Newsletter No 15, Thursday 21 May 2015 SPECIAL EVENTS YEAR 6 PHILLIP ISLAND CAMP The Year 6 students went on their camp at the Phillip Island Adventure Resort from 12-15 May. The wet weather threatened to theplans ropes upset the carefully On made and dampen everyone’s spirits. However, our host was accommodating to our requests and organised a wet weather program for us which allowed our students to experience the thrills of indoor activities such as Crate Climb, Rock Wall and Circotron. They also got to challenge themselves in Minute to Win It. On the third day, it was safer to go outside so we finally got to do the outdoor activities. The two most popular activities were the Giant Swing and the Twin Flying Fox where not just the students, but also the teachers and parent volunteers, got to experience the exhilaration! There were also activities such as Initiative Course and Team Rescue which really tested the students’ problem solving skills and teamwork. Photo Hunt, Boulderwall and Low Ropes made up the rest of the outdoor program. The night program consisted of a Movie Night, Trivia Night and Talent Show. The latter comprised 32 acts and it was fantastic to see a variety of talents being showcased by our students! The Year 6 students enjoyed the camp despite the inclement weather at the beginning. There is no doubt one of their highlights would have been being able to spend time and do things with their friends. They should all be commended for being so flexible and adapting to the changes in the program, and for conducting themselves so excellently throughout the camp. The camp would not have been the success it was without the support provided by the parent helpers George Moutsios, Ian Taylor, Sam Wickramaratna, Dewa Ketut Kariawan and Arun Thenabadu. A big thank you also to Miss Kemp, Miss Kumakura, Ms Harman and Miss James (student teacher) for their help. Finally, thanks should also be accorded to Ms Leary for her role in first aid and also to Mr Low, Mr Rooks and Miss Chalmers for doing a splendid job at making the camp a great experience for our students! The thrilling and dizzying Cirotron Students being tested on their problem solving and teamwork Yr 6 Phillip Island Camp………... Last week the very excited year 6s headed off on camp to Phillip Island, this camp went for four days and three nights. On our way to Phillip Island we stopped at San Remo to watch the pelicans feed. Unfortunately just as we where going to watch the pelicans it started bucketing rain so we could not stay and watch That didn't bother the Year 6s though because we where all just so happy to be on camp and having fun together! Finally we arrived at camp many kids got a surprise to find that it was luxury style compared to all the other camps we have been on. That night we all snuggled up in our pjs and watched a movie. Throughout the other days we did many fun activities including; 18m high Giant Swing, 200m twin Flying Fox, Crate Climb, Rock Climbing, The Circatron, Ropes Course, Initiative Course, Team Rescue and heaps more! On the last night we had every single student perform an act for the Year 6 Talent Show of 2015. There where some amazing acts and everyone should be extremely proud of their efforts! The weather wasn't very kind, but the Year 6s had a fantastic time! A massive thank you to all the teachers and parents that came along. It wouldn’t have been the same without you! Lila O School Captain Mount Waverley Primary School, Park Lane, Mount Waverley 3149 Ph: 9807-1480 I Fax: 9888-1495 I Email: I Web: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE IMPORTANT SCHOOL DATES The Principal’s Pen 2016 Prep Enrolment We have recently received unprecedented interest in both Prep enrolments for next year and also enrolments throughout other year levels. While it sends a positive message that Mount Waverley Primary School has an outstanding reputation, it also potentially places a strain on physical resources and increases complexities with regards to staffing. If you have a sibling to enrol in Prep for 2016 I encourage you to enrol them immediately as a matter of urgency to assist with workforce planning for next year. To ensure small class sizes next year I may need to close enrolments at some stage next term. Working Bee Thanks to Loretta Leary for organising the working bee last Saturday. The small group of parents and staff achieved a great deal and managed to clear both of the shipping containers and line them with cupboards for more effective storage. Some internal spaces were re-designed and general cleaning tasks have made the school look spick and span for Education Week. Camps Over recent weeks both the Year 5 and Year 6 students have been to camp. Year 5 attended The Old Priory in Beechworth a few weeks ago for a historical education camp while last week Year 6 attended