Newsletter No 16, Thursday 28 May 2015 SPECIAL EVENTS On the ropes DISTRICT CROSS COUNTRY Congratulations to all the children who participated in the District Cross Country on Tuesday. Everyone ran really well and Mount Waverley came 2nd overall which is an excellent result. The following children finished in the top 10 and will compete in the Division Cross Country which will be held on Monday 1st June. Tilly R, Chris F, Alannah T, George P, Matthew N, Liam S, Andy D, Oliver C, Rehan F, Emma R, Johnny M, Sean F, Mineth N and Zac T. Congratulations also the Madeline T and Sean F who were elected District Cross Country Captains. Cassie Kemp PE/Sport Coordinator Mount Waverley Primary School, Park Lane, Mount Waverley 3149 Ph: 9807-1480 I Fax: 9888-1495 I Email: I Web: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE IMPORTANT SCHOOL DATES The Principal’s Pen Science Currently we have Deakin University pre service teachers conducting science lessons with our Year 4 students on Wednesday afternoons under the supervision of our teachers and their university lecturers. Last week I took time to discuss the program with our students while they were participating. All students I spoke with were very engaged and adamant that they would like more science at school. In addition to this I have also had very positive feedback from teachers and parents about the recent science incursion for Year 1 and 2. Science enables students to be creative and inquisitive. It teaches them to analyse information, collaborate with peers, make predictions and allows them to report on their findings. Science is a wonderful combination of literacy and numeracy and in my opinion it is an aspect of the Victorian education system which has lacked focus and support through my entire career. I am certainly not being critical of our teachers or the curriculum we teach in Victoria but rather observing the fight for the range of curriculum areas in an ever increasing, unreasonably crowded curriculum demanded by our society and governments. If students turn off science by the upper primary through lack of exposure, it really limits their educational opportunities at secondary college. Is it time to up the ante with science at Mount Waverley Primary School? 18—29 May Yrs 2&3 Swimming 26 May District Cross Country 29 May State Tennis 1 June Division Cross Country 3 June ICAS Science 5 June WILD ONESIE DAY Yr 5 Gold Rush Incursion 8 June QUEENS BIRTHDAY HOLIDAY 9 June-10 June Yr 3 & Yr 4 Science incursion 11 June Yr 3-6 Music Night 6.30pm see Compass/ Tiqbiz for notice Subway 15 June ICAS Writing this week Annual Reporting Meeting Monday 15 June 7.00pm Staffroom 16 June ICAS Spelling Regional Cross Country 23 June Yr 6 Melbourne Museum Greg Paine SCHOOL TOURS Wednesday school tours will cease at the end of Term 2 . REMINDERS Permission forms & payments: Yr 5 Gold Rush due 3 June Yr 3 & 4 CSI Lab forensics due 5 June Yr 3/4 ,4,5 & 6 Swimming notices due 26 June WORKING BEE DATE Term 3: Saturday 1 August Term 4 : Saturday 7 November ACHIEVEMENTS/CURRICULUM . SECOND HAND UNIFORM Hi, I’m Earnest and I care about the Environment. Care for the Environment by turning off the water. Remember to turn off the water when brushing your teeth. The second hand uniform shop will be open on Monday 1St June , 9:10-9:30am. All winter stock will be $5 and as we are unable to change large denominations please bring small change only. This will be the last sale for the term, we are located in the foyer of the hall and volunteers are most welcome Mechelle G Coordinator REGIONAL TENNIS Congratulations to Ella H and Sean F for making the Regional SSV Tennis Finals. Well done to Ella for coming 1st overall and progressing through to the State Tennis Championships which will be held on Friday. Good Luck Ella! GOLD Cassie Kemp Dylan W, Nathan S , Stephanie W, PE/Sport Coordinator SILVER Matthew A, Tori L, Krisha N, Minal N, Shreya N, Carl L, Brad W-S, Mia D, Brynley B, Liam S, Gina K, Michael L, Angelina Do, Nelini W, Winnie D, Melinda M, Mia M, Yvonne D, Gisele A, Kai S, Tessa, Charlotte C, Aritha J, Crystal M Rubbish Free Lunch Day Winners Week 6 Term 2 Congratulations to our winning classes for last week’s Rubbish Free Lunch Day. The winning prep class was PE with 95% rubbish free lunches in their class. The winning junior school class was 1C with 96% rubbish free lunches in their class. The winning middle school class was 3B with 100% rubbish free lunches in their class. The winning senior class was 6A with 100% rubbish free lunches in their class. Our winning classes are rewarded with 15 minutes extra recess! Congratulations! CLASS SCORE PA SCORE 81% CLASS 1C SCORE 100% CLASS 5A SCORE 96% CLASS 3B PB 94% 1D 76% 3C No result 5B PC 69% 89% 2A 88% 3D 85% 71% 2B 90% 3/4Y 96% 83% 5C PD 5D 92% PE 95% 2C 91% 4B No result 6A 100% PF 94% 2D 91% 4C 83% 6B 96% 1A 88% 2E 96% 6C 1B 87% 3A 70% 92% 4D 4E 92% 6D 93% No result 59% GENERAL INFORMATION Years 3 - 6 Music Night 2015 Thursday the 11th of June, 6:30pm onwards. Please see Compass/Tiqbiz for notice Rotary Raffle Tickets Prep – Yr 5 You will have received a booklet of raffle tickets to be sold in conjunction with Rotary Club. Please return ticket stubs and payment in an envelope with your child’s name & class clearly marked on the envelope. Any unsold tickets or booklets need to be returned to the General Office again named, so that they be accounted for and re-allocated if required. SchoolMate App The Department of Education and Training has released an App which is designed to help you better understand the curriculum we use to teach your children every day. The App, called SchoolMate, is available for free download now in the App Store for iPhones and iPads and in Google Play for Android phones and tablets. SchoolMate gives you a general overview of the Victorian curriculum in each subject at each year level and: Provides you with an overview of what your children are learning in each subject at each year level according to the Victorian curriculum (AusVELS) Provides you with tips regarding activities and things you can do at home to help your kids in each subject and year level Suggests apps, books, events and activities related to each subject area and year level. Our school, like all other government schools in Victoria, uses AusVELS as the basis for the learning programs we run at school every day. Our