COUNCIL OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF MURRYSVILLE May 20, 2015 7:00 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Public Hearing on CU-2-15, Tender Care Learning Center, a conditional use application to allow property located at 4490 Old William Penn Highway, Murrysville, proposed to be used for the construction of a child care facility and reduction in the side and rear yards of the outdoor play area to 40 feet, with additional landscape buffer being planted within that yard area. REGULAR VOTING MEETING AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call/Voting Order/Pledge of Allegiance 3. Announcement of Unlisted Amendments 4. Consent Calendar Items A. Accounts Payable B. Investments and Transfers C. April 15, 2015, Meeting Minutes to be approved. 5. Community Input 6. Comments by Mayor Brooks 7. Comments by the Chief Administrator 8. Liaison Comments and Committee Reports WORKSHOP ITEMS 9. Engineering 10. Community Development A. Discussion on S-4-15, Tender Care Learning Center Subdivision, 4490 Old William Penn Highway, Lot Consolidation. B. Discussion on CU-2-15, Tender Care Learning Center, a conditional use application to allow property located at 4490 Old William Penn Highway, Murrysville, proposed to be used for the construction of a child care facility and reduction in the side and rear yards of the outdoor play area to 40 feet, with additional landscape buffer being planted within that yard area. C. Discussion on SP-3-15, Tender Care Learning Center, Site Plan, 4490 Old William Penn Highway. D. Report of the Consulting Traffic Engineer on Phase 2 of the Traffic Impact Study: The Roadway Sufficiency Analysis Report. 11. Public Works and Parks 12. Administration COUNCIL ACTION ITEMS 13. Administration A. Consider approval of Ordinance No. 924-15, an Ordinance accepting Sardis Park into the Municipality’s Park System. B. Consider approval of Resolution No. 645-15, a Resolution for the Grant application submission for the purchase of playground equipment to be located at the Miracle League Field at the Murrysville Community Park. C. Consider approval to enter into an agreement with Constellation NewEnergy for electricity. 14. Community Development A. Consider a motion to direct staff to forward the Marcellus Task Force document to the Planning Commission for the purpose of developing a draft Ordinance. 15. Engineering A. Consider authorization to advertise DPW-2-15, Logan Ferry Road Paving Project. B. Consider authorization to advertise DPW-4-15, Municipal Roof Coating Project. C. Consider approval of Landscape Bond Release for Grandevue Estates. 16. Public Works and Parks 17. Old Business 18. New Business 19. Executive Session 20. Action Items 21. Adjournment Document date: Revised date: 05/07/2015 05/14/2015
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