2015 JR TEAM TENNIS SUMMER SEASON Match play day: Friday Evenings beginning June 5th Season will last approximately 6 – 7 weeks All teams Coed. The minimum number of registered players for a team for age divisions 12U – 18U is 3 girls and 3 boys. 10U will play non-specific gender and must have a minimum of 6 players. The maximum number of players for all age divisions registered on a team is 14. Players must have a valid USTA membership. Players needing a team contact the Local League Coordinator. To register for a team and for a USTA Membership: http://teamtennis.usta.com First time 10 and under memberships are free. Use source code FYF15CNS. If a player ages up before August 31 they must play in the higher age division. Play format for each age division: 10 and Under – 2 singles and 2 doubles 12U, 14U and 18U Beginner and Intermediate - One girl and boy’s singles/ one girls and boys doubles and a mixed court. (Beginners are players who have never played a match at any age division. Players that age up to a new age division are not considered beginners.) ADVANCED- Teams must be created on tennislink by June 30th. Players do not have to be registered for the local season. Teams will automatically advance to the state championship. All USTA Jr. Team Tennis coaches/captains and co-captains must be in compliance with USTA Safe Play before they are able to participate. The process involves completing the online training module, reading The Youth Protection Policies and Procedures for USTA Jr. Team Tennis and taking a background screen. Please allow for up to 10 business days for completion. Go to mstennis.com. Click Junior Team Tennis at the top left (in the blue box). Click Youth Protection Policy to complete the background screening. Important Dates: April 1st – Captains and players may begin registration for teams on TennisLink with the approved background check. May 27th - Team entry forms with the deposit due to Local League Coordinator. Teams will not be placed on the schedule if the deposit has not been received by the deadline and have at least 3 girls and 3 boys registered. Last day to register as captain on TennisLink. Background screenings are to be completed and approved. June 1st – Captains Meeting 6:00, location TBA. June 5th – Match play begins. League Fee $26 Angie DeLeon, Jr. Team Tennis, LLC angied@mstennis.com 2015 Junior Team Tennis League TEAM ENTRY FORM - SummerSeason DEADLINE- May 27th AGE DIVISION____________________ BEGINNER ( ) – Contact the LLC(Angie DeLeon) before registering for this level. INTERMEDIATE ( ) ADVANCED ( ) – Tournament players TEAM NAME/CAPTAIN: Name__________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Phone (Home) _______________________ (Work)_____________________________ (Cell)_______________________________ (E-mail) ____________________________ Any and all future correspondence will be via e-mail! Home Courts: Public ( )________________________Private ( )______________________ If you designate Private, you must check with your club’s manager to assure that your team complies with the club’s policy regarding league teams. SECURITY DEPOSIT: $75.00 PER TEAM PAYABLE TO TRI-COUNTY CTA Please enter my team in the 2014 JTT League Tennis Program. I understand that this team entry form is my team’s commitment to participate in this League and the Security Deposit will be destroyed upon completion of all matches played. However, I also understand that if my team forfeits an entire team match that my Security Deposit may be deposited and all matches played or to be played may be null and void according to USTA National Regulations. CAPTAIN’S SIGNATURE: ______________________________DATE:__________ Please make checks payable to the CTA in the amount of $75.00. Return this form and Security Deposit by mail. All checks will be destroyed at the end of the season. Angie DeLeon Jr. Team Tennis Coordinator 3311 N. State Street Jackson, Ms. 39216 angied@mstennis.com 601-981-4421
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