0000017 ana Teraiotog\. \'o\. II, pp. I^?-I-£ Pcrcamon Press pic. I9°0 Pnntea m ihe U S.A 92-0361'90 S3 00 * 00 Polychlorinated Biphenyls and the Developing Nervous System; Cross-Species Comparisons HUGH A. TILSON1 Laboratory of Molecular and Integrative Neuro sciences National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 JOSEPH L. JACOBSON Department of Psychology, \Vayne State University, Detroit. \ll 4S202 AND WALTER J. ROGAN2 Epidemiology Branch, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 TTLSON, H. A.. J, L. JACOBSON AND W. J. ROGAN. Polychlorinaied biphenyis and the developing nervous system: Cross-species comparisons. NEUROTOXICOL TERATOL 12(3) 239-248. 1990. — Polychlonnaied biphenyis are stable, lipophilic indusmaJ compounds that are present in residue levels in human tissue, wildlife, and freshwater sediment. They are toxic, and are known to cross the placenta and intoxicate the letus. Two large outbreaks of PCS poisoning have occurred in Asia; v.omen pregnant at or alter the exposures had children who were developmentaily impaired. Laboratory experiments in rhesus monkeys and rodencs. designed to assess neural or developmental effects, show altered activity levels, impaired learning, and delayed ontogeny of reflexes. Children exposed transplacemaily to levels constdered to be background m the U.S. have hypotoma and byporeilexia at birth, delay in psychomoior development at 6 and 12 months, and poorer visual recognition memory at 7 months. Allowing for differences in testing, effects art roughly similar across species, but current methods used to calculate allowable or reference doses give results up to 4 orders of magnitude apart, with the lowest level based on the neurotoxicology level coming from the human data. Polychlorobiphenyi compounds Polychlorinated dibenzofurans Nervous svstem diseases, chemically induced IN many species including humans, exposure of the fetus or neonate to PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyis) produces neural and developmental changes in the offspring. PCBs are one of the few agents for which there are adequate data to attempt qualitative and. to a degree, quantitative cross-species comparisons. Here, we will review the data from human and experimental studies in which exposure occurred to ihe mother and the offspring were evaluated. PCBs are a family of industrial compounds that had widespread use from their introduction in the 1930's until manufacture ceased in the rrud-1970's (13). They were soid as mixtures of the congeners under trade names such as Aroclor. Kanechior. etc. Child development Their major use was as a dielectric in transformers and capacitors, but their insulating, optical, and thermal properties led to their use in cable, carbonless copy paper, small electric pans, and microscope immersion oil. Goods containing PCBs were discarded without thought to environmental impact: by 1969 (14), they had become a worldwide pollution problem, since they resisted physical or biological degradation, and accumulated in the food chain. PCBs are still routinely delectable in human tissue (30). There are a few known sources of PCBs, such as Great Lakes fish, and occupational exposures can produce very high body burdens, but the route by which most general population exposure occurs is not' 'Current address: Division of Neurotoxicology. Environmental Protection Agency. Research Trianeie Pork. NC 27711. •Requests forrcpnnts should be aadressea to Walter J. Roean. Mail Drop A3-05. Epidemioioey Branch. NIEHS. POB 121:3, Researcn Trianeie Park. NC 17709. 239 TILSON. JACOBSON AND ROGAN TABLE 1 Sl'MMARY OF EFFECTS OF PRENATAL EXPOSURE TO PC3s ON FETOTOXICPTY AND REPRODUCTION Compound Species .Arocior 1248 Rhesus monkeys Cohort Dose E.^p.1 mg/kg;dayi Feiotoxic or Regimen Reproductive Effect Reference 1 il) 0.084 (2.5 ppmi perinatal (to 3 montns nursing) ; binhwetght (2\?c loueri chloracne (3) I 'Tla) 0.084 pen natal (posiexposure i chloracne hyperpigmentanon at hairline (4) (2.5 ppm> no binhweight effect (8) 3a (Eh) 0.014x3 (0.5 p p m x 3 ) Kanechlor 500 SpragueDaw lev rats 20-100 prenatal at 100 mg/kg: I weight female fetuses 100% perinatal mortality (44) Arocior 1254 '.Vistar rats 0.2-269 ppm perinatal at 269 ppm: i b.wt.; high perinatal mort (38) LOAEL O.OS4 100 NOAEL 0.014 :o I number or" litters Fencior 42 ICR mice 1 1 or 82 ppm perinatal no consistent findings (45) 11 Fischer-344 rats 5-10 x 5 days IP (before mating) prenatal no postnatal body weight effect no difference in liner size (39) 10 2-tx 10 days prenatal no postnatal bodyweight effect no difference in litter size (39) 4 1-2x20 days (lactation) postnatal no postnatal bodyweight effect (39) i 3? prenatal t number stillborn (10) (gestation) Tetrachloro- biphenyl CD-1 mice (gestation) 32 ~~ 1 birth weight 40% monaliry from birth thru weaning known. PCBs. as well as the chlorinated naphthalenes and dioxins. had been known to produce an acneform rash at the site of dermal contaa (12), but the first evidence of systemic toxiciry came from a mass poisoning that occurred in Japan in 1968 (34). Cooking oil had been contaminated by thermally degraded PCBs used in decolorization during the processing of the oil. About 1000 adults were affected. Women who were pregnant at or after the time of exposure had children with a variety of physical and developmental problems. This incident, together with epizootics in chickens (21) and monkey colonies (22). spurred laboratory