Ghent University – iMinds – Multimedia Lab Master thesis subjects 2015 - 2016 VIDEO Efficient transcoding from VP9 to HEVC Promotor: Peter Lambert and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Johan De Praeter, Glenn Van Wallendael Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Johan De Praeter Keywords: VP9, HEVC, video compression, transcoding Location: home, Zuiderpoort Problem definition: The next generation of video compression standards offers better compression than its predecessors. However, two different standards are being pushed forward: VP9 and High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). These two standards will likely coexist in the future, which makes it important to provide compatibility between devices supporting the different standards. This compatibility can be achieved by transcoding a bitstream encoded with one standard to a bitstream compatible with the other. The simplest method for doing this consists of decoding the bitstream and re-encoding it with the other one standard. However, this process can be made more efficient, since there are some similarities between both standards. Goals: The goal of this master’s thesis is to reduce the complexity of transcoding from VP9 to HEVC while retaining good video quality. To achieve this, the student will have to get acquainted with the properties of both VP9 and HEVC to exploit similarities between both compression standards. The student gets to build on an existing transcoding framework written in Python or C++, but can also directly make changes to the reference software of both video standards (VP9:; HEVC: Classification and detection of screen content for visually lossless transcoding in video compositions for HEVC Promotor: Peter Lambert and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Johan De Praeter, Thijs Vermeir Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Johan De Praeter Keywords: HEVC, lossless compression, transcoding, compositions, screen content Location: home, Zuiderpoort Problem definition: Video sequences can either contain natural content, which is content captured by cameras, or screen content such as a screen capture of a desktop. In many cases, such as screen sharing during a video call, it is important to preserve the detail of this screen content to assure the readability of data. To do this, more bits can be allocated to the entire video sequence. However, in a composition of both natural and screen content, this would result in bits being wasted on the natural content. Moreover, depending on the type of screen content, the amount of bitrate increase to prevent annoying artifacts might differ. Therefore, it should be possible to detect several types of screen content in a composition. Goals: In this master’s thesis, the goal is to detect and classify different types of screen content, and to identify the minimal bitrate that should be allocated to prevent annoying artifacts to appear. In a second phase, the student will implement this bitrate allocation by building on an existing transcoding framework for video compositions in Python or C++ and by making changes to the reference encoder of the HEVC video compression standard ( This thesis is in cooperation with Barco ( Content-adaptive bandwidth sharing for video transport over the network Promotor: Peter Lambert and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Johan De Praeter, Thijs Vermeir Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Johan De Praeter Keywords: video compression, quality of service, network policy, adaptive streaming Location: home, Zuiderpoort Problem definition: In a family of five people, one child is browsing YouTube on his tablet, while another one is having a Skype call with a friend. Meanwhile, the third child is streaming a film in full HD on his laptop. In the living room, the parents are watching Netflix on their Ultra HD television. However, each family member experiences an unstable video quality, since all of the aforementioned devices are competing for their share of bandwidth. This same problem occurs whenever several streaming clients share the same bottleneck link. Goals: The goal of this thesis is to investigate different policies for sharing bandwidth between different devices on the same network during video streaming. This policy should take into account the capabilities of the devices and the type of content and should distribute bit rates appropriately to provide end users with an optimal quality of service. More specifically, the student will have to analyze the relation between bit rate, quality, and the type of video content. This thesis is in cooperation with Barco ( Consistent quality video streaming over the network Promotor: Peter Lambert and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Johan De Praeter, Thijs Vermeir Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Johan De Praeter Keywords: video compression, video quality, adaptive streaming Location: home, Zuiderpoort Problem definition: When streaming video over the internet, the bit rate of video stream segments is usually kept constant. However, if the video content switches from a static scene to a fast motion scene, the quality of the latter will suffer since complex motions require more bits to encode than static content. Depending on the content, this sudden drop of quality will be noticeable or distracting to the viewer. To prevent such a scenario, a more intelligent distribution of the bit rate is necessary. Goals: The goal of this thesis is to investigate strategies to provide consistent quality during video streaming. As one such strategy, the student can ‘steal’ bits from low-motion scenes to use in highmotion scenes. The bit allocation algorithms can be implemented by making changes to the reference encoder of the HEVC video compression standard ( This thesis is in cooperation with Barco ( Tracking down the pirates: watermarking as countermeasure against illegal video distribution Promotor: Peter Lambert and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Johan De Praeter, Luong Pham Van Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Johan De Praeter Keywords: HEVC, video watermarking, copyright protection, piracy Location: home, Zuiderpoort Problem definition: Copying an unprotected digital video file is an easy thing to do. Copyrights are violated and piracy runs rampant. In an effort to protect their properties, copyright holders