Proceedings of the 4th JSME-KSME Thermal Engineering Conference October 1-6, 2000, Kobe, Japan NATURAL CONVECTION IN ENCLOSED CAVITY UNDER PERIODIC GRAVITY VARIATION Keisuke MATSUNAGA 1 , Ichiro UENO2 , Hiroshi KAWAMURA 2 1 Graduate Student, Dept. of Mech. Eng., School of Science and Technology, Science University of Tokyo 2 Dept. of Mech. Eng., Fac. of Science and Technology, Science University of Tokyo 2641 Yamazaki, Noda-shi, Chiba 278-8510, Japan ABSTRACT A numerical analysis is conducted to investigate the effect of periodic variation of acceleration upon the natural convection of fluid in a closed cavity with heated end walls. Acceleration or g-jitter is applied with inclination against the temperature gradient direction. Even if the acceleration is periodic, a net circulation remains by integrating the velocity and temperature distribution over one period. With the increase of the frequency, the direction of convection is inversed, because, the phase shift of horizontal velocity and temperature fields against the g-jitter becomes prominent. The numerical results are examined in comparison with simplified analytical solutions. Keywords: Natural Convection, Closed Cavity, Micro Gravity, G-jitter 1. INTRODUCTION The perfect null-gravity condition cannot be achieved in an orbiting spacecraft or on the space station. Nelson et al.[1] categorized the residual accelerations as quasisteady, oscillatory, and transient ones. The quasisteady acceleration is caused by atmospheric drag and Keplerian effects. The oscillatory one arises from various natural frequencies of the spacecraft structure. Internal disturbances are raised primarily by crew activities, and external disturbances are thruster firings. The transient acceleration is caused by orbital control, docking, and others. The residual acceleration levels are ranging from 10-6g 0 to 10-3g 0, where g 0 refers to the Earth’s gravity. Among them, the time dependent component of residual acceleration is called “g-jitter”. Now the International Space Station ( ISS hereafter ) is under construction, the g-jitter is unavoidable in use of the space environment. Periodic accelerations typical of the gjitter can cause fatal effects on a large class of microgravity experiments involving diffusion measurements, crystal growth from the melt or the vapor, and directional solidification of alloys. Particularly, in hydrodynamic fields, fluid flow with heat and mass transport is sensitive to the gravity disturbances. However, the effects of such a periodic environment on heat and mass transport are not well understood and there has been no general theory to predict such effects. It is thus necessary to examine the fluid behavior influenced by the g-jitter. R.Savino and R.Monti[2] investigated the effect of convection by residual-g and g-jitter on the on-orbit diffusion experiment. Farooq and Homsy[ 3 ] made an analytical study on the streaming flows induced by the g-jitter up to a fairly high Raireigh number region. Grassia and Homsy[4][5] made a series of analytical studies or thermocapillary and buoyant flow in an open cavity imposed with low frequency and investigated a nontrivial flow originated from the spanwise buoyancy forces. As for the steady state natural convection related to the present work, Cormack et al.[6] derived an analytical solution of the natural convection in a shallow rectangular cavity with differentially heated end walls. Later Bejan and Tien[7] extended it to the natural convection in a cylindrical cavity. An on-orbit experiment of natural convection in a closed cavity was proposed by Naumann[8] and was conducted in the Space shuttle flight STS-95 as a joint Japan-US venture called as Japanese-United States Thermal Science Acceleration Project (JUSTSAP). [8] In his preliminary theoretical analysis, Naumann predicted an induced flow field as follows. The essence of periodic acceleration can be understood by referring to the sketch below (Fig. 1). The fluid is contained in a differentially-heated cavity, whose walls are heated on one side and cooled on the other one. The connecting walls are assumed to be conducy hot A cold B x acceleration during second half cycle acceleration during first half cycle Fig. 1 Natural convection in a cavity imposed with periodic gravity acceleration tive or adiabatic. If an oscillating acceleration is applied vertically ( Case A in Fig. 1 ), the fluid