research on the transplacental toxiciry of PCBs. High levels of PCBs in Great Lakes fish led to a prospective, longitudinal study of the offspring of fish-eating women in Michigan, and data showing that many women throughout the U.S. had PCBs in breast milk above the PDA action levels led to studies of breast-fed children in North Carolina. Finally, there was an unfortunate replication of the female rhesus monkeys (M. muianal for 86-89 weeks: dosing was terminated at the end of 3 months of nursing for those monkeys with surviving offspring. Oul of the 8 conceptions, there were 5 live births, 3 of which were tested. The mothers received an average total intake of 293 mg during the course of the study or 0.084 mg PCB/kg/day (Table 1). Four control infants were selected for subsequent testing from a group of 12 normal infants bom to control monkeys. Birth weights of the 3 PCB-treated monkeys were 21 % lower rhan the controls and by two months of age the PCB-treated monkeys had developed characteristic PCS toxiciry (3) (Table 1). These monkeys were tested on a sequence of 11 tasks, beginning with motor activity, at 6 and 12 months of age (Table 2). The animals with the highest peak levels were more hyperactive, [n a subsequent paper. Bowman ei ai. (8) reported that PCB-treated monkeys displayed a lack of between-session habituation of activity. In a study on the same monkeys conducted at 44 months Japanese episode on Taiwan in 1979. in which over 2000 persons were poisoned. Srudy of children whose only exposure was cransplacental showed persistent dysmorphism up to six years after the outbreak. of age. Bowman and Heironimus (6) reported that PCB-exposed monkeys hyperactive at 6 and 12 months of age were hypoactive at 44 months of age (7.8). The monkeys exposed to PCB in the original cohort (7) were also tested for PCB-induced alterations in learning and memory, as RESULTS OF LABORATORY STUDIES weii as changes in performance, using the Wisconsin General Test RHESUS MONKEYS witn the first given at 7 months of age and the last given at 24 Apparatus (WGTA) (Table 3). These tests were given in sequence Bowman er at. <7) fed 2.5 ppm Arocior 1248 to nine adult months of aee. PCB-treated monxevs showed deficits on the first ?CBs AND THE DEVELOPING CNS TABLE : SUMMARY OF EFFECTS OF PERINATAL EXPOSURE TO PCBs ON SEUROMOTOR FUNCTION IN 0,'IMALS Compound Aroclor 12-18 Kanechlor -^00 Species Rhesus monkeys Rats Cohort E.XD. i Dose i me.< J; a/day i Reeimen Effect Reference pen natal (to 3 months nursine) 6 months il months •U months * activity (S) * activity . activity (81 161 2 (Hai 0.084 '2.5 ppmi pennaul (postexposurc) 1 2 months * activity (8) 3a (Hal 0.014x3 (0.5 ppmx3) pennaul 12 months * activity (8) 3b(Uai 0.030x3 (1.0 ppmx 3» pennaul 12 months * activity (8) 100 postnatal days 23-55 , activiry >3U 100 postnatal LOAEL 0.014 NOAEL - not specified Rats Fenclor 42 Neuro motor 0.084 '2.5 ppmj 1 HI cays 21-28 aay 35 (not specified) Aroclor 1254 Time of Test , activiry impaired, inclined screen »32) Wistar rats 0.2-26 ppm perinatal pit weaning impaired neurological development (38) ICR mice 11 or 82 ppm perinatal 27 days T activiry (30 min test) (45) 11 — Fischer-3-J-l rats 5-10x5 days IP (before mating) prenatal days U and 21 day 6 i activity impaired swimming (39) 10 2 2-tx 10 days prenatal (gestauon) 2.5 0.02 days 14 and 21 no activity effect days 6, 8. 10 impaired swimming 4 2 i activity impaired swimming 1 — 52 — and 12 Tetrachloro- CD-1 mice 1-2x20 days i lactation) postnatal 52 (gestation) prenatal biphenyi day 14 days 6. 8, 10 and 12 >21 days spinning (47) days 35 and 65 spinning. (10) | activiry. neurological signs two discrimination reversal tasks (spatial and color). PCB-treated animals were retarded in learning progressive probability shifts hairiine. Analysis of the milk at the time of weaning revealed PCB and the object alternation tasks. Extrapolated peak PCB body burdens (4 months of aeet were correlated significantly with between 8 and 24 months of age. This cohort of monkeys was biopsies that included subcutaneous tissues taken from the infants at binh and 3 month of age indicated PCB levels increasing from virtually no detectable level to an average of 3.31 ixg per gram of tissue, respectively (4). Bowman er ai. (8) reponed liitle PCBs in studied at about 59 months of age for alterations in food- subcutaneous fat of the offspring at 8 and 12 months of age. reinforced, schedule-controlled behavior (36). No differences between treated and control monkeys were observed. Bowman ei al. (8) took eight surviving breeding monkeys from the previous experiments (cohort 1) that had been removed from ;he PCB-comaimng diet (2.5 ppmi for periods ranging from 22 to 84 weeks pnor to conception of a second cohort of infants i Table !). Five infants survived for testing. Seven control infants were obtained. The average PCB levels in subcutaneous fat for the mothers was 0.8r0.9 ppm iSDi. which was only slightly higher Offspring in cohort 2 showed hyperactiviry in 24 daily 90-min motor activity sessions when they had reached 12 months of age (8^ (Table 2). The effects were more prominent following repeated testing, an observation similar to the first cohort. In a third cohort of animals, two new groups of breeding mothers (cohort 3) were fed Aroclor 1248 three times per week in concentrations of 0.5 and 1.0 ppm. respectively, for periods ranging from 65 to 102 weeks at the time of conception 18) (Tables 1 and 2). Five offspring from each group were used in subsequent than those of control animals. At birth, analysis of the adipose •.issue of two stillborn infants reveaied PCB levels of 2-2.5 y.g per gram 01 tissue. Dunns tne 4 momns of nursing for the surviving 5 monxeys. :he infants developed hyperpigmentation about the behavioral testing. Motor activity of these monkeys was tested at ! 