MISSISSIPPI SOYBEAN PROMOTION BOARD PROJECT NO. 56-2014 (YEAR 2) 2014 Final Report Title: Impact of Irrigation Initiation Timing on Plant Development and Yield of Indeterminate and Determinate Soybean Varieties Principal Investigator: Trent Irby (tirby@ext.msstate.edu) BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Irrigation capability is an extremely important factor in Mississippi soybean production. As the Mississippi alluvial aquifer is an important natural resource and increased demand of this resource threatens the sustainability of its use, it is imperative to explore non-yield limiting options which can contribute to conservation of both the aquifer and the environment in general. A widely utilized practice of soybean irrigation initiation in Mississippi is applying water at first bloom (R1). In some cases, it is possible that soil moisture deficits are not reached when irrigation is initiated at R1. If this is the case, it could be possible to delay irrigation initiation until deficit in soil moisture is reached without jeopardizing yield potential. As research projects are currently in place to address this issue, it is important to gather information about how varieties with different growth habits respond to irrigation initiation at different growth stages. In other words, indeterminate and determinate varieties may not respond similarly to irrigation initiated at different reproductive growth stages. In addition, evaluation of plant development (i.e. pod placement and number of seed within each pod), seed quality, and yield may provide useful insights in determining response of indeterminate and determinate varieties. With advancements in technology which allow rapid development of new varieties, it is important to understand how advanced, popular varieties planted in today’s production systems will respond to a range of different irrigation timings. Objective 1: Provide an economical assessment of irrigation costs associated with various irrigation initiation timings. Objective 2: Evaluate potential differences in plant development and yield following different irrigation initiation timings. Additional experiments associated with an M.S. student project: Evaluation of irrigated and non-irrigated systems on soybean with differing growth habits under differing plant populations. WWW.MSSOY.ORG Apr. 2015 1 REPORT OF PROGRESS/ACTIVITY In both 2013 and 2014, the irrigation initiation studies faced great difficulty. Both years saw extremely wet conditions during the optimum planting window. Rain continued to be a major factor throughout both growing seasons. In 2013 the DREC location remained under water after planting and the plots did not reach an adequate stand. The Brooksville location in 2013 reached a stand, but rains throughout the reproductive growth stages prohibited the targeted moisture deficits from being achieved. Similar struggles were observed in 2014 and also did not allow for either location, DREC or Sidon, MS, to achieve the correct deficits during the early reproductive phases. Because this project is associated with an M.S. student, additional projects were in place during both years where supplemental data were collected to partially address this objective. For clarity, objective two data will be presented first, followed by objective one’s economic assessment of the data of objective two. Objective 2: Evaluate potential differences in plant development and yield following different irrigation initiation timings. Four irrigation initiation timings were selected to reflect critical areas of plant development as well as a non-irrigated (NI) treatment. These initiation timings included the producer standard (PS—initiating irrigation at first bloom or R1), delaying irrigation initiation until pod development (R4), and delaying irrigation until beginning seed development (R5). The other delayed initiation treatment was based off of the FAO56 model, which is triggering irrigation when deficit levels reached a 2 in. soil moisture deficit. In both years, this 2 in. deficit first occurred during the late R2 (full bloom) growth stage. Once a treatment was initiated, irrigation was maintained to keep soil moisture deficits under 2 in. according to FAO56 for any given treatment until maturity (R7) was reached. Tracking soil moisture deficits using the FAO56 model showed that during both years the soybean crop was over the “threshold” of 2 in. soil