Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 Murrumbateman E-Newsletter May Edition 2015 WHAT’S ON IN MURRUMBATEMAN! 3 MURRUMBATEMAN PROGRESS ASSOCIATION (MPA)! 4 Website & Social Media! 4 MPA Meetings for 2015! 4 Murrumbateman Village Market! 5 Australian Cool Climate Wineshow! 5 Village Green Stage Working Group! 6 NOTICES! 7 Parents and Friends of Murrumbateman School Association! 7 All Saints Anglican Church! 9 Regional Development Australia Southern Inland News! 10 BARTON HIGHWAY ROADWORK! 11 Barton Highway Roadwork Traffic Report for week starting 11 May 2015! 11 Barton Highway and McIntosh Circuit intersection improvements! 12 MURRUMBATEMAN IN THE NEWS! 13 Horses in truck fire! 13 Fit for the Future goes on public exhibition! 13 Fast internet on its way for the Yass Valley! 13 Police News: Beef on Barton! 13 Murrumbateman breeders celebrate Alpaca Week! 14 Anzac Day in Murrumbateman! 14 Dog attack leaves family shaken! 14 Burglary investigation ramped up! 14 Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 1 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 Yass Valley Council provides land for Mt Carmel College Ltd! 15 Community Working Group talks Fit for the Future! 15 Yass Jewellers broken into! 15 Wine Harvest Festival! 15 FEDERAL MEMBER FOR HUME! YASS AND MURRUMBATEMAN WILL BE LIT UP ON THE NBNCO MAP! 16 17 MEMBER FOR GOULBURN! 18 YASS VALLEY COUNCIL (YVC)! 19 2015 National Volunteer Week – Promoting Volunteer Opportunities in Yass Valley! 20 Emergency Services Exercise to test the Rescue arrangements in Yass Valley LGA! 21 Yass Valley Council’s “Fit for the Future Options Paper” now on Public Exhibition! 22 Mobility Scooter Safety Workshop! 23 FREE Helping Learner Drivers Become Safer Drivers workshop! 24 Council seeking resident to sit on Audit Committee! 24 CLUB SPOTLIGHT: MURRUMBATEMAN LANDCARE GROUP! 25 ABOUT THIS E-NEWSLETTER! 28 NEXT E-NEWSLETTER! 28 Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 2 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 WHAT’S ON IN MURRUMBATEMAN Date Event MAY 2015 11/05/2015 Barton Highway Road Work (Update) 14/05/2015 Yass Valley Council Fit for the Future Community Meeting Location: Murrumbateman Pub Time: 6pm 17/05/2015 All Saints Anglican Church Holy Communion at 9am 19/05/2015 Parents and Friends of Murrumbateman School Association Community Meeting Location: Murrumbateman Pub Time: 7pm 21/05/2015 MPA May General Meeting 2015 Location: Murrumbateman Recreation Ground Meeting Room Time: 7:30pm 23/05/2015 Murrumbateman Village Market Location: Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds Time: 9-1pm 24/05/2015 All Saints Anglican Church Holy Communion at 9am 31/05/2015 All Saints Anglican Church Holy Communion Beating the Bounds 9am JUNE 2015 13/06/2015 Murrumbateman Village Market Location: Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds Time: 9-1pm 15/06/2015 Murrumbateman June E-Newsletter Released 18/05/2015 MPA June General Meeting 2015 Location: Murrumbateman Recreation Ground Meeting Room 27/06/2015 Time: 7:30pm Murrumbateman Village Market Location: Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds Time: 9-1pm LATER 2015.... 21-26/09/2015 Australian Cool Climate Wineshow Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 3 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 MURRUMBATEMAN PROGRESS ASSOCIATION (MPA) Website & Social Media MPA maintains and administers the Murrumbateman website found at Any comments, changes or updates should be sent to You can also access the MPA section through the Murrumbateman website ( Any comments, changes or updates for this part of the website should be sent to The MPA secretary also administers the MPA Facebook page, Twitter account & Google+ page. MPA Meetings for 2015 MPA Meeting Date Location Booked for 7:30pm May General Meeting 21/05/2015 Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds Meeting Room June General Meeting 18/05/2015 Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds Meeting Room July General Meeting 16/07/2015 Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds Meeting Room August General Meting 20/08/2015 Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds Meeting Room September General Meeting 17/09/2015 Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds Meeting Room November General Meeting 19/11/2015 Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds Meeting Room December General Meeting 17/12/2015 Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds Meeting Room No GM in January due to Holidays No GM in October due to Field Days Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 4 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 Murrumbateman Village Market The Murrumbateman Village Market is held every 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month! Please come and support your local community! 