MS CHRONICLE Volume 17, Issue 1 ® March 2015 A Publication of Multiple Sclerosis Resources of Central New York, Inc. ® Message from the Executive Director: I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday season and my wish for you all is a Happy, Healthy New Year! We are getting back into the swing of things with plans for the Annual Walks, Fish Bowl 21, the MS Dinner of Hope and many educational programs. If you have any questions about any of the spring fund raising events or educational programs, please contact the Office at (315) 438-4790 or 1-800-975-2404. Remember that the Lending Library is available for you to borrow books, videos, etc. We can mail them to you or if you are in the Syracuse area, you can stop by the office and take a look at everything we have. Books, etc can be loaned for up to 2 months or longer if you need it. Please call the office first at (315) 438-4790 if you plan to stop by. Calling all walkers – Remember that every person on your team must register so they can receive the lunch coupon and shirt! We have a really neat shirt this year, designed by Annette (as usual, she pops out these ideas as quick as a 5th Avenue advertising agency). We are looking forward to our inaugural event in Binghamton at the Oakdale Mall, so lace up your sneakers, Southern Tier folks and we will see you there. Any questions about the Walks in general, please call the Office and we will be happy to assist you. We would like to remind you again, please roll any coins and convert any small bills to larger ones. Annette will send more information in the Walk Newsletters as we get closer to the date. Paypal is an option again, so tell all your prospective donors. This is a quick and easy way to make a secure donation on-line. Look inside for: ► Common Gut Bacterium may Protect Women Against MS ► Staring at your wireless device could be hurting your spine ► Uncontrollable Crying/Uncontrollable Laughing? ► Support Group Info ► Info ► Romano’s Point of View A Common Gut Bacterium May Protect Women Against MS A new study published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry Journal of The BMJ- suggests a common gut bacteria known to cause stomach ulcers reduce the risk of this disabling disease in women. Lead researchers Prof. Allen Kermode and Dr. Marzena Fabis Pedrini, both of the Western Austrailian Neuroscience Research Institute (WANRI) in Australia, and their team say the findings provide further evidence that the “hygiene hypothesis” – the idea that exposure to pathogens in childhood can protect against later life disease, may play a role in autoimmune disorders. MS is a chronic neurological disease believed to occur when the immune system attacks healthy tissues in the Central Nervous System. Symptoms of the condition include weak, stiff muscles, tingling or numbness in limbs, trunk of the body or face, vision problems and fatigue. Onset of MS is most common between the ages of 20 & 40, and women are more than twice as likely to develop the disease than men. Past research has linked early childhood infection with a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori to lower risk of MS, but Prof. Kermode, Dr. Pedrini and their team say such studies have included small samples and produced “contradictory results.” As such, the team set out to establish a clearer understanding of this association. Found in the stomach H pylori infects more than half of the world’s population, the majority of whom reside in developing countries. Most people acquire H pylori before the age of 2 years, and the bacterium lives in the stomach for life. While the majority of individuals infected with H pylori do not experience illness, some can develop gastritis – inflammation of the stomach lining. The bacterium is also responsible for more than 90% of duodenal ulcers (ulcers in the first part of the small intestine) and more than 80% of stomach ulcers. For their study, the researchers analyzed data from the Perth Demyelinating Disease Database, which allowed them to assess presence of H pylori antibodies in the stomach of 550 patients who had been diagnosed with MS. For comparison, they also looked at the presence of H pylori antibodies among 299 age and sex matched healthy individuals without MS, drawn from the Busselton Community Health Study. The results of the analysis revealed that women who did not have MS were significantly more likely to be infected with H pylori than women with MS, suggesting the bacterium may have a protective effect the against the condition. This association, however, was not found in men. In fact, men infected with the bacterium were more likely to have MS. Explaining the possible reasons behind the protective effect