United StatesDepartmentof the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE HumboldtBayNationalWildlife RefugeComplex P.O.Box 576, 1020RanchRoad Loleta,Califomia 95551 (707\733-5406Phone (707\733-1946 Fax www.firs.gov/refuges/humboldtbay Aprtl21,2014 Dear InterestedStudent: Attachedyou will find an applicationandmedicalform (4 pages)for participationin the Youth Conservation Corps(YCC) programsponsoredby the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.This is an 8 weekprogramopento malesand femalesbetweenthe agesof 15-18.The programstartsJune23,2014 andendsAugust 15,2014. Students'19thbirthdaymust not fall within programdates.Studentswill be paid at a rateof$8.00/hr. Thejob is 40 hoursper week,Monday - Friday.The workday startspromptly at 8am. This programinvolvesoutdoor work in the form of habitatrestorationand enhancement, maintenance, and includesan environmental educationcomponentaswell. One crew will be assignedto the SalmonCreekUnit of HumboldtBay NWR Complexlocatedin Loleta,and a secondcrew will be assignedto the LanphereDunesUnit in the Arcata Bottoms. Thereare 5 positionsavailablein eachcrew. Studentsmust provide their own transportation to and from the duty station of their assignedcrew. Participants must commit to working the full 8 week term. IIow to Apply: 1. Fill out the applicationand medicalform. Studentsunderthe ageof 18 musthavea parent'ssignature. 2. Obtaina Work Permitfrom school 3. Selectionis random,neithercoverlettersnor resumesarerequired.But, eitherwill be acceptedif attached. 4. Formscanbe returnedvia Mail/FAX or In Personto: Ken Griggs HumboldtBay National Wildlife Refuge P.O.Box 576, 1020RanchRoad Loleta,CA 95551 Fax: 707-733-1946 5. Formsmustbe receivedby closeofbusinesshoursFriday,May 30,2014. Ifselectedyou and your parent(s)/guardian will be requiredto attenda two hour eveningorientationduringthe week of Junel6th. Dateand time to be determined.At which time you will fill out additionalpaperwork,get a briefoverview ofthe refuge,and an outlineofjob responsibilities. If you haveany questions,pleasefeel free to email or call me at kenneth_griggs@fivs.gov or (707) 733-5406. We hopeyou chooseto apply and becomepart ofa wonderfulwork experience. Sincerely, Ken Griggs DeputyRefugeManager Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge W€RlHK Corps UnitedStatesYouthConserYation The Pfogram The Youri ConservaronCorpstYCC]rs a i{eJl-balancedwork-learn-earnprogtamtha' ?aveiops an uoderstafiding and appreciationin panieiFali.gyourhot iie Nation's environmenrand her:tage.11isadministeredby lhe U.S.Depaimentof AgricultureForestService,and by the U.S.Depanmentoi the Interior-Fisil and WildlifeService and NationalParkService.YCC oifersgainluisummerempioymentto youth,for approxjmately elgirtweeks,in a heallhluloutdooralmosphere. Enrolleeswrl[be paic the minirnumwagefor a 40 hour work we€k Most projectswiil enroll.anequalnumberof rnalesand iemalss. Proieclsinclud€buiidingtrails,maintainingiences,cletnangop campgrounds, improvingwiJdliiehabiia! and thinningtimbersiancs-Participantswil| do hard physical work and nraybe expasedto insects,poisoaoak and ivy,adv€rselyeath€aand diificllt vrorkrngconditions. Blgibiuty Requirsfi erts Youngmenand women,15 througir18 yea,sot age,who are permaned resrdentsoJ are eligibl€to. empioymentwithoul tho UnitedSlates,ils Terdtories,or possessions, regardto social,eccnomie,racial,or elhnicbackgrounds.Handicappedyouth wllo can ettectiveiytarticipate in rftostYCC aclivities are eligible,Youlh must have no hisrory of seriouscriminalor othsrantisocialbahaviorthat