ON CR PERELMAN’S HARNACK ESTIMATES AND ENTROPY FORMULAE FOR THE COUPLED CR YAMABE FLOW SHU-CHENG CHANG In this note, we …rst derive the CR analogue of Perelman’s Harnack estimate (0.4) for the positive solution of the CR conjugate heat equation @u = @t (0.1) 4 bu + 4W u: under the CR Yamabe ‡ow. Then we de…ne the CR Perelman’s F-functional (0.5) from this Perelman’s Harnack quantity and obtain its monotonicity property for the following coupled CR Yamabe ‡ow 8 < @ (t) = 2W (t) (t) ; @t (0.2) : @f = 4 b f + 4 jrb f j2 @t (0) = ; 4W: Second, we derive the CR analogue of Perelman’s Harnack estimate (0.6) for the positive fundamental solution of the CR conjugate heat equation (0.1) under the CR Yamabe ‡ow. Then we de…ne the CR Perelman’s W-functional (0.8) and obtain its monotonicity property for the following coupled CR Yamabe ‡ow (0.3) 8 > > > < > > > : @ @t @f @t = 4 d dt = 1: (t) = 2W (t) (t) ; bf + 4 jrb f j2 (0) = ; 4W + 2 ; Now we state the …rst Perelman’s Li-Yau type Harnack estimate for the positive solution of the CR conjugate heat equation under the CR Yamabe ‡ow in a closed spherical pseudohermitian 3-manifold with nonnegative Tanaka-Webster curvature and vanishing torsion. Key words and phrases. CR heat equation, CR Yamabe soliton, Li-Yau gradient estimate, Perelman Harnack estimate, Conjugate heat equation, Entropy formulae, Spherical structure, Coupled CR Yamabe ‡ow. 1 2 SHU-CHENG CHANG Theorem 0.1. Let (M; J; ) be a closed spherical pseudohermitian 3-manifold with nonnegative Tanaka-Webster curvature and vanishing torsion. Let (M; J; (t)) be a solution to the CR Yamabe ‡ow on M [0; T ] and u be the positive solution to the CR conjugate heat equation (0.1) with u = e (0.4) on M bf [0; T ) with =T f and f0 (x; 0) = 0: Then 1 3 jrb f j2 + W 4 2 1 0 t: As pointed out by S.-T. Yau that the derivation of the entropy formula resembles Li-Yau gradient estimate for the heat equation. We de…ne the CR Perelman Ffunctional by R F( (t); f (t)) = 4 M [( b f 34 jrb f j2 + 21 W )]e (0.5) R = M (2W + jrb f j2 )e f d : R with the constraint M e f d = 1: f d We derive the following monotonicity property of CR F-functional. Theorem 0.2. Let (M; J; ) be a closed spherical pseudohermitian 3-manifold with nonnegative Tanaka-Webster curvature and vanishing torsion. Let (M; (t); f (t)) be a solution to the coupled system (0.2) on M d F( dt (t); f (t)) = 8 0 R M rH 2 f+ [0; T ) with f0 (x; 0) = 0. Then W L 2 2 ud + 2 R M W jrb f j2 ud for all t 2 [0; T ): Next we state the second CR Perelman’s Li-Yau type Harnack estimate for the positive fundamental solution of the CR conjugate heat equation under the CR Yamabe ‡ow. Theorem 0.3. Let (M; J; ) be a closed spherical pseudohermitian 3-manifold with positive Tanaka-Webster curvature and vanishing torsion. Let (M; J; (t)) be a solution to the CR Yamabe ‡ow on M [0; T ] and u be the positive fundamental solution to the CR conjugate heat equation (0.1) with u = (0.6) bf e (4 3 1 1 jrb f j2 + W + (f 4 2 8 f )2 and f0 (x; 0) = 0: Then 4) 0: CR PERELMAN’S HARNACK ESTIMATES AND ENTROPY FORMULAE 3 That is f + jrb f j2 (0.7) on M [0; T ) with =T 2W + f 2 0 t: Again we de…ne the CR Perelman W-functional by (0.8) R W( (t); f (t); ) = 4 M [ b f 34 jrb f j2 + 21 W + 81 (f 4)](4 ) 2 e R = M [ (2W + jrb f j2 ) + 12 (f 4)](4 ) 2 e f d ; with the constraint 7 ! c and di¤eomorphism R M (4 ) 2e f f d = 1: Note that W is scalar invariant under d 7 ! c : Moreover, W( ; f; ) = W( ;f ; ) for a contact : M ! M: We will derive the following monotonicity property of CR W-functional. Theorem 0.4. Let (M; J; ) be a closed spherical pseudohermitian 3-manifold with nonnegative Tanaka-Webster curvature and vanishing torsion. Let (M; (t); f (t); (t)) be a solution to the coupled CR Yamabe ‡ow on M d dt W( =8 + 0 [0; T ) with f0 (x; 0) = 0. Then (t); f (t); (t)) R M R M rH 2 f+ W L 2 [2W jrb f j2 + jrb f j 1 4 2 2 L ud ]ud for all t 2 [0; T ): The classi…cation of CR Yamabe soliton is one of the key steps in understanding the singularity formation of the Yamabe ‡ow. Theorem 0.5. (i) Any closed spherical 3-dimensional steady CR Yamabe breather with nonnegative Tanaka-Webster curvature and vanishing torsion is a closed pseudohermitian 3-manifold of zero Tanaka-Webster curvature and vanishing torsion. (ii) Any closed spherical 3-dimensional shrinking CR Yamabe breather with nonnegative Tanaka-Webster curvature and vanishing torsion is a closed pseudohermitian 3-manifold of positive constant Tanaka-Webster curvature and vanishing torsion. 4 SHU-CHENG CHANG Finally, if we further assume that our solution to the CR Yamabe ‡ow is of Type I. That is jW j k0 ; T t for some constant k0 . Here T is the blow-up time. Thus we have the Perelman’s LiYau type Harnack estimate for the positive solution of the CR conjugate heat equation under the CR Yamabe ‡ow in a closed spherical pseudohermitian 3-manifold with vanishing torsion. Theorem 0.6. Let (M; J; ) be a closed spherical pseudohermitian 3-manifold with vanishing torsion. Let (M; J; (t)) be a solution of Type I to the CR Yamabe ‡ow (??) on M [0; T ) and u be the positive solution to the CR conjugate heat equation (0.1) with u = e f and f0 (x; 0) = 0: Then, for some bf on M [0; T ) with =T 1 3 jrb f j2 + W 4 2 0 0 = 0 (k0 ) >0 0 t: Acknowledgments. The …rst author would like to express his thanks to Prof. S.-T. Yau for his inspirations from Li-Yau gradient estimate, Prof. C.-S. Lin, director of Taida Institute for Mathematical Sciences, NTU, for constant encouragement and supports. The work is not possible without their e¤orts. Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan, Taida Institute for Mathematical Sciences (TIMS), National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan E-mail address: scchang@math.ntu.edu.tw
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