2 months of age and compared to the activity generated by the control offspring in cohort 2 (vide supra i. PCB exposure resulted ;n significant do&e-depenaent increases m motor activity. PCB increased errors in five of the nine learning tasks conducted levels that averaged 0.05 pig per gram of whole milk. Skin TILSON. JACOBSON AND ROGAN TABLE 3 SL'MMARY OF EFFECTS OF PERINATAL EXPOSURE TO PCBs ON LEARNING AND PERFORMAN'CE IN ANIMALS Compound Cohort fExp.) Species 1 (I) Arocior 1248 Rhesus monkeys Dose (mg/kg/day) Regimen 0.084 (2.5 ppm) perinatal fio 3 months 0.084 (2.5 ppra) perinatal Time of Test Learning Effect Reference 8-24 months WGTA"— impaired 59 months SCBt — no effect (7) (37) 36 months (37) LOAEL NOAEL 0.014 - aiming) 2 (Ha) SCB- 1 ICt higher SR§ (postexposure) omission rates 3a (Ho) 0.014x3 (0.5 ppm) Arocior 1254 Quail 200 ppm perinatal 42 months SCB-i 1C (37) posthatch 14 days unconditioned (33) avoidance impaired KanechJor 500 Fenclor 42 Tetrachloro- ICR mice 11 or 82 ppm perinatal 23 days active avoidance — t latency (45) 11 - Spngue-Oawley rats 20-100 prenatal 91 days at 20 mg/kg: water mazeacquisition impaired (44) 20 - Fischer-344 5-10 x 5 prenatal 30 days no active (39) 10 5 rats days IP (before mating) CD-1 mice biphenyl avoidance effect 2-4 x 10 days (gestation) prenatal 30 days impaired active avoidance (39) 4 2 1-2x20 days (lactation) postnatal 30 days impaired active (39) 2 I 32 prenatal (47) 32 ~" avoidance 35 days active avoidance— t latency (gestation) •WGTA - Wisconsin General Test Apparatus. ^SCB * Schedule-Controlled Behavior. ;IC - Index of Curvature. §5R - Scheduled Reinforcement. body burdens in subcutaneous fat measured at 8 months of age for the 0.5 and 1.0 ppm groups were 5.2±2.8 (SD) and 8.6 = 2.8 ppm. respectively. that exposure to PCB altered the degree to which secondary reinforcing stimuli control responding during omission of food reinforcement. The controls aad treated animals derived from mothers from which 2.5 ppm PCB had been removed from the diet (cohort 2) QUAIL and the offspring from mothers receiving 0.5 ppm both before and during gestation and nursing (cohort 3) were saved for subsequent testing using schedule-controlled operant responding (37) (Table Kreitzer and Heinz (33) exposed Japanese quail (Commix coturnix japomca) chicks to Arocior 1254 (200 ppm) in their feed 3). Testing started at 36 and 42 months of age, respectively. The estimated peak fat concentration of PCB for the offspring from cohon 3 was 15 ppm, while the peak fat concentration for treated monkeys from cohort 2 was 5 ppm. T.-.z monkeys were tested under a series of fixed-interval schedules of food reinforcement. Unlike the results from monkeys from the fust cohort (vide supra) which were tested at about 59 months of age. there was a slight, but statistically significant lowering of the index of curvature in these PCB-treated monkeys. Mele et ai. (37) tested their monkeys on a reinforcementomission procedure under which 25% of the scheduled reinforcers were randomly omitted. For fixed intervals following reinforcement-omission, the 0.5 ppm postexposure group (cohort 3) had a significantly higher response rate and greater interanimaJ variability in response rate than controls. Such effects may indicate beginning at seven days of age. The birds were exposed for eight days, which was followed by 6 days of no exposure. Twenty-four hours after initiation of dosing, the chicks were tested for an unconditioned avoidance response to a moving silhouette. Avoidance response was suppressed in exposed animals (Table 3), even after untreated feed was restored. RODENTS Rats Shiota (44) gave gravid Sprague-Dawley rats 20 or 100 mg/kg of KanechJor 500 on days 8 through 14 of gestation or on days 15 through 21 of gestation (Table 1). About one-half of the animals were sacrificed at day 21 in order to observe the fetuses at term. while the remaining gravid animals were allowed to litter. Behav- PCBs AND THE DEVELOPING CNS TABLE 4 REFERENCE DOSE COMPARISONS Dose (mg/kg/day) LOAEL Range Type of Effect Rodents: Fetotoxicity Humans: 3.2x 10"J I.OxlO"1 3.2X10"2 0.014 0.084 0.014 0.084 0.014 0.014 0.014 I . 4 X 10"* 1.4X 10"* I . 4 X 10~ 3 — Reproduction Motor Activity Learning/Memory Fetotoxicity and CWoracne Postnatal Body Weights Motor Activity Learning/Memory Performance Hypotomcity on the Brazeiton Scale Psychomotor Scale Decrement on 12-Month BayJey Impaired Visual Recognition Memory Carcinogenicity, Risk* I x 10~* (EPA quantitative estimate, lifetime exposure) [(1), p. 95] Reference Dose* 20-26 2-10 4-26 32-269 1-320.2-2 2-32 1-5 32-269 Postnatal Body Weights Rhesus Monkeys: Aroclor 1248 NOAEL Range :.oxio— I.Ox 10"1 I . 4 X 10"J I . 