of H pylori found in women, the researchers say the bacterium may move the immune system into a less inflammatory state, which may reduce its sensitivity and lower the risk of autoimmune disorders like MS. The team, however, says they are unable to explain why H pylori did not appear to protect men against MS, and that this is something that needs to be investigated in future research. Still, the researchers say their findings may lead to the development of new drugs, that simulate the effects of H pylori, opening the door to new treatment strategies for MS and other autoimmune disorders. Staring at your Wireless Device could be hurting your Spine forward by various degrees, as it often does when checking or sending phone messages, the force on the neck increases to 27 pounds at 15 degrees, 40 pounds at 30 degrees, 49 pounds at 45 degrees and 60 pounds at 60 degrees. The farther forward a person bends his head, the more stress is put on the spine, concludeed the study’s author, New York City – based spine surgeon Kenneth Hansraj, MD. This additional stress could lead to early wear, tear, degeneration and possibly surgery, according to the study. On average, people spend two to four hours each day reading or texting on their devices or reading a book. This translates to 700 to 1,400 hours a year of excess stress on the spine. While giving up your phone or books may not be an option. Hansraj suggests that people make an effort to look at their devices with a neutral spine and avoid spending hours a day hunched over a device. Health Care Provider Magazine., Nicole Collins, Journal Staff. Uncontrollable Crying/Uncontrollable Laughing? For people with brain injuries or certain neurologic conditions like stroke, dementia or MS, it could be PseudoBulbar Affect – PBA Do you have a pain in your neck??? Your phone may be the culprit. A study in the November issue of the medical journal Surgical Technology International found that the billions of people in the world who use a mobile device, like a smartphone or tablet, are prone to poor posture due to the way they tilt their head to look at their device. In a neutral position, an average adult head weighs 10 to 12 pounds. The study found that as the head tilts If you or someone you care for suddenly bursts out crying or laughing for little or no apparent reason, it may be due to a neurologic condition doctors call PBA. Though frequently mistaken for depression, PBA may be the result of a “short circuit” in the areas of the brain that control emotional expression. This may cause episodes of crying or laughing that are often sudden and exaggerated or do not match what the person is feeling inside. Today, there’s NEUDEXTA, PBA Cont’d a prescription medication specifically approved to treat PBA. In a clinical trial, many patients experienced fewer PBA episodes after the 1st week of taking NEUDEXTA. What’s more, many patients were completely free from PBA episodes at the end of the study. Your results may vary. To learn more, visit or call 1-855-468-3339. Neurology Now. December 2014/January 2015. In the Pipeline The Myelin Repair Foundation (MRF), which is dedicated to finding treatments that protect and renew myelin, is collaborating with the National Institutes of Health to study MRF-008, a drug already approved to treat hypertension. The drug appears to stimulate remyelination in animal models of MS. “Unlike current therapies for MS, which all suppress the immune system, MRF-008 may help protect oligodendrocytes in the brain from damage,” says Jay Tung, PhD., the MRF’s chief research officer. Tassie Collins, Ph.D, vice president of translational medicine for the MRF, compares MS to a war within the body. Rogue immune cells enter the brain to attack and destroy myelin. Then, oligodendrocyes and other cells help clean up the damage and rebuild. “The first component of treatment involves stopping the war,” says Dr. Collins. “You want to stop the invading immune cells from getting in and doing damage.” This is the goal of the drugs currently prescribed to treat MS. All are designed to chase away the “warriors” sent by the immune system. Once the attacks cease, the patients own body rebuilds the damaged myelin, but not perfectly. “There’s a certain amount of resiliency in myelin formation, but most MS patients say they’re left with some loss in sensation or some other reduction of nerve function,” Dr. Collins says. “That’s the component that’s missing. There aren’t any drugs that help the rebuilding process. Ideally you would want to do bothstop the ongoing damage but also speed up the rebuilding of myelin. That’s the focus of the Myelin Repair Foundation-to find a way to protect tissue and to rebuild it. Neurology