Pediatric Hypovolemic Shock Michael J. Hobson and Ranjit S. Chima

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The Open Pediatric Medicine Journal, 2013, 7, (Suppl 1: M3) 10-15
Open Access
Pediatric Hypovolemic Shock
Michael J. Hobson1,2 and Ranjit S. Chima*,1,2
Division of Critical Care Medicine, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Department of Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical
Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Abstract: Hypovolemic shock is a common yet underappreciated insult which often accompanies illnesses afflicting
children. Indeed, it is by far the most common type of shock in the pediatric age group worldwide. Early recognition and
treatment of hypovolemic shock is paramount to reversing cellular hypoxia and ischemia before irreparable end-organ
damage ensues.
Keywords: Hypovolemic shock, dehydration, hemorrhage.
Hypovolemic shock is a common yet underappreciated
insult which often accompanies illnesses afflicting children.
Early recognition and treatment of shock is paramount to
reversing cellular hypoxia and ischemia before irreparable
end-organ damage ensues. Described over 150 years ago,
hypovolemic shock remains the most common etiology of
shock affecting children today. Diarrheal illnesses resulting
in dehydration account alone for approximately 30% of
infant deaths worldwide alone, and it is estimated that 8,000
children younger than the age of five years die every day
from untreated dehydration [1]. In the United States,
hypovolemic shock still accounts for 10% of hospital
admissions of children less than five years of age [2].
Another major etiology for hypovolemia, especially in the
post-operative and traumatic setting is hemorrhage which
leads to hemorrhagic shock. This represents a distinct subset
of hypovolemic shock.
The hallmark cardiovascular derangement underlying
hypovolemic shock is a reduction in intravascular volume.
The resultant loss of preload returning to the heart reduces
stroke volume, thus impairing cardiac output. Dehydration,
formally defined as a reduction in the water content of the
body, is the most common form of hypovolemic shock [3].
Dehydration can be classified according to the degree of
fluid deficit, wherein the change in weight is the primary
marker for determining the severity of dehydration (Table 1).
Furthermore, dehydration may be isonatremic, hyponatremic, or hypernatremic depending upon the changes in
serum osmolarity. While most pediatric patients presenting
with dehydration will have normal serum sodium values, an
accurate history from the patient’s caregiver should assess
*Address correspondence to this author at the Division of Critical Care
Medicine, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, 3333 Burnet
Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039, USA; Tel: (513) 636-4259;
Fax: (513) 636-4267; E-mail:
for the administration of diluted juices or formula which may
put the patient at risk for hyponatremia. Hypernatremia
results from an excessive loss of free water relative to
sodium; the reverse is true in the case of hyponatremic
dehydration. The causes of dehydration and hypovolemic
shock in children are numerous (Table 2), but can be broadly
defined by either decreased intake of fluid, excessive
gastrointestinal losses, excessive urinary losses, or
translocation of body fluid from the intravascular
compartment. Additionally, fever and tachypnea, which
accompany many pediatric illnesses, result in hypovolemia
as a result of increased insensible fluid losses. Furthermore,
infants have many unique physiologic features which may
increase their susceptibility to hypovolemic shock, including
a relatively higher body water content, an increased
metabolic rate, renal immaturity, and the inability to meet
their own fluid intake needs independently [3].
The clinical presentation of a child presenting in
hypovolemic shock are a reflection of the body’s attempt to
maintain blood flow to vital organs in the face of falling
cardiac output as a consequence of a decrease in stroke
volume. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system and
subsequent release of endogenous catecholamines result in
tachycardia; an increased heart rate alone, however, is
nonspecific for hypovolemic shock, as fever, agitation, pain,
and anemia may be other factors at play in the course of a
child’s illness. Peripheral vasoconstriction in an effort to
maintain coronary and cerebral perfusion manifests as cool
distal extremities, weakened distal pulses, and delayed
capillary refill. This same increase in systemic vascular
resistance allows a child in hypovolemic shock to maintain a
normal blood pressure until fluid losses are quite substantial;
thus, hypotension should be viewed as a late and ominous
sign. Tachypnea in the absence of pulmonary pathology may
be compensation for a developing metabolic acidosis.
Decreased renal perfusion with activation of the renin2013 Bentham Open
Pediatric Hypovolemic Shock
Table 1.
