GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI PLAN PROGRAMMES FOR UPLIFTMENT OF WEAKER SECTIONS OF THE SOCIETY – INCLUSIVE GROWTH 4th& Planning Department ‘B’ Wing, Delhi Secretariat, IP Estate New Delhi-110002 6thLevel, July, 2013 Contents Part – A Plan Programme providing financial benefits to the target groups Sl. No. Name of the Department / Plan Programme I Introduction II Social Welfare Department Pension to Senior Citizen Financial Assistance to Disabled Persons National Family Benefit Scheme Financial Assistance to Transgender Community 1. 2. 3. 4. Page No. i-ii 2 3 4 5 III 1. Department of Women & Child Development Pension to Women in Distress 6 2. Ladli 7 3. Financial Assistance to Lactating and Nursing Mothers belonging to Weaker Section of Society Financial Assistance to Poor Widows for Performing Marriage of their Daughters and Financial Assistance to Orphan Girl for their Marriage 8 4. IV 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 Department for the Welfare for the SC/ST/OBC/Min. Financial Assistance for Purchase of Stationery to SC/ST/OBC/ Minorities Students Scholarship/Merit Scholarship to SC/ST/OBC/ Minorities Students from class I to XII Merit Scholarship to College/Professional Institution Students belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Minorities Vocational & Technical Scholarship to SC/ST/OBC/Minorities students Reimbursement of Tuition Fee for SC/ST/OBC/Minority Students in Public Schools Providing Vocational & Technical training to youth belonging to economically backward classes including SC/ST/OBC/Minorities/SKs under rehabilitation programme. Scheme for providing Financial Assistance under Matri-Shishu Suraksha Yojna to SC/ST pregnant woman during last trimester of her pregnancy. (New Scheme) Scheme for Financial Assistance to Scheduled Caste Slum dwellers being relocated by Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board. (DUSIB) under Rajeev Ratan Awas Yojana”.(New Scheme) 10 11 13 16 17 18 19 20 V 1. Food & Civil Supply Department Dilli Anna Shree Scheme (New Scheme) 22 2. Kerosene free city-LPG connection for EWS(New Scheme) 23 Sl. No. VI 1. 2. 3. Name of the Department / Plan Programme Page No. Directorate of Education Free Supply of Text Book Welfare of Educationally Backward Minorities Subsidy for school uniform to students 24 25 26 Lal Bahadur Shastari Scholarship To Meritorious Students 27 VII 1. Directorate of Higher Education Fin. Asst./scholarship for students of the economical weaker section 28 VIII 1. Directorate of Health Services Financial Assistance to affected/infected AIDS/HIV persons and double orphan Children (DSACS) (New Scheme) 4. Part – B (Plan programmes providing benefits to the target groups in kind/service form) Sl. No. I 1. 2 3 4 Name of the Department / Plan Programme Department of Women & Child Development Scheme of Bhagidari Supplementary Nutrition Programme(ICDS) Kishori Shakti Yojna (Scheme of Adolescent girls) Rajiv Gandhi Scheme For Empowerment Of Adolescent Girls‘SABLA’ (State Govt. Share) II Education Department 1 2 3a 3b 3c 4 5 Mid-Day Meal Directorate of Education Delhi Cantonment Board (DCB) North Delhi Municipal Corporation South Delhi Municipal Corporation East Delhi Municipal Corporation New Delhi Municipal Council Social Welfare Department III Department for the welfare for the SC/ST/OBC/Min. 1. 2. 3. Hostel for SC/ST/OBC/ Minority Boys at Dilshad Garden 4. Page No. Hostel for SC/ST/OBC/ Minority girls at Dilshad Garden Improvement of SC Basties Scheme for providing ante-natal care and institutional delivery to SC/ST women through recognized private health establishments. (New Scheme) 32 33 33 34 35 36 36 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 41 29 Sl. No. 5. IV 1. 2. 3. V 1. 2. 3. VI 1. 2. 3. Name of the Department / Plan Programme Dilli Swarojgar Yojna for SC/ST/OBC/Min. (New scheme) Free transport facility to girls in rural area Welfare schemes for students (municipal corporations of Delhi) Reimbursement of Tuition Fee to students under Right to Education Act, 2009 Facilities to SC/ST/OBC/Min. students in polytechnics Coaching facility/Training to SC/ST & weaker section students (NSIT) Academic development of SC students (college of Art) Directorate of Health Services Mobile Van Dispensaries for JJ Clusters Delhi State Health Mission Delhi Arogya Kosh (DAK) 1. Swaran Jayanti Shahri Rozgar Yojna IX 1. 52 Delhi Jal Board Augmentation of Water supply in JJ Cluster 55 Housing –UD Department 2. 3. XI Labour Department 1. 49 49 50 53 53 53 Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission Houses for weaker section - DUSIB Houses for weaker section - DSIIDC Houses for weaker section – DDA Rajiv Awaas Yojna (RAY) Night Shelter scheme (DUSIB) XII 48 Construction of Community Halls/Basti Vikas Kendras Environmental improvement in urban slums Construction of pay & use Jansuvidha Complexes 1. 2. 3. 47 47 Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board X 1. 44 44 45 Directorate of Training & Technical Education Urban Development Department 1. 2. 3. 42 Directorate of Education VII VIII Page No. Rescue, Repartition & Rehabilitation of Child labour (New Scheme) Delhi Building and other construction workers welfare board Dilli Swavblamban Yojna (DSY) 56 56 56 57 58 59 61 62 Industries Department Promotion of Handloom 63 Sl. No. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of the Department / Plan Programme Promotion of Handicraft GIA to Society for Self Employment Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme Rajiv Gandhi Swalamban Yojna Statement showing Financial / Physical achievement 2012-13 & Financial / Physical Target 2013-14 Page No. 63 64 65 66 INTRODUCTION Delhi has been witnessing path breaking initiatives with profound positive spinoff since the turn of the millennium. There is practically no sector of Delhi's economy which have been left untouched by the deluge of reforms - those related to governance structures, technological improvements, administrative innovations, ecological conservation etc - taken up during the last one and half decade. Diversity and surfeit of the reforms notwithstanding, there has been three deeply ingrained values in all of these reforms - towards strengthening democracy, protecting environment and enhancing inclusiveness. There will no plan, scheme or project of Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi which is bereft of these three core values. 2. The three core values have been the leading lights while the Government and the people of Delhi grappled with its formidable, unparalleled and unprecedented challenges and problems. Delhi's advantageous position vis-a-vis other states in educational facilities, medical facilities, sports facilities, wage employment conditions and civic facilities at large have been attracting an incessant influx of people from all over the country. The response of the Government has been to speed up development even further with intensive and meticulous planning. That Delhi has a vibrant economy, which witnessed an average annual growth of 10.2 percent in the Eleventh Five Year Plan, which has a tertiary sector contributing to 82 percent share of the economy - a figure comparable to the most developed economies. Its contribution to the national income being 3.8 percent are all achievements to be proud of, realized against the daunting challenges. The Government also has been subjecting itself to the travails of third party scrutiny to remain alert and vigilant in implementation of the projects and schemes. The major initiative for such a scrutiny was preparation of the first Human Development Report for Delhi in 2006 in collaboration with UNDP and Planning Commission, Government of India. 3. Enhancement of inclusiveness, as mentioned earlier has been a building block of all policies, projects and schemes of the Government. The broad themes of the 11th Five Year Plan (2007-12)- “Development with Human Face" and of the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17) - "Delhi a Caring City" are reflective of the commitment not to leave any citizen of Delhi untouched by the fruits of development. In the Annual Plan 2013-14, the second year of the 12th Five Year Plan, Plan Outlay of ` 10359 crore is earmarked for Social Services Sectors out of the total approved plan outlay of ` 16000 crore. It i accounts for about 65% of the total approved plan outlay for the year 2013-14. Inclusive growth is not to be seen as a condescending and patronizing gesture of the government, but as the indispensable element of sustaining development. 4. Inclusive development brings all people together - make them stakeholders, participants and beneficiaries of development. Empowerment of Women, care of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Minorities, enabling the differently abled etc are integral components of inclusive development. Being scattered in different schemes, disparate schemes often tended to diminish the synergy and coherence across the schemes. Continuous efforts were made to remove "overlaps and gaps" among them. Setting up of Delhi Convergence Mission (Samajik Suvidha Sangam) has been a successful step in this direction. Planning Department too is deeply committed to bringing maximum efficiency in the schemes. With this end in view, Planning Department prepared the first booklet on all Plan Schemes for socioeconomic and educational amelioration of economically weaker sections of society in 2008. This is the second such attempt. The plan schemes/ programmes being implemented by various departments/ agencies for the targeted groups of households/ beneficiaries are described in brief indicating objective, eligibility for the scheme/ programmes, system of application, quantum of financial assistance or benefits in the form of kind and services being made available under the programmes/ schemes, plan outlay and physical targets set for Annual Plan 2013-14. This booklet is uploaded on the website of the Delhi Government as well as Planning Department, Government of Delhi. Any suggestion for improvement is welcome. ii PART- A PLAN PROGRAMMES PROVIDING FINANCIAL BENEFITS TO THE TARGET GROUPS 1 Department Social Welfare Govt. of NCT of Delhi, GLNS Complex, Delhi Gate Behind Ambedkar Terminal, New Delhi-03 Web Site: 1. Pension to Senior Citizens 1.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme is to provide Social security by way of financial assistance to destitute old persons of the age 60 years & above who are without adequate means of subsistence. 1.2 Eligibility Criteria: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The applicant should be age of 60 yrs& above. The applicant should be resident of Delhi for last 5 years. The applicant must have an ID proof as listed in notification. Income of the applicant should be less than ` 60,000/- per annum. 1.3 Application: Application form (in prescribed format) for financial assistance is available from GRC-SK, Deputy Commissioner’s Office (District Resource Centres), Office of the District Social Welfare Officer, Area MLA/MP, Head-Quarter of Social Welfare Department. Application form may be downloaded from the official web site of department of Social Welfare or ‘Samajik Suvidha Sangam’. The recommendation of the area MLA/MP or Gazetted Officer of State /Central Govt. is necessary. 1.4 Financial Assistance: The selected persons will get financial assistance of ` 1000/- per month for age of 60 to 69 years. Senior citizens aged 70 years & above will get ` 1500/- p.m. The applicant belonging to SC/ST/Min. communities having age of 60 to 69 years will get ` 1500/- per month and having age of 70 years & above will also get `1500/-per month. Pension will be credited directly in the bank account of the beneficiaries on quarterly (3 months each) basis. The Chief Minister/Finance Minister of Delhi in her Budget Speech 2013-14 announced that , ‘Differently abled persons’ and ‘Women in Distress’ will continue to get enhanced 2 financial assistance of ` 1500/- p.m. w.e.f. April 2013 on attaining 60 yrs of age and transferred to ‘Sr. citizens scheme’. 1.5 Physical & Financial achievement 2012-13: About 386068 persons were benefitted involving an expenditure of ` 560.96 Crore. 1.6 Outlay & Target -Annual Plan 2013-14: Plan Outlay ` 600.00 Crore for pension to about 3.90 lakh Senior Citizens. 2. Financial Assistance to Disabled Persons: 2.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme is to provide Social security by way of financial assistance to disabled persons in the age group of 0-60 years. 2.2 Eligibility Criteria: (i) (iii) (iv) (v) The applicant should have at least 40 % Physical disability (35 % disability in cases of mental retardation). The age of applicant should be in between 0- 60 yrs.(disabled persons over 60 years of age will be covered under “Pension to Sr. Citizen” scheme). The applicant should be resident of Delhi for last 5 years. The applicant must have an ID proof as listed in notification. Family income of the applicant should be less than ` 75,000/- per annum. 2.3 Application: (ii) Application form (in prescribed format) for financial assistance is available from GRC-SK, Deputy Commissioner’s Office (District Resource Center), Office of the District Social Welfare Officer, Area MLA/MP, Head-Quarter of Social Welfare Department. Application form may be downloaded from the official web site of department of Social Welfare or ‘Samajik Suvidha Sangam’. The recommendation of the area MLA/MP or Gazetted Officer of State /Central Govt. is necessary. 2.4 Financial Assistance: The disabled persons will get financial assistance of `1500/- p.m. Assistance will be credited directly in the bank account of the beneficiaries on quarterly (3 months each) basis. 2.5 Physical & Financial achievement 2012-13: About 36809 persons were benefitted involving an expenditure of `57.99 Crore. 3 2.6 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14: Plan Outlay No. of Beneficiaries- `65.00 Crore 40000 3. National Family Benefit Scheme: 3.1 Objective: The objective of this scheme is to provide lump sum assistance to households below the poverty line on the event of the death of the primary earning member of the family. 