FREE MT. PLEASANT REVIEW VOLUME ELEVEN, ISSUE SEVEN FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2015 “Noggin Shock”D.I. Team Advances to Globals by Susan Morrison The Destination Imagination Team, "Noggin Shock" won their state competition at David Lipscomb College and has advanced to Globals competition in Knoxville, Tn. This D.I. Team consists of 7 students that attend MPMSVPA. They are 6th graders Carley Fritts and Carleigh Thomason, 7th graders Justin Davis, Elijah White, Emma Kelley, Sanaa Witherspoon and Clark Hill. MPMSVPA teacher, Audrey Bryant is there team manager. Destination Imagination is a team that focuses on using the creative process to solve open ended problems. Each year teams all across the globe are given challenges to choose from and to compete against each other. These challenges include technical, scientific, structural, fine arts, improv, service learning and rising star. Noggin Shock had chosen the structural challenge. The had to design and build a structure, design and build a removal device for their structure, design and build a set and to tell their story of how they developed creative solutions to their challenge. The team will be traveling to Knoxville for a week long competition in competing against other teams from not only across the U.S. but from all over the world. The team was asked what they liked about being a part of Destination Imagination. Carley Fritts stated she likes D.I. "because it's something we wouldn't do in a regular school day, it's more challenging than regular school work, more detailed, more imaginative and we make more friends". Elijah White said "you can describe the team as a little family". It was also said that D.I. has taught them to think outside of the box, that life isn't perfect, things will go wrong and you'll have to figure out how to solve that. D.I. helps you problem solve, you EIGHT PAGES D.I team wins State Competition. kneeling, Justin Davis; L to R Carleigh Thomason, Emma Kelley, Clark Hill, Audrey Bryant team manager, Carley Fritts, Elijah White and Sanaa Witherspoon can't give up. When asked if they thought D.I. will benefit them as adults and how, Sanaa Witherspoon said she thought it will because "we had lots of math and there's a lot of trial and error that goes into what we do and when I grow up I want to be a mechanical engineer, so if I'm going to be inventing things. I'm going to have to work out all the math and science that goes along with it and this will help prepare me". Kids on Stage has been a very big supporter of Destination Imagination and with that support has enabled the D.I. team to continue at the level they are. In years past the community has also been a big supporter of the kids on the D.I. Teams. The D.I. Team is taking donations to help fund their trip to compete in the Globals competition. Anyone interested in making a donation may contact Audrey Bryant at Mt. Pleasant Middle School. We want to congratulate team Noggin Shock for their state win and GOOD LUCK with their competition at Globals. credit/debit cards. The fee will be $2.00 for bills up to $100.00 and 2.95% of the amount due for bills over $100.00. To pay with online checking the fee will be somewhat less. Citizens will be able to go to the Mt. Pleasant City website and find the link to make their payment. Citizens wishing to pay tickets will also be able to do so with a credit card. The city is hoping to have Nexbill Pay in place and to begin accepting payments thru them by June 1st but will be notifying the citizens when this will be available. The citizens will not be able to pay property taxes thru Nexbill Pay at this time, but this is something the city is looking at in the future. Also approved by the commissioners is the purchase and installation of an emergency power generator transfer switch at the water plant. This will enable the city to place a generator at the water plant in the event of a power outage at the water plant to continue to operate and provide water to residents. Grants aren't available at this time to purchase both a generator and the transfer switch with installation, but purchase of a generator is a hope in the future. The city can contract with companies who rent generators that will ensure the city access to one in the event of