MEPS Newsletter PO Box 305, Mt Eliza 3930 – Phone 9787 1385 Newsletter is available on the web site address : th 16 April, 2015 ‘ DIARY April 15th to 17th Mon 20th Tue Wed Thu 21st 22nd 23rd Fri Sat Mon Wed 24th 25th 27th 29th Thu 30th Grade 4 Camp - Phillip Island Adventure Resort (Returning to school at 2.30pm) Second-hand Uniform Sale – 2.15pm Hall Foyer Building & Grounds Committee Meeting – 5pm Education Committee Meeting – 7pm School Tour for 2016 Prep Parents – 9.30 am CURRICULUM DAY – PUPIL FREE DAY Jogging Club – 8.20am on the school oval ANZAC Day Assembly District Golf at Devilbend Golf Club School Tour for 2016 Prep Parents – 11.30am ANZAC Day School Council Meeting – 7.15 pm in Staffroom Last day for Book Club orders School Tour for 2016 Prep Parents – 9.30 am Jogging Club – 8.20am on the school oval May Fri 1st Mon 4th Tue 5th 6th, 7th, 8th Thu 7th Mon Tue 18th 19th Wed Thu June Fri Mon Fri 20th 21st Grade 1 – McCrae Homestead Excursion School Tour for 2016 Prep Parents – 11.30am Mothers’ Day Lunch at Three Wild Ducks Mothers’ Day Stall Jogging Club – 8.20am on the school oval House Cross Country – 9.30am to 1.00pm School Tour for 2016 Prep Parents – 9.30 am Second-hand Uniform Sale – 2.15pm Hall Foyer School Tour for 2016 Prep Parents – 9.30 am PTA Meeting – 1.30pm in the BER 2016 Prep Parents’ Information Night – 7.00pm Jogging Club – 8.20am on the school oval 5th 15th 26th Preps – Werribee Open Range Zoo Excursion Second-hand Uniform Sale – 2.15pm Hall Foyer Last Day of Term 2 Principal’s Report Welcome back to Term 2! I am really excited to be joining such a wonderful school community and look forward to meeting so many new people. I really enjoyed visiting each class on my first day and meeting all of the students. My first impression of Mt Eliza Primary School is that it is full of happy, positive and friendly students. My first major job here is going to be getting to know as much as I can about this great school through meeting with staff, students and parents. I look forward to learning all I can so we can continue to build and develop our school further in the future – a school that maximises the learning opportunities for all students. I thought I should take this first Newsletter to inform the community a little about myself. Those who attended the assembly on Monday will know a little about me from the insightful questions asked by the Manyung School Captains. But for those who missed it, here is a little about me: I began my teaching career at Langwarrin Park Primary School before moving to Devon Meadows Primary School as a classroom teacher. Devon Meadows is a semi-rural community 10 minutes south of Cranbourne. The school is wellhidden, located away from major roads, shops and other infrastructure amongst acreages (lots of wild rabbits eating the oval and vegetable patch and the occasional snake in summer). I worked at Devon Meadows for just over 11 years. I was substantive Principal for the past 4 years and was Acting Principal, Assistant Principal, Acting Assistant Principal, etc. for the 2 years prior to that. The school currently has 220 students. I have worked to develop a clear vision and common approach to education at the school and thoroughly enjoyed the chance to work with a great team, wonderful parents and awesome children. My personal beliefs in education centre around: 1. Children need to feel safe when they come to school – this means the school grounds need to be safe, the classrooms need to be a safe place to learn and attend and students who have issues at home that make them feel unhappy, anxious or concerned need to be supported wherever possible. 2. Children need to be engaged at school – this means school should have many fun and interesting things for students to participate in both inside and outside the classroom. 