4 X 10"3 9.3x I0" s 9.3X J0" s 9.3X 10"6 9.3x 10"* 2.7xiO"s Z.7X10"6 1.3X10' 7 Current EPA Reference Dose (based on low birthweight in Rhesus monkeys) {(1), p. 94] 1.0X10" 4 •For animal experiments, intra- and interspecies variability were considered. For human data, only intraspectes variability was considered. ioral testing started at about 12 weeks of age. Animals were given five trials in which they were allowed to explore an open field for a period of 5 mm. Starting at 13 weeks of age, the rats were tested in a multiple T-raaze using escape from water as the endpoint. Gestational exposure to KanecbJor 500 had no significant effect on the total number of implants, number of resorpbons, average litter size or number of externally malformed fetuses. One of the females receiving 20 me/kg on days 15-21 died on day 18 of gestation. No pups from the 100 tngrtcg group survived for testing The body weights were reduced and ontogeny of negative geotaxis, auditory startle and air righting reflexes of pups from mothers exposed to 26 ppm were altered prior to weaning (Table 2). Smaller decreases in body weight and delayed development of auditory startle were seen in pups from mothers exposed to 2.5 ppm PCBs. Pantaleoni et ai. (39) exposed female rats to Fenclor 42 for 5 days during the 2 weeks prior to mating, during gestation (days 6-15 of gestation), or during lactation (days 1-21 postpartum) (Table 1). (Table 1). PCB exposure did not affect maternal weight or weight There was no significant difference between remaining groups in weaning rate or survival to the time of behavioral testing. Males exposed to 20 mg/kg on days 15-21 of gestation had increased number of errors in the water maze (Tables 2 and 3). Koja tt ai. (31) administered Kanechlor 400 (100 mg/kg, orally) for six successive days to rats that were either 3 or 20 days of age. There was decreased spontaneous motor activity during a rive minute test period in both groups (Table 2). Performance on a rotating rod was reported to be "slightly impaired" in rats of the offspring up to 21 days of age. Preconception or in utero exposure to PCBs had no effect on cliff avoidance, while this measure was suppressed in the postnatally treated groups. The development of swimming behavior was also affected in all three groups of PCB-exposed rats (Table 2). Rats exposed to PCB prior to conception were less active in an open field at 14 and 21 days of age, while rats exposed postnatally were suppressed at 14 days of age. Rats exposed in utero were not affected. Postweaning learning using an active avoidance task was studied at 30 days of age and rats exposed in utero and posmatally were impaired in the acquisition of this task (Table 3). These data indicate that behavioral effects following exposure to PCBs may occur following either prenatal or postnatal exposure. exposed to Kanechlor 400 at 3 days of age when tested at 5 weeks of age. In a subsequent study, Koja ei ai. (32) dosed three-day-old rats orally for 12 successive days with 100 mg/kg of Kanechlor 400. At three and four weeks of age. there was decreased spontaneous motor acuviry (Table 2) and impaired performance on an inclined screen. Overmann et ai. (38) exposed female Wistar rats via the diet to Mice 0.02, 2.5, 26 or 269 ppm of Aroclor 1254 from the time of mating until weaning of their pups (Table 1). The highest dose of PCBs decreased the number of Utters and lowered pup birth weight: most pups delivered to these mothers died within a week after birth. Pregnancy success, pup birth weight and dam body weight and Chou et ai. (10) studied the 3.4.3'4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (4CB) in mice (Table 1). Gravid CD-1 mice were dosed by gavage/ on days 10 through 16 of gestation with 32 me/kg of 4-CB. Thfs dose was not maternally toxic, but did increase the number of stillborn and resulted in a 40% mortality from birth through weaning (Table 1). About one-half of ihe Utters displayed a food intake were not affected at lower concentrations of PCBs. neurological syndrome, consisting of increased iocomotor activiry TILSON. JACOBSON AND ROGAN stanmg at about 15 days of ace liable 21. Affected animals showed jerkine or rotational movement of the head and episodes of constant circling around the home cage. Although lighter at birth, affected 4-CB mice gained weight at approximately the same rate as unaffected treated animais or controls. The animals had heterotopic motor neurons and astroglia in ventral spinal fibers and cylindrical CNS peninsulas that projected into the ventral cranial another control group *ho were matched by age. sex. socioeconomic status and sib order, exposed infants averaged six to seven points lower on tne Mental and Psvchomotor Indices of the Bayley Scales: preschoolers, four points lower on the Stanford-Binet IQ Test; and older children, seven points lower on Performance IQ as assessed on the Wechsler Intelligence Scales lor Children-Revised. and spinal nerve roots of ail the affected 4-CB-treated animals. Tilson et al. (47) also studied 4-CB in mice (Table 21. CD-I mice whose mothers were exposed to 4-CB during gestation displayed at 35 and 65 days of age a neurobehavioral syndrome There are two cohorts of U.S. children who have been followed consisting of intermittent stereotypic circling and hyperactivity. developmentally from binh: one in Michigan (MI), the other in 4-CB-affected mice were markedly hyperactive during the dark phase of the diurnal cycle and had impaired grip strength and balance. Hyperactive mice, as well as treated mice not showing hyperactivity. were both impaired in the acquisition of a one-way, shock-motivated avoidance response (Table 3). Body weights of North Carolina (NO. The MI cohort included 313 newborns: 242 of the mothers had consumed Lake Michigan fish presumed to be contaminated by PCBs (17). Higher cord