encrypt their video in such a way that only authorized decoders can play their files, limiting the playback options of their honest users. The malicious users on the other hand focus their efforts to decrypt the secured videos and distribute them anyway. A much kinder approach to protect the copyright of video files is to attach a unique watermark to each digitally distributed video file. This watermark is hidden in the bit stream while keeping the file standard complaint. As such, honest users can use their favorite media player to watch the film, while malicious users won’t notice the watermark that will identify them as the uploader if they dare to illegally distribute the file. Goals: In a first phase, the student will identify elements in HEVC bit streams that can be modified to contain watermarks without introducing a visible loss of quality in the video. In a second phase, the robustness of the watermark will be tested when subjected to several attacks such as re-encoding of the video. The watermarking algorithms can be implemented by making changes to the reference encoder and decoder of the HEVC video compression standard ( Ultra-fast HEVC encoding Promotor: Peter Lambert and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Johan De Praeter, Glenn Van Wallendael Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Johan De Praeter Keywords: HEVC, video compression, low complexity encoding, machine learning Location: home, Zuiderpoort Problem definition: HEVC is the successor of the H.264/AVC video compression standard. It doubles the compression ratio of video for the same quality as its predecessor. However, this increased compression efficiency comes with a price: the computational complexity has seen a huge increase as well. Since HEVC will be used to encode ultra HD resolution content which can contain up to 16 times the amount of pixels of current full HD content, it is a necessity to reduce the complexity as much as possible. Fortunately, some decisions in the encoder can be accelerated by using data from previously made decisions. Goals: The goal of this thesis is to reduce the encoding time of HEVC while keeping the compression efficiency as high as possible. In the first phase, the student is expected to make an analysis of techniques for fast HEVC encoding to become familiar with the encoding decisions that are viable options for acceleration. In a second phase, the student can try different strategies such as machine learning to skip these encoding decisions. For the machine learning aspects, the student gets to build on an existing transcoding framework either in Python or C++. Additionally, algorithms can also be implemented by making changes to the reference encoder of the HEVC video compression standard ( Robust low-latency video encoding for distribution over error-prone networks Promotor: Peter Lambert and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Johan De Praeter, Thijs Vermeir Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Johan De Praeter Keywords: HEVC, video compression, low-latency, error-prone network Location: home, Zuiderpoort Problem definition: In current meeting rooms, a wireless connection is used between the presenter’s laptop and the decoder attached to the display. For a high quality of experience it is important that the stream is displayed in the meeting room with low-latency and high quality. The wireless connection is the bottleneck to achieve this requirement. This connection is error-prone (dropped packets), has lots of jitter and has limited bandwidth. Multiple solutions could be proposed to minimize the impact of dropped network packets (e.g. using a reliable network connection, using less bandwidth) but all have their own disadvantages. Goals: The goal of this thesis is to analyze the influence of wireless networks on the HEVC video stream while providing a high quality of experience. First, the student is expected to analyze the impact of the wireless connection on this video stream and study the state-of-the-art for robust video encoding over error-prone networks. Secondly, the student should try different strategies to improve the quality of experience. These strategies could be related to the streaming protocol or the HEVC codec configuration. The student can also investigate how some tools (FMO, ASO, RS) from a previous codec (H.264/AVC) may improve the quality of the video stream. This thesis is in cooperation with Barco ( Tracking of moving objects in the HEVC compressed domain for ultra-high resolution video Promotor: Peter Lambert and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Johan De Praeter, Niels Van Kets Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Johan De Praeter Keywords: HEVC, object detection, video surveillance, video analysis, compressed domain Location: home, Zuiderpoort Problem definition: Video object detection and tracking is a useful technique for video surveillance and other video analysis applications. The most accurate way to perform this analysis is on the raw pixels in the video. However, these techniques may be computationally complex, which is not desirable for realtime analysis of ultra HD videos with resolutions of 3840x2160 and 7680x4320 pixels. Moreover, a lot of videos only exist in compressed form and need to be decoded first. A less computationally complex approach to track objects in these videos is to extract some information from the bit stream and perform object detection on this information. Goals: The goal of this thesis is to detect and track objects by using only a subset of information from an HEVC bit stream. The algorithms should have a low complexity, since they should be able to detect and track many different objects in an ultra-high resolution video. In a first phase, the student should investigate existing techniques for compressed domain object detection in previous video coding standards. In a second phase, these techniques can be adapted and expanded for HEVC by building on an existing information extraction framework. Going Beyond HD: optimized encoding of personalized views from Beyond HD content Promotor: Peter Lambert and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Johan De Praeter, Niels Van Kets Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Johan De Praeter Keywords: HEVC, video compression, Beyond HD, ultra-high resolution Location: home, Zuiderpoort Problem definition: Advances in digital video capturing