23RD - 24TH MAY 2015 WISTON HOUSE WEST SUSSEX K O O B D N HA Welcome! We are so pleased that you are part of the Big Church Team Welcome to the Big Church Day Out stewarding team! I am so glad that you have chosen to serve at this year’s event and in doing so invest into the lives, families and churches that will undoubtedly enjoy the weekend and be connected to the bigger picture of who God is and what his Kingdom is like. I have served on Big Church Day Out teams now for 5 years and have always enjoyed the experience. I believe we were created with a deep desire to give ourselves away, to be together, to love and to create! As stewards, we want to give our best away in order to create a beauHful, full experience for every guest that will be on site during the Big Church Day Out weekend. This is why serving on teams like this is so much fun! I know that you would have heard this before and you will definitely hear it again over the course of the next couple of weeks, but it is very true ... This event could NOT happen without you! So thank you so much and I look forward to seeing you on site and being art of the journey with you. Much love, Toby Chant, Chief Steward “Team work makes the Dream work!” The Big Church Day Out Leadership The Big Church Day Out is lea by a growing Team of full Hme staff, headed up by Tim Jupp. At the event itself the Team grows to many hundreds working in various roles, of which the Big Church Team is one part. The Big Church Team Co-‐ordinators The Big Church Team is led by members of Global GeneraHon Church in Thanet. You’ll already have had contact with them as they’ve been handling your applicaHons, taking references and answering your quesHons for the last few months! You’ll find them around the Big Church Team Team Tent and recepHon area throughout the event. “Team work makes the Dream work!” About Stewarding Stewarding Team Structure The Stewarding Team will operate across three main areas of the site: Main Arena (Main Arena, Day Visitor Gates & Backstage) Tea Tent & Fete (Tea Tent, Fete, Church, Glamping, Bonfire & Campsite Attractions, Illuminate Stage, The Avenue (Illuminate Stage, The Avenue, Team Tent & Bazaar) “Team work makes the Dream work!” Stewarding Team Leaders Each Area will be overseen by a Deputy Chief Steward and each of the two main stages will be supervised by Team Team Leaders. These people will take responsibility for the effecHve operaHon of the Teams and ensure safety of both the Team and guests. You will meet them soon aUer you arrive at the event: Toby Chant Chief Steward Chris Anderson Relief Deputy Chief Steward Andy Kerr Deputy Chief Steward Main Arena Callum McDonald Team Leader Main Arena Anna Gibbings Deputy Chief Steward ADracEons, Illuminate Stage, The Avenue MaD Plested Team Leader Main Arena Nathan Chant Deputy Chief Steward Tea Tent & Fete Pete Bisgrove ADracEons, Illuminate Stage, The Avenue Team Leader “Team work makes the Dream work!” Your Team You will have been allocated to a Team(s) before you arrive at the event and we hope that this will be the same when you arrive. Some Team members may not arrive at the event or may drop out at the last minute. This will mean that we will inevitably need to reassign some roles. We would ask you to be flexible and to co-‐operate with any changes that we need to make. Key Stewarding ResponsibiliEes ResponsibiliHes will vary depending on which area you’re assigned to. There are full outlines of the duHes for each role on the Big Church Team web page. Please familiarise yourself with the notes for all areas as we may need to ask you to switch roles before or during the event. Some general principles for all stewards! • It’s really important that you connect with your Team Leader at the Eme and place advised to you when you register onsite. You will be given a card showing these details to help remind you. • It’s equally important that you stay in the role that you are given unEl such a Eme as you are moved by your Team Leader / Deputy Steward or relieved by another Team member. • In all areas, we will do our best to rotate stewards so the quieter roles are shared by all. However, this may not always be possible. Please stay where we assign you, even if it is very quiet. • You have signed up to serve. Whilst we will make things as interesEng as possible for you there may be Emes when you’re in a quiet area or doing something quite boring. Whatever the role, it is essenEal for the running of the event so we would ask you to approach your Eme with us with a servant aUtude. • We may need to move you at short noEce or ask you to move to a different part of the site, for example, to cover for another Team member or to move furniture. If you are unable to move quickly, liX or carry things then please let us know in advance of the event. Again, we would