a power failure. Nexbill Pay coming soon to Mt. Pleasant City The city commissioner's approved to contract with Nexbill Pay to begin taking credit cards for utility and ticket Mt. Pleasant Rotary held their 26th Annual Easter Egg Hunt payments. The commissionon April 4th, the first place winners are: L-R Andrew Crockett, ers were given a demonstraage 2; Elijah Duberry, age 5; Klee Isabell, age 7 and Katelyn tion by Nexbill Pay represenBeckenbach, age 11. tative Monica Dodd during their April study session. They NATIONAL PRAYER ON THE SQUARE voted and passed to contract In observance of the annual National Day of Prayer, with Nexbill Pay at their April our Mt. Pleasant Pastor’s Fellowship will again lead the commissioner's meeting. Prayer on the Square on Thursday, May 7, at noon on Citizens now have the option to pay their utilities or the Mt. Pleasant Square. city traffic tickets by credit This year’s theme is: “Lord, Hear Our Cry”. card either in person or online The theme verse is: ‘Hear the cry and the prayer that also with the option to pay your servant is praying in your presence this day” with online checking. 1 Kings 8:28. There will be a fee charged Come and join us as we pray for America. to the customer, which is not You can also listen on WXRQ. unusual for payments made by MT. PLEASANT REVIEW, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2015 PAGE 2 Annual Food Drive begins May 9th non-perishable food items in a bag, and hang it on your mailbox. The dedicated mail carriers of the Mt. Pleasant Post Office will pick up your donations when making their rounds. The best part of the food drive is this; all food donations picked up will stay right here in Mt. Pleasant. We have four churches use this food to help those in our community. Be making your plans to help with the annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive on May 9th. Road Closure Postal Notes by Robert Wakefield amazing day. Using Your Mailbox for Good Preparations being made for Annual Food Drive It is a day that I mark on my calendar each year – it’s not a birthday or anniversary of any kind, but instead, it is a day when I get to see a community come together for a common cause. It is a day in which you can use your mailbox for the good of others. And the day I am talking about is always the second Saturday in May – the annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. Last year, the fine folks of Mt. Pleasant gave 7300 pounds of food. 7300 pounds! That’s 3 and ½ tons! It was an Food assistance continues to exist in every community in America, no matter how rich or poor. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s annual study measuring food security in the United States, the number of Americans living in food insecure homes reached nearly 49 million in 2011 (the most recent year that such data is available). Perhaps most alarming is the fact that more than 16 million children in America - more than 1 in 5 - are faced with the prospect of hunger. How can you make a difference? Well, that is the easy part. On May 9th, place your We Would Like To Wish All Mom’s A 2 Blonde Salon 379-4084 401 1/2 First Ave. AMERICA’S BEST VALUE INN & SUITES New Management 931-379-9800 931-379-9808 (fax) • • • • • • Nice Clean Rooms Jacuzzi & Jacuzzi Suites High Speed Internet HBO • Fax Services Extended Stay Corporate Rates 201 Stonebrook Drive Mt. Pleasant, TN 38474 • • • • • Non Smoking Rooms Smoking Rooms Handicapped Rooms Complimentary Breakfast Truck Parking 500 off w/coupon $ only one discount per stay Expires May 31, 2015 “Arrow Lake Road will continue to be closed from the Maury County Convenience Center at 450 Arrow Mine Road to Wheelerfield Road. The road will be closed until June 30, 2015 due to ongoing construction activity.” People’s Voice Throughout the years the Mt. Pleasant Review has heard a lot of comments, good and bad, from the readers. The paper would like to give the readers a chance to voice their comments in our new column, “People’s Voice”. Please keep them to a minimum, they will be published as room is available. You may call 931-964-4853 and leave a message, e-mail at or mail to P.O. Box 122, Mt. Pleasant. No names or addresses are re- Everyone Welcome You are invited to the Mt. Pleasant Rotating Revival Services