Accepted Students Day MARCH 28, 2015 Katie Answers... Notes: WHY I CHOSE THE MOUNT: Katie Sukeena, C’15 • Ardsley, PA • Bishop McDevitt High School Leadership and Honors • Dean’s List • Internship with Mount St. Mary’s University Office of Communications • Presidential Ambassador • Admissions Office Telecounselor • Radio Host for 89.9 WMTB Emmitsburg • SGA Class Council • Peer Mentor • Marketing Club • PNC Sports Complex Desk Assistant • Lambda Pi Eta (Communications Honor Society) • Delta Epilson Sigma (National Scholastic Honor Society for students, faculty, and alumni of colleges and universities with a Catholic tradition) I chose Mount St. Mary’s University because out of all the colleges I visited, it was the only one I felt like I could call “home.” The strong sense of community was evident the first moment I set foot on campus. People were greeting my family and me with welcoming words and smiling faces. I instantly felt like I belonged. Along with the wonderful people, I saw the Mount as an opportunity to better myself in my academics, spirituality, and as an overall person. I can say that I am the person I am today because of my experience at the Mount, and I will forever be thankful for my time spent here. ABOUT TODAY’S STUDENT KEYNOTE SPEAKER Katie Sukeena is a senior studying communications with a concentration in public relations. She is from Ardsley, Pennsylvania, and attended Bishop McDevitt High School. This fall, she completed an internship with the Mount’s Office of University Communications. Katie is also a Presidential Ambassador, welcoming prospective families to campus and guiding their campus tour. During her college career, Katie joined numerous clubs and organizations including the Mount’s radio station 89.9 WMTB Emmitsburg, Orientation Peer Mentors, SGA Class Council, and the Marketing Club. Additionally, Katie has been a parttime employee in the Admissions Office (Telecounselor) and PNC Sports Complex (Desk Assistant), as well as working part-time off campus. Katie has completed several job interviews this spring and anticipates employment in the higher education or marketing field very soon. Katie is excited to share her Mount experience with you today, and she will be available for further questions this afternoon from 2:00-4:15pm at the Enrollment Table in upper McGowan Center. A Mount Degree = Success THESE ARE JUST A FEW SENIORS ALREADY EMPLOYED (TWO MONTHS BEFORE GRADUATION) Software Engineer Teach for America Kearney & Company Joey Naylor (John), C’15 Camille Sanchez, C’15 Jennifer Smith, C’15 Hay Market, VA Florham Park, NJ Davenport, WA PAGE 2 Welcome to Accepted Students Day Class of 2019! Noon-1 p.m. Registration/Light Refreshments Knott Athletic Recreation Convocation Complex (ARCC) Main Concourse 1-1:45 p.m. Opening Prayer: Knott Arena Fr. Brian Nolan, Chaplain & Director, Center for Campus Ministry Notes: Welcome Simon Newman, University President Keynote Speaker Katie Sukeena, Class of 2015 Preview of Day’s Activities Michael A. Post, Vice President for Enrollment Management 2-4:35 p.m. What you would like to learn about today? Session I: 2-2:45 p.m. Session II: 2:55-3:40 p.m. Session III: 3:50-4:35 p.m All topics are covered simultaneously during each session— you choose the session that interests you! If a session is full, choose another one and comee back at another time. Academic Major Presentations Various locations, see to page 4. Activities and Offices Fair Patriot Hall, McGowan Center, see page 5. Campus Tours Tours depart from Founder’s Plaza. Explore Campus on Your Own See page 7, and refer to campus map on back cover. Financial Aid Forum (Parents Only Knott Auditorium, see page 6. Student Panel (Accepted Students Only) Delaplaine Fine Arts Center, see page 6. 5 p.m. Optional Mass: Immaculate Conception Chapel If you have decided to make the Mount your choice, we encourage you to submit your admissions deposit today! Payment can be made at the Deposit Table across from the Bookstore from 2-5 p.m. This coupon is good for 25% off one logoed ap apparel item. Enroll today and the Mount’s mascot, Emmit S. Burg, will be there to congratulate you and pose for photos with you and your family! Don’t miss out! #MSMvisit PAGE 3 Academic Major Presentations Session I: 2-2:45p.m., Session II: 2:55-3:40 p.m., Session III: 3:50-4:35 p.m You and your family will have the opportunity to learn about your major! Accounting, Business, Economics, Information Systems, and Sport Management Bolte School of