3.2 Eligibility Criteria: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) The applicant should be resident of Delhi for last 5 year with proof. The applicant must have an ID proof as listed in notification. Family income of the applicant should be less than ` 60,000/- per annum. The age of deceased should be between 18-64 years. Death Certificate of the primary earning member. 3.3 Application: Application form(in prescribed format)’for financial assistance is available from GRC-SK, Deputy Commissioner’s Office (District Resource Center), Office of the District Social Welfare Officer, Area MLA/MP, Head Quarter of Social Welfare Department. Application form may be downloaded from the official web site of department of Social Welfare or ‘Samajik Suvidha Sangam’. The recommendation of the area MLA/MP or Gazetted Officer of State /Central Govt. is necessary. 3.4 Financial Assistance: A one-time assistance of `10,000/- is provided in event of death of primary earning member of the family, irrespective of the cause of his/her death viz. natural or accidental. 3.5 Physical & Financial achievement 2012-13: About 2694 persons were benefitted involving an expenditure of `2.69 Crore. 3.6 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14:- Plan Outlay No. of Beneficiaries `2.90 Crore 2900 4 4. Financial Assistance to Transgender Community (New Scheme): 4.1 The Chief Minister/Finance Minister of Delhi announced this scheme in her Budget Speech 2013-14 for the Transgender Community as they are amongst the most vulnerable sections of our society. It is proposed to provide financial support of ` 1000/- p.m. to those transgender who are living in Delhi for at least 03 years. They would also be eligible for ‘Annashree Yojana’ of Delhi Govt. 4.2 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14:- Plan Outlay ` 0.47Crore 5 WOMEN AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Govt. of NCT of Delhi, 1, Canning Lane K G Marg, New Delhi-01 Website: 1. Pension to Women in Distress 1.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme is to provide Social security by way of financial assistance to women in distress i.e. widow, abandoned, separated, divorced and destitute women in the age group of 18 to 60 years who have no adequate means of subsistence, needy and vulnerable. 1.2 Eligibility Criteria: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The applicant should be age of 18 to 60 yrs.(Women over 60 years of age will be covered under “Pension to Sr. Citizen” scheme). The applicant should be resident of Delhi for last 5 years. The applicant must have an ID proof as listed in notification. Income of the applicant should be less than `60,000/- per annum. 1.3 Application: Application form(in prescribed format)for financial assistance is available from GRC-SK, Deputy Commissioner’s Office (District Resource Center), Office of the District Social Welfare Officer, Area MLA/MP, Head Quarter of WCD Department. Application form may be downloaded from the official web site of department of Social Welfare or Samajik Suvidha Sangam. The recommendation of the area MLA/MP or Gazetted Officer of State /Central Govt. is necessary. 1.4 Financial Assistance: The amount of financial assistance is `1500/- per month. Assistance amount will be credited directly in the bank account of the beneficiaries on quarterly (3 months each) basis. 1.5 Physical & Financial achievement 2012-13: About 1.10 lakh women were benefitted involving an expenditure of ` 165.53 Crore. 6 1.6 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14:- Plan Outlay No. of Beneficiaries 2. Ladli Yojna 2.1 Objective: `166.00 Crore 1.10lakh The objective of the scheme is to promote educational-economic development of the girl child by providing education-linked financial assistance. 2.2 Eligibility Criteria: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) The birth place of girl child is NCT of Delhi. Her parents must be resident of Delhi for at least 3 years prior to application. The parents must have residence proof as listed in notification. Family income of the applicant should be less than` 1.00 lakh per annum. The financial assistance will be provided upto 02 Girls of the parents. 2.3 Application: Application form(in prescribed format)’for financial assistance is available from School, GRC-SK, Deputy Commissioner’s Office (District Resource Center), Office of the District Social Welfare Officer, Area MLA/MP, Head Quarter of WCD Department. Application form may be downloaded from the official web site of department of Social Welfare or Samajik Suvidha Sangam. The recommendation of the area MLA/MP or Gazetted Officer of State /Central Govt. is necessary 2.4 Financial Assistance: The amount of financial assistance is credited in the bank account in the name of girl at the stages: - `11000/- at the time of birth if she is born in a hospital/Nursing Home in NCT of Delhi on or after 1/1/2008 and `10000/- if she is born at a place other than hospital on or after 1/1/2008. Further an amount of ` 5000/- is deposited in the name of the girl child at the time of admission in classes 1, VI, IX, on passing X and on admission in Class XII. The maturity amount can be claimed when the girl attains 18 years of age and passes class-X as a regular student or takes admission in class-XII. 2.5 Physical & Financial achievement 2012-13: About 95,177 girls were enrolled under the scheme during the year involving an expenditure of `103.00 Crore. The number of girls registered under the scheme has reached to 577000 as on March 2013. 7 2.6 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14:- Plan Outlay No. of Beneficiaries ` 110.00 Crore 1.00 lakh girls to be enrolled. 3. Financial Assistance to Lactating and Nursing Mothers belonging to Weaker Sections of Society 3.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme is to provide one time financial assistance to the mothers of newly born children belonging to weaker sections of society for nourishing meals, who cannot afford to have balanced diet after birth of child. 3.2 Eligibility Criteria: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The financial assistance is allowed for one child only. The applicant should be resident of Delhi. The applicant must have an ID proof as listed in notification. Family income of the applicant should be less than `60,000/- per annum. 3.3 Application: Application form(in prescribed format)’for financial assistance is available from GRC-SK, Deputy Commissioner’s Office (District Resource Center), Office of the District Social Welfare Officer, Area MLA/MP, Head Quarter of WCD Department. Application form may be downloaded from the official web site of department of Social Welfare or Samajik Suvidha Sangam. The recommendation of the area MLA/MP or Gazetted Officer of State /Central Govt. is necessary 3.4 Financial Assistance: One time assistance of `500/- 3.5 Physical & Financial achievement 2012-13: About 212 mothers were benefitted involving an expenditure of `0.01Crore. 3.6 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14: Plan Outlay No. of Beneficiaries ` 0.05 Crore 1000 8 4. Financial Assistance to Poor Widows for Performing Marriage of their Daughters and Financial Assistance to Orphan Girl for their Marriage 4.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to the poor widows for performing marriage of their daughters. 4.2 Eligibility Criteria: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) The financial assistance is allowed upto two girls only. The applicant should be resident of Delhi for last 5 years. The applicant must have an ID proof as listed in notification. Family income of the applicant should be less than ` 60,000/- per annum. The orphan girls are also eligible for assistance on their own marriage. 4.3 Application: Application form(in prescribed format)for financial assistance is available from GRC-SK, Deputy Commissioner’s Office (District Resource Center), Office of the District Social Welfare Officer, Area MLA/MP, Head Quarter of WCD Department. Application form may be downloaded from the official web site of department of Social Welfare or ‘Samajik Suvidha Sangam’. The recommendation of the area MLA/MP or Gazetted Officer of State /Central Govt. is necessary 4.4 Financial Assistance: The rate of financial assistance will be `30,000/- for the marriage of each of two daughters only. 4.5 Physical & Financial achievement 2012-13: About 2900 widows were benefitted involving an expenditure of `8.71 Crore. 4.6 Outlay& Target Annual Plan 2013-14: Plan OutlayNo. of Beneficiaries ` 8.30 Crore 2770 9 DEPARTMENT FOR WELFARE OF SC/ST/OBC/MINORITIES Govt. of NCT of Delhi, B-Block, Vikas Bhawan, I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002 Website : 1. Financial Assistance for Purchase of Stationery to SC/ST/OBC/ Minorities Students: 1.1 Objective: The objective of this scheme is to help the poor students by providing them financial assistance for purchase of stationery so that their parents do not feel any burden. Under this scheme, financial assistance for purchase of stationery is given to those SC/ST/OBC/Minorities students, who are studying in Central Govt. / Govt. of Delhi / Aided / Recognized/ Local Bodies Schools etc. 1.2 Eligibility Criteria: (i) (ii) Family income of the student should not exceed `2.00 lakh per annum but family income limit is not applicable in case of SC/ST students. The attendance of the student should not be less than 70% in the preceding year. 1.3 Application: The application form may be obtained from the Department or downloaded from the official web-site of the Department. The Completed form maybe submitted to the Head/ Principal of the respective schools. 1.4 Financial Assistance / benefit provided: The amount of financial assistance is as under: Class Ist to VIIIth IXth to XIIth 1.5 Rate(s) ` 100/- per month for 10 months ` 200/- per month for 10 months. Financial achievement 2012-13: An expenditure of ` 82.33 Crore is estimated. 10 1.6 Outlay Annual Plan 2013-14: Plan Outlay No. of students ` 111.78Crore 407817 2. Scholarship/Merit scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/Minority students 2.1 Objective: The objective of this scheme is to promote talent among the SC/ST/OBC/Minority students to enable them to face the competitive world in a befitting manner. The financial incentive in the form of scholarship/merit scholarship is provided from class I to XII to the students studying in Central Government / Govt. of Delhi/Aided/ Recognized/ Local bodies schools. 2.2 Application: The application form may be obtained from the Department or downloaded from the official web-site of the Department. The Completed form may be submitted to the Head/ Principal of the respective schools. 2.3 Eligibility: (i) All Students studying in class I to XII in Central Govt./ Govt. of Delhi/ Aided/ Recognized/ Local bodies schools are eligible. (ii) Family income limit is not applicable in case of SC/ST students. But family income should not exceed ` 2.00 lakh per annum in case of OBC/Minorities. (iii) No percentage of marks for previous class is required to the students belonging SC/ST/Minority community studying in Class I to VIII. The prescribed percentage of marks for previous class is required from class IX to XII. The details are given below in Para 2.4[A], 2.4[B] &2.4 [C]. (iv) A student is allowed to avail the scholarship either under the State Plan Scheme or Centrally Sponsored Scholarship Scheme, whichever is beneficial to him/her and should inform the awarding authority through the Head of the Institution by prescribed mode of the declaration. 2.4 To provide benefit of the Scholarship, this scheme consists of the following three parts:- [A] Scholarship to SC/ST/Minorities Students [class I to VIII]: The rate of scholarship is ` 1000/- per annum to the students belonging to the SC/ST/Minorities community studying in class I to VIII. The percentage of marks for previous class is not required. 11 [B] Merit Scholarship to SC/ST/Minorities Students (Class IX to XII): The rate of scholarship is from `1620/-p.a. to `4500/- p.a. for the students of SC/ST/Minority community studying in Class IX to XII depending upon the percentage of marks that the student scored in the previous year/class examination. The details are as under:S. Name of the Scheme Unit Existing rates (in `) No. (a) Class IX and X (i) For scoring 55% and above but less than 60% marks in the previous exam. Per annum 1620 (ii) For scoring 60% & above marks in the previous exam. Per annum 2040 (b) Class XI and XII (i) For scoring 55% to 70% marks in the previous exam. Per annum 3000 (ii) For scoring above 70% marks Per annum 4500 [C] Merit Scholarship to OBC Students (Class VI to XII):- The rate of scholarship is from `600/-p.a. to `4500/- p.a. for the students of OBC community studying in Class VI- XII depending upon the percentage of marks that the student scored in the previous year/class examination. The details are as under:S. Name of the Scheme Unit No. Existing rates (in `) (a) Class VI to VIII (i) For scoring 55% and above but less than 60% marks in the previous exam. Per annum 600 (ii) For scoring 60% & above marks in the previous exam. Per annum 720 12 S. Name of the Scheme Unit No. Existing rates (in `) (b) Class IX and X (i) For scoring 55% and above but less than 60% marks in the previous exam. Per annum 1620 (ii) For scoring 60% & above marks in the previous exam. Per annum 2040 (C) Class XI and XII (i) For scoring 55% to 70% marks in the previous exam. Per annum 3000 (ii) For scoring above 70% marks Per annum 4500 2.5 Financial achievement 2012-13: An expenditure of ` 77.50 crore is estimated. 2.6 Outlay Annual Plan 2013-14: Plan Outlay No. of Students ` 84.61 Crore 314310 3. Merit Scholarship to College/Professional belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Minorities 3.1 Objective: Institution Students The objective of the scheme is to encourage SC/ST/OBC/Minorities students to continue their studies at college level by providing them scholarships so as to reduce financial burden on their parents .2 Eligibility Criteria: i) A student is allowed to avail the scholarship either under the State Plan Scheme or Centrally Sponsored Scholarship Scheme, whichever is beneficial to him/her and should inform the awarding authority through the Head of the Institution by mode of a declaration. 