allow cameras to capture videos with increasingly high resolutions. Using stitching technology, the output of these cameras can be stitched together to create a video with a resolution far beyond HD. However, such an amount of data cannot easily be transported to viewers at home. Additionally, the increased resolution would be wasted on the limited capabilities of their displays. As a solution, the user can select a subset of the beyond HD picture and zoom in on interesting events. Since many users will be interacting with the video at the same time, it’s necessary to speed up the encoding of each personalized stream. To achieve this, the personalized streams can exploit the correlation with the encoding of the full beyond HD picture. Goals: The goal of this thesis is to reduce the encoding complexity of each personalized stream to make the system viable for a large amount of users. The student should investigate the correlation between personalized streams and the full beyond HD picture to skip encoding decisions with e.g. machine learning. For the machine learning aspects, the student gets to build on an existing transcoding framework either in Python or C++. Additionally, algorithms can also be implemented by making changes to the reference encoder of the HEVC video compression standard ( Parallel encoding and decoding of DNA sequences on multicore CPUs and/or GPUs Promotor: Wesley De Neve and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Tom Paridaens and Ruben Verhack Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering, Master Mathematical Informatics Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Tom Paridaens Keywords: Bio-informatics, compression, DNA, Parallel processing Location: home, Zuiderpoort Problem definition: The human genome consists of more than 3 billion base pairs. Assuming that each base pair is stored in one byte, the human genome has an uncompressed size of 2.8 gigabyte. Add to this that the cost of reading the human genome (i.e. genome sequencing) dropped significantly the past years and it is clear that the amount of sequenced genomes is rising very fast. In fact, it rises faster than the speed at which storage capacity (per $) rises. This limits the development of new DNAoriented applications, such as personal health care and biometric identification. Goals: Within Multimedia Lab, a framework has been built that compresses DNA sequences based on principles used in the domain of video compression. This master’s thesis has the goal to improve the efficiency (processing speed and memory usage) and effectiveness (compression ratio) of the framework. The focus is on parallelizing the framework in order to be able to use multi-core architectures for the compression of DNA sequences and (potentially) using the gained processing time to apply additional compression tools to improve the effectiveness too. Compression and streaming of DNA reads for faster exchange and processing of DNA information Promotor: Wesley De Neve and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Tom Paridaens Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering, Master Mathematical Informatics Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Tom Paridaens Keywords: Bio-informatics, compression, DNA, distributed processing, streaming Location: home, Zuiderpoort, Applied Maths Problem definition: As the cost of sequencing genomes has dropped significantly the past years, sequencing technology has been applied more and more to generate databases for researchers and public health institutes, e.g. to investigate the evolution and spreading of organisms such as salmonella. Unfortunately, the speed at which base pairs can be read is higher than the speed at which they can be transmitted. Often, researchers use hard drives to transmit the sequencing data. This generates delays for research and the treatment of epidemics. Goals: Within Multimedia Lab, a framework has been built that compresses DNA sequences based on principles used in the domain of video compression. This master’s thesis focuses on adding support for individual reads. These are short DNA sequences, often not longer than some 10s or 100s of base pairs. The second goal is to transmit these individually compressed reads fast and efficiently from the sequencing machine across a network to a central database or end-users, to allow for live processing and streaming of data in a distributed environment. This master’s thesis is in cooperation with Applied Maths ( Applied Maths is a Ghent-based company that creates software for management and analysis of biological data. Encryption of DNA sequences with preservation of accessibility for genomic analysis Promotor: Wesley De Neve and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Tom Paridaens and Glenn Van Wallendael Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering, Master Mathematical Informatics Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Tom Paridaens Keywords: Bio-informatics, compression, DNA, experimental research, encryption, DRM Location: home, Zuiderpoort Problem definition: As the cost of sequencing genomes has dropped significantly the past years, sequencing technology has been applied more and more to generate databases for researchers, e.g. to investigate epidemics or diseases such as cancer. As this is sensitive data, protection of the privacy of patients is very important. Encryption and DRM are key tools to protect this data. Goals: Within Multimedia Lab, a framework has been designed that compresses DNA Sequences, based on principles from the video compression domain. This master’s thesis has the goal to expand the current framework with encryption capabilities. In the first phase, available encryption technologies and techniques will be studied. In the second phase, methods will be designed and implemented in such a way that the data is (partially) encrypted, but can still be used for medical research. Complexity Constrained Scalable Video Coding Promotor: Peter Lambert and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Thijs Vermeir and Johan De Praeter Study Programme: Master in Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering, Master of Mathematical Informatics Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Thijs Vermeir Keywords: Scalable Video, SHVC, Complexity Constrained Encoding Location: home, Zuiderpoort or Technicum or Technicum Problem definition: In a multi-site meeting, consumer