鏖黠婴饕铫婴鋈躔 23亻 INTRODuCTION ACADEMIC CALENDAR AND HOLIDAVs ACCOMMODATlON sERVICE 亻 and∷ Apartments for VisI刂 ng sch° Iars 亻 Dorm1oⅡ es 亻 student Dorm"ories HoteIs ahd Guest Hous0s 55ε BANκING sERVICE Banks on Campus ∷ ATMs on Campus stud° nt canteeno sta矸 ε Canteens App丨 ˇ ing 78 BooKsTOREs CANTEENs AND REsTAURANTs for and Reoharging a Dining Card 9 丁o 丁ε Restaurants HELP FROM CHINEsE sTUDENTs AsooC饴耐on of lhte吖 】 ati0nal Cu"ure Exchang0 `2 了 2 IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERs 丁 2 INTERNET AND CELL PHONEs 丁3 lntern0tse卩 oc0 CeII Phone servioe LIBRARIEs AND TEACHING FACILITIEs `3 `3 丁亻 LIbraⅡ es 亻 扌 Teaching Bu1dihgs∷ 丁5 Ⅲ叵DlC^L sERVICE 。蚋 灬 ∷ =mergency Calls ∷∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷∷∷ ∷∷ `6 峦 榕 艹 ε 丁6 POsT OFFICEs sHoPPING ∷ ∷ 蚋 `7 f/ ∷ 醯 ∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷∷ ∷∷∷ ∷∷ ∷ sIGHTsEEING IN BEIJING ∷ ∷∷∷ ∷∷∷ ∷ ∷∷∷ 灬ⅡⅢ娜吣∷∷∷ ∷ ∷∷∷ ∷∷∷ ∷ ∷ 钿岫汴岫Ⅱ∷∷ sPORTs FACIL∶ T∶ Es ∷∷ ∷ ∷ “ ∷∷ Ⅱ |Ⅱ 邪 ” 艹 Ⅱ ∷∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ” 冖 ∷∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷ -Ⅱ TRANspORw∶ oN pⅡ 。 ampus ∷∷ ∷ ∷∷∷ ∷∷∷∷∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷∷∷∷∷∷∷ ∷ ∷ ∞岫ⅡⅡ∷ ∷ ∷∷∷∷ 啉 ∷ ∷ 砷灬蛳咄蚺 CAⅢ PUs MAP(endosed) f/ ⒛靼靼 ⒉艹留 昭绍如 勿 sIGHTs ON CAMPUs 〃 `8 INTRODUCTION The campus of Tsinghua UniversⅡ y is situated on forrnerirnper∶ a|gardens ofthe Qing Dynasty and surrounded by a number of historiCa丨 sⅡ es in northwestern Be刂 ing.It、 ″as named one ofthe rnost beautiful campuses in the、 ″orId by Forbes Magazine in2O10.The Campus covers an area of392heCtares and accoΠ wη odates a"ofthe fuⅡ -time students. Founded in丬 911,1singhua noW has16schoo丨 s and56depart:nents with facu"ies in science,engineeⅡ ng,the humanities,丨 aw,rnedicine,history,phⅡ os° phy,ecOnon1ics, management,education and a","currentIy emp丨 oys over4,00o facu丨 ty Fnembers.About 31,000fuⅡ ˉ 刂me students are studying here."enroⅡ s over3,200internationa|students from 122Count"es annuaIly. Tsinghua offers Rs students and facuIty a superior丨 earning,teach∶ ng and research environment.Research and teaching faCⅡ Ⅱies six pubⅡ c teaching buⅡ inc丨 ude a spoH cente1seVen I∶ braries, dings,dozens of schoo丨 and department bu"dings and over100 laboratOHes and institutes.Service facⅡ ude university hospita丨 s,post。 仟iCes,banks, "ies inc丨 and ATM machines.AⅡ ofthese:nake da"y丨 盯e on campus diverse and convenient. ACADEMIC CALENDAR AND HOLlDAYs |邓 |个 |0ˇ |||00” y ∷ T罗尸Ψ∷ Ⅱ s00Ⅱ 00Ⅱ lγ TF∵ september Ho|idayˉ -Mid-autumn ∷ ∷ Ⅱ ∷∷∷ lthe fi乱 eenth 9|0000∷ Ⅱ|冖 冖∷∷ ∷∷ November ∷ 00Ⅱ 00Ⅱ ||∷ day ofthe eighth Iunar month) ∷ ⅡⅡⅡ” Ⅱ衣Ⅱ∷∷∷∷∷∷ ∷Ⅱ ∷∷∷ Ⅱ0Ⅲ ⅡⅡ l凵 ∷ ∷∷ FestⅣ al(中 秋节) lidˉ |Ⅱ term exams ⅡⅡⅡ0Ⅱ 挣∷ 妒00艹 -^|Ⅱ ∷ ∷∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷∷∷∷ ∷∷∷∷ FinaI exams 0anua~∷ |ebⅡ ,~ ∷ ”0|0Ⅱ Ⅱ”0Ⅱ ∷∷∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷∷∷ ∷ ∷∷∷ ∷∷∷∷∷∷ ∷∷ HoⅡ day-s田 ng Fe刚 vaI(舂 节 ) (Chinese New Years Eve and the Ⅱ rsttwo days° fthe Chihese year) ∷ February student registrati0n ^0Hl sth∷ ;借;;钅 iI;饣i;;;;∶ ;甘 4” h⒗ 00ˇ e0rsl∷ ∵ 扌属 胥∵ ;↓ -0∷ i;i∷ii-i;i∵ 0i ∷ ∷∷ ∷∷∷∷ ∷∷∷∷∷ ∷∷∷ ∷ ∷∷∷∷∷∷ Mid Apo丨 ^"⒈ Mid¨ term eXams L扯 0∷ Apr⒈ ∷∷∷ uhiˇ May1st H0|iday亠`^hh0er。 