2015 年 5 月 29 日 オープンイノベーション国際シンポジウム(ver.2) 「技術の商業化の課題を再考する」 International Symposium for Innovation ‘Redefine the issues of Technology Commercialization’ オープンイノベーションが謳われて久しいが、技術の商業化・価値化については成果 を挙げているところは少ない。今回、世界最大の独立・非営利研究機関(事業規模 7,440 億円、職員 22,000 人)であるバテル記念研究所(Battelle Memorial Institute)及びアジア の技術商業化・投資子会社である 360ip、台湾最大の公的研究機関 ITRI(台湾工業技術 研究院) 、そしてカナダ・トロントの再生医療の商業化拠点 Center for Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine (CCRM)の各責任者をお迎えし、国際シンポジウムを開催しま す。多くの方々の参加をお持ちしています。 日時:2015 年 6 月 8 日(月)13:00~17:30 会場:名古屋工業大学 4 号館 1 階ホール(〒466-8555 名古屋市昭和区御器所町) 主催:名古屋駅前イノベーション・ハブ 共催:名古屋工業大学大学院産業戦略工学専攻 後援:360ip ジャパン株式会社、三重大学社会連携研究センター、一般財団法人フ ァインセラミックセンター 協賛:(公財)名古屋産業振興公社 参加費:無料 概要(逐次通訳) 講演 1 Mr. Bob Quinn・・・バテル記念研究所 Managing Director for Commercialization, Battelle Memorial Institute/360ip 「バテルが 80 年の経験で得た技術商業化の教訓」 (Lessons Learned from Decades of Technology Commercialization) 講演 2 Mr. Thomas Chang・・・ITRI(台湾工業技術研究所) Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), TechVenture Startup Accelerator – Senior Manager 「スタートアップから上市までの道程を照らし出す」 (Light up the Way of from the Startups to Market) 講演 3 Mr. Michael May・・・CCRM(トロントの再生医療商業化拠点) President & Chief Executive Officer Center for Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine (CCRM) 「期待される細胞治療、日本に負けないカナダにおける商業化の取り組み」 (Keeping Up with Japan: Canada's Efforts to Commercialize the Promise of Cell Therapy) 申し込み先は以下のアドレスからお願いします。 nagoya@ekimae-innova.jp 講演終了後、演者を交えて交流会(実費)を開催します。併せてご参加下さい。 【問い合わせ先】 名古屋工業大学大学院産業戦略工学専攻 小竹暢隆 odake.nobutaka@nitech.ac.jp 【講師プロフィル】 ■ Mr. Bob Quinn “Mr. Bob Quinn is a Battelle employee on loan to 360ip to serve as the primary liaison between the two companies and to manage 360ip’s technology advisory services and commercialization activities. He has over thirty years of experience in IP management and technology commercialization, both as a consultant and government official. Within Battelle, he has previously served as VP for Technology Commercialization and VP for Environmental Systems Planning and Management. He also was the Director of Technology Commercialization for Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Prior to joining Battelle, Bob was a manager at the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.” ■ Mr.Thomas Chang “Mr. Chang is Senior Manager of TechVenture Startup Accelerator (TVC) which provides the incubation service and commercialization consulting services in Industrial Technology Research Institute. TVC is also devoted to accelerate the interaction between Technology, Business, and Investment, and to establish Taiwan as the leading incubation hub for Techno Startups. Thomas focuses his careers on cutting-edge Technology promotion and new business development. Since 2007 he has numerous management positions at ITRI, including Market analyst, Business development Manager, and incubation manager in Hsin-Chu Office. With the passion for innovation in partnerships between large companies and startups, he began to foster Innovation-driven Entrepreneurship in ITRI and in Taiwan.” ■ Mr. Michael May “Mr. Michael May is currently the Chief Executive Officer of CCRM. Prior to CCRM, Michael was the President, Chief Operating Officer and co-founder of Rimon Therapeutics Ltd., a Toronto-based regenerative medicine company developing novel medical polymers that possess drug-like activity. Michael sits on a number of Boards and advisory committees, including: MaRS Innovation, Rimon Therapeutics Ltd., 20/20 Vision, the Advanced Regenerative Tissue Engineering Centre, the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, at the University of Toronto and the McMaster Mohawk Biotechnology Program.”
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