education Supporting Training Initiatives the otc treatment clinic Common conditions and their treatment options This module has been endorsed with the NPA’s Training Seal as suitable for use by medicines counter assistants as part of their ongoing learning. Complete the questions at the end to include in your self-development portfolio module 195 Welcome to TM’s OTC Treatment Clinic series. This handy, four-page section is specially designed so that you can detach it from the magazine and keep it for future reference. Each month, TM covers a different OTC treatment area to help you keep up-to-date with the latest product developments. In this issue, we focus on eye care. At the end of the module there are multiple choice questions for you to complete, so your progress can be monitored by your pharmacist. You can find out more in the Counter Intelligence Plus training guide. The last six topics we have covered are: l Itchy skin l Hair loss (alopecia) l Heartburn and indigestion l Ovulation and pregnancy testing l Dry skin – part 1 l Nasal health and hygiene You can download previous modules from Eye care author: Jane Feely, PhD for this module OBJECTIVES: After studying this module, assistants will: • Be familiar with the basic structure of the human eye • Have an understanding of some of the common minor eye conditions • Be aware of the importance of regular eye checks and of protecting eyes from UV light • Have a basic understanding of some of the more serious eye conditions • Be able to offer lifestyle advice for healthy eyes • Know when to refer to the pharmacist. Sight is one of our most important senses and it’s probably the one we’d miss the most if something happened. Just imagine if your sight were adversely affected – think of your daily activities and how they would be impacted. Having said that, many people take their sight for granted. They figure that as long as they can see okay, then their eyes must be healthy, but that’s not necessarily the case. Like so many other parts of our bodies, we need to look after our eyes and make sure that any conditions are identified before they become more serious. The eye conditions you encounter in the pharmacy tend to be minor – things like dry eye, conjunctivitis, styes, etc. But it’s important to be aware of other conditions, too, so that you can advise customers when to seek medical advice. According to figures from the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), almost two million people in the UK are living with sight loss. Every day, 100 people in this country start to lose their sight – a sad fact when you consider that sight loss can often be avoided. The structure of the eye Before we look at common eye conditions, let’s recap on the structure of the eye and how we see. Sight is actually a series of events triggered by light, which involve the eyes and the brain. Light reflected from an object passes through the clear cornea at the front of the eye and is focused by the lens onto the retina at the back of the eyeball. The retina is a layer of light-sensitive cells called rods and cones. Rod cells are concentrated around the edge of the retina. They help us to see things that aren’t directly in front of us (peripheral vision). They also help us to see things in dim light and to see movement. TM JULY 2013 PULL OUT AND KEEP the otc treatment clinic reflective exercise Anne, 52, asks you for eye drops. She tells you her eyes feel dry, gritty and a bit sore. Both her eyes are affected but there are no other symptoms. You call the pharmacist, who looks at Anne’s eyes – they are slightly red. Anne is not taking any medicines. What would you recommend? This sounds like a mild case of dry eye syndrome, which occurs when the eyes do not make enough tears, or the tears evaporate too quickly because the oil glands are blocked or abnormal. This leads to the eyes drying out and becoming inflamed (red and swollen) and irritated. Anne may be able to ease her symptoms by keeping her eyes clean, adjusting her environment and improving her diet. A warm compress (eye pads soaked in boiled water and cooled to room temperature) can be placed over the eyes, the eyelids can be massaged and the eyelid margins cleaned. It is also useful to avoid smoke and eye make-up and if using a computer, to sit correctly in relation to the screen to avoid eye strain. Use of a humidifier will moisten the air and opening the window will also help to keep the air moist, which can help. There is also increasing evidence that a diet high in omega-3 fats can help improve eye health. Reiterate the Department of Health’s advice to consume two portions of oily fish each week, as this provides omega-3 fatty acids. Mild to moderate cases of dry eye syndrome can usually be treated using lubricating drops, gels or ointments. These aim to replace the missing water in the tear film. Anne may need to try a few products before she discovers which one suits her best. Cone cells are found in the centre of the retina where the light is focused by the cornea and lens. This area is called the macula. Cone cells give us our detailed vision, which we use when reading, watching TV, looking at people’s faces, etc. They are also responsible for most of our colour vision. The rod and cone cells collect the light signals and send them as electrical signals to the optic nerve at the back of the eye. This is made up of thousands of nerve fibres passing electrical signals to the brain. It is the brain that processes all of this information and interprets what we see. Other important parts of the eye include: PULL OUT AND KEEP TM JULY 2013 What if: Anne wears contact lenses and presents with the symptoms of dry eye? Although anyone can suffer from dry eyes, the risk can be higher in