23 May 13 June 27 June 11 July 25 July 8 August 22 August Australian Cool Climate Wineshow Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 5 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 Village Green Stage Working Group Village Green Stage To all Potential stakeholders: A submission has been made by the Village Market committee to build a stage on the Village Green at the Recreation Grounds. The Murrumbateman Progress Association supports this submission and has established a working group (SWG) to develop a proposal which will form the basis of a Development Application (DA) for the Recreation Grounds Committee and thence to Council. The SWG has been formed and has reached a consensus on: 1. A viable location (based on lighting aspects, anticipated audience size and land availability); 2. Size (not small as this would severely limit its use or too large as to dominate the Green); 3. Possible use (market demonstrations, outdoor movies, Field Day shows, Yass Valley Youth Festivities, Club Award Presentations, Dance, Arts & Crafts displays, Club displays – Karate, Yoga etc). A proposal is being developed to encompass current views however we now need your support and input to assist with the detail for the document. Such detail will include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Your likely use; How often will you use it; Would your organisation pay for the privilege (as a sponsor or pay as you go); Any special requirements affecting size, layout, construction. If you wish to use the stage, or you know someone who will, or indeed have objections to any aspect of this proposal, could you give your contact details (Phone, Email, FB) to Cheryl Sahariv at Thanks Mike Reid Convenor. Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 6 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 NOTICES Parents and Friends of Murrumbateman School Association Media Release 23 April 2015 A powerful step forward to building a school in Murrumbateman The Murrumbateman community has again shown its determination to build a school in Murrumbateman by forming a “not-for-profit” association, ‘The Parents and Friends of Murrumbateman School Association’. The main objective of the Association will be to seek, at the very least, a means of establishing a local Primary School by the year 2017. The Association will continue to build on the accomplishment of a working group set up by the local Progress Association. They found strong support from the Yass Valley Council via funding for a survey, from the Federal Member for Parliament, Angus Taylor MP, who assisted with the gathering of statistics, and from the newly elected member for Goulburn, Pru Goward MP, who continues to pursue possible funding of this enterprise. Figures released in January 2014 by the Department of Education indicate a catchment area containing up to 1,500 primary and high school aged children; yet the Department sits on its hands and does nothing. The catchment area of Murrumbateman has grown to a population of some 4,500 with projections of further growth of 20-25% over the next 2-3 years. Murrumbateman Early Childhood Centre Association (MECCA) is currently at capacity with a potential to grow to 100+ children if expansion plans come to fruition. The Association members recognise that capacity issues in Yass and north Canberra, together with projected development within Murrumbateman, point strongly to the need for Murrumbateman to have its own school and soon. The president of the association, Mike Reid, said, ‘it is heartening to see a strong, fully formed committee united in the will, and striving, to build a school within the near future”. We encourage that any parent of school age children in the Murrumbateman catchment area, or those in our community (friends) that see the value of building a school, join the Association. By doing so, they will be adding their voice to the options available and the process needed to accomplish a Murrumbateman School. For more information, please contact the Parents and Friends of Murrumbateman School Association Secretary. Email: Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 7 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 An Invitation to a Community Meeting From the Parents and Friends of Murrumbateman School Association Parents and friends, you are hereby cordially invited to attend a community meeting to discuss the advancement of a Public Primary School for Murrumbateman. Time: 7.00pm Date: Tuesday 19th May Location: Murrumbateman Tavern Guest Speaker: Ms Pru Goward (Click here) Local Member of Parliament for Goulburn and NSW Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Medical Research, Minister for Women and Assistant Minister for Health This is your opportunity as a member of the Murrumbateman Community to actively demonstrate your support for a Public Primary School here in Murrumbateman by attending the meeting and discussing your concerns with Pru. We will also be collecting signatures at the meeting for our petition to the NSW Government to review its current “wait and see” position. For further details contact Mike Reid President Phone: 0412078475 Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 8 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 All Saints Anglican Church Services: May 17 and 24 Holy Communion at 9 am May 31 Beating the Bounds; a Parish-wide gathering beginning at All Saints at 9 am. Then to St Mary's for 10 am and St Clements at 11 am followed by a shared lunch. June 7, 21 and 28 Holy Communion at 9 am June 14 Family Service at 10 am and Evensong at 5 pm The community is welcome to attend and participate in each of these services. Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 9 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 Regional Development Australia Southern Inland News Community Youth Grants available Earlier this year 40 bright young minds came together at the Heywire Regional Youth Summit in Canberra to develop eight ideas to make regional Australia an even better place for young people to live. The Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal and Heywire are offering $100,000 in grants to community groups, to adopt and implement one of the ideas developed at the Summit. Themes include: Multiculturalism and Diversity, Pathways to Agriculture, Alcohol Awareness, Healthy Relationships, Mental Health, Healthy Lifestyle, Education, and Family Farms. Applications close at 5pm, 12 June, 2015. Find out more. Free Trip Adviser for Business workshop in Yass Yass Valley Tourism have campaigned hard for Capital Region Digital Enterprise (CRDE) to deliver one more workshop in Yass. This will definitely be the final CRDE workshop delivered in Yass☺. CRDE concludes in September. Wednesday 27 May, 5:30-7:30PM Finding, responding and getting on top of the online feedback and comments about your business can be a sometimes confusing but rewarding activity. In this session you will learn a 7 step process that will help you simplify and systemise the process. You will learn to encourage positive word of mouth online and learn how to respond to and use negative feedback about your business. Register now. Need personalised help to improve your organisation’s online presence? Organisations that attend at least one workshop are eligible to receive a free four hour one-on-one consultation with a CRDE trainer. For more information about CRDE at Local Food Resilience – Why is it important? Across the Southern Inland NSW region, demand for locally produced food is growing. A series of articles about resilience in our local food system is being written for the Southern Harvest newsletter. Southern Harvest is the regional food brand for the Australian Capital Region. Over coming months, resilience in our food system, and the roles played by producers, consumers, farmers markets and organisations such as Southern Harvest will be explored.Click here to read the first article in the series, Local Food Resilience – Why is it important? Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 10 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 BARTON HIGHWAY ROADWORK Barton Highway Roadwork Traffic Report for week starting 11 May 2015 Barton Highway road work report MAY 2015 Weekly road work report for the Barton Highway Monday 11 May to Sunday 17 May Location: Barton Highway and McIntosh Circuit intersection – 34km north of Canberra at Murrumbateman Work Type: Intersection improvements Traffic Delay: Up to 10 minutes Speed restrictions: 40km/h during work hours, 60km/h outside work hours Working hours: 7am to 5pm Monday to Saturday Working days: Monday 11 May to Saturday 16 May Expected completion date: Mid 2015 Advice / Comments: Traffic controllers on site. A 3 metre lane width restriction will be in place and any vehicles over this can call 0418 524 140 to arrange traffic control at Euroka Avenue. Motorists to exercise caution and observe road signage. Location: Barton Highway – 500 metres north of Murrumbateman heading towards Yass Work Type: Road widening Traffic Delay: Up to 5 minutes Speed restrictions: 40/60km/h during work hours, 60km/h outside work hours Working hours: 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday Working days: Monday 11 May to Friday 15 May Expected completion date: June 2015 Advice / Comments: Traffic lights and controllers on site. Motorists to exercise caution and observe road signage. For further enquiries: Senior Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Officer, Mardi Motton I 13 22 13 I T 02 6937 1605 I F 02 6938 1183 For information on scheduled road work, visit or outside business hours call the Transport Management Centre on 132 701 Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 11 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 Barton Highway and McIntosh Circuit intersection improvements Roads and Maritime Services is planning work to improve safety at the intersection of the Barton Highway and McIntosh Circuit. The $4.6 million project is fully funded by the Australian Government as part of a package of safety works on the Barton Highway. Changed traffic conditions on the Barton Highway at Murrumbateman: The work will greatly improve road safety at this location by providing turning lanes into McIntosh Circuit, installing street lighting and a guardrail. The work involves removing vegetation including pine trees to widen the road. The work site will start to be set up from Wednesday 20 August with work starting from Monday 25 August. The project is expected to finish in mid 2015. Work will be Monday to Friday from 7am to 6pm and Saturdays from 8am to 1pm if required. Temporary lane closures will occur from 9.30am to 3.30pm on weekdays. Varying speed zones will be in place and traffic controllers on site at times. During work the existing bus stop will be temporarily relocated nearby for the safety of bus passengers. The temporary location is currently being decided in consultation with Qcity Transit and Transborder Express. Signs will be in place to advise passengers of the change. As part of the project, the bus stop will be permanently relocated to just north of the McIntosh Circuit intersection. Roads and Maritime thanks motorists for their patience while the work is carried out. Wet weather may change work dates and times. Motorists are advised to plan their journey, allow extra travel time and obey all signs. If you would like further information about this project please contact Project Manager, Vivien Murnane, on 6938 1192 or 0427 077 340. Information taken from website: id=1162640 Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 12 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 