Addendum1 to RFP 15-01 Measure Q - Monterey

Addendum 1 to RFP #15-01
To: All Interested Parties
From: Sandra Amorim
Purchasing Manager
Monterey-Salinas Transit
Re: RFP #15-01 Measure Q 15 Year Plan – Addendum Number 1
This Addendum Number 1 to the above referenced RFP responds to clarifications and
questions asked with the MST response.
Please note that some questions refer to data that has been posted on a website for shared
access to large files.. Any other party who wishes access may send a request to or access the MST website at
1 It is indicated that the Siemens system
has been installed fleet wide. Could you
provide samples of boarding data forms
for the RIDES ADA- Paratransit, and
RIDES-ST Paratransit?
Please provide a sample of the Siemens
Transit Master boarding data for the
fixed route/senior shuttles.
DJ3 20140901
Sample Report of
Voucher Trips for SYC
Currently taxi voucher vendors enter redeemed
vouchers directly into the Mobility Activities
Recording System (MARS) database and
MARS tracks them and provides reports. The
vouchers themselves are then sent on to Kevin
for verification and final approval.
MARS reports are also the basis for determining
how much to reimburse taxi vendors for voucher
services. He forwards this information onto
Accounts Payable where they process claims
and pay the vendors claim.
Could you also please supply a
sample of the reporting forms for the
RIDES and senior discount taxi
Screen Shot of
Voucher Redemption.
Addendum 1 to RFP #15-01
On your website it is indicated that
Senior Shuttles are designed to go
where surveyed seniors requested to
travel. What surveying was done to
make that determination and is the
percentage of senior ridership tracked
on those routes currently.
Meetings were held with the residents who lived in
large senior housing developments along the
routes. They helped design and schedule the routes
based on where and when they wanted to go. No
scientific surveys were done on these routes and
ridership of seniors is not tracked separately.
What is the anticipated study time
frame? Are there anticipated dates
for implementation of the program,
since receipt of funds begins April
We would like to have the report completed by our
December board meeting – December 14, 2015.
How many copies of the RFP
response does MST want to
receive? RFP says 1 original and
two (3) copies
One original, and two (2) copies.
Is there a hard date by which MST
needs the final report? Or, does MST
have in mind a desired study period?
We would like to have the report completed by our
December board meeting – December 14, 2015.
MST’s DBE/SBE directory?
MST uses the most updated DBE information that is
located at,
Other than those specifically listed above, no other sections, terms or conditions of the above
cited solicitation are being altered at this time. All other sections conditions and language not
specifically cited as altered in this document are still in full and original effect.
Sandra Amorim
Sandra Amorim, Purchasing Manager
Dated: March 30, 2015