on Fifth Sunday nights this year. The next one will be held on May 31 @ 3:00 p.m. at the Mt. Pleasant Cumberland Presbyterian Church with Bro. William Owens as the preacher. quired. The Mt. Pleasant Review Is Not Liable/Responsible for any comments made by their readers. ••••• NOTICE: The Review regrets that the “People’s Voice” column will be discontinued temporarily due to pending legal action. The Mt. Pleasant Review CA’s Printing & Design/Publisher Cindy Stafford - Editor Susan Morrison - Correspondent Published monthly at P.O. Box 122 Mt. Pleasant, TN 38474 Phone: (931) 964-4853 website: e-mail: Serving Mt. Pleasant, Hampshire, Hamilton Court, Summertown, Ethridge, and Campbellsville. We try to get it right the first time, but if we do get it wrong, please call. We have the right to reject any advertising or articles. MT. PLEASANT REVIEW, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2015 PAGE 3 No Other Love Like Mother’s Love A Mother’s love is something that no one can explain, It is made of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain, It is endless and unselfish and enduring come what may For nothing can destroy it or take that love away. It is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking. And it never fails or falters even though the heart is breaking. It believes beyond believing when the world around condemns, and it glows with all the beauty of the rarest, brightest gems. It is far beyond defining, it defies all explanation, And it still remains a secret life the mysteries of creation. A many-splendored miracle man cannot understand And another wondrous evidence of God’s tender guiding hand. -unknown- Visit Our Website: 807 N. Main Street • Mt. Pleasant 379-3041 New Hours Open Later for Your Convenience We are Now Delivering Delivering Closes an Hour before Closing SNAPPY’S PIZZA FULL DINE-IN • TAKE-OUT 379-0880 by Susan Morrison The Mt. Pleasant Public Library will begin its summer reading program May 26th. Children ages 3-12 are invited to come by the library to register and pick up their reading and listening logs. The reading program is to encourage children to find out not only the importance of reading but to also experience the rewards of reading. Read- years past, there have been ing is an important tool in magicians and animals as part gaining knowledge and edu- of the library's programs. The cation as well as entertaining, library will host a finale party, as one can become one with a have a drawing for prizes and character of a story or adven- all children who complete the ture. 3480 SUMMERTOWNprogram HWY. will receive a goodie bag.0 The library will Summertown also have halfway between & Hohenwald SUMMERTOWN HWY. Again, registration is May different programs for the 3480 halfway between Summertown &3-12. Hohenwald 26th for children ages children to participate in. In 931-300-3357 931-300-3357 3480 SUMMERTOWN HWY. HWY. 3480 SUMMERTOWN SPORTING GOODS & BAR-B-QUE 3480 SUMMERTOWN HWY. FREE DRIVE IN MOVIE halfway between between Summertown Summertown & & Hohenwald Hohenwald halfway SPORTING GOODS & BAR-B-QUE 931-300-3357 halfway between 3480 SUMMERTOWN HWY. STORE HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 9-7; Summertown Hohenwald halfway between& Summertown & Hohenwald STORE HOURS: Fri. 9-8; Mon.-Thurs. 9-7; Sat. 8-8 SPORTING GOODS & BAR-B-QUE Saturday night at sunset! Fri. 9-8; 6DWXUGD\$SULODP Sat. 8-8 May 2nd STORE HOURS: HOURS: STORE 6DWXUGD\$SULODP Mon.-Thurs. 9-7; 9-7; Mon.-Thurs. Porters Chapel SPORTING GOODS & BAR-B-QUE Fri. 9-8; 9-8; Fri. Sat. 8-8 8-8 United Methodist Church 6DWXUGD\$SULODP StoreDRAWING Hours: Mon - Thurs 9-7; Fri 9-8; SatSat.8-8 STORE HOURS: GUN The corner of IRU+XQWLQJ5LÁH ZLWKVPDOOGLQHLQDUHD Mon.-Thurs. 