MURRUMBATEMAN IN THE NEWS Horses in truck fire By Katharyn Brine, Scoop Yass Valley, 9 May 2015 A truck carrying 14 brood mare racehorses has caught alight on the Hume Highway near the Service Centre. Emergency crews were working to extinguish it and a veterinary crew is attending the scene, at about 6.15pm tonight. READ MORE Fit for the Future goes on public exhibition By Jessica Cole, Yass Tribune, 8 May 2015 Documents have been finalised and have now been placed on public exhibition outlining the Fit for the Future (FFTF) options, with three scenarios that ideally will prove that Yass Valley Council can stand alone. The council has been working closely with a community working group for a number of months, to prove it is Fit for the Future by June 30. The documentation is a collation of information from the workshops and as a result three scenarios have been put forward. READ MORE Fast internet on its way for the Yass Valley Yass Tribune, 8 May 2015 Over 10,000 locals in Yass and Murrumbateman will be hooked up to the National Broadband Network within the next 18 months. Around 3200 Yass Valley homes and businesses will be part of the 27,470 Hume premises that will begin to see NBN infrastructure rolled out in the near future. READ MORE Police News: Beef on Barton Yass Tribune, 8 May 2015 A 59-year-old Cooma man, driving a semi-trailer on the Barton Highway, collided with cattle that were on the road at about 4am on Tuesday May 5. A 64-year-old man from Long Beach, who was driving behind in a Holden Commodore, also collided with the cattle on the road near the intersection of Kaveneys Road. Police are continuing their inquiries into the matter. READ MORE Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 13 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 Murrumbateman breeders celebrate Alpaca Week By Briony Barac, Scoop Yass Valley, 1 May 2015 MURRUMBATEMAN alpaca breeder Rob Harborne visited the lawns of Parliament House yesterday with 30 alpacas to celebrate 25 years of the industry in Australia. Mr Harborne, president of the Southern Region Alpaca Association, has 150 alpacas on his property and is opening the gates of Eaglewood Alpaca Stud this weekend to mark the start of Alpaca Week, from May 2-10. READ MORE Anzac Day in Murrumbateman By Briony Barac, Scoop Yass Valley, 24 April 2015 A LARGE crowd is expected at Jones Park this Saturday morning for the villages’ Anzac Day service, organised by the Murrumbateman Lions Club starting at 9:30am. The ceremony in Murrumbateman has been running since the early 1990’s according to Dave Shannon, who organises the event on behalf of the Lions Club with Commander Jill Buckfield, who arranges guest speakers. READ MORE Dog attack leaves family shaken By Katharyn Brine, Scoop Yass Valley, 16 April 2015 A MURRUMBATEMAN family has been left shaken, bitten and bruised after an unleashed dog attacked them at a Garden Bay beach on the South Coast recently. Claire Percival said her husband Nigel is still on antibiotics to treast a wound infection on his leg, while their four-year-old son Joseph’s bite marks had healed well but the trauma of the incident had left him frightened of dogs. READ MORE Burglary investigation ramped up By Katharyn Brine, Scoop Yass Valley, 15 April 2015 POLICE have urged residents to remain vigilant but calm in the wake of an unusually high number of burglaries in Yass, Jeir and Murrumbateman during the past month. Since March 15, there have been 11 break-ins in these areas, all occurring after dark between 11pm and 4am. READ MORE Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 14 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 Yass Valley Council provides land for Mt Carmel College Ltd By Jessica Cole, Yass Tribune, 1 April 2015 Yass Valley Council has approved a request from private group Mt Carmel College Ltd to access 10 hectares of council land in Murrumbateman to establish an independent school. The principal concern raised at the March meeting, was that Mt Carmel College Ltd as a private enterprise would negatively affect the Murrumbateman Primary School Working Group, which is calling for a publicly-funded primary school. READ MORE Community Working Group talks Fit for the Future By Jessica Cole, Yass Tribune, 8 April 2015 The Yass Valley Council’s newly formed Community Working Group has been meeting regularly over the last few months to take a long hard look at the future needs of the Yass Valley community and assess Council’s financial ability to meet these needs in the long term. The group is made up of 41 Yass Valley residents, councillors and senior staff. Members of the group have had a chance to make known their thoughts on how council can be Fit for the Future (FFTF). READ MORE Yass Jewellers broken into By Oliver Watson, Yass Tribune, 10 April 2015 Three people smashed the front window of Yass Jewellers at about 2.28am this morning. Two of them jumped through the window and took rings, chains, lighters and other sterling silver pieces. READ MORE Wine Harvest Festival By Briony Barac, Scoop Yass Valley, 11 April 2015 The Murrumbateman Library, operated by Yass Valley Council and located at the old school house on the Barton Highway, is open on Saturday from 10am to 1pm and the Village Market is back this Saturday too from 9am to 1pm at the recreation grounds. READ MORE Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 15 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 FEDERAL MEMBER FOR HUME Angus Taylor is the Federal