for sale 1 7 3 4 - 1 7 3 6 S. S E P U L V E D A B L V D LOS ANGELES, CA 90025 Evan Pozarny Vice President 310.458.4100 x 221 Dennis Dillon Vice President, Brokerage 310.258.0444 x 111 Chelsea Novelli Associate 310.258.0444 x 119 The information contained herein has been obtained from sources we deem reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies. MEI Real Estate Services: 5757 W. Century Blvd., Suite 605, Los Angeles, CA 90045 | DRE # 01100993 | / Muselli Commercial Realtors: 1513 6th Street Suite 201 A, Santa Monica, CA 90401 | DRE # 10304769 | 1 7 3 4 - 1 7 3 6 S. S E P U L V E D A B L V D LOS ANGELES, CA 90025 • • • • • • • • • • • OFFERING HIGHLIGHTS Investment, Owner/User or Development Opportunity Property best suited for quasi-retail or office uses. Two story Spanish/Mediterranean building totaling 9,763 SF. Existing structure sits on one parcel totaling 10,938 SF. Currently utilized as a multi-tenant veterinary commercial building. Surrounded by shops and restaruants in densely populated area. Excellent signage and visibility in a high-traffic Los Angeles neighborhood. Property has abundant on-site parking in front of building and in adjacent lot. Easy access with frontage along major thoroughfare of Sepulveda Boulevard. Immediate access to the 405 and 10 freeways. Loading access in rear of building. Evan Pozarny Vice President 310.458.4100 x 221 Dennis Dillon Vice President, Brokerage 310.258.0444 x 111 Sale Price: Price/SF: Building SF: Land SF: Year Built: Zoning: Parking: APN: $5,370,000 $550/SF 9,763 SF 10,938 SF 1991 LAM2 30+ 4323-020-035 Chelsea Novelli Associate 310.258.0444 x 119 The information contained herein has been obtained from sources we deem reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies. MEI Real Estate Services: 5757 W. Century Blvd., Suite 605, Los Angeles, CA 90045 | DRE # 01100993 | / Muselli Commercial Realtors: 1513 6th Street Suite 201 A, Santa Monica, CA 90401 | DRE # 10304769 | 1 7 3 4 - 1 7 3 6 S. S E P U L V E D A B L V D LOS ANGELES, CA 90025 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 1734 -1736 S. Sepulveda is currently utilized as a multi-tenant veterinary medicine commercial building. Presently the property is divided into four suites, two are occupied by VCA Animal Hospitals and the remaining two suites are vacant. VCA’s lease of 4,880 SF ($20,000/month NNN) expires May 31, 2016. It is possible to deliver the building vacant to an owner/user. This Spanish/Mediterranean two story building is situated at steet level and accessed from either the sidewalk or via the adjacent parking lot to the south. It is set back from Sepulveda Boulevard by a 20’ future street widening dedication, presently being utilized for additional on-site parking. The interior of the building is built out for a veterinary practice with reception areas, exam rooms, radiology and surgery rooms, kenneling areas, stock area, and private and support offices. The current suites are set up to share common use of some of the veterinary medicine infrastructure, including the radiology and surgery areas and some of the kenneling and supporting facilities. The parking lot is