Interna刂 ona丨 Labor Day(国 际劳动节 `i汀 ) ∷ Juhe∷ ∷∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷ 耀∫ 留 踟嚣:黯扩 拣V∷ ∷ ∷∷ 占 沁Ⅱ rykih0last∷ 占 -oh-点 A0"0∷ ∷ ∷∷∷∷∷ ∷∷ Mid to late June ∷ M刂 Juˇ ∷∷∷ ∷ GF0-Ⅱ 。 乩诂汀 0沌 灬 ∷∷∷∷ ∷∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷∷Ⅱ ∷∷ ∷∷∷∷ -汕 ∷∷∷ 婴 Acc。 MM。 DATlON sERVICEs student DOrm⒒ oHes AⅡ registered students can appIy for dorm"ory rooms.乙 Jing dormⅡ o"es(紫 荆公 寓)o矸 erthree types of rooms to intemational students, 搬 溺颥辘巍 鼹饔 罅 麟 颥熳 攮 辍 裰 ¤¤ 锱 ∷ ∷ Ⅱ00Ⅱ0||Ⅱ Ⅱ∷ 呷∷ 0Ⅱ 0Ⅱ Ⅱ Ⅱ ∷ Ⅱ 0Ⅱ Ⅱ ∷ DOubIe RooΠ 1 PubIic bathroom Allthe rooms are equipped with airˉ cOnditionlng,te丨 eph。 ne,te丨 ev∶ sion and internet access. The price|ist can be found the、 ″ebsite http∶ 乃 彳 nt丨 student.cjc,tsjnghua.edu.cn. Contact detaⅡ s∶ DOrmⅡ ory Management0彳 ice T0丨 :51535500 (24hours on duty) DOrmitoⅡ es and Apartments for Visiting schOIars The University provides on-campus apartments for visiting scho|ars,including one- bedroom,two¨ bedroom,and three-bedroom apartrnents,PIease ask your host departmentIn Tsinghua to apply at丨 east one rnonth before your arriva|, Contact detaⅡ s∶ service for Overseas Scho丨 ars Te"62783574 Eˉ ma"∶ zswang@!singhua.edu.cn HOteIs and Guest HOuses There are three hote丨 s on campus,incIuding the Guest House Jia Suo(甲 House Bing Suo(丙 所 ),and Jin chun Yuan HOte丨 (近 春园宾馆 ). 所 ),Guest 0V0钭 ∷ H0use∷ 口nσ suo(丙 所)∷ ∷∷ ∷ 000,Ⅱ ∷∷ ∷∷∷∷ⅡⅡ∷Ⅱ ∷∷ ∷∷∷ Jh Chun Yuan Hot0I(近 秦园宾馆 80standord r° oms,28ˇ ieW'0oms,and2∷ su掩 os ) 〓 铫 r Guest HOuse Jia suo(甲 所 ) BANKlNG sERVlCE 0Ⅱ 0|Ⅱ |0||△ (|牵 率 Θ 虫黜绺何∷ o on the竹 rst卩 oor ofthe studen:seMce c0nter(学 生服 务中0)∷ ② on the矸 rst 出京锒 汗 胍 NK OF BE1J1NCy floor oflnnoVaⅡ ∷ oh Plaza(创 新大厦 )in TusPark(清 华料技 国 )∷ ∷ 000” Ⅱ“咿卿∷ Ⅱ∷∷ ∷ ∷Ⅱ∷∷ ∷∷∷ 院) 沸 ∷ 0Ⅱ ||∷ 0|Ⅱ 0|0Ⅱ |0-^|∷ ||务 行 ∷ Ⅱ 000Ⅱ 0Ⅱ |000Ⅱ Ⅱ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ at ZhaO Lan Yuen Area(照 澜 院),beside the Post0仰 Ce ∷ ∷ at Zhao Lan Yuan Area(照 中国工商银 行 9∷ 臁鎏虍 ⅡⅡ△灬Ⅱ|Ⅱ ∷ 0蹁 戛簏 |0|“ ||辟 艹 ∷∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷∷Ⅱ 铒冖Ⅱ∷ ∷ o at ZhaO Lan Yuan Area(照 澜琨 )∷ ② on the仃 rstⅡ oor ofthe Hua Ye Bu″ ding(华 业大废 )to the east ofthe Main Gate(清 华东门) 招 宙扭抒 Ⅱ Ⅱ0Ⅱ 0Ⅱ 000|” “ 秭 ∷ 竹 ∷ Ⅱ ∷ ∷ Ⅱ rst″ oor of Tsjnghua UnjsplendourJntemaJona丨 心 流中 9hear me Majn Gate on the ∷ ∷ ∷Ⅱ ∷∷∷ cent0'(清 华紫光国际交 ATⅢs on Ca"npus The foⅡ ow∶ ng banks provide ATm serv∶ ce on campus: Bank of China Bank of Be刂 ing China Construction Bank lno fees charged on ATM wⅡ V∶ hdrawals on Bank of Ame"ca sa and debit cards atth∶ s bank) lndustⅡ aI and CommeFciaI Bank of China Locatlons of ATⅢ Mach∶ nes(as shown on the Campus Map encIOsed): ∶ n the"odhern part ofthe Campus stude灬 ⅡⅡ0enteⅡ Ⅱ △|0巾 |Ⅲ tov^△ 仲 No‘ ?is” dent DOrmi0ry Bu1ding |噼 艹0Ⅱ Ⅱ ∷onⅡ 0|啷 Ⅱ ¢Ⅱ|0e ∷ 9h the west o0e of on蚺 ∷ oⅡ he sec。 n。 Ⅱ 0Ⅱ Ⅱ 蚶⒚衤 ⅡgDormⅡ ⅡⅡⅡ¢ ∷∷Ⅱ ∵Ⅱ∷Ⅱ ∷∷∷∷∷ Ⅱ∷ east。 de of No,4z Jng DOrm№ onⅡ ewest拆 γB“ 旧hg Ⅱ00Ⅱ |0¢ ⅡⅡ |9净 |Ⅱ 0ⅡⅡ Ⅱ ∵ 。