13 iii) The students belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Minorities who obtain 60% or more marks in previous examination and get admission in recognized college / professional / technical institutions are eligible. iv) Scholarship will be granted to students of 3 year degree courses, post graduate studies at college level and professional courses of degree and post graduate level and diploma studies. The duration of the professional course may vary from course to course. v) Family income limit will not applicable in case of SC/ST students. But family income should not exceed `2.00 lakh per annum in case of OBC/Minorities students. vi) The Students should have SC/ST/OBC/Minorities certificate issued by the Competent Authority. vii) The rate of scholarship will be reduced to 50% if a student failed in the annual examination, but continues studies except in cases where the student failed to appear in the annual examination on medical grounds or due to natural calamities or any other reason beyond his/her control. viii) Intentional non appearance in the annual examination will disqualify the student from the grant of scholarship during the next academic year. 3.3 Application: The application form may be obtained from the Department or downloaded from the official web-site of the Department. The Completed form may be submitted to the Head/ Principal of the respective institution/college. 3.4 Financial Assistance: The amount of scholarship is as followed: S.No. Name of the Scheme Unit Existing rates of scholarship (in `) Group “Ä” i. Degree courses in Medical/ Engineering/B.Sc.(Agri.)/ B.Vsc/B.F.Sc./Higher technical and professional studies ii. Degree level courses in Indian medicine B.A.M.S. & comparable courses in Ayurvedic, Unani/Tibbia and Homeopathy system of medicine. (a) Day Scholars P.M. 900 (b) Hostlers P.M. 1620 14 S.No. Name of the Scheme Unit Existing rates of scholarship (in `) Post graduate courses, other technical & professional courses (a) Day Scholars P.M. 960 (b) Hostlers P.M. 1860 Group “B” Diploma level courses Diploma level courses in Indian medicine B.A.M.S. & comparable courses in Ayurvedic, Unani/Tibbia and Homeopathy system of medicine. Diploma level course in Engg. Technology, Architecture, Printing Technology, Oversear, Drafstman, Surveyor, Hotel Management, Catering, Applied Nutrition, Commercial Pilot License Wireless & T.V. Operator, Sound Recording& Engineering, Photography, Film Direction, Editing, Acting, Screen-play Writing Post graduate courses in science subjects. (a) Day Scholars P.M. 720 (b) Hostlers P.M. 1110 Group “C” Certificate courses in Engg. Technology, Architecture & Medicine Diploma & certificate course in Agri./ Vet. Sc./Fisheries/Dairy Development /Public Health/Sanitary Inspector/Rural services /Library science/Sub-officers course in National fire service college, Nagpur Degree/Post graduate Diploma & Post Graduate courses in teachers training/ Library Sc./Physical Edn./Music/Fine Arts/Law/Craft Instructor/Passenger Transport Management/ Associate degree 15 S.No. Name of the Scheme Unit Existing rates of scholarship (in `) in Pharmacy (a) Day Scholars P.M. 630 (b) Hostlers P.M. 930 Group “D” (i) General courses upto graduate level (a) Day Scholars P.M. 420 (b) Hostlers P.M. 840 (ii) Post graduate studies in Arts & Commerce subject. (a) Day Scholars P.M. 630 (b) Hostlers P.M. 1110 3.5 Physical& Financial achievement 2012-13: About 2090 beneficiaries were covered involving an expenditure of `3.75Crore. 3.6 Outlay& Target Annual Plan 2013-14: Plan Outlay No. of Students ` 3.50 Crore 2500 4. Vocational & Technical Scholarship to SC/ST/OBC/Minorities Students 4.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme is to promote vocational and technical education amongst the SC/ST/OBC/Minority boys & girls so that they do not lag behind others. 4.2 Eligibility Criteria: (i) Students receiving technical education in various Industrial Training Institutes (I.T.Is) being run by Govt. of NCT of Delhi are eligible. 16 (ii) Family income should not exceed ` 2.00 lakh per annum for all catagories. (iii) A student is allowed to avail the scholarship either under the State Plan Scheme or Centrally Sponsored Scholarship Scheme, whichever is beneficial to him/her and should inform the awarding authority through the Head of the Institution by mode of a declaration”. 4.3 Application: The application form may be obtained from the Department or downloaded from the official web-site of the Department. The Completed form may be submitted to the Head/ Principal of the respective institution/college in which student is being studied. 4.4 Financial Assistance/benefit provided: The amount of scholarship is `210/- per month for day scholars and ` 360/- per month for hostellers. 4.5 Physical& Financial achievement 2012-13: 1535 beneficiaries were covered involving an expenditure of `0.22Crore. 4.6 Outlay& Target Annual Plan 2013-14: Plan Outlay No. of Students ` 0.40 Crore 3000. 5. Reimbursement of Tuition Fee for SC/ST/OBC/Minority Students in Public Schools 5.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme is to reimburse the tuition fee & other compulsory charges to talented/meritorious students of SC/ST/OBC/Min. communities who are either already studying or wish to seek admission in recognized public/convent schools as day scholars on the strength of their merits but whose parents find it difficult to cope with their educational expenses due to financial constraints. 5.2 Eligibility Criteria: i. The SC/ST/OBC/Min. studying in class I to V will be entitled to get reimbursement of tuition fee and other compulsory fee irrespective of the percentage of marks. ii. But in case of SC/ST/OBC/Min students studying VI to XII will be entitled to get reimbursement tuition and other compulsory fee only those students scoring 50% and above marks and having attendance not less than 80% in the preceding years. 17 iii. The reimbursement will be100% to the student whose family income does not exceed ` 60,000/- per annum. In case of students whose family income is more than `60,000/- & below `2.00 lakh per annum, 75% of the fees will be reimbursed 5.3 Application: The application form may be obtained from the Department or downloaded from the official web-site of the Department. The Completed form may be submitted to the Head/ Principal of the respective institution/college/school in which student is being studied. 5.4 Physical & Financial achievement 2012-13: About 9274 beneficiaries were covered involving an expenditure of `9.50 Crore. 5.5 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14: Plan Outlay No. of Beneficiaries `9.40 Crore 9000 6. Providing Vocational Training to youths belonging to economically backward Classes including SC/ST/OBC/Min./SKs under Rehabilitation Programme. 6.1 Objective: This is a scheme of Vocational Training for persons belonging to SC/ST/OBC/MIN/SK’s to develop their skills and knowledge in particulars trades with a view to make them competent for wage employment as well as self-employment in Computers Software, Electrical component, Beauty Parlours, cutting & Tailoring, Scooter & Motor Cycles Repairing, Electrical Gadgets, Repair of Refrigerator and Air Conditioning etc. 6.2 Eligibility Criteria: Youth of SC/ST/OBC/MIN/SKs Community 6.3 Application: Application form can be obtained from Head Quarter or any of branch office of Delhi SC/ST/OBC/Min./handicapped Financial & Development Corporation. Filled application form can be submitted to the concerned branch of the corporation. 18 6.4 Financial Assistance/benefit provided: DSCFDC has been providing training to SC/ST/OBC youth in collaboration with Apex Corporations and in collaboration with Government institutions like ATDC, NSIC and CIDC etc. The average expenditure per trainee varies from ` 8000/- to ` 21000/-. 6.5 Physical & Financial achievement 2012-13: About 334 beneficiaries were covered involving an expenditure of `0.30 Crore. 6.6 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14: Plan OutlayNo. of Beneficiaries- 7. ` 0.55crore 510 Scheme for providing Financial Assistance under Matri-Shishu SurakshaYojna to SC/ST pregnant woman during last trimester of her pregnancy (New scheme). 7.1 Objective: The objective scheme provides financial assistance to SC/ST pregnant woman during last trimester of her pregnancy for promoting healthy, nutrition and well-being of the neo natal and to bring down maternal mortality rate (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR). This will help to reduce premature or underweight babies, as it has been scientifically proved that maximum weight gain in the developing foetus occurs in the last trimester of pregnancy. 7.2 Eligibility Criteria: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The pregnant woman should belong to SC/ST Community. The pregnant woman should not be less than 19 year of age. The pregnant woman should not have more than one living child. Family annual income should not be above ` 2.00 lakh for which self-certification from the beneficiary would be required. (v) The beneficiary should possess valid caste certificate issued by the competent authority. In case of Minority, the beneficiary would be required to submit an Affidavit that she belongs to Minority. 7.3 Application: This scheme is implemented by Department of Health & Family Welfare through Delhi State Health Mission. Applicant can approach ‘ASHA’ of the local area or can approach to any Maternity & Child Welfare Centre. 19 7.4 Financial Assistance/benefit provided: The cash amount of ` 1000/- during the last trimester of the pregnancy of the target group This will be in addition to ` 600/- being provided under CSS Plan Scheme ‘Janani Suraksha Yojna (JSY)’. 7.5 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14:- Plan Outlay No. of beneficiaries ` 1.00 Crore 2.00 lakh 8. Scheme for Financial Assistance to Scheduled Caste Slum dwellers being relocated by Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board. (DUSIB) under Rajeev Ratan AwasYojana” (New scheme). 8.1 Objective: The objective of this new scheme for relocation/ rehabilitation of slum/JJ dwellers through provision of alternative housing as per specified terms and conditions. 8.2 Eligibility Criteria: (i) Applicant should be residing in a accommodation in Slum/JJ area on or before 31.3.2007. (ii) Total family income should not exceed ` 1.00 lakh. 8.3 Application: Scheme is implemented through Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board(DUSIB). 8.4 Financial Assistance/benefit provided: Amount of Financial Assistance varies on the basis of two factors namely i.e. according to cut off dates for the occupancy of Slum/JJ unit and whether the re-allocation site is in-situ or at a different site. Following information explain the methodology of the scheme: The breakup of approximate cost of alternative houses/Flats is as under: Govt of India contribution `1,19,000.00 Beneficiary contribution `60,000.00 Land owning agency contribution `93,000.00 Delhi Govt. contribution `62,000.00 Total 3,34,000.00 20 Beneficiary contribution of ` 60,000/- is applicable only in case of persons residing in the slum on or before 31.03.2002. In case of beneficiaries who have settled between 1.04.2002 and 31.03.2007, additional beneficiary contribution equivalent to the state share i.e. ` 62,000/- is required to be paid (total beneficiary contribution of `1,22,000/-). Furthermore, if the slum undergoes in-situ development, the beneficiary is also required to additionally pay an amount equivalent to the share of the land owning agency i.e ` 93,000/(total beneficiary contribution of `1,53,000). Maximum Beneficiary Contribution of ` 2,15,000/- will be applicable in case of beneficiaries who have settled between 01.04.2002 and 31.03.2007 and the slum undergoes in-situ development. The subsidy will cover the entire amount of beneficiary contribution, as applicable, including the enhanced demand in case of slum dwellers who have settled after 31.03.2002, and in cases covered by in-situ development. 8.5 Physical & Financial achievement 2011-12: `18.00crore was released to Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board(DUSIB). 8.6 Outlay Annual Plan 2013-14: Plan Outlay` 1.01Crore 21 DEPARTMENT OF FOOD, SUPPLIES AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS Govt. of NCT of Delhi, K-Block,Vikas Bhawan ,I.P. Estate , New Delhi-110002 Website :- 1. 1.1 Dilli Annashree Scheme Objective: Providing food subsidy to vulnerable households not covered by under BPL cards or food supply under the Annapurna / Antodaya Yojna/JRC/APL(Stamped)/ APL(JRC)/ APL(RCRC). 1.2 Eligibility criteria: Vulnerable households not covered under BPL cards or food supply under the Annapurna /Antodaya Yojna. Govt. has also decided to cover transgender community and widows, who are not covered the base line survey will also be entitled for food subsidy w.e.f. April 2013. 1.3 Application: a. On the basis of data base of vulnerable and most vulnerable family having unique SSS ID provided by Mission Convergence, the concerned GRC through the community mobilizers/ Anganwari worker will make field visit to the households or through camp approach will verify the eligibility. b. The applicants are to submit documents like photo, Aadhar cards of all members (in absence of EPIC), ration card (if available) and bank account details. c. After verification and on the recommendation of area MLA, the GRC will upload the scanned application, Aadhar Card & documents containing bank A/c &EPIC (as proof of residence), Ration Card of the eligible families on the centralised data base and forward the same to the Food & Supply Department for transfer of cash subsidy in the bank account of female head of family or any head of family if there is no female. 1.4 Financial Assistance Govt. will provide food subsidy of ` 600/- per month in the form of cash subsidy. The food subsidy would be transferred directly in the bank account of the senior most female member of the household. 