3. Children need to be taught at their developmental level – this can also be termed ‘challenged to learn’. All students need to be taught and given the opportunity to learn new and more difficult concepts at a pace that they can handle. Children also need time to ‘practice’ new concepts so they can gain proficiency but the common term I use with children is that I want their ‘brain to hurt’ at least once a day. Some children go through school finding almost every concept difficult and need support to ensure they continue to learn and achieve success. Other children find most concepts extremely easy to grasp and rarely get challenged. Research shows that those children who rarely get challenged early in their school career because they are ‘naturally talented’ often don’t develop the important skills of persistence when difficult learning tasks are explored later in life. I am passionate about ensuring all children are progressing and learning throughout their school career. On a personal level, I am married with 2 wonderful boys who are currently in grade 2 and 4. Sport is an important part of our household with swimming, tennis, football and basketball all being played by at least one member of the family. I still play basketball once a week. I follow the Brisbane Lions, being a Fitzroy fan as a child. My favourite food is donuts but I don’t eat these as often as I’d like! I am really excited about working with the Mt Eliza Primary School community and look forward to meeting you shortly. Thank you! It is clear that the recent history here at MEPS has been a time of instability and with that comes an increased responsibility for many staff. I would like to take the opportunity to publicly thank the staff who have worked together to ensure a quality education program has continued throughout this time. I would especially like to thank Bev Harvey for her leadership of the school in Term 1, her hard work last year and her support in my transition period. A thank you also to Raelene Harvey and Richard Barren in the role as Acting Assistant Principals for Term 1, ensuring the school continued to run smoothly. I would like to thank Sharyn Wanstall for her administration of the lengthy Principal selection process. Finally I would like to thank the many parents and students who have welcomed me to the school. I look forward to a wonderful year ahead. Brett Bell Principal Assistant Principal’s Report Welcome back. I hope you all had a great holiday. It has been a busy start to the term and we are pleased to welcome Brett Bell to the school. His knowledge, experience and expertise will be of great benefit to our school. Tree Removal Over the holidays the local Council removed a dead tree next to the car park. As there is always a risk of limbs falling from dead trees this will make it safer for our children. ANZAC Day Service next Thursday This will be a highlight of next week. I would like to thank Raelene Harvey in advance for all the extra work she is doing to make this 100 year anniversary a significant event for our students and the community. Grade 4 Camp The Grade 4s are currently enjoying themselves on the Phillip Island Adventure Camp. Please take the time to thank the staff who have given up their own time with their families to make this wonderful learning and social opportunity possible for the children in Grade 4. School Council Morning Tea Tomorrow morning at 10:45 am there will be a special morning tea for the School Councillors to meet Brett, our new Principal. The new School Councillors are welcome to stay behind afterwards for a tour of the school. Bev Harvey Assistant Principal KidsMatter Survey Dear Parents and Caregivers, As many of you would be aware, we at Mt Eliza Primary School are engaged in the Australian Primary Schools Mental Health Initiative; KidsMatter. In an effort to collaboratively improve the working relationships between school and home we invite you to participate in a survey for your perspectives on Mt Eliza Primary School and what you think is important for schools to consider to better support children’s mental health and wellbeing. The answers provided by you are completely anonymous and are stored securely by KidsMatter and Mt Eliza Primary School. Results from the survey may be used by us for the purposes of informing school planning. th The survey is open until Friday, 8 May. Follow the link below to participate in the survey: Please register our school as Mount Eliza Primary School, (not Mt Eliza). You may also like to follow the link to the School Surveys section on the KidsMatter website, which provides background information: PTA Jogging Club 2015 Mothers’ Day Lunch! th Lunch will be held on Tuesday, 5 May at Three Wild Ducks in Mt Eliza. $40 per head will give you a glass of champagne, a main meal and a dessert. There will also be raffles and door prizes. Come and enjoy a lunch to socialise with other MEPS Mums!! For information or to put your name down please email Jodie Prendergast at or phone/message 0409 199 788. Jogging Club will begin on Thursday, 