will circulate clockwise during the first half cycle, ( g direction downwards ), while counter-clockwise during the second one when the g upwards. The magnitude of the induced flow is equal for the both cycles, thus no net flow is resulted. The case of an oscillating acceleration inclined to the vertical axis is shown as Case B in Fig. 1. In the first half cycle, the acceleration component in the xaxis is directed the hot wall. It enhances the clockwise flow in the first half cycle. In the second half cycle, on the other hand, the x-component is towards the cold wall, thus the counterclockwise circulation is suppressed. As the result a clockwise net circulation flow remains over one period. Accordingly the resulting net temperature perturbation becomes positive in the upper half and negative in the lower half. In the present study, a numerical analysis is conducted to investigate the effect of periodic variation of acceleration upon the natural convection in a closed cavity. Spatial derivation Grid Coupling Algorithm Convection term Finite Difference Method Staggered Grid Fractional Step Method 2nd-order Central Scheme 2nd-order Central Scheme (Consistent Scheme) SOR Method Euler Method Scheme 80 × 40 Viscous term Solution of Poisson equation Time Advancement Mesh number ( X × Y ) Two non-dimensional parameters, the Prandtl number Pr and the Grashof number Gr Gr,, are also introduced; Pr = ν g β∆TH 3 , Gr = κ ν2 (2) where κ is the thermal diffusivity; β the volume expansion coefficient, g the gravitational acceleration. The Boussinesq approximation is employed for the buoyancy effect. The periodic change of acceleration, i.e., the g-jitter is proposed as follows; 2. NUMERICAL CALCULATION ∆Τ Adiabatic wall g jitter = g sin(2π ft ) θ = 45 ° Hot (65℃) Table 1 Computational conditions g jitter= g sin(2πft) Cold (25 ℃) (3) where g = 10-6 g 0, with g 0 = 9.8 m/s 2. With the above equation, the continuity, momentum and energy equations are solved numerically. The non dimensionalized fundamental equations are given below. Continuity equation Adiabatic wall Monitoring line Fig. 2 Calculation model A numerical analysis of the natural convection in a 2-D closed rectangular cavity is performed. Following the JUSTSAP experiment, a cavity of 0.10m in horizontal length L and of 0.05m in vertical height H is employed. Water of Pr=7.0 Pr =7.0 is assumed as a test fluid. The end walls are held at uniform and different temperatures TH and TC with a difference of ∆T (= TH - TC ) = 40 K. The top and bottom walls are of adiabatic condition. All surfaces are rigid non-slip boundaries. Periodic acceleration is applied with an inclination o f 45°° against the temperature gradient direction as shown in 45 Fig. 2. The velocity components u , v are in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. Fundamental equations are non-dimensionalized by introducing the non-dimensional variables as follows; x y H H * ν * * * * t = H 2 t , x = H , y = H , u = ν u, v = ν v, (1) 2 2 P* = ν P , T * = T − Tcold , F * = fH ρH 2 ∆T ν where t is the time, x and y the horizontal, and vertical positions, u , v are the horizontal, and vertical velocities, T temperature, P pressure, H and L cavity height, and length, ν the kinematic viscosity, ρ the density,, f the frequency. The above quantities denoted by an asterisk represent the non-dimensional variables, however, the asterisk is omitted for the simplicity in the followings. ∂u ∂v + =0 ∂x ∂y Momentum equations (4) ∂u ∂ u ∂ u ∂ P ∂ 2 u ∂ 2 u + + +u +v = − ∂x ∂y ∂ x ∂ x2 ∂ y2 ∂t + Gr ⋅ T ⋅ cosθ ⋅ sin(2π Ft ) 2 2 ∂ v + u ∂v + v ∂v = − ∂P + ∂v + ∂ v 2 ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂x ∂y 2 + Gr ⋅ T ⋅ sin θ ⋅ sin(2π Ft) (5) Energy equation ∂T ∂T ∂T 1 ∂2 T ∂ 2 T +u +v = + ∂t ∂x ∂y Pr ∂x 2 ∂y 2 (6) Computational conditions are summarized in Table 1. The finite difference method with the second order accuracy is Table 2 Calculation Parameter Case Frequency f [Hz] F=fH2 /ν [-] 1 1.0×10-6 2.5×10-3 2 1.0×10-5 2.5×10-2 3 1.0×10 -4 2.5×10-1 4 1.0×10-3 5 1.0×10 -2 2.5×10 6 1.0×10-1 2.5×102 2.5 employed. The staggered grid arrangement is adopted. The frequency f and corresponding non-dimensional frequency F = f H2 //ν ν are given in Table 2. Temperature and velocity fields are monitored on the longitudinal center line of the cavity. 