9-7; Fri. 9-8; ZLWKVPDOOGLQHLQDUHD Southport5JDLFUTBWBJMBCMF Road & Polk Lane IRU+XQWLQJ5LÁH GUN DRAWING Sat. 8-8 5JDLFUTBWBJMBCMF Take-Out and MBTUUJDLFUTPME4BUVSEBZBUQN 6DWXUGD\$SULODP 2.5 miles from the IRU+XQWLQJ5LÁH ZLWKVPDOOGLQHLQDUHD Take-Out and IRU+XQWLQJ5LÁH MBTUUJDLFUTPME4BUVSEBZBUQN ZLWKVPDOOGLQHLQDUHD with Mt. Pleasant DRAWING TOsquare. FOLLOW 5JDLFUTBWBJMBCMF Familysmall Meal dine-in area 5JDLFUTBWBJMBCMF GUN DRAWING 931-300-3357 931-300-3357 SPORTING GOODS & BAR-B-QUE %%45HVWDXUDQW %%45HVWDXUDQW BBQ%%45HVWDXUDQW Restaurant We will have the movie OPENING UNBROKEN LATE SPRING at sunset for all our family. Archery EVERYONE welcome to Range & come visit. Bring lawn chair, bring 3Dyour Walk-Through your snacks, come and Archery Course fellowship with us! Familyand Meal Take-Out and Take-Out Take-Out and %%45HVWDXUDQW GUN DRAWING Deals DRAWING TO FOLLOW MBTUUJDLFUTPME4BUVSEBZBUQN MBTUUJDLFUTPME4BUVSEBZBUQN DRAWING TO TO FOLLOW FOLLOW DRAWING Deals Family Meal Family Meal IRU+XQWLQJ5LÁH ZLWKVPDOOGLQHLQDUHD OPENING Family Meal Deals Deals Deals 5JDLFUTBWBJMBCMF LATE SPRING OPENING OPENING Take-Out and OPENING MBTUUJDLFUTPME4BUVSEBZBUQN Guns LATE SPRING LATE SPRING Archery LATE SPRING DRAWING TO FOLLOW Ammo Family Meal ?mfk9eeg ?mfk9eeg Archery Archery Range Archery& ?mfk9eeg Hunting &Deals Range& & & Range @mflaf_9j[`]jqKmhhda]k @mflaf_9j[`]jqKmhhda]k Range 3D Walk-Through OPENING Archery Supplies @mflaf_9j[`]jqKmhhda]k 3D Walk-Through 3DWalk-Through Walk-Through 3D Archery Course LATE SPRING HaklgdJYf_] HaklgdJYf_] Pistol Range Archery Course Archery Course Course HaklgdJYf_] Archery Archery DONUTSMORNINGS & COFFEE SATURDAY MORNINGS 8:00 A.M. OldDONUTS timey singing until the SATURDAY & COFFEE 8:00 A.M.MORNINGS ?mfk9eeg DONUTS & COFFEE SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. DONUTS & &COFFEE, MORNINGS 8:00 A.M. RangeSATURDAY & DONUTS COFFEE SATURDAY MORNINGS 8:00 A.M. movie starts. #BLFE(PPETt1SJNJUJWF$PVOUSZ$SBęT @mflaf_9j[`]jqKmhhda]k 3D Walk-Through Activities for #BLFE(PPETt1SJNJUJWF$PVOUSZ$SBęT the kids #BLFE(PPETt1SJNJUJWF$PVOUSZ$SBęT #BLFE(PPETt1SJNJUJWF$PVOUSZ$SBęT "NJTI.BEF3PDLFST#BS4UPPMT'VSOJUVSF Archery Course COME "NJTI.BEF3PDLFST#BS4UPPMT'VSOJUVSF TAKE A HaklgdJYf_] "NJTI.BEF3PDLFST#BS4UPPMT'VSOJUVSF "NJTI.BEF3PDLFST#BS4UPPMT'VSOJUVSF NIGHT OFF WITH US DONUTS & COFFEE SATURDAY MORNINGS 8:00 A.M. #BLFE(PPETt1SJNJUJWF$PVOUSZ$SBęT "NJTI.BEF3PDLFST#BS4UPPMT'VSOJUVSF Don’t Forget Your Hanging Plants Best Pizza Best Sizes Summer Reading Program Begins Delivery Available 1137 N. Main Street Mt. Pleasant Hours: Tuesday - Thursday 10 AM - 8 PM Friday 10 AM - 9 PM • Saturday 3:30 PM - 9 PM Closed Sunday & Monday Visit us on facebook: snappyspizza_MountPleasant MT. PLEASANT REVIEW, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2015 PAGE 4 Mt. Pleasant High School 3rd Nine Weeks Honor Roll 2014 - 2015 HIGH HONOR ROLL (All A's) Ninth Grade: Alexia Angus Re’gan Murray Brandon Dodge Joshua Wipf Tenth Grade Jordan Akins Alyssa LeMay Alexis Cervantes-Tovar Eleventh Grade Brooke Boshers Kaylee Davis Elayna Lamar Braxton Turner Twelfth Grade Nora Bolton Nancy Gulledge Jake Riggins Ninth Grade Katie Boshers Travious Hassell Talia Jimenez Tiernan Reagan John Spears Julia Wright Mia Lindsey, 4th grader at MPES, assists Post Master Robert Wakefield of the Mount Pleasant Post Office. She was dressed as a mail carrier to help deliver the mail. Mia and MPES students enjoyed the 2015 Career Day help on Thursday, April 2, 2014. Come Join Us on May 30 for our 2nd Annual Customer Appreciation Day! Free Food and Drinks, Door Prizes Bring this Ad in and Get 20% off of our already Low, Low Prices for the Month of May Excepting Debt & Credit Cards Pop’s & Celly’s Bargains 813 S. Main St. • Mt. Pleasant, TN 931-626-5593 Check Us Out “Mountain Pickers” on Ebay Monday - Saturday, 9 am til 6 pm: Closed Tuesday & Sunday Tenth Grade Jarrett Beech Jaquavia Floyd Kristen Moore Eleventh Grade Brooklyn Bolton, Julie Davis Dayton Kelley Christopher Richardson Bryant Workman Hannah Brady Julianna Jones Suzanna Williams Amber Eastep Brant Workman Kayla Hardison Stephanie Worley Madison Marlet Brianna White Megan Eastep Whitney Hay Benjamin Derryberry M a s o n C o t h r a n Brianna Miller Sarah Newland HONOR ROLL (A's and B's) Abbie Cagle Hunter Hanvy Noah Lightfoot Patrick Pierce Riley Temple Nicholas Davis Ciona Harold Rebecca Holden Allyson Hughes Delanie Lyon Savannah Parigin Kimberlyn Reischman, Ronald Smith Aleaha Vandygriff, Morgan Wood Kolby Chapman Aaron Grooms Connor Underwood James Dale William Harlach Taittumn Davis Courtney McCain Kennisa Coleman Rachel Frazier, Colton Kinzer JaVonte Snipes Keisha Cromwell Kaitlyn Gidcomb Kalin Moore Ashley Wall Alexa Davis, Lindsey Isbell Joey Norman Jykedrin Warnsley William Bridges Samuel Fitzgerald Cheyenne Scott Carly