people wearing certain types of contact lenses. Some optometrists may recommend changing the lenses. Lenses that are disposed of each day do not build up deposits, which can be a cause of poor wetting. Appropriate care for contact lenses is also important. If Anne wants to purchase eye drops, ask what type of lenses she has and check on the suitability of the eye drops. What if: Anne presents with the same gritty sensation in her eye, but her eyes are red and itchy. Anne has suffered from hayfever in previous years, but usually suffers nasal symptoms. This sounds like a case of allergic conjunctivitis, but check with the pharmacist. You could ask Anne if she has been in a smoky environment or perhaps used any new eye make-up or shampoo as these products could irritate the conjunctiva. The pharmacist may also want to establish whether an eye infection could be the cause. Assuming that Anne is suffering from allergic conjunctivitis, eye drops containing sodium cromoglicate can be recommended. What if: Anne asks you for an eye ointment for a stye? Most styes get better without treatment within a few days or weeks. Advise Anne to place a warm compress over the closed eye – this encourages the eye to release pus and heal more quickly. This treatment should be repeated for five to 10 minutes several times a day. An eye ointment is not generally required. Anne should not try to burst the stye herself. If the stye persists and is painful, Anne should see a doctor. l Iris – the coloured, circular part of the eye in front of the lens. It controls the size of the pupil l Pupil – the circular opening at the centre of the iris, which controls the amount of light that enters the eyes l Conjunctiva – mucous membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the front part of the eye l Sclera – the white part of the eye (a tough coating that protects the outside of the eye) l Aqueous humor – the clear, watery fluid that fills the front part of the eye between the cornea, lens and iris l Vitreous body – a colourless mass of soft, gellike material that fills the eyeball behind the lens. What are tears? Tears are made up of a mix of components that must be kept in perfect balance to ensure that the eyes are properly moistened. Every time a person blinks, a thin layer of tears spreads across the eye’s surface. This layer of moisture – the tear film – forms a protective coat, lubricating the eye and washing away any foreign material. The tear film is made up of three layers: l Aqueous (water) layer – the largest component, this is produced by the lacrimal gland located on the upper, outer portion of each eye. On its own, this layer would quickly run off the eye’s surface or evaporate, but the other layers of the tear film help keep it in place l Lipid layer – produced by oil-secreting (meibomian) glands along the edge of the upper and lower eyelids. This is found on top of the aqueous layer and prevents it from evaporating too quickly l Mucin layer – created by cells on the eyelids and on the surface of the eye, this occurs below the aqueous layer. The mucin layer coats the eye and allows the aqueous layer to ‘stick’ to the otherwise water-repellent cornea. Common eye conditions l Dry eye Between 17 and 30 per cent of people experience dry eye symptoms at some point in their lives, according to the manufacturer of Murine. In most cases, dry eye results in mild discomfort that doesn’t cause any long-term problems. However, in more severe cases, it can become painful and the dryness can lead to permanent damage to the front of the eye. Dry eye is caused by a problem with tear production. Some people don’t produce enough tears, while for others it may be that their tears are not of the right quality – there may be an imbalance between the three layers described above. For others, the tears that are produced are not spread across the front of the eye properly. As people age, for example, their eyelids become less effective at spreading tears when they blink. In addition to being more common as we age, dry eye can also be caused by: • Hormonal changes (e.g. menopause) • Certain medicines (e.g. antihistamines or oral contraceptives) • Wearing contact lenses • Environmental factors (e.g. low humidity, wind, high altitude, and exposure to smoke) • Prolonged reading, using a computer, etc • Other health problems such as rheumatoid arthritis or Sjogren’s syndrome • Surgery or an accident that affects or scars the eyes, although this may improve once the eye has healed • An infection or inflammation of the glands around the eye such as blepharitis (see later). the otc treatment clinic the front of the eye. It is a common condition and most often presents with symptoms of itchy, watery eyes that appear red and inflamed. Sufferers may complain of a gritty feeling or a burning sensation and there may also be a sticky, yellow coating of the eyelashes upon waking in the morning. Anyone reporting the following symptoms should seek medical advice: • Pain • Sensitivity to light • Disturbed vision • Intense redness in one or both eyes. There are three common types of conjunctivitis, based on the cause: 1) Infective conjunctivitis – caused by a bacterial or viral infection 2) Allergic conjunctivitis – where symptoms occur as a result of an allergic reaction to substances such as pollen, dust mites or animal dander 3) Irritant conjunctivitis – caused when the eye comes into contact with substances that irritate the conjunctiva e.g. shampoo, chlorinated water, Spending long hours at a computer can cause dry eye smoke, etc. Anyone who reports that their eyes feel dry, Treatment options depend on the cause of uncomfortable or irritated or who says that they the condition. feel like there is always something in their eyes OTC