. Orders and money are due by October 7th. SPORTS FOR TODAY The golf team will travel to Barren View for a 3:30 match. The bus will leave at 2:30. Monday, September 29, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Fish sticks, whole wheat bread, rice pilaf, green beans, green grapes & milk BOOKS ARE FUN Attn. Teachers: The Books are Fun representative has left a display box of books and gift items. Orders and money are due by October 7th. LUNCH APPLICATIONS Reminder that lunch applications are due today. If not in by 10:00 this morning, you will be charged full lunch prices starting today. SPORTS FOR TODAY The boys' soccer team will travel to Calais for a 4:00 game. The bus will leave at 1:30. Home girls' soccer game at 4:00 today vs. Woodland. The volleyball teams will travel to Bucksport for games starting at 4:00. The bus will leave at 1:45 Friday, September 26, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chickenburger on whole wheat roll, baked beans, carrots & dip, fruit & milk Reminder that new lunch applications are due in the office today. Full prices will be charged starting Monday if a new application has not be submitted to the office. SCHOOL PICTURES School pictures will be taken on Monday, September 29th. All students (including seniors) will need to have a photo taken for the yearbook and school IDs. If you did not get yours, please see your homeroom teacher as names are preprinted on the forms or stop by the office for a blank form. SPORTS FOR TODAY The girls' soccer game will travel to Shead for a 4:00 game. The bus will leave at 1:30 The cross country team will travel to Sumner for a 4:00 meet. The bus will leave at 2:15 Thursday, September 25, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY HARVEST LUNCH: Beef stew using local farm veggies, veggie sticks, biscuit, blueberry crisp & milk Reminder that all lunch applications must be in by tomorrow. If you do not have one in, you will pay full prices starting Monday. SCHOOL PICTURES School pictures will be taken on Monday, September 29th starting at 7:30. If you did not get a picture form, see your homeroom teacher for your personalized form or pick up a blank form in the office. All students (including seniors) will need to have a photo taken for the yearbook and school IDs. If you did not get yours, please see your homeroom teacher as names are preprinted on the forms. ATTN. JUNIORS Please get those pizza orders in to Mrs. Strachan ASAP. Check out the bulletin board outside of the library. SPORTS FOR TODAY The volleyball teams will travel to Calais for games starting at 4:00. The bus will leave at 1:30. The golf team will travel to Great Cove for a 3:30 match. The bus will leave at 2:30. Wednesday, September 24, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Hamburg & gravy, mashed potato, whole wheat bread, carrot coins, red grapes & milk SCHOOL PICTURES School pictures will be taken on Monday, September 29th. Personalized picture forms were distributed during homeroom period Thursday. All students (including seniors) will need to have a photo taken for the yearbook and school IDs. If you did not get yours, please see your homeroom teacher as names are preprinted on the forms. SPORTS FOR TODAY The cross country team will travel to Machias for a 4:00 meet. The bus will leave at 2:45. The boys' soccer team will travel to Shead for a 4:00 game. The bus will leave at 1:30. Tuesday, September 23, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Grilled cheese on whole wheat bread, macaroni & tomato soup, cucumber sticks, mandarin oranges & milk SCHOOL PICTURES School pictures will be taken on Monday, September 29th. Personalized picture forms were distributed during homeroom period Thursday. All students (including seniors) will need to have a photo taken for the yearbook and school IDs. If you did not get yours, please see your homeroom teacher as names are preprinted on the forms. CLASS OFFICERS Don’t forget, if you are wanting to run for a class officer position, your nomination needs to be into your class adviser by the end of school. Whether you are a Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior, all classes need officers. So, if you are thinking about it at all, get your nomination into your adviser TODAY. SPORTS FOR TODAY The golf team will travel to Barren View for a 3:30 match. The bus will leave at 2:30. SELFIES PROJECT Mrs. Birkenshaw would like all students and staff to take their selfies today during homeroom and email them to her! STUDENT GOVERNMENT The results are in from the Student Government Elections. Congratulations to all the candidates; the races in all four classes were extremely close. The winners names' are in alphabetical order. The two student government representatives for the freshmen class are: Sophia DeSchiffart and Zak Peterson The three representatives for the sophomore class are: Hannah Alley, Blaine Grant, & Chris Smith The three representatives for the junior class are: Sarah Eaton, Kelli Kennedy, & Courtney Willey And for the senior class--the four student government representatives are: Scott Doucette, Jonella Esposito, Jenny Mathews, & Maddy Peterson New representatives-- during Advisory today, please check in with your teacher and then report to room 28. Ms. Holub would