Business, Academic Center, third floor Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Health Sciences, Nursing, and Pre-Med Laughlin Auditorium, Science Building Visual and Performing Arts (Art, Music, Theater) Room 113, Delaplaine Fine Arts Center The following academic presentations will be held in classrooms in the Knott Academic Center as listed below: Communication Room 115 Computer Science Room 116 Criminal Justice Room 225 Education: Elem., Elem./Special, Art, and Secondary Room 124 English Room 222 Foreign Languages Room 218 History Room 220 Honors Program Room 217 International Studies Room 223 Mathematics Room 116 Philosophy Room 221 Political Science Room 223 Pre-Law Room 219 Psychology Room 224 Sociology Room 225 Theology Room 215 Veritas Program* Room 230 *Undecided about your major? Learn more about the Veritas Program, a comprehensive series of courses taken by ALL students at Mount St. Mary’s University. This presentation will address content as well as purpose. PAGE 4 Notes: South Entrance to Patriot Hall 31 30 28 47 26 50 53 51 52 49 27 48 46 45 43 42 44 40 41 Bathrooms 39 36 38 35 37 29 32 34 33 25 Activities and Offices Fair 24 Session I: 2-2:45p.m., Session II: 2:55-3:40 p.m., Session III: 3:50-4:35 p.m 23 As a family, you can explore the many ways to get involved at the Mount! 21 20 19 18 CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS 17. Allies Club 18. Amnesty International Club 19. Anime Club 20. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu/Krav Maga Club 21. Club Frisbee 22. Club Tennis 23. Craft Club 24. Criminal Justice Student Association 25. Dance Team 26. Doctor Who Club 27. Education Club 28. Enactus Club 29. Equestrian Team 30. Faith in Psychology 31. Field Hockey 32. French Club 33. Freshman Ambassadors 34. History Club 35. Mathematical Association of America/ Association for Computing Machinery 22 9. Campus Recreation 10. ROTC 11. SGA (Student Government Association) 12. Campus Ministry 13. Social Justice 14. Residence Life 15. Center for Student Diversity 16. Outdoor Adventures 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 17 36. Men’s Club Baseball 37. Men’s Club Soccer 38. Men’s Ice Hockey Team 39. Men’s Rugby 40. Pokemon Club 41. Pre-Health Professions Club 42. Psychology Club 43. Relay for Life 44. Running Club 45. SGA 46. Sociology Club 47. Sports Management Club 48. Women in Science Club 49. Women’s Club Basketball 50. Women’s Club Lacrosse 51. Women’s Club Softball 52. Women’s Club Volleyball 53. Women’s Rugby Club 3 Servery STUDENT SERVICES & ACTIVITIES 1. Admissions 2. Admissions 3. Learning Services 4. Career Center 5. Dining Services 6. Leadership Institute 7. Study Abroad 8. Athletics 2 ➛ Bathrooms and Bookstore 12 13 14 15 16 Mount Café 1 North Entrance to Patriot Hall, McGowan Center PAGE 5 Campus Tours Session I: 2-2:45p.m., Session II: 2:55-3:40 p.m., Session III: 3:50-4:35 p.m Tours depart from Founder’s Plaza If you have never been on campus before, this is your opportunity to explore campus with a student guide. Tours are approximately half an hour and will leave Founder’s Plaza on or before 2:10, 3:05, and 4 p.m.—look for the yellow shirts! Financial Aid Forum (Parents Only) Session I: 2-2:45p.m., Session II: 2:55-3:40 p.m., Session III: 3:50-4:35 p.m Knott Auditorium During this program, you will have the opportunity to attend a session focused on the financial aid and billing processes. Topics will include a general financial aid overview, the Mount’s payment plan, important deadlines, and loan application procedures. The session also features a Q&A segment that will answer all of the questions you have. Student Panel (Accepted Students Only) Session I: 2-2:45p.m., Session II: 2:55-3:40 p.m., Session III: 3:50-4:35 p.m Horning Theater, Delaplaine Fine Arts Center Your opportunity to ask questions of current students. Lenna Len enna na Cas Cast Castro tro Má tro Márqu Márquez rque ez Class of 2016 Silver Spring, MD, Montgomery Blair H.S. International Studies and Spanish Major “I chose the Mount because of the close knit community—as soon as I visited the campus I felt like I was at home and exactly where I was supposed to be. The core curriculum made me feel comfortable and eased my worries about going into college with an ed major. undecided major.” Rebecca Rebecc Reb e a Malkowski Malk alko lkows ski Class of 2016 Baltimore, MD, Mercy High School Elementary Education/English “I chose the Mount because it felt like my home away from home. The friends I