May-June 2015 Leake County 4-H Inside this issue: Agent’s corner…..1 Livestock Report…..2 Horse Show Information…..3 Shooting Sports…..3 Project Achievement Day…..4 Calendar of Events…..5 Agent’s Corner Greetings! My name is Tyler Braud and I started as the Agriculture and Natural Resources/4-H Extension Agent on April 1, 2015. I received my bachelor’s degree in Animal Science from Louisiana State University in 2013 and will graduate on May 8, 2015 with a master’s degree in Animal Science from Mississippi State University. My first month in Leake County was extremely busy, but I am loving every minute of it! Please read through this newsletter. In this issue you will find highlights from January-April, as well as information on upcoming events and activities. I look forward to working with and getting to know each of you. Please do not hesitate to e-mail me or call the office if you have any questions or would like additional information on any upcoming activities. Regards, Tyler J. Braud Tyler J. Braud ANR/4-H Extension Agent 729 East Main Carthage, MS 39051 601-267-8036 Find us on Facebook: Leake County Extension Service Mississippi State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or group affiliation, age, disability, or veteran status. May-June 2015 2015 Livestock Show Season The 41st Annual Leake County Livestock Show was held on Saturday, January 17, 2015 at the Carthage Coliseum. 4-H members showed goats and beef cattle at the county show. The Southwest District Livestock Show was held February 2-5 and the Dixie National Junior Round-Up was held on February 5-12, 2015 at the Mississippi State Fairgrounds in Jackson, MS. The Leake County Livestock exhibitors had a successful 2015 4-H show season. Exhibitors were recognized at the annual Leake County Livestock Banquet on March 31, 2015 at McMillan Park. The results from county show are displayed below. Congratulations to all of our livestock exhibitors on a great year! Goat Show Sr. Champion Showman– Dylan Carpenter Jr. Champion Showman– Anna Vowell Grand Champion Comm. Doe– Dylan Carpenter Res. Champion Comm. Doe– Dylan Carpenter Grand Champion Market Goat– Dylan Carpenter Res. Champion Market Goat– Dylan Carpenter Beef Show Grand Champion Commercial Heifer– Taylor Vowell Res. Champion Comm. Heifer– Kalyn Smith Champion Co. Bred Comm. Heifer– Kalyn smith Champion Beefmaster Heifer– Austin Alford Res. Champion Beefmaster Heifer– Mary Kathryn Simmons Champion Beefmaster Bull– Austin Alford Res. Champion Beefmaster Bull– Ty Reeves Supreme Beef Breeding– Austin Alford Grand Champion Market Steer– Kalyn Smith Res. Champion Market Steer– Kalyn Smith Champion Co. Bred Market Steer– Kalyn Smith Mississippi State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or group affiliation, age, disability, or veteran status. May-June 2015 2015 4-H Horse Shows The Southwest District 4-H Horse Show will be held June 11-13 and the State Horse Show will be held June 23-27 at the State Fairgrounds in Jackson, MS. All exhibitors, parents, and volunteers must be ethics certified by June 1, 2015. Please call the office to schedule a time to complete the ethics certification. Exhibitors: don’t forget that original registration papers and grade horse forms must be with you at the district and state shows. Also, don’t forget that a negative coggins test is required. Shooting Sports The 2015 Southwest District Shooting Sports Competition was held on Saturday, April 25 in Pearl, MS. 35 4-H members represented Leake County at this event. The following 4-H members placed at the district competition: Kyle Pigg (Shotgun), Hunter Moore (Muzzleloader, Air Pistol, Hunting), Jessey Withers (Muzzleloader, Hunting), Alaina Donald (Hunting), Wesley Donald (Hunting), MaryKate Kitchings (Hunting), Amanda Konya (Hunting, 22 Pistol), Jed Roland (Air Pistol), Garrett Joiner (Air Pistol), Austin Thornton (Hunting, Air Pistol), Colten James (Archery), Mason Brock (22 Rifle, 22 Pistol), Anna Vowell (22 Rifle), Jessica Fortune (One handed 22 Pistol, two handed 22 Pistol), Taylor Vowell (Air Pistol), Makhal Leflore (Air Rifle, Air Pistol), Cameron Johnson (Air Pistol), Brandon McMurry (Air Pistol), Jonathan Walker (Air Rifle), Gregory White (Air Rifle), Montiese Townsend (Air Rifle), and Wesley Sullivan (Air Rifle). Congratulations to all of our shooting sports participants on a great district shoot! The State Invitational will be held July 17-18 and the location is TBA. Jessey Withers, Hunter Moore, and Austin Thornton will be representing Leake County at the National Competition in Grand Island, NE June 21-26. GOOD LUCK! Mississippi State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or group affiliation, age, disability, or veteran status. May-June 2015 Southwest District Project Achievement Day The Southwest District Project Achievement Day is scheduled for June 17 at Hinds Community College in Raymond, MS. This event is for youth ages 8-13. The deadline to enter is May 20. Contact the Extension office if you would like to participate in this event or if you would like more information. Project Achievement Day Agenda 9:00 am – Registration 9:30 am – Open Assembly 10:00 am – Visual Presentation/Misc. Contests and Workshops Begin 12:00 pm – Lunch 1:00 pm – Judging and Workshops Begin and Share-the-Fun Continues 2:30 pm – Awards and Closing Ceremony 3:15 pm - Adjourn Mississippi State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or group affiliation, age, disability, or veteran status. May-June 2015 Calendar of Events May 27-29 Club Congress, MSU June 11-13 SW District 4-H Horse Show, Jackson, MS June 17 SW District Project Achievement Day, Raymond, MS June 21-26 National 4-H Shooting Sports Invitational, Grand Island, Nebraska June 23-27 MS State 4-H Horse Show, Jackson, MS July 4 Independence Day Holiday July 10 4-H Livestock Judging Contest, MSU July 28-August 2 Southern Regional 4-H Horse Championships Mississippi State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or group affiliation, age, disability, or veteran status.
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