serum PCB levels and maternal contaminated fish consumption were associated with smaller birth size and shorter gestation, an effect also seen in studies of children whose mothers had occupational exposure (23.46). The size deficit associated with prenatal PCB exposure persisted beyond the newborn period (26). The Brazeiton (9) Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale was administered in bo en the MI and NC studies. The Brazeiton Scale 4-CB-treated animals were not different from controls at 35 days of age. but female mice showing the neurological impairment were lighter than controls at 65 days of age. In a separate experiment. gravid rats were administered radiolabelled 4-CB on days 10-16 of gestation and radioactivity measured in the bodies of offspring. U.S. STUDIES There was no radiolabelled 4-CB at any time after 4 weeks of age. is designed to assess a broad range of newborn behaviors, A subsequent study (2) found that at 1 year of age. mice exposed to 4-CB in utero had elevated levels of motor activity that were associated with decreased levels of dopamine and dopamine receptor binding sites in the caudate nucleus, indicating a relatively long-lasting change in the development of striatal synapses. Storm and colleagues (45) maintained female ICR mice on a diet containing 0. 11 or 82 ppm of Aroclor 1254 beginning 3 days prior to mating and continuing until litters were weaned at 21 days of age (Table 1). The offspring were then maintained on the same diet as their mothers. One-half of the offspring were tested for acquisition of an avoidance response over a 13-day period beginning at 23 days of age. The other half of the litters was tested for activity in an open field in a 30-min test at 27 days of age. Maternal or fetotoxicity was not a consistent finding by Storm et al. (45) (Table 1). PCB-exposed mice showed an increased latency to respond early in training (Table 3). Measures of activity in the open field indicated that PCB-exposed mice habituated more slowly during test period (Table 2). including motor coordination, muscle tone, orientation, and state changes (that is. arousal and self-quieting). In MI. among 287 newborns tested, infants whose mothers had consumed greater quantities of contaminated fish exhibited more abnormally weak reflexes, were less responsive to the stimulation of the Brazeiton examination, and showed more jerky, unbalanced movement and more startles (27). Prenatal exposure was estimated in the NC study on the basis of the concentration of PCBs in the fat of breast milk; this should be identical to the concentration in body fat (42). Among 866 infants tested, the more highly exposed infants were hvpotonic and exhibited more abnormally weak reflexes. In NC. among 802 infants followed up from the previous study, prenatal PCB exposure was associated with poorer perfor- HUMAN STUDIES YUSHO AND YUCHENG Yusho and yucheng both mean "oil disease." in Japanese and Chinese, respectively. Both were epidemics of chronic food poisoning from contaminated cooking oil. The contaminants were a complex mixture of PCBs, poiychlorinated terphenyls. quaterphenyls. and dibenzofurans. In Japan, infants born to mothers who had consumed the contaminated oil were small for gestational age. had dark pigmentation of the skin and nails, early eruption of teeth, and swollen eyelids and gums. Four children followed up at 8 to 19 months of age were described as essentially normal mentally and physically (19). In another pan of Japan, however. 13 exposed children ranging to 7 years of age were described clinically as dull, apathetic, and hvpotonic. with IQs in the 70's (24). Rogan et al. (41) followed up 117 children born to yucheng women between 1978 and 1985. Although maternal exposure had ceased by 1979. the exposed children continued to weigh less and were more likely to exhibit hyperpigmentation of nails and gums, nail deformities, diffuse dark pigmentation on skin and mucous membranes, and bronchitis than neiehborhood controls. Using mance on the Psvchomotor Index from the Bayley Scales of Infant Development at 6 and 12 months of age (22). This index assesses both gross and fine motor coordination. In MI. cord serum PCB level was associated with poorer performance on a cluster of items focusing primarily on fine motor coordination, but this effect fell short of the conventional level of statistical significance (Jacobson, unpublished) The Bayley Scales depend heavily on motor tasks to evaluate cognitive functioning (5). In MI. therefore, the infants were also given a test of visual recognition memory (16), which assesses cognitive proficiency more directly. Cord serum PCB level and maternal contaminated fish consumption were both associated with poorer visual recognition memory performance at seven months among 123 children, a subgroup of the children tested at birth (28). Preference for the novel stimulus was related to cord serum PCB level in a dose-dependent fashion. Postnatal exposure from nursing was not related to any of the scales used either in MI (28) or in NC (22). Both cohorts continue under developmental surveillance. QUALITATIVE COMPARISONS LABORATORY ANIMALS '' Developmental exposure to PCB results in persistent neurobehavioral alterations in monkeys and nonpnmates, similar neurological or behavioral effects are observed across species, and neurological and behavioral effects can be observed in the absence ' PCBs AND THE DEVELOPING CNS of reduced body weights or gross signs of PCS intoxication during development. The behavioral effects observed in rodents and avians exposed developmemally lo PCBs were qualitatively similar 10 those seen in rhesus monkeys (Tables 1, 2 and 3). Some of the dosing regimens used in these studies resulted in growth retardation m the offspring, although at the time of behavioral or neurological examination, body weights may not have differed significantly from controls. Several studies specifically examined macurational end points at an early age during development and all reported a suppression, delay or impairment in maturation (33, 38. 