Motor Vehicle Driyer's CERTI FICATISN O# COfVI PLIANCE trlrlTH DRIVER LICENSE REQUIREMENTS to e$eIY dfiver who operates in intrastate, MOTOR CARRTER TNSTRUCflONS: The requirements in Part 383 applY pounds or more, can transport morethan 15 interctate, orforeign cornnnerce and operates a vehicle weighing 26,001 people, or transports hazardous rnaterial that require placarding. in interstate cornmerce and operates a vehicle The requirements in part 3g1 apply to eyery driver who operates people, or transpcrts hazardous materials that require weighing 10,001 ponds or more, can transport mare than 15 placarding. parts 3g3 and 3gl sf the fueral Motor carnersafety Regulations contain certain driuer DRIVER REQUTREMENTS: inchding the following: licensing requirements that you as a driuer must cornply wkh, 1.) 2.1 oNE USENS& You, motor vehide oPeratols license' pOSSESS ONLy as a commercial vehicle driver, may ilot possess more tltan one SECTION 391'15{BX2} iTOTIFICATION OF UCEIIISE SUSPENSICI{, RET'OCATIOITI ORCAI{CETIATION: require that ycu notify your employer AND 3g3.33 OF THE Federal Motor carrier safuty Regulations revocation or suspenslon of your driver's license- ln addition, section a sfate or local traffic law {other than 3g3.31 requires that anytime you are convicted of violating moturarrier, and 2) the state that parking), you must report it within 30 days to: 1) your employing t}an the one which issued your license}' The issued your 1icense {if the violaiion occurs in a state other the NDff BUSINESS DAy of any notificationtobothtfreemployerandstatemustbeinwriting. 3.i 38323 {ait2} requires that your commercial driver's license you have Yourtrue' fixed' and permanent home and be issued by your legal state of domicile, where wheneveryou are absenl lf you principal residence and io which you have the intension of retuming to transfer your cDL w?thin 30 days' a new dornicite in another ltate, you must apply cD L DOMTCILE REQUIREMEITITS: Secrlon establish The following license is the only one I possess: Driver's License NoDRIVER CERTtFlcAnoN: I State Exp. Date certifothat I have read and understood the abcve requirements' Driver's Name (Printed): Driver's Signature: Notes: Date: HEQUEST FCIN &HHCK OF DRIVING NECORD NOTE TO MOTOR CAHRIEH: SEE B,ACK SIDE FOR STATES THAT ACCEPTTHIS FoHM. I hereby authorize you to release the following lnfonnailon io (F rospective Employer) for purposes of investigation as required by Sections 391.23 and 391.25 of the Federal lyiotor Carrier SlrutV Regutations. you ar released from any and all liability which may result from fumishing such information. !aonl19an] s sionatu re) (Date) ln accordance with the provisions of Sections 604 and 607 of the Fair Credit Reporting Aet, Public Law g1-508, as arnended b the Consumer Credit Reporting Act of 1996 {Title ll, Subtitle D, Chapter 1, of Public Larr104-208), I hereby certify the foltowing: 1. The consumer (applicant) has authorized in writing the procurement of this repori; 2. The consumer (applicant) has been informed in a separate written disclosure that a consumer report may be obtained fc employment purposes; 3. The information requested below will be used for a "permissible 4. 5. purpose" (i.e., information for employment purposes) anr will be used for no other purpose; The information being obtained will not be used in violation of any federal or state equal opportunig law or regulation; and Before taking an adverse action based in whole or in part on the report the consumer (applicant) will receive a copy of thr requested report and the summary of consumer rights as provided with the report by the consumer reporting agency. I also hereby certify that this report request and the above applicanfs release notice meet the definition of "permissible uses" o state motor vehicle records under the provisions of the Driver's Privacy Protection Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-822, Tiile XXX Section 300002(a)). (Signature of Requester) (Date) TO: DEAR SIF/MADAM: [l ff,e following named person has made application with our company for the position of pr."* f,*i-r,, ** ,,d"d@;':r?,["Jfff:;#,$,::ffiH?fff,"i1?:1i""j,3n*"nu I rne following named person is employed with our company of rransportation Regurations' in the position of pr""* rr*i,r, th",-d*,@;'ffi[T33tTrYffi:5:::J,::]:?Lfl"# Department orrransportation Resurations' NAME OF APPLICANT/DRIVEH ADDRESS (Number & Street) (city) (Staie) (Zp Code) (Number & Street) (City) (Siate) (Zip Code) FCRMER ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH SSN LICENSE NO. REQUESTED BY (Name of Company) (Iyped Name) (Address) fiitle) (city) O CoDvrioht 2O12 J. J. KELLER & ASSOCIATES. lNC.