¢ ∷∷Ⅱ ∷ ∷ ∷∷Ⅱ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷ Ⅱ ∷∷∷ 0n thρ west s¤ o of No.6zi Jing Dormitory BuiIdihg 0Ⅱ 咚we艹 Ⅱ Ⅱ ⅡⅡ ∷ №0力0岫 ∷ ∷∷ ⅡⅡ”ˇ咖” 呐∷∷ ∷∷Ⅱ Ⅱ∷ ⅡⅡ ∷∷Ⅱ ⅡⅡ ∷ ∷ on∽ 0羽 Fst引 oooof wushunde Bui¤ hg,the schod of Medone In the centraI part ofthe Campus ∷ Ⅱ 0Ⅱ |Ⅱ |0Ⅱ 0Ⅱ 0Ⅱ ^he00Ⅱ ∷ u卸 o咚o艹 oⅡ ρn the羽 Fst】 α丫of o∷ Ta。 ∷ ∷∷∷ Ⅱ ∷∷∷∷ⅡⅡ∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷|∷ ∷ ∷∷∷Ⅱ ⅡⅡ△Ⅱ艹(艹 淳盯Ⅱ∷ ∷Ⅱ ∷Ⅱ∷∷Ⅱ∷∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷Ⅱ Tshghua Uh″ ers~凵 brary ngt扌 六 ∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷ 0No|0△ Ⅱ Ⅱ Ⅱ Ⅱ ∷∷ |咱 0Ⅱ “ ∷ 馁9∷ ∷ ∷∷ Ⅱ∷ 扛芋 ∷ ∷∷Ⅱ∷ ∷∷ Ⅱ ∞Ⅱ艹 ∷ Ⅱ眵|ndus漉 Ⅱ ⅡⅡ 0|0|0Ⅱ Ⅱ咖|(|自 0卸断 ⅡⅡ∷∷∷ ”atzhaoⅡ Ⅱ Ⅱ ∷ dde!Ⅱ ank d0hne(建 谈 ” ∷ 行 ∷ )引 zhaO Lan Yuan 铒 9onsⅡ "on卩 ||灬 旧 “000Ⅱ -0∷ :e够 馅【 铋京 铱尔9扭 ∷ 犰 Ⅱ0Ⅱ 0Ⅱ Ⅱ ∷∷∷∷ ∷∷ ∷ⅡⅡ ∷∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷∷ oh th0Ⅱ Ⅱ oor of Tshohu|Uh而 ity seulement center(结 箅 心)at zhaO Lan Yuan ∷ 中 ∷ Ⅱ 0|钸 蛳灬 ” 0Ⅱ Ⅱ Ⅱ 吼0汩 ˇ Ⅱ |Ⅱ0Ⅱ 0Ⅱ 0(艹 务 杰9Ⅱ ∷ ∷ Ⅱ∷∷ⅡⅡⅡ∷ Ⅱ ● ∷∷ er。 '针 000|Ⅱ lnside 6 Ⅱ o A。 ad° my ofAd§ 0h0Design(美 术学院 ) 蘧 嚎 囔 鳗 饔 毒∶ BooKsTOREs ∷ zi Jiho ::营::∶ Bo0k st。 re(清 华大学廾 版艹紫荆书席)∷ LOca刂 on∶ on the underground书 Business hours∶ 10∶ 00ˉ 22∶ ∷∷ ∷∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷∷∷ ∷ oor of Guan Chou Yuan Canteen(观 畴 园 ) 00 ∷ ⅡngshⅡ YuⅡ oⅡ “ r0(唧 降肀 阮冫∷∷ ∷∷ ∷∷ ∷∷ ∷∷∷ st。 0|∷ LOca刂 on∶ east of Guan Chou Yuan Canteen(观 畴 园 ) Buslness hours∶ 08∶ 30ˉ 22∶ 30 ∷ o oo。 sh山 i"Ⅱ i-∶ h。 h山 a山 hiⅡ 0涪 ity p汔 。 k∷ 屋)∷ st0re C永 宋艹 ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷∷∷∷ LOca刂 on∶ student seⅣ ice Center,Zi Jing Student Dorm|tory Area Business hours∶ 10∶ 00ˉ 21∶ ∷∷ ∷∷ ∷∷∷ ∷ ∷ 00 ∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷ aU"ˇ er|盱 ˇ ° t由 |oⅡ 山 吖Ⅱ Ⅱ 材母冫 ”∷ Ⅱ|oⅡ no” ||叫 ρ -潦 虍 攀 Ⅱρ 冖 LOcation∶ north of No‘ Business HOurs∶ 3TeaChing BuⅡ ding o9∶ 00-18∶ 00 ^虍 | 婴 cANTE匡 Ns AND R匣 s磙 uRA澜 Ts There are over3o student canteens,sta仟 di矸 erent Canteens,and restaurants on campus、 Ⅳith ties,Arnong thenl,8student canteens and7sta仟 canteens are onIy open specia丨 to uniVersity students and sta群 Vis|tors。 rnembers who have d|ning cards,Restaurants are open to YOu can find them on the Campus Map. student Canteens Service hours∶ o6∶ 3oˉ o8∶ 30(breakfast);11∶ 00ˉ 13∶ 30(丨 Loρ at0n∶ no吐 h0fthe Guan ch° u Yuan (珥 畴园∷ ∷ ) unch);17∶ 00-19∶ 00(supper) West spo吐 曰eId speoia"ies∶ 1s!fl。 ρ 0nineoρ r∶ fast food,regiohal Ⅱ avorfood an-snacks,co矸 0e 2nd floor∶ caf° tO"a Tao Li Yuan (桃 李圆) LoCation∶ north of zi Jing studeht DOrmⅡ ory Area 1st fIoor∶ food and snacks of various kinds 2nd floor∶ cafeteria Ⅱh0ast of ∷ s0ecia"les| ρ |♀ e刂 on∶ n° ∷刁 爿ng γVan∷ ∷ ∷ (紫 荆 囝 ) QIng Fen Yuan 1st floor∶ z Jlng studpnt Dρ rm淡 ory^rea f0od an-shaoks of various kinds ξ ;iJ;$椹 1J#:∶ LOcauon∶ :i:I1扌 ‖早 :::,吼 器 庀 Ⅰ Ⅰ ?” :∶ west of No.7dorm bu"ding (清 芬园) speCiaⅡ ies∶ various regional cuisines and snack§ △ng平 v nen 《听涛溷 speCia"ieβ ∶variρ us regionaI Ouisines an-snaoks Ding Xiang Yuan (丁 香园 ) specia"ies∶ various regional cuisines and snacks ) Lo。 