moisture deficit for the non-irrigated and delayed irrigation treatments (R4 and R5 initiation) during the R2 to R4 growth stages. In 2013 that deficit continued to deepen through the R5-initiated treatment. By delaying irrigation past the producer standard, water was saved and pumping costs were lowered because of the reduced number of irrigation applications (Table 1.1). With the reduction in water applied, no significant difference occurred in yield with this reduction in irrigation applications by delaying all the way through R5. In 2012, a significant yield advantage was measured when irrigation was delayed to R5 compared to the producer standard of initiation at R1. An average of 20 bu/ac yield advantage was seen for all irrigated treatments when compared to the NI treatment (Table 1.2). Plant development was also measured through number of seed within each pod, total number of pods, and pod and bean weight for a m2 of row for each initiation treatment. In 2012, seed weight for all irrigated treatments was significantly greater than seed weight from the NI treatment. Total pods and pod weight had no significant difference in 2012. In 2013, total pod and pod weight for all irrigated treatments were greater than for the NI treatment, with the R4-initiated treatment having the greatest total number of pods (Table 1.3). The number of seed in each pod WWW.MSSOY.ORG Apr. 2015 2 (i.e. pod type) was not different among irrigation treatments in 2012. In 2013, the R5-initiated treatment had the greatest number of one- and two-bean pods (Table1.4). This smaller pod number did not translate to a yield reduction or lower pod/bean weight. Objective 1: Provide an economical assessment of irrigation costs associated with various irrigation initiation timings. An economic analysis of the irrigation initiation experiment to measure gross and net returns for both years was conducted with the assistance of Dr. Larry Falconer, Extension Economist with MSU. Irrigation was initiated at 4 different stages. A NI treatment was included for comparison purposes. The economic analysis took into account cost of irrigation applications, holding all other costs constant. This reflects the savings, in dollars, by delaying irrigation initiation with no adverse effect on yield/return. In some cases, a slight yield increase was seen by delaying irrigation applications (Table 1.2). In 2012, net returns for all delayed initiation treatments were higher than the producer standard. Statistically, the R5-initiated treatment had a significantly higher return than the producer standard treatment. In 2013, irrigated treatments were not significantly different for gross or net return. Although not significantly different, the R4-initiated treatment resulted in the highest net return. Additional experiments associated with the M.S. student project: Objective: Evaluate soybean yield of differing growth habits planted under various seeding rates in irrigated and non-irrigated systems. Experiments were conducted in 2013 and 2014 in both Starkville, MS at the R.R. Foil Plant Science Research Center (North Farm) and in Stoneville, MS at the Delta Research and Extension Center (DREC) to evaluate 6 different soybean seeding rates under irrigated and nonirrigated systems for indeterminate and determinate soybean varieties. Plots were set up in a randomized complete block design with a split-plot arrangement of treatments. The main factor was irrigation system and the sub-factor was seeding rate within maturity group. Seeding rates used were 90,000, 105,000, 120,000, 135,000, 150,000, and 165,000 seeds per acre. Once a full crop stand had been established, stand counts were recorded from each treatment. At crop maturity, final plant height and yield were recorded. The DREC location received three irrigations in both 2013 and 2014 for the irrigated plots, while both years of Starkville’s plots received two irrigations. Stand counts indicated that 90% or greater of the intended seeding rate was achieved. Furthermore, plant height data indicated that as seeding rate increased, plant height increased. Yield data are still being analyzed. Preliminary analysis indicates that yield varied by location, but in general the higher seeding rates (135k to 165) resulted in greater yields. Regression analysis will be run on these data to find a possible peak in return from seeding rate. WWW.MSSOY.ORG Apr. 2015 3 IMPACTS AND BENEFITS