have made are family and we have created life long memories.” Joey Jo y Naylor Joe Nayl aylor lor Class of 2015 Haymarket, VA, Battlefield High School Information Systems/Computer Science and Business “I chose the Mount because of its small size and friendly atmosphere—I knew I would not fit in well at a larger university. After visiting the Mount once, I fell in love with it and decided to make this my home for four years.” Jes Jessic sica a Rosa R osano Jessica Rosano Class of 2016 Belvidere, NJ, Belvidere High School Biochemistry and Biology Spiehler Alyse Spi Alyse Spiehl ehler er Class of 2017 Lafayette, Louisiana, John Paul the Great Academy Philosophy/ English Edw dward ard Sullivan Sulli Su llivan van Edward Class of 2017 West Islip, New York, West Islip High School Business and Accounting “I was looking for a small school where I would be an individual, not a number. I came to campus for the first time late in my senior year of high school. Immediately I felt at home! The Mount offers so many leadership opportunities and ways to discover yourself and this was a major factor in my college decision. Coming here was the best decision I have ever made!” “I was amazed by the Mount community when I arrived on campus during my junior year of high school. I knew I was interested in attending a school in the “Newman Guide for Catholic Schools”and out of the many that I visited, Mount St. Mary’s impressed me the most. I realized that the Mount was well suited for my passion for philosophy and language, and would provide the engaging and creative environment that I wanted in a college.” “I visited the Mount for an overnight experience program during my senior year of high school and fell in love—by the end I knew the Mount was the place for me.” PAGE 6 Explore Campus On Your Own OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES RESIDENCE HALLS THE MOUNT BOOKSTORE Located at McGowan Patio and Veterans Walkway, experience some of the Mount’s many campus activities. As well as on the East side of campus: The following residence halls will be open for you to visit: The Bookstore will be open from 2-4:30 p.m. and is located in upper McGowan Center. • Men’s Lax vs. Sacred Heart, Noon, Waldron Family Stadium • Softball double headers vs. Bryant, 1 p.m. & 3 p.m., Our Lady of the Meadows Softball Stadium Please use the campus map on the back page to locate important buildings on campus. Locations are numbered to match the map. #1 PNC SPORTS COMPLEX- KNOTT ARCC (ATHLETIC RECREATION CONVOCATION COMPLEX) The ARCC is accessed by using the tunnel under U.S. Route 15 . This facility is home to 16 NCAA Division 1 teams, intramurals, and other recreational activities. The Knott Arena holds 3,500 people for men’s and women’s basketball home games. It is also used for cultural events and concerts. On the right, there is a multi-purpose recreational fieldhouse with tennis, basketball and volleyball courts, and an indoor track. On the ground floor, there are racquetball courts, a weight and cardiovascular room, swimming pool, saunas, and aerobics room. Students may check out equipment with their I.D. Outdoor facilities include 8 lighted tennis courts; Waldron Family Stadium, an all-weather terf facility for soccer and lacrosse; Morgan Track; Softball field and E.T. Straw Family Stadium for baseball, all of which are all recently renovated. Recent renovations were also made to the fitness facilities. #2 MARION BURK KNOTT AUDITORIUM The Knott Auditorium contains an auditorium used for small musical groups, movies, lectures, and meetings. There are 3 classrooms on the lower level. #3 MCGOWAN CENTER The Office of Student Affairs, Mail Room and mailboxes, Career Center, and Bookstore are all located on upper McGowan. Located on lower McGowan are the Office of Health Services, WMTB (Mount Radio), commuter lounge, and offices of Campus Ministry, Social Justice, Outdoor Adventure, the Center for Student Diversity, and Campus Activities. #4 PATRIOT HALL Campus dining facility with a large selection of choices which is open from 7 a.m. until 7:30 p.m. The Mount Café has a diverse selection of food and beverages and is open for service all day until midnight (2 a.m. on weekends). Patriot Hall also holds dances and concerts for students. #5 VETERANS WALKWAY Next to Patriot Hall, this walkway recognizes and thanks all veterans for their faithful and selfless service. #6 DELAPLAINE FINE ARTS CENTER Renovated in 2010 to contain public spaces (lobby ticketing, offices, etc), performance