The Mt. Diablo Section of the Society of Women Engineers is pleased to announce our 2015 Scholarship Program. We will award scholarships of $1000 each, based on merit. Please bring this opportunity to the attention of your eligible students, and your math and science teachers. Rules of eligibility are: 1. Be a female in her senior year of a local high school. 2. Apply to an accredited engineering school. 3. Submit proof of acceptance in an accredited school for the Fall of 2015. 4. Declare an engineering major. Double majors are not eligible for this scholarship if one is outside an engineering discipline. 5. Use this one-time scholarship during the 2015-2016 school year. Application forms with instructions are enclosed. You may reproduce additional copies at your school. The application is also available on our website at THE APPLICATION FORM AND SUPPORTIVE MATERIALS MUST BE IN ONE ENVELOPE AND MUST BE POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE APRIL 15, 2015. Mail all materials to: Scholarship Chair SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS P.O. Box 1941 Martinez, CA 94553 Applications will be judged by a committee of at least three engineers, not connected with an engineering school, from our local chapter. Recipients will be notified by the end of May 2015. For questions, please contact me at or at (925) 372-8782. Sincerely, Diane Beck Scholarship Committee Mt. Diablo SWE Section SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION HIGH SCHOOL WOMEN ENTERING ENGINEERING PERSONAL DATA Name Nickname Home Phone Home Address City State Zip Code City State Zip Code Email Address Mother's Name Father's Name Name of Guardian if other than Parent Address of Parent or Guardian EDUCATION High School Location List colleges to which you have applied for admission. (A copy of a letter of acceptance from an accredited engineering school must be submitted). Year of Graduation Major Check here if you have been accepted CHECKLIST FOR APPLICANT Make sure you include in one envelope and mailed by April 15th: ___ ___ ___ ___ A. B. C. D. Pages 1, 2, & 3 of the application? A copy of your school transcript (including 12th grade)? A copy of your SAT Student Score Report Summary? A copy of a letter of acceptance from an accredited engineering school? (one letter is sufficient) Page 1 of 3 Name (Please Print):____________________ SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION (Please use space provided--no additional sheets.) List any special honors you have won, either in or out of school List school and community activities (other than jobs) Grades 9, 10, Activity 11, 12 Hours per week Weeks per year Position(s) held Special honors, etc. List full-time, part-time, summer, or volunteer jobs held since entering high school. Employer Description of your job Page 2 of 3 Dates of employment Hrs/Wk Name (Please Print):____________________ ESSAY Write an essay in the space provided below (typewritten, no additional sheets) on why you want to become an engineer. Include how you became interested in engineering and which branch of engineering you are considering. CERTIFICATION I certify that all of the information furnished on this form is true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that such information is confidential and subject to verification by the SWE - Mt. Diablo Scholarship Committee. Signature:_____________________________________________________ Date:_______________________ Page 3 of 3
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