23 April. It will be held every Thursday morning from 8.20 am – 8.45 am. A special card will be given to students when they arrive for Jogging Club and laps will be recorded on the card. Five laps of the school oval equals one kilometre. Students will receive certificates as they pass certain milestones with their running. They will have the option to walk, jog or run. Any parents who would like to help tick off cards, we would really appreciate it. I look forward to seeing lots of enthusiastic kids. Mothers’ Day Stall Dads get your wallets out….. We will have some fantastic th th th goodies for the kids to purchase on the 6 , 7 and 8 May, 2015. Gifts will start at $1 and go to just over $10. We are looking for donations of any kind for this fundraiser. Paper, ribbon, gift cards, gifts, plants, etc. We will have a box in the school foyer for your donations. We are also looking for helpers to sell goods and gift wrap on each of these days. If you are available to assist, please text your details to 0417 354 392 or email Big Night Out th Book the baby sitters – Saturday, 18 July, 2015. "MEPS BALL", your take on this! You can come dressed as Bogan Ball, Masquerade Ball, 80s Ball…….even a tennis ball or if you don’t want to dress up simply wear an after 5 dress. Tickets go on sale soon! Last year was fantastic we all had so much fun and this year will be even better. Book Club Scholastic book catalogues have gone home this week. Don't forget you can now order your books online directly with Scholastic (see order form) which means you don't have to return anything to the school. Payments made by cash or cheque will still need to be returned to the school along with your order form. The cut-off date for orders is th Wednesday, 29 April. Second Hand Uniform Sales The next Second-hand Uniform Sale will be held next th Monday, 20 April at 2.15 pm in the old school hall during assembly. We will be holding a 'buy one pair of pants for $3, get one pair free' sale! Thanks to all the PTA team…. Many hands make light work If you would like to get involved with this fantastic group our next meeting will be held on th Tuesday, 19 May at 1.30 pm in the BER. Thanking you, PTA We would like to thank Janine York (mother of Bella and Maisie) who has been doing a fantastic job of running the PTA’s second-hand uniform stall over recent years. Janine has volunteered many hours of her time to provide the school community with the opportunity to purchase second-hand uniforms at very reasonable prices. Janine will finish after the next sale and then hand over the role to Jessica Rosewarne. A big thank you to Janine and welcome to Jessica! rd Brent Schuster School Band & Guitar Lessons Well done to all the students who tried out for the School Band. It is unfortunate there are not enough spaces for all of you. Congratulations to Freya V, Sebastian W, James T, Marlowe T, Ellie S, Oliver Mc, Jess Mc and Mason S for being successful. Band rehearsals will be held every Tuesday at recess. We are still looking for a drummer so if any senior students are interested please see Steph Born in the old LOTE room on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursdays. There are still a couple of positions for guitar lessons in Term 2. If you are interested, please collect a form from the front office and return it as soon as possible. For details contact Steph Born on 0418 140 742. Outside School Hours Care For more details on After School Care, Before School Care and School Holiday Program please phone Camp Australia on 1300 105 343. Registration is available online at Uniform Shop – Fashion Clubwear Open: Mondays from 8.30 to 9.00 am Thursdays from 3.00 to 3.30 pm and Please note that the Uniform Shop no longer accepts cheques. Please make payments by cash or credit card. Thank you, Sam Stephenson, Uniform Shop tiqbiz Instructions Have you logged onto tiqbiz yet? MEPS is now using an app to send out messages, newsletters and notices. See the details on how to download the tiqbiz app to your phone, tablet or computer on the last page of the electronic copy of our Newsletter. MARKET DAY BASKETBALL RINGS Many thanks to our school community for supporting our Grade 6 Market Day last year. The money raised has gone towards putting some new basketball rings on our asphalt area at the back of the school. Tom, Heath G and Cooper G helped model our rings – thanks boys! PARLIAMENT AND CIVICS EDUCATION REBATE (PACER) Our Grade 6 students have recently undertaken an educational tour of the national capital. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. Their behaviour, questioning skills and knowledge were exemplary all throughout the camp and they should be congratulated. Many thanks to Sam Cunnington, Alistair Heavey, Wes Mann and Maddie Harvey who came along to help with camp. The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the camp the Australian Government contributed funding of $30.00 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program. The rebate was taken off the cost of the camp and will be paid directly to the school now the camp has been completed. GRADE 6 COOKING IN TERM 2 The Grade 6 students are very excited to have started their cooking for the last time, this being the fourth year of them cooking and gardening in this program. There are still a couple of gaps with helpers so if you are available please contact your grade 6 teacher or Sally (even if it is for one session). We had a special guest along for the first day to taste test our end result. Our new Principal, Mr Bell, loved sitting down and eating with the students and hearing all about their love of cooking. Community Notices RSPCA Million Paws Walk – Hasting’s Foreshore, Sun 18th May, 2015. Seeking vendors, sponsors and donations from local businesses. Please contact Kate on ANZAC DAY COMMEMORATIVE SERVICE Mt Eliza PS – Thursday 23rd April 9.00 am to 10.30 am A reminder to our school community that we are holding an Anzac Day Service rd on Thursday, 23 April and everyone is invited. If you have any connections to a veteran or current serving member we will be honouring them on the day. Please email me details of your veterans or send back the form that was sent home last term. If your child has medals from veterans they could wear on the day and be part of our parade please email me and let me know at If you have any other names to add to our list below please email me. Raelene Harvey Jason Ross, Jason Eagles, Billy, Taylah, Tom and Sophie. Mt Eliza Primary School celebrates 100 years of ANZAC by thanking our community members that served for us….. Veteran or Current Serving Member MEPS student and related to: Service Theatre of Service Jason Ross John Ross Duncan Stamp Norm Peatling Stephen Wood Michael Mead Lawrence Waters Ben White Father of Bella 4C & Billy 2N Grandfather of Bella 4C & Billy 2N Cousin of Charlie 4P Pa of Thomas 3C & Sophie 1D Father of Emma 4C & Jaimie 3F Pa of Grace 5J & Eliza 2C Grandfather of Emma 6G Father of Makenzie 3B Army Army Army Army Army Air Force Navy Navy Donald Mathews Merv Paton Jason Eagles Allen Jeanes Harry Muir George White David Henry Sinclair Andy Martin Leonard Chapman Great Grandfather to Taylor 3BR & Payton 1T Grandfather of Ainsley 6G & Meg 4T Father of Molly 4T & Taylah 2D Grandfather of Isabel 1T Great Grandfather of Maison 2C and Aiden 5L Grandfather of Thomas 4T & Henry 1D Great Grandfather of Thomas 4T & Henry 1D Great Grandfather to Sophia Pertile 2N Grandfather to Lachlan 6G, Harrison 3B, Ashton 1PM & Isla 1G Great Grandmother of Holly 3B Great Grandfather of Holly 3B Great Grandfather of Holly 3B Great Uncle of Holly 3B Grandfather of Finlay 1C Grandfather of Finlay 1C Grandfather of Finlay 1C Stepfather of Finlay 1C Grandfather of Sophie 2N & Sam PB Great Grandfather to Hywel 1C & Griff 2C Great Grandad of Luke 1PM Great Great Uncle to Skye 1T Great Grandfather to Marlon 4P & Hunter 1G Great Great Uncle to Duncan 6S Great Grandfather to Flynn 5J, Zoe 4S& Kaitlin 4C Great Grandfather to Flynn 5J , Zoe 4S & Kaitlin 4C Grandfather to Orlando 1D Great Great Grandfather to Jarvis 3F & Kian PM Great Grandfather to Jarvis 3F & Kian PM Great Great Grandfather to Amelia 4T & Eliza 1G Great Grandfather to Amelia 4T & Eliza 1G Great Grandfather to Flynn 2C Great Grandfather to Jordan PD Grandfather to May 6G Father of Phoebe Way 3BR Father of Sarah 6S, Nathanael 4S, Shiloh 3B Army Army Army Navy Air Force Army Army Army Army Iraq, East Timor, Peacekeeping Vietnam War Afghanistan Vietnam War East Timor, Peacekeeping Malayan Emergency Vietnam War, Borneo East Timor, Afghanistan, Peacekeeping Second World War Vietnam War East Timor Korean War – Royal British Navy Second World War Second World War First World War Second World War Second World War Air Force Air Force Army Army Army Army Army Navy Army Army Navy Army Army Army Army Army Navy Army Air Force