The Phillip Island Adventure Camp which provided a wide range of challenging and exciting activities. I thank all staff and parents who attended these camps and made them possible for our students. As is often the case, the camp staff commented on the exemplary behaviour of our students. Open Night Thanks to staff for giving up their time on Tuesday evening to celebrate learning at Mount Waverley Primary School. The theme of the night was ‘Technology in the 21st Century’ and it was fantastic to see so many devices on display and being utilised. Although technology continues to change it has always had a role to play in learning. Throughout my career I have seen technology change from: whole school ABC songs over the PA system; Behind the News on TV; listening post for literacy skills; computers; projectors, interactive whiteboards to iPads and laptops. With all technology it is important to remember that the learning is the focus and the technology is the vehicle for the learning to take place. I congratulate the Mount Waverley staff on their commitment to embrace new technology to engage our students in learning tasks. Thanks also to Jacqueline Griffeth for organising The Book Fair and James Maccaulay for organising the musical performances to complete a fantastic evening. Greg Paine 18—29 May Yrs 2&3 Swimming 22 May Walk to School Day 22 May Year 6-Year 7 Transition Important Date All Applications for Year 7 Placements forms to be returned to Mount Waverley Primary School 26 May District Cross Country 29 May State Tennis 1 June Division Cross Country 3 June ICAS Science 5 June WILD ONESIE DAY Yr 5 Gold Rush Incursion 8 June QUEENS BIRTHDAY HOLIDAY 9 June-10 June Yr 3 & Yr 4 Science incursion 11 June Yr 3-6 Music Night 6.30pm see Compass/ Tiqbiz for notice 15 June ICAS Writing this week Annual Reporting Meeting Monday 15 June 7.00pm Staffroom 16 June ICAS Spelling Regional Cross Country 23 June Yr 6 Melbourne Museum REMINDERS Permission forms & payments: Yr 6 Melbourne Museum overdue Yr 5 Gold Rush due 3 June Yr 3 & 4 CSI Lab forensics due 5 June WORKING BEE DATE Term 3: Saturday 1 August Term 4 : Saturday 7 November ACHIEVEMENTS/CURRICULUM . Library News Hi, I’m Earnest and I care about the Environment. Remember to recycle .Place recyclable items such as cans, paper , cardboard , plastics into correct recycling bins . Scholastic Book Fair is over for another year. As we organise the orders and pack up the trolleys yet again, I must thank all the families who supported the library by purchasing something from the book fair, and especially the fantastic parents who helped on the cashier’s desk. GOLD JiaYuan W, Ashkii S, Naomi K, Emily W-S, Michaela J, Amina D, SILVER Mia O, Mihir G, Saranya S, Kenneth Z, Liam A, Mia M, Jeremiah L, Minal N, Matthew A, Krisha N, Alyssa G, George D, Hayley C Shivas H Roger M, Olivia A, Samantha J, Senuja R, Aryan M, Arnav C, Isabelle N, Subu B, Jia Xing T, Martin J, Georgia C, Sonal M, Anirudh S, Raymond Z, Sophia A, Kaela M, Julia K Rubbish Free Lunch Day Winners Week 5 Term 2 Congratulations to our winning classes for last week’s Rubbish Free Lunch Day. The winning prep classes were PC and PE with 95% rubbish free lunches in their class. The winning junior school classes were 2B and 2C with 96% rubbish free lunches in their class. The winning middle school classes were 3B, 3C and 3D with 100% rubbish free lunches in their class. The winning senior class was 5D with 88% rubbish free lunches in their class. Our winning classes are rewarded with 15 minutes extra recess! Congratulations CLASS SCORE PA No result CLAS S 1C PB PC PD PE SCORE CLASS SCORE SCORE 100% CLAS S 5A 87% 3B 94% 1D 87% 3C 100% 5B 61% 95% 2A 88% 3D 5C 81% 96% 3/4Y 100% 83% 80% 2B 5D 92% 6A 88% Camp 48% 95% 2C 96% 4B PF No result 2D No result 4C No result 6B Camp 1A 86% 2E 4D 82% 6C Camp 1B 88% 3A 83% 92% 4E 95% 6D Camp GENERAL INFORMATION STUDENT COUNCIL NEWS…Walk Safely to School Day Just a reminder that tomorrow is Walk To School Day . Years 3 - 6 Music Night 2015 Thursday the 11th of June, 6:30pm onwards. Please see Compass/Tiiqbiz for notice WORKING BEE We would like to thank the following families and staff for their important and fabulous contribution to Saturday’s Working Bee. Many jobs were undertaken and completed successfully, ensuring that the school’s grounds remain beautiful and safe for the community. Families: the Ritlewski Family, the Davis/Rintoul Family, the Rooks Family, the Jasmin Family, the Mawson Family, the Morrison Family, the Linden Family, the D’Silva family, the Wijerathne Family, the Baard Family, the Boucher/Darlington Family, the Clowes Family, the Richards Family, the Jurangpathy Family, the Jackman Family, Staff: Mr. Parker, Mrs Noblett, Mrs Winston, Mrs Woods, Mr Rooks, Mrs Bailey, Sue Pugliese, Mrs Leary and Mr Paine. Working Bees are an