The Open Pediatric Medicine Journal, 2013, Volume 7
Degree of Fluid Deficit & Clinical Symptoms Associated with Dehydration
Mild Dehydration
Moderate Dehydration
Severe Dehydration
3% (30 ml/kg)
5% (50 ml/kg)
6% (60 ml/kg)
10% (100 ml/kg)
9% (90 ml/kg)
15% (150 ml/kg)
Heart rate
Mildly increased
Marked tachycardia
Distal pulses
Slightly diminished
Weak, thready
Capillary refill
Approx. 2 seconds
>3 seconds
Urine output
Weight Loss
Older child
Adapted from Gunn VL, Nechyba C. The Harriet Lane Handbook, 16th edition. 2002.
angiotensin-aldosterone axis combined with anti-diuretic
hormone (ADH) release from the posterior pituitary will
result in diminished urine output. However, urine output may
be falsely reassuring in hypovolemic shock secondary to
conditions with renal losses such as diabetic ketoacidosis or
adrenal insufficiency. As shock progresses, the patient’s
mental status may evolve from slight irritability to frank
lethargy. Other notable physical exam findings consistent
with hypovolemia include decreased tearing, dry mucous
membranes, and a sunken fontanelle and eyes (Table 1).
Table 2.
Causes of Hypovolemic Shock in Children
Gastrointestinal losses
Urinary losses
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Diabetes insipidus
Adrenal insufficiency
Diuretic usage
Decreased intake
Stomatitis, pharyngitis
Anorexia, fluid deprivation
Translocation of body fluids
Small bowel obstruction
Acute pancreatitis
Nephrotic syndrome
Laboratory evaluation of children with hypovolemic
shock will often show a metabolic acidosis with an elevated
anion gap (>14 mEq/L), owing to a switch toward anaerobic
metabolism with subsequent lactic acid production.
Additionally, a non-anion gap metabolic acidosis may be
present if stool output is substantial enough to produce
considerable bicarbonate losses. Hypokalemia may also
accompany significant gastrointestinal losses. Other
laboratory markers of volume depletion include an increased
BUN to creatinine ratio and an elevated urine specific
gravity, though again this may be spuriously low in cases of
diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus and adrenal
insufficiency. Of note, early measurement of the patient’s
serum glucose is warranted, as nearly one-third of patients
presenting with hypovolemic shock will have significant
hypoglycemia (<60 mg/dl) [4].
Children presenting with mild to moderate dehydration
may be candidates for oral rehydration therapy (ORT). Small
volumes of rehydration solution are administered
intermittently. Appropriate solution for ORT contains
approximately 60 mEq/L of sodium and 2-2.5% dextrose;
the intestinal sodium-glucose transporter absorbs these
contents, and water passively follows [3]. Common
examples of such fluids include Pedialyte and Rehydralyte.
Initial volumes should be 1-2 ml/kg given roughly every five
minutes. Volume and frequency are increased as tolerated,
up to a total fluid intake of 50 ml/kg and 100 ml/kg for mild
and moderate dehydration, respectively. A randomized
controlled trial of children with moderate dehydration
secondary to acute gastroenteritis showed that children
treated with ORT had a significantly shorter stay in the
emergency department compared to children treated with IV
therapy; notably, there was no difference in the rate of
hospital admission [5].
Initial stabilization of the pediatric patient in severe
hypovolemic shock should proceed as in the treatment of any
other critically ill patient. The child’s airway and respiratory
effort should be supported as necessary, paying special
attention to the development of altered mental status and
lethargy which may compromise adequate ventilation and
oxygenation. Restoration of circulating blood volume
remains the cornerstone of therapy for hypovolemic shock.
From 1960 to 1990, the advent of intravenous fluid therapy
resulted in an eightfold reduction in mortality from
hypovolemic shock [1]. As stated previously, early
recognition of hypovolemia before the development of
hypotension and timely fluid resuscitation prior to the onset
of irreversible organ damage are crucial to patient outcome.
12 The Open Pediatric Medicine Journal, 2013, Volume 7
Ideally, fluid administration occurs via a large bore
intravenous catheter placed in an upper extremity peripheral
vein; if such vascular access is not attainable in an unstable
patient, an intraosseous catheter placed in the medial portion
of the proximal tibia provides access to the marrow venous
plexus. Percutaneous central venous catheters are alternative
options for intravascular access, though they are not ideal for
rapid fluid resuscitation given their narrow diameter and
extensive length.