teachers adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of our students and community, for example, designing learning programs around what your children are interested in, or around days or celebrations that are important to our community. SchoolMate is designed to give you an overview of what children are expected to learn in Victorian government schools across every subject from Prep to Year 10. I encourage you to download SchoolMate and to please talk with your teacher or myself if you are interested to find out more about how our school teaches the curriculum. COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD Batesford Community Hub Peer Support Program- 4th June 4pm till 5.30pm Thursday 8 week program SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT UPDATE MWPS Senior Environment Team is challenging our school to participate in this event by holding a WILD ONESIE DAY on FRIDAY 5TH JUNE. Students are asked to dress in a wild onesies or dress like an animal. A GOLD COIN donation is requested. 5B - saving the Earth one mulch pile at a time PARENTS AND FRIENDS Subway Product Information Last term students raised a concern about the use of palm oil in Subway lunches given the schools’ support of orang-utans and the destruction of their habitat with palm oil plantations. As Subway coordinator, I have been in contact with the staff at the head office of Subway in Australia to find out the latest information about the use of palm oil. Currently the products that we get from Subway that have palm oil in them are the white and wheat rolls and the cookies. At the moment the white and wheat rolls contain Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) and halfway to three quarters of the way through this year, palm oil will be removed completely from these breads. The cookies do not use sustainable palm oil but offset this with Green Palm Certificates (supporting the sustainable plantations) and Subway plans to use Certified Sustainable Palm Oil in the cookies by 2017. So after some discussion at a P&F meeting we have decided to continue with Subway as a fundraiser. Students can still make a choice in regard to palm oil use: 1. Not buy a Subway lunch if you want palm oil free 2. Still have the white/wheat roll as it uses Certified Sustainable Palm Oil but not have the cookie as it doesn't have Certified Sustainable Palm Oil in it. Emily Johnston Subway Coordinator SUBWAY LUNCH – Thursday 11th June. Order forms will be sent home this week. There is one option for payment and that is by Qkr. There are a few reasons for this: 1. The Department of Education and Training (DET) as part of their Risk and Fraud Management processes are requesting that schools reduce cash transactions. 2. A significant amount of time was required by parents volunteering their time to count money and to follow up when money was missing. Paying by Qkr – Go to the Qkr app. - Click on Fundraising Lunches - Click on Subway lunch and for each child: 1. Enter the number of orders required 2. Enter the correct amount to be paid (1 = $7.00 or 2 = $14.00) - Complete all details on the order form. - Return order form to school All orders need to be in by Thursday 4th June by 9am. No late orders can be accepted. If 2 orders are required for the same child, 2 order forms need to be completed. Extra forms will be available on Compass. Please be aware that the cookies cannot be guaranteed to be nut free and may contain traces of nuts. This is a combined fundraising event with Subway Mt Waverley and Mt Waverley Primary School. PRINCIPAL’S AWARDS Citizenship Achievement Prep A Emily for being a wonderful help around the classroom. Bryce for working hard to improve his writing skills. Prep B Emma E for always being a kind and helpful friend. We are lucky to have you in Prep B! Kerrie N for always giving 100% to all activities. Kerrie works hard, is persistent and never gives up. Prep C Vihal E for making good choices in the classroom and out in the yard. Being a great 'Bucket Filler'. Gihansi D for having a go at writing and giving her best effort. Prep D Reuben S for being a polite and attentive listener. Reuben always listens to and respects the ideas and opinions of others. Daniel P making an extra special effort to take part in class discussions and offer his ideas. We enjoy having him share in class. Anushka B for fantastic writing efforts. Anushka always remembers to correctly record the sounds she hears in words. Liana S for taking pride when completing her work. It is always neat and beautifully presented. Lachlan B for your enthusiasm acting out MOVE OVER! You thought about how to work in a group and were kind to the other children in your group. Thank you. Evan K for being a good and reliable friend to your classmates. Well done! Hannah M for working so hard on your Magic 100 Words. You have a great attitude to learning. 1B Saoirse M for demonstrating beautiful manners and being a positive, happy classmate. Ian W for always approaching tasks enthusiastically and positively. 1C Sienna D for working incredibly hard to build her literacy skills. We are proud of you, Sienna! Eva J for being an enthusiastic and motivated learner in our classroom. Great work, Eva! 1D Chris L for being a helpful and co-operative member of our class and for being a wonderful role model! Ali B for making an excellent start to school at Mount Waverley Primacy. Ellie A for making strong progress in reading and never, ever giving up. Go Ellie! Andrew B for being a kind and friendly member of our class. You always come to school with a smile on your face! Lauren R for settling in well to Mount Waverley Primary School and trying very hard to do her best work. Well done Lauren! Arthur C for making a real effort to catch up with outstanding work due to his other educational commitments. Liam L for always sharing interesting information in our 'Show and Tell' sessions. Prep E Prep F 1A 2A 2B 2C 2E Hitani C for always writing so carefully and neatly. Well done! Kevin T for trying to use a variety of strategies when solving addition and subtraction problems. Joshua D for making a big effort to use 'deep thinking' during our lessons. Great job Joshua! Roger M for taking an excellent interest in our weekly science experiments and for sharing his wealth of knowledge with the class
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