like to thank the entire student body for participating and the homeroom teachers for their logistical assistance. Monday, September 22, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken alfredo, whole wheat roll, steamed broccoli, applesauce & milk SCHOOL PICTURES School pictures will be taken on Monday, September 29th. Personalized picture forms were distributed during homeroom period Thursday. All students (including seniors) will need to have a photo taken for the yearbook and school IDs. If you did not get yours, please see your homeroom teacher as names are preprinted on the forms. CLASS OFFICERS Attention all students wishing to run for one of the class officer positions. Don’t forget to give written notice to your class advisers by end of school tomorrow that you desire to run for class officer. For the freshmen, your class adviser is Ms. Berry in room 20. The class officer positions are President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Class meetings will be Thursday so the candidates can tell why they want to be a class officer. Voting will be next week. Good luck to all candidates. SPORTS FOR TODAY Home volleyball game today starting at 4:00 vs. Calais Home boys' soccer game today at 4:00 vs. Sumner Friday, September 19, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Meatball sub on whole wheat roll, potato wedges, squash, fruit & milk SCHOOL PICTURES School pictures will be taken on Monday, September 29th. Personalized picture forms were distributed during homeroom period Thursday. All students (including seniors) will need to have a photo taken for the yearbook and school IDs. If you did not get yours, please see your homeroom teacher as names are preprinted on the forms. CLASS OFFICERS Attention all students: It's time to pick the class officers. If you are wanting to be a class officer, please give a written notice to your class adviser with your name and which class officer position you might like to have. You must have this handed in by end of school on Tuesday. The candidates will be able to speak to their class as a group next Thursday. The vote will take place Tuesday September 30 during home room. ATTN. JUNIORS Okay Juniors. The weekend is just around the corner. This is a perfect opportunity for you to ask family and friends to order from Little Caesars! Please sell pizza and support your class. Your class advisors thank you. SPORTS FOR TODAY The volleyball teams will travel to Sumner for games starting at 4:00. The bus will leave at 2:45 Thursday, September 18, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Turkey on whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, rice pilaf, orange wedges & milk SPORTS FOR TODAY Home boys' soccer game today at 4:00 vs. Calais The golf team will travel to St. Croix for a 3:30 match. The bus will leave at 1:30. ATTN. SENIORS There will be a senior class meeting during homeroom today. SCHOOL PICTURES School pictures will be taken on Monday, September 29th. Personalized picture forms will be available to distribute during homeroom period today. All students (including seniors) will need to have a photo taken for the yearbook and school IDs. LOST & FOUND We have three boxes of lost & found items from last school year. If you think something might belong to you, please check the boxes before the clothes/shoes are shipped off to Goodwill. Wednesday, September 17, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Chicken fajita on whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, beans, corn, strawberries & milk FALL SPORTS MEMORY MATES Memory mate photos for the fall sports teams will be taken after school today. All players must be present for the team photo. This is the one they use for the yearbook. Order forms are available on the counter by the office window. SPORTS FOR TODAY Home girls' soccer game today at 4:00 vs. Shead Tuesday, September 16, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Bologna sandwich on whole wheat bread, corn chowder, cucumber stick, kiwi & milk FALL SPORTS MEMORY MATES Memory mate photos for the fall sports teams will be taken on Wednesday, September 17th, afterschool. All players must be present for the team photo. This is the one they use for the yearbook. Order forms are available on the counter by the office window. SPORTS FOR TODAY The cross country team will travel to Lee for a 4:00 meet. The bus will leave at 12:30. The golf team will travel to Great Cove for a match at 3:30. The bus will leave at 2:30. Monday, September 15, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Johnny rib, slice of whole wheat bread, mashed potato, green beans, sliced pears & milk FALL SPORTS MEMORY MATES Memory mate photos for the fall sports teams will be taken on Wednesday, September 17th, afterschool. All players must be present for the team photo. This is the one they use for the yearbook. Order forms are available on the counter by the office window. SPORTS FOR TODAY Home boys' soccer and volleyball games today at 4:00 vs. Woodland Girls' soccer team will travel to Calais for a 4:00 game. The bus will leave at 1:30. Friday, September 12, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Hot dog on whole wheat roll, baked beans, cole slaw, celery, fruit & milk BEGINNING OF THE YEAR