Brown Demiria Hassell Kayla Turner Twelfth Grade Allyson Bates Mallorie Bell Lucy Cervantes-Torvar Alison Esch Sam Hinson James Johnson Jonathan Wilkes Happy POOLS • TANNING • CONSIGNMENTS • VIDEOS Mother’s Day Pool Service and Supplies Call before the Rush to get your Pool Open!!! We Carry Equipment and all your Chlorine Products, Along with Pristine Blue Products Now Taking Spring & Summer Consignment Items Hair Salon also Available 931-379-5258 1131 N. Main Street (931) 379-3796 Buy Here • Pay Here Quality & Selection On the Spot Financing • Low Down Payments Easy Payment Plan “If Charlie can’t sell you a car, it won’t be because he didn’t try.” 1149 N. Main St. Mt. Pleasant See Charlie Spencer, Sac for our Daily Specials!!! Have A Safe and Happy Memorial Day! The Mt. Pleasant Review MT. PLEASANT REVIEW, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2015 PAGE 5 Summertown Elementary School 3rd Nine Weeks Honor Roll 2014 - 2015 * DENOTES ALL A’S THIRD GRADE: * Annagrace Abernathy * Ty Brant * Karle Campbell * Camy Garland Braley Burleson Max Johns Chloe Heatherly McKenzie Runnels Reagan Burleson Libby Konig Shakira Rico * Heather Curtis Travis Jacobs Haiven Potts Cordelia Hall * Reese Clayton FOURTH GRADE: * Reese Wilson * Leona Osborne Eryca Abbott Bryson Garland Ansley Butler Mia Dinwiddie Karigan Jensen Weston Pigg Tara McMasters Emily Potts FIFTH GRADE: * Kara Clark * Robert Griffin * Kimber Putman * Caiti Gallaher * Ella Weaverling * Alexis Long Alyssa Bennett Sassy Dotson Taylor Schulz Katie Burdette Julianne Staggs Jake Smith Morgan Kilpatrick Luke Prentice Mya Long Kaden Trotter Sophie Johns Katie Kennedy Luke Dodd Ansley McMullin Autumn Brock Hayden Gray Anna Grace Woodward * Colton Shaffer SIXTH GRADE: * Drake Blackwood * Sara Miller * Turner Perry * Austin Brison * Kaley Campbell Maranda Curtis Skyler Trousdale Madison Skelton Ryan Miller * Caroline Pigg Cory Francis Lily Kate McDonald Grant Burleson Sarah Potts * Laney Smith Career Day was hosted by the Mount Pleasant Elementary Family Resource Center on Thursday, April 2, 2015. Mrs. Beth Eastep's 3rd grader had a great time visiting with Victor E. the MCPS School Health mascot. Mac’s Service Station 1002 South Main • Mt. Pleasant, TN 931-379-4230 All Types of Mechanic Work New Custom Wheels & Tires Used Tires Serving Mt. Pleasant and Surrounding Areas for over 60 Years Family Owned and Operated Opened: Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm Closed Saturday and Sunday Tristan Hughes Daniel Brewer Chloe Clark * Seth Risner Remember Those Who Served Hair Designs & Tan Lines Mother’s Day Special For the Month of May Free Cut with Any Chemical Service. Tanning Package: Monthly Unlimited Starting @ $19.99 310A S. Main • Mt. Pleasant 379-4040 Serving Breakfast Lunch - Dinner Breakfast Sandwiches, Chicken, Chicken Strips, Hot Wings, Pizza Sticks, Egg Rolls, Peppers and More Cheapest Cold Beer and Cigarettes in Town!!! Cheapest Gas In Town Joe’s Market (across from the airport) 1135 N. Main • Mt. Pleasant, TN 379-9050 Monday thru Friday 2:00 am - 10 pm Saturday 6 am - 11 pm • Sunday 7 am - 9 pm MT. PLEASANT REVIEW, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2015 PAGE 6 Christian Corner Hohenwald Springfest is Here! Food for Thought. . . As In The Days of Noah When Jesus was asked by His disciples about His coming again, He said, “However, no one knows the day or the hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows. When the Son of Man returns, it will be like it was in Noah’s day. In those days before the Flood, the people were enjoying banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat. People didn’t realize what was going to happen until the Flood came and swept them all away. That is the way it will be when the Son of Man comes. (Matt. 24:36-39, NLT) First, Jesus validated the Old Testament story of Noah. In the days of Noah, people had grown so wicked and corrupt that God sent a worldwide flood to destroy all living things on the earth. Only Noah and his family and at least two of every kind of living thing aboard the Ark survived the AMISH MARKET 50 Kinds of Amish Cheese and Butter Candy, Jams, Pickles, Chow Chow, Popcorn, Salsa, RADA Knives Cookbooks and More! Monday - Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1006 