1.5 Physical & Financial achievement 2012-13: An expenditure of ` 33.69 crore has been incurred under covering 45356 beneficiaries. 22 1.6 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14 Outlay No. of beneficiaries `150.00 Crore 2 Lakh 2. Kerosene Free City- LPG Connection for EWS 2.1 Objective: To make Delhi as the first kerosene free city in the country by providing LPG connections to all those households who are using Kerosene as cooking fuel. 2.2 Eligibility criteria: AAY/BPL/JRC ration card holders who use kerosene for cooking. 2.3 Application: The Food & Supply Department invite the applications from the eligible households along with copy of ration card and Aadhar card. The Aadhar card will be seeded online in the database and application would be verified, recommended and forwarded to the designated LPG distributor/oil companies. 2.4 Physical achievement 2012-13: An expenditure of ` 24.86 crore has been incurred. 81119 gas connections have been released to Kerosene Card Holders. 2.5 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14: Outlay No. of beneficiaries ` 40.00Crore Govt. has planned to release 1.89 lakh more Gas connections upto July 2013, so that Delhi will be declared a Kerosene free city by Oct,. 2013. 23 DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION (Planning Branch) Govt. of NCT of Delhi st 1 Floor, Patrachar Vidyalaya, Timarpur Delhi – 110054 Website: 1. Free Supply of Text Books 1.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme is to provide text books free of cost to all students of class Nursery to XII enrolled in government schools, Govt. Aided schools and students admitted in private schools under free ship quota. 1.2 Eligibility Criteria All students from classes I to VIII in Govt. schools and cash in lieu of books is given to students of classes from class IX to XII. 1.3 Application: The cash subsidy is given by schools through ECS as far as possible. Govt. of Delhi has planned to make the transfer of cash subsidies ADHAR linked and to target the actual beneficiaries; Govt. is taking all necessary steps in close coordination with SLBC and UDUAI to implement all the welfare schemes involving cash benefits. 1.4 Financial Assistance / Type of Benefit: A. Set of text books provided to all students from classes I to VIII in Govt. school and cash in lieu of books is given to students of senior classes from class IX to XII at following rates. Class Amount IX X XI- XII ` 600/` 700/` 800/- An amount of ` 30/- per student is also given for Geometry Box to all students of classes VIII, IX and X and those students of classes XI and XII who opt mathematics as subject. B. A cash subsidy for purchase of writing material / stationery of `300/- per annum to students of Class I to V and `400/- per annum to students of Class VI to VIII students in government and government aided schools is being given. (New component announced in Budget Speech 2012-13) 24 1.5 1.6 Physical & Financial Achievement 2012-13 Around 17.50 lakh students from Govt., Govt. Aided and students from unaided schools availed the benefit of this scheme in 2012-13. An expenditure of ` 105.53 crore has been incurred under the scheme. Target Annual Plan 2013-14 Plan Outlay Beneficiaries : : ` 125 Crore 18.50 Lakh Students approx. 2. Welfare Of Educationally Backward Minorities 2.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme is to promote education among educationally backward minorities (Muslims and Neo-Buddhists only). 2.2 Eligibility Criteria All Muslims and Neo Buddhists students whose parental income does not exceed ` 2 lakh per annum. 2.3 Financial Assistance / Type of Benefit: Scholarship at the following rates are given to the students of :Primary classes ` 300/- p.a. Middle classes ` 400/- p.a. Secondary classes ` 500/- p.a Senior Secondary classes ` 600/- p.a 2.4 Physical & Financial Achievement 2012-13 2.55 lakh students have been benefited. An expenditure of `9.96 crore has been incurred under the plan scheme. 2.5 Target Annual Plan 2013-14 Plan Outlay Beneficiaries : : : ` 13 Crore 2.60 lakh 25 3. Subsidy for School Uniform 3.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme is to provide financial support to students for purchasing school uniform from class Nursery to XII of government schools, Govt. aided schools and students admitted in private schools against free ship quota 3.2 Eligibility Criteria All students from class Nursery to XII of government, Govt. aided and students admitted in private schools against free ship quota. 3.3 Application: The cash subsidy is given by schools through ECS as far as possible. Govt. of Delhi has planned to make the transfer of cash subsidies ADHAR linked and to target the actual beneficiaries; Govt. is taking all necessary steps in close coordination with SLBC and UDUAI to implement all the welfare schemes involving cash benefits. 3.4 Financial Assistance / Type of Benefit: Till 2009-10, subsidy was given @ ` 500/- per child. From 2010-11, the rate of subsidy has been enhanced at the following rates:S. No. (a) (b) (c) 3.5 Classes Nursery to V Class VI to VIII Class IX to XII Amount ` 500/- p.a. ` 700/- p.a. ` 900/- p.a. Physical & Financial Achievement 2012-13 About 17.50 lakh students were benefited from Govt./ Govt. aided/ Private unaided Schools. An expenditure of `135.02 crore has been incurred under the plan scheme. 3.6 Target Annual Plan 2013-14 Plan Outlay Beneficiaries : : ` 164 Crore 18.50 lakh students approx. 26 4. Lal Bahadur Shastri Scholarship to Meritorious students 4.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme is to provide financial help to the meritorious students of economically weaker sections of society. 4.2 Eligibility Criteria The Students of class VII - XII in government schools who secure 80% and above marks in the previous class and his / her parental income should not exceed ` 2 lakh per annum. 4.3 Financial Assistance / Type of Benefit: ` 1000/- p.a to students of classes VII & VIII ` 1500/- p.a to students of classes IX and X and ` 2000/- p.a to students of classes XI and XII The scholarship is to be paid in the midsession so that it may help students in buying books, study material, stationary etc. Rates of scholarship has been enhanced from 201112. 4.4 Physical & Financial Achievement 2012-13 Approx. 15000 students benefitted. An expenditure of ` 2.38 crore has been incurred under the plan scheme. 4.5 Target Annual Plan 2013-14 Plan Outlay Beneficiaries : : ` 4.00 Crore 20000 27 DIRECTORATE OF HIGHER EDUCATION Govt. of NCT of Delhi 5, Sham Nath Marg, Delhi – 110054 Website:- 1. Financial Assistance / Scholarship for students of Economically Weaker Sections 1.1 Objective: To encourage the students of economically weaker sections for higher education. 1.2 Eligibility Criteria Family Income should not exceed` 2 lakh. The student should have secured 60% marks with no back papers and 70% attendance. Student should be domicile of Delhi. 1.3 Application: The eligible student may apply to the Principal/ Director of the concerned University/College/Institute in prescribed format. The concerned University/College /Institute have to constitute a Committee of at least three Officers at their own level to Scrutinize the applications and the application after scrutiny be submitted to Director/Principal of the said University/College/Institute, who will forward the same with his/ her recommendation to the Directorate of Higher Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi along with the following documents: o o o o o 1.4 Income Certificate from the concerned Revenue Officer. Attested copy of the Mark Sheet of the last examination passed. Attendance Record. Certificate of Delhi Domicile. Fee receipt. Financial Assistance / Type of Benefit: To provide half of the tuition fees of professional courses to the EWS category of Delhi State Universities students. 1.6 Outlay &Target Annual Plan 2013-14 Plan Outlay No. of students : : ` 0.05 Crore 20 28 DIRECTORATE OF HEALTH SERVICES Govt. of NCT of Delhi, F-17, Karkardooma, Delhi - 110092 Website: 1. Financial Assistance to affected/infected AIDS/HIV persons and double orphan Children (DSACS) 1.1 Objectives: The plan scheme “to provide the financial assistance to people living with HIV/AIDS on ART treatment and double orphan children infected or affected by HIV/AIDS in Delhi” has been started in 2012-13. The Government has also approved that destitute /abandoned Children less than 18 years of age and infected with HIV/AIDS in the care of NGOs/other Institutions and taking treatment in ART centers in Delhi will be included for financial assistance as given to double orphan Children infected with HIV/AIDS. 1.2 Eligibility Criteria: (i) People living with HIV/AIDS Annual family Income should not exceed of Rs 1 lakh Should be a resident of Delhi for last 03 years (on or 1st December 2008) Proof of residence will be as per existing Delhi Government Schemes for the weaker sections. Should be on regular anti retroviral treatment at any of the nine ART Centers in Delhi. The assistance to the eligible people living with HIV/AIDS will be continued till they live. (ii) orphan children either infected or affected HIV/AIDS Both parents died. At least one of the parent should have died due to HIV/AIDS Proof of death of the parent due to HIV/AIDS to be ascertained from the ICTC/ART Centers. Regarding the proof of child being infected by HIV/AIDS to be checked from ICTC/ART Centers. Eligible double orphan children may be staying with grandparents/close relatives (extended family) or may be in institutional care. 29 1.3 Financial Assistance 1.4 Physical achievements 2012-13: 1.5 Financial Assistance to eligible People living with HIV/AIDS will be provided @ ` 1000/per month. HIV infected Double orphans(Age- 0-18 years) = ` 2050/Children Affected by HIV/AIDS Double orphans (Age- 0-18 years) = ` 1750/The assistance will be routed through the guardian or in-charge of the institution where the child resides. Received amount is to spend only for the purpose of the said orphan child. Financial assistance to the double orphan children will be continued till they attain the age of 18 years. Infected double orphan child, as long as he/she gets assistance in this category will not be considered of assistance in the category of people living with HIV/AIDS, However, once the child attains the age of 18 years, he/she will be considered for assistance as a PLHA subject to fulfilment of the laid down criteria for the same. 1500 (PLHA 1500, 14 infected double orphan, 21 affected double orphan, 25 destitute children) Outlay & Targets Annual Plan 2013-14 Plan Outlay Target : : ` 250 lakhs 2000 PLHIVs, 30 infected double orphan, 30 affected double orphan, 30 destitute children 30 PART ‘B’ PLAN PROGRAMMES PROVIDING BENEFITS TO THE TARGET GROUPS IN KIND OR SERVICES FORM 31 WOMEN & CHILD DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Govt. of NCT of Delhi, 1, Canning Lane K G Marg, New Delhi-01 Website : 1. Scheme of Bhagidari 1.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme is to improve the services through effective management with participation and collaboration with other departments and NGOs, RWAs etc. and to provide package of services in the area of empowerment of women, care of elderly etc. Under this scheme, Gender Resource Centres (GRC) have been set up all over Delhi in place of camp based programme. These Centres are the focal point for delivery of all family oriented benefits. Some of the major programme proposed under Bhagidari are as follows:Gender Resource Centre (Stree-Kosh) which act as central focal point for all issues relating to the empowerment of women in general and through this central point, programmes are arranged to equip them for their socio-economic empowerment. Homeless is another major programme under Bhagidari. Under this programme for providing shelter and other facilities to the homeless. 1.2 Physical & Financial achievement 2012-13: About 58427 beneficiaries were covered by organising health Camps& Health clinic, 55941 beneficiaries were covered under Menstrual hygiene project, 20574 beneficiaries were covered under Legal awareness programme, 97 beneficiaries were covered under Water & Sanitation (Training &Awareness), 8720 beneficiaries were covered by literacy programme, 11813 beneficiaries were covered under vocational training programme, 110 SHGs were formed involving an exp. of ` 18.45 crore. 1.3 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14: Plan Outlay No. of beneficiaries ` 22.00 Crore 5 lakh 32 Supplementary Nutrition 2. Supplementary Nutrition Programme 2.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme ‘Integrated Child Development Services’ is to look after the welfare of children which includes supplementary feeding for children in the age group of 0-6 years and for expectant and nursing mothers. 2.2 Eligibility Criteria: All children between 0-6 years and Expectant & nursing mothers attending/participating ‘Anganwari’ Centres of the area, run under ‘Integrated Child Development Services’ ICDS project. 2.3 Programme Details: Supplementary feeding consisting of 500 calories and 12-15 grams of protein for children between the ages of 6 months to 6 years, 600 calories and 18-20 grams of protein to pregnant and nursing mothers and 800 calories and 20-25 gm. of protein to malnourished children. Presently the supplementary nutrition is provided @ ` 5.00/- per child, `5.50/per pregnant & nursing mother &`6.00/- per Mal-nourished children per day. 2.4 Physical & Financial achievement 2012-13: About 13.07 lakh beneficiaries were covered involving an expenditureof`83.43 crore. 2.5 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14:- Plan OutlayNo. of Beneficiaries `89.27 Crore 13.07 lakh, 3. Kishori Shakti Yojna (Scheme of Adolescent girls): 3.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme is to improve the nutritional health, education & social status of adolescent girls in the age group of 11-18 years. 3.2 Eligibility Criteria: All girls between 11-18 years under ‘Anganwari’ Centre of the arearun under ‘Integrated Child Development Services’ ICDS project. 