39). The most common finding in the animal studies was that developmental exposure to PCBs results in behavioral hyperactivity (Table 2); this was particularly true if the testing period allowed for habituation to occur during the testing session. Hyperactiviry 'vas observed in mice (10, 45. 47), male rats (44), and monkeys .8); all of these studies involved pre- or perinatal exposure to In addition. Bowman and Heironimus (6) reported that PCB-exposed monkeys hyperactive 12 months of age were hypoactive at 44 months of age. suggesting that aging might influence the expression of this effect. In experiments in which short time penods were used to assess motor activity (i.e.. five minutes or less), developmental exposure to PCBs decreased motor activity (31.32). Koja and colleagues also exposed their animals postnatally, while other investigators finding hyperactiviry (8, 10. 45. 47) exposed their animals pre- or perinaially. In addition, Pantaleoni et at, (39) reported that preconception or postnatal exposure to PCBs decreased motor activity in an open fieid. However, testing was done prior to weaning, while others (7, 8, 10. 45. 47) studied exposure effects at a later time during development. That developmental exposure to PCS can influence higher cognitive processes or learning was observed in rats (39,44). mice (45.47) and Rhesus monkeys (7). Table 3 indicates that effects on learning were observed using more complex discrimination tasks (8) and schedule-controlled performance (37) in monkeys, as well as unconditioned (33) and conditioned avoidance responses in primates (39. 45, 47). One study (44) found impaired learning >~ rats using a water maze. Experiments conducted 4-6 years after birth with PCB-exposed monkeys found subtle changes in schedule-controlled performance and reactivity to reinforcement omission (37). and in short-term memory function in a delayed spatial alteration paradigm (35). Any battery of tests that included hyperactivity and learning tasks, such as the one being proposed by EPA currently, should detect PCBs as active agents. HUMANS Prenatal exposure to the complex mixture of degraded PCBs in Japan (24) and Taiwan (41) produced clinically apparent developmental delay. It persisted through at least early school age in some children. Nearly all of the mothers were themselves clinically ill; most of the children had additional signs or symptoms (41). There were effects on both motor and mental function: all developmental scales used showed effects, except for verbal IQ on the WTSC-R; more of the exposed children had behavior problems, as assessed by the Rutter scales. In the two U.S. studies, in which there was presumed to be no maternal toxicity. lower birthweight in children with greater exposures was seen in MI but not in NC (17). The only other toxicity seen in either study was neurodevelopmental. At birth. both studies detected primarily motor effects within the Brazelton Assessment (26.42). The Bayley Psychomotor Index was impaired by prenatal exposure in NC at both 6 and 12 months (221; in MI. prenatal exposure appeared to affect a subset of fine motor tasks within the Bayley. Impaired cognitive functioning was seen in MI on a visual recognition memory test (28) which was not administered in NC. There is thus consistent evidence that prenatal exposure 10 levels of PCBs commonly encountered in the U.S. produce detectable effects on motor maturation and some evidence of impaired infant learning. Both studies attempted to control for potentially confounding variables, and it is reasonable to assume that the effects seen are not due to DDE (the most plausible other chemical agent) or social and demographic characteristics of the families (29). The developing nervous systems of the species tested do not tolerate PCBs; how that lack of tolerance is manifest appears to depend more on the conventions of testing than it does on biology. The most commonly observed toxicity in the laboratory experiments was hyperactiviry. This is a standard and relatively easy measure in the laboratory, but is rarely done in children. The clinical condition called hyperactivity in children is a complex and likely socially mediated group of behaviors, usually not diagnosed until school age. The two U.S. cohorts are just now at that age. Using criteria developed in Britain, the Taiwanese children had several behavior problems, but this is difficult to evaluate in the presence of chrome illness in the family, the complex exposure, and the lack of an instrument known to be culture fair for measuring behavior disorders in Chinese speaking children. For the most pan, tests of higher conical function in animals are affected, while the observed delays in development on the children are predominantly motor. It is hard to assess cortical function in infants. The evidence of poorer performance