a刂 on∶ Location∶ :II∶ West σNo・ 17dor” -uiI-;ng east of No.24dorm buⅡ ding ∷ lg 孚 Ⅱ亠0pnan 囱)∷ ∷ 芝圭∷ “∷ staff Canteens se卩 耐 ce hours∶ 06∶ 30-08∶ 30(breakfast);11∶ 00¨ 丬 3∶ 15(丨 unch);彐 C富 自泰片) (南 宜菸片9 Guah ch。 u∷ 00-19∶ 00(supper) rh∴玉 ∷Yu Yuah∷ ∷Nah Yuan∷ 7∶ 黜 :::∶ ;;罐 :∶ ;;;:甘 1:黯 : Yuan ∷ ∷(弗 畴目∷ 》∷∷ — —— ˉ — — — —— — — — — ・ ∴I二 二 亠 Applying for and Recharging a Dining Card stude"t Card: ˇou can app丨 y for a student dining card atthe Food service Centerin the No 15Bu"ding w"h your Adnη ission notice/studentID card, You can recharge your card atthe Food service Center and a丨 ot of dining ha"s such as zi Jing Yuan,Tao Li Yuan,and Guan Chou Yuan. staff Card: Ybu can app丨 yf° r a sta矸 dining card、 ″ith your sta仟 |D or a certificate issued by your department. YOu oan recharge your card at Lan Yuan sta钌 Canteen on the third fIoor ofthe Zhao Lan Yuan CommunⅡ y shopp|ng center, YOu can a|so use your campus lE〉 card at canteens,(The card can a丨 so be used at suporrnarkets,computor丨 abs,the uniVersity hospital,sports faCⅡ ities and other pIaces on campusl Restaurants service hours∶ 11∶ oo冖 13∶ 30(|unch);17∶ 00… 20∶ 30(supperl Qing Qing ser|es Canteens 1o∶ ooˉ 22∶ 00 ‘ Restaurants in the northern part ofthe campus 猡 ∷ △ 黪 ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷∷∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷∷ Tao Li Yuan (桃 李园) LOcation∶ north of zi Jing Student DOrm"ory Area 3rd floor∶ rnenu order wⅡ h h° t pot,roast duck,and common dIshes 蜜 蕊 ∷峦 ∷%躲∷ 抄∷ ∷ 褓|渊∷ 谯狩溢|△ ∷∷∷∷ 各 Qing Qing Leisure Canteen (清 膏休闲餐厅 ) 10 LOcation∶ underground of TaO Li Yuan speClaⅡ ies∶ pIain dishes,drinks,and co矸 ee Restaurants in the oontraI part of the oampus ^ q卩 g Qlng Nρ o丿 【 。 ∷(清 肯田吧→ ∷ γ∷ 黯繁 龈 !卩 ;0叩 : stau'ant ∷ 卩° ∷ (庶 森田 ∷∷∷ 茶厅)∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ Xi q冖 0Ⅱ Yu0冖 n:seoond flo♀ rof Ⅱng Tao Yuan ∷ "ρ 。 hos oi noodl白 硌 ∷∷ |vado山 ⒐陌 spe0i0"始 Ⅱo宙 1∶ ∶ 帚 ::黼 嘏枨 ;围 H0Yuah∷ (∷ u” 荷旧餐斤 ) Ch叩 von ∷ ∷ C垠 奋囝奔厅) ;:;∶ ;∶ :I∶:iJ1 多 钅::谎蹴∷ :;:1蚤 ;苦 去::瀹 苫 :l∶ -七 ,i∶ ,∶ i甚 iI ∫ :犭 JI1洽 :∶ 11:;;i::::::丿 ::∴ 挠渊窝11吊 扌 :沲 ∶ 嬲 匕 ,、 j∶ ;∶ i芯 i∶ 1 抵 苜 查 氵 崔胃 Ⅱ嬲拣嬲 嬲儡强勰∷ 锶拶γ:”:叩|?呷 门■ ■Ⅱ HELP FROM CHINEsE sTUDENTs The Assooation of Internationa|Cukure Exchange(AICE)is a non-profⅡ student organization at Tsinghua,airning to prom° te intercu"ura丨 cOΠ wnuniCation between TsinghuaIs internationaI and Iocal students.The A丨 CE can o仟 er you information about and he丨 p in every aspect° f Ⅱ fe on Campus,help you expIore Ch∶ nese Culture and deepen your understanding of淡 ,and assist you in beCon1ing acquainted w"h Fnore Chinese students. To ContaCtthe``ICE,send e-maⅡ to/\ICE@tsinghua.edu,cn. lMPORTANT PHONE NuMBERs Irnportant Phone Numbers 婴 蕊 拿 食 蕊 Ι 萁 藩 畲 : 笨 锋 露 繁 露 泌Ⅱ盯 Γ lnformauon center INTERNET AND CELL PHONEs Internet serv∶ ce Access to the lnternet To ac刂vate yourinternet aCCount at https∶ 〃丨 ogin.tsinghua edu Cn; Recharging yourinternet accOunt o Tsinghua Network Center(网 络 中 心 )in R0° m2o9,the Main Bu|丨 ding(主 楼 Open hours∶ 13∶ 00¨ 16∶ O0(Monday ) to Friday) ② Tsinghua Network Center Zi Jing ofⅡ ce(网 络 中 心 紫 荆 办 公 室 )in Room113,No,19犭 Jing Dorm"ory BuiIding open hours∶ 09∶ 3Oˉ 11∶ 30,13∶ 00ˉ 16∶ 30(Monday MaⅡ 0Ⅱ Ⅱ |艹 ∷ 0∷ ||0Ⅱ 0Ⅱ 0i心 ∷ 0I∷ o tO Friday) pⅡ ” |△ p。 