mighlendangertheit saietyor that ot others: lrave or be able to cblsin a work permit as required und€t fie laws ot thetr Statq havea SociaiSe6uri{yfturnberor have{nad€applicaliontor oneibe willing and able to wo.k hard and panicipansin most work projed.s.Employmentis without regard to Civil S€ryice of classitlsagoniaws, .ui€, or regulalions, llow Vou Can €nroll Io appiy,yolth meerngihesequaliticationsthouid compietetiis YCC applicationform afld .eturnil ai the earljestpossibledateto the nearestunrtol a NationalPatlENaional Forest,or NationalFisnand WildlifeRefugeor Hatchery. Aoolica s wiil be seiectedon a €ndom basisand wi,l be notiliedol selectian. Demographicinfoimationsucn as age.race,and farnilyincomeis not used in the s€lectionorocess. Public re0onrnq b!rce, ior rf1r3cotlecaion01 inlormatton rs es$malsd to ave.aqe 3 mrnule3 per resgons€. including :hE lrlne lor levrew'Bg rnsrudtons. soarcbing exEtrng dala sources. garherhg and marnlatnrng lhe da& nee€ed, and compt€nnc ard revre\ring ihe colleclion olinlormaiot. S€nd comrnents iegatding t|tis bu,den estmare or 3nv olier asoecr of {l!!s coll€aron ol !nlo.matron, rnc,udrng sug99360ns ,or reouctng 1nrsburd€n, to OepEn|fi€nr ot Agrrc\rlllre. Cieerance Offlcer, OIBM. noom 4o4-w, Wain|nglon. o.C,20250: and to lha Oftio€ oi ,lsnagamenr and Budget Pape.*o.x Eeduclion Protect (OMg tO5g5-O084),Washidglofl. C,c. 20503, YCC 0onll€s w(h SeEron :04 01thp Rehrotlikror Acl of 1973. 129U.S. CodB i941, Undsr fii3 ,tcl add ,an9lemenlnq f,egulatlons- nancllcapgoo oatsonS "!,/no, wrlh l6asonebl9 accofirnodalon, aan lgrlorm lne esssnllal tundrons oi the YCC a.s etqrblG. i7 SFI Parl15b and 4t CFR Pad 17) cMB No.9596-0084 Youth ConservationCorps (YCC) Applicaiion YCC Exh'bit1.1 Ptint or Typeatl answers.All ques*onsand stEtemenismus!be answ€reoic enaote seleclicn olfice ro cieiermine appricant'seligibiiiv and avariabjjitv. rncamoarc aaptrcatnas may naveta be rcjacted.Authoriv is PL g3-4o9.Duringthe termoi emptoymenl. you musi be al least ]5 yearsol ageand not have reachedage j9. Name{Last-First-Middle tnitiat} Social SecurityNumber [I-m n-rn M3le Date oi Birth m-m rl-rn Semale Monih Oay Year MaitjngAddress{Streelor P.O.Boxl City State Area Code ZipCooe Telephone Number Area Code rTTr-Trn n-rn TelephoneNumber [I-[n-rT] n Home ln €ase ol €mer,gency Appllcan!'s Statemert YCC i€ an Eqlai Opponuntty Employer I am familiarwidrths YCC programand jnlorestedin workingir' th€ outdoorsto dovelopand maintain th€ naurar rssourcss of rh€ unirad slates, rt sEi€cled, I vil obtain s work psrrnil it r€qu,l€d. I haye or am appiyinglor a social s.clrily nurnbsr. I am a psrmafisnl r.sid€nt ot the Unitsd States of hs Tsrriloriasor posssssions. I do not have a history oi sgrious ariminal or othe.,artisociai bahavio.'thatrnightjeopardizo, y satetyor lhat ot orhers. rcsnilythat arl intormalionI havs giv€n aboyeis tru€ and corsct to tha best ot my knowl€dgo.I harr6not partisipatsdin any YCC program,or more thang ry€eksin the past, norhave l submfied duplicatedapplications.lncorrsc'tstatgrn€ntscoostiturggroundslo. imm€{iid€dismissai. You hav€ my permissionto givs this arplicationto any yCC of,iciallor whosscamo I am selsaled. {Signarureol AppJtcan!) 