Now. December 2014/January 2015 The Catheter and Bag Set Reinvented Frequent UTI’s???? Coloplast has a catheter solution for you. SpeediCath Compact Set is an all-in-one catheter and bag set that’s instantly ready to use. Thanks to an award winning design, it’s small enough to keep in a pocket or handbag. *A unique compact and discreet catheter with an integrated and sterile bag *A simple design for everyday use *A unique hydrophilic coating for instant use *Designed for no-touch insertion Order a free sample by calling -1-866-2266362 or visit New Mobility. December 2014. Support Group Information Interested in sharing experiences about MS, come with family/friends to a meeting. As we approach the winter months, please keep in mind that if the weather is inclement, Support Group Meetings may be cancelled. Always check with the office or use your own best judgment before venturing out. Syracuse Area2nd Tuesday of the month Lincoln Middle School 1613 James St. Syracuse NY 13203 6:30PM-8:00PM School Cafeteria Madison County Area1st Monday of the month Chittenango Center formerly known as: Stonehedge Nursing Facility Russell Street, Chittenango 2:00PM-4:00PM Conference Room Auburn/Cayuga County Area4th Tuesday of the month Finger Lakes Mall, Rts. 5 & 20 Auburn, Community Room Enter at Theater entrance. 7PM Oswego County Area1st Wednesday of the month Seneca Hill Manor 20 Manor Drive, Oswego 2PM First Floor Dining Room On hold as of Feb. 2015. Liverpool Group – 3rd Thursday of the month United Church of Christ Church (UCC) in Bayberry, 215 Blackberry Rd. 6:00PM – 7:30PM in Fellowship Hall, follow the signs to the meeting room. Contact: Carolyn – 409-9692 or Pat – 7207141 or 303-5648 Broome County Group – 4th Thursday of the month Vestal Library, 320 Vestal Pkwy. Vestal NY 6:30PM Conference Rooms Contact: Steve – 607-785-7703 MS Breakfast Buddies – Meeting in the Binghamton area: Contact Sue: (570) 623-2302 for times and locations. Romano’s Point of View Molly's Lesson A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I had the privilege of taking our two granddaughters, ages 4 and 2.5 to the Kids’ Fair at our local state fairgrounds. Any time spent with our grandkids is a gift, an honor, a wonder. The Kids’ Fair, not so much. But I didn’t know that when we set out. I'd picked up some tickets while browsing in a store a few days earlier. They were stacked up on the counter there---FREE, they said—and I thought they would provide a great indoor outing for a January day. We arrived in winter coats, boots, hats and the usual tag-alongs—the bedraggled puppy named Newf and the lovey polka-dotted blankie called Polka. In my purse were bottles of water, sanitizer, wipes, toilet seat covers, tangerines and crackers, along with my usual Let’s-Make-a-Deal sundries. Our first surprise was that the tickets for adults were not free. Okaaaay. Mental note taken of my absolute rejection of reading fine print, or any instructional material, to be honest. A few steps beyond the ticket booth, Molly grabbed my leg in fear. The largeness of the exhibit hall and the noises and lights were too much to take in all at once, I guess. Her younger sister, Kenzi, took her cue and we suddenly had two leg-clingers. To avoid a pileup at the door, we coerced them to the first enclosure of sheep, all of us moving together as a single unit. Who wants Molly Cont’d to feed these adorable lambkins?? We pushed money into the tidbit machine, but the girls didn't budge from my legs. They watched their Poppie feed and pet every last sheep. Now, they’ve been to many farms and to the state fair and they have pet and held lambs, goats, cows, horses, rabbits, and baby chicks galore. We were showing them the tiniest lamb ever (only a few days old) and they were gaining confidence, when it happened--the ugliest sound EVER! It reverberated through the cavernous hall and vibrated our bodies. Its gruesome noise is indescribable, but it was probably a lot like a walrus giving birth while riding in a German ambulance with a faulty siren, in a hurricane. Molly covered her ears and actually moaned. Kenzi's eyes opened wide and she looked like she was going to cry. Poppie was still feeding the animals (eye roll). I was an inch away from having a seizure from the assault, but I gathered my wits and said, in a fake lighthearted voice, "Oh, that's just a game with funny sounds...see the purple lights?" In reality it was a hideous clown game (and oh, I hate clowns) --the kind with a mallet and a (fake) strength meter thing. The kind that no one wins. Game or not, it was making them, and me, unglued. We thought about leaving, and in a last ditch effort to reclaim our fun day, I turned their attention to the fuzzy