33 3.3 Programme Details:: The girls will be equipped with information on Health & Family Welfare, hygiene and guidance on existing public services. In this Scheme, the provision has been made for providing supplementary food @ `5.50 per Girl/day containing 600 calories and 20-25 gms. 3.4 Physical& Financial achievement 2012-13: About 5062 beneficiaries were covered involving an expenditureof`0.69 Crore. 3.5 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2012-13:- Plan Outlay No. of Beneficiaries ` 00.73 Crore 5078 *The scheme has been merged with Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG)SABLA in North West, North East and East District of Delhi. Now the KSY scheme is in operation in 19 ICDS projects only. 4. Rajiv Gandhi Scheme For Empowerment Of Adolescent Girls-‘SABLA’ (State Govt. Share): 4.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme is embowering Adolescent Girls of 11-18 years by improving their nutritional and health status, up gradation of home skills, life skills and vocational skills 4.2 Eligibility Criteria: All girls between 11-18 years under ‘Anganwari’ Centre of the area, run under ‘Integrated Child Development Services’ ICDS project. 4.3 Programme Details: The girls will be equipped with information on Health & Family Welfare, hygiene and guidance on existing public services. In this Scheme, the provision has been made for providing supplementary food @ `5.50 per Girl/day containing 600 calories and 20-25 gms. 4.4 Physical & Financial achievement 2012-13: About 1.40 lakh beneficiaries were covered involving an expenditureof`11.99 Crore. 4.5 Outlay& Target Annual Plan 2013-14: Plan OutlayNo. of Beneficiaries ` 12.00 Crore 1.40 lakh 34 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Mid Day Meal Programme 1. Directorate of Education(MDM) 1.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme is to provide a nutritional support to the children of primary & upper primary section in Government schools & Govt. aided school with the objective to meet the nutrition deficiency, to prevent children from purchasing unhygienic food from the hawker during recess time and to reduce the number of absentees in the classes. 1.2 Eligibility Criteria: All students of primary & upper primary section in Government schools & Govt. aided school. 1.3 Programme Details: Cooked meal is served in all schools of Govt. of Delhi including Aided Schools. Preparation and distribution of cooked mid-day meal is implemented through NGOs who have their own set up of preparation of MDM and distribution network. The cooking cost of Mid-day meal for Primary classes & Upper primary classes is `3.11 &`4.65 respectively. 1.4 Physical & Financial achievement 2012-13: About 9.01 lakh beneficiaries were covered involving an expenditure of `49.44 Crore. 1.5 Outlay& Target Annual Plan 2013-14 Plan Outlay No. of Beneficiaries ` 25.15 Crore 9.70 lakh 2. Delhi Cantonment Board [MDM] 2.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme is to provide a nutritional support to the students of schools run by Delhi Cantonment Board with the objective to meet the nutrition deficiency, to prevent children from purchasing unhygienic food from the hawker during recess time and to reduce the number of absentees in the classes. 35 2.2 Eligibility Criteria: All students of the schools run by Delhi Cantonment Board. 2.3 Programme Details: Cooked meal is served in all schools of Govt. of Delhi including Aided Schools. Preparation and distribution of cooked mid-day meal is implemented through NGOs who have their own set up of preparation of MDM and its distribution of network. The cooking cost Midday meal for Primary classes & Upper primary classes is ` 3.11&` 4.65 respectively. 2.4 Physical& Financial achievement 2012-13: Expenditure- ` 0.10Crore. 2.5 Outlay& Target Annual Plan 2013-14:- Plan Outlay `00.03 Crore 3. Municipal Corporations of Delhi[MDM]: 3.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme is to provide a nutritional support to the students of schools under Corporation area with the objective to meet the nutrition deficiency, to prevent children from purchasing unhygienic food from the hawker during recess time and to reduce the number of absentees in the classes. 3.2 Eligibility Criteria: All students of the schools run by Corporations. 3.3 Programme Details : Cooked meal is served in all schools of Govt. of Delhi including Aided Schools. Preparation and distribution of cooked mid-day meal is implemented through NGOs who have their own set up of preparation of MDM and its distribution of network. The cooking cost Midday meal for Primary classes & Upper primary classes is ` 3.11 & ` 4.65 respectively. 3.4 Physical & Financial achievement 2012-13 About 9.70 lakh beneficiaries were covered involving an expenditure of`56.00Crore. 36 3.5 Outlay Annual Plan 2013-14: With the trifurcation of MCD, the outlay distributed among three Municipal Corporations are as under:(` in crore) Annual Plan 2012-13 Total Plan Outlay North Delhi MC South Delhi MC East Delhi MC 19.05 7.80 6.90 4.35 4. New Delhi Municipal Council (MDM): 4.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme is to provide a nutritional support to the students of schools run by NDMC with the objective to meet the nutrition deficiency, to prevent children from purchasing unhygienic food from the hawker during recess time and to reduce the number of absentees in the classes. 4.2 Eligibility Criteria: All students of schools run by NDMC. 4.3 Programme Details: Cooked meal is served in all schools of Govt. of Delhi including Aided Schools. Preparation and distribution of cooked mid-day meal is implemented through NGOs who have their own set up of preparation of MDM and its distribution of network. The cooking cost Midday meal for Primary classes & Upper primary classes is ` 3.11& ` 4.65 respectively. 4.4 Physical & Financial achievement 2012-13: About 19761 beneficiaries were covered involving an expenditureof`1.17Crore. 4.5 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14:- Plan Outlay No. of students ` 0.75 Crore 21430 37 5. Social Welfare Department [MDM]: 5.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme is to provide a nutritional support to all students of schools run by department of Social Welfare with the objective to meet the nutrition deficiency, to prevent children from purchasing unhygienic food from the hawker during recess time and to reduce the number of absentees in the classes. 5.2 Eligibility Criteria: All students of schools run by department 5.3 Programme Details:: Cooked meal is served in all schools of Govt. of Delhi including Aided Schools. Preparation and distribution of cooked mid-day meal is implemented through NGOs who have their own set up of preparation of MDM and its distribution of network. The cooking cost Midday meal for Primary classes & Upper primary classes is ` 3.11 & ` 4.65 respectively. 5.4 Physical& Financial achievement 2012-13: Scheme could not be implemented due to administrative reasons, no expenditure incurred. 5.5 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14: Plan Outlay ` 00.02 Crore 38 DEPARTMENT FOR WELFARE OF SC/ST/OBC/MINORITIES Govt. of NCT of Delhi, B-Block, Vikas Bhawan, I.P.Estate, New Delhi. Website : 1. Hostel for SC/ST/OBC/ Minority Boys at Dilshad Garden 1.1 Objective: The aim of the scheme is to provide better study environment to the poor SC/ST/OBC/Minorities students studying in class – XII and above in the Govt. or recognized school/ college/institution. 1.2 Eligibility Criteria: The eligibility Criteria for admission in the hostel are as follows:(i) Hostel will be available for the poor SC/ST/OBC/Min. Students studying in classXII and above in Government or recognized school or colleges. (ii) The income limit of the parents of the students should not be more than ` 2,00,000/- per annum. (iii) 1.3 The student who has been given regular admission in the school or college in Delhi, is allowed to avail the facility of the hostel by producing a Scheduled Caste/Tribe Certificate from the competent authority of that particular State from where he has come for education in Delhi. Application: The application form SC/ST/OBC/Minorities. 1.4 may be obtained from the Department for welfare Financial Assistance/benefit provided: All facilities in the hostel are provided free of cost. 1.5 Physical & Financial achievement 2012-13: About 89 students were provided hostel accommodation involving an expenditure of `.70 Crore. 39 1.6 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14:- Plan Outlay No. of Beneficiaries ` 1.05Crore 100 2. Hostel for SC/ST/OBC/ Minority girls at Dilshad Garden 2.1 Objective: The aim of the scheme is to provide better study environment to the poor SC/ST/OBC/Minorities girls students studying in class – XII and above in Govt. or recognized schools or colleges. 2.2 Eligibility Criteria: (i) Hostel will be available for the poor SC/ST/OBC/Min. girl students studying in class-XII and above in Government or recognized school or colleges. (ii) The income limit of the parents of the girl students should not be more than ` 2,00,000/- per annum. (iii) The student who has been given regular admission in the school or college in Delhi, is allowed to avail the facility of the hostel by producing a Scheduled Caste/Tribe Certificate from the competent authority of that particular State from where he has come for education in Delhi 2.3 Application: The application form SC/ST/OBC/Minorities. 2.4 will be obtained from the Department for welfare Financial Assistance/benefit provided: All facilities in the hostel are provided free of cost. 2.5 Physical & Financial achievement 2012-13: About 56 students were provided hostel accommodation involving an expenditure of `0.18 Crore. 2.6 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14:- Plan Outlay No. of Beneficiaries ` 0.24 Crore 60 40 3. Improvement Of SC Basties 3.1 Objective The objective of the scheme is to improve the living conditions in SC Basties predominantly habitated by Scheduled Castes people by carrying out civil works such as repair of Chaupals, construction of common bathrooms & community latrines, repair/relaying of drains & pavements, construction of bituminous roads or C.C. flooring approach roads or kharanjas as per requirement, repair of SC Dharamshalas etc. 3.2 Eligibility Criteria: Any habitat having 33% or more SC population. 3.3 Physical & Financial achievement 2012-13: About 44 Basties &29 Chaupals were improved involving an expenditure of `32.55Crore. 3.4 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14:- Plan Outlay Target ` 35.00 Crore 15 Basties & 30 Chaupals 4. Scheme for providing ante-natal care and institutional delivery to SC/ST women through recognized private health establishments (New scheme) 4.1 Objective: Objective of this scheme is to encourage and promote institutional delivery to bring down maternal mortality rate (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR). The scheme includes at least three antenatal check up with all necessary investigations including ultrasound of pregnant woman registered under the scheme, provision of injection TT and Iron Folic Acid tablets to all pregnant woman as per RCH Schedule, emergency obstetric care to all regd. pregnant woman, essential new born care to the new born including of birth doses of vaccines to new born and one postnatal check-up within first week of delivery but not later than 14 days. 4.2 Eligibility Criteria: (i) (ii) (iii) The beneficiary should belong to SC/ST. The pregnant woman should not be less than 19 year of age. The pregnant woman should not have more than one living child. 41 (iv) (v) Family annual income should not be above ` 2.00 lakh for which self-certification from the beneficiary would be required. The beneficiary should possess valid caste certificate issued by the competent authority. In case of Minority, the beneficiary would be required to submit an Affidavit that she belongs to Minority. 4.3 Application: This scheme is implemented by Dept. of Health & Family Welfare through Delhi State Health Mission. Beneficiary can approach ÁSHA’ of the local area or can approach to Maternity & Child Welfare centre registered and recognised by Directorate of Health Services. 4.4 Financial Assistance/benefit provided ` 7000/- will be provided to the private hospitals providing comprehensive care to pregnant woman which includes all the health care services as specified in the objective clause above.. There are also part packages for only institutional delivery where by nursing home will be given ` 5000/- only and if only Antenatal care is given then ` 3000/- will be given to nursing home. 4.5 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14:- Plan Outlay ` 1.00 crore 5. Dilli Swarojgar Yojna for SC/ST/OBC/Min. (New scheme) 5.1 Objective: The Dept. for the Welfare of SC/ST/OBC/Min., GNCTD has launched a new scheme for promoting opportunities for self-employment to the SC/ST/OBC/Minorities. Under this scheme a loan up to `5.00 Lakh will be provided to an entrepreneur willing to start a venture in Delhi. The scheme is being implemented by Delhi SC/ST/OBC/ Minorities/Handicapped Financial & Development Corporation. 5.2 Eligibility Criteria: i. The applicant must belong to the Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Back Ward Classes or Minorities. Any individual of SC/ST/OBC/Min. community between the age of 18-50 years. The Applicant must be a resident of Delhi since last 05 years. Annual family income of the applicant should not exceeding ` 2.00 lakh. Applicant should have a proper place for starting the proposed activity either his/her own or rented or allotted. Applicant should not have been declared defaulter by corporation under any other schemes being implemented by the Corporation. ii. iii. iv. v. vi 42 5.3 Application: Application can be obtained from Head Quarter of Corporation at Ambedkar Bhawan, Sector-16, Rohini or its Branch Office located at 2-Battery Lane, Rajpur Road,Bunkar Complex, Nand Nagari and Lal Quarters, Near Police Station Mangolpuri on payment of `100/- or downloaded from official website of the corporation. The Completed application form in all respect can be submitted to the concerned branch office. 