ask you to see these requests as opportuniEes to serve the event. Please do be willing to do what is asked of you. “Team work makes the Dream work!” EssenEal InformaEon What to bring, where to go and other bits & pieces! When to arrive You can arrive between: • 7pm and 10pm Thursday • 8am and 10pm on Friday and Saturday • From 8am on Sunday If you arrive early you may have to wait unHl the Team Tent is ready. If you know you will need to arrive outside of these Hmes please make sure you advise us by emailing team@bigchurchdayout.com Please aim to be on site at least three hours before the start of your first shiU. You will be required to arrive for your shiUs 30 minutes before you are due to start work as there will need to be a briefing and handover. Traffic into the site will be heavy from Friday aUernoon onwards and on Saturday and Sunday mornings – another reason to aim to arrive early! Once you arrive you can relax in the Team tent. Where to go when you arrive Please arrive by the East gate and make your way to the Big Church Team Tent which can be accessed from the backstage camping and parking area. The address is: Wiston House, Steyning, West Sussex, BN44 3DZ and you arrive on the A283. There is no access via Mouse Lane from Steyning village. You will need to bring your Team pass with you to access backstage (you can download this from here) and follow the sign which says “ProducEon, Exhibitors, Arena Stage ArEsts, Illuminate Stage ArEsts and Big Church Team". Please immediately go to the registraHon desk at the front of the Big Church Team Tent so you can be checked in and have your role, shiUs and other arrangements confirmed. You will be given your Team wristbands and meal vouchers on arrival. Please don’t set up your tent before you have registered as there may be specific instrucHons to give you. Start Emes You will need to ajend a briefing with your Team Leader before you are able to start work. You will be advised of the Hme and locaHon of this when you arrive onsite. It is important that you arrive 30 minutes before the start of each shiU. You will be given instrucHons as to when and where to meet once you arrive onsite. Briefings Each day there will be two types of briefings for you to ajend: Your role specific briefing -‐ this is compulsory and needs to be completed before the start of each shiU. You will be advised of arrangements when you register at the event. Full Team briefings in the Team Tent -‐ we would suggest that everyone ajends at least one of these briefings while at the event and preferably before you start your first shiU. This is a Hme for “Team work makes the Dream work!” us to share some informaHon for the day ahead, meet some new people and others who are on Team and to pray together for the weekend. The Hmes for these briefings are as follows (please note you can choose which of these meeHngs you would like to ajend to fit in with your shiUs): • • • • Thursday 8pm Friday 9am, 2pm & 8.30pm Saturday 9am, 2pm & 8.30pm Sunday 9am ShiX paDerns and working Emes As part of your commitment to the Big Church Team you will need to work approximately 8 hours per day on two days. We have done our best to make sure that each shiU is 8 hours long, however, occasionally there may be slightly longer or slightly shorter shiUs. We will do our best to noHfy you in advance if this is the case. We would ask you to be flexible and work slightly longer hours if required. We will only ask you if it’s absolutely necessary. The nature of the event means that things are constantly changing and we’re oUen reacHng to circumstances. What you need to bring There will be variety of items you may wish to bring with you, however here are some of the most important items we think you may need: • Camping equipment: tent, sleeping bag, beds, pumps for beds • Suitable clothing and footwear: For those of you who have served at the event for a few years now you will know that the weather can be very temperamental! So we would suggest you bring clothes suitable for hot and wet weather, including sun cream and wellies, waterproof jackets and comfortable clothing. • Money: This is opHonal, however you may want to bring some money along to buy food or any merchandise you may want purchase whilst at the event; there will be a cash machine on site but there will be a transacHon fee on any withdrawals. • EssenEals: torch, towel, toilet roll. Camping / AccommodaEon By now you will probably have decided whether to stay in the Big Church Team Campsite, Dalesdown Conference Centre down the road or at home. If you are staying on site, you will need to bring your own camping gear and equipment. You will be able to use the Team Tent, which will be a place for Team to eat, sit, and ajend daily briefings. It will also be used as a meeHng point for some Teams. If you