ρ ⒐?≈ 呷 ρ 0冖 ρ |∷ ♂h th♂ {0山 rth"oor。 ftho∷ 0ing∷ (四 教 )∷ ∷ N° .4Teaohing Bu∶ 丨 0pening hours∶ Q8∶ 00-22∶ 0Q Ⅵ reless service `∶ The wire丨 ess senliCe area covers the UniversⅡ 6(六 胡o y Library and the No,4(四 教 )and No, TeaChing Bui丨 dings, Ce"Phone serviCe Ⅱ ||||屮 诎眈勰锶;钳黼Ⅱ RechaFgIng cards are ava"able at rnost ofthe booksfands, 0Ⅱ |严 ∷ 屮屮 ∷ ||屮 u 孺蠕鹅锶考 ∷+I+嬲嗯黯黯衣 1扌 Prices of new m° bⅡ e ph0nes vary ln di秆 erent shops and in some cases bargaining ls possibIe: 13 ˉ 龉鹱跤厦凵BRAⅢ Es AND丁 EACHING FA¤ LⅡ Es Ts|nghua offers"s students and facu丨 ty a superior{earning,teaching and research environment.Research and teaohing fac"ities inc丨 ude seven丨 ibFaries,$ix pub"c teaching bu"dings,dozens of schoo丨 and department buⅡ dings,and over1oo丨 aboratories and institutes, Libra"es The Tsinghua university丨 ibrary system is composed ofthe University L丨 brary and s丨 x professi。 na丨 sub丬 ibraries。 丨 thas af丨 oQr space of41,6oo square rnoters and prov|des oVer 2,500seats,The丨 ibrary maintains a rich co"ectiQn of over3.76rn"Ⅱ on vo|umes,MOro than 48,000fu"ˉ teXt e丨 eotronic journa|s in chinese and EngⅡ sh,over2,47mⅡ Ⅱ on Eˉ books,oVer 70TB ofresource data,and a丨 arge co"ection of audioⅡ Vidoo rnateria丨 $are aocessib丨 e.An extens丨 ve e丨 eotronic and on丬 ine retrieva|service is a丨 so avaⅡ ab|e, The$ix professi。 na丨 $ub丬 ibraHes in respective schQoIs incIude tho Library of Economios and Management,the Library of ArchⅡ ecture,the Library of Laws,the L∶ brary of Human"ies and socia丨 Sciences,the Library of Arts and Design,and the Library of Medioa丨 14 sc丨 onces, openIng hours∶ ltis open daⅡ y from08∶ 00unti|around21∶ 50,a|though Certain reading rooms have sⅡ ghuy di矸 erent hours, WebsⅡ e∶ http∶ //engJib.tsjnghua.edu.cn Teaching Bu"dings There are six toach∶ ng bu"dings on campus: Nearthe old Gate(二 校 门 )∶ N° .1and No.2Teaching Bui|dings on two sides of Xue Tang Road∶ No,3,No,4,No,5and No,6TeaChing BuⅡ dings Thero are a丨 so other Classrooms orreading rooms ava"ab|e for students,suCh as department bu"dings and the univers"y|ibrary, 刂5 l燠曩跤曩MEDIcAL Un∶ versity sERVlCE Pharmacy on Campus HOspitaI On Campus The UniVersity HOspita|on campus provides Be刂 ing basic rnedicaI care to students and staff. Locatlon∶ LOca‖ on∶ northwest of Jin Chun Garden(近 lN° te]A/ledicines are avaⅡ ab丨 e 春园 ) stores.Presc^ption【ηedicine、ⅣⅡ丨need a TOng Ren Tang(北 京同仁堂药店 ) zhao Lan Yuan area(照 澜院 ) atlocaI drug prescription written by a qualified doctor. For some restHcted Fη edicines,such as psych。 丨 ogica丨 or anaesthetic drugs,powerful drugs and radiation treatrnents,the pa刂 ent should present his or her specia丨 mlness history record and medicaltreatrη ent record. Emergency CaIIs 冖o渐 心 ∷ ⅡⅡ o。 I卩 ^--00汀 。 PⅡ ?⒐ ∷∷ ⒎ f” η ∷∷ 0?屮 |9J冖 |屮 丬 120/999(from campus line,dial Oˉ 120;o¨ 999) 0证油氵 ∷ Ⅱ “缸 0艹 Ⅱ/g0i^。 ulah∞ ^流 Fire Emergency q⒈ h|。 