opportunity for the community to give back to the school in helping to maintain and beautify the grounds. We are looking forward to greater community support in 2015 to ensure that our grounds can be effectively maintained without outsourcing to private contractors. Please come along to our next Working Bee It will be a great opportunity to get to know the staff, students and families of the school, whilst performing an invaluable community service. OUR NEXT WORKING BEE WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY 1ST AUGUST 2015 FROM 9am -2pm. COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD Oakleigh Parenting Workshop Oakleigh Services Training Centre- Wednesday 27 May,3,10,17 June 1pm till 3pm St . Luke’s Preschool 94 Essex Rd Mount Waverley 3149 Open day Saturday the 23 MAY 1Oam till 2.00 noon Batesford Community Hub Peer Support Program- 4th June 4pm till 5.30pm Thursday 8 week program SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT UPDATE MWPS Senior Environment Team is challenging our school to participate in this event by holding a WILD ONESIE DAY on FRIDAY 5TH JUNE. Students are asked to dress in a wild onesies or dress like an animal. A GOLD COIN donation is requested. Introducing GALLIPMOOLI GALLIPMOOLI, the cow, has joined MWPS Senior Environment students in the classroom as part of Dairy Australia’s Picasso Cows program. GALLIPMOOLI was named by our Senior Environment Team, who are learning all about the Australian dairy industry as part of the educational program designed to teach children about where dairy foods come from and the health benefits of consuming dairy foods such as milk, cheese and yogurt. Armed with glue, paint and loads of enthusiasm, the students chose Dairy Farmers Who Became Soldiers During WW1 as their dairy learning focus, which has seen GALLIPMOOLI transformed from a blank life-size fibreglass cow, into a piece of art with an important educational message! The students have been documenting their findings from start to finish in a learning journal which they will showcase with GALLIPMOOLI at a presentation day later this term, where MWPS will be going head to head with other schools from Victoria for a chance to win $250 if selected as the winning school! Stay tuned for further updates on GALLIPMOOLI’s progress at MWPS! PARENTS AND FRIENDS Rotary Raffle Tickets Prep – Yr 5 You will have received a booklet of raffle tickets to be sold in conjunction with Rotary Club. Please return ticket stubs and payment in an envelope with your child’s name & class clearly marked on the envelope. Any unsold tickets or booklets need to be returned to the General Office again named, so that they be accounted for and re-allocated if required. MWPS COOKBOOK NEWS 1. WE HAVE A TITLE! Congratulations to Ethan Lin from 4E for his winning entry into the Cookbook Title competition! Ethan's title was picked as the winner by Mr Paine from over 175 entries. The name of our Cookbook will be......'MOUNT WAVERLEY MELTING POT' which nicely represents both cooking and the diverse range of cultures we have at our school (and that is what our Cookbook is all about). At this week's assembly Mr Paine presented Ethan with a laminated copy of his title entry form and a voucher entitling him to a free Cookbook. Well done Ethan - and thank you so much to all those students, staff and parents that submitted entries into the competition. There were lots of great (and some really funny!) entries. 2. WE NEED SPONSORS TO ADVERTISE IN OUR COOKBOOK Do you or someone in your family work for or own a business that would like to place an advertisement in our school Cookbook? This month we have been inviting local Mount Waverley/Pinewood businesses about advertising in our Cookbook to help us cover the costs involved with professionally printing the book. We now open this invitation up to school families or associates who may like to purchase advertising space. The 3 different size ads are as follows: 1/4 page - $250; 1/2 page - $500; Full page - $1,000 (and there is the option of paying for the ad in the next financial year if that is required). The Cookbook team will work with businesses to design a unique photo ad that will be placed within the chapters of the book (some ads may even include some of our MWPS students, parents and/or staff!). Please contact Kerrie Richards on 0428 588887 or if you or anyone you know is interested. 