electronics are used a lot for sharing screen content (presentations, documents...) between different participants. These participants could be connected with a high bandwidth connection (e.g., other meeting room in the same building) or a low bandwidth connection (e.g., home office, customer site). Typically these consumer electronics (laptops, tablets, smartphones etc.) use hardware (HW) accelerated encoding and have (limited) computational capabilities available. Encoding the screen content multiple times for every bandwidth constraint is not always possible as only one HW acceleration block is available. If the HW accelerated encoder is used as the base layer (low bandwidth) the available computational power could be used to create an enhancement layer (high bandwidth). Goals: The goal of this master’s thesis is to investigate strategies for a complexity constrained scalable HEVC encoder. As it is expected that the base layer is already generated with a HW encoder, the student should concentrate only on the extension layer. In the first phase the student should study the complexity distribution for the HEVC reference software and analyze the relation between complexity, rate and distortion. In the next phase the student should explore strategies to reduce the complexity taking rate and distortion into account. This thesis is in cooperation with Barco ( DNA compression using machine learning techniques Promotor: Wesley De Neve, Pieter Buteneers (Reservoir Lab) Supervisors: Ruben Verhack, Tom Paridaens, Lionel Pigou (Reservoir Lab) Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 2 Contact: Ruben Verhack Keywords: DNA, compression, machine learning, neural networks Location: home, Zuiderpoort or Technicum or Technicum Problem definition: The human genome consists of more than 3 billion base pairs. Assuming that each base pair is stored in one byte, the human genome has an uncompressed size of 2.8 gigabyte. Add to this that the cost of reading the human genome (i.e. genome sequencing) dropped significantly the past years and it is clear that the amount of sequenced genomes is rising very fast. In fact, it rises faster than the speed at which storage capacity (per $) rises. This limits the development of new DNAoriented applications, such as personal health care and biometric identification. Goals: Within Multimedia Lab, basic research has been performed to compress DNA sequences based on principles used in the domain of video compression. In these master theses, the goal is to explore new paths for compressing genomic data using machine learning. Machine learning algorithms are known to be well suited for exploiting characteristics of the underlying model, i.e. the grammar of the genomes. The goal of these two theses is to explore the usage of machine learning in DNA compression, with two different approaches: reference based and non-reference based. Reference based compresses genomes relative to a reference genome. Non-reference based methods compress genomic data without external references. Non-transform based content adaptive image coding Promotor: Peter Lambert and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Ruben Verhack Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Ruben Verhack Keywords: Image coding, lossy compression, image processing Location: home, Zuiderpoort or Technicum or Technicum Problem definition: Due to the massive amount of visual materials that are captured and stored nowadays, image compression remains an active field of research. Most standard image coding schemes follow the transform-quantize-entropy coding scheme. JPEG 2000 relies on the wavelet transform, whereas JPEG relies on the DCT transform. This has been the main focus for the last decades, but we claim that spatial (non-transform) techniques are still not fully researched. In adaptive systems the parameters of the encoder are adapted to the changing statistics of the signal. There is a wide range of adaptive systems: they go from updating compression symbol statistics to really understanding the semantics within the image. But they all have the mutual goal of gaining compression efficiency through a better understanding of the content it is compressing. Goals: The goal in this master’s thesis is to develop a completely new strategy for exploiting image content for coding purposes. This includes finding an underlying model of the image as a description and coding it efficiently. This should be done while keeping the characteristics of the human visual system (HVS) in mind. This complete new way of image coding provides many opportunities for different approaches, e.g. adaptive sampling (why would you code pixels that you can predict perfectly?), machine learning approaches (learning correlations), kernel regression (function approximation), or dictionary learning. The implementation can be done in Matlab, Python or C/C++. If necessary, acceleration on the GPU using NVIDIA CUDA is possible. Lossy content aware image coding Promotor: Peter Lambert and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Ruben Verhack Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Ruben Verhack Keywords: Image coding, lossy compression, DPCM, prediction methods, machine learning Location: home, Zuiderpoort or Technicum or Technicum Problem definition: Due to the massive amount of visual materials that are captured and stored nowadays, image compression stays an active field of research. During the last 20 years, powerful non-linear techniques evolved in the machine learning community around the non-linear support vector machine theory for classification and regression of signals. Non-linear regression is intimately related to the problem of non-linear prediction in signal theory, and thus highly relevant for predictive coding in general. Surprisingly, this path has only been recently started gaining attention. Our challenge is the exploration of non-linear statistical dependencies between amplitudes of image samples for reducing redundancy of the source prior to coding while modeling the signal. In simpler terms, using machine learning techniques, it is possible to extract the main structures in an image by learning the model of the image. The more understanding there is about the content of an image, the shorter it can be described, and thus coded. Goals: The goal in this master’s thesis is to develop a strategy for exploiting learned information from the images for coding