on visual recognition memory, a well-validated assessment of infant cortical function, is consistent with the animal data. As the data from assessments of the children at older ages become available, they may also reflect more the effects on cortical processes. The hypoactiviry seen in the animals may have a motor basis, and thus be similar to the motor delays in children, but tests directed specifically at motor function in animals are relatively unaffected. QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT LABORATORY ANIMALS The available animal data were subjected to the nsk assessment model proposed by the U.S. EPA for developmental toxicity (15). These begin with either a "no-observed-adverse-effect level" (NOAEL) or a "lowest-observed-adverse-effect level" (LOAEL). Uncertainty factors, consisting of dividing the LOAEL or NOAEL by factors of 10. are applied for 1) intraspecies variability. 2) interspecies variability (i.e., nonhuman data), and 3) data in which there is a LOAEL without a NOAEL. The result of this procedure is a Reference Dose (RfD), the dose at or below which no observable toxicity is expected to occur. Table 4 summarizes the results of the risk assessment evaluation of the PCB data for six biological categories, including feioioxicity and postnatal viability, postnatal body weights, reproductive capacity, neuromuscular reflexes and manirational endpoints, motor activity and cognitive behavior. In each case, a LOAEL or NOAEL has been established and a reference dose calculated. Examination of Table 4 shows that, under the experimental conditions used, monkeys have been shown to respond to the lowest doses, and some measures, such as cognitive behaviors. are more sensitive than fetotoxiciry and postnatal body weights. Several PCB formulations were used and. with one exception. they produced similar effects. For rhesus monkeys, fetotoxiciry. chloracne and decreased postnatal body weights have reference doses that are an order of magnitude higher than those for motor activity and cognitive tests. TTLSON. JACOBSON AND ROGAN including discrimination learning and schedule-controlled behavior (Table 4). Table 4 also summarizes the data for rodents exposed pennatally to PCB. This table lists the ranees of LOAELs and NOAELs for each endpoint. As in the case of rhesus monkeys, the reference doses for fetotoxicity and postnatal body weights are higher than those for measures of neurobehavioral function li.e.. motor activity and learning/memory). dose among the endpoints considered. Note that the assumptions for the calculation of the reference dose from the human data are not conservative: using an older mother, or allowing an extra safety factor for the bioaccumulation of the chemicals would lower it. For comparison. Table 4 also lists the current EPA reference dose, and the "de minimus" fl x 10~ 6 1 dose for carcmogemcity. DISCUSSION HUMANS Unlike the laboratory experiments, dose information is not available for the women who participated in these studies, and we need to make a number of assumptions to estimate dose (40). The data from the NC study have as their measure of prenatal exposure the estimated amount of PCBs in the fat of breast milk at term. If we assume that this fat is in steady state with the rest of the body's fat. and we consider a body weight of 60 kg [U.S. median for 165 cm tail (IS)] and a percentage of thai weight which is fat. 25%, then we can calculate a "body burden." i.e., the mass of PCBs accumulated by the mother up to that point. If we assume that she got that body burden from equal daily doses over her lifetime, that she has as her only means of excretion either pregnancy or lactation, and that she is primiparous, then the daily dose associated with any given level in breast milk is the body burden at that level divided by age in days. (Since the levels in various matrices. e.g.. cord serum, maternal serum, etc.. are strongly correlated and approximately linear transforms of each other, we could calculate In order to predict what will for will not) happen to a human exposed to a given level of a given agent, we need to know what the biochemical basis of the action is. how it depends on the concentration of the agent at the site of action, and how exposure relates to that concentration. These topics are among those at the heart of the huge advances in brain pharmacology of the last three decades. For PCBs. there are now data showing effects believed to have a neuronal basis in humans and in animals, correlated to some degree with dose or exposure information: there are few data on concentrations in the brain, some general pharmacokinetic data, and vimially nothing about how PCBs interfere with brain function or development. In the absence of the above information and a mathematical model that describes it, predicting the effect of a given dose or estimating an exposure at which no such effect will occur can only be done crudely. The safety factor, or reference dose, approach has inherent problems. The NOAEL or LOAEL concept is inherently imprecise, and to an inestimable degree. It ignores the a body burden given any level in any matrix. We use breast milk quantitative relationship between dose and response, depends fat because, with the methods available at the time the studies were begun, it was determined with most precision.) Neither the NC nor the MI data have been modelled using techniques to estimate "thresholds.1* and the linear models used to