Document 151177

Pine Grove
Step Three and The Matrix
Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
I’m starting to see recovery everywhere. When I’m at gas station, the supermarket and a lot at the movies; recovery themes just jump out at me. One of my
newest favorites is The Matrix and in the early scenes it sets up Step 3 beautifully.
Neo (our hero) is working in an office leading a pretty dull life moonlighting as a hacker but suspecting that there is something more to life. His office is a cube – a dull lifeless cube with no pictures, no
personality and to make matters entirely intolerable he wears a tie. “Good grief,” I say as I swish mine
out of the way.
There is something wrong with him and doesn’t know what it is; he’s looking for answers, prowling
around in his daily life when suddenly…a biker chick comes along. Who of us hasn’t found recovery
through some backhanded, less than honorable ways? I’m holding my hand up just now, waving enthusiastically.
Well, the short version is: He follows ol’ leather pants to meet a guy he’s heard about, even briefly
talked with on the phone, who seems to have the answers, who can solve the riddle of why life sucks.
The thunder cracks as the huge double doors swing open and there he is…his new sponsor, Morpheus.
He greets Neo with a big gap-toothed grin and welcomes him to his first meeting proclaiming the honor
is his to meet him.
After observing that Neo looks like a man expecting to wake up from a fairy tale, he asks if he
believes in fate. Neo says, “No,” and when asked to explain he says he doesn’t like the idea he’s not in
control of his life. (Oh man, does that sound like me pre-recovery.) Then Morpheus tells him why he’s
there and does so by describing addictions.
He says, “You feel it; you’ve felt it your entire life that something is wrong with the world, like a
splinter in your mind driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to your first meeting.” He
asks if Neo knows what he’s talking about and he nods and says it’s addiction. (Well he actually says
The Matrix but bear with me.) Morpheus asks, “Do you want to know what addiction is?” Neo nods
again. Morpheus continues that addiction is everywhere, all around us, even now in this very room
(cause you and I have it). “You can see it on TV, feel it when you go to work, when you go to Church,
when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.”
“What truth?” Neo asks to which his sponsor replies, “You are a slave, Neo, like all other addicts. You
were born into bondage, a prison you cannot smell or taste or touch, a prison for your mind.”
Well, you know the rest. He offers Neo the solution: Take Step 3 and make the decision to explore
the world of reality at all costs. Morpheus says you can take the blue pill and wake up at home and
believe anything you want to or take the red one and see how far recovery goes. We know he chooses
recovery and then has to face his disease (who wears a tie!) and slug it out. Then he has to face 50
versions of his diseases in the form of food, money, power and codependence, etc. In the end, he succeeds with the power to conquer but the story doesn’t end there, my friend, no way…two more sequels.
We meet a wizard, come to meetings, make new friends, fight our disease, fight 50 other versions
of the disease, struggle, conquer, struggle some more and save a bunch of our friends in a underground
city. We are the stuff of legends. God bless you all!
Carver Brown, Alumni Coordinator
Calling COSA
by Lauren Kirschberg
I am always amazed with
the families who come
through our Family Program and Family Days of
As you all know, it
is incredibly difficult to
watch a family member suffer from addiction
and we can’t help but get the disease on us
as we navigate the damage that ensues.
It affects the WHOLE family and no family
member is born knowing how to deal effectively with addiction. It is a discipline that has
to be learned and practiced daily.
When we get to see family members
dive into their own recovery, we see miracles happen in people’s relationships. The
spouses and significant others of Gratitude
have, all on their own, created a safe place to
talk about their own journeys into recovery.
The Gratitude COSA Call-In meeting
was started in 2009 by a spouse and has
continued to grow over the years. Several of
the spouses have called in each week diligently since then.
If you are a spouse of a Gratitude
alum and are looking for a place to begin or
enhance your own recovery from the family
disease of addiction, this is a great tool!
Thank you to the alumni from California,
Illinois, Kentucky and Mississippi who
have graciously donated to the patient
scholarship fund! If you would like to
donate to this fund, please contact me.
Lauren Kirschberg
by Beth A.