spaces (theater and support), stage support (backstage and materials lift, etc), performer support (dressing rooms, makeup room, etc), and fine arts spaces (gallery, classrooms). • Pangborn Hall: 168, 183, 265, 270 • Sheridan Hall: 216, 219, 222, 247 • McCaffrey Hall (Terrace): 56, 156 #7 CHAPEL OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Built in 1908. Masses are held daily. A 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Sunday Mass are accompanied by the Chapel Choir for students. Non-Catholic students may attend services of their own faith in the surrounding community churches, though all are welcome to attend Mass on campus. #8 TERRACE (DUBOIS, BRUTÉ, MCCAFFREY HALLS) AND KANE CHAPEL Once the original school, the Terrace is three connected buildings that are now used as 1st-3rd year housing. Rooms range in size from singles to four persons. Below Bruté is a FREE laundry facility. The rooms are coed by floor, each with a student Resident Assistant. The Terrace is renovated and brings this historic building up-todate with air conditioning, elevators, meeting areas, fitness room, and a small chapel. #9 PANGBORN HALL & MARY, QUEEN OF PEACE CHAPEL Pangborn is a residence hall for first year students. It is coed by floor: typically, two floors house men and two floors house women. There is one student Resident Assistant per floor. Most rooms are doubles, and all are cable-ready with direct wireless computer access to the campus network. The FREE laundry facilities are located on the basement level and a 24-hour social lounge is on the fourth floor. A study lounge is located on the basement level. Students use ID cards for access to the buildings and keys to access the hall and room doors. All residence halls are locked 24-hours a day. Only residents of the hall may gain access after 8 p.m. Individual hall doors are locked at midnight on weekdays and 2 a.m. on weekends. Members of the opposite sex must leave floors by midnight during the week and 2 a.m. on weekends. #12 KNOTT ACADEMIC CENTER The following departments are located in this building: Bolte School of Business, History, Political Science and International Studies, English, and Communication. There are several computer labs including a state-of-the-art Graphic Arts lab. A language lab, Verizon Distant Learning Classroom, Writing Center, and faculty offices are also located in this building. The student-faculty ratio is 14:1 with an average class size of 21. As respected scholars, authors, and award winners, faculty members share a passion for and dedication to teaching. Ninety-two percent hold the most advanced degrees in their fields. Classes are taught by professors (no teaching or graduate assistants.) If you have questions concerning locations or sessions, please ask an Admissions Representative (look for the yellow shirts). #10 SHERIDAN HALL This residence hall is also for first year students and is coed by floor. Students typically have one roommate in Sheridan Hall and there are three Resident Assistants per floor. There are two bathrooms per floor. The FREE laundry facilities and a lounge are on the basement level, as well as a quiet study lounge. #11 COAD SCIENCE BUILDING AND LAUGHLIN AUDITORIUM Classes and faculty offices in the Natural Sciences, Psychology, Math and Computer Science are located here. Professors are required to maintain regular office hours for student meetings. A campus computer lab is located on the ground floor for students in this building’s majors only. Students may also use these computers as word processors (Windows environment, etc). Laughlin Auditorium is used for class functions, movies, and a few lecture classes. Scan QR code to follow us on Facebook or search “Mount St. Mary’s University Class of 2019” PAGE 7 8 7 6 9 5 10 4 11 3 12 2 Key 1. 2. 3. 1 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Find the Mount online at... Knott ARCC, PNC Sports Complex Knott Auditorium: Parents Financial Aid Forum McGowan Center: Bookstore open 2-4 :30 p.m.; Deposit Table, Emmit photos Patriot Hall: Activities and Offices Fair Veterans Walkway: Outside Activities Delaplaine Fine Arts Center: Visual & Performing Arts Session, Student Panel (Students ONLY) Chapel of the Immaculate Conception, Optional Mass, 5 p.m. McCaffrey Hall Pangborn Hall Sheridan Hall Laughlin Auditorium: Science Academic Session Knott Academic Center: Acad. Presentations, various rooms, see page 4.
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