Brewer Road • Ethridge, TN 931-829-4044 Davis Sales Year Around, You can find the largest selection of Cemetery Arrangements Silk Vases, $16.97 ~ Silk Saddles $22.95 Small Saddles $16.97 ~ Stands ~ Baskets ~ Gifts ~ Home Deco ~ ~ Wedding Arrangements ~ Ribbon ~ ~ Hundreds of Silk Flowers Greenery ~ Look for Yellow Red Tags Greatly Reduce!!! Closeout Merchandise Astonish, you will Be!!! Special Arrangements Available Great Gift Items Davis Sales 2272 Frank Moore Rd. • Culleoka, TN 931-987-2370 From Columbia: turn right at Galaxy Bowling on Mooresville Pike, go 8.8 miles, turn left on Frank Moore Road. Watch for Signs. great deluge. After the waters receded, Noah and his family and the animals started to repopulate the earth. But unfortunately, many today through out the world have forgotten the God who created everything and once again live sinful, wicked lives. Too bad we did not learn from history! Second, Jesus said that before He returns, things will once again be like the days of Noah. Everyone will be going about their lives, eating, and drinking, and partying and not realizing what is coming. Jesus is coming again! And when He comes the believers will rejoice in their salvation, but the unbelievers will mourn. As our world grows ever more wicked, and as our society condones and approves of things the Bible calls sin, we are once again becoming like the days of Noah. Many will scoff and deny that there is God and that judgment is coming. So they did in the days of Noah….until the flood came and took them away! My friend, please heed the warning before it is too late! Jesus is coming soon! If you believe in Him, you will be saved. But if you do not, judgment is coming. Bro. Frank Webb, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Mt. Pleasant, TN Services- Sunday School at 9:45, Services at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Remember: The Annual National Day of Prayer, Prayer on the Square on Thursday, May 7, at noon on the Mt. Pleasant Square. This year’s theme is: “Lord, Hear Our Cry”. The theme verse is: ‘Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day” 1 Kings 8:28. Come and join us as we pray for America. You can also listen on WXRQ. Hohenwald Springfest will take place on Friday May 1st and Saturday May 2nd, 2015 at the Community Building in Memorial Park in Hohenwald, TN. Dozens of artisians and crafters will be inside and out displaying their handcrafted goods, vintage wares and foods for every taste. This year promises to have something for everyone including live demonstrations, random drawings for door prizes throughout both days, children’s theatrical activities and face painting on Saturday. Friends of the Library event chair, Glena Sikes, observed, “we have more categories than ever, including paper, wood, metal, stoneware, woven goods, jewelry and garden- ing items, and outdoor furniture. I want to add that you’ll see more vendors outside this year. Also, new this year is a website,, where shoppers can see the list of participating vendors and sponsors along with other event details, including directions with a map. Proceeds from Hohenwald Springfest go toward the Summer Reading Program at the Lewis County Public Library. Hours on Friday are 9am to 5pm and Saturday hours are 9am to 4pm. Anyone who have questions may contact Glena Sikes at 931.796.4523 or 931.306.8636. Hohenwald Springfest May 1 and 2, 2015 Hours 9am to 4 pm Inside and Outside Memorial Park Hohenwald, TN Artisans and Crafters Children’s Sat. Theatrical Activities and Face Painting See article above Happy Mother’s Day Fa Ownmily Ope ed & rate d Hail Damage • Towing Collision Repair • Brake Repair Insurance Claims Welcome Tim’s Auto Sales 1696 N. Main St. (Hamilton Court) 379-3146 Cell: 931-626-2285 Home: 931-381-9120 Hampshire News by Laura Hayes Emily Eglinton, a senior at Freed-Hardeman Unie.iversity, was inducted into the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society in March 2015. Coach Dara Owens is spearheading the Jump Rope for Heart at Hampshire Unit School. Congratulations to 1st grader Dalen Sims for placing 3rd and Julian McAtee for recently winning the 4th-grade division of the Maury County Spelling Bee. Other students participating were Sophie Lawson, Braxton Clark and Tae'Lem