Isotonic fluids are given as the initial fluid therapy for
hypovolemic shock, regardless of the etiology of illness or
serum osmolarity. For the patient in hypotensive shock,
rapid fluid boluses in 20 ml/kg aliquots are provided to
restore intravascular volume. Lactated Ringer’s solution and
0.9% sodium chloride serve as options for crystalloid fluid.
Numerous normal saline fluid boluses may result in a
hyperchloremic non-anion gap metabolic acidosis, which
may obscure acidosis secondary to poor tissue perfusion.
Lactated Ringer’s solution has the theoretical benefit of
producing bicarbonate from lactate, provided that liver
function is normal. Historically, some clinicians have
advocated for the role of colloids in the resuscitation of
hypovolemic shock, speculating that colloid is more aptly
retained in the intravascular space compared to crystalloid
fluid. However, a recent multicenter randomized control trial
involving a heterogeneous population of adult ICU patients
receiving either normal saline or 4% albumin for
intravascular volume resuscitation found no difference in 28
day mortality, rate of organ failure or length of stay [6]. In
the pediatric population, Wills et al randomized children
suffering from dengue fever who required fluid resuscitation
for moderate shock to receive Lactated Ringer’s solution, 6
percent dextran 70, or 6 percent hydroxethyl starch [7].
There was no difference in the need for rescue colloid in any
of the study groups, noting that crystalloid is effective in
fluid resuscitation even in conditions associated with
significant capillary leak. Concurrent with fluid resuscitation,
attention should be paid to the treatment of hypoglycemia; if
present, dextrose is commonly administered as a single 0.5 g/kg
bolus using 10% or 25% dextrose solutions.
Serial physical examination and frequent reassessment of
the patient’s clinical status are crucial in determining when
fluid resuscitation has been adequate. With restoration of
intravascular volume, heart rate normalizes, pulse quality
improves, and capillary refill should return to below two
seconds. Urine output greater than 1 ml/kg/hour is a marker
of adequate renal perfusion. While central venous pressures
are not essential to the management of hypovolemic shock,
upper extremity central venous catheters, when present,
allow for serial CVP measurements, with values of 8-10 mm
Hg indicating adequate fluid repletion. More recently,
interest has evolved regarding the use of bedside ultrasound
to assess intravascular volume status. Stawicki et al used
bedside ultrasound in adult surgical ICU patients to
formulate an IVC collapsibility index based on endinspiratory and expiratory diameters of the vessel; these
investigators found that low and high IVC-CIs inversely
correlated with central venous pressures and thus
intravascular volume status [8]. The development of
tachypnea, basilar rales, or hepatomegaly after fluid
administration suggests that fluid resuscitation has been
Hobson and Chima
excessive or concurrent cardiac dysfunction exists. The child
with hypovolemic shock requiring more than 60 ml/kg of
fluid resuscitation should raise concern for ongoing losses or
an alternative diagnosis, such as a capillary leak syndrome
like septic shock.
Beyond their initial fluid resuscitation, children
frequently continue to need intravenous fluid therapy for
ongoing losses and maintenance requirements until adequate
oral intake can be re-established. Care should be taken to
avoid iatrogenic-induced hyponatremia during this time
period. Patients presenting with shock have several nonosmotic stimuli for ADH production: pain, stress,
hypovolemia, hypoglycemia, and a simultaneous respiratory
illness are all etiologies for ADH release in the face of low
plasma osmolality [9]. Neville et al investigated plasma
ADH concentration in children presenting with viral
gastroenteritis requiring hospital admission for IV fluid
therapy. Over one-half of the study population was found to
have plasma ADH levels within or above the range
associated with maximal antidiuresis, even four hours after
fluid administration [10]. Thus, many clinicians advocate for
the use of isotonic fluids and close attention to electrolytes in
this instance. Fig. (1) summarizes the management of
children with dehydration and hypovolemic shock, while
Fig. (2) outlines fluid therapy for hyponatremic and
hypernatremic dehydration.
Hemorrhage as a consequence of traumatic injury,
gastrointestinal bleeding, severe coagulopathy and intraoperative blood loss may result in the development of
hypovolemic shock. In addition to the decrease in
intravascular volume and its impairment on stroke volume,
the loss of red blood cells significantly reduces oxygen
delivery to the tissues. Additionally, hemorrhagic shock and
resuscitation may result in the development of a systemic
inflammatory state. This may lead to the development of
multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS).