3. CODE VERIFICATION Before discussing the results, numerical calculation is compared with analytical solution to verify the accuracy of numerical code. The numerical calculation has been made in reference to the configuration and condition of the JUSTSAP experiment. The steady acceleration is added vertically against the temperature gradient direction. direction. The gravity level is assumed to be 0.5µ 0.5µg 0 , 1.5µ 1.5µg 0 , 10.0µ 10.0µg 0. Cormack[6] obtained an analytical solution of velocity and temperature distributions along the longitudinal center line for a long rectangular cavity with adiabatic side wall. Horizontal velocity u (η ) 1 = − (η 3 −η ) Gr ⋅ A 6 (7) Temperature distribution T (η) 1 = (3η5 − 10η3 + 15η) Gr ⋅ Pr ⋅ A2 360 (8) where A is the aspect ratio H/L and η is the non-dimensional vertical position scaled by H/2, u and T the non-dimensional horizontal velocity and temperature, respectively The numerical results are given in Figs. 3 (a) and (b) in comparison with the above analytical equations. The present numerical result of horizontal velocity is in good agreement with the analysis when the gravity level is small. As for the temperature solution, however, the numerical solution for the smaller gravity level differs appreciably from the analytical ones. Thus a smaller aspect ratio of A = 1/8 is also calculated. It is in good agreement with the Cormack’s analysis so that the validity of the present numerical method is confirmed. Thus, the deviation in the case of A=1/4 can be deduced from the effect of the short rectangular cavity length. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The net circulation flow and temperature disturbance averaged over one period of the fully developed convection are illustrated in Figs. 4 (a) and (b), respectively. Induced convection under the smaller g-jitter frequencies (F (F<1.0 or f = 10-6 to 10-4 Hz) indicates a clockwise net circulation flow. The direction of the induced net flow is the same as predicted theoretically by Naumann[7]. A counter-clockwise net circulation flow appears, on the other hand, under higher frequencies (F (F >1.0 or f = 10-3 to 10-1 Hz). Such the reverse of net circulation flow direction can be explained by considering the phase shifts of horizontal velocity u and temperature against the g-jitter frequencies. Figs. 5 (a)-(f) indicate the phase shifts among those three quantities over one period of g-jitter at y = 4/5 H on the monitoring line in the case of g-jitter frequency f from 10-6 to 10-1 Hz, respectively. Horizontal velocity and temperature fields respond immediately to the imposed periodic acceleration in case of the lower frequencies. With in- creasing frequency, the phase shifts become more prominent. In the case of frequency of 10-1Hz (Fig. 5 (f) ), the phase shifts in velocity and temperature fields against the imposed g-jitter reach almost π/2 and π, respectively. This can be explained as follows. The phase shifts of horizontal velocity and temperature against the g-jitter component are considered from momentum and energy equations. A long vertical channel with sinusoidal g is assumed for simplicity. The equations are non-dimensionalized using periodic acceleration frequency f. New non-dimensional variables denoted by tilde are introduced. x y u v % * * t = ft , x = H , y = H , u% = Hf , v% = Hf , P T − Tcold fH 2 P% = , T* = , F* = 2 ρ ( Hf ) ∆T ν (9) With the above variables, the horizontal Navier-Stokes equation is rewritten as ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂P ∂ 2u ∂ 2u F +u +v = − + + ∂x ∂y ∂ x ∂ x 2 ∂ y 2 ∂t (10) Gr + ⋅ sin(2π t ) F Note that the asterisk and tilde is omitted for the simplicity. Because of the microgravity condition, the convection term is negligible. If non-dimensional frequency F is much smaller than 1.0, the equation (10) can be approximated as ∂ 2 u ∂ 2 u Gr + + ⋅ sin(2π t ) = 0 ∂x2 ∂y 2 F (11) Thus the above equation gives the following solution. u∝ Gr ⋅ sin(2π t ) F (12) The solution (12) indicates that the horizontal velocity u is in proportion to the buoyant term. Thus the no phase shifts exists between the two quantities. In case of F >> 1.0, on the other hand, the rate of change term in the axial momentum equation balances primarily with the buoyancy term. Thus, the equation (10) becomes ∂u Gr = ⋅ sin(2π t ) ∂t F (13) Integration of equation (13) gives the horizontal velocity u as u∝− Gr ⋅ cos(2π t ) 2π F (14) This indicates that the phase shift of horizontal velocity