NSF MSA REU: Ethiopia Ethiopia REU Site Program Application Middle Stone Age Research Experience for Undergraduates (MSA REU) Department of Anthropology The University of Texas at Austin POSTMARK DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: 15 May 2015 Application Instructions: 1. Complete all sections of the student application and the informational section on the top of each of the recommender forms. Applications should be emailed as a pdf. 2. Be certain to include all required information in the spaces provided and to adhere to specific space limitations where noted. Please attach undergraduate academic transcripts to the back of the application form. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable. 3. Please sign and date the application on page 6. 4. Send the completed application with attached academic transcript(s) (pdfs ok) to: Middle Stone Age Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) c/o Dr. John Kappelman Department of Anthropology The University of Texas at Austin Department of Anthropology 2201 Speedway, Stop C3200 Austin, TX 78712-1723 Email: MSA_REU@austin.utexas.edu 5. Letters of reference from three recommenders should be submitted by the writers directly to the Middle Stone Age REU program office at the above email address. 6. The postmark deadline for submission of all materials is 15 May 2015. Applicant Name __________________________________________ Institution __________________________________________ Academic Department __________________________________________ Year in School (as of 9/1/2015) Freshman Citizenship Status (check one) U.S. Citizen Sophomore Junior Senior Permanent Resident Other If Permanent Resident/Other Country of Citizenship __________________ Reference letters requested from: Name REU Program Office Use Below __________________________________ Received (Date ____________________) __________________________________ Received (Date ____________________) __________________________________ Received (Date ____________________) 1 NSF MSA REU: Ethiopia Application Middle Stone Age Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Department of Anthropology The University of Texas at Austin Applicant Name __________________________________________ Institutional Contact Information: Academic Department __________________________________________ Institution __________________________________________ Institution Address __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Telephone ____________________________ Fax ____________________________ E-mail ____________________________ Home Contact Information (during the academic year): Home Address __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Telephone ____________________________ Fax ____________________________ E-mail ____________________________ Permanent Home Contact Information: Same as above Home Address __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Telephone ____________________________ Fax ____________________________ E-mail ____________________________ Academic Information: Academic Major Degree Objective Expected Graduation Date Name of: Department Chair or Major Advisor __________________________________________ A.A. A.S. B.A. B.S. Other ________ ____________________________ (as mm/yyyy) __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Transcripts Please attach one copy of undergraduate academic transcripts to the back of this application. Transfer students should include transcripts from all undergraduate institutions attended. Grade Point Average (GPA): Overall GPA ________ 2 Major GPA ________ NSF MSA REU: Ethiopia Letters of Reference Applicants should request letters of reference from three individuals able to comment on the applicant’s academic background and readiness to participate in a rigorous research experience at an international site. Typically, recommenders will be university faculty or active researchers in the field. Each writer should be provided a copy of the reference request form with completed FERPA waiver section. Recommenders may also find it useful to have a copy of the completed application. Reference letters should be submitted by the writers directly to the Middle Stone Age REU program office. Reference letters requested from: Name Affiliation (Department and Institution) 1) _____________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 2) _____________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 3) _____________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 3 NSF MSA REU: Ethiopia Research Interests Provide a concise description of your research interests relative to the projects that are available under the Middle Stone Age REU Program. State how participation in the REU program will benefit your academic training and how it will further your intended professional career. (Limit your narrative answer to one page.) 4 NSF MSA REU: Ethiopia Previous Research Experience Describe any previous research experience, and note its relevance to the REU Program theme. State explicitly whether the work you describe was part of an undergraduate independent study or honors project, another REU experience, or a research experience acquired through employment. Do not list organized laboratory coursework at your university, but do be certain that laboratory courses are clearly identified on your transcript(s). 5 NSF MSA REU: Ethiopia Foreign Language(s) Complete the following table regarding your foreign language training and competence. Language __________________ __________________ __________________ Proficiency (Excellent, Good, Fair) Reading Writing Speaking __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Years of Study ___ ___ ___ List your previous international travel experience in table below. Country Year(s) Duration Purpose How did you learn about this program? Please be a specific as possible (e.g., advertisement through a specific professional society, announcement through a faculty mentor or student club at your school, recommendation from former participant, etc.). Applicant Certification and Signature: I certify that the information provided in this application to the Middle Stone Age REU Program is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant’s Signature _______________________________________ Date _________________________ 6 NSF MSA REU: Ethiopia Reference Request Form Middle Stone Age Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Department of Anthropology The University of Texas at Austin POSTMARK DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: 1 June 2015 Applicant Name _______________________________________________________ The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA; 34 C.F.R. Part 99) provides rights and protections regarding the disclosure of records held by educational institutions. These rights and protections apply to documents, files and materials in whatever medium, which contain information related directly to a student and from which a student can be individually identified. By signing the waiver statement below, I waive my right to inspect under FERPA the reference letter solicited herewith. This waiver applies to all future holders of the solicited letter. I waive my right of access to this reference letter. _________________________________________________ (Applicant: printed or typed) _________________________________________________ (Applicant signature) OR ___________________ (Date) I do not waive my right of access to this reference letter. (If waiver statement is unsigned, the student is specifically reserved the right of access to this reference letter.) _________________________________________________ (Applicant: printed or typed) _________________________________________________ (Applicant signature) ___________________ (Date) Recommender Instructions: 1. Please read and complete this reference request form, supplying the information requested below. If you wish to use your own institutional stationery, please attach this completed form to your letter. 2. Please sign and date the reference report where indicated. 3. Please transmit completed form, together with your reference report: BY MAIL TO: OR, FAX TO: 512-471-6535 Middle Stone Age Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) c/o Dr. John Kappelman Department of Anthropology The University of Texas at Austin Department of Anthropology 2201 Speedway, Stop C3200 Austin, TX 78712-1723 OR, E-MAIL TO: MSA_REU@austin.utexas.edu 4. The postmark deadline for submission of all materials is 1 June 2015. 7 NSF MSA REU: Ethiopia Reference Report Middle Stone Age Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Department of Anthropology The University of Texas at Austin Recommender’s Name _________________________________________ Department _________________________________________ Institution _________________________________________ Address _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Telephone ____________________________ Fax ____________________________ E-mail ____________________________ How long, and in what capacity, have you known the applicant? In specific terms, explain how participation in the Middle Stone Age REU Program will benefit the applicant in pursuit of his/her academic and professional careers. What unique approaches, opportunities, or skills will the applicant obtain through program participation? Describe the applicant’s potential for academic and professional achievement. Specifically, please comment on the applicant’s readiness to conduct scholarly research at an international site under this REU program. I rank this applicant in the top ______ % of undergraduate students I have known. You are welcome to append a letter that details the above or other information that you feel will be important to the Program’s consideration of the applicant. Please check one of the two statements below. (The Middle Stone Age REU program will honor your request to the extent permitted by law.) My identity and this report must be held in confidence. This report may be released to the applicant upon his/her request. Recommender’s Name (printed or typed) _______________________________________ Recommender’s Signature _______________________________________ Date _________________________ 8
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