Each Wednesday night at 8 p.m. CST spouses of Gratitude Program
alumni get together on a free conference call. In 2009, seeing a need for
her own support, Andrea B. of Birmingham, Alabama, started a support
group for spouses of the Gentle Path program. Knowing how she struggled
with her own recovery without a support system, Andrea B., with the permission of Pine Grove, started a Wednesday night COSA call for alumni
The Wednesday night call is run by alumni spouses and is not in
affiliation with Pine Grove. Since its inception, this FREE, anonymous
call has been a support system for those whose lives have been affected
by sexual addiction.
Sexual addiction thrives in the darkness and is a hard topic to talk
about with friends and family. Shame, embarrassment and fear keep
spouses spiraling in depression without support. This call offers just
such support and is a resource for the many additional services that are
available to family members.
Together we can be champions for change in the public perception of
sexual addiction. It is a true addiction and not just an excuse for bad behavior. No longer can we bury our heads in shame over this disease. We must
stand united in our fight to further the treatments available for this disease.
Please join us each Wednesday at 8 p.m. CST. Just call 712-432-0490
and listen to the phone instructions. The access code is 715268. If you have any
questions about this call or other support available, call Beth A. at 256-566-8554.
We offer our many thanks to the entire loving, supportive team at Pine Grove’s
Gratitude Program. With their loving care, we can learn how to better treat this
crippling disease.
We were having trouble with
personal relationships.
We will lose interest in selfish things and
gain interest in our fellows. Self-seeking
will slip away.
We couldn’t control our emotional
We will comprehend the word serenity
and we will know peace.
We were a prey to misery and
Our whole attitude and outlook upon life
will change.
We couldn’t make a living.
Fear of people and of economic
insecurity will leave us.
We had a feeling of uselessness.
That feeling of uselessness and self-pity
will disappear.
We were full of fear.
We will intuitively know how to handle
situations which used to baffle us.
We were unhappy.
We are going to know a new freedom and
a new happiness.
We couldn’t seem to be of real help
to other people.
No matter how far down the scale we
have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others. We will not regret
the past nor wish to shut the door on it.
And, most of all, We will suddenly realize
that God is doing for us what we could not
do for ourselves.
I can choose peace
instead of this.
God is in charge.
Today, I choose to be happy.
My body is just perfect
the way it is.
I am healthy and happy.
I accept myself just as I am.
I am energetic, loving and fun.
My mind is calm.
Change your thinking; Change your life!
We want alumni to submit their favorite
affirmations to Lauren at:
We believe that we can retrain our
minds to stop focusing on the negative and
begin to see all the wonderful things that
make us beautiful, valuable human beings!
Along with GRATITUDE, affirmations
can tap into the deepest part of our minds
and help us to nurture ourselves at our
core. Thank you to everyone who sent
their favorite affirmation!
Lauren and Carver,
I just wanted to let you know what a
powerful experience Days of Hope
was for me! I was a little nervous
about attending, but I’m so glad I
did. It really invigorated my recovery and renewed my commitment
to working a strong program. Thank
you for all your hard work carrying
the message. I’m looking forward
to the next Days of Hope! If there’s
ever anything I can do for Pine
Grove or the ladies at the Women’s
Center, please let me know. I’d be
happy to help in any way I can.
Thanks again!
PGWC Alumnus
Caroline C. Jay S. Jake H. Will T. Cori R. Brandon P. Laura F. Priscilla G. Lainey S. Phil A. Sandra B. MAY
1 year
1 year
9 years
2 years
12 years
1 year
2 years
3 years
4 years
3 years
3 years
If your sobriety date is in
July, August or September,
Steve J. Patrick R. Fred R. Katy T. Zach N. John R. Frank B. Scott N. Patrick H. Victoria W. Jeffrey C. Marty F. Ron P. Dave G. Rebecca B. Joe L. Jamey F. Rachel R. David B.
9 years
2 years
13 years
2 years
18 months
7 years
7 years
6 years
18 months
2 years
2 years
5 years
3 years
1 year
1 year
6 years
2 years
2 years
4 years
please email your name
and sobriety birthday to
Lauren at: lkirschberg@
Given with gratitude, for GRATITUDE!
We would like to thank
alumnus Jim M. for giving
a wonderfully thoughtful gift
to Gratitude! On his way out
of town, he stopped at the
store and bought these
two grills for everyone at
Gratitude to enjoy. We
all know that much of the
healing that goes on in
treatment is during the down
time, hanging out with fellow
travelers. So, Jim, we can’t
thank you enough!