Traumatic injuries are the leading cause of death in
children and adolescents. Blunt injuries are more common
than penetrating trauma, leaving the potential for occult
injury with continued hemorrhage. Sources of traumatic
bleeding include severe lacerations with external blood loss,
intra-abdominal solid organ and retroperitoneal hemorrhage,
long bone and pelvic fractures, and traumatic hemothorax.
Notably, isolated head trauma alone does not precipitate
shock. The injured child with tachycardia and poor
peripheral perfusion is in hemorrhagic shock until bleeding
can definitively be excluded. As noted above, hypotension is
a late and ominous sign—pediatric patients can lose up to
30% of their blood volume before a fall in blood pressure is
observed. Additionally, the serum hematocrit may initially
be normal in the setting of acute blood loss.
Resuscitation of the pediatric patient suffering from
traumatic hemorrhage proceeds as outlined above for therapy
of hypovolemic shock. Additionally, any evident external
hemorrhage is controlled with direct pressure. Fluid
Pediatric Hypovolemic Shock
The Open Pediatric Medicine Journal, 2013, Volume 7
Fig. (1). Treatment algorithm for dehydration in pediatric patients.
Fig. (2). Management of hyponatremic & hypernatremic dehydration.
resuscitation again is ideally undertaken with two large bore
peripheral upper extremity intravenous catheters. The
persistence of shock after two crystalloid boluses often
merits transfusion of packed red blood cells. Fully crossmatched, warmed blood is optimal therapy; however, type
O-negative products may be used when clinical instability
does not allow time for appropriate cross-matching. Failure
to improve after transfusion possibly warrants operative
intervention. Other diagnoses, such as cardiac tamponade,
tension pneumothorax, and myocardial contusion, should
14 The Open Pediatric Medicine Journal, 2013, Volume 7
Hobson and Chima
also be considered when shock persists after sufficient
volume administration.
non-operative management fail, surgical exploration remains
a last option to control hemorrhage.
One of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality
after multisystem trauma is the development of multi-organ
dysfunction and ARDS secondary to an aberrant
inflammatory response. Previous in vitro studies have
suggested that hypertonic fluids may favorably alter the
activity of inflammatory cells [11]. However, a single center
double-blind randomized control trial of adult patients with
blunt trauma and pre-hospital hypotension showed no
difference in 28-day ARDS-free survival between patients
initially resuscitated with Lactated Ringer’s solution versus
7.5% saline with 6% dextran 70 [12].
Table 3.
Another concept emerging in the field of traumatic
hemorrhage is that of permissive hypotension. Traditional
fluid resuscitation for traumatic injury has been based on
early restoration of blood volume and improvement in mean
arterial pressure in order to optimize organ perfusion. The
theory of permissive hypotension, or “low-volume fluid
resuscitation,” argues that aggressive fluid administration
raises central venous pressure, disrupts early clot formation,
and thus may worsen hemorrhage. A period of suboptimal
organ perfusion is tolerated until hemostasis is achieved. To
date, no randomized controlled trials have investigated the
efficacy of low-volume fluid resuscitation.
Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Gastrointestinal bleeding is another potential etiology for
severe hemorrhagic shock. The sources of gastrointestinal
bleeding in children are numerous (Table 3), but can be
categorized anatomically according to location relative to the
ligament of Treitz. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding, proximal
to the ligament, most commonly presents as hematemesis
and melena, though if massive can manifest as
hematochezia. Care should be taken to exclude bleeding
from the patient’s nose and respiratory tract in this situation.
Lower gastrointestinal bleeding, occurring distal to the
ligament of Treitz, can result in either melena or
hematochezia depending on the rapidity of hemorrhage. Of
note, a significant amount of blood loss may occur within the
bowel lumen and remain concealed from direct observation;
this possibility should be considered in children with
abdominal findings and acute deterioration. Like all forms of
hypovolemic shock, acute treatment of gastrointestinal
bleeding centers around restoring intravascular volume.