purposes. This includes finding an underlying model of the image as a description and coding it efficiently. This should be done while keeping the characteristics of the human visual system (HVS) in mind. The implementation can be done in Matlab, Python or C/C++. If necessary, acceleration on the GPU using NVIDIA CUDA is possible. Video processing for interactive visualization of spherical or 360° video Promotor: Peter Lambert and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Glenn Van Wallendael, Niels Van Kets Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering, Master Mathematical Informatics Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Glenn Van Wallendael Keywords: 360° video, video coding Location: home, Zuiderpoort or Technicum or Technicum Problem definition: In the future, video will not be displayed on a flat surface like a TV. There will be 360° video in which you can look around freely. For this purpose, TVs are getting curved, virtual reality glasses like the Oculus Rift are being developed and videos get projected on spheres around viewers. Whatever the practical solution for display will be, numerous challenges exist about providing this user with the best possible visual experience. In an ideal world where there are no practical limitations, the entire 360° video can be provided to the end user device without any quality sacrifices. In the real world, on the other hand, every resource is limited, but optimizations can be found in the characteristics of this 360° video, the video content and his observer. For example, did you ever look at the eye movement of a person turning his head? The eyes will stay focused on an object and while the head turns different objects along the way will be fixed. Therefore, the importance of predicting the focus points of where the observer is going to watch becomes more important. Additionally, when the observer keeps his body stationary, he is only able to turn his head 180°. With a movie that triggers his will to look around, the observer could start looking around further and be more active. But more actively looking around blurs the observation capacity, so a trade-off can be made. Finally, there is the additional advantage that the left side of the movie is connected to the right side because it represents a sphere. This property is not being used in today regular video coders. Goals: In this work, the student tries to progress the scientific field of 360° video coding, transmission and interactive visualization. In video coding perspective, the regular video gets extended with 360° properties. To improve this 360° video experience, the restrictions of eye and head movement must be taken into account. Real time Ultra HD video compression using hardware/software codesign Promotor: Peter Lambert and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Glenn Van Wallendael Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering, Master Mathematical Informatics Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Glenn Van Wallendael Keywords: SoC development, Ultra HD, video compression Location: home, Zuiderpoort or Technicum or Technicum Problem definition: Because of the ever increasing resolution of video, software based solutions are not capable of encoding video in real time anymore. One solution would be to make the compression algorithm parallel and execute everything on GPUs or hardware. The problem with video compression and compression in general is that a compression algorithm only works optimally in a serial way. Serial processing enables the compressor to learn from previous decisions with a smaller size as a result. Still, some parts of the video encoder can be handled in parallel like the motion estimation and the intra prediction. Therefore, the ideal solution would be to have a software/hardware co-design in which the general structure is kept serial with a lot of parallel hardware assistance. For this purpose, specialized chips are developed which include an ARM processor combined with hardware programmable parts (FPGA). With both parts available on a single chip, the hardware and software processing can be combined efficiently. Goals: During this thesis, the state-of-the-art High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard will be implemented in a hardware software combined design. For this purpose, the student can start from the open-source reference software for HEVC video compression ( ). This software can then be run on the internal processor of the specialized Xilinx Zynq-7000 System on a Chip. This SoC then gives the possibility to execute certain parts in hardware and doing this efficiently will be the main challenge in this thesis. Guaranteeing video quality Promotor: Peter Lambert and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Glenn Van Wallendael, Niels Van Kets Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering, Master Mathematical Informatics Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Glenn Van Wallendael Keywords: video quality metrics, large data analysis Location: home, Zuiderpoort or Technicum or Technicum Problem definition: Video distribution systems, like the ones from Telenet, Stevie or Netflix, have no idea about the delivered Quality of Experience to the end user. They know what they serve the network, but have no control on what comes out at the end-user. For this purpose, lightweight algorithms exist that analyze the received video and form an opinion about the quality of that video (good, average, or bad). In the past, these algorithms got developed using a limited set of settings in order to keep the ground truth generation process manageable. This ground truth would need to be generated through groups of people scoring all the distorted videos. In this master thesis, such a lightweight video quality algorithm will be developed using an entirely new approach. A large database of videos will be provided such that finally a general applicable video quality metric can be designed. Goals: In this thesis, the goal is to make a lightweight quality metric developed using a large data analysis approach. For this purpose, we have already started the large database generation process which can be extended during the thesis. Additionally, tools will be provided to extract a large part of the incoming video information and convert it into a machine readable format. Apart from extending this work, the main challenge is the analysis