Member for Hume which is covers an area of approximately 33 637 sq km from Cowra in the north to Wee Jasper in the south and parts of the Southern Highlands from Picton and Wilton in the east to Young and Cootamundra in the west. It includes the entire local Government areas of Boorowa, Cootamundra, Cowra, Goulburn Mulwaree, Harden, Upper Lachlan, Weddin, Yass Valley and Young Councils and parts of Palerang, Wingecarribee and Wollondilly Shires. Towns include Bargo, Binalong, Boorowa, Bundanoon, Buxton, Caragabal, Colo Vale, Cootamundra, Cowra, Crookwell, Gooloogong, Grenfell, Gundaroo, Gunning, Harden/ Murrumburrah, High Range, Hill Top, Joadja, Jugiong, Marulan, Murrumbateman, Oakdale, Picton, Quandialla, Stockinbingal, Sutton, Tahmoor, Tarago, The Oaks, Thirlmere, Wallendbeen, Wilton, Yass, Young and the City of Goulburn. • • • Angus Taylor Official Website Electoral Division of Hume Angus Taylor on Facebook Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 16 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 YASS AND MURRUMBATEMAN WILL BE LIT UP ON THE NBNCO MAP 4 May 2015 Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor said Yass and Murrumbateman will be “lit up” on the NBNCo map as fast broadband rolls out in the next 12 to 18 months, starting this year. “I often visit the NBN Co website There’s a lot happening currently around Young and Cowra and a huge amount of activity to take off in the next 12 months in many areas of Hume.” Mr Taylor said not every town centre could be first cab off the rank, but fast broadband was on its way to the Yass Valley. “Yass township will receive a rollout of optic Fibre To The Node (FTTN) allowing 2400 premises (businesses and households) to connect to fast broadband. In addition, 800 premises in Murrumbateman will receive FTTN. “NBN Co is also finalising the design and planning of four fixed wireless towers around Yass, Binalong and Bowning and further towers at Murrumbateman. It’s unclear at this point where those exact locations will be, but it’s expected these towers will connect a further 1100 premises across Yass Valley to fast broadband. “There will not be much activity on the NBN Co website around Yass until the work has actually started on the ground. This was an undertaking made by the Minister for Communications, so that people are not being misled about project starting times, as they were under the Labor Government. As fixed wireless towers are built by the end of this year, large areas surrounding Yass, Bowning and Binalong will go live on the maps.” He said a new housing development, Hamilton Rise, where NBN fixed line building preparation was underway, was all that was showing currently on the NBN Co map around Yass. Mr Taylor said the latest update on the NBN rollout for Hume was that 27,470 premises would have access to fast broadband in the next 18 months. “Hume has done particularly well, in terms of prioritisation. The average rollout per electorate is 4,000 premises, so Hume has done well indeed,” Mr Taylor said. This media release can be found online HERE. Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 17 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 MEMBER FOR GOULBURN The Goulburn electorate reaches from the villages of Hill Top and Yerrinbool in the north to the shores of Lake George in the south. It encompasses the charming historical towns and villages of the Southern Highlands, the great city of Goulburn and outlying rural communities and pastureland of the Southern Tablelands. What unites these distinct centres of the electorate is the warmth of the people, the enthusiasm they have for their communities and the zeal they have to protect the environment they live in. READ MORE Pru Goward was elected to the NSW Parliament in March 2007 as the Member for Goulburn. She has served in the position of Shadow Minister for the Environment and Shadow Minister for Women, and from 2008 to March 2011, as the Shadow Minister for Community Services. Following the NSW Liberals and Nationals 2011 election victory Pru was sworn in as the NSW Minister for Family and Community Services and the Minister for Women. In April 2014 Pru was delighted to be sworn in as the NSW Minister for Planning and Minister for Women. READ MORE At the NSW Election 2015, the Member for Goulburn Pru Goward was re-elected. Official Website: Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 18 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 YASS VALLEY COUNCIL (YVC) Yass Valley has a population of 13,135 and comprises the town of Yass and Villages of Binalong, Bookham,Bowning, Gundaroo, Murrumbateman, Sutton and Wee Jasper. Yass Shire Council was proclaimed on 1 January 1980 following the amalgamation of Goodradigbee Shire Council and the Yass Municipal Council. Yass Shire Council in turn was proclaimed the Yass Valley Council on 11 February 2004, following a further amalgamation of Yass Shire Council and parts of Gunning and Yarrowlumla Shire Councils. You can access the Yass Valley Council website HERE. Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 19 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 2015 National Volunteer Week – Promoting Volunteer Opportunities in Yass Valley 8 May 2015 Established in 1989, National Volunteer Week is the largest celebration of volunteers and volunteerism in Australia, and provides an opportunity to highlight the role of volunteers in our community and to say thank you to the more than 6 million Australians who volunteer. More than 6 million Australian volunteers give happiness to others each year and research says that that those volunteers are happier as a result. Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that in 2006, 29.3% of the total population in Yass Valley volunteered for an organisation. In 2011 this rate fell to 26.8% however volunteering rates in Yass Valley are still well above the regional NSW average rate of 20%. Yass Valley Council often receives enquires from potential volunteers about volunteering opportunities that are available at Council and community organisations throughout Yass Valley. As Council does not hold a central database that lists all of the volunteer opportunities that are available in Yass Valley we encourage all local organisations to register with Go Volunteer Australia. Go Volunteer Australia is a program that is run by Volunteering Australia Inc. This organisation was founded in 1997 and is the peak body for volunteering in Australia. Council’s Community Development Manager Cathy Campbell said ”Registration with Go Volunteer Australia is free for most not for profit volunteer involving organisations and opportunities that are posted on Go Volunteer Australia are shared on a network of well used websites and (Seek Volunteer), maximising the changes of being seen by potential volunteers. Council has posted a link to Go Volunteer Australia on its website and we will be directing enquiries from potential volunteers to the website. So, if you need volunteers, register with Go Volunteer Australia today! Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 20 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 Emergency Services Exercise to test the Rescue arrangements in Yass Valley LGA 11 May 2015 Residents might notice sirens, flashing lights and the Southcare Rescue Helicopter hovering (weather permitting) over Yass near Riverbank Park this Saturday 16 May as Emergency Services conduct a field exercise including simulated vertical rescue, swift water rescue and land search rescue. They will be operating on the Hume Bridge on Yass Valley Way/Laidlaw Street and in the surrounding areas at approximately 11.00 am for around one and half hours. Before and during the exercise, traffic on the bridge will be restricted to one lane with Yass Valley Council/Highway Patrol traffic control points in place. Residents may also use the low level crossing as this will not be used or restricted during the exercise. All local emergency response agencies including NSW Police Force, Fire & Rescue NSW, NSW Volunteer Rescue Association, the NSW State Emergency Service, NSW Rural Fire Service, NSW Ambulance, Snowy Hydro SouthCare aero-medical Rescue Helicopter and Yass Valley Council, will take part in the field exercise. “Yass Valley Council, through the Yass Valley Local Emergency Management Committee and Local Rescue Committee, holds community safety as its highest priority and this exercise will focus on testing the specialist rescue arrangements that are provided under the NSW State Rescue Policy and State Rescue Board Directives,” Council’s General Manager David Rowe said. “This exercise is another example of how the various emergency response agencies should and do work together to ensure incidents are managed effectively and to the highest standards. The Yass Valley Local Rescue Committee have decided to test responses to a rescue incident, considered to be a specialist rescue, which requires a high degree of training, response and support; such as vertical rescue and flood rescue activation. The Local Rescue Committee believe it is necessary to test areas of rescue that we do not routinely respond to and which have a specific set of arrangements that need to be tested to ensure familiarity” Yass Police Sergeant and Deputy Chair of the Yass Valley Local Rescue Committee Tom Lawless said. Regional Emergency Management Officer Paul Lloyd asks for the local community’s understanding and patience during the running of this exercise. The exercise has a number of complex components and there will be a number of exclusion zones to ensure the safety of staff, emergency services and the community as a whole. However the community is invited down to Riverbank Park to observe the exercise and to get a better understanding of how our emergency services work together during rescue operations. The Rotary Club of Yass will provide light catering for all those in attendance. Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 21 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 Yass Valley Council’s “Fit for the Future Options Paper” now on Public Exhibition 8 May 2015 8 May 2015 05/15-1 Yass Valley Council has now released its Fit for the Future Options Paper for public comment. Yass Valley Council’s “Fit for the Future Options Paper” now on Public Exhibition Council is required to provide a submission to the NSW Government by 30 June outlining how it intends to become financially sustainable in the long term, given the limited options available forCouncil increasing revenue or reducing expenditure and the growing problem of Yass Valley has now released its Fit for the Future Options Paper for public comment. maintaining and renewing infrastructure. Council is required to provide a submission to the NSW Government by 30 June outlining how it intends to become financially sustainable in the long term, given the limited options available for The attached flyer has been posted out to and all ratepayers. increasing revenue or reducing expenditure the growing problem of