Additionally, placement of a nasogastric tube allows for
differentiation of upper and lower bleeding as well as the
ability to assess for ongoing hemorrhage. Endoscopic
evaluation may not only allow a definitive diagnosis of the
source of bleeding, but may also provide the opportunity for
therapeutic intervention. Gastric acid prophylaxis should be
implemented during the patient’s treatment to aid in mucosal
protection. Other notable pharmacologic options exist
specifically for the treatment of variceal bleeding secondary
to portal hypertension. Octreotide, a somastatin analogue, is
administered as a continuous infusion (1-2 μg/kg/hr) in
efforts to inhibit gastric acid secretion and reduce splanchnic
blood flow. Side effects include abdominal cramps, diarrhea,
and hyperglycemia. Continuous vasopressin infusions may
also reduce splanchnic blood flow for patients suffering from
severe gastrointestinal bleeding. Should pharmacologic and
Causes of Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Children
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding
Mallory-Weiss syndrome
Gastric/duodenal ulcerations
Esophageal, gastric varices
Arteriovenous malformations
Lower gastrointestinal bleeding
Milk protein allergy
Infectious enterocolitis
Meckel diverticulum
Juvenile polyps
Inflammatory bowel disease
Henoch-Schonlein purpura
Hemolytic uremic syndrome
Arteriovenous malformations
Massive Transfusion Syndrome
Regardless of the etiology of hemorrhage, children
receiving multiple units of red blood cells are at risk for the
massive transfusion syndrome. Massive transfusion is
defined in the adult population as receiving ten or more
packed RBC units within the first 24 hours of admission
[13], whereas in pediatric patients it is typically considered
when a child acutely receives more than half of the patient’s
blood volume (approximately 40 ml/kg). Replacement of
blood loss with red blood cells alone results in a dilution of
platelets and clotting factors, with resultant thrombocytopenia and coagulopathy. To offset these effects, patients
being resuscitated with multiple pRBC transfusions should
intermittently receive fresh frozen plasma and platelets as
well. Increased ratios of fresh frozen plasma and platelets to
packed red blood cells was associated with improved
survival in adult trauma patients, though the data may be
subject to survivor bias [14]. In addition to dilutional
coagulopathy, patients receiving massive transfusion should
be monitored closely for hypocalcemia and hyperkalemia.
Recombinant Factor VII
Recent interest has emerged in the use of recombinant
activated factor VII for use in the treatment of refractory
hemorrhagic shock. Initially licensed for use in patients with
hemophilia having inactivating antibodies to factor VIII and
IX, recombinant factor VII acts locally at the site of injury,
binding to exposed tissue factor and thereby converting
prothrombin to active thrombin. Multiple studies have
examined the efficacy of factor VII in controlling acute
hemorrhage, often with mixed results. In adult patients
undergoing prostatectomy a single preoperative dose of
activated factor VII significantly reduced blood loss and
transfusion requirements [15]. Similarly, adult patients
undergoing non-coronary cardiac surgery had reduced postoperative transfusion requirements when given a 90μg/kg
dose of factor VII upon the discontinuation of
Pediatric Hypovolemic Shock
The Open Pediatric Medicine Journal, 2013, Volume 7
cardiopulmonary bypass [16]. In the trauma setting, a recent
placebo-controlled trial of 143 adults suffering blunt trauma
showed that three consecutive doses of rFVIIa significantly
reduced transfusion requirements as well as the number of
patients requiring massive transfusion; no beneficial effect
was shown in penetrating trauma [17]. A larger study of 573
adult trauma patients with ongoing bleeding despite
operative intervention were randomized to receive three
successive doses of rFVIIa or placebo; patients in the
treatment group again had a decreased need for transfusion;
no mortality benefit was seen, however [18]. Concern has
complications in patients receiveing rFVIIa. Particular
attention has been paid to adult patients having an
underlying propensity to thrombosis. In the field of
pediatrics, a recent retrospective review of 135 patients
receiving rFVIIa for multiple off-label uses found that three
children suffered thrombotic complications, making this a
valid concern in the pediatric population as well [19].
In summary, hypovolemic shock is a common malady
accompanying a multitude of pediatric illnesses. Early
recognition of the signs of shock by the clinician is key to
achieving a favorable patient outcome. Again, it should be
noted that the appearance of hypotension is a late and
ominous sign. Early institution of intravenous fluid
resuscitation to restore intravascular volume will ideally reestablish adequate tissue perfusion before end-organ damage
ensues. For the patient presenting in hemorrhagic shock,
resuscitation often involves repeated blood transfusions, and
thus one should be mindful of the pitfalls of massive
transfusion. Following successful resuscitation from severe
shock, the pediatric patient still may remain at risk for
widespread systemic inflammation and subsequent organ
dysfunction, and thus diligent care is required in the postresuscitation period.
The authors confirm that this article content has no
conflict of interest.
Declared none.
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Revised: December 21, 2012
Accepted: January 2, 2013
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