of this large dataset which will result in a good quality metric. Such a large dataset analysis is a perfect asset when looking to the job market, because such analysis skills can be applied on a lot of problems that occur in the field. Rate-distortion-complexity modeling for the HEVC decoder under energy constraints of receivers Promotor: Peter Lambert and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Luong Pham Van and Glenn Van Wallendael Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Glenn Van Wallendael Keywords: HEVC, power-aware video coding, decoding complexity Location: home, Zuiderpoort or Technicum or Technicum Problem definition: In real-life applications, video streams might be decoded by portable devices such as mobile phones or tablets, where the devices have time-varying battery life or different processing capacities. Under such a scenario, the reduction in decoding complexity to adapt to the capacity of receivers becomes a critical issue. One possible solution is to allow the encoder to generate a decoderfriendly bit stream. The new High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard is expected to be widely used in many multimedia applications thanks to its high compression efficiency compared with H.264/AVC. To achieve this high coding performance, HEVC introduces several new coding techniques resulting in extremely high complexity of both the encoder and decoder. To incorporate this standard in real-life applications, power-aware hardware modules should be investigated and included. Goals: The purpose of this work is to study and propose a rate-distortion-complexity model using statistical and machine learning techniques for HEVC. The proposed model should be evaluated for its impact on the compression ratio of the bit stream. Ideally, this model is included in the encoder to select the optimal coding mode, such that a trade-off between rate-distortion and decoding complexity is achieved with a minimal impact on the compression ratio. Robust detection and reconstruction of damaged digital video files Promotors: Peter Lambert and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Patrick De Smet (NICC) and Glenn Van Wallendael Study Programme: Master in Computer Science Engineering, Master of Mathematical Informatics Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Patrick De Smet (NICC) Keywords: video analysis and processing, video reconstruction Location: home, Zuiderpoort Problem definition: In professional and home environments, recording and storing of audiovisual data is nowadays almost exclusively performed using digital techniques. As a result of this evolution, there is an increasing demand towards new possibilities for analyzing digital information in the context of forensic investigations. A particular and common problem in these investigations is the analysis of damaged digital files due to the complete or partial erasure of files, or due to malfunctioning or damaged data carriers and/or hardware. As a result, police and forensic experts are facing the challenging task of tracking and partially recovering the remaining damaged information, in the context of investigations of retrieved or confiscated multimedia players and carriers, computer systems etc. Goals: The goal of this master’s thesis is to investigate and implement novel techniques in software that allow to recover damaged digital video files from certain ‘data dumps’ in a reliable way, and where possible, to reconstruct and decode the resulting files. In this thesis, you will collaborate with the National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology (NICC, The NICC is a scientific institute within the federal department of justice which performs forensic research in collaboration with governments and police departments. User interaction with personalized views extracted from Beyond HD content Promotor: Peter Lambert and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Niels Van Kets, Johan De Praeter Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Niels Van Kets Keywords: Beyond HD, ultra-high resolution, user interaction Location: home, Zuiderpoort Problem definition: Advances in digital video capturing allow cameras to capture videos with increasingly high resolutions. Using stitching technology, the output of these cameras can be stitched together to create a video with a resolution far beyond HD. However, such an amount of data cannot be easily transported to viewers at home. Additionally, the increased resolution would be wasted on the limited capabilities of their displays. As a solution, the user can select a subset of the beyond HD picture and zoom in on interesting events. But how will the user interact with this beyond HD picture? Does a user prefer a certain type of input such as a tablet, jawbone or oculus rift? Or does a user prefer a more passive approach and simply select the region or events (such as tracking the ball during a game of football) which he/she would like to follow? Goals: Within Multimedia Lab, a framework has been built to extract personalized views from a very high resolution video (8600x2160 pixels). This framework allows to pan, tilt and zoom within the video. The goal of this thesis is to perform research towards existing or new ways of interacting with this framework. This could be active (swiping on tablets, moving around with an oculus rift, making gestures with a jawbone etc.) or passive (automatic feature tracking). The work of the thesis student will be focused on two main areas. First of all, a general and reusable interface or API should be created that allows input originating from different interaction devices. Second, different interaction devices and automatic tracking algorithms must be compared both in terms of complexity and usability. In a final stage, the student will subjectively compare the different interaction devices and automatic tracking systems such that a conclusion can be drawn concerning the usability of each solution. Optimized transmission of compressed genomic data sequences for visualization in Genomeview Promotor: Wesley De Neve, Yao-Cheng Lin (PSB-UGent), and Rik Van de Walle Supervisors: Tom Paridaens Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Electrical Engineering, Master Mathematical Informatics Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Tom Paridaens Keywords: Bio-Informatics, Compression, DNA, Experimental Research, Visualization, Transmission