Marietta Sixth Grade Academy Title I- Blue Devil Connections May 1st-- May 8th IB Learners are balanced and knowledgeable. FINE ARTS SPRING SHOWCASE MSGA’s Spring Fine Arts Showcase was a spectacular event featuring impressive band performances, hilarious theater skits, colorful art work, and exciting chorus numbers. The students kept the crowd engaged and wanting more! Laughter and applause filled the evening. We are so proud of all the fine arts students and the hard work they put forth this year. They have truly grown as performers! BLUE DEVIL DAY Marietta City School’s 5th graders officially became Blue Devils at MSGA’s Blue Devil Day on Friday, May 1st. Students were welcomed to MSGA with a general assembly featuring guest speakers. They participated in games, saw fine arts performances, learned Blue Devil cheers, and took their very first Class of 2022 photo! The 5th grade students left MSGA as “official Blue Devils”. We can’t wait for their Blue Devil Tradition to begin in August of 2015! Our Mission: We strive to develop Connected, Global Learners! Our Vision: We aspire to be a Gateway to learning excellence! Jr. Beta Club Induction On April 28, Twelve new members were inducted into MSGA’s Jr. Beta Club, bringing total active membership in MSGA Jr. Beta to 50 students across all teams. All Jr. Beta Club members at MSGA are required to demonstrate academic achievement, character, leadership and service throughout the school year. Congratulations to our newest members! IB Learners are risk-takers. IB Learner Profile Students of the Week. Risk Takers Students that are Risk-Takers approach uncertainty with forethought and determination. They also work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. Risk-Takers are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change. 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 Mikayla Fitzpatrick Tai Wilson Karolina Colon Jovani Cruz Akinni James Alex Amorim Important Calendar Dates: May 4th – 8th ALL DAY MSGA PTSA Teacher Appreciation Week (see below) 5-7pm All day 4pm All day 4pm 9- 11:30am & 11:30-1pm 4:30-6:30pm 9am-12pm 8pm MMS Advisement classes Room 8 Advisement classes Room 8 Cheerleading Tryouts MAP Testing Boy Scouts MAP Testing Girl Scouts MMS Auditorium Visit to MMS for 6 graders MSGA Gym MSGA Gym MHS Auditions for Enh. Chorus and Theatre for 5 graders th Auditions for Enh. Chorus and Theatre for 5 graders Light the Way 5K Tuesday, May 12 TBA MMS Auditorium MSA Family Night at MMS Thursday, May 14 3-3:50pm MSGA Courtyards Media Center Celebration Friday, May 15 6-7:30pm MSGA Gym Night to Remember Dance Monday, May 18 9:15am-1pm MSGA Field & Gym Field Day th Monday- Thursday, May 4th-7 th Tuesday, May 5 th Wednesday, May 6 Friday, May 8th th Saturday, May 9 th th Coming up… Wednesday, May 20 2:15-3:30pm MSGA Gym MSGA Talent Show Thursday, May 21 7pm MPAC at MHS MSGA Honor's Night (By invitation only) Friday, May 22 4pm MSGA Last day of school Our Mission: We strive to develop Connected, Global Learners! Our Vision: We aspire to be a Gateway to learning excellence! Parent Opportunities: IB Learners are open-minded and caring. Volunteer Opportunities – Help Needed! Oh, wow! A Hawaiian luau! The Media Center is hosting our final celebration of the year on Thursday, May 14. We are honoring our Million Word Accelerated Readers, plus all the students who have worked on the Blue Devil News crew this year. Also, ELA teachers are selecting five students from each team (not the Million Word Readers) for their efforts in the Accelerated Reader program. Therefore, we are expecting a crowd of over 100 students. Because the teachers will be in class teaching, this means we need parents and grandparents to come help make the party a success. Please contact the parent liaison at if you can assist. Help will be needed to set up at 1:30, and the party will be from 3 to 3:50. Whether you can be of assistance for half an hour or three hours, any amount would be welcome! We appreciate your support of the AR program, and the Media Center! PTSA RECOMMENDATIONS TO OUR PARENTS FOR Teacher Appreciation Week May 4-8 We all appreciate the wonderful teachers at MSGA. Let’s take the week of May 4-8 to show our appreciation in unique ways. Here are a few ideas; feel free to “do your own thing” or “tweak” one of these themes to best show your teacher how much they are appreciated. Monday, May 4th – “Flower Power Day” – Bring a flower from your garden, a picture drawn of a flower, garden gloves, or a “rosy smile” to brighten up each teacher’s day. Thank you for helping us “grow”! Tuesday, May 5th – “An Apple a Day” – Let’s send in fresh fruit (apples, bananas, oranges, etc.) to keep our teachers healthy and energized. Wednesday, May 6th – “Stationery Day” – The teachers at MSGA are always in need of supplies. Let’s give them some stationery! (note cards, envelopes, book of stamps, pens, stick note pads, etc…handmade is even more special) Thursday, May 7th – “Relaxation Day” – Since our teachers work so hard for our children over and above the required hours, let’s remind them to take time for themselves with gifts of relaxation…a chap stick, a small candle, soothing herbal teas, bath salts, popcorn for a “movie night”, etc. Friday, May 8th – “Sweets for the Sweet” – You don’t get teachers any nicer or sweeter than at the Marietta Sixth Grade Academy. Please send in anything that would remind your teacher of how sweet they truly are…chocolates, candies, cookies, or sweet smells…lotions, soaps, etc. Our Mission: We strive to develop Connected, Global Learners! Our Vision: We aspire to be a Gateway to learning excellence! Counselor’s Corner Greetings parents! The character trait for next week is patience, the power to wait calmly without complaining. Patience doesn’t mean that you will never lose your temper or act impulsively. It involves knowing how to talk with others and working out differences. There must be a willingness to compromise and cooperate, which is a character trait that was reviewed a few months ago. Here are some tips to help with patience • • • • • • • Practice: role-play with your family and friends different ways to resolve conflicts. Be a good listener. Be willing to cooperate. Be willing to compromise. Learn from experience. Engage in breathing exercises to keep away from outbursts. Be intentional when working to change negative habits into positive ones. Together we can help our students become more patient. Kerbie Campbell 770.429.3115 ext.6031 Student Opportunities: Attention all performers! Do you want to be a part of the MMS ComPAny Players? Do you want to be in the cast of MMS’s school musical? Then you need to audition for MMS’ Enhanced Theater class! Auditions for will take place Tuesday, May 19th in Mrs. Smith’s classroom. Applications will be available starting Monday, May 4th in the Front and Administrative offices. (Please see attached document) Marietta Junior Volleyball Camp - Rock the Gym What to expect? Basic fundamentals (passing, setting, hitting, & serving) Team work, Game play, Fun!) Camp t-shirt included Dates: June 16th -18th Cost: $70 before May 22nd $80 after that Place: Big Blue Gym Time: 8am-12pm Grades: Rising 5th-8th grade Contact information: MSGA and MMS students are invited to participate in a design contest for next year’s spirit wear shirt. Each entry is $1 (cash only please). You may enter as many times as you like. Please get an entry form from Ms. Northcutt at MMS or Mr. Felix at MSGA. Entries will only be accepted May 1 – May 15. Please turn your entry form and $1 per entry to the main office at your school. We will announce the winner before the end of the year and they will receive a free spirit wear shirt at the beginning of next year! If you use an online program to create your entry please print it out and attach it to the entry form. (See attached form) Our Mission: We strive to develop Connected, Global Learners! Our Vision: We aspire to be a Gateway to learning excellence! Bus transportation to MMS available right after school Parents will need to pick up at 7pm at MMS Big Blue Gym Students must have cheerleading application filled and physical on file to try out Please make sure your child brings a snack and appropiate gear (see application) Middle School - Fastpitch Softball Meeting For rising 6th – 8th grade girls Tuesday, May 5, 2015 7:00PM - 8:30PM MHS Seminar Room Players and Parents should attend. Email Coach Donnelly if you are unable to attend or would like more info. Our Mission: We strive to develop Connected, Global Learners! Our Vision: We aspire to be a Gateway to learning excellence! FREE ACCESS TO DIGITAL BOOKS ALL SUMMER! Check out this video tutorial for an overview of the student experience on myON. To login please go to and click the red Log in now button. Our Mission: We strive to develop Connected, Global Learners! Our Vision: We aspire to be a Gateway to learning excellence! School Name: Get Georgia Reading, Georgia Campaign for Grade-Level Reading User Name: read Password: read Through a partnership between Get Georgia Reading – Georgia Campaign for Grade Level Reading and myON, all educators, librarians, students and parents in Georgia have free access to over 8,000 enhanced digital books from myON through August 30th. Read online using any Internet-enabled device, and read offline using free mobile apps for Kindle Fire HD, Android Devices, iPads and Google Chrome. We are looking forward to a great Summer and are excited about all the possibilities! Please check out Enrichment Camp options for yourself or others this year at: Summer Enrichment camps are open for registration under the, “Just for youth and Teen Tab!” (Spots fill up quickly!) Please visit us to learn how Marietta Community Schools can enrich your future! Community Connections If you are student or staff member you have to complete the attached document (paper copy) to receive the discounted price. If you are a parent, community member, etc. you can access the race website at or by going to Either one of these websites will have registration links for racers. Our Mission: We strive to develop Connected, Global Learners! Our Vision: We aspire to be a Gateway to learning excellence! Marietta High School Drama Booster Club Garage Sale Saturday, May 2, 2015 8:00 am – 12:00 pm MHS Parking Lot Please support the Drama Booster club by either making a donation or shopping at the Garage Sale. If you have items to donate, please contact Lori Figueras @ You will receive a tax donation letter. All proceeds go to the MHS Drama Booster Club. All remaining items will either be used a props in future productions or donated to Marietta Reads or a homeless youth program. Our Mission: We strive to develop Connected, Global Learners! Our Vision: We aspire to be a Gateway to learning excellence! Get Connected! IB Learners are thinkers and inquirers. You may also find MSGA School Activity and Event Information • Online at; View Calendar • Online at for grades. • Follow us on twitter: @MSGAtweet • In person at the Parent Resource Center; Across from the front office, open Mon. – Fri. 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Our Mission: We strive to develop Connected, Global Learners! Our Vision: We aspire to be a Gateway to learning excellence! • Parent resource materials on a variety of topics available: two computers with internet access open for parent use; Rosetta Stone English ready for parent use. Se habla español. • MSGA Parent Liaison – Margarita Ojeda, (770) 429-3115 x6079 or email at • Questions, comments and all feedback welcome. Student Birthday Marquee Messaging If you are interested in purchasing a Birthday Marquee Message for your child, visit our Parent Information Center (just inside the main doors on the right hand side), or contact me at or (770) 429-3115 x6079 at least 48 hours in advance. The cost is $5, and all proceeds will go into a general fund to be used to sponsor activities for all of the students. Our Mission: We strive to develop Connected, Global Learners! Our Vision: We aspire to be a Gateway to learning excellence!
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