are staying at Dalesdown Conference Centre please remember this is a 10-‐minute drive and you will need to allow plenty of Hme to get to site in Hme for your shiU. Traffic will be heavy genng into the event. You are responsible for making your own way to and from the centre. If you’re staying at Dalesdown you’ll sHll have access to the Team Tent as Dalesdown will only be accessible from: • • • • Friday: 4pm onwards Saturday: unHl 9am and from 10pm Sunday: unHl 9am and from 10pm Monday: unHl 10am You will need to take your things for the day with you each morning as you won’t be able to access Dalesdown outside of these Hmes. If you’re staying in a bed at Dalesdown you will need to bring a sleeping bag / duvet, pillowcase, “Team work makes the Dream work!” towel and toiletries. If you are ‘indoor camping’ at Dalesdown then you will also need an airbed. REMEMBER: If you have friends or family staying with you in the campsite, they will sEll need to pay for a camping Ecket; they will also not be able to eat in the Team Tent as this is for Team members only. Food and Drink As a Big Church Team member you will be given two meals per day -‐ BUT ONLY ON THE DAYS YOU WORK. You are welcome to stay on for the rest of the event but you will need to cater for yourself! You will be given details of your mealHmes by your Team Leader and it’s important that you sHck to these Hmes as much as possible as we have limited capacity in the Team Tent. There will be tea, coffee, water and biscuits available outside of mealHmes. Please feel free to help yourself and take plenty of water when you go onto a shiU, parHcularly if the weather is hot! For breakfast you are welcome to use the microwaves and toasters which will be in the Team Tent or you can buy food from some of the concessions or the CAP Cafe which will be open from 7am. Unfortunately we are unable to store your food in our fridges. Please be aware that the food we provide is for yourself only and it’s not possible for friends or family to eat with you. If you have any dietary requirements which you haven’t already made us aware of please email team@bigchurchdayout.com. Our caterers can prepare food for those who are lactose, wheat and nut intolerant or vegetarian only. Personal Security As stewards you will someHmes be working in remote locaHons. Please ensure that if you are leU working alone you check in regularly with your Team Leaders. NoHfy your Team Leader IMMEDIATELY if you have reasons for concern. Please do not bring valuables to the event, unless you are able to lock them in the boot of your car. We can’t take responsibility for your property. You may need some cash to purchase food (most cafes and concessions won’t take credit cards) but please don’t bring large amounts of cash to the event. There are cash machines onsite which you can use to withdraw money that you need. Mobile Phones & Internet Mobile signal is very poor onsite; some networks are bejer than others but with so many people around the draw on the network is huge. Please make sure your friends and family are aware of this so that they know they may not be able to reach you. If making arrangements to meet up with others please don’t plan to do this via mobile phone as you may or may not find your phones works. There will be no internet access onsite and phone charging is only available in the Tea Tent and Phone Juice kiosk for a small cost. Uniform You’ll be provided with a Team tshirt and we would ask you to wear this at all Hmes when you’re on shiU and, where possible, ensure it’s visible. Stewards in some areas will also receive a hi-‐vis jacket at the beginning of their shiU and this must be returned to the Team Tent at the end of each shiU. If the weather is very cold or wet then we will provide all Stewards with a hi-‐vis jacket. You must wear your badge at all Emes when you are working. “Team work makes the Dream work!” Policies & Procedures Safeguarding Policy It is essenHal that all Big Church Team Members are familiar with our Safeguarding Policies. Please read through the document (which can be downloaded from the Big Church Team webpage). You will be asked to confirm that you have read and understand it before you are allowed to serve on Team. Disabled Guests We will have many guests with disabiliHes at the event. Some may have obvious disabiliHes, whilst for others their needs may be less obvious. As an event we welcome people, whatever their needs. We provide adapted faciliHes for disabled guests, as far as we are able to and within the restricHons caused by being on a greenfield site. Some ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’ for dealing with disabled guests: • Do you your best to help them. Direct them towards faciliHes that might make their Hme at the event more enjoyable and be paHent when answering their