Location: home, Zuiderpoort, Technologiepark Zwijnaarde Problem definition: As the cost of sequencing genomes has dropped significantly the past years, sequencing technology has been applied more and more to generate databases for researchers, e.g. to investigate the evolution and spreading of organisms such as salmonella. Unfortunately, the speed at which base pairs can be read is higher than the speed at which the sequences can be transmitted. Often, researchers use hard drives to transmit the sequencing data. This generates delays for research and the treatment of epidemics. Goals: Within Multimedia Lab, a framework has been designed that compresses DNA Sequences, based on principles from the video compression domain. Within the PSB, a genome browser has been developed ( that allows to study genomes by navigating through genomes, without transmitting them completely. Currently, transmissions from the server to the viewer do not use compression. In this master’s thesis, the goal is to integrate both frameworks to an efficient server-client system and to define different usage scenarios and to optimize the system in terms of compression, storage cost, server load, network load and Quality-of-Experience (QoE). Design and implement an automated platform to benchmark zapping times Promotor: Sebastiaan Van Leuven ( and Peter Lambert Supervisors: Glenn Van Wallendael, Wim Baekelandt ( Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Mathematical Informatics, Master Industrial Engineering: Elektronica - ICT Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Sebastiaan Van Leuven ( Keywords: Benchmarking, zapping Location: home, Zuiderpoort, TPVision Zwijnaarde Problem definition: Each year, TV sets undergo an extensive number of tests to evaluate the performance (benchmarks). One of those benchmarks is the time required for zapping between television channels within a Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) environment. Since zapping times are highly depending on a number of external factors such as the location of the TV channel within the DVB transport stream, the type of video codec used, and the temporal position within the new video stream it is hard to model and evaluate the theoretical zapping time for televisions. Currently, there is no test environment available to evaluate the zapping time with a statistical relevant procedure. An automated tool allows for an objective benchmark to assist in the research and development of improvement broadcast tuners and decoders. Goals: The purpose of this master thesis is to design, implement and evaluate an automated platform to benchmark zapping times in a Digital Video Broadcast environment (DVB C/T/S). The students should evaluate existing components on the applicability of their use in an automated platform. Based on this study, the student combines all the selected components in a working platform. In a second phase, the student implements a platform in which the previously selected components are combined. This platform should allow to benchmark commercially available television sets by applying a statistically relevant number of tests. The platform should be capable of repeating the same test with the same content such that different panels can be evaluated. Furthermore, to allow for new test cases, the platform should be able to dynamically interpret different test cases. The platform automatically evaluates the performance and visually report the results. Lastly, the student investigates different DVB broadcast use cases, and identifies and designs potentially synthetic corner cases in order to find the largest possible zapping time for a particular TV set. TP Vision is a dedicated TV player in the world of visual digital entertainment. TP Vision is part of TPV Technology, the #1 monitor manufacturer in the world. At its Innovation Site Europe, Ghent we design televisions of the future, for Philips and other brands. NetTV, Ambilight, Android TV and Cinema 21:9 have all been developed in this innovative and driven environment. Recognition of our activities is visible in numerous awards such as prestigious EISA-awards. This master’s thesis is within the Advanced Software Development department which drives the innovation chain from conceptualization to feasibility and prototyping, as well as leads technology and standardization roadmaps. Improving Chrome Cast by using Screen Content Coding tools for VP9 Promotor: Sebastiaan Van Leuven ( and Peter Lambert Supervisors: Glenn Van Wallendael, Tabish Siddique ( Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Mathematical Informatics, Master Industrial Engineering: Elektronica – ICT, Master Industrial Engineering: Informatica Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Sebastiaan Van Leuven ( Keywords: VP 9, Chrome Cast, Miracast, Screen Content Coding Location: home, Zuiderpoort, TPVision Zwijnaarde Problem definition: Graphical content on computer displays (i.e., screen content) is often transmitted towards televisions using Miracast, Chrome Cast or similar techniques. Nevertheless, screen content coding often yields visible and annoying artifacts around edges of textures and text within an image. To reduce these artifacts, screen content coding has been proposed as an extension to High Efficiency Video Coding. However, screen casting scenarios where mobile devices transmit the display towards an Android TV make use of the open source VP 9 video codec. Therefore, no screen content coding mechanisms can be exploited and the classical coding artifacts remain visible, reducing the quality of experience. Goals: This master thesis aims at investigating screen content coding mechanisms to improve the capabilities of the VP9 encoder for screen content. In a first phase an analysis is performed to identify the most effective screen content coding tools within HEVC. From this analysis, the most promising techniques are identified, taking into account the target use case of a mobile phone to television casting scenario. In a second phase, the identified techniques are adapted, taking into account specific VP9 encoding tools. Alternatively, the student can identify new coding algorithms and use these to show potential improvements. Finally, the student shows the improvement of a VP9 encoder using screen content coding tools for relevant content. Ultimately, the evaluated techniques can be committed towards the VP9 open source project. During the