了 La冖 ♀ 呷ρ ?” -∷ γ|β 冖(照 邛院 )Ⅱ s0uth¢ ”ρ∷ ∷∷ ∷∷ ∷ |终 ”)∷ ∷ ∷∷∷ openIng hours∶ o8∶ 30ˉ 17∶ ② 30eVery day 0Ⅱ ρ Ⅱ 000Ⅱ 0 ” 0灬 ∷ ⒎0Ⅱ 卩 卩 Ⅱc|ρ ∷ pρ student D⒍ Ⅱ Ⅱ o~Aroa openIng hours∶ o9∶ 00ˉ 16∶ 16 ∷ 品Ⅱ Ⅱ-iⅡ ∵ |奇 0-讵 ∷ 119(from campus Ⅱ ne,dial 燠曩龌曩P。 sT。 FFICEs ⊙ lfr-Ⅱ 30eVery day ?Ⅱ ∷ ∷∷∷∷ ol∷ O¨ 119) sHoPPlNG Campus stores and ∷ ‘ 虍 ” ||枣 ||∷ Ⅱ |Ⅱ ∷ 呻ⅡⅡⅡ00Ⅱ 0ⅡⅡ∷Ⅱ |0” Ⅱ seⅡ supermarket noar Qing Fen Yuah Canteen(清 芬园 |Ⅱ |Ⅱ Ⅱ Ⅱ0Ⅱ 0∷ ) ∷ ∷ ||||冖 ⅡⅡⅡ ” Ⅱ |‘ Market for fru",vegetables,fish and rneat Campus 辍 萁 琪 烹 菸 蠲灏 I潦|||演 I溜 蓄 奋 啻奋 飧 茗 丨 翮↓ 嚣 嚣 奋 奋 蓄 蕃 廖 茗 奋 菸 奋 奋 奋 奋 瀚 搬耦畲 |搬 Chaosh"a supermarket(超 市发 ) Shouhang supermar℃ t(首 航超市 ) LOtus sup。 omarket(易 初莲花 ) LOcat∶ on∶ 4oO meters south ofthe Main Gate caⅡ refQur(家 乐福 ) ∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷ L0cati0nⅡ 2.5k"ometero to the oo山 thW0§ tof Tsinghua southWest Gate ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷∷ souvenlr shops ∷∷ 0000teF l热 ⅡⅡ “-Ⅱ 0|0o0Ⅱ 咖Ⅱ ⅡⅡⅡⅡⅡ0Ⅱ 00|Ⅲ 0 0Ⅱ 0∷ The souven″ sh0p be。 de the Tsihghua lnf° rm列 on Cont° r(清 华大学问询接待处 ) ∷ 0-0Ⅱ 砬ⅢoⅡ|ⅡⅡ||Ⅱ △ⅡⅡ△∷∷ ∷ ∷Ⅱ“ 岫Ⅱ00Ⅱ Ⅱ 00Ⅱ The souvenir ohop inside thQ zi Jing supermarket 丁h0∷ soⅡ ˇ 0hlⅡ 0ho0∷ 卧1h0∷ Maln∷ Gat。 17 丨 黪曩餮曩slGHTs ON CAMPUs Tsing Hua Xue Tang(清 华学堂 ) Tsing Hua Xue Tang was the first c丨 assroom bu"ding of Tsing Hua|mperia|Co"ege in its early days,lt vvas bu"tin two stages,The western vving vvas construCted from1909to1911 and used for classrooms,The eastern vving,c。 mp|eted in1916,was used as a student dormⅡOry for many years.The four Ch|nese characters清 华 学 堂 painted above the main entrance read Tsing Hua Co"ege.The inscription vvas by Na T0ng,a Great Scho丨 ar and Grand R/linister in late Qing Dynasty, The OId Gate(二 校门 ) The0丨 d Gate vvas buⅡ tin1909."was the rnain entrance to the schoo丨 campus atthat tirne 丨 n1933,after the expansion of the residentia丨 area,the forrner enc丨 osing wa"was moved further out,NOw the Campus has seven gates vvith the Southeast Gate senling as the Main Gate. 18 The Audkooum(大 礼堂 ) The Aud挞 oHum was bu∶ Ⅱin19{7¨ 192o.Its archItecturaI des∶ gn bIended Greek and ROman arch沈 eCtural styles.⒒ contains over1,100seats. Ts∶ nghua Garden(清 华园)and shu∶ Mu 丁s∶ nghua(水 木清华 ) Tsinghua Garden has a history of nearly 300years.Ⅱ staded out as the residence of a Qing emperors brothers famiIy.The garden retains the traditionaI Qing priˇ ate garden design and sty丨 e with painted corodors conneCting eveγ room,ltis now used as Tslnghua UniversⅡ yls head office。 Behind the courtyard there is a garden with a pond and hⅡ Isi Ⅱs name shui Mu Tsinghua rneans the丨 and of woods and waters.The WⅢ ows,btus ΠoWers and a waterfaⅡ ornamentthe Iandscape here. Jin Chun Garden(近 春园) Jin Chun Garden is a historica丨 WhiCh was part Of a roya丨 site garden in the C)ing Dynasty,lt has a history of aIrnost 300years.Now"has a beautifu||otus pond and an is丨 and with deⅡ cate bridges, pavⅡ ions and statues on it. 19 ˉ 丨 銎 蠛 蠛 蠛 窭 麽 髻 獒 簋 窭 蠛 蠛 slCHTs叵 叵lNG lN B叵 【 JlNG About Beiiing Be刂 ing,a|so known as Peking,is the capital ofthe Peop丨 eIs RepubⅡ c of China,lt is recognized as the po丨 itica1educationaI,and cu"ura|center of china, As an ancient historiCa丨 and cu"ura丨 city,Be刂 