shared between the two tenants. A portion of the parking area is included in the Property fee ownership and a portion is leased from the owner of the adjoining parcel. The Property parking lot consists of approximately 28 parking spaces to the south of the building. According to the parking attendants on-site, typically they park up to 32 cars and approximately 12 more (8 in stacked configuration in two rows, and 4 individual stalls) along the Sepulveda frontage. There is also metered parking in front of the property. The property to the immediate south is an automotive facility (Midway Car Rental), to the north is a network solutions retail store. 1734- 1736 Sepulveda is a few doors down from Richard Landry, across the street from Equinox, and walking distance to the new Porsche dealership. The e informat info orm m ion n conta cont c onttained herein has been been obtain aii ed from sour our u cess we e deem ee reli ee re eliable liable ble le, b bu utt we mak make e no rep eprese ep esentations se or war warr ar anti an es, expressed orr im implie ed, as to the e accurac accurac uracy of the e iinforma mation ma on.. Buyer on ye must mu v mus ver erify the info in nf rmat m ion ma mat i and bear ea asa alll ri risk ssk k forr any inacc inacc ac c urac racies. rac ies. ies es 1 7 3 4 - 1 7 3 6 S. S E P U L V E D A B L V D LOS ANGELES, CA 90025 PROPERTY PHOTOS Evan Pozarny Vice President 310.458.4100 x 221 Dennis Dillon Vice President, Brokerage 310.258.0444 x 111 Chelsea Novelli Associate 310.258.0444 x 119 The information contained herein has been obtained from sources we deem reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies. MEI Real Estate Services: 5757 W. Century Blvd., Suite 605, Los Angeles, CA 90045 | DRE # 01100993 | / Muselli Commercial Realtors: 1513 6th Street Suite 201 A, Santa Monica, CA 90401 | DRE # 10304769 | 1 7 3 4 - 1 7 3 6 S. S E P U L V E D A B L V D LOS ANGELES, CA 90025 STREET LOCATOR MAP NEARBY AMENITIES: • Starbucks Coffee • Equinox Sports Club • Berri’s Kitchen • Quiznos • Fatburger • Zankou Chicken • O Sushi • Sepulveda West Car Wash Evan Pozarny Vice President 310.458.4100 x 221 Dennis Dillon Vice President, Brokerage 310.258.0444 x 111 • New York Pizza & Pasta • Del Taco • The Corner Cafe & Grill • Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf • Jamba Juice • Salad Farm • Porsche Dealership • Richard Landry Chelsea Novelli Associate 310.258.0444 x 119 The information contained herein has been obtained from sources we deem reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies. MEI Real Estate Services: 5757 W. Century Blvd., Suite 605, Los Angeles, CA 90045 | DRE # 01100993 | / Muselli Commercial Realtors: 1513 6th Street Suite 201 A, Santa Monica, CA 90401 | DRE # 10304769 | 1 7 3 4 - 1 7 3 6 S. S E P U L V E D A B L V D LOS ANGELES, CA 90025 PARCEL MAP Subject Property Ground Lease Parking Lot 1746 S Sepulveda Blvd. Current Lease $5,000.00/month Commencing April 1, 2019: Rent increases to $5,500.00/month Lease Expiration June 30, 2026 Evan Pozarny Vice President 310.458.4100 x 221 Dennis Dillon Vice President, Brokerage 310.258.0444 x 111 Chelsea Novelli Associate 