AIRD & BERLIS LLP Barristers and Solicitors John Mascarin Direct: 416.865.7721 E-mail: May 14, 2015 File No.: 123858 BY EMAIL Mayor Don Furniss and Members of Council The Corporation of the Township of Muskoka Lakes 1 Bailey Street Port Carling, Ontario ROB 1 JO Attention: Ms. Cheryl Mortimer, Clerk Your Worship and Members of Council: Re: Portage Landing We are legal counsel to the Friends of Muskoka, a group of concerned residents of the Township of Muskoka Lakes (the "Township"). The purpose of this letter is to express our client's concerns to Council regarding the processes to be followed by Council respecting the proposed leasing of the heritage designated Township lands at Bala Falls ("Portage Landing") in conjunction with the proposed Bala Falls Hydro Project ("Project") to be developed by Swift River Energy Limited ("SREL"). As indicated in previous correspondence, our client remains concerned that any deliberate acceleration by Council to address issues relating to the Project will circumvent Council's normal procedures that are fundamental to the tenet of good governance. We note that the Council Meeting Agenda (the "Agenda") was published on May 12, 2015 but that it did not include the minutes of the meeting of Committee of the Whole held on April 21, 2015 as required by Sections 7(a) and 8(b) of the Township's Procedure By-law 2006-11 ("Procedure By-law") and which is necessary to ensure a transparent accounting to the public of the issues considered at Committee of the Whole. As of the time of writing, the minutes for April 21, 2015 meeting of Committee of the Whole, have still not been posted. Furthermore, the posted Agenda did not include any reference to the Project. Our client is now concerned that the matters relating to the Project may be added to the Agenda by way of resolution at the commencement of the Council meeting to be held on May 15, 2015, which effectively by-passes the necessary public notice mandated by the Procedure By-law. We also draw your attention to Section 8 e) of the Procedure By-law, which provides language to enact matters from a Standing Committee such as the Committee of the Brookfield Place, 181 Bay Street, Suite 1800, Box 754 1416.863.1500 Toronto, ON 416.863.1515 M5J 2T9 Canada Page 2 May 14, 2015 Whole, either individually or grouped. We appreciate the provisions of Section 8 e) of the Procedure By-law might appear, at first glance, to provide an avenue to re-introduce a defeated motion. In our view, such use of Section 8 e) would not be in keeping with the spirit of the remainder of Section 8, would not further the purpose of Section 8 when viewed on a contextual basis and would, indeed, be abusive of the process. Given that the Project has been before Council countless times over the past eleven years, further discussions and possible negotiations must be expected. It is fundamentally necessary, therefore, for any consideration and ensuing debate and deliberation to follow the proper public process as Council itself has dictated through its Procedure By-law. Furthermore, we would anticipate that the forum for such further negotiation would be the Committee of the Whole, consistent with the ongoing workings of the Township. We draw reference to Council's own Policy on Accountability and Transparency - C-GG17 adopted on December 11, 2007. The policy is expressly stated to be for the purpose of ensuring that the Township is accountable to the public and to also guarantee that its actions are transparent to the public. We note that this is a mandatory policy required under s. 270 of the Municipal Act, 2001. We note that the Agenda for the meeting on May 15, 2015 also includes a report providing detail regarding the proper public process undertaken by Township for the re-zoning of Township-owned lands in Port Carling. We would anticipate a similar degree of public process for the potential disposition and loss of heritage-designated lands in Bala. The essence of what is contemplated by SREL to facilitate the Project is nothing less than permission to permanently alter the Portage Landing heritage property rather than the use for construction purposes of Margaret Burgess Park, owned by the Crown, together with the assumption of risk and liability by the Township as opposed to the Crown. In particular, our client has environmental concerns regarding groundwater concentration of zinc in excess of Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change guidelines, a matter which has not yet been addressed by SREL. We note that in accordance with Township Resolution C-24-13/03/15/, Council has requested confirmation from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry ("MNRF") as to the impact of the construction on Margaret Burgess Park. In response the MNRF has indicated that it did not yet have sufficient detail to provide that information, and our client is not aware that any further information regarding the impact to Margaret Burgess Park has been brought forward to the public. On this basis, there is no evidence that the impact to the Crown land would be anything other than temporary, save for the loss of one or two trees to accommodate construction events. The primary goal of any publicly-constituted committee is to act with the public interest clearly in mind. We strongly urge Council to advance the public request made by Councillor Edwards and host a public meeting in advance of the disposition of public lands. The Township has a long history of appropriately engaging the public through Town Hall meetings, and we ask that the same courtesy be extended to the residents of Bala as has been extended to the residents of Port Carling, Windermere and Milford Bay in advance of important land use decisions. AIRD & BERLIS Barristers and Solicitors LLP Page 3 May 14, 2015 As indicated in our previous correspondence, good governance demands an open process for consideration and then constructive discussion, debate and deliberation. When controversial issues arise, good governance demands that a municipal council will take into account the views and input of all persons and entities that have or may have concerns, regardless of their positions or interests. As previously noted, preferential treatment should not be provided to any person, including SREL. To do so would be contrary to the standard practices and workings of Council, its own Policy on Accountability and Transparency and to the principles of fairness and natural justice. We thank you for your consideration of our client's ongoing concerns respecting this matter. Yours truly, AIRD & BERLIS LLP c. The District Municipality of Muskoka Wahta Mohawks First Nation Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing 22722474.3 AIRD & BERLIS Barristers and Solicitors LLP
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