quesHons • Do be aware of the addiHonal needs that some guests will have and bear in mind their disabiliHes may affect the way they act or how they are able to move • Don’t promise faciliHes or help that we may not be able to deliver • Don’t carry a disabled person, liU a wheelchair or do anything else that could risk injury to either yourself or the disabled person • Don’t get involved in personal care or agree to look aUer belongings such as wheelchairs and motorized scooters • Do represent Big Church Day Out and speak posiHvely about the event. If you have concerns about our disabled provision, or any other aspect of the event then these should be expressed to your Team Leader and not to the general public. • Don’t feel afraid to bring in your Team Leader or direct the person to the Info Point if you feel you can’t help or feel threatened. All guests are welcome to give feedback at the Info Point and this is the best way to make sure their comments reach the organisers and can be considered during planning for future years. “Team work makes the Dream work!” Lost & found persons Lost person guidelines: The following steps should be taken if you are noHfied about a child, young adult or vulnerable adult lost on site i.e. the individual is missing on site 1. NoHfy Control AND your Team Leader immediately 2. Safeguarding Team Lead will either request that the parent/guardian/carer is escorted to the Safeguarding Team area by the volunteer or, will send a member of the Team out to meet the parent at their current locaHon 3. Safeguarding Team lead or member will take relevant details, ensuring that they also contact Control to give updates 4. Safeguarding Team Lead will give instrucHon with regards to searching of the immediate area, and will designate appropriate Hme limit Once you have made your Team Leader and Control aware of the lost person please follow all instrucHons exactly as given. If you are asked to get involved in the search for a lost person please follow all instrucHons exactly as given unHl you are released back to your role. Found person guidelines The following steps should be taken if you are noHfied of a child, young adult or vulnerable adult found on site i.e. an individual has lost their parent, carer or guardian; 1. NoHfy Control AND your Team Leader immediately and remain in the same locaHon. 2. Safeguarding Team Leader will request that a member of the Safeguarding Team meets the steward/ volunteer and found person at their known locaHon. 3. Safeguarding Team member and steward/volunteer will escort the child to the safeguarding area and take relevant details with regards to the person being found. The Safeguarding Team member will stay with the person at all Hmes accompanied by another Team member or designated appropriate adult. The steward/volunteer will return to their duty post. 4. Safeguarding Team Lead will ajempt to establish contact with the person’s parent/guardian/carer via all immediate methods appropriate i.e. mobile telephone contact, big screen messages etc. Time limits will be set for contact to be received prior to taking further acHon. 5. If person is not reunited with parents/guardian/carer within Hme limit set, Safeguarding Team Lead may request that a Safeguarding Team member, Steward/Volunteer and/or Showtec Team member search the last known locaHon of the parent/guardian/carer. Following this, further acHon with regard to reuniHng the person and their parent/guardian/carer will be taken as necessary. At NO point should any staff member or volunteer be leU or work alone with a child, young person or vulnerable adult. If you are on your own when you become aware of a found person, ensure that you alert a Team member, your Team Leader and the Safeguarding Lead and assistance will be given to you. “Team work makes the Dream work!” Security Any situaHon which may require the intervenHon of our Security Team should be radioed through to your Team Leader and Control immediately. Please do not ajempt to deal with these situaHons yourself. Examples could include: • Witnessing a theU or damage to property • Someone behaving inappropriately, including agreesssive, threatening or suspicious behaviour • Suspicious packages Once you have alerted your Team Leader and Control you should follow any instrucHons that they give you. Unless told otherwise, and providing it is safe to do so, you should remain in the same locaHon so that you can provide further informaHon about the incident once assistance arrives. Lost & found property If you find property please arrange for it to be taken immediately to the Info Point in Control (aUer checking with your Team Leader). If you lose property please log this at the Info Point. Please don’t hand Lost Property in anywhere else and if anyone tries to leave Lost Property with you please