ing has a history of rnore than3,000years. For850years it has been as the countryIs capⅡ a|, Ⅱs t0丨 ephone country code is86,and its teIephOne area code is010, CuⅡ uraI sites Be刂 ing is endowed wⅡ h more than300touHst attracuons,The mostrenowned、 ⅣoHd cu"ura|heHtage sRes∶ n Be刂 ing include the Forbidden Cky(故 宫 ),which is the impeHaI pa丨 ace oftwo consecutive dynasties丬 he Ming(1368ˉ 1644)and the Qing(1644… 191丬 ); the Temp丨 e of Heaven(天 坛 )丬 he p丨 ace where the Ming and Qing emperors worshiped Heaven and prayed for bumper crOps;the GreatlA/a"(长 城 );the Summer Pa丨 ace(颐 和 园 ),which is on丨 y four埘 Iometers from Tsinghua;and Yuan Ming Yuan,orthe o|d Summer呛 Pa丨 20 ace(圆 明 园 ),which is next to the universityIs West Gate, sPORTs FACILITIEs outdoor FaciIities It has a standard400-Fη eter runn∶ ng track,a footba"fie丨 d,and gymnasium facⅡ ities. 丨 t has a standard ova|track and a footbaⅡ fie丨 d, Many basketbaⅡ ,vo"eybaⅡ and tennis courts are 丨 oCated to⒒ s western and northern sides and are free to use.There is a|so a rOck CⅡ mbing、 ″aII. Ⅱis IoCated to the south ofthe Zi Jing dormitory bu"dings.There are basketba"courts,tennis Courts,footbaⅡ It∶ fie丨 d and tracks for running, s|oGated nearthe West Gate.Chairman Mao used to swim theFe, Location∶ east ofthe East sports Field Location∶ west and nodh ofthe Sports Center 21 Location∶ north ofthe East Sports Fie|d OpenIng hours∶ Monday to Foday∶ 06∶ 30ˉ 08∶ 30(summerl,12∶ 00ˉ 13∶ 00,17∶ 30ˉ 18∶ 30,19∶ 30-22∶ 30 Weekends∶ 06∶ 30¨ 08∶ 30(summerl,12∶ 00ˉ 13∶ 30,14∶ 00ˉ 15∶ 30,17∶ 00-18∶ 30,19∶ 00ˉ 22∶ 30 Booking∶ 62792477(fee charged) for basketba",badminton and tab丨 e tennis Location∶ north ofthe Vlain Bu"ding opon丨 ng hours∶ 30(Monday to Friday) 17∶ 00¨ 22∶ 08∶ 00-22∶ 30(weekends) Booking∶ 62792483(feo charged) for basketba"and badminton Location∶ west of Univers"y Library Opening h° urs∶ LoCat丨 on∶ 22 be determined West° fthe East sports Ground 30 62782498(fee charged) opening hours∶ Booking∶ t° 07∶ 0oˉ 22∶ ˉ L豳 TRANsPORTATlON on Campus Can∩ pus shuttIe Bus The shuttle bus has a fixed20-minute rOute around the campus.Passengers can wave to the driverto get on it. Bus route∶ VVest Gate-ˉ University HOsp"a卜 - Northwest Gate-UniversⅡ y Library-North Gate-No.14Zi Jing DormⅡ ory Building-No,17 Zi Jing Dorm"° ry Bu:丨 ding_Northeast Gate_ BuiIding— Academy Shoo刂 ng Range-ˉ Indoor swinnming Poo卜 spo"s Center-ˉ East Main of Arts and Des∶ gn_Main Gate-South Gate- Kindergarten-ˉ seniors CIub-ˉ lnforrnatlon Center-ˉ Outdoor swimming Poo丨 一 VVest Gate. Bus fare∶ 2Yuan(1Υ uan亻 WⅡh a student or sta仟 lD card). BicycIe Since the campus∶ s very Iarge(near丨 y40O heCtares),bicyc丨 es are very comrnon丨 y used. Visitors can rent a bike at severaI renta丨 sites on campus.MOt° rcyc丨 es are forbidden on campus, Going out Road Restrict∶ ons In China,the traffic is on the right side ofthe road as in North'\meⅡ ca and cont∶ nenta丨 Europe.Those from the United Kingdom,AustraⅡ a,Japan and some other countries shouId pay specia丨 a讧 ention to this. Taxi LegaltaxisI numbers∶ n Be刂 ing begin wⅡ h “ 孑 亩 B” .The fare depends on the distance you trave丨 .The starting fare is10Yuan forthree kⅡ ometers,and the extra partis2Yuan per k"ometeL To book taXis,you can caⅡ 68373399° r96103. 