310.258.0444 x 119 The information contained herein has been obtained from sources we deem reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies. MEI Real Estate Services: 5757 W. Century Blvd., Suite 605, Los Angeles, CA 90045 | DRE # 01100993 | / Muselli Commercial Realtors: 1513 6th Street Suite 201 A, Santa Monica, CA 90401 | DRE # 10304769 |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van Pozarny Vice President 310.458.4100 x 221 /DWLWXGH /RQJLWXGH PLOHV PLOHV 0HGLDQ+RXVHKROG,QFRPH 3RSXODWLRQ 3RSXODWLRQ %ODFN$ORQH PLOH PLOHV 3RSXODWLRQ 5DFHDQG(WKQLFLW\ :KLWH$ORQH 66HSXOYHGD%OYG/RV$QJHOHV&DOLIRUQLD 5LQJVPLOHUDGLL /DWLWXGH /RQJLWXGH Dennis Dillon Vice President, Brokerage 310.258.0444 x 111 0HGLDQ+RXVHKROG,QFRPH 0HGLDQ+RXVHKROG,QFRPH $QQXDO5DWH $YHUDJH+RXVHKROG,QFRPH $YHUDJH+RXVHKROG,QFRPH $YHUDJH+RXVHKROG,QFRPH $QQXDO5DWH 3HU&DSLWD,QFRPH 3HU&DSLWD,QFRPH 3HU&DSLWD,QFRPH $QQXDO5DWH +RXVHKROGVE\,QFRPH &XUUHQWPHGLDQKRXVHKROGLQFRPHLVLQWKHDUHDFRPSDUHGWRIRUDOO86KRXVHKROGV0HGLDQKRXVHKROGLQFRPHLV SURMHFWHGWREHLQILYH\HDUVFRPSDUHGWRIRUDOO86KRXVHKROGV &XUUHQWDYHUDJHKRXVHKROGLQFRPHLVLQWKLVDUHDFRPSDUHGWRIRUDOO86KRXVHKROGV$YHUDJHKRXVHKROGLQFRPHLV SURMHFWHGWREHLQILYH\HDUVFRPSDUHGWRIRUDOO86KRXVHKROGV &XUUHQWSHUFDSLWDLQFRPHLVLQWKHDUHDFRPSDUHGWRWKH86SHUFDSLWDLQFRPHRI7KHSHUFDSLWDLQFRPHLVSURMHFWHGWR EHLQILYH\HDUVFRPSDUHGWRIRUDOO86KRXVHKROGV +RXVLQJ 7RWDO+RXVLQJ8QLWV 2ZQHU2FFXSLHG+RXVLQJ8QLWV 5HQWHU2FFXSLHG+RXVLQJ8QLWV 9DFDQW+RXVLQJ8QLWV 7RWDO+RXVLQJ8QLWV 2ZQHU2FFXSLHG+RXVLQJ8QLWV 5HQWHU2FFXSLHG+RXVLQJ8QLWV 9DFDQW+RXVLQJ8QLWV 7RWDO+RXVLQJ8QLWV 2ZQHU2FFXSLHG+RXVLQJ8QLWV 5HQWHU2FFXSLHG+RXVLQJ8QLWV 9DFDQW+RXVLQJ8QLWV 7RWDO+RXVLQJ8QLWV 2ZQHU2FFXSLHG+RXVLQJ8QLWV 5HQWHU2FFXSLHG+RXVLQJ8QLWV 9DFDQW+RXVLQJ8QLWV &XUUHQWO\RIWKHKRXVLQJXQLWVLQWKHDUHDDUHRZQHURFFXSLHGUHQWHURFFXSLHGDQGDUHYDFDQW&XUUHQWO\LQ WKH86RIWKHKRXVLQJXQLWVLQWKHDUHDDUHRZQHURFFXSLHGDUHUHQWHURFFXSLHGDQGDUHYDFDQW,QWKHUH ZHUHKRXVLQJXQLWVLQWKHDUHDRZQHURFFXSLHGUHQWHURFFXSLHGDQGYDFDQW7KHDQQXDOUDWHRIFKDQJHLQ KRXVLQJXQLWVVLQFHLV0HGLDQKRPHYDOXHLQWKHDUHDLVFRPSDUHGWRDPHGLDQKRPHYDOXHRIIRUWKH86 ,QILYH\HDUVPHGLDQYDOXHLVSURMHFWHGWRFKDQJHE\DQQXDOO\WR Chelsea Novelli Associate 310.258.0444 x 119 The information contained herein has been obtained from sources we deem reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies. MEI Real Estate Services: 5757 W. Century Blvd., Suite 605, Los Angeles, CA 90045 | DRE # 01100993 | / Muselli Commercial Realtors: 1513 6th Street Suite 201 A, Santa Monica, CA 90401 | DRE # 10304769 | For sale 1 7 3 4 - 1 7 3 6 S. S E P U L V E D A B L V D LOS ANGELES, CA 90025 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Evan Pozarny Vice President 310.458.4100 x 221 Dennis Dillon Vice President, Brokerage 310.258.0444 x 111 Chelsea Novelli Associate 310.258.0444 x 119 The information contained herein has been obtained from sources we deem reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies. MEI Real Estate Services: 5757 W. Century Blvd., Suite 605, Los Angeles, CA 90045 | DRE # 01100993 | / Muselli Commercial Realtors: 1513 6th Street Suite 201 A, Santa Monica, CA 90401 | DRE # 10304769 |
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