maintaining and renewing infrastructure. The full Fit for the Future Options Paper can be downloaded from Council’s website or is The attached flyer has been posted out to all ratepayers. available at the Council Administration Office, Yass and Murrumbateman Libraries, Yass The full Fit for the Centre Future Options Paper can be downloaded from Council’s website or is available Visitor Information and each village post office. at the Council Administration Office, Yass and Murrumbateman Libraries, Yass Visitor Information andthe each village post office. ToCentre support public exhibition period which runs until 27 May, Council will be holding a series of Yass meetings across Yass Valley the nexta 3series of To support theValley publicConnect exhibitioncommunity period which runs until 27 May, Council willover be holding weeks. While Fit for community the Future meetings will be the focusYass of the meetings, of the Yass Valley Connect across Valley over the members next 3 weeks. While Fit for the community arethe also invited to meetings, come along and talk to Councillors andalso senior staff Future will be focus of the members of the community are invited toabout come along and talk to Councillors and senior staff about other things of interest in each location. other things of interest in each location. Location Gundaroo, Hall Yass, Soldiers Club Murrumbateman, Tavern Wee Jasper, Hall Bookham, Hall Wallaroo, Wattle Park Hall Binalong, Mechanics Inst. Bowning, Hall Sutton, Hall Date Day Time 12 May 13 May 14 May Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 6pm to 7.30pm 6pm to 7.30pm 6pm to 7.30pm 18 May 19 May 20 May Monday Tuesday Wednesday 6pm to 7.30pm 6pm to 7.30pm 6pm to 7.30pm 21 May Thursday 6pm to 7.30pm 26 May 28 May Tuesday Thursday 6pm to 7.30pm 6pm to 7.30pm Comments feedbackon onthe theFitFitforfor the Future Options Paper in writing and at Comments and and feedback the Future Options Paper mustmust be in be writing and received Council by on 27 received at 5pm Council byMay 5pm2015. on 27 May 2015. Emailto Email Post or deliver to: The General Manager Post or deliver to: Yass The Valley General Manager Council 209 Comur St Council Yass Valley YASS 2582St 209NSW Comur YASS NSW 2582 Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! ENDS Media contact David Rowe General Manager P 6226 1477 E 22 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 Mobility Scooter Safety Workshop 23 April 2015 A free motorised scooter workshop for seniors aims to help reduce the number of older people who are hospitalised each year after losing control or falling from of their scooters. The Yass Valley workshop on 6 May is being held in response to the growing number of people who are using mobility scooters or motorised wheelchairs. The Yass Valley already has over 2300 residents who are 65 years and older. Road Safety Officer, Melissa Weller said the number of local mobility scooter users was expected to rise and it was important to ensure motorised scooters were being used safely. “Many people with mobility issues rely on motorised scooters to get to our shops and services, it is important that they know how to do this safely,” Ms Weller says. “Users don’t need a licence to drive a mobility scooter and there are no training requirements, yet at least 62 Australians have died from mobility scooter collisions or falls. “This free motorised scooter workshop will provide safety advice to scooter users, protecting both themselves and other pedestrians.” The free workshop will include short presentations by Police, an Insurance provider, a local Pharmacist, Occupational Therapist and a scooter retailer. Topics will also include scooters and the law, provisions for buying and insuring a scooter and information about pedestrian safety. Carers and family of scooter users and potential users are encouraged to attend also. Morning tea will be provided and all participants will receive a high visibility vest and scooter flag. Free Motorised Scooter Workshop for Seniors Wednesday 6 May, 10.00am-12.00pm Yass Golf Club Morning tea will be provided and bookings are essential by phone Road Safety Officer, Melissa Weller on 6226 9248 or email Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 23 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 FREE Helping Learner Drivers Become Safer Drivers workshop 15 April 2015 Supervisors and soon-to-be supervisors of learner drivers can attend the FREE Helping Learner Drivers Become Safer Drivers workshop, on Wednesday 20 May, from 6-8 pm at the Yass Soldiers Club. The workshop offers parents and supervisors, hands-on advice on how to provide the most effective driving practice for learner drivers. Younger drivers face many challenges when learning the complex task of driving a vehicle. With their inexperience, they also face a higher risk of danger. Despite making up only about 15 per cent of all drivers, younger drivers represent more than a third of annual road fatalities. “Parents teaching novice drivers have a crucial role to play in making our young drivers safer drivers, this workshop covers the really practical stuff, it is an opportunity to ask questions and gain confidence about what you are teaching your learner, learners are welcome to attend too, information shared at the workshop is really relevant for them to hear too” Ms Weller said. The topics covered include: how to plan on-road driving sessions; laws for learner and Pplate drivers; how to use the new Learner Driver Log Book and frequently asked questions. Council seeking resident to sit on Audit Committee 8 April 2015 Yass Valley Council is seeking interested residents to nominate for one vacant position of the new Audit Committee to provide independent assurance and assistance to Council on risk management, legislative compliance, and internal audit and accountability responsibilities. The Audit Committee is made up of five members including the Mayor, Cr Needham and two paid external independent members. Council is seeking one additional member to fill the remaining vacant position. Yass Valley Council’s Mayor Rowena Abby said that the Audit Committee will assist in providing an independent review of Council’s commitment to meet all regulatory and statutory obligations.... Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 24 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 CLUB SPOTLIGHT: MURRUMBATEMAN LANDCARE GROUP We are a local Murrumbateman community group and aim to encourage the adoption of sustainable environmental practices in our area. Everyone is welcome to join – you don’t need to have a large property to be part of Landcare – there is something for everyone to learn and to contribute – and of course to have fun! We currently have about 70 financial members and annual membership is $25 per household. We generally have meetings on the first Thursday of the month at the Murrumbateman Recreation Hall at 7pm (7:30 in summer). A meeting may be replaced by a field walk, usually on the first weekend of the month. Meetings include a talk by a knowledgeable person on a topic of interest – such as our last meeting on Local Reptiles, or a discussion format to hear about ideas from other members – such as a discussion a few months ago on Sustainable Firewood Practices. We have a cuppa afterwards and there is plenty of convivial chat. Field walks are often at a member’s property and our next one is planned for the first weekend in June at a beef cattle farm where sustainable practices have been employed (and there is a wonderful native garden to admire as well!). We have a community plant nursery in Murrumbateman village and have propagation days where members assist while learning about growing local native plants. Plants are grown from seed or cuttings and looked after in the nursery. They are distributed to financial members for free. The nursery produces thousands of trees, shrubs, flowers and grasses every year and there are native plants suitable for gardens, paddocks and regenerating bushland. We sometimes have community tree plantings on public land or on member’s property if a large scale planting is needed. Murrumbateman Landcare Group currently has a large grant in conjunction with Greening Australia for a project called Landcare Linking Biodiversity. The project is linking bush remnants across a wide area between Mundoonan Ranges and Picaree Hill in order to enhance connectivity of bush and encourage biodiversity. Sometimes we work with other local groups – last year we had a great time at the Murrumbateman Early Childhood Centre talking about Care of the Land and growing some plants together. We often have a stall at our local village market and would love you to drop in to say hello – and to get a free native plant from the nursery! You can find us online at The current committee is: Jacqui Stol (President) Email: Sue McIntyre (Vice-President) Email: Gill Hall (Secretary) Email: Sheridan Roberts (Treasurer, Membership) Email: Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 25 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 Photos Field Trip Mundoonan Ranges Our President making a new friend at a Landcare meeting. Landcare meetings are not boring! Come and say hello at the Landcare stall at the Murrumbateman Village Market Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 26 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 Tree planting for the Landcare Linking Biodiversity project Murrumbateman Landcare Community Nursery Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 27 OF 28 Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA) 19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582 Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009 Email: ABN: 71 920 635 074 ABOUT THIS E-NEWSLETTER These E-Newsletters are put together by Clair Dupont who is the Murrumbateman Progress Association (MPA) Secretary. She decided to put these newsletters together to better inform the Murrumbateman Community. Older E-Newsletters can be found HERE. If you have any information that you would like to include in a E-Newsletter or would like to receive the E-Newsletter via email including other information please email her at Any comments also welcome. Thank you to all the people who have contributed information for this E-Newsletter. It is much appreciated. Please note some of the information may/will be used in the next issue of the Murrumbateman Services Directory (MSD). Please note all E-newsletters are being sent through the MailChimp MPA Mailing List. If you are on the list but have not received this E-Newsletter or any other emails please check your junk mail. NEXT E-NEWSLETTER As you may have figured out, this E-Newsletter is released around the same time as the Murrumbateman Services Directory deadline. In line with that, the next E-Newsletter will out on Monday 15th June 2015. This will be the Murrumbateman June E-Newsletter. Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter 2015! 28 OF 28
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