1l;ountyJ I am tamiiiarwrtn lhe yCC program and the applrcant ias rny permtssion lo oan|crpate, rsrgnatuaeol Parent or 6uaroian) ?.grous edthor rs oosolete. iDare) -ov:F- FS-180O'r8(1C/94) part ll - Io be cornpletedby parent qr guardian of lhg applicant lhis is ia ceni! ihat ; am iafiii;ar wiii the Youth Conservatisncorps Prcg€m and that I give .nv coisent io my somdaughterlvrard io Parlicipaiewalhihe progremas a YCC me.nber. I understancjthat fwiil rot hotdthe Unit;d States Covernment;esgonsiblelor aay non-programac.identcr illnessancjI authorizeilrst aid or emergencym€dicatcare10be qe:-formed at ihe iearest.nosl adeqsatefacilityapprovedby the yCC. 1. €mergencyconaad lNameand Relat-tonshig I i 1 2. d Address(Streel,C;ty,StateandZp Code) o. ulg.larureltsarentcr t;uardlan) 6. Date rcenslyrn €marKsblosk,any .ondilon ihat v{ouldre$riclfull partjcipalionanddescribearryspecialcare-i trEat6EitiEEi__ maybe required- 1. Heavy tifting, 45 pguqds and rler 2. tleavy carrying 45 polnds and ove. 3, Straight plllliog !. Puillngiand orc. hand 5. Pushi.g 6- Reachingaboveshoulde. 7- Use cffmge|s Basic tunctional .equiromentg for orltdooi v,otk 8, Bottr hands requircd 15. Climbing,use ol legsand arms 9. Watking 16. ao(h legs Equi.ed 10.9hndlng 17, Far vision csre<*ablg in one eye i'1. C.ararling io 20/20 and to 20140in the othet 12. Kneeilng 18-Hearing(aid pemitted) i3. Repeatedbendl.g 14.Climbiog, legsonly Environmd.lEl tactors 1, Outside 2. Excessiveaeat 3, Excessse cold 4. Elc€ssive hr.rmidilv 5, Excessivedampnessor chillirg 6- Dry ahospneric condiliots 7. Excessive n6ise, intefmittenl 8. Ousr g. StiFperyor urevea lElking gqrlaces 10 Working arounc .novi.tg obteds or 11.Wo.kingon larjdersor icaffotdiog 12,Workrngwith hendsin $rat€r 13. Wo*inE dos€hywith othe(s 14.Wo*ing alone REMARKS{Enter inloffiatjon regading any prescibed medication, rcacfiansto penicitlin ar any d gs and1orafty olher haalth pmbtems of whi6h we shaald be made autare.l Ptblic fepoEingburdenfor this cojlectjonaf inlo,matioais eslimaledto arrerags3 rtiouieBpor €sponse, including the time fof rev|ewrng rn$ftlctaons. s€archiagexislingdata so!tces. gathednqand msrntaini.grhed;Ia reeded. aod comgletingano reiiewing the co ectignof infoFnation.Sendcommeots.€gg.dingltris buder estimat€or any oihleraspett ol this collectionof inloination. inctudingsuggesroosicr tec'leng lSis burden.11]Deps(fienl ctAgnc!l!!,e. cjeaGnce offlcer.ctRM: Room404-w- \4la"rrington, oi, iifZ.:fi; inj t'o-r'he oncs ot ldanagemenrand Bldget paperlyorkRsduqior pro'ecl iCIAB;0596-0084],Washindo., D_C.20503. . FS Revtewtng oificers sEnature g. Dars 'U.S^ePO:1991-813-671/40475 ClrB No.C:ge-Cc8d Exhibii i_2 Youth ConservationCorps MedicalHisto 'ileriar,e.erlheen,olee"or*i-c!,0g,".-"-='^i:i{ti?l{l"'i;i"J.]f iffiTffi*:""';f"',1"":"j"."*.m*lt;l$ reauesled .r a v.tuntartbasis:;:cwevef. iailure ic ccrntlgieN.tis lom..4ff,iirifin ax"*",on,roritlheor.drsm - Yes _ ta\ct tlsea,se5,,/ _ No jtyes, listnameoiinsur€r in block4, .<u /ou nave Daa any Rhesmati6 _ Tuberelosis _ Diabet€s Ft€quent Infestions Other health conditioh3 Colds Sore throat bar adte Bladderor inteslinal iniectior Hetnia Poor hearing Difficuitywiih -senseof balanc€ Hoorvrsron Problen wilh bloodnot cloltjng Def€ctsin iegs oareel Convulsions Fainting Sleepwalkiro fleadactre Stutieing Nervsusccndiiion b.Areyouallergicjoanymedicattons? _ yeS _ Diabetic pregnancy Swotienoi painfuljoints Shortnessof breath Chestpains Easyiatigue Heartcondilion Emolional problem Back toubie or injury Persislentcough Rheumatismor arthritis Loss ofryeight Lyme disease O\het iidenw) No _ ifyes,explainonback. unlessyau have rcceivedoneoi.a boojter.:wftninha last-lei yia;) Dale oi orisinar series _ Diphlheia : o my knowledge.I have nor beenexposed--idEi6iEii6iEo-of reatthlvhrchwouldatlowfutiparticrpatton ,n u,fvCCictii i". Prevrousediiionsof lhis torrn a.e cbsolete ,"T:'"gi*m:f;
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