llamas. Kenzi came up to within three feet of the fence and Molly held some food out in her hand. We were making good progress…until the next player stepped up to that darned clown. The scene replayed with fearful moaning, ear-covering and wide-opened eyes. As we continued to move them farther away from that area, I explained that we had to ignore the sound. "What’s ignore, Koko?", sweet Molly asked. I explained that it means to pay no attention to the thing that bothers you; to pretend it isn't there. Her little face lit up and she said that, okay, she would do try to do that. Things got much better because that was when we saw the DUCKS! Now that whole place was filled with alpacas, llamas and cavies, lemurs, capybaras and donkeys, oxen, tortoises, and camels, but nothing impressed like those ducks-Crowned Ducks. The funny pouf of feathers decorating the duck heads were a real hit. We were nearing the pony ride when someone stepped up to play that game again, but when the ear-assault began, Molly looked at me and she said, “I didn’t hear that at all because I’m not paying ‘tention to it, Koko." And I wanted to scoop her up and yell, "Alright, Molly!! You've got it, girl!!" I smiled and gave her a thumbs up instead. (Because I was a beast of burden with a purse-turned-suitcase and couldn't scoop!) We went on to ride on the cars, the giant slide and the runaway carousel (that went so fast that Kenzi was riding sidesaddle by the time it finished, and that was with me holding on to her!) Then we stopped for a snack at the cafe. By the time we left the Fun Fair, both girls were feeding the white donkeys and laughing. Fear had dissipated and their only regret on the ride home was not being able to bring a life-sized inflatable Spiderman with them. The moral to my story is obvious: Your day can be productive and fun if you stop paying attention to the things that bother you. And moral number two: Always love Spiderman. Offers Incentives to Charity For all of you who purchase items through, we have news for you. If you search and enter Multiple Sclerosis in the Charity section, we will receive .5% of your overall sale. Simple, it sure is! Log onto the computer and remember MS Resources as you make your purchases, but it must be entered through Questions, call Jessa at (315) 438-4790. We know that there are many people who shop on-line so spread the word and don’t forget us during your Christmas preparations too! Put it on your facebook page so your family, friends and all your contacts will know about it. Paste it, share it, Use it! • Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. • AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service. • Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at BE Sure you… Select a Charity (This is where you would type in Multiple Sclerosis Resources of Central New York, Inc. ) Newsletter is written and edited by: Annette Simiele Call (315) 438-4790/1-800-975-2404 Fax (315) 438-4704 E-mail Website - Multiple Sclerosis Resources of CNY, Inc. ® is a source of information concerning topics on Multiple Sclerosis. The information provided to you is derived from professionals in the field and do not represent our recommendations or opinions. We do not endorse any products, services or specific treatments. For the best advice for you, please consult your physician. Terms to Know B-Cell – A type of lymphocyte (white blood cell) manufactured in the bone marrow that makes antibodies Blood-Brain Barrier – A semi-permeable cell layer around blood vessels in the brain and spinal cord that prevents large molecules, immune cells and potentially damaging substances and disease-causing organisms from passing out of the blood stream into the central nervous system. A break in the blood-brain barrier may underlie the disease process in MS. Contraction – A shortening of muscle fibers and muscle that produce movement around a joint. Demyelination – A loss of myelin in the white matter of the nervous system. Exacerbation – The appearance of new symptoms or the aggravation of old ones, usually associated with inflammation and demyelination in the brain or spinal cord. Foot Drop – A condition of weakness in the muscles of the foot and ankle, caused by poor nerve conduction, which interferes with a person’s ability to flex the ankle and walk with a normal heel-toe pattern. The toes touch the ground before the heel, causing the person to trip or lose balance. Multiple Sclerosis Resources of Central New York, Inc. ® PO Box 237 6743 Kinne Street East Syracuse, New York 13057 Upcoming Events Fish Bowl – March 21st Utica Walk – March 22nd Watertown Walk – April 12th MS Dinner of Hope – April 28th
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