course of this master thesis, the student is also encouraged to identify conceptually ground breaking techniques which might not be implementable. TP Vision is a dedicated TV player in the world of visual digital entertainment. TP Vision is part of TPV Technology, the #1 monitor manufacturer in the world. At its Innovation Site Europe, Ghent we design televisions of the future, for Philips and other brands. NetTV, Ambilight, Android TV and Cinema 21:9 have all been developed in this innovative and driven environment. Recognition of our activities is visible in numerous awards such as prestigious EISA-awards. This master’s thesis is within the Advanced Software Development department which drives the innovation chain from conceptualization to feasibility and prototyping, as well as leads technology and standardization roadmaps. Low-complexity temporal transcoding for high frame rate HEVC Promotor: Sebastiaan Van Leuven ( and Peter Lambert Supervisors: Glenn Van Wallendael, Bert Van Dam ( Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Mathematical Informatics Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Sebastiaan Van Leuven ( Keywords: HEVC, temporal transcoding, next generation action cameras Location: home, Zuiderpoort, TPVision Zwijnaarde Problem definition: Capabilities of television sets have always been limited by the underlying hardware. As the current evolutions in media experience, such as 4K, high frame rate, and high dynamic range are rapidly evolving, existing hardware is not capable of providing playback for such new features. Therefore, older television sets are not able to play a large amount of newly generated (user) content. Currently, Go Pro action cameras are capable of capturing Full HD content at 120fps, while mainstream hardware decoders are only capable of decoding 60fps. Therefore, to allow a stable and future proof product, new techniques should be designed to efficiently adapt the input bit streams and allow for playback capabilities with a reduced experience. Goals: This master’s thesis aims at investigating novel techniques to increase the amount of media content a television set can play. This thesis will primarily focus on temporal transcoding for HEVC. To allow deployment of temporal transcoding techniques on existing television sets, the newly developed algorithms should have a low-complexity. In a first phase, the research can focus on evaluating algorithms with similar behavior as H.264/AVC. This can be used as a starting point for scientific evaluation of future algorithms. The student can define the second phase based on the outcome of the previous results. Either the algorithms of the first phase are optimized, or new algorithms are investigated which explicitly exploit HEVC specific features such as temporal stability of CU and PU structures. TP Vision is a dedicated TV player in the world of visual digital entertainment. TP Vision is part of TPV Technology, the #1 monitor manufacturer in the world. At its Innovation Site Europe, Ghent we design televisions of the future, for Philips and other brands. NetTV, Ambilight, Android TV and Cinema 21:9 have all been developed in this innovative and driven environment. Recognition of our activities is visible in numerous awards such as prestigious EISA-awards. This master’s thesis is within the Advanced Software Development department which drives the innovation chain from conceptualization to feasibility and prototyping, as well as leads technology and standardization roadmaps. Optimizing a simulcast encoder for Standard and High Dynamic Range content Promotors: Sebastiaan Van Leuven ( and Peter Lambert Supervisors: Glenn Van Wallendael Study Programme: Master Computer Science Engineering, Master Mathematical Informatics Number of students: 1 Number of theses: 1 Contact: Sebastiaan Van Leuven ( Keywords: HEVC, HDR, EOTF, Netflix Location: home, Zuiderpoort, TPVision Zwijnaarde Problem definition: Over-the-top (OTT) content providers such as Netflix create a plethora of versions of the same content. Currently, a different version of the content is transmitted to devices based on the capabilities in terms of resolution, frame rate, memory size, audio support, etc. As the current hype of 4K is fading out, a new technology has arrived. High Dynamic Range (HDR) allows to improve the perceptual quality and immersivity by introducing more luminosity in the picture. This requires televisions which can be 40 times as bright as current 4K televisions. However, encoding such content requires yet again processing power for another encoder. As a large amount of the visuals data is similar between Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) and HDR, optimizations between both encoding loops can reduce the complexity and power consumption significantly. Goals: In a first phase, the student investigates the benefits and properties of HDR content. The research focuses on HDR content captured and mastered using a new Electro Optical Transfer Function (EOTF) as defined by SMPTE ST 2084, which is basically applying a different Gamma correction to the decoded signal. This new EOTF changes the properties of the pixel values, such that different encoding decision are made. In a second phase an investigation of the different encoding decision between SDR and HDR content is evaluated and mapped, which can be done using machine learning tools. From this analysis a fast mode decision model is created and evaluated in an encoder. To demonstrate the scalability of the proposed model, a single loop encoder can be designed where the SDR and HDR content are encoded simultaneously using the proposed model. This can be implemented in a real-life HEVC encoder such as x265. TP Vision is a dedicated TV player in the world of visual digital entertainment. TP Vision is part of TPV Technology, the #1 monitor manufacturer in the world. At its Innovation Site Europe, Ghent we design televisions of the future, for Philips and other brands. NetTV, Ambilight, Android TV and Cinema 21:9 have all been developed in this innovative and driven environment. Recognition of our activities is visible in numerous awards such as prestigious EISA-awards. This master thesis is within the Advanced Software Development department which drives the innovation chain from conceptualization to feasibility to prototyping, as well as leads technology and standardization roadmaps.
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