5.4 Financial Assistance/benefit provided: Loan up to ` 5.00 lakh will be provided under this scheme 5.5 Physical &Financial Achivement 2012-13: ` 50.00 crore was released to DSFDC. 5.6 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14:- Plan Outlay ` 50.00 Crore 43 Directorate of Education (Planning Branch) Govt. of NCT of Delhi, st 1 Floor, Patrachar Vidhalya, TimarPur, Delhi Website: 1. Free Transport Facility to Girls in Rural Areas 1.1 Objective: The objective of the scheme is to encourage girl students of rural areas to attend school. 1.2 Eligibility Criteria Girls students from rural areas. 1.3 Financial Assistance / Type of Benefit: Bus transport facilities are provided free of cost to girls students. Presently, DTC buses are provided in 07 schools. These schools are SKV Bakhtawarpur, SKV Prahalpur, SKV Daryapur Kalan, SKV Narela No.1, SKV KheraKalan, SKV Qutabgarh, SKV Chhawla. 1.4 Physical & Financial Achievement 2012-13 Appx. 3250 girl students benefitted. An expenditure of ` 1.42 crore has been incurred under the plan scheme. 1.5 Target Annual Plan 2013-14 Plan Outlay Beneficiaries : : ` 1.70 Crore 3400 2. Welfare Schemes for Students for North, South & East Delhi Municipal Corporations 2.1 Objective: To provide various incentives to achieve the goal of Universalization of Primary Education, reducing drop-outs at the primary level of education and enabling the children of disadvantaged classes to come to the school. 2.2 Eligibility Criteria Students of all three Delhi Municipal Corporations schools. 44 2.3 Financial Assistance / Type of Benefit: Distribution of free Text Books, School Uniforms, Merit scholarships, Jerseys, Shoes & Socks, Stationery Items, Educational Tours, Free Spectacles, Contact lenses and hearing aids to needy children as per advice of Doctor. 2.4 Physical & Financial Achievement 2012-13 Appx. 9.42 lakh students were benefitted. An expenditure of `72.00 crore is estimated under this plan scheme. 2.5 Target Annual Plan 2013-14 Plan Outlay North Delhi Municipal Corporation South Delhi Municipal Corporation East Delhi Municipal Corporation Beneficiaries ` 69.46 Crore `25.16 Crore ` 25.60 Crore ` 18.70 Crore 9.50lakh 3. Reimbursement of Tution Fee to students under Right to Education Act, 2009 3.1 Objective: The tutuon fee (free and compulsory education) to students of weaker section admitted in unaided schools under Right to Education Act, 2009, is reimbursed to such students. 3.2 Eligibility Criteria Children in the age group of 6-14 years are entitled for free and compulsory education. Children of EWS category who get admission under freeship quota in recognised unaided private schools are eligible. 3.3 Financial Assistance / Type of Benefit: It is obligatory under the Act for private schools to admit 25% of Students from poor families and govt. shall reimburse expenditure so incurred by it to the extent of per-childexpenditure incurred by the State on education, or the actual amount charged from the child, whichever is less. 45 3.4 Physical & Financial Achievement 2012-13 Govt. of Delhi started reimbursing @ ` 1190/- per student per month to the private schools for students admitted under EWS quota of RTE. Approx. 7000 students of EWS category benefitted under this scheme in recognised unaided school. An expenditure of `4.22 crore has been incurred under the plan scheme. 3.5 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14 Plan Outlay Beneficiaries ` 34.80 Crore Approx 20000 students 46 Directorate of Training & Technical Education Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Muni Maya Marg, Near TV Tower Pitampura, New Delhi-110088 Website: 1. Facilities to Students of Scheduled Tribe/OBC/Minority Communities in Polytechnics 1.1 Objective: Caste/Scheduled Providing benefit to SC/ST/OBC/ Minorities students of polytechnics. 1.2 Financial Assistance/Type of Benefit: Providing stationery/ text books / scientific calculators etc. free of cost. 1.3 Physical & Financial achievement 2012-13 All SC/ST students under various polytechnics are facilitated with stationery and other items and extra classes were conducted for SC/ST students 1.4 Outlay Annual Plan 2013-14 Outlay `0.11Crore 2. Coaching Facilities/ Training Programme to SC/ST/Weaker Section (Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology) 2.1 Objective To help students of SC/ST and OBC in improving their theoretical and practical skills in order to improve their employability 2.2 Eligibility criteria: 12th passed students of SC/ST/OBC category. 2.3 Financial Assistance/Benefits Special courses viz computer literacy and English speaking course are being conducted for these category of students. 47 2.4 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2012 Outlay ` 0.15 Crore 3. Academic Development of Scheduled Caste Students (College of Art ) 3.1 Objective To provide study material free of cost and special classes are conducted for these students. 3.2 Eligibility criteria: SC students whose parental income up to ` 1 lakh 3.3 Financial Assistance Study material is provided free of cost and special classes are conducted. 3.5 Outlay Outlay Annual Plan 2013-14 ` 0.02Crore 48 DIRECTORATE OF HEALTH SEVICES Govt. of NCT of Delhi, F-17, Karkardooma, Delhi -110032 Website: 1. Mobile Van Dispensaries for JJ clusters 1.1 Objective: Mobile Health Scheme was started in the year 1989 to provide medical services to the residents of JJ clusters of Delhi at their doorstep through mobile dispensaries with the object to provide the free examination / consultation / advice to patients and free distribution of essential drugs. Mobile Health Scheme is running 90 mobile dispensaries out of which 45 being run by DHS staff and 45 with the help from various NGOs and covering 520 JJ clusters of Delhi and 53 construction sites covering about 24 lakh patients every year. One mobile dispensary team visits two JJ clusters per day and twice a week same clusters are covered by each mobile dispensary. 1.2 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14 Plan outlay ` 5.50 crore Target To run 100 Mobile dispensaries 2. Delhi State Health Mission 2.1 Objectives The scheme is totally incentive based scheme to reinforce community action for universal immunization, safe delivery, new born care, prevention of waterborne and communicable diseases, improved nutrition and promotion of households/community toilets. As per new Guidelines of Govt. of India, the funding ratio of Centre and State is 75:25. For the implementation of Delhi State Health Mission, Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) are selected. The scheme is totally incentive based scheme wherein women volunteers from local community are being selected and trained to reinforce community action for universal immunization, safe delivery, new born care, prevention of waterborne and communicable diseases, improved nutrition and promotion of house holds/community toilets. There are 3800 ASHA are working at present in Delhi to spread over all districts. ASHA is being selected on 2000 population. For their training, master trainer was identified drawing from Health Department who will train 222 units level trainers. Each units will have 50 ASHAs and 5 trainers. The trainers will give training to ASHAs. The fund for training/selection/supporting structure is provided by GOI under NHRM. The State specific is to be funded from the State fund. 49 2.2 outlay & Target for Annual Plan 2013-14 Plan outlay: Rs 60.00 crore Target (i) Completion of selection of all ASHAs (ii) Completion of induction training module V for all phase on ASHA (iii) Full operationalization of ASHA MIS (iv) Construction of new dispensaries (v) Repairs and renovation of Delhi Govt. Dispensaries (vi) Stg. of Maternity Home (vii) Screening of JJ Cluster for Diabetes and Hypertension (viii) School Health program (ix) C/o Hospital under NRHM (x) Procurement of Mobil dental Clinics and mobile mental health units under NHRM (xi) Health management Information system (xii) Mapping of all health Facilities and their catchment areas (xiii) During the 2012-13, 50 ambulances have been procured under NRHM and 100 ambulances are proposed to be procured in 2013-14. 3. Delhi Arogya Kosh (DAK) 3.1 Objective: Delhi Government has constituted a Society “Delhi Arogya Kosh” (DAK) on 6.09.2011, registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 with corpus fund of Rs 110 crore with the objective to provide financial assistance for medical treatment to the poor people afflicted with serious illnesses. 3.2 Eligibility Conditions : The applicant should be resident of Delhi for the last three years for availing the benefits of DAK. Family Income of the patient should be less than ` 3 lakh per annum. 3.3 Procedure for Applying : The application in the prescribed form giving complete details with income certificate issued by the Sub Divisional Magistrate or any officer authorized on his behalf by the respective Divisional Commissioner. The applicants should additionally provide an estimate of the treatment with two attested photographs by the recommending doctor. 50 3.4 Medical Conditions / procedure: Assistance is provided for (i) Life threatening diseases (ii) Life debilitating conditions/diseases (iii) Surgical procedure, equipments or devices which would enhance quality of life and which may help the patients to lead a normal life (iv) Post operative care not exceeding three months (v) Any other procedure /Surgery/Disease with the approval of the Governing Body are proposed to be incorporated. 3.5 Treatment where allowed: Treatment can be availed from any Government hospitals (of Central, State, Local Bodies, those autonomous hospitals substantially financed by any government/Local bodies) in Delhi . Additionally, it is proposed to include treatments undertaken in hospitals empanelled by GNTCD under DGEHS for assistance under DAK. 3.6 Achievement 2012-13: 95 patients have got financial assistance amounting to ` 1,14,89,530/- for payment towards their treatment in the various hospitals. 51 URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Govt. of NCT of Delhi th 9 & 10th Level, Delhi Secretariat I.P.Estate, New Delhi- 110002 Website: 1. Swaran Jayanti Shahri RozgarYojna SWARAN JAYANTI SHAHRI ROZGAR YOJNA is being implemented through eleven revenue districts of Delhi especially in slum and JJ Cluster. Now the scheme is entering fourth year of its implementation under Mission Mode. Over the years the need was felt to revise certain aspects of guidelines of the scheme under the components of USEP, UWSP, Skill up gradation, Community Structure and IEC components. The Govt. of India has revised the guidelines in 2009, which is assisting in the effective implementation of SJSRY. It is proposed to upgrade the skills of 60000 unemployed youth from the vulnerable sections under the Swaran Jayanti Shahri RojgarYojana (SJSRY) which will open up several employment opportunities. Components: 1. Urban Self Employment Programme (USEP) 2. Urban Women Self- Help Programme (UWSP) 3. Skill Training for Employment Promotion amongst Urban Poor (STEP-UP) 4. Urban Community Development Network (UCDN) Annual Plan 2013-14 Outlay ` 7.50 crore 52 DELHI URBAN SHELTER IMPROVEMENT BOARD Govt. of NCT of Delhi, ‘C’ Wing, 4th flor, Vikas Bhawan – II, Civil lines Delhi- 110054 Website: 1. Construction of Community Halls/Basti Vikas Kendras DUSIB is providing the facility of multi-purpose community facilities complexes in notified Slum Areas and Relocation Colonies and that of Basti Vikas Kendras in JJ Clusters and InSitu upgraded Slums. During 2012-13, construction of two additional floor on existing BVKs has been completed while construction of 7 BVKs/ Community Halls and 09 additional floors remained in progress. In physical terms, it is to initiate work for construction of 4 BVKs/ 4 Community Halls and to complete the on going works in hand. Annual Plan 2013-14 Outlay ` 10.00 crore 2. Environmental Improvement in Urban Slums Urban Slums are those areas which have been notified under Slum Areas (Improvement & Clearance) Act, 1956. These areas are mostly concentrated in walled city and its extensions. Apart from this, as per order’s of GNCTD, large number of J.J. Clusters having population of about 22lakhs have to be covered under the purview of this scheme. During the financial year 2012-13, an expenditure of ` 2017.14 lakh has been incurred on construction of road, drains, bricks pavement etc. Annual Plan 2013-14 Outlay ` 10.00 crore 3. Construction of Pay & Use Jansuvidha Complexes The scheme intends to take care of the environmental problems generated through mass defecation in open by the Jhuggi Dwellers/Slum Dwellers. The scheme was supposed to cover Slum Dwellers staying in notified slum areas and Jhuggi Dwellers staying in squatter settlements. 53 The Jan Suvidha Complexes are of different capacities (varying from 10 seaters to 100 seaters) to serve basically the population in Jhuggi Cluster/Slum Areas at different locations. These complexes are run on ‘Pay & Use Concept” and maintained by such NGOs/ Agencies who are also assigned the responsibility of Planning & Construction. The expenditure on the Operation & Maintenance of Decentralized Sewage Treatment Plants (4 Mini & 10 Micro STPs) in Squatter Resettlement Colonies of Delhi is also met out of the provisions made under the scheme. In the financial year 2012-13, the works of construction for 24 WC seats were completed and 108 WC seats were in progress. In physical terms work for 10 JSCs and 25 MTVs are to be provided in 2013-14. Annual Plan 2013-14 Outlay ` 2.00 crore 54 Delhi Jal Board Govt. of NCT of Delhi Varunalya Phase- III, Karol Bagh, Delhi- 110005 Website: 1. Augmentation of Water Supply in JJ Cluster The population living in JJ Clusters are covered under the scheme. The scheme is being implemented through laying of new water mains, replacement of old water mains, supply of water through tankers, construction of Tube wells and hand pumps in JJ Clusters. An amount of ` 300.00 Lakh has been released in 2012-13. In Physical terms, 10 Nos. of Hand pump were installed, 1.53 kms new water mains and 0.65 km of old water mains were target to be replaced. 