CALL FOR PAPERS 2016 Inspiring Solutions Museums and galleries are valued public spaces that inspire, foster understanding and dialogue and encourage solutions for a better world. More than mere repositories — they host learning experiences, provide meeting places and are centres of community celebration. Museums offer unique dining and retail opportunities, provide social services and even a safe venue for a fun date night. However, foremost they continue to be the keepers of material evidence of human activity, and understanding and the natural world. As museums seek new ways to become sustainable they must re-evaluate what they do to remain relevant. CMA 2016 Halifax will strive to bring together museums and gallery professionals with national and international speakers to create a dialogue about how, together, we can inspire solutions for a better world. From around the corner to around the globe, CMA 2016 Halifax keynote speakers and educational sessions will strive to engage and deliver a program that shares innovative and workable solutions. The Conference will pose challenging questions providing delegates the opportunity to work creatively together so that positive change can have a lasting effect on policy, practice and ultimately sustainability. To begin this process it is time for your participation in proposing a session, workshop or a total new format! With your experience and innovation rich sessions and topics will emerge. Below are the details about preparing your submission and how you can help with Inspiring Solutions. PANELS AND WORKSHOPS MUST FIT WITHIN THE FOLLOWING STREAMS • Education, Interpretation and Programming • Collections Management and Conservation • Digital and Information Technologies • Visitor Services and Audience Engagement • Leadership and Museum Management SESSION FORMATS The 2016 National Conference Planning Committee will accept proposals for the following session formats: • Panel: Consists of three or four speakers, who present for up to 20 minutes each, relative to the session theme; facilitated by a moderator. • Case study: Consists of one or two persons, usually from the same organization, and focuses on one actual situation, program or project, the decision-making process involved, implementation, outcome(s), and lessons learned. • Or something completely different? Original session formats are welcome! Please include a brief explanation of your proposed format with your session proposal. Cross-disciplinary panels or presentations are particularly welcome. SELECTION CRITERIA Priority will be given to proposals that are relevant to the key themes (above), are clear and well developed, and confirm a commitment from the presenters to deliver a high-quality, thought-provoking session. Proposals will not be accepted if they appear to be a show and tell session or product/service endorsements. Please note: The CMA is unable to provide speakers with travel funds, honorariums or allowances. EMAIL YOUR PROPOSAL, NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 2015 TO: Only proposals sent to will be reviewed by the 2016 Planning Committee. QUESTIONS? Please contact Sue Ann Ramsden — CALL FOR PAPERS 2016 Canadian Museums Association National Conference 2016 Please be sure to complete all fields to ensure proper processing. INFO / DESCRIPTION Contact information: Proposer’s name: Title: Institution/Organization: Address: City: Province: Postal Code: Phone: Fax: Email: SESSION PROPOSAL Please complete this form entirely; it MUST be accompanied by a concise, well-written one-page summary of your proposed session. Be sure to identify the learning objectives and target audience. ONLY complete proposals will be considered. Session title: Key theme: Session format: ___ Panel ___ Case study ___ Other List your confirmed moderator and presenter(s), including names, phone numbers, and email addresses; please make sure to indicate the language that they will speak during their presentation: Moderator: Presenters: Learning objective: Target audience: Session description: Please attach as a one pager. Other Issues/Comments: ___ I agree to provide a copy of our presentation (e.g. White paper or PowerPoint) to the CMA Secretariat by March 13, 2016. ___ As a moderator, presenter and/or panelist, I agree to register and pay for attending CMA 2016. ___ I agree to have my session recorded. Note: Unless specifically requested by the presenters, all sessions held during the CMA conference may be recorded. Presenters and moderators will be asked to sign a release form prior to the CMA conference.
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