u against buoyant term or g-jitter component becomes π/2 in the case of higher frequencies ( F >> 1.0 ). This tendency has already been pointed out by Lamb [9] In the same way, the energy equation is nondimensionalized as follows; ∂T ∂T ∂T 1 1 ∂ 2T ∂ 2T +u +v = + ∂t ∂x ∂y F Pr ∂x2 ∂y 2 (15) θ% = − x + T ( x , y ) (16) The temperature perturbation θ% from the linear temperature distribution is introduced as With use of the temperature perturbation θ% , equation (15) is replaced by the following form; ∂θ% ∂θ% ∂θ% 1 1 ∂ 2θ% ∂ 2θ% (17) + u −1 + = + +v ∂t ∂x ∂y F Pr ∂x2 ∂y2 The temperature variation is governed by the convective effect in conjunction with the linear steady temperature gradient. In addition u , v, and T% are very small , then the rest of the convective term is negligible. When F is much higher than 1.0, The following solution is obtained. ∂θ% Gr ∝ u = − ⋅ cos2π t (18) ∂t 2 π F Once the above solution is integrated, the temperature perturbation is obtained; θ% ∝ − Gr (2π )2 F ⋅ sin2π t n cos(nπ )sin ( nπη ) n 3π 3 Θ+net = −Pr 2 ⋅ Grx ⋅ Gr y∑ An n cos(nπ )sin ( nπη ) n 5π 5 (20) (21) where n π − Ω Pr ( n 4π 4 + Ω 2 )( n 4π 4 + Ω 2 Pr) 2y H Θ + η= , U net = U net , Θ+net = H 2ν H dT (22) 2 dx 4 g y β dT H 4 g β dT H Grx = x 2 , Gr = y ν dx ν 2 dx 2 2 An = 4 4 5. CONCLUSION (19) The above expression indicates the further phase shift of π/2 against again st the velocity. So the phase shift of temperature perturbation against g-jitter becomes π when F is higher than 1.0. [10] Recently, Naumann obtained an analytical solution for the net horizontal velocity with an assumption of an infinitely long channel with a constant axial temperature dT/dx imposed. [10] According to Naumann , the resultant net flow ( Unet ) and the net temperature deviation ( Θnet ) from the linear profile can be expressed as + U net = − Pr ⋅ Grx ⋅ Gr y∑ An For a small aspect ratio ( A = 1/8 ) and for a low frequency ( Ω+ = 0.0039 ), the numerical results agree well with the above simplified solution. In Fig. 6 (a), however they deviates from Eq. (23) with the increase of the aspect ratio and the frequency. For the high frequencies, comparison is made in Figs.6 (c) and 7 (c). The numerical result tends to Eqs. (25) and (26). Note that the direction of circulation is indeed reversed with the increase of the frequency. Accordingly the net flow must become zero between these two limits. The obtained velocity and temperature in the intermediate frequency is given in Figs. 6 (b) and 7 (b). These figures indicate that the reversal of the net flow does not take place uniformly over the channel section but starts from the central region of the channel. 2 2π f H ν 2 The conductive condition is assumed for the side walls. For a + very small and large Ω , Eqs. (20) and (21) can be simplified respectively as sin ( πη ) + (23) U net = Pr ⋅ Grx ⋅ Gry ( Ω → 0) π7 sin (πη ) + U net = −Grx ⋅ Gry (Ω → ∞ ) (24) Ω 2π 3 The effects of periodic accelerations, g-jitter upon the natural convection in an enclosed cavity has been numerically studied. The net circulation flow and temperature disturbance averaged over one period remains when the g-jitter is inclined against temperature gradient direction. direction. The flow direction of the net circulation depends upon the periodic acceleration frequencies. Low frequencies (F (F<1.0) gives no phase shifts in the horizontal velocity u and temperature against gravitational component. On the other hand, High frequencies (F (F>1.0) results in the phase shifts among the gravity, velocity and temperature profiles. The calculated net flow agrees well with the simplified analytical solutions. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors appreciate the collaboration of Japan Space Utilization Promotion Center (JSUP) for providing useful information regarding JUSTSAP. They also wish to thank Prof. R. J. Naumann of University of Alabama in Huntsville for the helpful advices and supports, especially for offering the analytical solution of the net circulation. A part of this work was supported by Japan Space Forum. REFERENCES 2 Ω+ = sin (πη ) π9 sin ( πη ) = −Pr ⋅ Grx ⋅ Gry Ω 2π 5 Θ+net = Pr 2 ⋅ Grx ⋅ Gry ( Ω → 0) (25) Θ+net (Ω → ∞ ) (26) The present numerical results are compared with these analytical solutions in Figs. 6 (a)-(c) and Figs. 7 (a)-(c). [1]Nelson, E.S., NASA TM-103775 (1991). 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