products containing antibacterials (e.g. should have their eyes checked. chloramphenicol, propamidine isethionate, dibromopropamidine) can be recommended if Treating dry eye a bacterial infection is suspected. Brands include Although there is no cure for dry eye, there are Brochlor, Brolene, Golden Eye and Optrex two main ways to help dry eye sufferers: Infected Eyes. l Make the most of natural tears – lifestyle For allergic conjunctivitis, sodium changes such as lowering the temperature in a cromoglicate eye drops can be recommended. room or using a humidifier to make sure that the Brands include Opticrom Allergy, Optrex Allergy air isn’t too dry can help. It’s also important to and Otrivine Antistin Eye Drops. blink frequently, something that can be an issue Eye drops containing naphazoline, on the when using a computer screen, for example. other hand, work to reduce eye redness by l Use lubricant eye drops – dry eye sufferers reducing the size of the blood vessels in the often benefit from using eye drops called conjunctiva. These can be useful when the ‘artificial tears’. These drops supplement natural redness is caused by a temporary irritation. OTC tears and make the eyes feel more comfortable. brands include Murine Irritation and Redness These products don’t contain any drugs so can Relief and Optrex Red Eyes. be used frequently to alleviate symptoms. l Styes However, anyone who finds they need to use these drops more often than four to six times a A stye is a small collection of pus that forms on day should let an optometrist know, as they may the eyelid. It usually appears like a pimple or boil need a different product. on the outside or inside of the eyelid. Styes are There are different brands available OTC and fairly common and most people will experience customers sometimes need to try multiple them on one occasion during their lifetime. The products before they find the one that suits most common cause is a bacterial infection. them best. OTC brands include Murine Dry & However, chronic inflammation along the edge Tired Eyes, Optrex Actimist Eye Spray, Optrex of the eyelid (blepharitis) can also be a factor. Dry Eye Drops, Rohto Dry Eye Relief and Systane Most styes get better without treatment Ultra Lubricant Eye Drops. within a few days or weeks. However, a warm compress may be used to encourage the stye l Conjunctivitis to release pus and heal more quickly. Sufferers This general term applies to a condition that should run warm water over a clean washcloth, causes redness and inflammation of the wring it out and place it over the closed eye. conjunctiva, the thin layer of tissue that covers Re-wet the cloth when it cools. Repeat for five to 10 minutes, several times a day. Sufferers should never try to burst the stye themselves. Customers with styes that persist should be referred as they may require treatment prescribed by a doctor. l Blepharitis In this condition, there is inflammation of the rims of the eyelids, causing them to become red and swollen. It is common, accounting for around one in 20 eye problems reported to GPs, according to NHS Choices. It may develop at any age, but is more likely to occur in people over 50 years of age. Symptoms of blepharitis include burning, soreness and stinging in the eyes, crusty eyelashes and itchy eyelids. It may be caused by a bacterial infection or it may occur as a complication of another skin condition such as seborrhoeic dermatitis or rosacea. Blepharitis is not usually serious, but it can be a long-term, chronic condition. There is no cure but establishing a daily eye-cleaning routine may help control the symptoms. Important eye conditions The following conditions are major causes of adult sight loss in the UK, according to RNIB. l Glaucoma The most common type of glaucoma is primary open angle glaucoma (POAG). This chronic condition occurs slowly over time, gradually reducing peripheral vision. POAG is more common in older people and those who are very short sighted. In acute angle closure glaucoma, there is a sudden blockage of the flow of fluid in the eye. This painful condition is a medical emergency – sight can be lost if it is not treated promptly. l Cataracts These are cloudy patches in the lens that make vision blurred or misty. They can develop in one or both eyes and affect older men and women equally. In the UK, it is estimated that more than half of people over 65 have some cataract development. l Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) This occurs when the macula is unable to function correctly, leading to a gradual loss of central vision. Peripheral or side vision is unaffected. AMD affects people over the age of 50 and is more common in women. Smoking increases the risk of suffering. l Diabetic retinopathy This is a complication of diabetes where there is damage to the blood vessels of the retina. Initially, it causes only mild vision problems but in severe forms it can cause blindness. It can affect anyone with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The longer a person has had diabetes, and the less controlled their blood sugar, the more likely they are to develop this condition. Nearly one person in 25 in the UK has diabetes. TM JULY 2013 PULL OUT AND KEEP the otc treatment clinic NHS eye tests It is recommended that we all have an eye examination once every two years, unless advised otherwise by an optometrist. However, according to the Eyecare Trust, 20 million Britons risk avoidable sight loss because they fail to have this regular health check. And one in 10 British adults have never had an eye exam. Many people are entitled to a free eye exam paid for by the NHS, including anyone who is: • Over 60 • Under 16 or under 19 and still in full time education • Living in Scotland • Diagnosed with diabetes or glaucoma • Aged over 40 with a close relative with glaucoma • Registered blind or partially sighted • In need of complex lenses. People who are entitled to various types of income support or working tax credit may also be eligible and some will also qualify for help with the cost of glasses or contact lenses. Tips for healthy eyes The RNIB recommends the following to help keep eyes healthy: l Regular eye tests – as mentioned, everyone should have an eye examination every two years unless, directed otherwise by an optometrist. These tests are important even if there has been no change in vision l Stop smoking – smoking can double the risk of developing AMD, according to the RNIB l Eat a healthy diet – choose foods low in saturated fats and opt for green, leafy vegetables such as spinach and broccoli. Oranges, kiwi fruit, nuts, seeds and oily fish may also be beneficial. A healthy weight is also important as obesity increases the risk of developing diabetes l Protect eyes from the sun – the UVA and UVB rays in sunlight can harm eyes and may increase the risk of cataracts and AMD. Choose approved sunglasses with UV filters, even for younger children, and consider a wide-brimmed hat for added protection l Think safety first – according to the Eyecare Trust, 20,000 eye accidents occur each year as a direct result of DIY. Many of these could have been prevented had the person been wearing appropriate eye protection. Safety goggles are also an option for certain sports l Be screen smart – according to Screensmart, a joint initiative from Simplyhealth and The Eyecare Trust, we spend an average of 2,740 hours a year staring at a screen! So, its no wonder that 90 per cent of computer users say they suffer from screen fatigue – headaches, sore or tired eyes and vision problems. Tips for beating screen fatigue include: l Take frequent breaks – give your eyes a rest every 20 minutes or so l Create an eye-friendly environment – position documents at roughly the same distance from the screen to avoid having to re-focus. Dim the lights and minimise glare or reflection l Position the computer monitor at arm’s when to refer l Dry eye symptoms not helped by OTC products l Prolonged, unexplained tearing l Conjunctivitis that persists after two weeks l Moderate or severe eye pain, especially if accompanied by eye redness l Sensitivity to light or seeing halos around lights l Any eye injury, especially if there is bleeding from the eye l A foreign body in the eye that cannot be removed l Any sudden, serious change in vision l Suddenly see flashing lights or floaters l If the customer has diabetes. length, with the top of the screen at eye level. Choose a font size no smaller than 12 points and make sure the screen is clean l Keep blinking – when you concentrate on the screen for long periods, your blink rate can slow by as much as 400 per cent. More information l Royal National Institute of Blind People – l Eyecare Trust – l Screen Smart initiative – assessment questions: eye care For each question, select one correct answer. Discuss your answers with your pharmacist. 1. Which of the following statements is FALSE? a) Almost two million people in the UK are living with sight loss b) The retina is a layer of light sensitive cells called rods and cones found at the back of the eyeball c) The iris is the circular opening in the front of the eye that controls the amount of light that enters the eye d) The tear film is made up of three distinct layers that must occur in a specific balance to ensure that the eyes are properly moistened 2. Which of the following may cause symptoms of dry eye? a) Increasing age b) Spending time in a dry climate where the humidity is low c) Prolonged detailed work, such as reading or looking at a computer screen d) All of the above n n n n n n n n 3. Which of the following statements is TRUE? a) Artificial tears can help supplement natural tears helping to relieve the symptoms of dry eye n b) All cases of conjunctivitis can be traced back to a bacterial infection n c) Eye drops containing chloramphenicol are the products of choice for treating allergic conjunctivitis n d) Sufferers of styes can be advised to burst the stye themselves to help speed healing n 4. Which of the following conditions is NOT a major cause of sight loss in adults? a) Glaucoma n b) Age-related macular degeneration n c) Blepharitis n d) Cataracts n 5. Which customer can safely self-medicate using an appropriate OTC brand of artificial tears? a) A middle-aged man who reports eye pain accompanied by eye redness b) An office worker in her early 20s who finds that her eyes feel gritty and sore after a day working on her computer c) An elderly woman who says that her eyes are constantly watering for no apparent reason d) An older gentleman who has diabetes and who says he finds it difficult to read in the morning 6. Which of the following statements is FALSE? a) Everyone should have an eye examination every two years, unless advised otherwise by an optometrist b) Smoking can have a detrimental effect on eye health c) There is no evidence of a link between prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV rays and damage to a person’s sight d) When working at a computer screen, it is advisable to take a break every 20 minutes or so Warning: The content contained in this module is the copyright of Training Matters and cannot be reproduced without permission in the form of a valid written licence granted after July 1, 2011. Unbranded pictures copyright Photodisc/Digital Stock/iStockphoto. Published under licence by Communications International Group Ltd, 162-168 Regent Street, London W1B 5TB. Tel: 020 7434 1530. Email: n n n n n n n n
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