control confounding assume no threshold. For our purposes, we therefore use the crude data, in which the outcome variable heavily on the strain or species used, and is biased in how it uses information. Since an active chemical studied in an experiment with only a few animals, using insensitive methods and high doses, will yield a higher reference dose than the same agent studied with more animals, sensitive methods, and many doses, (percent abnormal on the Brazelton assessment or means on the Besides the generic problems of quantitative comparison, there are problems specific to PCBs. The fust is that PCBs are not a specific chemical, but rather a family of 209 congeners, differing Bay leys) is arrayed by level in milk fat (22,42) and estimate a NOAEL by inspection. For these data, that level appears to be about 3.4 ppm in breast milk fat. (This level may have been estimated to have been as low as 1.8 ppm. if chemical analysis had been done by the methods used in MI). For visual recognition memory, the equivalent level is 1.0 ppm in fat of breast milk. The theoretical 25-year-old, primiparous, 60 kg, 25% body fat mother who had 3.4 ppm in breast milk fat has a body burden of 51 mg of PCBs, which she got from daily doses of 5.6 u-g/day, or 0.093 H-g/kg/day. Applicable "safety factors" would be 10 for variation in susceptibility among exposed humans, finis is arguably low; there was 7-fold variability in Ah receptor protein in the 9 specimens analyzed by Cook et at. (II); occupancy of the AJt receptor modulates enzyme induction by PCBs, and presence of the receptor correlates roughly with toxicity.J This would yield a reference dose of 9.3 x 10~3 u,g/kg/day; for 1.0 ppm in milk fat. the reference dose would be 2.7 x 10 ~3 u.g/kg/day. Note that the median concentration in breast milk fat in the MI data is 0.8 ppm. which would have been achieved under these assumptions by a daily dose of 2.2 x 10" - p.g/kg/day, an order of magnitude above the reference dose. By an entirely different method, involving analysis of foods commonly consumed in the U.S. (the "Market Basket Survey'*). FDA estimated that dietary intake in the U.S. in 1978was3x 10~ 2 jig/kg/day.buiby I982was3x lO~ 3 M-g^^day (20), essentially at the estimated reference dose. For the very specific and limited purpose of setting a reference dose, the rhesus monkey data yield an estimate of the reference dose an order of magnitude higher than the estimate calculated from the human data (Table 4); the rodent data give a reference dose that is three orders of magnitude higher. These comparisons are made using chat effect which results in the lowest reference the less is known about the chemical, the safer it appears. in the number and positions of chlorine atoms on the two rings. Although the qualitative toxiciry of the congeners is similar, the doses at which they are active vary by orders of magnitude. For those aspects of toxiciry mediated by occupancy of the Ah receptor, such as the induction of drug metabolizing enzymes. coplanar congeners are the most active (43). These congeners may be responsible for the bulk of observed toxiciry, but represent only a small portion of either an administered dose or the stored chemical in an organism. The congeners also vary in their persistence. The pattern of congeners in breast milk, for example, is not the same as in any of the commercial mixtures. Toxiciry and persistence are not necessarily correlated. The tetrachiorobiphenyl studied by Chou er ai. (10), for example, has a short half life, and was undetectable in the offspring after administration to the mother, yet its behavioral effect persisted. Few animal studies have been carried out using specific congeners, and congener specific analysis techniques are relatively new. In addition, the congener mix to which persons in one region are exposed to may differ from those in another, since the sources may differ, if, for example, the predominant source of PCBs for persons in Michigan is Lake Michigan fish, the mix of PCBs is likely very different from a person with occupational exposure or for a person who accumulates their body burden from multiple, very low back- , ground sources. Finally, since the chemicals bioaccumulate it is ^ plausible thai dose-response modelling should use total dose to the time of test or measured concentration in tissue rather than administered dose. The impact of this on the assessment of risk would have 10 be investigated, but it would likely lower the estimates of the reference aose. 19. pCBs AND THE DEVELOPLNG CNS In the Asian outbreaks, besides the high levels of PCBs to PCBs would now be introduced. Clean-up of the amounts now in iich these persons were exposed, the PCBs thai had contami- the environment, to the degree possible, will be an enormous undertaking. Current human exposure, however, is above any d the oil were themselves contaminated by polychlorinated triquaterphenyis and dibenzofurans i36). The toxiciry of the and quadruple ring structures is poorly characterized. The iibenzofurans include some extremely toxic congeners, with toxicity broadly similar to the PCBs. and it is likely that much of the toxicity seen in ine outbreaks is due to their presence. The Asian outbreaks are thus far unique in the degree of thermal degradation of the PCBs. but there is some evidence of widespread very low level environmental contamination by the dibenzorurans (30). 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