ask them to take it to the Info Point instead. We have a much bejer chance of genng belongings back to people if everything found goes straight to one place. First Aid Any incidents which require First Aid or medical intervenHon must be noHfied to Control immediately. Unless it is a life threatening situaHon do not give First Aid assistance, even if you are a trained first aider. You should not dial 999 under any circumstances unless a) the situaHon is life threatening AND b) you do not have access to a radio to alert Control. As an event we have an emergency medical plan in place and a suitably qualified team onsite. A sick or injured person will receive the necessary care faster if you noEfy control and we won’t divert ambulances away from other local incidents unnecessarily. If you have to call an ambulance please noHfy Control immediately as they will need to know where to direct it when it arrives onsite. If you are approached by a guest who needs first aid assistance please direct them towards the Medical Tent (if they are able to make their way there) or call through to Control using the nearest radio. If you are involved in a medical incident please noHfy your Team Leader immediately so that details can be recorded. This is important as serious incidents may need invesHgaHng and we need to have a record of how things happened. “Team work makes the Dream work!” Radio usage You may be given a radio to use whilst you are working at the event. The radio is an important communicaHon tool; mobile signals will be poor so we rely on radios to be able to contact other Team members. If you are given a radio you will be given full instrucHons as to how to use it, however, there are some principles to remember: 1. Please stay on the channel that you are assigned to. You may need to switch to another channel to contact another Team, however, please switch straight back aUerwards. 2. Before using the radio please make sure the channel isn’t currently in use. If it is, unless it is an emergency, please wait unHl there is radio silence before starHng your message. 3. Please call using the name or role of the person you are trying to reach followed by your own name. For example “Steward Team Leader, Steward Team Leader from Tea Tent Steward” 4. Please use an earpiece if one is available, or if not keep the volume switched down to a reasonable level. We don’t want guests to hear our radio communicaHons! 5. The radio is for essenHal communicaHon only. It’s not to be used for personal conversaHons, jokes or unnecessary exchanges. 6. Never give out any communicaHon relaHng to money over the radio. 7. If you are reporHng a lost or found child please do not give out the name of the child under any circumstances. 8. Always be aware of what is going on on the radio as you may receive a call at any Hme. 9. DO NOT LEAVE THE RADIO anywhere unajended! Radio codes: The following radio codes are to be used in emergency situaHons only. Please radio Control using your name and locaHon and when they respond give the necessary code: • • • • Fire Related Problem: Red Suspect Package/Threat: Black Suspect Pkg/Threat Confirmed: Black Alert Crowd Related Problem: Blue • • • • Medical Problem: White Structural Problem: Yellow Code 1: Urgent Assistance Required Code 2: Assistance Required Dealing with angry or aggressive guests As a steward you are a very recognisable member of the Team. As such you may get complaints or criHcism from guests who are unhappy about certain aspects of the event. It’s important that you don’t comment on their complaints or make promises about acHon that might be taken. Anyone wanHng to raise issues about the event should be directed to the Info Point where they can talk to a member of the Team. You should never be in a posiHon where you feel threatened or uncomfortable. Do feel free to involve your Team Leader or a fellow Team member should you need to. “Team work makes the Dream work!” Next steps Before you can serve on the Team you will be required to confirm that you’ve: • read and understand the informaHon given in this handbook • familiarised yourself with our Safeguarding Policy (see here) • read and understand the role related instrucHons (see here) Please complete the declaraHon on this page. We will need to receive a completed declaraEon from you before you arrive at the event. Print off the Big Church Team vehicle pass, if you are arriving by car and display this in the window of your vehicle. You will also need a Gate Pass to gain entry to the site. You can find them both here. Contact Details In advance of the event please call Natalie or her Team on 01903 326 033 or email team@bigchurchdayout.com. Once onsite you can see them at the Big Church Team Tent. “Team work makes the Dream work!”
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