婴 subway The nearest subway stations to Tsinghua∶ Wudaokou(五 道口),nearthe Mon Gate on Line13 Yuanmingyuan(圆 明园),nearthe west Gate on凵 ne4 Peking UniversⅡ y East Gate(北 京大学东门),nearthe southwest Gate on Line4. 23 躐 瑙η 鹬 ∷ ∷ ∷ 嚯 簖∷ ∷ 饕 ∷ ∷∷ 踯 酹 Bus L∶ nes 丸瀛 罗 簪 ∷ -γ around TsInghua Campus ∞ 咖 Ⅱ 艹拣 屮 脶 ∷ 絮∴ Ⅱ Ⅱ艹Ⅱ锵 ∷ _ ^∷ 呷 肀Gate∷ s-ut0∷ daQk° 严ˇ 忄 ⒈∷ u^∷ 0∷ G灭 Gato 0Ⅱ |||||||∷ 0扌 2° F∶ ||∷ ||∷|。 |∶ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷ 唾艹0ate∷ ∷ |兔 ∵ ∷ 嵌 蓊 蛰 5 ∷∷ ∷ △ ⒋ Ⅱ 伐 。 嚅捃Ⅱ∷ ∷七 甘 £赀 0|呼 饣 扌 0(| Ⅱ0|0oⅡ0Ⅱ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷ 降冖∷∷ 年枣肀∷ ∷∷ ∷∷∷ lpⅡ 71∶ ∷ ∷ ∷∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∷ ::釜 :∶ ;::;;∶ ;:∶ YunⅡ gⅡ s,YunTOng⒛ ::∶;∷ 0Ⅱ 1饣 i吝:】 :∶ 铬一 ≡ 蘧艹 MOre informaton can be found on http.、 、 Ⅻ ww.blbus,Com, A:rⅡ ne and RaiIway Tickets AirIine tickets∶ VaHous domestic a:rⅡ nes and internationaI carriers serve Be刂 ing Capital best prices on fⅡ ghts and hoteIs,you Can check outthese two A∶ rport(PEK).FOrthe nes and h° tel consoⅡ dators based in China∶ Ctop(httpΙ廴 龟ng"sh.ctrip.com/)and E丨 °ng 幻∽ Ⅳw^eIong,net).Both services have EngⅡ sh-speaking representatives,and you can purchase an eˉ fckett° take、 ″ ith you、 ″ hen you cheCk:n atthe airport with your passport. airⅡ (h讧 p“ RaiIway tickets∶ Ybu can get railway ticket。 (照 澜院 ),and agenc∶ es ⒉ outs∶ at raiIway ticket agencies at zhao Lan Yuan de the Main Gate and the South Gate. Reminders P丨 ease register your accoΠ Wnodation in the Ioca丨 poⅡ ce station through your hosts W"hin24hours after residihg in a coΠ wnun"y according to the Chinese丨 aws. PIease pay attention to the expiration date of your passport.lf you hoId an X visa, ease go to the(Dffice of丨 nternationa丨 Student Affairs orthe Sen/ice for Overseas p丨 schoIars to haVe your visa eXtended and foⅡ ow the proCedures for a residenCe perm" two weeks before the expiration date. 女 Motorcycle riding is forbidden on Campus. 女 P丨 ease bHng some t∶ ssu0s、 ″ith you When you traVeIin China∶ n case you couId not Ⅱnd to"et paper when you need it. We hope you have a safejourney a"the tirnes,justthe same itis impOHantfor you to Ieave emergency contactinforrnation with someone in your department, We sincereˇ hope thatthis brochure wⅢ be helpful for v沁 it① rs as well as new interⅡ ationaI students,and facuIty111embers。 It should be underst① ①d that some changes l11ight happen after the book is pubⅡ shed∶ We welcome aⅡ y sugges伍 ①Ⅱs for improving the content。 Ed"o卜 inˉ chief:CHEN HOng E-"ors:凵 Nai,SONG PeⅡ ng,YUE Xiading,YANG Fan,YIN Qi,GAO Yan,Υ E Guiqin,CHEN Qiang,zHA0YOnghua,Frede"ck Hale,Cheryl Peuy Photographers:CHEN s刂 uan,Ll Nai,GUO Ha刂 un,WANG Jian丿 ,LIU Xuan,MENG Xinmin, WANG shuidi,HUANG`″ eixm Contact:office of Information and Media ReIations,T§ Eˉ nghua UniversIty maiI:ol/erseas@rs加 g幻 ua.edu.c刀 ___ ∴ /
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