76 MG water was target to be supplied through tankers in JJ Cluster during 2012-13. Annual Plan: 2013-14 Outlay ` 80.00 Lakh Target Installation of 15 nos. of hand-pumps, 1.50 km new water mains and 0.80 km replacement of old water mains. The supply of water through tankers will be made as per the requirement. 55 URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Government of NCT of Delhi 9th & 10th level, Delhi Secretariat I.P. Estate, New Delhi - 110002 Website: (HOUSING) 1. HOUSES FOR WEAKER SECTION [J.N.N.U.R.M] Under this programme, the following three agencies are involved: A.I. A.II. A.III. A.IV. Houses for Weaker Section - DUSIB Houses for Weaker Section-DSIIDC Houses for Weaker Section –DDA New Delhi Municipal Corporation - NDMC 1. Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) 1.1 Objective Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) has been formulated to build infrastructure by improving quality of services and spatial development of the city to bring about qualitative improvements of urban areas and also provision of low cost houses and up gradation of slums by providing basic services to the urban poor. The aim is to encourage reforms and fast track planned development of the city. The Government of India has approved 16 low cost housing projects for construction of 67800 flats with a total project cost of ` 3083.37 Crore under Sub-Mission for Basic Services to the Urban Poor (BSUP). Out of which about 14844 flats have been constructed. 1.2 The JNNURM has two Sub-missions, namely a) b) Sub-Mission-I “Urban Infrastructure and Governance. Sub-Mission-II “Basic Services to the Urban Poor (a) Sub-Mission-I “Urban Infrastructure and Governance” The main thrust of the Sub-Mission is on infrastructure projects relating to water supply and sanitation, sewerage, solid waste management, road network, urban transport and redevelopment of old city areas with a view to upgrading infrastructure therein, shifting industrial and commercial establishments to conforming areas, etc. 56 The funding pattern for Delhi is as underCategory of Cities / Towns /UAs Centre Cities/UAs with 4 million plus population as per 2001 census (b) Grant State 35% ULB or Para-Statal Share/ Loan from Financial Institutions 15% 50% Sub-Mission-II “Basic Services to the Urban Poor The main thrust of the Sub-Mission is on integrated development of slums through projects for providing shelter, basic services, and other related civic amenities with a view to providing utilities to the urban poor. The funding Pattern is as underCategory of Cities Grant Centre Share Cities/UAs with 4 million plus population as per 2001 census 50% 1.3 Physical & Financial achievement 2011-12 A. DUSIB State/ULB/Parastatal share, including Beneficiary contribution 50% Govt. of India has approved 6 projects for the construction of 18204 houses for J.J. Squatters at an estimated cost of `883.66crore .The Central Share is `417.80 crore and 465.87 crore is State share. The construction of 736 flats at site No. 2 and 288 flats at site no.3 in Sector 16-B at Dwarka have been completed. B. DSIIDC Government of India has approved 8 projects for construction of 44616 flats for weaker sections at an estimated cost of `2101.98 crore. Upto 2012-13, 13820 flats were completed, 18760 flats tender invited, 8420 flats just approved by CSMC, 3616 flats yet to start. 57 C. DDA Government of India has approved one project for construction of 4740 houses for weaker sections at an estimated cost of `196.06crore during 2008-09. D. NDMC Government of India has approved one project for construction of 240 houses for weaker sections at an estimated cost of `21.89 crore. The consultant has been appointed for the project. 2. Rajiv AwasYojna – (RAY) 2.1 Objective Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) for the slum dwellers and the urban poor envisages a ‘Slum-free India’ through encouraging States/Union Territories to tackle the problem of slums in a definitive manner. It calls for a multi-pronged approach focusing on: • Bringing existing slums within the formal system and enabling them to avail of the same level of basic amenities as the rest of the town; • Redressing the failures of the formal system that lie behind the creation of slums; and • Tackling the shortages of urban land and housing that keep shelter out of reach of the urban poor and force them to resort to extra-legal solutions in a bid to retain their sources of livelihood and employment. Under this new scheme, funds is being released by GOI for undertaking preparatory activities of Slum Survey, Mapping the Slums, developing the slum information system, undertaking community mobilization etc. An outlay of ` 10.00 crore is approved for this plan scheme in Annual Plan 2013-14. 3. Night Shelters At present DUSIB is running 150 night shelters (66 permanent & 84 temporary Night Shelters) having capacity of about 9085 persons These night shelters have been provided with the basic facility of Sulabh Shauchalayas. In the night shelters, the inmates are provided blankets, jute mattresses and durries for night stay by charging ` 6.00 per inmate. This fee includes the payment of ` 0.20 to the agency deployed for maintenance of Jan Suvidha Complexes, which is an in-built facility in most of the night shelters. 58 Target Annual Plan 2013-14 Operation & Maintenance of 66 permanent & 84 temporary night shelter and C/o New 3 Night Shelter. An Outlay of ` 12.00 crore is approved for this scheme in 2013-14. 59 Labour Department Govt. of NCT of Delhi, 5, Sham Nath Marg, Delhi-54 Website: 1. Rescue, Repatriation and Rehabilitation of Child Labour (New Scheme): The Government of Delhi has constituted the Delhi Child Labour Rehabilitation-cumWelfare Society (DCLRWS) to implement the National Child Labour Policy in general and for setting up Transition Education Centers/Vocational Training Centers in particular. The DCLRWS gets grants from Government of Delhi and also funds from Government of India (Ministry of Labour & Employment). Additionally, the Society has funds which are to be collected as penalty from the employers employing Child Labour in violation of the Child Labour (P& R) Act, 1986. PROJECT COMPONENTS: 1. Legal Action Identification and rescue of children working in occupations and processes prohibited in schedule appended to the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 and initiation of legal action including the recovery of rehabilitation amount from the employer and contribution by the Government. 2.(a) Repatriation of Children: Repatriation of children belonging to other States to their respective State, in collaboration with the respective State Government through the Resident Commissioner, after the directions for Child Welfare Committee. (b) Children whose parents/guardians i.e. living in Delhi will be rehabilitated in Delhi through TEC and Vocation Training Centres. (c) Rehabilitation of destitute children through Residential Bridge Centres (RBC) run under the Sarv Siksha Abhiyan by the Education Department or in the Shelter Homes of the Social Welfare Department. 60 (i) REHABILITAITON OF CHILDREN RESCUED Rehabilitation of children rescued will form an integral part of the programme. The child labour rescued in Delhi will be rehabilitated in the following manner: (ii) Children living and working with the employer whose parents are in other states: (iii) Convergence and Rehabilitation of children who are Delhi based A State Resource Cell (SRC) to assist the Project Director and State Project Steering Committee (SPSC) has to be constituted to coordinate and monitor all the activities. The SRC is to function as the Secretariat for the S.P.S.C. A separate cell is required to be constituted for better and effective management of the issues. The DCLRWS work in close collaboration with the Education Department,specifically the UEE Mission, Development Department, Dy. Commissioner (Revenue) of all the Districts, Medical and Health Department, Social Welfare Department, Department of Information and Public Relations, Police and Trade Unions and Civil Society. Mission Convergence share its data of child labour. The children in TECs would be given the following facilities:1. Education which would include books, teaching materials. 2. Books and trading materials 3. Mid-day meal at enhanced rates @ ` 10/- per day per child, in order to provide nutritious meals. A portion of the expenses would be met from the rehabilitation amount of the child due from the employer/ Government. 4. Uniform: The existing budget from MCD could be reassigned failing which the expenses would be borne by the DCLRWS. 5. Excursions: At least one in every quarter broadly @ ` 400/- per year per child. 6. Stipend @ ` 500/- per child. ` 150/- would be paid by the Central Government rest by the DCLRWS. 61 Annual Plan 2013-14: Outlay ` 2.00crore 2 The Delhi Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare Board As provided, under section 18 (1) of the Act, Govt. of NCT of Delhi has constituted the Delhi Building and other Construction Workers Welfare Board under the chairmanship of the Hon’ble Minister of Labour, Delhi. Functions of the Board a. To constitute Building and Other Construction Workers Fund and to utilize the same for providing certain welfare measures to the construction workers registered with the Board. b. To sanction financial assistance to nominees/dependants of a member towards death benefit in case of death c. To provide maternity benefit to the women employees who are beneficiary of the fund during the period of maternity. Such benefit is however limited to two cases of maternity for each beneficiary. d. To sanction funds to the nominee/dependants of the deceased member towards funeral expenses. e. To provide disability pension, loan for purchase of tools, medical assistance to the beneficiary, financial assistance for education and financial assistance for marriage, for construction of house etc. Financial/Physical Achievement 2013: Appx. 227 crore was collected as cess during 2012-13. 75 camps were organised for registration of construction worker. 1,31,448 workers have been registered out of which 68517 are Life Members 62 3. Dilli Swavlamban Yojna (DSY) A new scheme “Dilli Swavlamban Yojna (DSY)” is being launched for welfare of the people working in un-organised sector. This will be a co-contributory pension scheme to be implemented in collaboration with the Swavlamban Scheme of Central Govt. Govt. of Delhi will make a contribution of ` 1000/- per person per annum with equal contribution of the Central Govt. and a contribution not exceeding ` 12000/- per annum from the subscriber. The initiative will be available to the residents of Delhi who were not part of any pension scheme /Provident Fund scheme and those who intend to enroll under Swavlamban scheme of Govt. of India. Persons opting for Delhi Swavlamban pension scheme are required to give a minimum contribution of ` 1000/- and maximum contribution of ` 12000/-. 3.2 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14 Plan Outlay : No. of beneficiaries : `3.00 Crore 30000 63 Industry Department Govt. of NCT of Delhi Udyog Sadan, 419, FIE, Patparganj, New Delhi Website: 1. Promotion of Handlooms Under the scheme of promotion of handlooms, the following programs are being implemented:• • • • • • Financial Assistance to Delhi sponsored candidates getting training at Indian Institute of Handloom Technology Integrated Handlooms Development scheme [IHDS] Loan- cum- grant for modernization of handloom in the cooperative societies. Financial Assistance to the Handloom Organizations Rebate on Sale of Handloom Cloth Handloom Weavers Welfare Scheme: There are two weaver welfare schemes as under: (i) Health Insurance Scheme (HIS) (ii) Mahatama Gandhi Bunkar Bima Yojana (MGBBY) Annual Plan 2013-14 Outlay ` 00.42 Crore 2. Promotion of Handicrafts To preserve the traditional heritage of handicrafts, various apprenticeship training schemes (ATS) are being implemented by the Department of Industry in accordance with the pattern of the Govt. of India in various traditional crafts under the expert guidance of master craft persons. As per the existing pattern, each Master Crafts person is being paid wages @ ` 2000/- per month, lump-sum payment of ` 6000/- per course to Master Craft person for general alteration/ modification of training premises, water and electricity charges etc. Lump Sum amount of ` 500/- per trainee per course to Master Crafts Person as compensation for wastage of raw material used during the training period and each trainee enrolled under the ATS is being paid the stipend @ of ` 300/- per month for the duration of the Course. The duration of the ATS ranges from 6 months to 12 months depending upon the intricacy of the crafts. The Department is also running a Carpet Weaving Training Centre (for both boys and girls) with one year duration and a Paper Craft and Paper Mache Centre ( exclusively for girls) with two years duration at Weaver's Colony, Bharat Nagar Delhi. The above training programme have been revised due to less response in market and three new four month course have been introduced namely (1) Paper Craft and Paper Products (2) Soft 64 Toys making & Designing (3) Textile Craft. The trainees in these centres are also being paid stipend at the rate of `400 per month per trainee. The required training materials as per the requirement of each centre are being purchased from time to time to run these centers by the Department. Annual Plan 2013-14: Outlay ` 00.05 Crore 3. GRANT-IN-AID TO SOCIETY FOR SELF EMPLOYMENT The Society for self-Employment a registered Society was established in the year 1986. The aims and objectives of the society are:• To impart training in different technical course to the young Generation of weaker section of the Society so that they may earn their livelihood by getting themselves Self Employed or get gainful employment. • To identify skills and manpower requirement of the industry and accordingly develop skilled manpower to cater the need of Industry. • To identify opportunity in the sector of self employment, micro small and medium scale enterprises. • To develop various trading modules based on upcoming opportunities and implement training programmes for the employment youth. The society conducts skill development programme in Fashion Designing, Repair and maintenance of household electrical appliances, electrical gadget, Refrigeration and Air-condition and Plumbing. Keeping in view of the latest demand of skilled manpower, the no. of training programme have been enhanced to 20 and imparting through four centers viz Jhandewalan, Okhla, Nandnagri & Wazirpur. It is also proposed to set up two more centre at Bawana and Narela. The Society has trained 450 candidates in 2009-10, 2100 candidates in 2010-11, 2812 candidate in 2011-12 and 1350 trainees during 2012-13. 