PAPERWORK All of the beginning of year paperwork requiring a signature by parents needs to be returned to the main office should be turned in by today. This also includes two pages from your student agenda...pages 33 & 71 LAST DAY FOR FALL SPORTS Mrs. Morse would like to announce that today is the absolute last day to join any of the fall sports teams.....this includes managers & players. All paperwork must be turned into the office by noon. No exceptions!!!! FALL SPORTS MEMORY MATES Memory mate photos for the fall sports teams will be taken on Wednesday, September 17th, afterschool. All players must be present for the team photo. This is the one they use for the yearbook. Order forms are available on the counter by the office window. Thursday, September 11, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Bacon/Egg Muffin, potato patty, celery w/wow butter, orange wedges & milk BEGINNING OF THE YEAR PAPERWORK All of the beginning of year paperwork requiring a signature by parents needs to be returned to the main office as soon as possible. This also includes two pages from your student agenda...pages 33 & 71 LAST DAY FOR FALL SPORTS Mrs. Morse would like to announce that tomorrow....Friday, September 12th, is the absolute last day to join any of the fall sports teams.....this includes managers & players. All paperwork must be turned into the office by noon. No exceptions!!!! FALL SPORTS MEMORY MATES Memory mate photos for the fall sports teams will be taken on Wednesday, September 17th, afterschool. All players must be present for the team photo. This is the one they use for the yearbook. Forms will be available later today. ATTN. JUNIORS Attn. Juniors: There will be a brief junior class meeting in the library during homeroom period. QUARTERLY NEWS PUBLICATION BALLOTS The Publishing Staff of the Communications/Yearbook class will be publishing a quarterly news publication with articles about NHS and our community. All students and staff are welcome to submit articles, stories, poems, etc., for publication. Voting ballots on the selection of a name for this publication are in homeroom teachers mailboxes. Voting should take place during homeroom today. Ballots should be returned to Ms. G in room 25. Wednesday, September 10, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Tacos on whole wheat wrap, salad fixings, whole kernel corn, fresh melon & milk BEGINNING OF THE YEAR PAPERWORK All of the beginning of year paperwork requiring a signature by parents needs to be returned to the main office as soon as possible. This also includes two pages from your student agenda...pages 33 & 71 STUDENTS NEEDED It is National Assisted Living Week at Narraguagus Bay Health Care Facility. The theme is "The Magic of Music". They would like to invite students who play an instrument or sing to volunteer their time for 30 mins. to entertain the residents this week. If anyone is interested, please see the poster on the office door for contact information. SPORTS FOR TODAY There will be a home cross country meet at 4:00. The boys' soccer team will host Shead for a home game at 4:00 FIELD TRIP STUDENTS All students planning to go on the field trip on tomorrow need to turn their permission slip in to Mrs. Birkenshaw today. Tuesday, September 9, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Italian sandwich on whole wheat roll, rotini salad, cucumber sticks & dip, peaches and milk BEGINNING OF THE YEAR PAPERWORK All of the beginning of year paperwork requiring a signature by parents needs to be returned to the main office as soon as possible. This also includes two pages from your student agenda...pages 33 & 71 OPEN HOUSE Ms. Willey & the teachers would like to thank the students who helped out at open house last night. You made the program run more smoothly. SPORTS FOR TODAY Home volleyball game today vs. WA at 4:00 Golf match at Barren View at 3:30. Team will leave at 2:30 Monday, September 8, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Sloppy Joe on whole wheat roll, green beans, apple crisp w/cream & milk SPORTS FOR TODAY There will be a home girls soccer game today vs. Sumner at 4:00 OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT Students and parents are invited to our annual Open House this evening at 6:30 pm. Come join us for ice cream sundaes as your parents meet teachers and staff and sign paperwork for students to obtain an iPad. BEGINNING OF THE YEAR PAPERWORK All of the beginning of year paperwork requiring a signature by parents needs to be returned to the main office as soon as possible. This also includes two pages from your student agenda...pages 33 & 71 Friday, September 05, 2014 LUNCH FOR TODAY Pepperoni pizza, tossed salad, trail mix, tropical fruit & milk TEACHER DRESS DOWN You may notice that a few of the faculty & staff are dressed down today. Teachers and staff participate in a weekly dress down that will occur each Friday. Money collected from the dress down days will go into a scholarship fund for Class of 2015 graduates. SPORTS FOR TODAY The volleyball and boys' soccer teams will travel to Jonesport-Beals for games at 4:00. The bus will leave at 2:45. There will be a home girls' soccer game today vs. Deer Isle-Stonington at 4:00
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