3. CALLING FOR VOLUNTEER PHOTOGRAPHERS We are also looking for another 1 or 2 volunteer photographers in June / early July for photo shoots with local businesses to shoot fun and unique ads for our cookbook. Shoots may take place after school hours or on weekends, so if you or anyone you know has had training in photography, is comfortable shooting photos to go into a professionally printed Cookbook and is available sometime throughout June / early July then please contact Kerrie Richards on 0428 588887 or We are also looking for volunteers who may like to help us with the production of the advertising photo shoots. Help may be required in the form of assisting the Cookbook team to design the photo ads with local businesses, getting any props ready, and to help on the day of the photo shoots as needed. Please contact Kerrie Richards on 0428 588887 or if this is something you might like to help with. 4. LAST CALL FOR RECIPES If you've been meaning to submit a recipe into the cookbook but have not yet done so then now is your last last chance! We are testing and editing all recipes and are aiming to have this processed finished by the end of May - so your recipe really needs to be submitted ASAP if you want it included. Thanks again to all the families who have submitted so many wonderful tasty dishes! To submit your recipe go to Click on the “Submit recipe” tab near the top of the screen. This will take you to a page where you can select Mount Waverley Primary School in the drop down box. Once you have selected our school simply click on the ‘click to access recipe form’ tab and follow all the prompts. Before submitting your recipe - please check out the list of recipes we have already received. You can access the recipe list by logging into Compass (see the link under ‘MWPS Cookbook’ in the ‘News’ section) or going onto the MWPS website (go into and click on the ‘MWPS Cookbook recipes’ link under the Forms section on the left hand side). PRINCIPAL’S AWARDS Citizenship Achievement 34Y Jazmin for being a responsible class member who is always willing to help others Great job! Oscar for a fantastic attitude and focus during Naplan Well Done! 3A Eldrick H for demonstrating beautiful manners and for maintaining a positive outlook. Ashley W for consistently producing homework that is of a very high standard. 3B Patricia K for always displaying beautiful manners and always trying her very best. Well done! Ava R for always approaching her class work enthusiastically and confidently. Keep it up! 3C Lucy D for being organised. She always gets her classwork completed on time and to an excellent standard. Well done! Julia T for always displaying impeccable manners to all her teachers and class peers. Well Done Julia!! Gianna Z for always doing her best work. She gives everything 100% of her effort, even if it's new or tricky. Awesome work! Andy H for always giving a fantastic effort in all his swimming activities. A great job Andy!! 4B Oscar R for always displaying a great attitude when helping teachers and his peers. David R for being so inquisitive during our Science lessons and conducting excellent research into the topics he wants to learn more about. Well Done! 4D Jack A for being a keen helper during worm bucket duty. Thank you Jack! Nudara L for putting in an outstanding effort with everything she does in the classroom. Well done Nudara! 4E Elsie W for being proactive with her 60 second science group work, thinking ahead to ensure her group finishes on time. Caitlyn C for displaying a positive and caring attitude in class and always offering to help others. Liam S for creating a detailed short narrative about a dangerous game of hide and seek. 5B Sinethya P for being a kind, caring and friendly class member in 5B. Keep it up Sinethya! Emily M for having a positive attitude, challenging herself and always trying her best in all of her work. 5C Maruf A for always displaying a wonderful personality and building positive relationships with all his peers. Vas T for displaying great leadership skills and making good decisions. Grace Y For consistently producing work of a high standard and giving her best efforts in all her tasks. 6A Portia H for showing great courage on the Giant Swing at Yr 6 Camp. Forest L for displaying a great skill in drawing. 6B Jenna A for displaying her kind and friendly nature and assisting her peers in completing the difficult camp activities. Kallista A for her excellent effort put into all her camp activities and always giving of her best. 6C Gabrielle D for using good manners all the time and her willingness and ability to interact and work with different people. Sophia A for the amount of detail and effort she puts into every piece of work. Your willingness to extend yourself is truly admirable, Sophia! 6D Dayana R for making an excellent start at MWPS and settling in well with her new class. Jemima M for putting herself out of her comfort zone on camp by going on the giant swing, flying fox, circa-tron and her excellent piano piece at the talent show. 3D 5B 5D Hamish Y for putting in lots of effort to improve his handwriting and spelling. Keep it up Hamish! Emma R for concentrating on working hard to improve her maths skills.
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