Jones. Sympathy is extended to the families of Sonya Baker, Tracey England, Ernest Faulkner, Carolyn Hight, Gladys Renfro, Harold Lucas, Elizabeth Stephens, Brownie Stanfill, Dorothy Kinzer, Chucky Clark, Emerson Phelps. Viola Burt, Dr. Ambrose Langa, Dennis Mabry, Red Lindsey, Wayne Attkisson, Sue Stinnett, Louise Banks, and Dewey Gray. Volunteers earning hours for Maury Regional Medical Center Auxiliary during 2014 were Dot Grimmitt's 5,000 hours and Johnny Eglinton's 100 hours. Hampshire Unit School's music teacher, Joshua Bracamontes, has been chosen as the middle school Maury County Teacher of the Year of 2014-15. Get-wells are extended to Ann Brown, Mary Brown, Martha Barker, Mary Allie Blocker, J.D. and April Brooks, Alice Burgett, Frank and Gayle Cathey, Glendora Crews, Al and Ruth Curry, Bill Davidson, Alma Duncan, Gertha Mae Duncan, Rick and Denise Gray, Michael Grimes, Vera Grimes, Joan Hermsdor- MT. PLEASANT REVIEW, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2015 PAGE 7 fer, Josephine Hinson, Linda Jones, Emily Marshall, Harry Masterson, Ruby Riley, Opal Roder, Sue Stinnett, Katie Thornton, Martha Whiteside, Bobby Powell, Joe Sam Savage, Darryl Potts, Kitty Chaffin, Breonna Himes, Norman Saliba, Mary Jane Cathey, Regina and Lon McQueen, Marguerite McClure, Lou Rochelle. and Sharon MaCarley's son Nick Five daughters of Confederate Gray Chapter 2681 United Daughters of the Confederacy attended the Middle Tennessee District meeting Saturday, March 28, at the War Memorial Building in Dickson. There was a large crowd attending Cathey's Creek church of Christ's worship Sunday, March 29, and attending the fellowship meal with an Easter egg hunt to follow for the youth. The weather was very comfortable, giving each of those young bodies more energy to squeal when they found more eggs. At Monday evening's Southern Belles Tatting Society get-together, March 30, Brenda Walker visited to learn the technique of tatting to add to her needlecraft talents. There will be a blood drive at Hampshire Unit School Tuesday, April 14, from 8 a.m. till 1 p.m. Hampshire fce Club members will be making cookies, especially, for the donors. With the drives at School, this goes toward a college scholarship for a Hampshire graduating student. Considering inviting a friend or family member to join you in giving blood. A display was arranged at Hampshire Museum, declaring April as Confederate History Month. The Museum is now open on Thurs- Jack Keltner Memorial Horse & Mule Show Sponsored by: Summertown Saddle & Bridle Club May 9th, June 13th, & Sept. 12th, @ 6:30 P.M. Admission $2.00 Entry Fee $2.00 each person for each class Negative coggin papers required on all horses For Information Call: Jimmy or Susie Hyatt - 931-964-3111 931-244-0670 or 931-215-2312 Dolly Keltner - 931-964-3456 Day of Show - 931-244-0670 or 931-215-2312 days, Fridays, and Saturdays of each week from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. through December. Come view the history of this community and search for ancestry. Sandy Hook Area Community Center members met Tuesday evening, March 31, in a Sandy Hook church of Christ classroom as preparations are finalizing for the 2015 Annual Homecoming that will be Saturday, May 23, at the Park's shelter in Sandy Hook. There will be an auction to supplement the treasury for community happenings, if needed, such as the flood several years ago, fire, etc., and, of course, what is a homecoming without an afternoon of entertainment! It is now time for Uncle Sam to receive a check from most of us. Seems like everyone can declare April 15 as his birthday since we all make a donation to his cause! The grass is growing in leaps and bounds, and the flowers, trees, and shrubs have been pretty, but very short lived this season. The trees will be leafed tomorrow, or so it seems. May we enjoy each day, whether good or bad, accomplishing what we can, and look forward for the morrow. Several retirees from CSX enjoyed breakfast at Shoney's Restaurant Wednesday morning, April 1. Did anyone see the Blood Moon Saturday morning, April 4? It was visible for 5 minutes, so the news reported. There will be another one in, so there is another opportunity to see this rarity. Mule Day 2015 was enjoyed by lots of people on the weekend of April 11 