Army Army Air force Army Army Army Navy Second World War Second World War Second World War Vietnam War Second World War Second World War Korean War Second World War – U.S. Navy Vietnam War Second World War Second World War First World War Second World War First World War Second World War Second World War Second World War First World War Second World War First World War Second World War Second World War Second World War Second World War Afghanistan Iraq, Afghanistan Marjory Ashton Graham Tamblyn Arch Hamilton Phillip Tamblyn John Atkinson Barry Scott Ian Kerr Lawrence Melin Robin Moreton Ernest Ramsey Frank Roberts Leo Stack Bernie Prain Fen McDonald Donald Yates Danny McGregor E.H. Clark John Butterworth Gordon Butterworth W Hanton A Bodell Vernon O’Day Leith Masterton George Seddon Matthew Way Duncan Becsi Veteran or Current Serving Member Raymond Stafford Raymond McMahon Bill Cross James Thompson Fred Winterlon Frederick Bourke Matthew Hogan Keith Enno Roy Whelan W R Looker & F K Looker Lloyd George Kerferd Alan Hugh Kelly Jack Stanley Womersley Andrew Keys Smith Joseph John Lanyon Stanley Thomas Walker Richard Matthews John M Coles David S Files Alexander Bell Kevin Felmingham George Field Lindsay Burton Robert Bell Thomas Field Arthur Field Norman Field Charlie Robinson Henry Robinson Roy Robinson Dudley Robinson Noel Robinson Tom Warren MEPS student related to Service Theatre of Service Great Grandpa of Ellie 6S, Holly 4S and Ben 2S Father of Chelsea 6S Grandpa of Sienna PP Great Grandfather of Harry 2D Great Grandfather of Georgie T 5J Great Grandfather of Sam & Annabelle 3B Army Army Army Army Army Army Great Grandfather of Ella 2S Great Uncle of Blake 1T Great Grandfather of Jack PP Great Great Great Uncles of Jack 3F Army Army Air Force Army Second World War East Timor Vietnam War Second World War Second World War Second World War/Malayan Emergency Second World War Vietnam War Second World War First World War Great Great Uncle of Jack 3F Great Grandfather to Jack 3F Great Grandfather to Jack 3F Army Air Force Air Force Second World War Airforce Second World War Great Uncle to Jack 3F Great Great Grandfather to Seth 1C Great Grandfather of Will 5J Grandfather of Charlotte PP Great Grandfather of Oliver 1G Great Grandfather to Oliver 1G Great Great Grandpa to Zahli C 2C Great Grandpa to Zahli C 2C Great Grandpa to Zahli C 2C Great Uncle to Zahli C 2C Great Great Uncle to Zahli C 2C Great Great Uncles to Zahli C 2C Army Air Force Army Army Army Army Army Army Army Air Force Army Vietnam War First World War Second World War Vietnam War Second World War Second world War First World War Second World War Second World War Vietnam War Second World War Second World War It’s not too late to change smoke alarm batteries CFA is reminding families that it’s not too late to change the batteries in their smoke alarms. Operations Officer, Cliff O’Connor said with the end of Daylight Savings falling on Easter this year a lot of families might have missed their usual routine to replace batteries when they changed their clocks. “If one piece of equipment in your home is going to save your life it is your smoke alarm,” said Operations Officer O’Connor. “That is because you can’t smell smoke when you are sleeping – all your senses are reduced and without a smoke alarm there is a very good chance you will not wake up until it is too late.” “So if you haven’t changed your batteries this year then do it now,” he said. Operations Office O’Connor said last year the CFA attended 1650 house fires, which resulted in 16 deaths. “Firefighters see far too many preventable house fires every year and they can be heartbreaking,” OO O’Connor said. “Changing the batteries in your smoke alarm only takes five minutes but could be the difference between you keeping your family safe, or a devastating outcome.” OO O’Connor said anyone who thought their smoke alarm might be more than ten years old should have it replaced. “Past that ten-year mark the electronics in a smoke alarm can’t be relied on,” he said. CFA recommends: Monthly: test smoke alarms by pressing the test button with a broom handle Annually: gently dust around the outside cover of your smoke alarm Annually: replace your 9-volt battery at the end of daylight saving Every 10 years: replace your smoke alarm units and when you do, consider installing 10-year sealed smoke alarms. tiqbiz Instructions
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