€. (State) Nmnah. W . USA . f800) 327-6R64. iikcller cnm . Prinio.t in tho I toad Qr.ra. (Signature) MSTOR IfEHICI."E DRIVER'S Certification of Violati,onsfinnual Review of Brivins Record drtver it employs to prepare and fumish at least once every 12 months, require each MOTOR CARRTER lf,lSTRUCnoNS: Each motor carrier shall which the drtuer has been ordinances {other than violatiens involving parking} of a w,.h a list of all violations of motor vehicle traffic raws and 391'2?}' Drivers who have forfeited bond or collateral duringthe proceeding 12 months {section convicted, or on accpunt of urhidr he/she has information on th'ls form' provided information by Section 383.31 need not repeat thai been convicted the list as required by the motor carrier above- lf tfre driuer has nct DRIVER REeulRMENrs: Each driver shall fumish be listed, he/she shall so certify {Section 391'27}' forfe?ted bond. or eollateral on account of any violation which rnust C0MPLEXED *v Onlvse - GRfi of or FlC4IlOffi have required to be listed {other than those I ce*ify thatthe following is a true and complete list of treffic violations bond or collateral during the Fast 12 months' provided under part 3g3) for which I have been convicted or forfeited I {lf you ftaa n" *i"frtiont, :tt".L* on account of convicted of forfeited bond cr collateral lf no violations are listed above, I ceftiry that I have not been past 12 monthsunder Part 383} required to be listJd durtne the any violation {other than those r have provided in section 36L25 0f the listed aboue and otherinfonnaticn described lNSTUgnoNS: Review the certification of violations the inforrnation requestd belou Federal Motor canier Safety Regulations' complete MOTOR CARRTER that driver in accordance '*ith section 391'?,5 and find hereby reviewed the driving record of the above named he/she {check one}: a rnotorvehide pursuant to section 391'L5 tr Meets minirnum requirernents for safe driving nts disqualifiqd ip drrve r have trDoesnotadequatetymeetsatisFactorysafedrivingperformance Action taken with driver: Reviewed bY: Date Signature I Printed Name MTE LOGISTICS, tlc Motor Carrier Name 2435 Ffet HwY 3sr Ivlotor Carrier Address fiIe ij*lrf*tYE?Sl"Xr C*iE*t TSI,=H€ *f€SEI{T: tlHsffi4#* F=38*rt t# pca€r'-zre 'i.+r use d **rc#ed sie:*a* s*r**use #.ebh* t ar rq+t itdEcaei rymtift* te €F€r-ert* e {esY!{r}er-tiai x-rqter retrHe erete+ ttre rry;A*L I ir?ae # lH=Y{t'€&EE TFiE#€AiF{ffi E'9 CFH ?8 e *ESii S{*EEF8 U*Nei-Sts e#s AE .+lffi"aLTES? e*$ifi& P#'iE 3Ea alE HI=E=+E g C'F A &g;i{= sreff{_aST8*jg EY Ai*T CPEF*:IIf+G E eft* ffi'?fiffi+i td#EF+ SStilE TEg -qF T}ie EF.tufE &Fd* iN *H*g.ywi}T*l}tr sffi#ffiE*tT3 *F a+#+S t'Ei+i*g rF, ?rE Alg**?.i.i.iA? *ESUL?. e+pfu*i's sigaizzre Appiieaiia::'s n=s:'l* i #ea;e *rirE +r ?#ei i INSURANIT AGENIY SPECiALiZING IN IHAi{SPOBTATION INSURANCI llatc: To: Fwples Insursace Agenry FS B*x I lg rffaverly, Iowa 5ffi?7-0n I g Fromr: I would like to request yolt ts order individual: a lMatsr nfehicle R.ectrd {MXIR} for the fol}orving Name: D"L.# i)08: Statc: Years Exprrience: lrrtiividtral: I undcrstatrd that driving is a part oi'mr,.joh,Sescripiion. and I here br, -rire Perrnissiott t0 Peoples Insurance Agenc5 to acccss rrv metor rehicls records anil provide a cop.r' to ntl'prospcctite r)r clurclll emplover. Signature:. IJat: Narne: Piease l'etilrn t* l'liclre lle Jenison. frar.'is Eggers^ *r Cole Heimer by f-ax ilr eurail PH: 8$0-932-48{i1,[rax: it9-]52-63?8 il-mail: E-nrail: F -ruail: l-eant l MTE LOGISTICS, LLC PO BOX 4285 243 S. FM 35L Beeaille, TX 78104 PH: 36l-352-Aru2 361-37.8-AruL FAX:361-351-5229 Driaer's naftte: Social Securiht: I herby authorize arcd request: Company nfrme:. Address: TeleTthone: Fax: Drizter's signature: Witnessed brt: Date: Required infornrution.from section 382.413 and 40.25(b) 1. Has the aboae named indiztidual had an alcohol test with a breath alcohol concentratiott of 0.A4 or greater zuhile employed by your company? yes no substance yes flo 2. Has the abozte named indiaidual had a controlled test with a positiae result while employed by your companq? 3. Has the abozte named indiztidual refused a controlled test while employe.d by tlour company? 4. Other aiolations of DOT agerxcy drug E alcohol substance yes testirrg no attacheil non-attached regulations? Do Vou haae documentatiotr of the eruployees successfnl completion of tlrc 49 CER subpart 0 rcturn to dutrl requirements ? 5. ]\{Ttr INT- .lql)^1\ attached non-attacherl
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