TO MISSISSIPPI SOYBEAN PRODUCERS With the implications that irrigation applications could be saved without reducing yield, all Mississippi soybean producers with irrigation capability could see direct benefit from this research both now and in the future. Presently, these data support MSU-ES and MSPB recommendations for irrigation efficiency by scheduling irrigation events using sensors or some type of applied scheduling tool rather than just initiating irrigation at first flower regardless of soil moisture. In doing so, producers have the ability to increase returns and reduce costs while maintaining or boosting yield. Along with lowering costs and increasing net returns, reducing irrigations could contribute to conserving the Mississippi Alluvial Aquifer. END PRODUCTS - COMPLETED OR FORTHCOMING Data collected from this study will be used in an M.S. thesis and will be edited for publication in 2015. Along with an M.S. thesis, this initiation study will be submitted for review to be published in a journal in 2015. WWW.MSSOY.ORG Apr. 2015 4 Table 1.1. Irrigation initiation dates, number of applications made, acre-inches applied, and effective rainfall plus irrigation in acre-inches. Irrigation Initiation Number of AcreAcre-Inches + Year Initiation Timing Date Irrigation Events Inches Rainfall 2012 NI ------------11.85 PS May 17, 2012 6 24 35.85 FAO May 24, 2012 5 20 31.85 R4 June 4, 2012 4 16 27.85 R5 June 22, 2012 4 16 27.85 2013 NI ------------3.67 PS May 31, 2013 8 21 24.67 FAO June 17, 2013 6 17 20.67 R4 June 25, 2013 5 16 19.67 R5 July 8, 2013 4 16 19.67 Table 1.2. Yield and economic returns for each irrigation initiation timing treatment as affected by yeara. Irrigation Year Initiation Timing Yieldbc Gross Returnbd Net Returnbef 2012 NI 63.98 c 971 c 971 c PS 82.41 b 1251 b 1105 b FAO 84.03 ab 1275 ab 1143 ab R4 83.27 ab 1264 ab 1145 ab R5 85.95 a 1304 a 1184 a 2013 NI 47.06 b 647 b 634 PS 70.68 a 971 a 811 FAO 68.69 a 944 a 803 R4 70.17 a 964 a 832 R5 66.46 a 913 a 792 a Data were split between years due to year being highly significant for yield and returns when compared across years. b Means within a column for each respective crop followed by the same letter are not significantly different based on Fisher’s protected LSD at p≤0.05. c Yield expressed as bu/ac. d Yield per bu/ac x market price. e Gross income less irrigation costs (all other costs assumed fixed). f Net Return in 2013 not significantly different among initiation timings. WWW.MSSOY.ORG Apr. 2015 5 Table 1.3. Total pods and pod and bean weight in a m2 for each irrigation initiation timing treatment as affected by environmenta. Irrigation Plantsc Year Initiation Timing per m2 Total Podsde Pod Weightde Bean Weightd 2012 NI 25 1179 643 394 b PS 23 1293 840 543 a FAO 24 1322 839 542 a R4 23 1376 849 558 a R5 25 1371 837 513 a 2013 NI 18 545 c 194 c 108 c PS 21 759 b 279 b 151 bc FAO 19 895 ab 343 ab 176 ab R4 20 955 a 358 a 178 ab R5 22 903 ab 386 a 217 a a Data were split between years due to year being highly significant for pod count and weight when compared across years. b Means within a column for each respective crop followed by the same letter are not significantly different based on Fisher’s protected LSD at p≤0.05. c No significant difference for plants m2 for either 2012 or 2013. d Data collected from plants in a m2 e No significant difference among initiation treatments in 2012. WWW.MSSOY.ORG Apr. 2015 6 Table 1.4. Pod development (pod type) in a m2 of row for each irrigation initiation timing treatment as affected by environmenta. Irrigation Blank One-Bean Two-Bean Three-Bean Four-Bean Year Initiation Timing Podsc Podsd Podsd Podsc Podsce 2012 NI 13 62 346 714 44 PS 12 61 295 865 59 FAO 34 87 311 832 56 R4 14 59 328 923 52 R5 11 60 357 895 48 2013 NI 49 192 c 197 c 108 --PS 51 264 b 309 b 135 --FAO 53 307 b 365 ab 171 --R4 42 305 b 377 ab 179 --R5 50 375 a 407 a 123 --a Data were split between years due to year being highly significant for pod count and weight when compared across years. b Means within a column for each respective crop followed by the same letter are not significantly different based on Fisher’s protected LSD at p≤0.05. c No significant difference among initiation timings in either 2012 or 2013. d No significant difference among initiation treatments in 2012. e No four-bean pods were found in 2013. WWW.MSSOY.ORG Apr. 2015 7
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