3.1 Physical Achievement 2012-13: The society has trained 1350 trainees. 3.2 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14 Plan Outlay No. of beneficiaries `1.50 Crore 3500 for trainings. 65 4. Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme 4.1 The Scheme is being implemented by Delhi Khadi and Village Industries Board(DKVIB). 4.2 Eligibility Conditions of Beneficiaries (i) Any individual, above 18 years of age (ii) There will be no income ceiling for assistance for setting up projects under PMEGP. (iii) For setting up of project costing above ` 10 lakh in the manufacturing sector and above ` 5 lakh in the business /service sector, the beneficiaries should possess at least VIII standard pass educational qualification. (iv) Assistance under the Scheme is available only for new projects sanctioned specifically under the PMEGP. (v) Self Help Groups (including those belonging to BPL provided that they have not availed benefits under any other Scheme) are also eligible for assistance under PMEGP. (vi) Institutions registered under Societies Registration Act,1860; (vii) Production Co-operative Societies, and (viii) Charitable Trusts. (ix) 4.3 Existing Units (under PMRY, REGP or any other scheme of Government of India or State Government) and the units that have already availed Government Subsidy under any other scheme of Government of India or State Government are not eligible. Identification of beneficiaries: The identification of beneficiaries is being done at the district level by a Task Force consisting of representatives from KVIC/State KVIB and State DICs and Banks. The Task force is headed by the Deputy Commissioner. 66 4.4 Quantum and Nature of Financial Assistance/Levels of funding under PMEGP Categories of beneficiaries under PMEGP Beneficiary’s Contribution (of project cost) Area (location of project/unit) General Category Special (including SC / ST / OBC /Minorities/ Women, Ex-servicemen, Physically handicapped, NER, Hill and Border areas etc. 10% 5% Rate of Subsidy (of project cost) Urban Rural 15% 25% 25% 35% Note: (1) (3) The maximum cost of the project/unit admissible under manufacturing sector is ` 25 lakh. The maximum cost of the project/unit admissible under business/service sector is ` 10 lakh. The balance amount of the total project cost will be provided by Banks as term loan. 5. Rajiv Gandhi Swavlamban Rozgar Yojna 5.1 Objective: (2) For generation sustainable self-employment opportunities for new as well as exiting entrepreneurs for setting up or expansion of their trade/business. 5.2 Eligibility Criteria Financial assistance is provided to trained professional, individual entrepreneur or Artisan. 5.3 Financial Assistance / Type of Benefit: Loan upto ` 3.00 lakh is provided. 5.4 Outlay & Target Annual Plan 2013-14 Plan Outlay No. of beneficiaries ` 1.30 Crore 125 67 PART A PLAN PROGRAMME PROVIDING DIRECT CASH BENEFIT TO THE INDIVIUALS Sl. No. A 1. 2. 3. 4. B 1 2 3 4 Name of the Sector / Scheme Social Welfare Pension to Senior Citizen Financial Assistance to Disabled Persons: National Family Benefit Scheme: Financial Assistance to Transgender Community (New Scheme) Sub Total: Women &Child Development Pension to Women in Distress Ladli Financial Assistance to Lactating and Nursing Mothers belonging to Weaker Section of Society Financial Assistance to Poor Widows for Performing Marriage of their Daughters/Orphan Girl for their Marriage Sub Total Annual Plan 2012-13 Unit Physical (` in Achievement Crore) Expenditure 560.96 57.99 2.69 Beneficiary -do-do- --621.64 -do- 165.53 103.00 0.01 -do-do-do- 8.71 -do- 277.25 a Annual Plan 2013-14 Unit Physical Outlay Target (` in Crore) Approved 390000 37124 2690 600.00 65.00 2.90 --- 0.47 Beneficiary -do-do- 390000 40000 2900 --- 668.37 -do- 110000 95177 212 166.00 110.00 0.05 -do-do-do- 110000 100000 1000 2900 8.30 -do- 2770 284.35 Sl. No. C 1 2 3 4. 5 6. 7 8 Name of the Sector / Scheme Welfare of SC/ST/OBC/Min. Financial Assistance for Purchase of Stationery to SC/ST/OBC/ Minorities Students Scholarship/Merit Scholarship to SC/ST/OBC/ Minorities Students from class I to XII Merit Scholarship to College/Professional Institution Students belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Minorities Vocational & Technical Scholarship to SC/ST/OBC/Minorities students. Reimbursement of Tuition Fee for SC/ST/OBC/Minority Students in Public Schools Providing Vocational & Technical training to youth belonging to economically backward classes including SC/ST/OBC/Minorities/SKs under rehabilitation programe. Financial Assistance under Matri-Shishu Suraksha Yojna to SC/ST pregnant woman during last trimester of her pregnancy. (New Scheme) Financial Assistance to Scheduled Caste Slum dwellers being relocated by Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board. (DUSIB) under Rajeev Ratan Awas Yojana”.(New Scheme) Sub Total: Annual Plan 2012-13 Unit Physical (` in Achievement Crore) Expenditure Annual Plan 2013-14 Unit Physical Outlay Target (` in Crore) Approved 82.33 --- --- 111.78 77.50 --- --- 84.61 No. of students -do- 407817 3.75 2090 3.50 -do- 2500 0.22 No. of students -do- 1535 0.40 -do- 3000 9.50 -do- 9274 9.40 -do- 9000 0.30 -do- 334 0.55 -do- 510 314310 --- --- --- 1.00 --- --- 18.00 --- --- 1.01 --- --- 191.60 b 212.25 Sl. No. D Name of the Sector / Scheme Annual Plan 2012-13 Unit Physical (` in Achievement Crore) Expenditure Food & Civil Supply Dilli Annashree Yojna Kerosene free city-LPG connection for EWS 33.69 24.86 Sub Total: 58.55 1. Education Free Supply of Text Book 105.53 2. Welfare of Educationally Backward Minorities 3. Subsidy for school uniform to students 4. Lal Bahadur Shastari Meritorious Students 1 2 E Scholarship to Sub Total: F 1. G 1. Higher Education Fin. Asst./scholarship for students of the economical weaker section Sub Total: Medical Financial Assistance to affected/infected AIDS/HIV persons and double orphan Children (DSACS) Sub Total: Grand Total (A+B+C+D+E+F+G) Beneficiary Gas connection 45356 81119 Annual Plan 2013-14 Unit Physical Outlay Target (` in Crore) Approved 150.00 40.00 Gas connection 200000 189000 190.00 1750000 125.00 9.96 No.of students -do- 255000 135.02 -do- 2.38 -do- 1850000 13.00 No.of students -do- 1750000 164.00 -do- 1850000 15000 4.00 -do- 20000 252.89 260000 306.00 00.03 15 00.03 1.25 Beneficiary 00.05 20 00.05 --- 1.25 1500 (PLHA 1500, 14 infected double orphan, 21 affected double orphan, 25 destitute children) 2.50 --- 2.50 1663.52 1403.21 c 2000 PLHIVs, 30 infected double orphan, 30 affected double orphan, 30 destitute children d Statement Showing Financial/Physical Achievement 2012-13 and Financial/Physical Target 2013-14 PART B Sl. No. Name of the Sector/scheme Annual Plan 2012-13 Exp. in crore A 1. Women And Child Development Scheme of Bhagidari Sub Total B Nutrition (i ) Supplementary Nutrition 1 Supplementary Nutrition Programme(ICDS) 2 Kishori Shakti Yojna (Scheme of Adolescent girls): Rajiv 3 Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment Of Adolescent Girls-‘SABLA’ (State Govt. Share) (ii) 1 2 3 3.a 3.b 3.c 4 5 Sub Total (i): Mid Day Meal Directorate of Education Delhi Cantonment Board (DCB) Corporations of Delhi North Delhi Municipal Corporation South Delhi Municipal Corporation East Delhi Municipal Corporation NDMC: Social Welfare Sub Total (ii): Total [(i)+(ii)] Unit Physical Achievement Annual Plan 2013-14 Outlay Physical Unit in Target crore 18.45 18.45 Beneficiaries 318913 22.00 22.00 Beneficiaries 500000 83.43 Beneficiaries 1307000 89.27 Beneficiaries 1307000 0.69 -do- 5062 0.73 -do- 5078 11.99 -do- 140000 12.00 -do- 140000 25.15 0.03 -do-do- 970000 7.80 6.90 4.35 0.75 0.02 45.00 147.00 -do-do-do-do- 96.11 102.00 49.44 0.10 -do-do- 22.00 20.00 14.00 1.17 -106.71 202.82 -do-do-do-do- d 901000 970000 19761 970000 21430 Sl. No. Name of the Sector/scheme Annual Plan 2012-13 Exp. in crore C 1 2 3 Welfare of SC/ST/OBC/Min. Hostel for SC/ST/OBC/ Minority Boys at Dilshad Garden Hostel for SC/ST/OBC/ Minority girls at Dilshad Garden Improvement of SC Basties 0.70 32.55 Scheme for providing ante-natal care and institutional delivery to SC/ST women through recognized private health establishments. (New Scheme) --- 5. Dilli Swarojgar Yojna for SC/ST/OBC/Min. (New scheme) Sub Total: Education Free transport facility to girls in rural area 50.00 2. .3. E 1 2 3 Welfare schemes for students (municipal corporations of Delhi) Right to Education Act, 2009 Total: Training & Technical Education Facilities to SC/ST/OBC/Min. students in polytechnics Coaching facility/Training to SC/ST & weaker section students (NSIT) Academic development of SC students (college of Art) Total: No. of students -do- 0.18 4. D 1. Unit No. of: -Basties -Chaupals --- Physical Achievement Annual Plan 2013-14 Outlay Physical Unit in Target crore 89 1.05 56 0.24 35.00 No. of students -do- 100 60 44 29 --- 1.00 No. of: -Basties -Chaupals --- --- 50.00 --- --- No. of students -do- 3400 950000 -do- 20000 83.43 15 30 --- 87.29 1.42 72.00 4.22 77.64 No. of students -do- 3250 1.70 942000 69.46 -do- 8200 34.80 105.96 0.09 00.11 0.09 00.15 0.01 00.02 0.19 00.28 e Sl. No. Name of the Sector/scheme Annual Plan 2012-13 Exp. in crore E 1 2 3 Training & Technical Education Facilities to SC/ST/OBC/Min. students in polytechnics Coaching facility/Training to SC/ST & weaker section students (NSIT) Academic development of SC students (college of Art) Total: F 1 Medical & Public Health Mobile Van Dispensaries for JJ Clusters 2. 3. Delhi State Health Mission Delhi Arogya Kosh (DAK) G 1 Total: URBAN DEVELOPMENT Swaran Jayanti Shahri Rozgar Yojna 2 Construction of community halls/basti vikas kendras Unit Physical Achievement Annual Plan 2013-14 Outlay Physical Unit in Target crore 0.09 00.11 0.09 00.15 0.01 00.02 0.19 00.28 -- -- -- --- -- 5.50 -- --- 60.00 ---- ---- 100 Mobile Van Dispensaries ----- 65.50 3.36 15.20 (15.50) Construction of 4 BVK/Community Hall has been completed and work for 5 BVK/C. Hall is in progress. f 7.50 To upgrade the skill of 60000 unemployed youth for employment opportunity 10.00 Initiate construction of 7 BVKs and 7 Community Hall. Construction of 9 additional floors in BVKs and one additional floor at Community Hall. Sl. No. Name of the Sector/scheme Annual Plan 2012-13 Exp. in crore 3 Environmental improvement in urban slums 21.34 (3.50) 4 Construction of pay & use Jansuvidha complexes 3.32 (2.00) Total: H Delhi Jal Board 1 Augmentation of Water supply in JJ Cluster Total: I 1 (i) (ii) Unit Physical Achievement 168426 slum/ JJ Dwellers have been covered with the facility of brick floor/ CC paving and drains in various clusters Construction of 40 WC seats are completed and 108 WC seats are in progress 43.22 Annual Plan 2013-14 Outlay Physical Unit in Target crore 10.00 Target is to cover 312500 with the facility of brick floor/ CC paving and drains in various clusters 2.00 Work for 10 JSCS and repair of 25 MTVs are in progress. To construct 200 WC seats. 29.50 10 Nos. of Hand Pumps have been installed, 1.53 km new water mains and 0.65 km of old water mains have been replaced. 76 MG water has been supplied through tankers in JJ Cluster 3.28 (0.75) 3.28 0.80 Installation of 15 handpumps, 1.50 km new water mains and 0.80 km replacement of old water mains. 0.80 Housing –UD Dept. Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (Exp. 2012-13- Rs. 340.36 crore & Outlay 2013-14 - Rs. 425.00 crore) Houses for weaker section (DUSIB) 187.60 Out of 17180 houses, 150.00 To construct remaining (130.00) 1024 houses have been 16156 houses. completed. Houses for weaker section (DSIIDC) 144.15 Out of 44616 houses, 225.00 To construct remaining (296.54) 9660 houses have been 34956 houses. completed g Sl. No. Name of the Sector/scheme (iii) Houses for weaker section (DDA) (iv) Houses for weaker section (NDMC) 2. Rajiv Awas Yojna (RAY)(New scheme) 3. Night Shelter scheme (DUSIB) Total: J Labour & Labour Welfare 1 Rescue, repartition & Rehabilitation of Child labour (New scheme) Delhi Building and other construction workers welfare board Dilli Swavlamban Yojna (DSY) (New scheme) Total: 2. 3. Annual Plan 2012-13 Annual Plan 2013-14 Exp. in OutlayPhysical Physical Unit Unit Achievement in crore crore Target In situ redevelopment of 20.00 The 4740 flats are at cluster by creating various stage of dwelling units 70 Night completion. Shelters have been upgraded and 4 renovated. -GOI has approved one 8.00 To construct 240 nos. of (3.36) project for construction flats at Bakkerwala. of 240 houses for weaker sections 0.02 10.00 Socio economic surveys of 685 JJ Cluster are in progress. 8.59 12.00 To initiate construction of 3 Night Shelters, possession of land against 3 more night shelters. Operation & maintenance of existing night shelters. 340.36 425.00 --- --- --- 2.00 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 3.00 --- --- --- 5.00 h Beneficiaries 30000 Sl. No. Name of the Sector/scheme K 1 2 3 4. Industries Promotion of Handloom Promotion of Handicraft GIA to Society for Self Employment Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme Rajiv Gandhi SwalambanYojna Total: 5. Grand Total (A+B+C+D+E+F+G+I+J+K) Annual Plan 2012-13 Exp. in Physical Unit Achievement crore 0.80 --1.50 --- --- --- Annual Plan 2013-14 OutlayPhysical Unit in crore Target 0.42 0.05 1.50 --- 1.00 3.30 1.30 3.27 772.69 891.60 i
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