Mike R. 5 years
Howard B. 5 years
Ted F. 5 years
Bubby P. 7 months
Joe N. 3 years
Lawrence R. 6 years
Katie N. 2 years
Boots G. 12 years
Marc F. 5 months
Jeffrey S. 4 years
Chrissy B. 18 months
Cameron M. 2.5 years
Tim R. 9 years
Paul B. 6 years
Jeff F. 5 months
Brint B. 1 month
Greg B. 15 months
Stacia M. 3 years
Joe O. 1 year
Nancye P. 2 years
Stephen M. 6 months
Stuart M. 1 year
Christy K. 2 years
Frank C. 15 months
to Consider
We often miss the significance
of a past grievance because we
have never talked about it,
perhaps rooted in past family
“NO TALK” rules. The hidden
narrative can become a secret
code which affects all decisions.
adapted from The Recovery Zone
by Dr. Patrick Carnes
Snapshots from the Pine Grove Reunion 2014
The Twelve Steps
of a Sponsor 
1. I will not help you stay and wallow in limbo.
2.I will help you grow to become more
productive by your own definition.
3.I will help you become more autonomous,
more loving of yourself, more free to continue becoming the authority of your own
4.I cannot give you dreams or “fix you up,”
simply because I cannot.
5.I cannot give you growth or grow for you.
You must grow yourself by facing reality,
grim as it may seem at times.
6. I cannot take away your loneliness or pain.
7.I cannot sense your world for you, evaluate
your goals, or tell you what is best for you
in your world. You have your own world.
8.I cannot convince you of the crucial choice
of choosing the scary uncertainty of growing over the safe misery of not growing.
9.I want to be with you and know you as a
rich and growing friend, yet I cannot get
close to you when you choose not to grow.
10.When I begin to care for you out of pity,
when I begin to lose trust in you, then I
am toxic, bad and inhibiting for you and
for me.
11.You must know – my help is conditional.
I will be with you, hang in there with you,
as long as I continue to get even the slightest hints that you are trying to grow.
12.If you can accept all of this, then perhaps
we can help each other to become what
God meant for us to be...mature adults,
leaving childishness forever to little
Godspeed, Ruth Ann!
Ruth Ann Rigby has been with Pine Grove
for almost a decade. She started the Pine Grove
Alumni Program and passed it on to Carver
Brown before taking a position as a national
marketer. She has been an incredible asset to
Pine Grove over the years and we are sad to
see her go.
Ruth Ann has taken a position as Director
of Business Development with a wonderful treatment center in Arkansas called Capstone. Ruth
Ann will be missed by all, but we feel certain that
she’s only a phone call away.
Boise, ID
Robert L. • 208-861-0282
Gulf Coast Area, MS
Allen J. • 228-860-0909
Breaking Free: Help for Co-dependency
September 8-12
Hattiesburg, MS
Wes P. • 601-916-3918
Christian Personal Freedom
September 22-26
Jackson, MS
Anthony C. • 601-259-0092
Facing the Shadow for Men
October 8-12
Laguna Beach, CA
Dave A. • 949-214-9037
Emotional Body Armor for First Responders
October 13-17
Lexington, KY
Steve S. • 859-312-4854
Mending a Shattered Heart
October 20-24
New Orleans, LA
Dawn F. • 504-261-2200
Robby S. • 504-343-6462
Norfolk, VA
Fred R. • 757-695-6500
Tupelo, MS
Margaret P. • 662-231-4158
Join us on Facebook and
post your message of hope,
get some encouragement,
and get connected! Email
for access to our private group
Follow Pine Grove events
and activities on our blog,
Facebook, Twitter and
for links
Call 1-888-574-HOPE or visit for information. Please
note schedule is subject to change based
on registration.
Roger L. • 251-575-4570
• October 16-17, 2014
• December 11-12, 2014
• February 5-6, 2015
To register:
COSA Call-In
(all Gratitude/GP spouses welcome)
Pine Grove Program event
invitations are sent by email.
Would you like to receive
Wednesday 8:00 pm CST
Conference call-in #:
Access code: 715268
Send your email address to
Lauren Kirschberg at
Questions? Please contact
Beth A. at 256-566-8554
*This meeting is run by family alumni
and not associated with PG