while the students were out of school. Several from the Hampshire area participated in the Mule Train, parade, and various activities associated with this event. Great weather! Ethan McEndarfer visited Little Rock Air Force Base in Arkansas during spring break from school. At the 2015 Talent Show March 26 at Lewis County High School Savanna Collie and Ashley Pennington sang and performed "Melody of Taylor Swift." Hampshire Family and Community Education Club met Tuesday, April 14, at the Hampshire Museum, having as its guest, Jackie Highfield, and discussing upcoming events, especially, Monday's Awards Day program at Mynders Community Center. There was a Red Cross Blood Drive at Hampshire Unit School Tuesday, April 14, with a very low turnout. Each unit of blood, if enough to reach its goal, benefits a graduating senior with a college scholarship. Congratulations to Kayla Lemire and Markus Shepard on their upcoming marriage Sunday, May 10, in Rockford, TN. Confederate Gray Chapter of United Daughters of the Confederacy met Tuesday evening, April 14, in Hohenwald. Laura Hayes represented Confederate Gray Chapter of UDC at the Memorial Service at Rose Hill Cemetery in Columbia, honoring the 361 Confederate soldiers buried here and hearing Sons of Confederate Veterans Executive Director Michael Landree discuss what happened during this time and what the books and schools are teaching our youth of today about this event. The church of Christ at Cathey's Creek will have a summer series of lessons again this year on Wednesday evenings, beginning May 13, with David Morris speaking about on the theme, Love Thy Neighbor. The time of each of these lessons will be at 7 p.m. Attending Maury County Family & Community Education Clubs Awards Day program Monday, April 20, at Mynders Community Center from Hampshire fce Club were Holly Willeford, Julie Gillstrap, Gail Boyd, and Laura Hayes. Piano Lesson Given Call 931-964-3494 BMC PORTABLE STORAGE BUILDING & CARPETS 931-242-2969 Summertown, TN Free Delivery & Setup We Move Buildings MT. PLEASANT REVIEW, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2015 PAGE 8 Smelter Service Employees Earn Advanced Certifications Pictured above: (Left) Frann Mabry, Cultural Development Coordinator, (Center) Sara Williams, Leader of Cultural Development and Kids on Stage, (Right) Crystal Preslar, Communications Coordinator Smelter Service Employees Earn Advanced Certifications Smelter Service Corporation is proud to announce that three members of its Cultural Development Team have received advanced certifications. Sara Williams, Leader of Cultural Development and Kids on Stage, and Frann Mabry, Cultural Development Coordinator, both received the ‘Professional in Human Resources’ certification through the HR Certification Institute in January 2015. To earn this certification, an HR professional must demonstrate advanced knowledge of the technical and operational aspects of HR practices and U.S. laws and regulations. With the goal in mind of building an employee wellness program at Smelter Ser- MPES Career Day Mrs. Beth Eastep’s 3rd graders at MPES enjoyed visiting vice, Crystal Preslar, Com- the continued economic and with race car driver Charlie Ray Howell. Mr. Howell was munications Coordinator, community development of a guest speaker at the Career Day event hosted by the MPES FRC on Thursday, April 2, 2014. earned three professional cer- Mount Pleasant. tifications throughout 2015. Through the National Wellness Institute, Crystal became a ‘Certified Workplace Wellness Specialist’ then a ‘Certified Workplace Wellness Program Manager’. She also earned a ‘Health Coaching’ certification through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Smelter Service would like to thank Sara, Frann and Crystal for their hard work. Smelter Service Corporation is a Mount Pleasant based aluminum recycling company. With over thirty five years of experience, Smelter Service Corporation is committed to not only remaining a leader in the green aluminum recycling industry but also to ensuring Your #1 Hardware Store Hardware Plumbing Supplies Electrical Supplies Electric Heaters Sakrete Sand Mortar Mix Water Heaters & Much More 307 1st Ave. • Mt. Pleasant, TN 931-379-7730
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